We 'I. 1, t i soma Utfitederate xacer bropgbt i before Go. .Vance ample of ci CtroUnAre: . 4 iLmh tollLtnl 121 TH. anmmr uVm! thwrn fMe ihwlr and actual! beJd UieW authority for making tbe arrest and POtn V,Uiib,ni held.ng lb citirens referred to as ea lo tbeir relief. T1.e ttchmoi.d Tk h.l ru. f - .tb.-i I samuMTg corroborate the State- nature: tie then told tbem tb.t ?H A K,fw t,,e mnIt of lhe I neitber bendrtbej bad any right to D"" wwer --7-make soch arrests, except in puree- . rTwo tlemen who, aioee tbe ance of tbe action otb magistrate ; la K ?lU .,L H. nil K nrH..rwi lh. ..rir.r A h rafiwti 111 DOrtlDIT f U (lead Oil lb released, lie declared it lo be lua P1?" f Manaaaai, arrived at Gor nnrtinM to ntibnM th tbe eacreedimenta of militarj pow- near a rocKj eat to me ra.ind . . I n.Lf.1. - al -1. l. ft..!.. A? U p'lieat.batlnseiJuuattd . J& LUTiV: JixUZZV . ; 5 v v',.... ' battlca, took to pelting tbe Yankee 0001)3.1 nm ncca mxced A3TictX3 IN;gTpRE.; TT C HAS JUST ICCETTCD A lAIOK doriarille eaterdaj. neport j Wttt aayalgUU H UmUU CMkUy hwW i I f Ti. er, aad to protect ever eitixeo, aa &r a be cue Id, in biaeooatttottonal rirbta; ad tben, torning to there Uaaed eitiaeoa tbetoaelf ea,' be ad monitbed them abarpl of tbe im portance of ao acting aa toaVoidjoat aaauiaon, and tolU them that all bad been killd with piece of rock. Tbe rocka 'clotted with blood, Uj near, and In ufanr caaea upon tbe Inanimate form of tbe Yankee aol diera. Tbiaacoonntcorruburateatbe erho riolated the law. or-dirtarlied 7 Weh we bad proi0lj beard tbe peace, or commuted acta calca- of a regiment of oer utnv danag lated or intended to injure the com- - !- of 30t afters having mot. eaoae. wonM certainlj be pu. xbaoted their ammowtion, uaail iahed. But late mnat bave ita ibI,adTrie wUU Bd coarse, ant tbe tuilitarj power mnat pce df ruck. U kept within iti appropriate ".L-. 7. r We gite tbfa aa we beard it from ZllL . . . ( port of caoDon in the D'htitiif at gtntlen,en who happened to be pr.K JJjcljmon(1 .lld tf Manaaaai a?die. Ladled Drees Goodj tbe coon ted aeventj iankeea.'who I rch Lia, Mbim. fWatWCaiM.' Or IM-ws BiwiMta, tsm&mrt 1HIM M PM am ari'Mi Umu, Ua UaaAfeiaw MwIb UM4krckfeAj, fl H nuII al aB fric a fry Ury d4 T HoMrt,' Ulotta f Wlljr 1 VaMrMesfVloM0OMratW 1- a Ready Uad Clothing. COATS, PAltT TEST of lH(i.a pfMM. I Mil um mm. Aim, a hiffo M r tlilinery Goods, BONNETS 4 RIB80N8 to Mil. "military goods, CAM M Lar to Mil. A ffj la rp lot al all aiadaar i .: i f -r- ftp Y v. ... rw It la Uaateaib Mwiaa la for aala i. ' X at HaakMUto, aaWry ui,lu, c W ar4 a4 rtytia. aa4- at Cat.. Aaaua mi Mata aba. '.',.. ' Tka MbaerAaf aatttf aaiaraJ laU aauw MraM Ma r.Ca.ari8alMtoaav ajribaaiaaafoetafa aaa'aafaafiaaaWvaMa. Mat, la