" -; o .v. QAyyj' ti"ll , cc- 1 IVSFtSLJiiMr::. 4 rM Ht. VOL. XX. SALISBURY N.; G, NQVEJ1BER 3, 1862. , : N UMBEltm V-. - . , TU f " ' . . .- ' K V-J i ! . V -r J o wTS?"'- " '" "' "" ' 11 llll"IJI "r"J1 ANOTHER APPEAL FOR OUR K F&6if TUE4TU N.aaTiiooiti. ' CaMp NtAK WmCHttTtll. Va-1 oim rmon r whirling ahval ear fi--It JtrWU fOMMith, Uit Im dH mI , jiimok. W 0mt void it or ld .' IM ltfff it vdMH i!ui cwm, . Our ooMgb, and LtemMh, al lw r tnalim jjn mt, if )MtM. "TIm k d Wr iu tit (mm iiBMKlijr. Nut 1 lb raatora am mi r a-rrrmU. V liaauuthj ko wtri will dBjr. But Mbmit tatt thU U not lb timt for uch aa ; Mtarpria-aaJ if it Wtt tL jiaii- f fiaW taa art bj B4 aicaM Ifca ommi ci- f;v g PM tuaa wbta liwwfinrt AMniiHfweMj Taa . A iWmfflaiiM Vari.U-Tlw aaidio LkwcWt lfrl, lUl j Philadelphia Iuauirtr tlmi nilnfCrt r oU; walk ft. In Miai aad ,, ilit 'uecwiityior ul.ji:aUnK f. . tt ... ' " .: " Firat, m to Um iiW'tWa art) eneair ia a var of larriSU prviioniuBa.f Tlia! ! airvajtOi and faotiraa of Um M opl ara awarrif Usird. sad prubuMj (m lack Mora an. All that can to duo' and givm ia dentaadd kj ib inimJuU a trmtim of mr Oxiairy. . Ei J dint limt ca to aparad U add by oar amijr and lij lk wur, wka ara maltipMng ta tbair tatatom and iMr iU ia Vy cuimwo iTVNrtt3 jW4ulatirii4i and tto camtaAk wirr gitihjtand oufaf vlial ihrj CM, INlM Mgll ntM riMrMg braru (wr mmt irffictVal firtinipi to lot aMn I to Hilar of tWir Cwaatry nira mflietHtl fifU lo tolHr and b jval tk Mtftrr ittK if ib Lrav- and a-if acrtfi!ing ia tlia bajaatlMaifrdtton.. tto dra,h 1 ""'T" '" t Oar i miUiuna nuM titan tbir liar for irtWnt of oar Oraairal, Qutgi B. Aidoa, and j Atto FraWjr, Liratnaitt ia Co. A. Otorfaf 4m rrvM a vtiand ia tW tui4 arj-ht jMim. J rartltrrmurt it ft aproilr l''t twu, itM. err- 1 Utorc . Ad frMU tliia, ar Iiar ifill- Iijp-aoa IrOta tto l4 f Ito Hmt ctovr inf fcaiara, ia mhmc f Itivk. our trou ara aaaalfy torljr. ' t i trm. tint a njtkt km4 a; Mr raiixi ara aWwrt ned CM uf VitliinK Uit om-f and aVtar aittoal a Hicl of mK rKft abuMt toiaa-a Mu Tba ntghu ara chilly and oar clultiiiijr ia mui Mrtidfil w mato . aa owmtjrlaUs itk a Uam tf oiiour rMrtM-Waadb t arha-k, m greatrr t,baa a am trinrad at toinv fiMiU' aba atoadaat rvaaun to to Utaakfiil that it ia tovwuraa. I nd imA rrcaiMMlaM Ito aa from tto Waal Itoj f0 Jffc Caro nna befor tto rvactod a and haVaa dottkadljr tbrill i tijoiuug lo aroaM awry ied-rl aoal in tto wld North Suu. Ar ttora naj to aianj iadiffrraat, aad no doaM ara miliar in ttiaad to rtjoioa rr oar ravaraaa, bui tbaato to oar Cwaxraawava, tto coaacrfpt law ia a taoat talaaUa iaaiitatina t. i it may aoatiwl wanf of tbrm to aiw a Ht- Ua aartiec, ttoogk ttot ahoald drrt and d at IStorj- J tifcl -fviiiataia to (!! b4i aoclt inalitu at Slaannin, ! tiuna noar. We knww avt altal a Uar . a f . I . .1 : ' . .: .i maj vnny hniu in ucn a airaggta aa I iimv. Tto