t. r n , ' - M : . ' : V i r,. -. - t i f r 4 ,v,Jt'Vi VOL. SALISBURY, N. C, AUGUST 25, 1862. NUMBER .J -a , n-nn 7 n . ! I f ? ' t l"t " L " t 1 1 . ' 111 ''l''"''f"'"i ' i 'ittt ii r.majn , , I. , I..-- . j ', .' - ' , FROM CO LrErPEB. r From th. Wt Uform. M U. curntj in Cvlpt ppar oooaty, at a point -oa lh Ornpt aad. Aka4ria tailwtijr. ix miU biryond lk RapUaa rim. Tb force eniiMd ra a portioaTW oar ido, , - ' of Ewell'i JifUot, aad oo lb part of tha Utnie IciUl 4Ytw OrUmms. Wa eiwmj tbr or too brigadaa, amoooUnf J iaJaUwi lo bigb aalboritf tx tb feu to beiea cigii aa4 lea tbooMod ma. of iho fellow iajf-occurr.ov la Ntw Or Tb Uvbf of Ibo Yankaaa U aaid lo lS UlJigtota , of blcb nchd iU . hire ba friirhlful-oat of all Drooortioa to tha oarnU Ukf prWam. Aa aatira wgimeat bi!( cbrpajoaa of oor Ut- leri m ambanJe4 and iura!ly aaoi- biUted. Th prisoner wb hv already raacbed Richmond tjk frrtr of th dtrioind forweity of the cooiUlauU. Amoo iba borrori tby tell of W a band to band roanter cf a Confrderat aad Yankee rrg- iment; the two rrime.U, ib'ey aay. met in fulf career at a cHarge baronet, enmed their wtaj-ona and fougll furi,rtily for ten j btbeert and aoJdiert wiib reaped. LixJea or fifteen minftt. when th Yankee jie-.j'Torin lo paaa the fellow, be threw b Mario idj way before Ibe terrible alor of our I wind Ue la.ya wakt, aad preaed hia fool troops were alaugbtertd lo a ao." Wa ' lip opoo her facer Aa tbe killiaa released mi)bt cn-dil thia atory bat for the aource j ber from hia embrace, lb Soulbera lady through 'whicb it cornea. . It n loaieeraallT j oooHf ptol and ahot him tbrodtt ckwowle.li;d th.tV a Yankee cannot lel'l the body, ao that be fell dl at ber feet in the truth where a btwu-t charge ia the ibe inolrnt fluab of h'w cowardly triumph -ubKct We bad eipeeled that befor ff-H ' or the inealled irt of a feeble aod a- in; to nrea we thoutd bare been in pua- Motion of lite aulbentiu particular of thi ba'.llv, and. perbapa, of anbaequent impor taut juoveotenli. Jlut al aooo yaterday all telegraphic communication between GarJoniHe and lbi city waa cul off by the coincidence of the breakage of iba wire along the Central road and between Ljncbburg and Richmond, and op to a late hour leal Burnt the line remained cloaed. lo tbeabaence of aatbenlie infor- matKMi. tbe city waa yeaterdar a prey lo a ihouMixi ramort, all loo extravagant or i abaard for repetition. Mekmond Examiner. T.j 7o to Tut a CW-Eeerf one claim, to bare a conacieoce-aodn boa- eat on. at that. Ikt jeat aow onf bf of ererybody, atleaat, TiiiKalbey aay tbey bav.7.ny7eocieoceat -am Tba a-i . , ,i - , - , " teat laeexiatenca of oonacieoce, la to ap p roach one who. baa aa article of oeceaaity to aell. Let auppoaa it to be a pie, tbat coat originally aliooat notb;ng, and now one Obliged U have it apfliea to boy it b aeller know it, aad ia aware tbat be m aboat tbe ooly peraoa, for many' mile aroaod wbobatapiafo tparei He charge fifty cent for it, bat will knock yoa dowo if jou aay be ia a man without a eoo ciencel or that be belpiog AbaLincola to Unr the South. Take tba bacon ael ler, wboaa meat did aot coat him tan dol lar ; a few month ago hw "eooacience'' would bare takea fifteea ceota for it, but nowft moat bar from forty to wily wooWtadly. tatotfiy aow.' bat- if be hear of a fool oatimr a dollar a pound, from ibat moment, jtodiang! Ueanfeiowa eoroplainton that re. But noth "adord" to Uka lea than a dollar! Ilia -conacieoce" won't let him! Wa will aot enquire wby be couM pot "for(T to iakja lea, beraoee be ia, beyoedoubt, aaaialjng Lincola io atarviog tba Sooth. Tbe ijneal and flour aeller who eanl "afford to lake la than i 10 for what they were aaxioa lo get atx doilari a