1 '- X v. ? - ' ' l ' -IK Bl,,a,ae ' ,f I i A- A 1- The Piaairaey af ladtaaa 1 Hi at Miiiwh Hi UM.') 4 Jdakt.tr Tb Ciooienati papara of Thanday latt , tnotaio iprta af 1 th prorwedaga of the Jmiiaaa IVfnofmtic Cwiteatioa at IoJi- anapoli oa XVVdaaaJay, JeJj 30, froa which oopi! the MkxiB;f , rc! Tbat wo proteat, a Um satn b? oar- err ad of oajr children, d ia Um Bane of all that we bold dear ia Um rutoro o our belovod oeaotiea, again the asbabiet oua mcaaar of arzro emancipation ia lb District of Colauhia, and tb payment fee ocfc aegToee at like aaUuoal treat ry ; mad we furtbr proteet af aiaatJa taaafa Uon of Coograae pWiag Um, aatiea, to pa? for all aegrot which may bo emanci paiaxl by Um authority of aay of b South ' :. r Stale ; that w regar-I each meater, lorulrtag ae Um; do ao expeeditwre of two tbooaaod 6e bontwwd aiJlioe of dollar. . BMatort of raoaoftod-at aortnityj and traitnu oa!y of national beggary to land we kva ; that w art analterahhr Bad iincoeduioaaily oproed to all eeher&e havibg tor tbeir object immediate a re mote, Um taxatio of tbe wbil. bum . foe lb pa rcbaae of agree anywhere ; that w dear Um cooathatiooal right of Um Proudest or Coagrea to aJbpt a policy which Ut whit labor knn, or which wool-inaie ha got ernhet or peopl alar doalara, a policy which if sot arretted by Um eote of tba popl tilt en- tail poo aabora ge.jratoo of 0r 1 tin krd a dwbc mora eerwbeJmiagaad'apat Raj tbaaoeor curaad ay iat!o of iaeMoi . or nodor u'miok ,tf- Tbat ta oppoaitioo to. aaaaooraa. of Uia Liad va da to toteapooa Um eaoafa and poweWal agwat i bmJll cf rnfm put- aa ttjj, in wnfaf;!oi aoucf will oalbcaaorteadftr oat nshv-aor . iwHiiuiDi ra win oiaisuifoor ooa Uit&waj iUrtj l aJ tuav tkiMt JMCMaar atc toward Ua oodt u nuuWuIa tba Uiioa ia Hka flaanAor. Wa art for Um Gotatitatioa aa. it k aadl tba . Usioa aa it ajaa.-; - -t. TW la til laacvae of Um rWoraCfco of tba tuarwatiy aoeabara o1 Oborflaa tba doetriao of Um Soaaatioaita aad oftaa AboU&aiaU J Um iattor ara oi appro. mud ia UoasraM, ara alUba aeoaaiaaat with Um Contitaboa aa4 jmeaawbabla with tba saitj aaJ paaaa oUx oocatry; tba firat aava aJicody ioaoltad aa hk a ai il war,MdUMotbr Um rUolaiaaba) will laava ttbotoooatrj, bat KtU bopa to tba Madj rmtomtioo of Uta Uaioav oa P0" , .', ; '- - - . . f-r, ,n Hut Um peopTa of IodHaa bariajj lo bibiiod, by tba State eouuitution aod law, Um aetrasoa of free gToa aod mufattoaa iatovUtiavStato, and aa Uia taoTdMtar baaoea oa oar border are lib? to brine in aa iofiaxof UmI populatioo fror; agM oanaf owa wo mpaouuaw aac uopa tte aothoriiiaa o iMbaa lav ae UkV Ula cooaUtalMa aad lawn art proper! r eafora- J oa Out wbJecC - Vlb, tb paopla of : fadai adopted'tba acffroaicWoa br a majorit j of Maett-foor UMoaaad otaa tber meaat Uut tba boarat iaaoruawbiu Taeo. aboald bora ao coat petit or ia tba crack racotlMA. Um aoS U lB4iaaAbftJ4 beloti; to tb wbita man, aad : Uul k aJoaa araa taitol to ber frea iesUtoUao. 