obir ttHn i in ito lomull and xnfuiin of a raat mluHua drm-lid ia IiUxhL A auiotuaahJ faitfal invad ijT fa rM aa by ara and bf land. El lr4 iarwada kava toea nla.la already am tto terriitKjr lf atin.i4 terjr KiaUof tin KmMffmrf, Tnry ara ait4nHiHf to Lfd if Ito r twmraatttJojanta. ttot to wwvlU ffiva lliem rain ia daa aantoa. And ito wad lihovld Wdtor iitorvaan, tntl' to woald Itifa pMioa i tba load ariltor aliall liia aarurtl f. ikroajfti yoar land, and jr- aliall vliaaa jrwnraitov and tto toll f.li to fvra Jua tjr tba and w if a abatl ciiaaa a .bMitdrad, a nandnrd of Jchi hall (Mil ta tboaannd" to Sight, and on. Bat if tto arnold M toaikta aala Uiui, that to - woald arod Ufrat,- efauia)ptittn, aitl ito totbintr Wtfoa, that VuuM cvn- aamr Um-mt Tr, ami eaaaa aw nar of toart, ad InW atoaU a(f4WrMi(Hi yalpi tr itoir mVmn ab-oht t it. : Turn ' a ii arili nut nllwo turn to d4l vm tto ruMito)a and tbrvata vf ProridHMia,. tot J a ill r-fc-r jra u h taijr aiith rtoptM uf Lrviiieua and t-iljr-ri(btJ cto4-r of luHutHiJ, and. Ia fact, tbrvaini tto rraU-r fart uf Ut IIj&V! bat.ia tto first una in tto fol ctojiter rvrrvd to, joa ill 6ikJ an idui apukm wf. t Nov. may aak. ia it pojaabic, that ia a land lika oar, ttotttor aJKMikl bx taioial AUtl ll Inj tra. artaih SIC AND WOUKDED., Vircihu: -v. . ,,:,:.. - wd.lion i.rar ick'Bna;- We want VirjrTiita: rJ"jr woaiided aoldiera U mod dutrtuinz ! titijr, alul In a fiarrjr; ?f of vie, ,H)ouMnd are'daifjr turned fr.tm tie ' (erttta.i 6ineiliinr inail be'dou T ifaam ijmhm' AaattMiat eatatlraw alrtiaatu Virginia' m.cN.im dared ! I ha iV aeat. ' n.'"" tnmXfH.W and main taf of tho nJ lofthe relief or I lieac bra bor qri- 11 Hon iierf. Let nap Ucy On Ui j Tirtunate uieii theae nrthle a(rtt t. c-nqner Yirxinia at oiico ; !, lace . who Iwfe Menaced inacU ap- tl.e axe at the rmt r n trw; i bo!4 the irnwir .f Nrtti Candiaa.. uiciaiu (vrrna iroiu- ikicuiinruw. ang , m J..k'...Lll... s '.1 .1 ... i re,?7a rS'-T fi4a the Stare, ..tun.!. tlet wry fnr' iaac ; laya ton t amd '. '' ruhjrriint (itfre aiidiUuutli Til ar or a I uwt.' nun imiigwiiR'n I "J luimvr r .r t . . ' t... ..t.-iV u ! inM ,, '' otanra to entnhate nwiii Imj Bent ;nt tho field, tUM re . . - placed r,?,Vf llieirtJMreaerl'oraMitf. 1! na .lifl,r fK- .,, ... .,r..:.1r a - - w w mm - u a a afar ar waawa a aa ai ! thia, :et Ua. omtreiilraie all , jr : ",7" " V 7 T 7 11 reea which can inr to atared, ., 3 r , .. T ' .. . ... . . - . ' . tha name uf rjliirha. LuiMMhitT. ia litcli IimII be rnMH-U tor tiiu Mir i . . .. . . . irHHiain aim averr ennoiuiiiir Mfnir aiia-rr, arnin(, But uU-tii Ia-u, that rtnnwt tolp ywa, arba tto Lord aava, I will bring liinca avure plat oaa uua roa, arcordmtf to t oar aiaa, Ist9, I Ulra, if w tolhiva ito BiWa, and totofa t tkjtl ailial mm Immuii la aaaa IxraL ia jt wniir. Hirj nara auuwn BWaarj b aara aa, bow tieportaot i.i, i-ura inaeiiaiMa, ui wi riaiuw of i i n, tb.1 w .toald. wiltool oeiav. lum t..Mu..o, uamaiMiT,cnanij,inwuc-m v, vir- IrtNM oar atll wayat tbat Wa Baoahl Wor tan anI rrlipoft. V aboaM arail till th Bft WBr Cranlor. iuali vf aniaef . or i m i 1 II 1 l.llull II.B.in.ili aaaa.l .ftruB aa I AButra . I . " - -wr. i .