moath ago, alao bave "coo ciencea" that expand aad coo tract like India rabber. If, reader, you woo Id leal the exiatenca "of a eooacieoca, find a man -with something' to eat to aIL itttto CkromicU. . , f . '"V UiuUrt of Col ft Revotwtrt, Wa were equally aurpriaed and gratified, oa Saturday laat, atlbeaiffbt of a CoTiV Naty Kepeater, made at tbe machine abope of tbe Hr,lrrMwold, at unawoldaviila, oa the Central Itailroml, about twelve' mile from Vlacoe. The weapnbad juat paaaed the inapectioa of Vh Coiifedcrala Supen'n tendentof Armori at ibia place, aod a contract haJ been made for aa many aa the manufacturera could proluce. Which tbey tlouglit would be, for aha preaent; aboat five a day. Tbe piatol lo ourinexpemocetl eye,- waa aa well fiaiabed a (boa made by tbe fatentea bimaelf, aad w have ao doubt equally aa efEcteatA' Tbeae weapoo are deigned for tba cavalry aervioe. Tbe apecimea before aa waa tba first fruit of ibaekill aad iaventivt ingeaaUy ia elaborating machinery and tooU for tba purpoac of men who bad never aeea a pia to! shop, or a tingle tool or piece of ma cbioery for making tbeo. . Tba macbioea now in oe have 'all ' ba ontrivad aad . built eince laat bf arch, and ibe force of the aubltabment divertod from tba maoefa tar of coUao en to the malinr of Colt molrara. , Wkb the veil ksowa raaoorou and epWrprtM of IhU concert, B4 ot mv lb bo!oeM todef lbir kot will ( rrow la wk ui dBiMid liktir m m ! pos Uwm' Th U t Mroof (Dim Irlw Pw f '"P iJeiibata manufactory of OA pkloU o!m1 pg tpW Uaoofl la M()S. - - ,JfMM Tdtfrmfli. ' Ura. IL 1L Uyama, wife io:y TaMtnlay : i of iba LUaUaaok Oortor of lb Siaw, p-J tU Oiaal a aamber of Vaotta ofllcenjiMia( ia a kwrar M U weot Ona of tbtn aro anl followed br a(Vw , aoJ, arntiog Iter pro(rrrw by H-cinff bimlf ia fruot of br, told het ibt bad omitted lo tww ia pawing. j S aWnpid lo aeoid tbt raffiaa, when j b repeated hia remark, and akrd if bad read Gea. UujU Order No. S" relereooe to lb latineetof Uoioa i n 1 1 I i 1 I .rtin An Another of the ofTtcert immetliately , roae, and approaching the noble aod cour age lady took ber by the ana aad loU ber, : ao ibal the' other Federal could bear, that aha moat accompany bio) before General Butler. ; He immediately placed ber ia a cab and droee away bat aot to iba beaat't qeartera. file directed lite cab oat of tba city aadjihrougb iba line of aenlriea, aod i further j atilt, until beyond the reach of - i Uia tyraou ealoapta. Tba act of Ibe bo- roiaa bad made a hero of the witneaa. He i loiu ner tuai neeooaiderea ner aci juaiioa- C' : hia an.i nnhlo. aiul thai It i mmiiuit U bad determined that aba could not be eav i "J"" TFZTJ ! H fo fe f 0 7" b,,wl ! - wmJ ' ,B !f" H1? '. oe aeneareu pimaeu up 10 we voniemrraie - ... , , , r ; t .,-r ! laiavmn w naoii imi mm m uiwwim up DriiSooeror olberwia. .-Hp .:: So end ibi berote and dram'atio. iact Uenl of JM war. Mr. Uyaroa baa act a lofty example tor Southern Women, aad tba gallant gentleman, who delivered her baa aliamed ita army aod tbe whole North. Va trt be baa renouuoed lorevcf tbe vice of the cpreaaora, and tbat a rank equivalent to bia deaerta may remark him io our. 3fobiU AJertitxr. Vii A DtpoUn People are tometimea inclined lo pronounce tome of tba': act., of oar Confederate Ooverntneot a hrh and verging to depotim; and but for the plea of war' twceMtiea there would ba iog dune hero will compare with what wa now w noes in tbe "land of tbe frit and tbe borne of the rrr,' m Ibe United State wa formerly called with torn bdw of reaaon. Wa copy from ibe Richmond Enquirer an article oo tbe recent despotic order of ibe Lincoln Government. , Tbe action of the aatboritiea baa been quite ia accordance with ibe spirit