'That Um pex''jaaUjr fie wtfcaJam Um reck let extranaoet wftwb parmaca tverr daparttaeoi of tba Federal coearo- mea t that a raiaaa a d reaoomr aod" anaamuottitv ta vkImmiimW. to arreat Um arateawtas ptaader the paM trea-' actrj by. fftored pariiaaaa vbila Um aaaeat laitfinj derrlopmtnia. of fraud aad oor- raptlooa at UM FederaJ awuwpoiw abow that aa esilat ehaagt of aiawtratioa ia hapratnrfy dsuaied. ' r. That ana aepavat of aaxr aadoea Um raW ototiaaa drawa by Ooo. Joba Ji Crittab- dea, aad adopted bUaaoaaefraUvaaMo Xara of Cbasraaa oa tba lid day of Jaao. wry, imi, aa a cuar asa raw aecurauoa of tb wteta which oarbt to U had la iew by Um Aaaoricaa paopla ia tba pra taai rWi ajBaroBejof UmIc aatiocal Feyrtaiiaiarawr he awt im - : ' "lea iaaeu: Haeareatfy a e ef aottac WaJee deep poi oera ia aa ,tk ear, eaJEMief it to a Hieeaef t we at y aUMMee. taeo take k eeavaad arhea awl, oat it awa the eaa it ia the aaa to dry whaa petfecfry dry. pat at la aawlaagetaad itwiit ha ready lav-aedacT MMTMMitn.eat aaow ao aMKfe mm the area ef eefanhtaa, vkra aaa ae eoee he emttiaf l m taut aad etftofiaf a) oa thread, aad Utea haafaf oa w um aaa. - , , . ' " Car aajh ire aaa he aaaae lato eecaas. ta riaf mumt, tf t Take ret pwwe eoc pee4 aod frale taeau raa nt tae Ireaa tVat, aad aaaeaa the palp jUi vio- f a, aaa aad fepper. heuie a. an aaal the ha. . ' tW cartf0r. . ,' N' . Teaaafaa, ha, cea he aaade iatft. aauap.ar caa ae aaypee auw pveama unmt aatae aad tUatherailW ap wka oatd vaarfar aadoieaery eieepedL They keep aery erfiiti . way aaa taete aany teea, : ' f Ifeweb ledjr wifl fieA a tnr thiare, a aawx jber of ievfa aose wil aoea ae-paekea. Lm eaeb Iowa aad oeigkbnrhpod faraieh al they taa. - - . . ' ' The f atanierc papara pee e t aoaraief iaaca'a aowy, hoc tito papeeaaey oeeoe there k V . irk :isp ETC! C UShV Jf -a a,M -lawaica a; fcrb aate auaairy, a aaa lanvee tfea MliM a( w Eawpa aMatriea." Bet akal aow the baa reveewa bar pWky.'haa, MaMad of tbneiag at aeoedMa? thaae toO. ahe aat oaty 4 taeav war. laaee. prwo . hat :abe aae" reae a ateo fkrtlMr, u4 m andatrif ia aa i rat feer wa naerttet. tae anmiea m wane wa. to ovr M MieBfthra or eecejra tboae f ibe hheh nee. The hiatory awaki. are eaataae with aiaa laeaae M'W,raaiioi awl awre eoeat ia mmiIit la ites ataaeadM aiNyof teaaaeaaT Am akthJaaaaaoftlM aaaeueath aeatary. A year aad a half. af. Um Aawrieaa R.wAblle, wtJa the awtte E rWdao Uaaatw aatfaiiav ier heakf araa eV felapiatlMr riaaarm U mini a4 body, with aa etlMval foree. aae aatoterMlfraedoai.iaat ad aeoer a aaraJM ia the aMrlaTb A ewMiaeat aad two eoaaae,". aaid the doe Tie,Mar ia the aaetfa of Uwa Wah a aaaat hereto eael, ww bed the ef a fM aferk reeare. At aeaee rithaD the rrU, aed with Mrerr4ae lerrar of the ! a eeraer of aetioaei hro heAra aa oaKaMed ia Mtoet.ar- iBteaio hey aieeea Me fchied Utooiae f the anMa. Uateitho vaee aakaewa wiMrjaeai M aM tin tarra eeatariea, a nifMy eauire had wbftrv Vaoa the ecareely relied Mot f the prtaNiive araad eitiee