' . ''""IT : , , ' . 1 VI ' 1 J ai ' A It.fo ' ciiii irrn . arii IrtrrlaoMife. 4 5 TrT.. t-MK-Mr... i .if ir tl njl m IV.m i r, , I,-, jf ,-' " br i ' Tbi Urchmona TIWrtr tl.i lit!. baf a uw rtil wnu ai t f urn from tli't Oiiitwi "$tJwLw. wliflTitf t w will b lt)ir lcrmf Mtrd iir CiMiicv srs iriiii ill n lira f ar. IUjudni f: In sub- uwy;.vrv:v. ' 1 t. TUt fie U MtitfieI , tKtt tU Federal otScvr, olJiVr, iile tn tveriiuient r wrv, nii ve r tuajr f Own frauklr tliii!i,tliat liny lur Uvtf lMVttI U !l ,tb ball l i Virjciua aiHl UarUiMi, frtuu Ih . hattt wf, WHIiann4rx iJotru, ainl that lattlf 8lrwM liurie li them tlt imt t-rrii.o "detral f tb rar 1! h nMWIfd thnt irMtlior lJim nor twnttle tu rvti ; tbe fi(1if, bat tljat btli 1 Ir )ca ' v ' - J L Linottny Ut pncjatna'ion I irr'Wtf v dkjj.istt.l in tli artiij, anJ ! 4.jhtiiIj gtu! Uittrrlj JriHuna ed by prniiinltt. men ' leaIiW MfWii'jtT ilia Kvrtlia&UM w.i!J iiC, lavatIicn t4rail an wtvt jfv A war auch au b-jet-t i litllvrly dMMnncxL - ' ilU lltat bMk awkiivtv anU civil iaiM mnem to If vatiafivd that both aiM bav aafflcNsftilj alMtwn thfir eMirra, anl ah4 enoagli bltMd,and auffarvd mmtf.y'--: . Sth. Tliat th batttct bare Iboira iJwii UiaLtbcJSojith cannot b al dnv4, or th (Tnl.Kt ntird tl lal 1i e of tfita btjiit obllterateJ byili "flanitfrtn. AnClltat even , If jt c)ut ll raatorwf hj rcuuaaat, it.wuuU b with tlia attor Jruc tioo vflltuaicro'aoftlMibiith which ba beta Iba alaMenta uf arcalib to lIaNyfth.:.-;5. .2..-, v.. Atb. That a jrreat wonetary crivia U jiouandmt Jfortb aitd lika- i , .. j . . - -........ ....j iy )eruiij la occar. At a ennae qaenca, capitalutt, wtio haa bere tofra tapjiofied tha war, ara now loir paara. Tha North, to aarnoth ini of it aaatiifMiB dVM. ta how lin- ' 7 7... . -. - not foreign.: dbt an adrautajfe udw bnatetamlbv tha South. t porUng lieav Hy, and aiortln noth- oiainy ainca Mention, can iojC to pa vritb.' A Awnaaliq dbt hudlf U cipcctrdto ln;af immsdi loaf ba dpalt w1tb wilbvotpld but Ky ,ul ' rwtratbn of Nor;h r . a tiet perete atroxs n tiiripetfdfttff between the two ureat partiatat tha North, radical aiof eoaaar ativra--a atral aitexainpled Iu the coantry for bittemca and rancid. It U a- vowed to- be a war of extermination Cth,(od tnofa tliMJlHllMataf'WM gorernroeoi in which vacb party threatens tkeT a signal triumph will that other, in ca4 4 saccess. in tba-j be that eanie tha Union tbtg to the a:an x nK.Qa or Uie a ay, 'not to leave a xreaa spot 01 tiiera. - i ua wnter waa Infortned that there waa ';' wile "pread . coiiacrvat i e efgsnb sat tun dctermfned, forcibly te'reeitt Uie 4 fat arrest aied at the freedom 1 a? a a " . - a ' , or ecit and or toav preee, aaa , ne doe not see boar conflict of amis ai be avoided. Should it occur, tua war betweatt the North and the ,: South Jtaaided." js::-if-rTbere-'Ie tiiachia these statements ' and views that is .f dD Interval Xand xiflcneev' Tbef preaent caX V aironx probabtlilie. , But lite bauth mut not U deladex bv i therh iutony abatement 4f.itaef to neet the i tlier alternative fin imicfinit prrJoattoa of the War. - Ally such ; ahataoiaot would cba-ija the whole cqrrent of peace ' faeiiikjr at the North, for that is the resell alone of oWeeUtdished abilJ : ty to maintain the Confederacy by force of arms. Allow tha chain v to . cat the. apper band, and the - war & fjisx would be mora rampant than ' ever," As tohe figbt'amonjj thetn - selves, btn are Indeed signs of soch a ttinr, bot w most recollect that it Is not the Yankee habit to expose himself t the pensJUct of the Uw bj any pa pt;tos propensiUci, 7i may illajtrtla tiix ty aa, aotcdotj told u aoq:'ajexri hj Aim? Wt rW fWtir tfil it ir.ii VI mi IllH a HI bfeb Uy aaiamt. ill. cMadrvlf-d ,,lUrff, .U'AfUr j hrlniclnjc fairmBltj'tb ara'rall iiidnliQMttijbja aniiafiiaut ftjin rlcw four liiiiei to ;.iha"titJ eooWeralla leMlh J liina, mia ofieoiwaMaK-Vr:"'!''