of these wders. Tba entire . editorial corpa of a IJarrmburg paper, baa, been arretted and carried off lo WaaLingtoo, and tbe ?Pr conaeoueaUy toppieaaed, for tba, pobltcav tioa or aa apparently bannlea piece of ridicule of Gea. Lane proposal lo raia a free negro regiment. But tba rarest scene oocorrad af Baltimore oo the evening of tbe 8lb, Tba LWtimora New Sheet tell of tba arrest of nearly two band red per son who were at the depot about to take tbe car for lliiladelpbia. They protested lhattbey,were ooly about to take a pleaa ure in'p'ta the Norib. hot the aatboritiea cboa 10 tuiect tbcm of an1ntenlioa to leave tbe iod of the free anf ty to some' of tbe Earopeaa despotisms, to avoid tba drsfl and other tender mercies of "tba best government on earth. Ja some instance meo in company with females were arrest ad. Tbey ware all held ia custody, till after tbe traia bad started, wjien tbey were rsleiatd and allowed to retara borne, tbe be;gag ofjaeey of then being ukra away ia the car. Thia at 71. Xf. At 9 p. XL the same scene waa enacted again, but only 10 or 15 persons ventured to ap ply for. tickets. At other place five other person 'warn arrested and confined. 7 Among tba oatragea of thia yaokea oW potkm, we are glad lo see that ooo has toacbed Ibe Kentacky Iinoolniu, Geo. Ltslia Coombs, who tUaarrad botUr fiom iboa Who bar profited by bit treacbery lo bU natir Sootb. JJa bubliabet a cor reapoadaoo. wmpUtn.ng uiuxh jhni bia wwwea oaogoier, w, it iaoi. souaa ai Uxiorton, waa arwatad at Ciocionail, at a aoteJ wbere aba waa alone, and ber peraoa aod baaga learcbad by atraojen, (a paraaanca of a telegram - frotn . Lriinj ton.' Coomb, ia Jadijrnant at lhi:aay tbat U ought to baea don al bia booae, if any wbere; aata nomaa doobta Aa loyally, Ao. &v Wa rather ibink thia ia a miauke,' Tbe circomUocea aliow tbal be i dillrd. , People who beoedi L.W J, f"f A War f JT(rraiiKiK. 'llii t a rapid progreaa towarda auili a war, whVh we bave long been convinced would omir. In addition to tba aecouMa of burning and murder near Naliville. in another column, we aee tbe following ia a yaokte letter from SpringtWId, II ieaouri : , There aa excited tate of feelirg, and "diath to the geerillaa" ia the motto. Seven guerUUa were bang in one day by a party of citiieoa, who joined togelber for a fox cnaae. - Lincoln biia'aot reapoaded to rreaitienl Davki'a order ia regard to-I'ope'e oAieer beiig held aa boatagea tor oar guettllne and ciliietM who may be executed. . ,W think be will aot reepood lo it. ami lLi oon we aball bear of the banging of aorti of rope'a 4fficra aow in priuo at Kitli mood. Thia caaoot, be avoided. It, will be a neceaaity. And tbeo will follow other eijpruliuo on both aide. For all of which tbe world will jully bold tbe v jte jankee re poo i U. A Rtjimtmtmt of Lutburiami mot lmom to Aborifimal ' Amtrriemm rnore. Tbe medical praelilionera of Northampton co, e thia State, bave refused lo take out Ii caaaa coupled .with an "oath of allesiaooe" oader the abam tjoverameot of iWpont, aad decided to coolinne their mintnatooe avoas the aick "free of cbanre.". Their benevolent dfterminatioo) aoon liecame kaowa to tbe military governor of ibe JV J . i i- 11 1 1 I aoula, and waa aa speedily followed by ao order o piobibitioa, affixing the pea- al.y of knyrieoasseot to aay pbyaician who siiould adrntotaler a do of physio lo Wk friend. A " quintescanoa of cruelty na written ia civilixed history 1 ; tick. Examiner. f.W. ;A .dMnatcb from General Tillow to a friend in -lirandoa Wales that Curtia army have driven 08, by force, nearly four hundred negroes betoniing bim,; killed ooe of hi overaeer and got three, olbett ia jail, and literally laid waste hi magnifi