VOL; -XX. ' I. A f 'tfj.V sarroa awo raorsjiToe, mvtfltmox opjc6jtiNCE. Odonef &TLAYr(cV was on Mon dagr last inaugurated (governor of North Carolina' in the presence of a largVjUfem Jadiee and gentlemen numbering noma four or fir e thousand. The Address was delivered fr.m a plat- form erectea at the wet entrance ' to the Capitol. The band of the 26th Regiment wat preaent ' and en ned the occasion with some it) tnosie. Auoot iiaitpaat 11 Uover nor Vatic arrived at the Capitol, and was corhlucted on the platform i by En-Oat. Clark, accompanied ljr , tlie Justices of tiiopreine Court, Judgv Pearaon, Cat'loand inanlv, and Ex.Gov. Morchfcad, ttotj. D. M. Barri tiger, Gen. Martin, a-wi wW. - The oath of office were then adtrwi istered lj Chief Joat tea Pearson, at the conclusion of which Gov. Vance dertvemhha following Addrvee, be ing frtj'uutlj cheered atid applaud ed during, it Mirer j : iauquuITaddress - or GOV. Z. B. VANCE, l)tUertd i front of tkt Capitol, ia JtdtigK StyUmUr 8A, 1 862 Fallow Cmzaxf : Called by th voice of Um people of North Carolina, with aa unanimity nparelWd in the biatory of our SUU, to ataaru the power of Chief Mag istrate in the midst of revocation aed war, I caa but feel opprae-ei by a mhm of the ffraai wriirbt of reepoaaiUlitv which the oath of office Jit admitmtered by ef-e-Spatted Civet J4iee, impoae. ladeud. there i much Wort ma, and the path of my duiy now rnu tnrouga anyiniog out pleasant tu-Ula and beeide eiill water. To ' hold the helm daring this greet torta to maaageour inrreaaiag public liabilities---' to March out the talent and worth of . the . country, and bring H Into the 'service cf ; the Sute to clotba, equip and organise oar Uoope, and to do jesuce to merit oe the fild, might well appall the sUtesmsa - with hair grown -white ie the peblie ecr vice. Ti eoofeaa any ieability, aad to lay that I rater epoa the tak fnh tremblioj-, woahl not he eattomary atritio, bet . the simple treth. . Hat, yoe will Uar bm wiloea that I aoecht aot the poiiUoo. I pnferred that place ie oar enoiet which I MkJ, a tbe ouwvlt wfcicli I ' eoeM pro tWy evec, eerve --mf eoeatry.'.,:.. J oeU hot aay, hewaar, that I Woeld oa eootaat whh the peoptaYwill. sad woeld fttrva wberee w their voice abofld mmg9 aad here lav I Uva BMiiriMid. laretern for th'ui rreat txirrwtoa f eoafidveee, 1 caa pryaiae ooly thai! brinr a will aad deterniaatioa to the peHbroaooe of my . 4atta wuic wo wee caa aorpaat. FeltowxiUieM, we have bat the gMsafaod all ahaorbiBg thema.' The wai which w are Sibling tot out h'bert adepcadcaee, iaJaad the aea which receive! oar evertttreenf of tboafhL--Ilow it wae prodaced, whather h eoeU aafeiv have beee avoided, aed epoa wbeee . moaum mvrmrvkmt, R vtre tone tLaa Wle aow to eoqeire. At the proper time It mA J nA awrv rmnuiil jxv an Co, waa gtree to tee peoplev--6eSce itto aay; that U waa foro-4 epoe i wa hy a dotaieaat ao4 eaereecbtef atafari ty, aei ie evideatly bet the- peat ep 0rea oi laaaucai Mjktrwt vbicb bave owe ae--eeBtaUag' la the North for forty year. Thf.goreramrat lb Ueiud Statea waa a , 'jrreat cobfcderaUm of iiHlpodai eom neaitMa, held tognhcr ' by wrvUaeeoa . , pact caikd the coMtittttiue. Of thie ie atraiiMet the very lf aad aoel Waa the rraal axiotanhat all. goveraataaU derive thrjatt power from the coeveat 'of the ' goterned.4 To thie the afaoeU of tboae ho dof are iheddiog aer blood, tocetber ""with yoer forefather aaaeotad oo the 4lh of ;uIj,in,aod the lartretaaatb which tby -t it forth aad pledged IMr bfca, their fbrtaaet aad tbavraaered boaon'to taaiBtale ft, ha laac'ered their oame iro- ; loortal. v..