4 . ' i ii a..-. TUL" ILY. L:3B'UitY$":Nte0CT0BEB-131862, :;..! xNUMBElt:21i ft. Oil v;?M '' ill1' i ! f ' ' . ' . . . .-... . Jgiy "Tirri ii'tinLitt8ii . a W ft w OS I..: (""- ivaW f fiber. in Jii i m t. witm iw w. f ift;Ur ..ti c U t-- W l tin. "' U, M4 tftB.illJ flHMliUl4l MMtwy L Grtnhr tW tijr i tW ft tvkUrtuioa C iXinf nm, m4 fr - IW Sir t TMif MtW Um Skk U to IIiM, B. II. UH. HiUKHbht i pm v kf bim M hk ft "y vm1 " tlw ttvif Mrr I U ak U 7w . ditW Sm IW tsUtcv ( citl UMnMr AtUati, to liick jro list U anX iImi MMfaM to rit to jri Mf p itw . fcol tUeti TtMfc W lit n- ym r y niMfh turn, i rgTrt . . m MattirM of A klBtirtxl anrti Itata 'HhMi la it ceoerf a fr awtiW tit pat, . ' I am awi at all wririwd ai Twer Uin at i t to kaow vkat ya aaJ datira are in y-iar aor Maaioi, and year ioabilitr to 11 anythintj ia aay wmtre code of lava to eatifhtea yoa mom ihm. Tba'tratk k tmmr 4B k anttaowa to the law a-, itrayy aaar ae -ao-e aainoniy afpo-.ua yea errtt O''V At - laata, tkaa I toil aad I Wa4. er h a a-ttorKy Ma ..f ort 1K la year er. v a-.wai, iw . fur. Voa eaa rufHliaUr Mrcia ao amrtu r"7 imw j win waiter. We lira aader a Coaniiteiitia. That Ceaiititaiiea a aaatt it war a wrll aa toac UeW ttot CwatJkatMMi hae dU lava aad militaty la ; law tor tto evrn aaa tw for mMiwry. Tae fiat are to Im bead ia tha Siatataa i . a .a i- . at Lmtf. and tto totir ia tto Uato aO War. Hat ia tiiia Oaaatrf Ihrr w aacO tbiaa: aa Uartkl Laar, Mid eaaaot be aattl, ito CuaaUtatiea kai aaidvif aa evil 4df flton eeet aonie eaaa a.' All tto law wakiaf potoe la tto CaaiVatoaia . MaM y4Yeraaei.l t TMa ia UMif ra. Bat itoi eaaaot dctoa llaitlal La, . afa. . . a . w-er ' aLlril ftft tIA - - -- - mm kiLi. lbft.1 aa abrwraUoe f all lava. It Cnf leaaeia- aot da it, nacb toa eaa eev oflotr of Um Oertraatoat, civil or aailrtary, o it tilfally, froaj tto MjMet to tto lo4. Cagraa ajy, ia c-rtala eaaca rfw-iSrd,, aapcad tto writ of toaret roraat, hat tkk to ae IiWm ratrttoca witb tto admiaW UatJaa) of jatioe ,ao tar aa to. dfk aay party arreahtluf fcia right to a pefy and MUii ll 1 . U t-jlmmm, A. v - - L. ft. ' - v acb party ia redreaa to ae illfal amat. It dare aMttoriaa arreata etpf t apaa lli(or aQriwatioa apoa pretobie caaatv It aaly aecerra the party eroa4 aoae' VcU.ni to ap)ar ia peraoa to aaawarto akargajtad preveat aay jweluaiaary ia V"rj aa to tto UmmUj or irfaliiy of kw errtaC ' It dura aot hfriac or topair hW Ottor eaaatMatloaal rixhi. Tkeaa Cna pm eaaaot topwr ty law. The Com it tatl&al faaraatoea are abpva aad kryead tto.faacb ee aaWf Ooamwa.aed waeb roora, u u aoakt be, akiee and toyaad tto - power af Cogrwt aad ejack aaora,4f W .weald aa, aUwe aa4 tovead tto power f poMtmeat, ttoriW, ia ay ofake; k Mty. Yea, to ttrtae, cf it, poama aa rijl ial aaiborkj ; mh aa et artto eoae. Tto onto ereatia.f toa Oil Governor '..of AdaatVwae a aoat')patle toaraatioa. 