cent plantations. lie is thus nearly reda ced lo poverty at one fell swoop of tbe en emy, for bi devotion to Southern rights. ; ' - . Pei Etprtu. Xo V for Qmmu . Jr, EJilor ; I beg to make public through ibe medium of your paper, the following certain and thoroughly tried cure, for ague and lever : 1 pint of Cotton Seed, S pinU water boiled dowo to one oC Us, taken warm one Hour before the expected attack. - Moy peraona will doubtlea laogb at thi simple remedy, but ( have tried it effectually and nobeai. tatinglf say it ia better than Quinine, and coald I obtain tba latter artk-ie at a dime a bottle. I would Infinitely prefer tbe Cot ton seed tea. It will not only earn ina riably, bat parmaaently, and ia not at all unpleasant lo tba taste. Yoontrwly, eVe- a O. I. Baow, Important Vktorf -mi GortomJtiltt, At Ibe Meadow Bridges, five mifee north of Richmond, bet weea tba hour of 4 and 0, r. on Saturday, a heavy and eon linaoa caaaonade waa beard ia tba direc tion of Orange C 1I We bave since learned from a. UuatwOrlby Oouroa tbat about ibe Ume iadicaled ao-engarement between iba adrsnced force 0 ii aod Geo. Jackson waa .foogbl, reauUing iin a decided victory for ns, at a point oa the Orange A Alexandria "Rail Road near OiangeU.II. We bave aa yet been ana14c to kao tba partkulara; ' ' ' r --. s, P.,8. 8inca the foregoing was written, wa bare received tbe fforioo newt of a complete victory over Pope's forces, ia which we have takea as prisoners 000 of bw Ikiffadwr-GenersJa gad twenty-nine iasiooed oficera,ail of wbom arrived at UordoosvU laat aignt hmmaemjnl. - ' Jliek, Exmrnimtr. rU of faJlpk.X toe U&T: Jobastoa 49. For iba Saaala, GlJe If- bao909. For tba Commona, Worth 832, lUlbios 621, WlosJow I0J, Bollaiefi, UcUestera It-PmtrioL . 00L. VANCE, TU GOVERNOR j ') I ELECT. 7h-. "j;",' Van., Iba Comaoplecl of , tbW eod ia tbla Utf 8l0rday , u, rf Ytrboro0fff: llottko. Al nizbt a Urge aurohsr of cui area, apoalaneously assembled, waited , on bimand called for a speech,' Though fatigued by travel, and aot ia as roboat baaltu usual, owing to the bardabipa of i4D Mrrice, be aevenbetcsa reeponded ia bi bel' manner, and 'for noma .iry niiiti.'e ealeruiued bbt aadieoco with re maik.., wbkb elicited the moat antbasbwie approval aad apylnasa.. .- r- . Ue thanked bia follow ciliaee for tbe coroolimea ioilid ia their call apon bim. W bad jr4 pard through a somewhat excited election. The people bad Ukea ilieM oB afloiis mto iaeir own latao, anj iud given a wxjoriiy for the CvaMrrvativ eause iiBd for biut, wbkb for BsngiMnde waa like the deluge when oowj pared with all suUequetti riaiugs and overflowiug of 1 tie waters. ' IWe bad baea 0 feeble at tempt tooreai and array parties ia tbe midi of war, but the people would have none vf and bad so declared by their vote The street corner politicians and ! a.ttt ill... M t A Itujt AblMHlMt kl. m W aud ae togs and baraogaed tbe people uaU urjml iUm W go aiib tbem, btd been qajetly and firmly told 'thai I bey would uo tio aucb ibiug thai tbey weiO deieimiaed to do then own voting at eo ia ar iuiea ble the present; and, by , beir veid-c ai ibe ballot ., box, tbey b.id acted for ilicOMeive, not for party, and bad to ld i'avm pwiuicuna to uka tbetr eeb fot 1 wbib, .1 least, ai the lower cad of the uWe. Many bard, and soma unjuvttbiog bud been atd of Vim dating tba camp-iga. K bou been aaid Abal ba wis. aot m the liiiat iiewbera or Malvara UtU. lI. brfdbeea oi the opiaioa tbjl be was ia tooe ii.b.; txi.be con.Vsed that, iu tbu le peo, ba ry modi ia ibe tram of miud oi ooe of Mr. McUuf&e's diaata who iiad been arraigned ou a capital cbnrje. ltia4euk.Jvucva inada aJkerh io de- t . 