-'. T ' AVhea Ahrahaia Liocola waa elected by the vote of the North oly, eabradag aisoeg hkMpperter all of the (Uree aad , (aaatkal eaeoua of alavery ea the eoa ctaea aavtval of tLaae ladepiadeat tUtm which were alava-holdieg, rvfeeed their -i-onwal" to tea admieirtratioe wbicl threateoed to deatroy theta. ')Ve, ia North Caryline, after fair debate, reaolved $ wait ! aee, and to trust yet awhile hMfeMo Hie aaigearda of the tbaablulioa. , the meaatima, we hnphmd the North to oif-r no violeooa, hot to allow the . people to rvaiu eeovaaioa by .the oaiy eoaatiUi Itonal roean gireo Lhero d CBMoalwd public, opimoe. Maay 8ouibre Suttee followed ovr eiantple. While the holt "ly eaggd, the , nak waa throw oft mod our aoula were tickeaed with a proela maiKta from the. l'reidBt, CalUag for 75.0pOnee to eUewhlat .ewr.8oataera Matre into a "cooeeut." A ptOpoftioaate ahare of thuee troope wae oVmaBded of North Carolina, who were that rqirei2, ia d'6atice of the 8rvt priaciplaa of librrty. to tp acroaa the Su'e horj aad, band ie band with the ekumof NVlbera citiaaaad the refuee of degradattoa, to cat the throats ef our kindred aad fmaia. Then, aud out till thro, did ooetrovertry eaae ia North Cerulina. IIr aoa aad br daaghlera,' uf . all ahadca of political opinion, from the niottBiai top to tbe everhuting (idea of be aea, ahorkd by the jnoeUroua prouutilioe, wi(h a woedroe unaounitr, cam' forarard to rit the dwtic etrp. The delvjratra uf her peo ple jb coaventioa ambkd. "without one JiMMrtinj-; cSce,. ordind fer iapwralioB from a tfOiMrranMOt wbica bl tbaa a oa hWw aBbveriedth. chief eade of iu craa tio 1 and evve Driore thie tbooeande of our citizen bed riard their arnte aed wereruahing to the boruV to Make good the patrkiUe rveoive. 1 bt ia a Unef hiatory of ouXaeparatioa from the goerenMat of tbe UMudjSutea. It wae not a whim or aa Idee freakv the deliberate jedgnccat of ear people.-vl Aay olaer eoarae woekl nave taveived the deepeat degradatioa, the vileaf die honor, aad the direct calamity. We aleo accepted with the act all of Us iaevitahle cuewqaeoore, a loeg aad bloody ' war. We were aot deceived either by the idea of pcaoeaUe acceeaioo,'. or by vaie aad BBmaoly 'h'ope of loreiga: protacttoa. -We war wide awaka to aU the reaelta. aad gallantly, gloriously have oai people roet them. . . For eevvntMn mbath ha thia aneqaal war 'irogrteatd J the many against the few, lb powerful against the wak ; mod yt ariny after army, a the aands of the aea ia aerabm, W by vaunted Napoleoaa, aad armed from the workahops of Kerope, have hrea httrl4 bach from oer Capitol with slaughter and disgrace, by 'troops, io many caaea, ragged, hareiooied, aad anaed with the condemned roaketa of tbe old govornriMt ! "According to their owe re-, porta 000,000 toldiera a warmed into our UrdVrs, desperate with fanaticism and lust flred by conffcatioa lawa; where are they now f How bare we beatea them back f ' Skillful Geoersla and brav o!im have endoebtedly (ought our battles, bet caa we aot recocaize too the special favor , of 1 1 eaten ta oer grwrt dv uveraoce f The bush ha todeed ' beraed with fire, but ia to oottaumed, Ucaoae of the preaence of Um Living Ood. j v - ekW .a r a 1 m ' , i a a jortn - varoiina ha' arnt tortft near M,fX0 meo, and can aeod mvey more. Are there aay amoag ae who faint or despair ! Ob,, my coaatrymee! bare we any ie oar oiidrt who still look back, to the fltshpota of vaaaalage, aad for the sake f rao, woukl leare tbeir cbiMreo of ebaroe, to feed bpob the hitter faaaka Of aut)jii4KBf Is Ibere yet imii fa the iltaDt 'hi.iorvj