'7 , I - I J : ; .. I J Li " t-. I "U '.. -1 .V7EEIILY. TV I ' r Hi- V-.. !r I V I f r vi . t , V Vf' "fj ivJ Lj v-JV . Li r.-'f ' VOIX& r 'V''" ' , tOirOA A f pOfBICTOB. V- rCir jit ab WivcafaiM. T . ' : atUtmirm '"to LtUietfi Ktnn JlUktttrflFrJmfdLt Vfowsc, iUrylWM!. I WWHrt wUrlhrf or MOi rt mr it ; hki w ttdl U tlMU lMt irMetM 8mi, miih to elf Wrti J ieSftt ccUr, pr U(W Sn Sont V but ! r. tMH iaiynriWiM k that mwIi tHMtawa tlM, jJf tnm m wU . iort la mm Mctw. it m m, if"Ttai it tNMil f wiitvb Mar mA noi iImmi unhiI aUwfl Hy , thm ut m ckfttd, mI iIm Jtk Mm lit It m !) ! txil hi Iui4 r luarkaUl rtif ! cmw im Mjf few. T tMbj of wfjr J-' tlira ara4 rtfttob! lKr ' MWUil .tit toil Itm d - w mm ra . Utskof J SaaJay ajMriiiag t dranw bwat rattaiiM. la a few aaiawla all ra wader atn au4 afcialy gtwyieg Uwir way V,atttlM Uritk. ScMtKmlf kml( aaraka ''alyaadat a qaivk aat, mitktml food, arWt a ri ap4 i etoada 1 f aafjealiaf daat aalil 10 cluck, a. n, la ar rccb4 taa aut uf iU tila iadjja ( alkd tkra arkcibev UUd U Im thai ndar agut I oMiMt aaf ) Suna Aar war arrival a arr aeai wff to tha nffWL tbat iaara (Oanaral U. Aait aott'a) aod (farai Uw)a4 Uig!vanl a f wa f ,H at la Uei arUh fnM$ bawffjr farra wf tka mtm tnr. A Bjrbt aa4 iaataj fMfkaoa M baar, i arkiek Vb, 0rtaa4 am tiplt tonrtbaf kh a fvod loany aM ia ktaaaJl oar Uigadoa;' ' aa4 ft aaMabf aaaiv T voaadrd, Uar frowpa bl4 taotr KoaitHMi Imhih tka aaaiay tM back to'ckaag pu4 tMta toaifrt - akick "mkt. V ckaaga tbawa abakTba day ,aa fat by br . ad aad drvnuoaa aaardiiag and ;oantr raarckiag ikroagk daaji ra4fa, aVa Utickata, a4 abtapt killa aad cky irfn4(w; ia ordar that a uiigbt alwaya Lava a f'4a at aar paaa 14 iimm Ui ad aatHoa af tk Yaaka. IJraniiaM or ar tilltry kfi ap aa Waxoaaat ra fa rrj.lj to tbiraaaking vry bill top aad ntoaa Ua gurga raaoaud aa if tba Wry trWmrnu )itajvv Oar battcriaa a j4arwd ia advaawia poeiiioaa oa tka top of tli woaalaia, ootataaading fall rang of tkoaa of Um taamy ;' pantad at ib baaa atwat a aaila aad a ball away. During tli aotira day tbalra froat ftotb aaa tvrribla, 6UIU raf coaataatly hing ftiroagk tba ..airja taty dirtioa, and towarda awaing a dof alaad ol amoka aUb?d doarc on ik - ldaiilaoaplay; boata from via. lUt tby ,rai aot ia aivaaa aa(lraardft diaooyrL Kind hag tkal kky coald aoi lara oar rigbt iWy faaatiaafad to try oar Irfk, aad al aa art thai aring of oar. anay araa atlackad furiou Jr. Kuriaaaulf lgatraai bad jt arnrad fta Uaga and bi- abuW diviaioa araa aat to aapport oar araak.abd -flinching forca. .TkaylraUus-l and aritb grwatar Tary aMackJfba aaeaay and drova mim oowa ta aaaiaia, NybtWaacofN lag oa, raAorWhmu krjrt i.Njrtag ia (W war advaraaty a btla wa aoakj got auao ; aaaUa was giViag way-aad tbo rigkt V iaft farrikiaa cuaditioa; tkac to aavatba afiny a ratroat wa aeWaaary aad apreVd-ord-tad. To gat UWaiioa to lb. , tarioaa brigadea frcaUrd orar a fmA of far ajtloa ia tloaa. RtOanUia paaaaa' aad paaka w-a ia rtality, a tarydikaH derukiag;h waa dd tbpagb, ,d aa tba aigkt adranoad oar Uoo rUtatd by tariaM.fypatka dowa tba 'tBoaauIa aad fanto tba SLarpabarg tompil. ) VN ... inpoaibla to preraatalraCog to a graat atlaaw TUnta wawa4haVad,kaBrrT, aad fnot aora. It la aarpnaing tkat aaora of that dam vara aot captarvd; Cka gt portioa of Utaai BOMA.td ta tUtg. . lt .f.J'f. ,'' XJU- UiU"PM