1 t! J e, icUieoi uiauwoi sum 'w taair irow toe Coo 1 bo Jwy, iba aadieaaw, the womea, child. e aad all ; aad. tba rM(lt wa be was acquitied. Ar.er bo bad paid M(. McUuffii b'u fee, which was a good ooe, of course, the latter said to bim, calling biui by bia name "Yoa ae certainly guil ly of 1 bat eime.w "Not a biiofu, ro spoodeU bia client, "I tboogbl 1 waa guil ty Ufoe yoa made that apovsb, but lam cerialo' now thai I am not. I thought, said Col. Vance, that I wa ia boib of Uoo tighia ; bat after tba eflbtfe mad 10 jrove ibat I was aot, I am wiUiog-ttf admit that I was aot tboro tbougb, said be, I do retaia On indistinct reflection of tb bal leu tbat whistled aroood my ear. Ibere was oo thing, however, wbtoh bo felt sure bia oppooeot would admit, and that was, ibat he was ia lb two for Goveraor. 11 illuairation, and tba good-hamoted manner ia which be referred to this charge, pfwdttced roar of bwgblarv" --" But serioualy, said Col Vane, w moat forget, if possible, tb character o tbe let puiiocal campaign,- aad the aafoaaded charge vila-wbk.o bts trtenas ana oimeeii bad been aaaailad. He wanted the peoj.le1 to feel, a be felt, that tb firtt, lb great, the absorbing parpuee now should be lo beat back our invader aad establish tb independence of ibiftgloriowa Coafedeialio of Statea. He deaired to forgot va that it bad been charged that be aad thos with whom b bad acted, wre for a retur "to the old Union. tuch a chargo bim a mooatroo. Was it for thia that North Jroina solemnly disoolroj bar coo nectioa with tbat govoramMt I Waa it for thia tbat ah bad orgaaiaod nearly sixty regimeota, and had pouredout ber treasure aod the blood of ber soo lik vatoroo every battle-field, from that of grant Bethel to the crow aing victoria below Cicbmoodt Wa it for this that war people war sub m. ling cheerfully to Vlf kind of privation at borne, wbil our brave boyt war dartag diseaee, and wounds, and captivity,, aad death ia the fee of lb enemy I Wa it for thi that oar women aad obd dra bad cootriboted of their boosebold gouda ibe work of their delicate fingers uncounted Mores of provisions for our troops, encouraging those who ware al ready ia the field, and bidding others go to their aid I Wa it for thi that many of tbeae women and children, oa hundreds and hundred of forme, war toiling day bytday la the burning us, with bar feet, following the plough, handling, the hoe and tbe axe, that tbe might produce aad gather tb barveat for aotnanc wbil tbetr husbands,, and tatters, and soos, and brothers wr engaged ia tba figbtl No, aaid be, ceoUecoea, our poopl properly and Uribly la earn, Tbetr yes art fixed oa lb goal ' of indepeodeoc. and tbey . will reach it, bappen what may; aad I want jou, aad I want M tb people of tb 6taU, to aid m with 7f their energies, their mean, and mil tbeir1 eonSdenc in ' tbb mbblv trpgle, onlil lb Coofederat Slate sball tiadpioe41y amoon; the na' tioos free jaad independent. II would aot ebaiacteriie lb charge mad against bi friends and himself .of Uiog recoo- .. slrncUoeisl, ' Tb people, at the polls, . bwd 'do that. Tbe peopte bad been a : eei ffom lb firt n their retlsnre to tl K ort hero govern meat, and Io tbeir ' deter . mtaalioa to. asubfiab .tbeir - (adieadeVe.'1 They wer a anil now. , II forgare tboae who ba4 ibos aiaailed hint, a be hoped ' mm rerHla would; A'd he would forget it, if Ho vuld. He hoped God woold forgfvo hem. for isucb a charge, broagbl on such i-ufiirienl grouiHla, against, their own fel low riiiarna for party purpose.' For " bi ratrt be was determined to know no party daring flila war. I He should think only of tbe bert mewna lo eatablUb our indepen dence, and in ibia great work be asked nd eipeeted tbe co opera;on and support of all. ' ; ' : Col. Vance