1 apeak of tto act oalyja .ft 1 etl aad eaaatitatioaal eaaeaot of tto BVotivee that prooi(4d H. Bat a wiae paotJa, jaaloaa af their ririta; eoald da v waU u rataetator, aa DeloW aa wall et praaaad a, tkat "aock art, o bdabla araaW AftfA a... a ' V 1 - . ak ""T" waiy eesaioar toa aware r laeta aaasa a areacft.at wbkft Tyraaar wis! owe y eater If caktly abaaiued taloaf. New, tkaa, ftryiatoa K If aay waa to toeeH totbre yaa for paakkatoat fee f2 to a aoUiar, or ew aay etkar fOuoa, wkere ttorak ae law pw to tto iKper bw-oatiiaj pawar. alsr Cut. r a a w t ; "Vi " Ilia. m. IM tfr waa. iftnrf will ufM of tfrrt iatbortarto. and tkM. a 1 .... M n.1 I aa l a Mr 11 ator. rtff art Urf Ut uW tMK, cc. Mu $4f taM M U lt M ILmm tm mm 4m! m m rf.lhiif t Ato mi U to mmn, Um Or to4 unit if imt tf.i pt 1m am. ftofcttv ITtUWrwrTf '7 toi M4 c fU am Ut M 0-Hj m4 Ii WId wwrtij U tW mumj tV4 tntf4 to tanl, tu 4.fJhiwv4 torl. M i f tfr4. Tto rswaf ti rrl iMi)'ia tto tj4 -Vf) ' w iW. (H to t ia tm r, aa w aa tae . a- - i " -a Wt to tlto BaWa aad artieto) W if lby roanait aay mim laa'totto raiHlary cud tWMa pwwnid, Itof are liabW to to trWd aad )'aabb.-J ajntwrdtaf u the m aaaito vw ttow If ttoaa Bab aad Artieto f Wart otaer ed. If tto aatbtare coJ far I tto anat k eVfcrtr la ' k W U4 to li)tmem Xtorratoaa tto aawer k v yilUr Grak a cWw 1 ka ... am toaaatoatoe at t.t. t . j. u aa Uy oVelare ebal atoll to eri t&Hr rmmary ar anl, or eatoUM any tn banal to peaili vtot ttoy anay a V clar. AU ibeae aaattera totoag to Cut rrm ; am atMare yto, k aay ofMaina, ftoiainf k atore. eaai aria! to tto rmmW- . mMM m4 prvv.ttoa tcatRaiioaal l!V 1 In. .. . m: : l . . art lliaa tkat ll Mailitar lw Val attbnnJiaate to tto dil aeltoriito. i Vm lLa Lfttsai fta.ta Bt.M L . .' f a plaialy civw. , . ' ; - Yoara, net iaprtfallr ALEXU8TETBLV& The foilowlnr well-merited com pliinent-to Gov. Vance, It from the Rich mood Emjalrer. 1 The Enqalrar waVeoe of the Virginia paper that felt called opHt 5 to cippoae Gov. Vance'a election, and Uia gratifying to eee tto candor with which it now joina in lue praUe t r Governs Vance, of Krth i Caroti. na, aeeinito lie winning -oUen opto lone from all fide. ' Uia InaiipiraJ ia one of the bddeat, nioat whole touted docnniente we have aeen, and Ctntaine Rot a word of cmiibirt to ttioae wboao vhject ia to crnbarraaa tto Govvrniucut tx factiooe oppoa. tion. ,Tbe papetl rtiat oppoeed b!e election aro jrivin hi in Itoir .plat dita; and tlniee wUo aapported him, indudinjr the many that are pleaaod ami tha tow ttot are chajtrianed and diaapiMHUtod, join inthe applaaae. Gov, Vatico iiot only tpeakaaa aaew alhla and tro hearted tatriot,.but la fi9 ao. Wa are glad to join in iVi praire., . . ,'ct JotaJre Vorww. The Vankeee have ajniin taken piwat-aaion if Wll nantahnrj-, Va-, and bare fortified the' place. ' At Soffolk the j have alaabeen ralDfrce-d. Tteir policy eeema lo be ta bold if poaaibte every place the are ia poaacation of, prt paratorv tw winter raid a poo out entire coaat. Ww expect to hear aooo of their relafbrcement at New bera sod l7aahlioa. It It time, high time, the aetboritfet were bot Ins aCcIeialj Ii preparie for u tdvtaes cf