fffMft,tolaiU a MPpy j , NMiaf Wei at Mattti. II. C. - . , , t vs .,' I III, Jaaatl.lUS. iaaearytJ;itI t-.tfTT trs uk ouciiicvuiwvu kic l .;.T k 4 -t a: ... i Got. VancV wilLincreaae bi bold ... V! 7 nuaothonxed aaaainpliona of power r. V. V v I naaiaw1 itin aa f f e? ewain aiakf iiianw af ajpWP &H HV itiaMJ T ve bj the tnilitrj4 batagainat everjr thing designed or intemdtd to crip ple th Southern can s. debeii eea that we can. achieve likrtjr in the contest now giin on with our Nor thern foe, and at the aaine time preerve it intact among ouraelvea. lial. Standard. .Aon fc Vonrnju 'An lm provtnunt. It will In? een, bj an order isaued bj Gen. Martin, for the Confederate State, and Gov. Vance of tbia State, that hereafter con acripta wijl be allowed to aelect the infantry regiment thej maj wiah to join ; and that regiment on duty of tbia state are allowed to recrait Order. Xo. 2, dateJ IU!eibt Sep- uA,ty .9 bl rhiai a decided imptoe- w T V1"5; AT",e w1?r 4-. temberd. Thi our country friendabavealwaja been' able 10 teQ wben aiflbt vaa going 1 engaged in b!linir tlte bank of the Jauja. ;- Can nou were plainly heard bere on Thnraday, Friday 4h1 Sat urday hut- in tbe direction of Ma- naaaaa. MiUo CArvnieU. ; A Wager Won; One of Stnart'a officer, in an account of the late raid ay: We caught Pope Quarter master and got hi and cotutniaeary1 eafe with a large amount of money in them. Thi quartermaster baa been a good deal in Warrenton, and wben we pasted tbrwugb tbe next day, a yosng lady of tbe place found in. lie that be j. TAILORING SHOP. rTlUE aaaaariWaa?(aeaafajy4la ftal JB. mm wwftaoa la ata ahaas w afr 4 to wmk ia a BMMwrto fiva ala Mif raauo am aaijrara af waa arMa m4 wrrmt4 t fit. ; Timm km hmg aiaaftaaaa hi la aaafaw, laala Matal af Mof alia to flmm Jit al art mmy favor aa am a laatr iwf- rn aaa m4u toaait Ika itowa Coaairy aw mm laScaia rsclbtaf U wh. C. N. PBICK. gataary.aty I.t8- 8-H C0PPEHA8, . I N D I G 0, .: Piji til Lim Treapllj I -1: jaka A. XfW, W. J. UrCaaaat, C. Maaaaaaaa, t'.f.WW, Jaa M. Garrrii; Jalw Ir Cata. 9- II. P. Wilaaa, Wat. Bni. aY.DaW SleKalgal, M. f . tWarvaW, f, H. LiaaMt, CfraaaWraaf 1 1 W. A.Writkt, Hilaiaftaal aUWfl E. . Tf jJaaWitaj,,; Alvaaa4r MnN HtwMrat TaM Mr. Ga. Iallif .laaaiaa Janaaaa Tumi tilbt Pr.W. C laMMf . WaattiaMayfc !. R.r. M.yaaH. raSatoa f 1 . K. r. W. Ma, WalMatifta.; ,. f V ., v ' aataa A aw EXTRACT LOGWOOD, j! J nnntrrva .inn a Ic.r. mendinhalu, u ;:r, -M, I f ETEI ADAM VITRIOL, It ADDER, MATCUSS. CAXDUiWICK, PotmU ay . ' HENDERSON EN N 188 ra.e IW. ' lf brfa aa4 aaiall. I aa a4 tmrj: Cawa aaa aa4 aB, rrtal aMt MM I, aew ia tea UaM to rl ! barfataa. aaa aM aaaitivalv ifca laatdMac, Thaakfal far aaatAf, a4 aoM far a aoa- liaaaac. a Saliabary. Jaa 90. 