!-.- M S ' ' . a a . .m a ' - a j I & . . " m a idem Tttair. tV ll work rriii in thy taiMlANtif tf wit I., Our Nrtli Carolinian rW I tlMji to the InjurbMig irnffi-'. (jrKa t'ott f them that at the : iia (&iA cCwVi'wvi) Guardian, Narl(l rjMliH- In filil; lint of. thU (lie YAKKKE MENDACITY. TTie facility with wMck Yankee editor nianufactnre falaehoiid it r tj ia arkabla. A frivtul ln lhaar- bit eit aa PkHadelphia Inquirer, of 1 4rli Abguit, front which we tMke tlie following relative tolktialt-ctiou f 0vernr in North Cxrnhua. IU aniiri j'aiin have mat with a reverve 'Ti rival candidate aero a Mr. jMluiif mi (ScesMii) I lo l'rt-ridetit of ih Cuarl'4to and South Caridinn lUili'iad im the Iln. Zrhuiou JU Yaiico (CoiiMrvativr), iatr (7niit tuvuber 4 Cmgrrf (nun tltaKih D rjct of Nirth Carolina, altlmn jri bv'w ima ifi cMrintaiid of the Ten:. -ixlt Nortk (Tarolina reiftent,nar j(irhoMwL itie flgitt wa,qiiare between Hilceaaion and aittrsecee lion, an tier the name of Cterva tiauv and it 'wat mt bitter and an ftry, Seadinx to eri'ua rutta, on.ne of abicb aaooint at tcveiiteeH itvea were bwt. J'A"! VM ujirted ly atl the rbpiwer of ta State, aud hit ran va wai atbled hjf the Mirttate harangnei of Pryor, Wi fall, TNniU, Yai:cey and Picfcettt. Kven Jrff Uavia, bitunelf, w adver tiaed ! .vmk rH the eve of the elec tion, hut it u aeipeaed be waa tear ed off by tha fierce excitement -per vadina: the State. Of enrte, the gratifying reiolt if thia Cmt eontttUd election in the i ,:.'. . , - varouna ue. unwn. iuai can l""'. follow tlfe CXpuIaiol of the reb- i . . . .1 ' . Ifroiir A irjrinia. When , Kichmond falls, the lihet of tlie reaorted Union will, through the influence of the election on Xbnraday but, be. ex ten ded at Mie sweep clear to the nortb em .boatidary of. South Carolina. dome of the rebel eapitol, and liber ates the Hild North State V " THESE BLOCKADE CARGOES. We defjunv one to ' prove that theearxea of niiacellaneoos goods which bave of lata soccesafally run tlie blockade, and Imported by prb vale-spciiiatnrsvr ftavrTln any de xree benefitted the people or the Government of the ' CoiS federate State. Tlteir only effect, from the drat carxo lauJad, was to enhance the price of 'good. JA' f ' " Ia ' this connection we clip the foi lowing paragraphs from the Cliar Icatoa Courier . -: - An intelligent an4 observant jran tleman remarked lately that at an a'eetioft recently held, in this citr five Government agents were bid diug axainst', each other.' " ' Is it anr Jaonder wa have suffered from artificially forced prices under ech a condition of cxtrnmissariatf; . As a specimen illnslrat ion of some of the features of the auction system, we invite attention to a label or card taken fro m'a bale of prints' lately sold (a this city. This card bears the UUe ExeeUIor Madder Print, tad for dsT.ee or trade mark a ft-rr cf Zocave' raayvmA holilsj a U cited EisXa l: with(the eoUo 4 Thla titt iu jif Hi"C. t i aurtloti "otftfri pd a Una tnrkjtl f.irJYitiikval BraaaHiaa nan rwawri aai Mil aiuiiiimi iiutrad or tiwir rouucia Aa to the . enriroee w Mcuiatira. 