Cli eneay lata oar Et3 era Oototht, 7t ebserrc thxt Gen. Easrrrd b taiJaj rTat bj tia knlock U a Carolina tad GeorxU. DOUBARDilUNT OF COBPUS ftm Gilliam 5t 1,mj: ? v r IP . ir H lrarr "lwwtr,. u jpod tlUritr,. ttuU ll4 ritcmr, hit ctonavl. vent rnvtwr Um die ii4Mforcemeni of the Yatike c(ofic tivw fettl Hty AitewirftJ f ! J, t ktorl cat -to miL tlt Ttorfto IWt, Ut rrtmrt the wst will rrr m-Itoi-rs fJ ? bat rvferwH tW tif4 time ntt ' ,f-f iS4ai I aod wi ! f .axKaaa MaM f tfKAtiemtltft ta M trtJia ttoj arte, nti'mam ta tire Wti -ttoaj r.ivi. - J - Ttoy are m4 to a havl aevew mimiII toaa-H tia im ie f ttvilrr. Tto tw waa to-y Ua) mgvi. alaaM. rearv WaUifiij fcavifcj Wwea. tVrtovatet h ale!a. Ualf r kJ miaai ae iie waa hart, a4 tote tWiid rtba) iScCCptieii when ettofthie t fWr fr IWljU U late. Waita admoaiab coeatt toee iwaae w bfte re- war Leater a people fwt to treat tome ceee4. Oewaa kiled toa atoC k pwenaf d Uim fwwtewcet el Iftft Ttotw werw tot-tavttf evtCWee that ,.keea b-.tf. Let ttoai renovw ail tto ewajeaf t.fvd a aab. ttotr atoveaXIft pwpertj ae ftooa at if ajBWjliJiL-.!ir -aaaajiw ,tosettjla :-r-: : -- kea fraaaewttrttoefwf hi la tto nmm tiwrt wc Ijejf, to aa weee driftoaj aatove bt eart vbv eatw all tto tovaple of tto) Eaal, that .rut tL. .JU t..H. to every rfftt wkJ to Wtode fcar their aaila awlf wtow ato M eal. dawaxre-i to ct apafr Ttor, towever, r4ftrai oo' 3t day aionue, tto 18k tot , and iw e.t.ai arni wawc win m oawed thw UaaUrda-r. viHw ! felly tottow I iewt Datia, inC to throw etotle fnaai f a. sw. till j aad ttoOoema at wiU it ftred, atowt Uwu, wliew ttov ax Wft.! ttoAatvatoaffo4 Uaraa havii-r twwtoUr received faly aa ? aWpW xtortaaav Wtoi Uiatk ICoodaatbet went, and lhaft part f tto) CwMerato ajae- t had larlf femaaeot wU to pevw,!y aCur-toi ttov had Urraned for. On Toeadar.'ttoT retnd to tto s bowjbardtnent a. third tiara, Ut left 1 airaio after flrin tome tittr atoll. No more lire were bet oa war tide nor a ainle peraoa ;woaadod, tot tto town, we learn, ta torn todlr Amm I '..w vwa.. 1.... m-m9 t-auh ' Very few of tW eeiny'a atolU exploded, and thi probalily arcoaota for tha "the few caaaattie ', Every nan in Corpaa Cbristi and la the vicinity, able to bear artu, partki: pated io the; fljr,ht, but of cowrae their riflot and oiatket could not to made available At aacl a dUtence, The whole nnober ' ot. wen , ander llajor ilobbr, wat between aevan bnadred and eiit haudred, about fwohaodred'of bom . were .ll: leeraXj . -r: ' - QiiF Informant wat not preeentat thi bombardment, but reached the ricteitr about the lie, on hii wajr from Brownsville, and the above ac count wat jriven him by tlnwe wlio, participated.' The woman and chil dren left the city' before' tto bom bardment commenced. Our inform ant did not learn i hat the enemy ef fected a Laadinir at all. but we tee by the accoaot io the QoliadMti $eger that on ooe occaaion, forty of tto Federal landed, bat were im mediately driven back to their boat, with the loot of toor of their nam bcr, killed or