1863 if NAILS, &C. Tl'ST EECEIVEO a wry UrwU af Naila tl fn 4 to IS. AW a latgafei UK" EH oTavarraiM. A larratot a ailAVINO aa Tut tiOAT. II. E. MORAE. Aal. nmilOZ THREAD. A M af BOOT V ao atlOE LACEaV H. E; MORE. Acat. 1000 POUNDS Ncrrt U. E. MORSE, AfV frikn laa JTm. H. BmV V whiea a m at laa al anea, Te ill when It nay Cenerri ! A a THE UNDERflUNED II AA VOL ali a MrairM to fa ijgit mm Uitlrt aVfta r tmi aa jroat aa. aa aR that ia Mat to rii.ia aauat Hiwa akf aH vm a fa toaVtoW la mm 'toaal aM- tla ivUirly. M ka waala to MJ aM ki aaa tafar fca IravM, aa ba aWa m kmmm I arkal fear ha a M araWM to Iba iVM a actio. Ha eaa aa al aH uaa tutor al ULWDREDS OF ARTICLES 'c m M 'T,B r iEs;EAT; It? HICII ar toaTaaaMMM to MaMtoa.aa Satafcary, Ma , 1W3 Ma ia Ida Stoto. al lb awatat II. E- MORSE, Af'L . ment. It4 ia in strict accordance, too, with tbe conscript law itaelf, which provide that conacripta hall be permitted to aelect their o wo reg imenta. Heretofore, ill tnany inatau cec, they bave been huddled off to regimenUT notjof their choice, and but httle attention paid to their wiahea in tbia respect. Gov. Yabce ha ordered clherwise, abd we have no doubt tbe service will be bentfit ed by it, while justice will be done to the conacripta themklvea by a aithfol enforcement of the law in tbi reaped. Ral. Standard. -A i ii .iii Cwunrwii. This Ohio tity ba a population .of about 00,000. . It ia situated dnthe right bank of the Ohio river, Itt tfale below Tfu- burg. aqd 1585 mile above ew Orleans and 502 tnile. froiu ington. . It is the largeat city of the atiaaiaaippi vauey iioriu. oi w OrJearia, and tbe fifth in twpulatioo . m tne uniiea Qtaies. . me river i 1B00 feet wide, Newport and Cov ington in ketuckj beSog Heated"! airecuy oppoaiie o ii, on ue leit aide of tbe river. It ekport amount ioabont $0,000,000 a year, and iu iinrt abost $85,00(1,000. Among tbe. article, of its" annual tradelare nearly a million of bushel of corn, half mil.'iotr boahel of wheat, more tbao half a miluoo bbl. of -flour. more than half a million Lead ' of bogsvand nearly 300,000 bble. of .bad wbkkej.l; ';T'"'"- ' ';'V" T ould be in Richmond br tbe first of September ; so wben she beard be was coming', he bad the;bottle of wine at tbe gate ready, for biin, to the treat amuseuicnt of all parties. The fllow took it very good bpinor edly, and drank hia wine to her very gbod bealtb. j ' Davimos Cotutai. W art gratified to know Uuu it ia Iba rarndae af tbeV Tntf aod Faculty of tha UflT to proctrd w:Ci iu tfrrxatrs notanthMandtof the eoefMion of Um unto. HbT uxxiUl u not be Una? Tm iMtructors art exampt by law from nuCtary duty ; tnefuodtof the institubob ar attSV cteot foe their aupport withoot aid from tm- tioo tba piaoa m btr removed