lbs referred to tbe number of troops furnished for the wnr by North . Carolina, and the manner in which thos " t roora bad coodncted tbemael ves ; in - tb - set vice. lie kbew mat oar people were as determined aa tbey were modest, ia their rbaraeu-r, aad alway ia earnert in 0 bat i bey asdertook ; bat ho waa not prepared for ibM brilliant oVA in tbeir naiar which tbey lad exhibited oa the battle-field. II bad fooled for slewdv.nayielding conr je j - hot tbey bad shown themselves among tbe foremost, if not tb eery fore iikM it tb os of tb bayonet. A Vanle prisoner, who was evidently a close obser ver, had said to 00 of oor soldiers, You NortbCarolioiaae ba?0 lesa tens and lem powder tbsn .any soldiers I ever saw." u, "Why do yoa say tbalT responded tb . soldier. 'Pecans, id the Yankee, abentver wo aaw a North-Carolina rrgi-. meat at tbe late battle, tbey were doable- ; ' qoickhgjowards as and pretty soon eoaiH liul fellow io gray aniforro would step T outIBfeolelimaodMy,"ttfJU, and then b would Ujf'rpbaybmt$? and Ibey won Id come right at us 16 a quick ma." "I really belieTe," aaid , b -"that your soldier dcH get tbeir full pow der ration, fortbey never sboot more tbaa once before we bear thateveriastiDg order, ur bajomU.9 II tboogbl oar soldier bad a special fancy for mpty 'muskets. ' " Tbia, said . Col Vance, - waa tb highest coinpliment whichcould bav beea paid, to oar troops. II abo referred wtb ailed character wbkb our clJnwned for ber integrity and honesty among btr shttets, as waa cvidenoed not only by the sctopuloas fidelity with which bo had ibnt for observed all her obligation to tb common government, .bat by tho high price w hich ber bonds commanded ia tb ' kiebmond market. It waa ibe duty, as it should be the prid otoar peopl to mai , Uia this character' ander, all circamsUaces. . Again thanking tb assembbo forth -honor don bim bf. calling opoo him, ba,. bade them good aigbl, aad retired to bia room. His remarks, a we bav stated, war most nlhatiastically received, and w are glad to learn that tbey gave satis faction to many of tboa present who had voted against bim. r n ? "!7. ' T'r . Cot. Vano left la lb carl for hi bom , ia Baoeomb; oa Soaday voiag. W are gratified to bav it in our power to in for tn oar reader that bia inauguration as Goreraor, oa Monday the tb day of aext month, mil U pmUic A Urge coocours will ao dobt atteod ' to witoos tb inaa- . garaUoar Tba oaths of ofSoa win V ad- . minWured by Chief Jastico rearsoa, or by , -some ou of tba Jodgosof tbo Supfemo or Soporior Coartxw -iieJ. Staadttnl, flUeeafa's eedeVfor a draftls worklag np a treaseeejes exctteaaeat bt the Nertkwest, aad S. bksly lead la a laeaey iseae. "At . asset, iaf reeeally bald ia Ohio, the Deasoeratie eaa dUtate far Ceegreas fpoke ef the draft a U-tawa..,- :,-.:-:.r--T,r.H.- The freekfeet baa ttsaed hi preclamatMn tar three keaeVsd lheeasa4 asaee I roof, aae CoafreM has aaasad a law ealberiaiar. him to aran tbera- JVere Is aa eJeetioa thia rait, aad ihey weal l carry . M. They waal to draft , Desaoemta J thay wul draft team to preveat tawie vatiae. Taey have the power, aa eaa eaarraareMl Tea wil not be eheatad. Itttt yea, yea aria mmttrnhmit H lies Ywm mill m UmU. irtaev attacasf U airest s . aad take foaw ear famine to sapport sa A4 salaktratkia la haoUtioaa of the CoaataaUea SMsraareeaaf.eeraf 4W. , Cbdoa Seed 5oap. Put cotton seed into a , " Urge and atroog iron pot, in small quantities, at a time, mash tbem well with a wooden . peMic, sad then pour in a certain quantity of common ley, and boil thoroughly strain la - aa ordinary naive, aod proceed ut tbe uaual way, la ttying aojt cutuag jbm i

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