State of i North Carohaa, b imbeded ie political dogma a to be earoiadful of the etaime of hi oooBVy aot- to hear -the g-et f bWs whicb are shaking the eoeUoent, for him and bts children f If so, let me beg of htm to Udfe of the fate that awaita aa if vaaqajaked, by the mymer ie which oar eaemiee are waging thi war, aa they aay. iot the Union aa it was, aad iheCoeatiia- twa aa it K r IM kim behold the oieora ful broceaaiona of rrar haJred men, womee and Httle childrea ia our, slater State of V irginia, tbret ool of their bOraea, becaeae they woe!d aot take the oath of allegiance, wandering with weary feet and. blitediog heart iato homelea exile; let him see the herring bomea. and deaolatad field which mark the track of their armies the merder of nnarroed rilixaaa, and ia some ioataaoea, of little boy t tie threats against the chastity of oursisur la New Orleaaa; ue wall aatneauoatea meraav oi pnaoaer takea ia baulej aad lastly, the attempt to ana brfgades of Afrieaa alavea agaioat as, ia whose hands our mother aad aSater weald fiad merder bdeed a meaaetger of reSafl If all thia shoe Id fail to aroue hk Ottl to resistacce, then isdead i be dead to every eoae of ahaise, aad deaf to his eooctry a vc-Joa, - . ..... '. . J proeecato t wav wua c j .., . rr 7ii- ":"-r'TV tsere ta tjeita a o uc a . lor oar people a for our aoJ Jiare to ' do. V One of the moat vital alemaata of oar abcoes I hartnoar. Oalhia great ate of .eiiateace itactC U toere, x pray yoe, oe oe giaeeoung voice ta oer borders.1 Let the aarae aad watch word ehlch eaxe divided a divide a no taore forever. - Lei a aea order of Lhlflf-a tsk place, aad -erbife) tte coateat la-U, at leasvlel ae ere aetalag, ear aothtng, kaow aethiag -hot ear eoBatry eodiu . Gmgreaa, W April Laat, paased aa act of eoaeonptloa, whereby all able bodied, men, with eovteia eraptioav tetwwaa tbe age of eighteea aad thirty 4j veer aret ea rolled for military dety. alaay of yo tboaghl it harsh aad aecoos'iuiional; it aiee harsh,' aad assjr Aere beee enconstiia tioeal.lhooghtaaaj'ofoQr ablest statea mea thoagbt aot To atop now to arga it could oaly pVodace the greatest misehief, for tbe'rcaaoe that it ha already Wee et eceted Bpoo at leat loarfiftha of those aebjeot to it. ! Uowever obJectioBable ia its aoaoaetioa, let1 as, at least be jaet aad impartial ia ita aseoatioa. Betl afaaare that if every ataa who ha hie eoaatry rood at heart, bet haew of the euoa itjr which vaiated at the Hae, be would reader it a chaerltl obedieoce. ' W ithin fr week of the date of iu paaaage, oa haa dred and fort sevce of oer best traiaed and victorioe rgtmeau would have beee disbanded Bad acattersd to their houKa. And thie derieg the very darleat -day ie the history .f the War.' Fort Donaehoa and NashvilU bad fallea; Jea. Ualleck with aa weerwoetaiiag aad vktorioa ar my, fotlowvd by a vat fleet of iroa dad boats, waa oaasiag keto the very heart of th8oeih; the creai aad alagwticeatly eoeifrped army of alcCKIIaa, wae ia the act of priagiog.aa a tiger, epoe UiehmoooV aed to make hie eeoewse doubly sure, waa waitiag tor thia vary fhiag. of diabaadiag oar rvttHneat Koeaoke blaad aad New hera with all their dependeociee oa oer coast were ie jvaateaioa of the enemy, as was much of South-Carolina and Georgia, iest imatrtae the result 1 The Co&fed erikU govetament hating" tailed to provide taumetor ua mniM f-mersewcj, a uar ruia waa at the door lad aiesf Ie averted ; the law waa nassed. aad the oounuy was saved. It feU hardeat epoa- the palriotio soldiers ta the Mdlbey bad already served twelve aaoaths, moUofflfrja with OiH