from the aoeoea of War and daifgw; ao although the number af atodeets moat of aeoetaflj ba atnaj. ler than foonerty, Ur are uU youths io the countrj below tJb. tuUdxrj ajf, who oi?)t to ba employ tl in thnr ia nnmbm auf&deot to eiaiotaia the Coltrpe un4 otixy aimilar kU(atiooa oo qutfr a-. rwpectaW njr. A aad tlmgn arifl be for our couo ty a the exigences of tie tiroea, ahaS Ira-J our people to Begled the edecetMA of their tube aad ilaugbten WmUr hmcnl 25 Hand Wanted. PREEEREXCE five to MUieia wteea,! vafk aa DrawervMj 8arta.. Gm4 wagM part. m: K. SUKKE, Ag HEAD ffiXSBBRS: Ceafrdrrate States Jlaoafalery nit bj. Or CAPS.MAVER 4CK. (Oil Ctotk .a JTaI'JSi, 11 CafMt.) Mia'taiy Beiua. Gut Laea. zi,.T!Lu ate:. Oil Clata Ovareaale maa uwr.' - ll.E.MORE. Al. Utter Pipcf EiTtltpciu . 4 LARE LOT Of LETTER ea4 Noie xa.nri.RiM a.ivwrc. ;: :- y II. E. XORi K. Afeal. Relator, Jeae 10. lfC) . ttf PRIVAyE-BQAItDING M. EX or !!? gaMlanaa eaa eataia Board and hodiiig. ia a arivaia laaMl v. a j the eay , erM4.ee 1 a apefjiBf at laa Mil aMM Ow Ibfaji tloMa. Z 't C. A.CAEJICROaa. alMkry,Jee la, IMS. - Ttopmm lou ef tbe; Federal la the late enaent eann4 be appfozimated with . any accuracy, Examiner, tboozn from tbeif own admtaeiona. . and from tbe knowledge arrived at. by onr own commandertit was in deed immense- Gen. Lae in' .bi letter to tbe President, . y that ba paroled on tbe .battle field over zjOOO oT tljeta " who were taken Eiaonera, end tb letterof tbeir edical Inspector to Geu.; Lee, give lome idea of: tbegteat' n ambers of their wounded aid dying left on tba field witb not even food to sosuin . life. ' . . . .; It i estimated, that, in the - vari on akirmials t and' battle, -from Cedar IU a. to the Potoauc, inelud . ing A. V. Hill engagement on Send, the' 31st; tbe Federal loss CAAaoCbe far' abort of 60,000.- h FKOa WESTERN VIRGINIA An official ,di pactli waa received from Geh.Xoriiig yeatcrdav. dated Charleaton, Kanawha, Sept. I3th 3 icUckP. M. Gen. Luring atatea that he naa eefeated the enemy and driven bim Into Charleston, and then forced bim to eracaate that place; that the enemy before evacoatjair vau ureu aou oewroyea ail nl . Hi tore ana uair toe to wax 1" ene my waa flying toward tl;X)hi riv. er, but Gen. Jenk ma, with bia car alrj, was believed f o Jbe in a poshiba th cut oft . bi tvttX.--Iiichmund V.' Nlac? : M Goem"r of Tex, Loo bnana, Arkanaa and Miseoari recent ly held a council t .Mirahall, Texas, and have iaaued an addresa to tbe citixens, nrging tlte in te ant ted re slstanc to the Lincoln power, ex preasirig tbelr entire confidmce in the Confederate government, .and their purpose to do all in their pow er tn aid the government falrar pre sent itmggle. : '. s: :Dfj)iaffilUVfmh?