Meed teeainf waa aeey hie, aa fnWMe hke the prun g rM ia egriaaj The hoMeee aa4 m aikaet- aeito apeculalor eoaU har erareeli fwoiand to reeef dk eVetiej af thiaeoaatry. if iatf rt ty had aaaiieaed to feawm her eVOherotiM, aad wweViakhe preeeaeaj ta.ao wmm aaeaaju aa he We ha apaa the vaat aertuaae of iNw fpU eiretebief taoea the AiUat araaeajd to the raeieW feuea iia le lead eraOM the 9orth to tae ITaaidiaa reefe, amh el ia I ( miDinae, aad al iie id aaa ef areajiiaty teefiaheaifc aaaat have he a enaapirkM, w etgtowa. with Daal, ahe aaa of rert he loaktd aat apoa the uaa ef heraeC wh4eaif all the abJae of Mia, who aa aeoat the deet edJaewhC or law aaaihet af the ftaria part f hwaih Aa.iho aaiKee are abet epiaad fcnhe gajdaao by , Um rar oeWaaJ fee r h(eaJaee. watdk aha hatd hoih pUahW aa.a4v teea eeiM the watera." Alt to" phMilaHrjr-aad arwniee aw Uw ihiejre woe the aatarel aaeaJl tae aeaetilaaWI pat fey of the Obaaaacaaio autf hk had rated U thatoad aa tea ,Tj ej had aa thoe. fer e lie ejraed. a ataiat anwaMaWef the Caa- ataaiiewt eoMalaatf eaaet ioetice le illaaa are raJiUeaaa.pHetlgea;aateaaikai toaMlame iUy M ndaiiecwa were- Meemateow ha the rnaatiiaaiaa, tMad each peaejt hea adkerad te. thai aeJMa W-4ai wvuMt baa aawwd aad a happy people: tai attitiaeaJeri fnaraalbayprafi eala g a Um baala ef 1aa aeeed rt aavetaaery. raaiklaaara M.iU Mia,aeeldeetraotiae a ito peaky, Wuiad fc gaeera taje oaaawy ay aaufataM ;f ertkvow aad ae at aaaeat every gaaraaiaa ef the & atMaaieahaMftmaea lefftoeav 8eata e Oie lfefeejtaeaat tbeaa aat af the awejaiA af Um biaaiwAaiMauia thia Vaiea iaat a tbe-Uaioe hete-f Eaeaae aad Ire laaa ii ateialaiaea ; pu a Great ' 0riua at leeaataa taaaalataia tie- Vaeaa aetwoea Ik aaa U Ajieiaaa aaleaieai Whea tba-eerlaf ft aearwMod taraa wi aoMi ee, aad all th htiwaai of eiul wrk aaea cedt tiiei pkraiateedy arfuaed all hMmol at coonbaliaa aad eneBpronki, aad prdcrrea tke arbiieaaMat af wrar ta thai ef peaee aad onweil- iatitav They rafaeait atatiTiauaa aad awuma- kaad whea they aid m they kaew tJaat war wwaJd reaall froaa the ftfaeaL . , The an they laaited -muj Ibagel fee i warn wawa aa, aad hae eraarhfe ia ha laala .ef UM twkkiaat aaa wajteeawaa iu fcetotipa. Evary fcw4Retaj hi4l-ef coe aaUatnaial aon be ha aaattared to the wiadi iiaurniu eapeaditare. the reewlt of ecalatiea f adirewd, draaa wppwaaira aad eaarbttaal taaaa am ale aeeaaaaabe ef Irieliaaa aaea heea affeaadr ay. aaA thare ia hardly a heeae. aa ia aaeiaat Erypt a whieh there ie aal ewe deaeVa large fn'tom i UW-prudae lr jacaatry ia aemg lanui inn tae pea fat peraaU af agrieoitaaf to where the rraoer de etaaa laiha arreat of daU oerrwiere io dieidaalaaAathMathaahraptyy. aaa auaag a Mawgeaai v ... 