Vi fHWWWItV - p,W'B 1 --- hiNaMdim aJ aa m maim. rd fh rrtrrat mi 0twnaaitNliia atit iWjT lN ' ayVM IW loraar iHraa, tfc ftumUar kpi lavtUr arvra aaf frrft4 Ia4 a akalaa)ajw jwaad tka Yaaktaea, aitd kcrp ikrfif M 1 fvajn-rtful tliataai bi oar roar. DarifgUka aij(kt ika road aiaa UocWlvd it Hk.ilk iralaa f a um, anilWy, aW, Ut kj f Uaaa awdararami all ;vn MMivrd uut of daagrt Mara 4ai tigfif on tk aiom- iaff cm i .lain, -war ni rrtffrt tfcat hlj ht vwrda! ia iW kandaff la naa aav tka f a:jglm tkat a lb rMMV. Ta-M a taia rrfftrt and ailvttUy idifdad our way ' autil a raacbrd ! SkarfMburj;. Ilrra war eulut fun aa drawa au ia liu ut bank? ab-t a iarta of a tiiila Un of loan, wlwre mm caltly waiird tkt a.fai-a f n. lay. Tt a day aavd away aid towarda rviajr (Im mitiMrt of tl Nwrtb hov in abC Ikal aijtUt, and tli.Arii day and tb Art! aigkt a f)ftt lying on our arm aautiv Lt. j antiHta aaun. Th dtiafa uf lb tomn, mmm tm'or mi ban drwl, wrtm ord4 loitn( ibrir home and atwk aafuty ta. lba MHiMry, TU ru-jrity Auv, tMiJ iiitM ailraiioa to the rrfrr tn-bring it ' iuirtll ' Utat tb rwarof batll alioaM diaiarb lkk iimihI jun-c Ii aA't4dfit, tkuwf b, tw a wlirbid bwa t-vuatoinrd U winif prrMrationa md fwr a baUlU, tka a atwraa aaaapjoarkintf. All day Tandar a-uuld anv dHatck rurota of tka Yaakra army niarvbin Ihrw bVM aad akirttwf tiinU-r rUUi$ irir iiMlMoa. , ; S-ait?ly a gan waa fi4, aad tbat aingl fwaud aaly tb aaaal aawuvr "of 'fckttrtta alit narn, vliattiiig alnat tb caaarbwa alarm, and ilia uelMa ortW arbick bad Uwa tod tb day Im- rw. Tba aigbt -d a war qwWily, Imt oa. Waalaaaday MoraiHg-. 1 7 lb, aa lti awa ruaa fiery aad rttmily roidt dart aad ataoka, tk" bovmiug of nnoa krgaa. sbtw aad autid aaot caiua abisnng wtv luwa akatttsring tba bouara and crculmg a auildaa aad IHgbtfal panic among tba in kabitaata k dockrd la aqaada togvtbrr and took U(r Itghl lron town. It ad U ataj ao many projila drting thrir hwMM, cmtMrcially fur tbat fmunt. Ut ta all tba Moar and oonfaMon 1 could not rwtraia a Uriaty laagb at ilia many Iti dicrwo aigbta ftnMtiWd. Narroar loaWd ajMM a aaUtng a tkir llr auJ aMtoka boaaa doora to aieat aUrrW aol dirH frviM taking advaaUga of tbeir ab artloa aad MJigtbmlvea U aotoctliing to aaL Iaraa aairla,I ttvrily balietacv iry door ia taa Mm broken opa, aod. rytbiag aod. I tkat oaabi bo a( waa con- aaa aatddb aged arNOn' run aiag tbroagb ika atriiota itmiiy dragmg ta-ar ckOdraa aftar tkara ; tba jiubt fab kjara kad to taku aack trWMadoaa aUidaa tbat it aawtaod to aaa ibe bit tba jmftjad bat aeldom. Iben can a dut-a young lauiya, oaco oiia a ataoa aacK aadaf cava arm, aoaaof arbicb ia tbir baala tbay kad forgotua to lio,aad aa tby raa tba aaaWtlioaablt waroacat tared Uvbtnd tkam. il ma ia aaod, bat ooald' grt aoua that oald tit. Of aoarair tba aaoat talaaUa artbJjgasSira takaa, bat it ia often difficult to d4er mioa whick waa atont valuabla ; aod (noanily wba tlwy weald la baJf a aijW out of a tWy woald tblnk of Jona thing tkal al awf k IrjX, and kra tby would eoma UlUng bafk for it.' lUgard him of tkia eonatcraatioit tba battlu waied warmer, aad tka vapaoa abyt from tba aa fny literally raked Ika atreia aod battertd dwwa tb bouaca. ' Men and boraea fcll dewd and woanded at awery trK Tba woiwa aad clii wreu, mil ia town, wro' ranoiag, crying aad rvreaimng ao load thai