4aipirtd i tlia liiaii 'ourdnit !Mfjc of fint,;.W tnent tlMMild intrrfvra and a Ths Oft of Manufaciurif m a pound Bunch of Xpun-Coltvm. , A gratlttnan, aho mny y"n waa ra od a' canalbatattland I pgr ir.lTrf(D!Tr "nn!-f i bi. band.. cloth 1a hn hm farnied a wub mm Swrxeott General the UUf'wg eatimate 4 the en - i minntely iiwic'ed tha ; bwplral. Whra cottta a arllinir at 8 ceau r-r and converged HY.!!ta)tlr(tll the lond, the eot' 'nmn-'MA'tiHif)Mnrmu our Srate,Tiaiitrwere Uad Uatof trntloa tlr4. iVIvUm f v thereby to adopt anch ineMoren tha ra matrrial, aaa ataul 70 frtti aad incladM( lahwr, vraring U mat-liiarry, Vc Then, ilia ael !ii prira waa 90 ert a harhwyinx a pnfii of abuat tO r Ci.l. to Ik aiaaofaciurrr, nrtt. Stfo that raw cotion ia at thin lima worth 16 ertita a paaad (nmnt U tha 0wnactar ra already had laid ia more thak. 6 mowlba apl'lh at half that.) nnJ l!iTxl 1 rtmn afat-turina to ! doNhh1 firmer ttpr lim;a M mn..r9 j em m uouui rain ftir material, tahur, ett. ilia att euat'of ridciax poaiala f f ara -will aot el ed t 40 cent, at the oatMle. n Add. 15 rr Cft. to thia, which 1a allowed . (y tlie C6ocritioa law (l 05. a vi-y lrjt jav ft oa ov baWb ofyaira,) ad the Wiling' erica will be 3 4 fbeiicti. Tha aaa rula will ap4y in cottoa ckitba,- ad ' re4raa th manafactuivr'a prio tO a trill kwa tbau 25 uiuta par yarj. Jrtdtll xrtu.w , - That are th t Laditt Doing I Tlie foreoinx inquiry haa appeared In several of tbr paper, recently; and in reply, some the 'Ladies," who have been at work for the Soldiers for monht past, would inqnir Wlkat art tha Otntl9en . Doij1 Many of thetn have leen exempted' from the ilia of Camp life and the battle field, and are at borne' amaainx im mense fortunes. A few; of them have contri bated! of their abundance through the-6eiety, to the absent soldiers and thebr' needy families; but what are the majority doing for the noble men, who through untold hardship, have protected them and their families ora-the desuTating inarcu 01 an invaaing ioei - Hie Lad iean of the II 1 1 lahorongh Soldiera Aid Society will cherfully take charge of any cntrihntiona for the SobJiers or tlieir ami lie, and they hope soon to receive a liberal response to their. Inquiry of ' What are the exempts, and the gentlemen ever thirty-five of Orange county, doing for our ragged,' daatit ote, Suf fering soldiera ia-Ngrthern Virginia. Any communication ,fr the Socfety ean bo addressed throuxh the Pwt OQce, or otherwiaa lotliePreiu'dent Or Execotive OHnmittee of the Is-. die'8oldireAid Society, IlilUbor oogh, N. Carolina. ..V;.. t llilUborough Ilecordtr. .', Ill DauyKal How ominous , that sentence lal Is 1 I low we auae ' in eonveraation, and ejaenlate, "ls a pity r How bis ittorher-- hnpes he will not when he gnirs older rand and hia sistsra peranada tbemaelvea that It it only; a few wild oatl that be ia sowing. ' And yet tha old men shake their heads and fee L gloomy whea tbev thiak of it Yonog mere just commencing in Ufa, buoyant In hope, do not . onox i on are freighted with a precIonS cargo. The . hopes of your old parents. f'yoaf sisters, of joor witea, of of year ; children au are . pm yeov In' yoa the aged, live over again their: vouogdaytf.xhroagh yoa only eta the weary oe obtain a pesitioa ia society, and front . the level oa whlejt roa place them, mast Enrol or raa &rAii.aoK North CandliiUn in 'Atelon-aMartand aa- jnially the gick and WMitided N. U Midler, In t Iwwj.lj!