-u!la. a.a.. a. .;r - aa. Wtot it U.al to many ara clea, harawiii the enent t ilar and ' A ;..,. , V i(HW;iattoaa .Ma iiUaaall Illicit;. wln lie adduces dri-Wi-L,j , Um V. Carolina Oetiot. eiOref , Stta -Kmrjr. trU lata liacK ; Whei. lie fetlW, pir.lie l.llli;Ul or Rlt:ll(llml timttM .troe, aa aaaJiubaratono ara when hi lialta nil tiirn at bar, over L. .i. . ...V.i..: i . ..it tba b..bhv.kave aa IdaU ona. ir t.i,,, . Ifttoru'ara to to oeer v' TT , . ' tioM ara nn-m aetttoi till tto pruUrm iamtlirtd ia our atregjrle ia at teaat mure nearly aulvrd. aply iwtitatioa oCJaTaing.'a re ai4ta appoVtctoeoBi and facility. W bor ia tow acarew. bm are Badd alae where ) tbiag n too tmCf." Tkaskit dra of dtxrnH-d aoldien caa geraJt leave bom nom, any away, avm if ttora were a iiUlity i epeaing ito baUi of ttoae iaatilalioaa aotio. Tto aooa and daghk-ra are reqaired at home 10 aaaial raaka Itoir ataa ia earn and rwkt ut r avollict and tboaa wbo are younger tto ravaataina; ac apertrarnt which doaaw or aaore Ironi ar rmaaent are try leg tow. It in avea no, an.) tkia ie bow it baffwed. Three or tour daya ago re eetVad ordera to gat toady hr a march at aaon aetnm, var araaii raont war cmc- e4, kaapaacka awdtod cartridgva gWea oat til everv ama wee utpimL Cbwpa aiaa A aad f wrre aeat oat oa akMioiaa. aal the ranaaiadrof tto brado waa totd ia aaadiaeas o atarck at aa iaetant. Ue tWwa theaa aveparatioea, tU agoot and akk, eoU, aVev. vera nmi to lie rer. Toae Ihiaea romainad antilaearaa wtoa we wrarerMrred,paitiallr,by ordr te'raaa an oar arm ttot mghi. The titna paaaed oa, bet btUe alerptag waa done. Tto darfca wae iateuee, aad a One mitt waa faJliog amy thing favorrd tton tbemarlvca. Wtoa tto time armea liwvito ingiir atioe of tbie rooat irrllnt oerbuaa of educating the aoaa and danghtrrt of ito dtndra of oar righU--th ncbievora of our inUrpvndence lliere are ottor plM prehprable to tboaa bow prvpoaed. Boa it not appear to any rt-tlectiag taiod that it would to tottirr to drpuaite a read for tto iaeaiioa of ttoae orptona at aome of tto CvlWifra already Uitt and in opera Uoa f Why aboald h to Iboaght aea ary to expdaaeii a toga pwruoa of tto money wtoa we already, tote baiMingn, arf iunmnoa wiia kpparataa, Ubra- na, aa. everr tbing toiunirnjr lo aacb raUfhrnrefel sAgaia, baa eot the bia. twry f.dacatioamear coaatry.'groeral ly, yaa, alnwat iarariaUy. prott tba ia- eiprdieney of baiktififf etb-awre acbeiDra iatl r f UMU idoia uf any kind, for, to aaaarad.' ttot tba cry of tboaa wbo, throagk apMwIatioa, ara made to aabw fur the aacwaumea of hie, will to beard bf ttua. Wbo batb