1 IP too lrgieialia eee)aciUf lha-aaoee. awr ery aewr aiakee BMaifoat tkal to ebteetof tae I . l. iv J iL. rt - . ' " I wUttaa traaa al atra'e ahvaldera," ta the Ua gaagef freeuiea LtaeJ4o war war per Me ee mt a aiaat th iaektaiioa of alaeery . ah the white naaof hiekherty, (feat the. alar aaef enjoy ia, Mar'teatae of the higiafaUaa ef Cefari ha heea hhio aeaeoa aVialaA lawardt th aea Atiea af the ejate, aad haw a aJirMa that ewaeVtara who the aiwAd akaatiea af ibie Conmat,iaudd for white aaea, ia eatJrary hwt aight C le the aaeaatieae the aeUea "a! aad aUgre4a aad be Ike a aiaakaaaaaa" -i, j :-t -t Daaaocrataof Xeer Aratyf ah heoe wh Kara aaaMet ia eoaanl ia 4 far Mau a yoa, legJr wtik yar ae (rerea to other v stat, reavtar r tae oweiry. - w a ald to'faeaa aaA deiarwaaeaV eaa ya aa halp wxaaaa Rt bam aat aa by - lieiptoiaiaf toeaear. Xo aaaoe aal e it by eoeVjeiof aad appK4f the aouaf theareeeat Aetoiaiatratiaa;. hy eadoriiag auarke apea the aaeetitaiiuaal Ii ban af the eahjaot t hy yptor lew ef a war C aahjawattaa aad aataraatoatioa. a aTaf.whoeaweahuiM eaotbe htoed aod J ttaeearaef thie aatioeu here aa.dir thai it ahaleeae. UaoVr tba epeeioa addJi ary thai Ceeeraaaeat iela daegwuaad tba.CK atiiotiea aaaai ha aphaJd. theV are. aaBQtig af to ae aadioadanag lory errr fatrwato of, the otaor, iUad th hieMry ef the aaat year J read ta daily gi. btioa of the aaea la Caagr wao are heaad' lag ia thia etrife, aad the tel aa hiaoptfy--ao tbto ta a-, war tor taa uaiea er tbe pratorratioa af th CaatifiMaf Ifyv de aat it a high tiaee yea rhlrlcryalodad eparaaot . If hj tieaa that yea eheaid arooa tnm th totbargy thai aaerratee, aad the tolaaMaietty thet deladeayaw If ywa he that ik f f lea war wal oty ud I roaaeareai aad yar poetefi tp, yea. heea a right t deamaad that it aheJ aaaa To hate the dght hy al ftaMat al' aaaaaa withia yoar power te aadaar to auk Ma.laality. Iaot, yo arkaowladgc arigttt aad a peetHr ia thai Aiaiaainae wluek eaty baioag to 4iptM) geearmacaU, uattaratooa eVd ia Ibeee, aad at fa th eaeawetef th gow IM ihie war oo ta' thai apint ii la wegvd, aad yea willdigaa waaaaaikli ga)f a. ' 1 : 1 1' teaat hefcra et j J- !?!. L, ! . a aad aoMlrtad I iaVer that thaea Repal aaaa aw v staaiet.,- far, taeia aaa yearr. eavaa yeare, or ihJriy yaara, Um reaalt aaaet ha the Uoa of aoatuitiae waea taa par aiheaeied. aa4 a treaty af aeaee leeefMalae t,1 arparaie haeVpind ca of aaeh eectk. JEeSawaMatieav ewa.elMa, aaaejM rtmm, ew e tie 4im aaet M iie reeeJt e lir bmt aetwe lie Aerlirra aad awaiirfa 8M T .-T,r: "r,f , ew thaatathiale, wal ya arajt aatlj war of jnrere aaa proaaratad ry iatereet, deeuwy ed a aiaah part of year eopaUHoa, pad de a waete aad daeolatoa of the North, of will pa detoaadpaaoeaww! I theleedeaaf theaa.. gr ef MoroLaipoaUM the that l tae waiu oiaal If aa.eUauftt war. Arkh greaaf af th weeded aaare aiaaieal Mywaaekrethaa Ut twjrf oTUm ekeiUe aed the riaf eg tbe ba MtrT Thee eJaaaa lar war. wea eWre aa iaeahMaltajaatiea, that aha eaahe ywaaad yuar reaaotoat aoatarrtr hwt eg wwaa aaa drwra el weca to lb FedeaBl Cereaa raeetT The alaanr aw wa,-, Do ywa deelr to aee thia CoafeeWated CoreraaMat Irmaafona- ed iato aaatraliard toiUtaey eVepotiaet? Thea alaaaar ia? araeU Doywa