woaaded. , : Pov&r i IteM. Thft Powder cxaoJictory of Baa Aotoolo ii taak Is j powder enonrfi jlo aopplj at leaat half tha Cpofodanta irmj, aad it it cqeal to Dopoofi Vest, Dart ru are a! tnada tlere to top tlr tit cia U.Arluasa. . EASTERN COUNTIES. Our ii,f,fra.tU from llii 2(rth. lend them l Ih lvvUtA9 on liititNi. fU ! hlf ir tli fMjrrov bwlnrunotTl,lliYnl.MM( erjr ciVof rHrtijr UcoiitUatU Jjr uljret t lliijir deprvUitions, J llie Etvrn 0uiitie mtittert arc no Kcttvr. Every dy apli to their mi try, wiiicii mutt n inerewea uy me tMtii aci4 wuicm win, auuee, wmmi T.i wurw of Butlef f Ww Or- leii, nl (lit MMrit (rr ankee rule in Miv.uri. will W iutunriied in NVili Cri4i.t C.4, P.lk,nr Mi art, tuu lien rbled of blf mil tt nf broirtr,1 id hi (Wily are mM tu entirely (lepemlent apou the rUaritiee of oilier. The boMJtea4 'ff riSSFTlM for. repltbt aoc owi-ht to f tvn rnrailent Taylrtiwbic1i be I , . 0 , r , , , , . , l1.i j'i- i.i-. ... i... i exact of hoemakert.' 1tir..n. floor' Hvatlitf lo Uia on, baa been con a. a a -- a . a.a tw-ateu, ana iiHnMita or weainiy RHn all over tm land have boeo r daerl to neerty. ... Xow what can . oar pende la Eaa- fn Uajroiiiic eipect teiier irom ! tiveir rhetnie I M0of. Btanlr baa f lift-Id ttUt la Ibtflfl tlf I :? Of llfOteC tola out to the beNKNtirea ana tneir urojenT take tto ath of atle the late pmclamatioa of atowa that, ao far at leaat ai C"cemed. it i no pro teethaa whatever.; Tlie Idea that oo It tto Uveef retola" are to t f declare.! free oa tto flrtt of J anaarj betf, ta a etott ld deceptkm. Mea wb.bav ahamefallj violated ttoir vww neawocea bdu laaen ma oaw, fVnew al 4Neettod.ri tl;e iVra deeply Waaed i off wdV ty5f 4eipntoctta by Ge. af N tto to fje. awaxv aw Uraabehaa v?e trtat-tto Cvrta mi toch tiWera- eaeat eaay jprw eer way e i - - li v.w ar.ta.iarn. Wowwda r dtaw ato ewatraeted 'im4 aaacb awrd. Tw eAcb widw aad ' . J I (4leY elaiaaasU, wa a-aie Mfjea tto etotoat aawthwd e Uim$ w-Aeeordaa-f to tto law, we bri-rew, tto wile to thw flrat eUaaa-O, tto ch.Mrrw west, father awtV ther aest; if to have neither wtfr, citild, iattor wr-wtottor, ttonjto claim faat to tto eaat f Let the trddieVa wifittoref'are. if to hare j4 aad if atotlto M, r father, or moltor, a tto raaw awij to, ap4y to aay itatolli-fvnt aaase trate, and. make oath ttot tto da cead eolticr. itoaainj; ' him. wto tolouged to each a euaai-aay and acb a repmwnt, aad died, wr. wae killed at each a time aad fdaew, aad waa hatband, Uttof er tw,wf tto vitneaa, and that there ia aw Bearer claimant living than tto wltaraav Lit the nrwtrate theft teetify wa the tame aQdarit to the cradalitr of the witaeea. Than taU thf Qt davft to the aerk of yocr Cocary Ooort, aad ctt the OtrkU ctrtif, cadr the Ooaaty tesJ, that the above named rattrata WmtemmfiJs Tea tice of tha eaoe for tald Coastt Gat aay repociible titsi t$ tilt the aSirru to mchssssi, Uplt or twad it t tta tsccrtsf cf Ca rres tVonr yov CSHO, rsjtr 2J3 wt, . lo collect it Rr,totL . ,n,,f ? tw" eiidUijf tbo daimjo areata &r 4- toctinjc clalnjv wlio laaka borMunt charjrS tWr tbdr labors- 8Hn diarKw 10 par cent fit collet - Sh wIiImK a(mh M fiA'a4jiMf4ta.' of a fod portion or th tltUta? ' .,i .