-; arvfa lel cheereil and delffcurvp f 'vjwit of oar be?'veJ athl " i(aUr Governor, who waa accompanied on bia koiHane crraind hy lha neWTy1 af.Annted 1ai aireaaj preeew jatinrn tacrrt ijt. u arrerv tlie oarxvon (wnerai Of the apolitical 44ecU of the Governor vUit, we have nothing to relate, aaoar Exicutiva ia remark ahla for bia diocreet remerT Stale nhjecte, aa be ia forlti cardial and (Tteeable ahdd"n in ' tha rivate circle. ' Ve,',hrwever, bat feeclm the otinin tfiUinr whole State; that a fiiuM eveMoate in great relief t tmr aiilferiiig bravea. ' J,t , A viait to Itchiioi Will'iitou convince any oueof tha,,vaaable aervire which may he reuiked by an eoerxetic and intelligent fcur-eu General fr our State ; and wa'ara ure hat the nieanrea adopted by Sirjfeon General Warr niut -re reie the aplause of tha State." Or. Warren iniuieiliate'y left for the army f the Potomac with ample means and aupplies fr our wounded aolditra." lie will provide auitablv ti fairltiM aiiiiinMl. , attit those who can be safely removed will sooir have art . ottNrtuiittr an opportunity of reaciiing their boinea, and receiving there those thousand ktiid .attentiona which are seldom received elaewhere; . A Noa7TH-Caaxo.iva Somx. ' KichmiHid, Oct 9$ 1863. Petition ofth Jdemlxn of Lincoln Cabinti on the Emancijxitian Prodamalion. t : LlDcola, ernaocipal:on' proclamation baa aroud ao ruuch htcling ia tha North, that it haa Ik-cm toand Brcetfaary to pal forth tha fcJlowing amioffir.ial atatemeut of the position of tha acveral ineuibers of bia Cabjnton the mraaorel " ' From tha ootatl- Governor -Chae haa beau the reaogn ixad leader ia ergtug emaacipauoo, and whea th matter waa at varieaa time aader diaeataioa, ha waa I alway Jla bradiag advocala. , . Semtarv Wall favored emaacipatioa, hjttt, waa aot ypechdly eaergetie la erging it, aa be Hv la urging any oint ia Hil4ie puliccuUid hi w nVpartrnnt. Seretary Sunton, if not origiaallj ae- ,0Khod, waa at lewat o,ad to it liva in Taror oteRiaai-iuaiivn ow ana ap- in tha '"latter diwiona.'Ar tba aam tira1, be haa alwaya beea oiiUpoVen ia !e cJanntf hia rradineaa to at r ike at alaTerr under tha war' powrr, wheWver aal wher- eeer t4aVry eonkl ba reacbed. . . roaimtater-Geaeral BUir waa, through out, tba moat deUrtnirH-d aad titter' op- r t of the enaaeipatioa policy, and wbea aae4auca of the, nroclamatioa waa nd knows to lb Cabinet, kt V" bapa tnor ouupokea tba aay of the member ia-pmeatieg agahvt ta adop Not leaa dotermiaed, !lbougb aerhapa more cautibua in hia proleat; wa 3cre te Seward. It mav b aafjf aatd.lbat be 'waa toe gtvat leader, ia th CaMneof rambling that wbicb the Preaidetit flaab lado,ed;.?-- "; -v ' Secretary Smithy aad AltortJevGfeetal lUite occupied about tba Ma grwaada a lb aatject v They dappwed tba procanatMa, aotbccaaae tbey were aeaea to .the ahohtio of alavery t but bvcaaae they Uliet((d it woald UeerUittlv aocoflfr pttaihed by kgitimaU progreaaof A war a it boat tk lUp tb iVrudat kaaUkea. Tff J&lieed tbat abataiaiog from lb proclamatio wookl aav troabta.la tba border Sutea $nd avoid, potaiblj, com pli cation at lb North. , la short, they W hered I peahing the ear aa vtgoremJy as poaaibla, aad bad 10 doebt that tha a aaury raautl weald be lbs danraclio af alarery ia lb progret of the war Se cretary Sallh ia aoaantood ta hav urged tbaa vUws view vert atrea -yrttoraajr Gaaeral Beta with kaa