ewe toware the taal wraehaf al theglorieeef ear paal.aad oihoplbrthefatarar Thea efeaaor tot War. t Mailt w. SALlSBrRY. N. C.: MKiBiT KvntMc, ircrsr II, 1IU. Tbe State Beotioa on Tburaday Uet waa, ia iu rtMit, a erj axtraordiaary ooev it awept too pUuicaL earth lika a bumaane, tearing ioto fra47iMala tbe baoda o party. ' Th wreck bj nabhi ia ajt directiooa. Tba atroogest party bwJwarl wwra craabod ba- frtrath iu eiolcooa. - God be prviaaJ, it waa a kloodfe achiemnaot av itarht aod ar aur carely bopa will pro great blresrog. Tba election paaaed off bare with lit:ie or tku oadiM cXcitetneDt. - $ereta)p)ranoa, WoUi atroag perwoai ineuogt or oppostuuo to Mt. a a- M - . - .-? IX 2L laTts exerted thenMtlew agaiast bitu, aol probably did aooaelbiog eonsMlerakl t warda acoofopSebiaf bia 'defeat, y : : . 7.; . A hW . of tba framb of K N. FJaaiipf, E, pat bia aaaM) oa a tioaot with Ufwa UennA and prooiaiataa it a oawproaiaja tcat" It waeot, howaraA fenevay ao orpted, aad ia boUarad to bare rarvd a rrry o-xlerat aopport frora. those who both ponrxl Ut. flemiiiir. At aS aveota. afr.-Ca via wa badly drteatod, mtkh totb rvgjrt of I bia 4rcal (neodi, who really kaqit biBrlo U adiaerabljr well qualified ia all respect to a aeoat uaeiul aaeaatwr in a Wgi Jaare hodj. TV Ca4riMI Paeri i ia dial r heeae af the aarttMB ihartrw ef Um Ibm eaaraea, a laueaelee um eooeere that tbervaraaof ihe 1 UhrvrhaeheeBoftbaicbaraclr. The D. oera will OQJig a hy pitaliug rwl aay thing ef I the kie la taa waeener. ir there hac ara aoythiaf ia ta Ohaareee at al aakiad ia reiav j Im to jar. lahaawia w eV aei kaoW it, aad we d ae tlnak Um Uratoctat eaa had each a fwt The Peeauefal aaaat pennit a teey I that it hiUeraea hae aaite e4et1ed that f at i aay MM w ete. The Ueeaeawaf ia ale tmdeVd that th'Oa. atTwahoald hate Mowed to Uad ihe .Suadard aad aepported. Cat Taace. It- aaa rtae reaaoa fur eaeh a pnrfWiaf ethr ilwaavteawiip Caaaet the Dcanerat ad- Mil heaoaty afpttrpel evyMp ? It weald Mat n aaea ; o gat a aeeeaaaaw Mpportiaf Ceh Teae eery pauory, thoagh ia a eery areei uir,' inr aaay a hriHi MinaMd ap th: we thoaght CL T the hrt ana aVf the piece. W he arejhteo te ai wiiaeaa aay pwaaeaoraar BMtlrea, aaa wetkiaktaa aaiy a krtta aartaaa wwaid :! . l. i . . . " . - Ae w her had vccaiee oae hlr to r. mark, there hae aea hart oa aepr arooag eeoortieg Ci Taace wkwh ha lodalf aay hvlteraeea. s W hare eeea a paper ef the eiher eat that haeaot beea nH ef a The DMta;rat asey tbaak aatlf aad it frieade tot whet bee eewarreV.rey Oherrerr. 15k?? Itlatroly very atraegw- what a r btorkabla aflaet party apirit exaeta oaer aaea. If w did not know tba editor of Um Keetera 2)raaonaX w)d wa word' iof -ttBAerin Kim tA l-V .UUL I adt oaotkw and eooacieotioo matt, bia count taa f laviea aWwkMekal kaVJi 'aWAtitoarl Jaaaa awtaMrraaA I Oaly "ao Car a it baa aflordod a atrilcing Hluav ttaJiaa of tbe blinding aod hardening effect of party apirit oq a good nan. ; OUtnur baa toM Um troth oo our aglborKki atao ia relatioa to thoee moani ia tb Slat which I bare aoronrted CoL Vaooe: acd we boo. now tbat UM rtecuoo m orer, Maaty Maoa- Ued ta diaoow it, - ITpi tbia tirae, tMWwr ar, tba editor of lJMlryeidoobd fJiiftb Ua t Btnrtor, Wiof, h. Ar-1 yrajd rTnfdraoi, Were'Tety bitter abaci airai Mr. 