tbartr cotalaoed voiuaa oovkj ba baaad abora tba roaring bottlo aad tka baratiag of ahelb aroaad a. ,Stil our trooM prvaaad oa to,; rvinkwoa , lbii ooiaradaav Tba - ea ribt obatinataly, mora ao tbaa they aw did ia VMgiaiaor nar aliera-fla, Tbey ItvbJ tbrir jajaitiwoa tir tba itooal part, ao diS oara, aatd btta ia tbo atoning wbea (y tka falliog bavk of Uk partiea at dif forrat puiota tbo baa of battle waa aoma wbat dtaied. b-aviag tba grtatef portioa of tba batlla gioand ta oar poaaeaaioa. K'igbt cam oa and by mutual cotWat tka firtHg casaacd. Tba woanded wa carad for aa far aa poaMkK yat tbeir aafferiaga war aauat intaoaa. 'y'Foi aararal days pra oadlag tba battbj oar rattoaa kad beaa vary abort, maay bad iotiiieg araappla aad oora aad auck aramba! aa ipfooald pick ap by thai way. Water too waa ioooa aoaioat, hot tbo gaatat aaSariag waa oaaaad by tba iatoUrabla daac Lata la tba awaiag aoo karaa wara Irad ky ai pbling abaila, .Tba fcusaa apraad rapidly, aad aeoa tba aeaaa of caraaga, waa iUa aajaad by tbo flara of half a doaaa bora I balUiagt, pftatiag pictara too bor tilk W uamf aagriptioa, . A glootay . -i."-''. . :' ""' V- ' v. . and alrblai klglit eonrld tka day, and a day full of jiafal aViy VaccaaiWd tbo idkt. : Wkila Ut flwnmaiidrn ra par tying otv Uf f a purtioa if oar boailr attgagvd baryina tba daad aad taking car of tba woaadrd, wkila Uia nata araay aa rafraatidg acrou tb ritar, allWagb at tka aaraa tin, it ia aald, ou Gvaorala chaUawgtd tba aarmy tut battU. That, aigkt, 8apU 18th. oar .abola f oa rHraatltdacroMtbvFotomao. Fording ilia tba pitch? darkaaaa and Coaadcriag among aJtarp aad dangarooa roilw, aaCBradd ia gtt)hg fcroaa ariibooi ta luaa of ain I4 aamlMrr. Al 10 'clk a. m.iH Fr day oar rearguard croed witlnnit avrioaa iiHibwtatioa. Sine our arrival m tbiaStatw wa bnva bad ouaiparaliy aa away limaf I'b-aiy toet and but littk mWbing. For two wka atraggWn ha'va Ua n arriv ing daily, which with tb men arv cmiig in from boitw and vaiioua boapitl. W materially augmenting our regtmrnta, brigade and diviaiona, and our army u aaiB prcaaatiag ovita a fornndabbi : ap paaraaoa.' ; rJ'"' " NAT. : L . -; raaaral af tka lata Cca. frtarft targva la- 0 aJaWwWaaw ' Tlie funeral of tliia taiiieiite! and di At ioga tahed offievr tHk j.lm-e "ii Saturday, in cnfrniify v.iih. jlic jmitlialied Order f IVcfHiii uitli the exctitii tbat tb cl rgr uYau fitBctatiiig waa, tbo tlV. Dr. S. t Jidiiiatoti, ol the Epi-f.al Cbnrcii niatvad f Ibe Jioir. J.i. M. Aikjn Ht, of.llie Pri-aUyferiaii Cbiirclu Tliia. change waa made tt Hccoont of the utiiiULctd arrival of Dr. J., who ia a vary near cuniivcti'0 of tke dvcvNkod. : ' '. ' Tim ProceaiHi wm a lare one, the Slat beiit)f but in full force, and Guiacript Guard of 600 men.- Citixena on foot and in carriage welled the nceaiuci until it el- mil. Tire r.m.ln wrXl"'JJ fr the preeent In ttttT pubU .1 f.- I tary tf , thia City, after whicbWe uaua) three vol Icy a werv brt-U over t grave, and the military reitmi their duwrtera and the ciult'i t , I their boroea. ' Attaclied to the aaddie on the borae WclMrM.lfjd bjr the lHny r vant of4jren. Atidera.ti, was lire sword wbicli 'be wore - wlv he re ceived Ilia fatal wound. Thia sword waa once the jproperty of the late Cupt. Jidtn Bargwyn, an uuole of the deceased, nd was attached to his teraon "when lie fell gallantly fighting at the battle VWa de Ta- o. ''';,";K"V . 