-- jf,:!.' ;-Vrt tSIf A terj eatlmablo tady imal of tlie amarteat and prettioft la the I Ooanty- wbher lo kttirw of ,oi wfia alio nalit fo efiare per vard r'Aj bleca fit cloth now In tho '. loom. than.. cotton in which coat t W pet bunch.' and the wool roll per pciid. ' To thin nintt be added the' coat of ! weaving, Jtc We arc rather pox- and corn tpecntatort ftbaat, f l5 a Xrdj tnd if Iecn powbN a . cotton factorjrMord? blicCt boy . it, diarjce theraaca $23 A -trd ' and then the cuV t trr with ' him. To people of conaekli "wb not think ahe coald awllhar cloth " lor iea man By era, . ata, taaAft anything. Wben we taj clotb, wes I mean cloth ; becaoae the otket the beat and prettieet ftrticl that we " bare ever aeen mano factored lo the Bootkm conntry." This I nf d.trtoot lady teem deairona of aeTIinj her cloth at a price that will barelj par for the material and labor of ; wear-, log; the doea not desire a W profit, . for the loathe the oame oTaaex , iortioner, and wuhe to avoid it. Woald to hearcn that ail, Southern , ea - a.a a a aaata, . - laxuea ware iiae oeri inere wooia be nolaaioeat, no extraragaAce,M hlfaletio female tom-fnolrj, oo liltt' Uerlimaey, wno think that God brkii down' planoe, acreech like iirht-owr. cot fantaatic caoeVa in fancy dance, and hojr off merch aata dry foodi and prop themtelvet 1 ooat ana prop tnetnteieet to kr4 -at and-admire. The beet wiaaie a fatnale can make la thcae War tiiaee it the matie of the tpln aiof wbtoL-JeQm ClnmtcU. " SiffiilANTi Ttoeaat CL Lanier, Deatjnant ; C4-wel f the 43J resimeat Ala, , , haaaa volawteera, writeV tn the lie- '-" t a ri .... . - : i- r tie nwaj. irom iiaiawia, uits. ; Svpevvaber 13d, that qaitft a bril- 4 uaai irai waa pwrearmcu ncsfLiaia a -,. a .. v . v. -- .--r , va a -J i wiawaw tiaa tun uetx iraraa w. tiawa-aa, w vf. au(cr m anisaa I lUnftra, capttred erven Hantat fr to CaUirfa. ttoj hart tcsa fbrwardra to W: i ' .-. a a J. VW ' OM UI umicw aM ca-ald ttelea tie road aaaawtioae eewi thctato tsrrea cWtv Ttov tbiakisc km had a coa wnjr fwacealed tn tto- fwo, WcfT eaei!y laud doww thettrc. aad aarreedr4.-WArrw . riee ealaaUe loeetneti t es-y i.mJ bo lK tVaBfJftfaf L thai ttW-rhMaid W ITuTfitflt ajad ' " Uaowaae aaMtJa, aiacr, rcaclad LTtKhKari Lut triuf ftter th OtaK lUilreaA . Threw of tto fi va ere eainjred, aid toe ether twe -" UIJ m mntm ft. utmwj mw tM tkfltoliwat wevktaaaahip, ad toarr capacity, and ear i mated to to worth ia tto rawest toaaaee aearnfywf amacUscry At least f- tlccw. latraartlsre extrtiwsa wtr ra qtired t wi-etft tha tmtli week ' txrotstlt atahaaaoci rirtr, -t, aisiU Ca patssr thcat locoasa tlvca evrr the acrt-ta, aad it wat . rktri, jsa la t!a.f t rtt thta ctt a(thft way cf f w Taatssi ia tbsir Uia raid ta Ucsrrstaa. ai " aacr csa t;'? ; t-w ja , brcsU la taf.'r O

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