(iiin ia tba Norther paper eeptct the eoaditiea' af tba amaaaipated agroes there aa terriUa, Tbey are literally auncg, aod still .Ua aomben are iacreaaiaf. Without ike m- siataaoleflba foverametU, tbey would al) a hit BarriBd Merp, tbey ar ao.U sUlpleav' Bvotnte IJ7ery:8taWo. IB M aa ae aaretofare' ' It ia mitfyWe to Vm that Ibie MUalMkaMat,aafaa,at arat.aa a aVAbtfeleiMfteMai,aea mot tolka aaahe a faif Mtfateai ae aeei. efeta Meeaaa. . Tifl, aa etto eaa ai waya eave ihelf wala,iatfc liaefretteaW aVaW.aW aetoatAatto alate MM)e UmB mi bee aia I ' eheel, IfcrM keafiW kerraW FW aa Hoaaa. .' " . ItwataaM-a WaMaMreV jw.- MERONET A BROi AabWy. JaM t; 1P. !: V ; - FtRRdry aii Hachlae Sfcepa. JTOR SALK. 'pit E eefif n4 Bit (, Ml laa tiie X ai rMVy aa Maa aM arci ia tkia float ajr M. Bya A He,aa ircaat- in BMwanoa af Tnrek A RaaVr. Tfc Male toUiiaf ia M feat Itoai. 1 Ut aWp aa 14 M ai.' Tm EmmV, ia C a? 4tr. BaefcaeMh Bavf WJ mj W. I rMyiay jo. a Malt alial awwr f anr. aa at aowieaMeleteeeaVaal4 fue vetlu' It a val eeleelato M MaaaSxtariaf jaa lie at Afneeieral toiyUaitata, a a eat eatfy m prti't for MaLag faM, geM aa iaajuine. Tea xaftniat at vary f Ike li- C R'ailroa Dveot aa afWea ev' faailtly r raatiag Maiariai aa luTVafAa. axawta.' ll 'will m aul Mr' aa -ae .ewl 1 MtcaaM mmt a Mtiafeeaartfy eerefe' T fertoar MrtiraUra iMm ai M StMai W,C. -,Ji-4; , . , AU EERE Mirth n. wr . iiu - ; E7 Riefcetoa ' EtaeHMf . CharWatoe Tee- n-e.NaHUk Dav-Bouk. aa WejierMMi Joa- aL wiO aeatoe) Iwiea i war A fcar Mke. aa Reward bilk to D; A Oaea.taa., al Ula i ClSTOtt OIW TAITNEII'O OIL, MACHINKRY 0IIi SWEJ2T OIL, SULFNUORPIIINK., , ; . $UliHr QUISLXK. -V' aujtorjujf. . - CASTILE SOAP, To eel k . HEfJ)El!MM v EXII Feb. I. :fc$HV r: r -V 'WI . Fre!4aai." Viee-fieeieaeL ' Alloreay. . j WM.II CUWVINC . Oaaral Afaal. W. I, JtcTONJi ELLt ...l'-'" " i. A. MEIAXE. - - Eaeeaim Cm. J. M.GARRETT,. r. AlteeeimaaieaUea ee kerfataa eMett eUklh' Olea.akaeWk arMato FETER ADAMR.eeeretarr 6rM aakera. JI.CwJaae tf.lW. tf4 . HTJBE & C033AUOI7, - I TAVIBI4I fercUa W J. p. r 1 IX Row a A C, Iktir tattr. ror- toekef TtK, MHKET'MO.I, rEK WAKE. 9TQTES, . eeweaaflke tarfaat aa kadt ir H l COOklNO. FAR LOR A9 ' CUl'RCB RTOf EN araVr ia Ikia amtlal, aa ill ar M for eaak a few aa eaa ba ka I Wtat- ra Jlank Carvliaa. AIm. aH kia flaia. .. JaMM4 Tl.X.WARE a a PTILLR katae kaa. All kiMa Ta. kal-!re er Caaf verb. al tie abatai mf. MKJRR A 0SSAMO5. RaliMarf.Jaa,.t3.IHI. Ij3 DISSOLUTION. Ttl E ftna ef tfcNMty A Yaf ia U if ewwrfva be baaiiaMne. A If ptin laeVeta to n riwJ a ea aHue ea. Aeceute aat ba iW A- U Veae A T. C MaNaalf eie aaitor- ii le aHil aa let laiiam el laa ttm.:; , T. C. McNEELT. A. L YOOiU. ' W. a. MeNEEt-T . October It. IMt- Till leaieM wil be eawUaea(al ike 0M Sua by T,C. McSeety A A. L. Yaeag, bre tbey wA be bapey te MS tketr U te IMMML . ' - Owe lereM are eaaiueWr C$A ae EarfrJ T.C. Mr ?t CELT, i A. L.YOIHU Oct W.lf-41. . If4l tforeea. lae. at.lMa. J THOMAS K.BEQWW. 