7: Tlie tidinga of Gen. Andcraona death, will cftpry'torrow wherever he waa known. ; In the army eVK cially they will lie received with heartfelt grief by officer ami men, for' the deceated p.seo. the en tire, and nnreaerve! ctMitidenee f the former, while by tit gentleman ly, ret ffrsn demeanor Ihj had wii the arirm attachment of the latter Meat paiticalarly waa'rbiaythe case in Ida old Regiment (i he 4tli,) the aurvivora of wiitcli will le gratified to learn i;i1laJIaayal' FtjajpjwlsieslV waved above tliem t AViiriamaborg and the Seven 4itu," nu4 rtildled with bullets, waa byrhe on f ti iha teredataff inllia jrVH.n?aaion hich eacorted the rethaiaa uf tl.eir old aiol loved coinmander to his lng home, ; JiaL ItegUUr. A aubatitate for wool is mad into a clotli by ft great many persona w Georgia, with the deaiga of uauig their wool for our aoldiers ia tb fkld. Ttua substitute' it eor bair. The doth mad of it is perhaps not Quite ao amoptb as that mad of wool, but it b) finavier, and no dpabt will be oearty,.il not eqoaByas warm, aad wiBkwtfully aswett. The bair is washed perfectly eJeaa, aad pum-a or oeox so as w have ao buocbr. After it ia vreU dried, it is ready for os. Like wool for enliaary efoth, K nosed only for filbng," aod mixed with about eo-third cotton. The common kml easier way ofmlxina; bj fP00 ' tUe eottoe, aftboogb" coukJ be, w sunpose. saUtsd luny as wen ey earomg. ii w same quaalhy ia eigbt of seed cottoa and hair are thoroughly mixed and JpUeed m tb eia after tb ased are srferated, the eottoe Loi wift ba about one-third of tb bair. " Tb breast of tb fin should b a Bill rmaei or the bate WtB make Ua saws io cnoae. vow hair, lb as mixed with eoUoe may be carded, RM ioj mad into cfotb with no more tfoutl tbaa la required for wool or cotton. The bair aad be fajrVbeeefrat tb taaoeriaa. J A v. i' h'" ' . Tlia ouotathma forirold And atar ling funda at ibe Stia-k Lichftfige f William atreet, pn-claim that th, txdlou) la, fallen tut of Northern j finaikce. ilenceforward thera are , to Im two curreticiea at tin North, that of aecie or. real money, and tliat of ragav or Government monejr. At the South, we are ahnt out from eomntercaj with the real of lite world; and have bat one enrrvney that of Goverimjent ajer. An nodoe iaaue of thlt cMrreitcj'tiiay depreciate ila valae, ad ' raiae (he ricva OtH property jlnit atiR it ia Meenrrvocy, of the cUMtryt fr there ia- none other. We are hu ing nothing from abroad, aiid we are not nuder the iievfw'Hy of conforming our currency to that of foreiifti aountriea. , In our iaolated condition e might adopt the iron coin of Lyeurguav or that Haiiipuui Ulia of the ladutua, or to tuicco like our tint altler,-ar cot ton, or barrels of tufpvntiue,or any thing else tuoay convenient to the general liiaaava, tor a currency ; and tli 7iiaui reuirvuienia of buairivaa would be kfttiatied. We have adopt- J, hier,,Hintt?ad of theae rude inuteriala, the Treasury notea "f Gv eriuneiit as the currency moat con venient to the people and moitt soil aula to tliu tieceaaitiea of the Govern2 mviit.' Doing taolated from the commercial world, thia currency aiuvi era ai! our purpoaea very well ; and but lr tle amouiiU of it render ed necessary to be put ta circula tion by the exigeiictea of tire mar, it would be juat tire name to the people as gold and silver, aubetancee which have iu fact no more intrinsic value than Iron, or leadt or atone coal. J But the caae ia wholly different wtlt the Noitb. Tbey cannot adopt a currcucy suitable excluai'vely to their own circumsUucea, inagea '"".'