'Jehiteton, ttotwitbataoding it would ha bard foe him to find fa any of tbem a diarrepcctfal or aaldad word agiot bim. Some of tbra aaay . bar pcbllbd para' graph from lie 3tmiar4 at regard td baauo oea at tbe bar, aad tba 0Mbora' fan may bare hit beck pretty bard ooc or twka at tboae who wara aaaainog CbL Yiot. Bit witb vary rabgbt aaawptMOa; tbaa journal pemkted lbiaa to taka Utoir cooraa witboot aa oflbat ta control tbee. . 3 Wa tbougirtit wwe to pvraoa that policy, and now, aioca tbe pao ple Ure epaleeo, reboldayJajwWh full tooea Utoat obusorooa, eaaorioua'and arxjot abort who adrocatad CgL loboatoo'i daima bybittw aaaaulbj upon Cot Tanc, jy irW U WaiAhMappeUMariMT , 1 aUaal - 1 $1 ec isffiwvvn&mQtiu llUteaia&obaaoa. r TB0A;'-' - 'U . . . ?Ak1 ' J lUuaaay. v WiaToua t s rig r-at-'K 3f .MMMwiMe; (AOAM --r1 1 Dark Wiit-iVoate, Baa Ulil Bladaaa 3, Cornrooaa. Henry .-VC, If ft, UV, Attird, 157; Law. loUvlwabew i&i MamoU S7&; Jonea 476. UaA8lirUt . OaaajMrawOmaooaa, W.E 0affaaaop tgrt iue.,. Scaat Cabarrua aad Staolr 8uMih aa ofpoairiotw J. L Biindy, EWff .' Mirtkttaijao 8atf, John A.,Too0f. Cbmaima. Joba L. Browa aad H C Orier. ' PiTtaaof kaatt IL AdaoM. Cuowaxaay Dc I. L EeS aaA iieory WaWu LeAitv .1. . aieaaay . lau v. a. imi ' . 'Row aad Datt Si-nate, T. Jamea fJL Ranvay. Pad, Eanaay 1579 ; i. V. Wia! roe T$Jr 1 i , , .TiawCwa-oej, Ilrory R Uoantd fH a Jjaai 2.r.L Ucrooey, bariC : lr ' Covarwav V Ar, , JcannoK. .: CaJawW Part, 7 Rowan, Jobnatonv Oaiaord, Akmanee, Cabarrua, , Uccklcolurg Wake, ' Staofy. Parklaoo, Iredt-n Wilkaa, Burk ' Wayoa, , .605 555- 729 m S00 in. 1950 m, oGOibv U HI fW9 1313. m - SOOaa itOa. IS3 40i 121 .435 m ' i 113 . . . , , ,L .... , i. iry at CiiMttbi & CL, aiid a hndiof Aa troavtba 'Aam tiuM ef bZlb! JolMMtoO. 3,3 U CC7 Vote of Refmenta, Vote of Co:opne, MM. ..Taoaa aajorityj . AKOTUKR VICTORY. - lelrgrafibM tiupatah waa haoairad aaea ate tiighe, itatiof a fight bad aUteaV . pl SatmtUy. at rth-Wtm Vt'Maa,- Vr Inge aoaaty, YrrgiBia," War GordotMrrOle; hw !. Jkoa loroM aad For"! Amy. adoe dro tbem taveral Stic aod eapta ad 3ft) (neoorr, who bad lA-ead arnred at RlqlinMod. ' Twraty-aine of&aer were takt-ol' Geo. C & Wiodr. to oucoruaod of Sooewall't original (vrea wa kiP.e-1 'The ii Tawca. fLA.J. v.' T -i.t. Jr:a,Jea MMopaw, u.ie ai iw av """7 -.r" rrr: ' T ' . ...Jl VtitI m.mjjA - l im aaptare oi wnvj ia aae tetf .; '"'r1 gHOew a angary . um wf iy' ; .. - . aje ' n;.Vi-a :t-" IFTlbaaAtatMaar wbtoh didauah aplradirl figbtiag wear Tickaborg lately, left bar tagntiafBt UwAptaoa aeaaral dayaag oica aji;a:taalt oa Datoo Rooga, bad wb4 about Uiirty anlaa frora that ptaoi, ber aaaddBery getting bat of fla,'aW wal