1 SiiItRiee Dtpartnrtt. ' CO f FEDEtTE RTATER ARMT, 1 ' aatam-av.lt. C. " l ie le Meekeee eeeaeee Rw the Coew4rraM ateui Any, Vi t x ' BACOX, $L0URUEAL det; t wkieb tbe bifbiel Maria! artoa wJ bepei.' r Tm baeiee ekwve midae to mmm e wi ia a to taeer aawMjlega M apaty te A. NY ERA, , U -a v.; Captoia A. c.a.c.a.A, Dr. 7m. XL noxxerton IlAYIXG meral to t ati A ary. agaia ooVtlM MnUaWaaal Mmeee to lbecusM eftbetowa ea earraeaiar eeeetry. Oi Mr al ad tea ( a alaaa rahMoaalty agaga4) be a a el iba iWyeVa Heeaa. r ltt aUbt7 Ctle ScBtel. Mr Rtbonl irtR evea le tbe Male Aeeeary a tba fikb' tt. TeraM m WfMfct . . Aw Off EXR. . ' "P-,'. Ml BLANKS OF ALL KINDS Far SaU attiU OJlc$. FAMILY- FLOUR -IAN be faee al.tbe BOOT ae RIIOE J FACTORY for mU. v - JOIIi A. BRAWIfAW. ReJUbery.May aeST y(t -. I . - iARDEN SHEIKS WILL rntolee ia e foWaraa Mh aeaert Meet wf GARDEN KED( pel ee by aaiMriaaee enetbra etalbwa.. F mW by V HENDERSON A EN NUM. j . Fabi.lBO-W .. ., i 111 RAGS 1 JtAG 8H TEN THOrAND TOUND OF RAG A. WANTED. Aeg. UTtl Cafl af tbe Fmi 0m Ttlutle Jrrwj Ltsis fir Salt- W IX a ELL FRIYATELT THE etow aw wbick f awej rewaeM)iajMag -, . 215 ACRES, - abaeet llty ef wtorj, h frr.k elf.rai. Ike Wt a m beery aaakaee. A boat to lUeew Rilrna8iiUMe be ffattoe e Ike ataea,aai M it;fcee MeveeVai to Ike Krtk Caatiaa Rw' Rue, wmI ereR aey tba ea.akr. Tto beitAava. wkieb eee aU aew. eaweiet ef D.S- lag tfeeee, Rar aa alt eeeraMry'eet ieta, Aay ewe wtoaia le Hetkaae Seek pre- Cny. MB eeW aw eaa, e aTM toe et Uaftt rg, K,C Tbeee vnUng e'kefgala , eeely anew aa I aai eaterabM to elL Tare toae.eMt. - .-J. R. FtTXGERALD.- ? Marea te, lUS'flt?-; tfff;- -9;-UMBERa:vt Til E Mbeeribe, Irieg aear Imf toltoa.ai Be'ka Mwaty, ! Bfefare' to ferawk 1 MMeMaf eae iMBberaAbveie ee Mere rKat fJ4eMkeaeVe. RMlteaikertofer Mwlract. Oteera AUneer to kito al Drf" Hmm Eerie aty, It. C , ", MeeiM Mweue. , p - . " T,L.Cf - Mereb n, IRO;; : . , ON- t II- yaS. MUUarp Prison. ttl!ef''J ATOm toto MWiHul ei ton7IV MWHaMMni htm via Ma a at I ml mm Ami WW Haii ia taa Ctot,M.e to are r Mm4I f w e at ru4 JAMES IIOU AH, ?ea Mef'toWe' R. ataiarvVk smV 8AUSBURYN. V ; KEEFR eeaatiaity ee kaa lerge awat ef W1TCEEJ aa JEwUBl at. ellklee:'v rn. '-':' ' --t ClMke. We4beaaawivalry frv '' ' Mrr4iM)ratMialke.kea4 nuaer ae -' - - -"- fX-. rakraaiy U, IM'. 7 ly ; . . . fi fHr ,: f FEGG ED AN D aTTTCII ED BROflAN; - V at . . m ... J a .t. - I - aj a, we ew mm m m aaare - .TF.ewrM ENNISR A BRAl Jaa.rMSO.' . eer Xaaefactarr ia VaSabery. . tfc '.. niANK. DEEDS '