fafsaey.i ;f - Tkare was aa actaal autarky In the vea at last, hb UuU U aay txS,;kn: .jf1'! aa;' - y, :-" 1m V. O TWsJtytotifnA i-PreshyierJaa rsli. "ff.ldbtfhajo4 Gretila,;st Jese, al a '.m w"mw iWir - invent teryu uoncwii , Mtviti. sfiatai Several. ttlpbrtera tafaiibla' Clittlj, wbavwevastonr a bra f,r r lory tMrtv.bave been drtioeed' Tl.a ' Grreueville Banner baa' no 'dMf r fr.m the Indies. hhs of the fate meet-V ing of the PresbjteryTth.t i),P Cum berland Preabvrerlan Pl.MM.t. :?t anon perge; if; an.aisloyaL ! Whereas, tlie.coaatnr la now nn.'. dergoing.a ifreaf ree,Jntfcn. and. J whereaa, every eraoH'haf to lake political poMthm with ima or hthir t of .! contending partfes and ac-V - """,i,,i 'f't. njtm lumie ana1 " g.-vrn,and ask tbeir prbiect iou and4 share their rt one in wafYiia whereas, onr national ril.t. . ana Identified With the Caitaderata -.t Stataa nf Am.rf- Rvedi tliereforr. ' TlMit w. tha meinbers M ilia Enaxvflle Pieal.y tery.aifiha Cumberland Prral.yta rlan Cbareh. acknuwledge allegiance to apolitical power sar the Coo"? federate States. !? A-,f- fcsotwd, furtheri TliatVhilJwV erpi uri-ioic m iMtrrpTS Of Wf ' thst onr sympathieaaiidour orarara.. ana., our. aiu are flue and aliaU wbet. f tf l" lhJ Gmfaderate States, !' :n .blo peace be secured In' her independence, and wereeotn mend to the membership of the eon gregafion under oar care strict obe V dience to the, powers that be. - : '1:. 1 -'-. - -,1 r 1 Yiraiiila has a-reaenra of Rimtm Tronps of 20,000 onder Gen: Frnvd. ! and 800th Carolina has, we brieve,., 12,000 onder an experienced com... jnander. - Will the Jfcrcurv in form - nj if t he Jittef :figirra, are (correct t Our Legwlatore, soon to assemble, will be called on to consider prompt- Jy oar -State defvtfeea. Wiib tha .t J proapect 1 before, aa that the enemy fi win aoott inaie oeaperata attempt -to extend bia lines .still farther td-: wards, owr Interior, We moat have men to meet tliem. Self preerva- : 'thm is the first law of nature. "The ; blood of Douglas can p'rotect itselfL Tlie religion Interest rostti tested ; in the arm is on the adrsjee A general, .desjfi vseema, IcAnt lor reading tracta newapapers, and good S books. ' r--i-.jf,,, t'J.i'"ff i 1 j i 1 "V . .. The Lntheran-; Curch'Jn" thtsV Sbfte hasWnf out Bev, Mr." Bheck, to soUcit donations for tablilin5 , a school for, Ute edocatioa and m home for tha dangbtars of soldier v who have died in the war. . : Two t ;'. gentlemen in Forayth Coanty have owtriboted 3,00p. PaUigl Gsb-:' dafdt i -.'.'" -' t; At the late term of that JSoperiorH Court Jn lorsyih, two pervnas who i had been imprisoned onder tha I charge of deserting from the army, were bright before bia Uonor, J edge Osborne, praaiding, by a writ of kbu corjputi and were discfcxrjy ed, upon the groand of having com-T mitted ao anfiicient legal offence to demand their impbrisobmaaJL i?oiV Standard, u, 'i.v,.. ..t. a wn; Jicxsos oxcx ScxaocaroxaAtt . army correspondent tells the foUow. ing Incident that occarrad ia iTsrjr-: land between Stone wsilJaekson and i tliaitldes? They sorroanded the old ; : game cock, (he said Ladfe, this ia , ' the first time I was ever sarrousd d,) and cot everj bnttoq off hia 4 cost, and, Iter say, eommeoeed on, his pants, and at one time it wa , feared he would be la the nnjform ef a Georgia iCslsaeetainas all e-; eept a ahlrt eollar. aad tuam For' oca do wxafcadiy V

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