a tH tbo odmk laionz roio UM Barwa fit in i otwrva per crew tooa to aneir ooaia aw oww par ap. t .. r . i . i . f . . . a w . . - Tbua oda A0thef Of oor Gbnlederate rerwla, Coaa-CapL McCoy rtwta a tu toy he j b intlou b bay a bandrwl tbounJ baAab i i. w - f . . v .. i ot Uont BprDoaikteiy, tor um aaa ot Mriny,,, af Um okt -4-, - " at WCiJinooiv.. ie a pyug ajarge pnoa, UU4 bopea um painoua paopM ot uowan, imtm aad paridtoo, .will . reload to tbia caBaa preappdy aa poaibta, ' DnwtM.tft i iarit attention to tie aj rertawot of drafrom UM aU tVgi- BMIH, . um pawpw w eouqarj aw to tbeouBfV ami Um Stat to do all ia tbeir power to oaoa tbeaa aartf to be arretted and rot back to their ooropaniea. Let tber b MbrirJftiaf front Um pertbntM&ea of tbia dirty. ' - ' ; ' - . t Oooa Uon.On.'L IL ILfl. eoavraaad log tb Dirtnieot of Jfortb Carobna,tav biacing this 8ut awt flat art of TWittta South of Jaaaw Rjreo baa toaoed aa order o cotiibrudty wtfib order front Um comniaadr a General foahidiling aO oflaarf tufilaol d.r tavioterfera. wiUv Um- traiaa ia aaid do- paruaent or datbel, AJ mUliary who aaauoM eoBtrci. orer tbo oSoeravf Um Railroad betwean Riobtsood aod tba Boutb Carotina Eoe, will be reported; at bcoc aad mrga.(raMnd agaiaat tteaa. r j AUitim4fyii ataar with, a raiaaLto hMtWadiMja. Vhe pee;! af North Carotiaa k"'rf laiaj ' Cel. Z- Veaca Coraraor f th State, abaee aaaalawady, wa fwl aaihoriaedhy the frbl af ihwaia Rewaa aad eerroaadJag aaJMto ; eel oa that gvatletoaa te reeiga hea ailoa af "'. Coloael aad aee beta at eaae, teparaterp ',' te aatanac apaa aia a v obm- The RwhaMad Eaahiiaeaaf Um ft laiaaa. ye i Noibiaghat Ue Kareaai Wataaa. ptaeat amralitoaaataat eagegaaaeata dariag taa aaU 'BTy'TlM arauea af aad Pep eiaet ha ia eiue proaiailry ta' aeoatrf aeaeaat tev CwdwaeviBe. Itopartaai warJrV,aiwp eaigaal hart ekirauahlaf are. aoerWag aa the w baaka at tkJaaafhaaiaMaMd. Aad Bragg h Baal hta peaUZoa laU Weet free which th ktta geaetal eaa iaYf hatrkato htoaWlf hy a. apeedf Ighi PaaWaaa. Nat to k iaiprvhahle thatth mmfi aaarlMjUet y atiatok Metorarwaaleetewhaah' th Jeae ThBMBeiagatieala.thatolary ., aaaaphere anf , tAeHaW, at aay tea. eat, he wheaad hf heavy thaader aaaaad the aatira hanaa.v One pvopi aaa ooeAdeatty a wait the ae wa, aa hrkk aad hard ifhtiag ia ear reeah, ia ta adraatage af th Ctder4a ftoikat r araaiae are Ightiaf thai i afl that ear p pie deaaaadt al tba peat ia. re teg we AT vr - n. ' v.'. . ; , o - r4eara attrr About 2,00c Taakre prViooer were east to tbe Taaaeo tor from Klcbowod a few day kgv. A number o oorierie prieoaera bad emred at Rich aoo(L.f Amonf than ar 1CW IWroo, Gent. Ikrduaat'aod TSgboMo aa feitigraw. J . Cap Itiwaaali Cape Bed wifir aarefJ&y eiaaiiae tbe rrtanw from tbwoaaa-. ty, be wil perorir that be a!ightiy iicat ad. It ia a botiorabh bet UV tbe. Captain . got fewat ta lifafitiea abera be ad 3rtstHt Uta prot4. (K oMiptuteata to'tbr Capuhv Vbatdorabothbk oCUoldetir ! party T ' tba CapUia w