..... . . u car- rrllVj IIIUII a wwwvvvii rwin-v fuuti nan m coamouoiiiaa i value to ue a curreucv auiiaoio io the requirement of, traOe,. II toe .l....t wMifit.um-lrt'Hi-or tJaiinecticut awsy -r-r- - clocks, or wooden uutmegs, or xeu- eral gfeen oavaa mm iuan uaiiuuw eurronct Xarliciea which MVft HO financial vahle' "Vutaide of their own iKiundariea, tlieir currency must aooti run doaru to a frightful depreciation, and cease to atiaefer the purposes of money. TiievNorth, unlike the feuutii, ia under the ueceaaity of hav inv W curreucv of ifeiicrai and iu- trinatc value. WheuV' tbeir uaper issues cease to cotuuifttid pricea ap- proxnnatiug the 'irortyeWf become diacrediled aa ft; currency and the Govemtiieut ' either faiia to make purchaaea at all, or make thviu at prices ruinous to tie credit. Tne lull of Federal Treaaury nolo Io sixty cents It tlie dollar, ouuipated Willi gofd and eletbbg fund, cannot tail to produce aert.s paralyawin ii... luiutarv ierat!uns ol tlie Uov- i erutiietir. 'All IIS clirawa inual le made with, exprca Mipulauoii M paper ; nnd according ai' ireaaury note tall tit Value, must the Coat f the war incteaae -Tlieae twtoa jire lioW woirut'bm aixtyceirta in'tlte dollar with' rapid downward-.tendency i mud the juaxiiiu ta iwieej true in finance than in molaV aVXMu atcrnL Wall atreet em phaiicalldecSftrea thftt it diatruaia tl, federal credit; ftnd nothing ha value amoug tbo Yankee ttat Wall itfeet rejectaS Kth tratora .l Governniet.t find tlrelneetvoa nnabte to neg'iate'tlietr iederal l?ids or pay out their fvUeraliti iu vV all atreet, they will w 4lri up their coiirWta, and tern ibeir .ftttenttott' to oUier,ei.ipbymen(. Uithcrto the war ha. been, rendered popular at the North, toy the laviab polic of tlie Governjncnt in diapeuaiug ir titable cintracta amonjf ftllxla-ee. Now, Uieeo coutractft ntat lease to lie aooght with vidity, becftoae of the worthlesaneaw if the money paid oat by the. Government, The fall of federal funda lnngnrft;ea new epoch in the hiatort of the war, The thuogbu of the Northern people have heretofore been toDcentrated apofl thai profit cf Government too trada, lleeftftef lb Jpremoat Ida ;xVUMBEI,23.V In averr uiind arllt ba. how fa tbftV . attpendHtt f debt that bar bwen reaV i ms be id or adatained. 4. ' Near Eiigland my. vtmper ? hr ' " th detttveiated enrrency, f.ar every dollar added to thft loe of foreign exchange, watt n fatou d, ad- diiionai tariff epon foreign Itniaim:1 Her pnifiti ojion- 'rairiofactarra in' h creftao in precisely the ratio ln.1.Ic& I ' . the led eral credit deprecbtfiai : J8,t"4 !ti trt.ti-.n' t- the tocreaa it iv' bordena itnpiioed Vj"t the (JWiVd ' -V Statea l Iargr,"Jot tl, ropor Ihm are ilia protiufi hrtma'u(Mi' - ' turw augmented. KeW Eril,M11H joicea-ftt erjrdfera reiairt' fmra ino eiofK market ia w Vork j tl.e . financial calan.itioa W ih,, fjojo,, bring otdjr gain thtr. Tim aar -hka etrriche j her ebdrtboaly ; it W pribably added two Add to her gen--eral wealth ; but fa gain ha enr at the eKpt-rite f tlra