ferlpugbs, aad they bad looked for ward aad counted tbe days, slowly revolving- as they totaled, to tbe time w bea they should see home aad all that waa dear o Sorely were tbey eavsppotuleU, but how did they behave! . Tieaat b with arm ie 1 their hands and doubting iu eoertititlooality, they could have done I No, indeed they swallowed down their Utter orrew, they dimised all hope of seeing their homes aad fami liea, craspeU their muskeU aad aei agaia their resolute face toward the flashing of the ruB. Ood bless them for it I Aa etJubrtion of pare patriotism ha not been tea oa the eontioeat, aad our govra meat can never sufiWieotly Bpprecial,jt I remember, with a thrill of- pride? the ooeduct of the gallant men I so lately a honored by commanding. They too; were discontented, aad spoke loedlr and bu terlr affaJnet the harsh eeea of the law. . I called theta together aad simply laid be fore them the necessities of their Country, aad appealed to their ttatriotum to eeiaia it; I raade them no promise, hold oaf no BOpft; i awatsora uwn uia hwvji iu7 were tromiel rurtouga , ay tne ue, taey would not tret theia ! that there wm noths Ing before them bat Cghtia bad teflcrfag. They quietly dUpersed to' their 'oeartert, aad tofoar -hor the reriment w aa" ' re orgaoited for the war I Thia will anawer tot a btstory or oar wootearmy.; ' If they who went out flnt, aad have uffered and Med from the hegiaamg. eoahl thna aabmit, oh I cannot those who have ao tr rvfoted ia peace fa tlieir pro tected bomea, give the remainder of their lime to tbetr eouatry I vur orave rvgr. menu have had their , ranks thinned by death and disease ; wilt yoe not all go cheerfully to their help! They have strag gled for yea, aed, now yoe are needed to struggle with theea. - Let the law be aa aea lad impartially epoa mil rich aad poor, high aad low. v- - . . . - ' i Aay prorositioa for the farther iooreaae of oar array' should, and under aur present proaperoa csrrasDsUDcea, btigut salaiy oe treated with mora deliberation, aad that bathed aoorbt oat which woeld ha .aaoat acceptable to the people. - Thea Ut tboae I of aa who remaia at home, bead vry eaergy to the task of elothiag aad feeding oar deJeadere hi the field, aad provklia for their wive aad children. They should eoastitot war fiat ear. All the fru'teof the earth thoail be saved most carefully ; , fBUwBcbjaeal aad rlormhoeld; Ugia ia' oer honaahoUa, and extend to everythiag pahtie and arhrate, , Now , ie the time for aa imitauua ot tnat nrroie aeiMieBut tj which pur molbera of hej first' revolotioa rendered their names' worthy, cf a brirht l . . f af.a.a, i. r ll - t at: I place; in history, and I doubt not w shall sea eiampiee in isonn varouna mat wui pat Our boasted manhood to shame.' ' ''K rruow-ciiiavBs, mere are a no outer oaa ger which beset 'a,' . beside (hvae wbleh eome from the :(be,-' Woody ' revolatkm l f t Yssldiod aaraslvea ap gradually ta aiaVM -- ' uuj- m t vunu -nu-ncTt UwaceastomiBgoeralvee i by aleer aU greae to abmit to the lvrcise of whitrarjf power la oar military i-adr,.aed foekiag with (ass aad Iom coooera , apva the idie- ordered morals which a Uia ft war ! way ma4 prodace, ae may endaager both civil fibirrty arid the frame-work of society. The Ume hoeored principle ,ia the charter of our lihrrtie, "last the mill- tary shoeld ba subotdiaate'to tbe dvil saitoritir,' should still he honored and maiataincd. It should aevwlha'aVpartad from eioeptie case of moat obeioa aed BodealaUe publie oceveiiy, wkett toe aafc ty of taa Mate would otbertrsie be Impor- tbe strsams of recoe blood with wbica . lUed. It wee woa thnegh aeaturiaa of our giorioa eon hava coMecalrd', their, trif by oer Eoglah, aad rataptited ia aatnea to immortality, ahall "aof be a vara ; lha blood of ear Americaa aafeatora.