rbiataka. It wi f the jeepejt perryvtbat fcfcad -yoaCaprainf" -mKL Olo4ra -daf. 5t -TraAaatgUlLUmia4vloJ it " Wo hale tba owrtr JUeW did mora to efeet Veaoa Utafl alatLer papara in tbetkata jul logclaWJ paper d tW4aioa warth retoUag " Ikt tba'peejple J the wort, aad ibry did it well dlaWaA catioeititlirioe of tlW-" trcabytnaa Cbunib, died at CbarlvUe La Uti Sum, ar a brief placaj oa. lb .Let iojt Qa waaatth bead uf Um TlMoIogical 8en 8tRlkRI.r:.KWWa an of ChpvWfc B. aisfwt't CValry Co. re urpried by, ' tba taaknr laat Toewiay, at Wbita Oak Swamp Dridg, I: aia of thrrn taken priaoft. , art, to wit: Hi. UraWrkb, id thia piaoe;Na tbaa Itoih-y, Albert Rtce, JohA B.Xtgpfomi . f .aakM- a L a . ' ' ' a . aaa mm uarwaoav.t uue , acki nr. i ouuu of t)ailoo aoaaty. ..- f. - ; - Wa Jeara tbet aM U'oodaoo, of Ud tow aW A oew racape, aod that Bofbtoa bat Ju , iWuiined courat1 aavfd liinx A tbat Ut. Ileimlmb made a ymkra brte Um d4 brfra be urrodrrJ. ThWar la th aeaUarrt.Tk aa4at fraaaJIraipkli-aaagtag af a Caa- ,:fcdtiitp prlaatrf tta ...p.-,, -;..r4: - CaaA4, Aetaet tThe eacw'v m report. ed jo he edaaoag aa athta, ia three rvi- .OpO tregi aWaheweajeau are hriag eeat IH thtotlaee4wtokel Jaehaa.V.;A .. , Cart aaaaky'alieehed a prwie trei r rwuM t Ueeeret raraoaa, ar AawtaW:Mae aiaw, a fw day ego aad .were- fepetod wkb eooeVrahk ha , ' : ' ' A Caira Aepateh, dated thetfth, aay The hea aaadt a aah at. MaaMoUt ,yurday Oar aavaki aVd viUt trtog a gap s The re bJ eaaairy attacked, ear iafaatry aad haled; AAera, taklag o pieoaen, aad hartpeeaae : ; bvm ef ah Iowa. " ''",' -1 Cat. Log lwr Mr; Whipple, a wealthy - m! ! i a!)Mk mt J,kM. Till it ptoUag Ceafederato par- waa a Mg wow. ia , -r-, BBtowa haraA la heotoe ef rl ryaipef biter. Umki :iua oa Bnavifia. hvt hr. , Caiaaaera. tokea yertwday ivpert ftwja l "f t! tork ad that Caaal trMkiandg to ia ; T leaarw arrrea rrwai aMa peet, , . jVaaVtA.V. tWJUmwttt ad ,AVpW, dW jaekJoa, jeetefday aayar , ,. Geaeral aVeekiarUg Uaa ewrlg altaehed Bataa Reor, drleieg Ik Yaah wwto tkeir pawtio. : Kae eM bear th aeakriry Irlag wee eery heavy. The-wee era baaef finag free. tb dimtraaaf th alr which way batebaea the gaaf UtoArkeaMM, ae ah waete hare e-eperaled The Yaah wMdja thl!f t tbe aay t ikr.itor kut CUKBOATTitntHT. f Th YMlUhgUto th-WKrli get afloat the paahaat whteW laat SarMay -atag. gnaadif ha thatwealb. ef Um Am' to pm, appb4 Ue torch U hr Ty a BMg aad baral he toth waira dg. la to aad to have beea wetefl aaaatered by ear light teldhaUery. wbleH.w hae otated, ytoyrde ' heaWtwhMMaadyraiBg. . ; . Oa Meaday, two ather gaaaoeta, w hkh had ... heea aaat te th toheA, the iret eiiaed. eJaagDt ayroaad aer twe aatwe plae,d at lau hmu Teeedey areaiag wr atitl toaaMra hU. : VoleM aa etarary apriag tid h"' , v WMMtoOMir aawetaae it ami, we aar at- 4t. h foaad Mpadtoat te hara thea -Jlarkaaa ot he aaeVeawiita; Um -Anh a oih. Kraaeatoerwhaf Jtiri. jreaMarr,4vf, f . 'i 4 v

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