Wt-atcfn and M iddle 8Hira. Il-w t,,g fa. ter Statee w ill aland a War rfeafrob- tive to the er.dit of tht lliiii.iif rniiioaa to their own intereatft, and diaaatmua ihecooiajanity.a well . f the preaent as for the furore, re- mains to l. wan' Tim eotti,feioo;,v of the election refarns reaching ua4 frnrn tlHwe States ffordk"ioine,,t gnenda for the condnalon, that theta ' 6atea are growing tired of a war CMiuuenctd by New England for? her own einoJument, and vrosecated U Iter gain at the general expenie." Hiehmoud Examiner. 1 - j OrtaaTTon or tot Ooua umrrtta, Ser en have been arrested How maay mam are eonceraed, wftarnot Tbey naadv of. ooaCunilyand iu connections, oamed Pavnt. aod are from KentockY. Tbey carried out, perbapi, $200,000 to Texas, aad tmrdiMed ; soaie 7,600 bead of cattle some twenty No 1 0efjO,fiieblrae4ajKlesrriaMsto ride in! and came back with the whofa, inioaiiullj ceosskglbe Jafknauppi river at Tickabarc. Wbea tbev bad got their booty all uMj oa this side, tbey commenced a system of extrav- 7, agaat expenditures, sack as perabasiog fesf. drr aad everyeoatly artida they eotdd (iod in Tickaburg, batches sod tba swrouadinf villages, quite inwwiatent with he conwa practice oT catue drovers, e Just rctiimuig , Iram making heavy purchases and before ' liaVUMJJiiado any sabw. This exdted mrpl etoo. 4 The aaooey tbey were spebdrng waa examined, aod many U-gta to think It wae -counterfeit; At this SUgo a dirpatch was ra ' mved from the Goveroor of Texas ordeiinjr llieir arrest, and the bottling of tbeir cattle for the benefit of tba duseos of Texas, front wIumii tbey ware purcbaaed; oa ibe chare of havbg paid for thete ta cemterfcit mooey. , roar ot tbent were taken into custody at Natchez, and three at Alexandria, Ja, across mw nwwx irom xaaamea. loetrcMtla were ta- Tkejr ppropnaied to tba aaa of thai aiWi. and the persons from whoa tbey were Pur citaaed wiO b paid for them at tb price the counterfeiters coo traded and said form tbeir bogus ftufll Aruim CoxrainaACT. ' Hie ladiee of llilh boron"!) are ' do-, ing ft great deal. Wennderitand that sxf or eight Ladiee of the llill bonogbridia' Soldier Aid Sode-: ly down in the 9 o'clock train al trHajt every day to Durbams, x d wk tern in the eveuing, and diatrfbate fnl and refresktueata, and adminla ier to the neceasiilet of the sick wd T wounded eoidiere who are pfttain, ' for which ther receive tnany grxte fut ackuowleugementt frorn the af ferer. But tne reaoorcca f fhese ' ladiee are limited; and to enable theih fb do all that they woold,her need tlie asaisUoce of thja ladle, and , other who have the meaoa, In the couutrjr nround as; and shall they not haver It I All contribatrona, In peovisinxr mooey, will be Culh fully and prndently.'diatrihated for . the'beuevolent and fWtriotie pnrpote which the society has id e&arge. ' Garnbidd? 4rmg TrndVrri to iU'&EL Aether, orNrsf York, has received ft letter from aa officer of Ganbaldi's army, tenderiag tlie aervice of frotk Jbnr to six thon sand veteran soldier and two ban dred officer to fight for tbeHJnioa, and ftsking if tli State of New York would engage tfieta, ' They - out ar . rive ltr Nw York fnlly leqnirpwd, and-will he no dliculty imksr. ing Italy, a thay hxvt ukea to pszt In the late tictBTOtttttient. - .' J. t.

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