- aad BBaeoepted saenficis, but through the " Esorbiieut graate of . power, to aay , maa valor aad determination of ' those 'who , or.et uf mea, are ' danguroa ia . the ex- tarvive, they shall be rendered f5caciooa ireiha. ' Th rgonirailoos of the earth hav to the aajvttioo of the aatioa i aad wita -eeea oue Waal.rDgUa, aad tbe ua heart strong for the ' mighty task- aad -may pursue hi great journev amoog the perpeaee asited, we will gtvfof our 8b sur for maer coUri before ha coua- stance give of oar blood we will toil ' urpart ie teetf among theTaoa of men. aad struggle, wu will suffer aad eadara, ' The J edge, the 3i"tratc and the SberilT throngh all the dreary '. watcbea 'of the shoeld travel regularly the path of their night, ahtii the dar star of dadepeadenoa, accuatOmed daiWv and alt respect 1 and flashing through the darkness ia the east, ooedietHM yirHeJ -tnenva 1 cam for which the good asm of North Carolina haa becotue proverbial ; Let all the eoaa plicaled machintry of the law,x with : Um nemberjesa auxiliary wTgaBixatioMof aocie ty be kept ia enremiuiag aetioa.' Beware of inringemeaU thertoe aader the pWa avrw none baa ever neea found plausible aad specious by which to rob the people of- tbeir liberties. It is the complacent excuse of the despot the' world aw a - - " a ' a over, lbe vrvirte must Beep watcn at to them, and most be aM to aotnet ao- count So far a 1 am eoaceraej; next to the prvmtctha State iuelf, 1 shall regard it my sacred, paramoaBt daty to protect the citijen ia the caioy meat of all hie rigbu and hbertiea. kloat asaeredly tbieg caa ae don by fwkreael we, givo them a cordial ?r?l- mWun'- 7 "l f0 hands, lfow-eiaravo,the.gr tmk which toe have: Bet before tee, a I shall reejlTsVArJswfcto It ht cxpecud of , tna. . Witboutit, I shall ilthoutit. be utterly powerto-a. Yet thai slavish uhsfeacetho.iaU jure both givr and recipient ie to U I avoided aad despiaed. I snail need true fritod, ruaafy frienda'wbo will both warn aad oeisure, as well a prawe whea it ia due. and with such shalf fiad mv labors ligbteuwd nod th path of $dety fcrwe difn- ealt.- r h':Z v :' . r We havu averytaaaea to belie thai tbit grrat hrart of tW vo of North Caroli.ui eWreJeeeted I to th straggle. Noeeiu the UuWracy hav made great- to amtaia tf. r- aoa vinoed their plnoUra will not tail. v Oar ioirvrdaadncroioldiem la.our.sUer Scati, though praUed wUh a gracing .Mnt and ofun overlooked or oalte aa dered, hav. , home our susdards with andying giofy ia the froaf of every tharge, aad death haa spread no fsau to which they have aot eat dowa by handreds. Taespirilofooglojtk jceeded, if pwasible, tbe gallantry of oar soldier to the tuw.t uag uws,tt oatba, and sedition ordirtaxioea, have, thaak Ood, been wacallad U; and saoV violewee, that daagerves oCspring of ravelatioa, ha beea eoualli irepreeaed by the eoeeurvatiam' . of aer people. To eot-tihue thia happy and evmndabUsUtoef toingslBtall'g Ciuaen. Mert thetaselv in wa uan'T MUM FellowiuxecMha, futore depeadso oararlvtr. The sklee are radUat with the sigaa of promise, if we do bet hold faithfal to the great work we have udertakea. Our vwtoriou , Geoerala are evevyalere driving aur vnemiea before them, end the . Ii!.l I.J . .V- 4 vaet armies wukq invauco, aa a m ntry stDtf of the year, have malted awsjMke I frttforeiheuady alo ofour troopX aniu sit huadred thoasaaij meaara aJiea ajr to rvpjaoe umib. vw-nu w wv, 2SY?3 ;"LSl mi :?fll'SL sad fcar then aot, s bayonet, a tree people . n.i i future, I am eoefldeet hold tWee a bright aod ghxtoaa desUay. The hoaadarie of ear yeaag Cepabiic; aa I w hope to see theta eeuUaad, eaabraoal the fjumt aad aoUest portions cf th thi poat: Thwr officers are le.ponsitlef eloJtinanwTO ! Vjrbperaie ione.f Ianammhle aslSca of ia- . I land narigsll wsters; i Ui'-lty trt of aea eoast :iadeaUd itV anapist hays.aad harbor ; the Brira.1d, frol& ' tioe of the leadiag eommercial tuple ,of s the farth a a hesifi off peWio'- credit; a oil adapted to thi successful calUvatioa of almost every article eecmary to the com ; fort and coarefliene of aiaa, tzXncti ia I aa area of 820,003 square m.et j atonD i J Ing ahh Bale rials for a great avf, com- I 'I J . I 4 I- I i uu wnmm i invjuaucuoiv iuiisc lef jjroa, copper, coal, aad all the valaal!' I netab ; aabonaded lactlitico for .buiUiri Bp great maaolactorie oa the streatut of . oar, tsoontaina; a brave, inUnigent' aad 1 virtaou poputaUea a u atberfng cht 'ciil. . : Hoas, wita Bear fourmUIlorfslarr, lonrce of wealth iocaloulatle , these eonstitate , tbe eomWukatle elmenU of a great aa- tfoa. be'holdiog them, to what aplendiJ vlaione do they not give riae, whea peace, " , blessed peace aad iodepedeiiee,baa have beee . woe I Oh, my ooeotryroea. Jet a ' reaolve' thi UVthat the aiaf U wee) ; I that North CarvKoa, at least, shall aot tad ta tbe performance -of her part; that saail all tbe whole earth with few JUE l.EBEL ONET r- AN f AWFUL SCENE. A member of on of the N. York Artillery cotopaniea, promineDtlj , eogagea- io me nri aaj a nnt in ! frojrit of Richmond, write aa followit . .JP.??L,t!f!ptrw aw ful muilea, each of tbem cooaiatfn ! a, ouarga oi powuar in life fremrc, mai i urcu witu a iua Uie same a a sUell. The niisile tirat acta aa a aolid tbot, plowing its way through maasea "of men, it then exploding, horliDtf forward a abower ., 1 f inusket ball that mow down tbe fa jU7hJpa.- ,T7$ Cpor batterr threw 24 of tbeeaa Md we h,d tXkCt - - "-- 7.":. But Uie enemy were not at all dannt P"cci wrTaqi oi mil qpoa v 11 wa, aa wait, aa oar uoraae, . ware not shot down, will forever ra- maio a mystery to mo. W did, not mind the leadeo haiL however, bat kept pouring oor casw obot into the dense maatoa of the foe, who came ' 00 iu prodig00a aad overwhelming 1: farCea. And tbej foni-ht .plendidl v, Oofabot tore their rank, wide i..Mii iw- tn JJg that waa frigbtfnl to wit- , . . .i, ".iiw -i-t . 0M doMd. gt Wheeze got withil! wOQ jarda, we ctoaed one case hot and opened oo ; them with, can later and inch destruction J, oarer r elsewhere wUneaaed. ? At eaehia y thktgo-roMmttAkioA thif ran ka judeed . wboU; comptv ciea went down before that, murder- - one fire, but tbey cloned ip with aa order and diacipline 'th&k waa awe inspiring. .The aeejned to be an( tuated with the coarage) of deipair. ,,.' ... 4. J ' fiW ,f thJ "fib & wiwiming rnao vjnvo rvBi, vutr otUon. It WM awfftl to tet tbetr rank torn and ahattered by every diacbarga of canuter that we poored right into their ueca,ad(l w hue their I dead and dying Lay fa pilea, dosed I.. ...T, . I . np ana SUM lep C vaaciqg ngm in the Ltce of tiia fire. , At on time. tlutw linea. oe behind anotheri werti. , lUaiiiy TanciniT. .and 'three- of their Hag were broight int range of otir gona abottodtth XeaaUier. -.Rre! ahonted tba gonn.r.and; d owti went thote thrto Cage, ana a EP waa opaocu uroup. una aa u a wnnaeiBpa throogh thea, and th deal la la swatha. They at coca cjotod p aad t i

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