declared, thai tfya mil aol, tW all Ibia, toarkea na to aaa. bat Walk voatrarv aala ' vm, , ttotf I wilt walk eoatrary aatoyoa aWo ia fary; and L even I, winctoattoyoe aevan liflaaa for ytariaa. ow. tfUMaaUiiBg( lMiao, (aad 1 am eare ikai re eaanot dwpate wbaAltolbUaayalitolltoLordofJiaa- Vea and aarth wtU Igbt fcr ttoae who. keep bw ooonnancMenu, aad deliver tnote that tear Dim. war I leek, way ia it thai wa do not tarn, aa a people, from oar ctil waye, and be uvod from niter rum I I will amply ay, tton. to all ttioaeltiat are grtrieg rich, through apeealativn, in ttoaa war tiioca, to atop and read the cbaptera referred to, and many ottort Uiat uiixhl to pointed oat, aad aaa if ttoy cannot find oat aotne of tto taaaoni wky limeaaia tto way ttoy are. ". I Faoa a Fbjkxb. t -i -'. 'a a ... a a -Mtwerii noiiiuer. ivi iiiein boon ur ilv, and nt hi. Let ut con- uner irjjitiia, orextwiid overt mail and evtrjr dullat iH show-jug tiat it camut te u.n.e. J : Tiie want of the Government and the nation ia Yirgiiiia. llaipr the man who tuppliea the want j happy imiw and in tUrnunl fr, when we have Virv'iiua. then cometli tne end. the deaortera. Ttot deea-MMd anoat two oVotiv e tto laornlag of H Wrnr A VVfaa baa be.ma of aad have awl beea kaanf rVomaiaoa. Va- j tto IIa ScboUa and CoHegeeJof the ;, neon ooajeraenje ara anoat aa to tba mo live ttot iadaotd ttota U Jeare, 't una. Odd Fallowa, eVo. I Ttoy-bate aear- ly all aalirely failed, it ia well, too, to tbiak tbey are goae to the Jkk IW i..-4.:i 'S''i'a to what d-groa tto edacatioa of aoma iaa , uiey mrm attempting a Dana motemeat oa the eneaty oa ttoir own booj-o4tofa thiak ttoy are bound oT ,h.a, aiara oaa of them haa been meek AlaHreaedaVoat a gourd fall of whieky be htft there, and f aia wf m$U drimk it tit ty" ne gol lari, k tUid till ik t eWaa another waaled to ! train aome wwiiiu, boo ao oa Uo the moat plaaaiUe theory av that umi aot i..f ibo aigaa oi ioa uoa de ,fing the day preiinj-. .Wall, in tralk. laoae earutdgra, tortnitoif toyooeU aod gee earrai. at w betted aworda, did look awooa; oat tbe .est day paaaed tj. etly, tkoesk rea4r to march, au.1 ibatava. alag toeeghl tto wloome a Ual tto . .mw r.ji - - - -J . . k n . " . J "" aoroae im a otonae. aa J the aatpacted aear. that a paroal of w,5WI!l,two or three old aHMiJert. rwraaMii - tne war Ward a ducka V WAT. For tto WatebaMa. wykrios m the childbef. or H?jeeiai 'jpgjA-ti aUeatioa aaa axerUoe of t amber of falaeatiaf aad terpry eg geo;fjten itvdiot dpaooi laAtieaa of ito Cbardi ia oar 8uta. 'edr. "rm mm eneaae to tw, tjmfUi,ie d taBU are la 4 laid tarakeaak !! I I L. . I . I. .1 I tfiee ortibana ta to to a erataitv. Are ttoy only to hate Itoir laitioa free I Will ttoy to ekatod, boarded, aapplied with boota aid other iacttitien I Tbey are anna bal eoaaideralioaa. ':? . ; , ; ' r la writiag ttoae thought, are eordially diaatow any ioteatiea to iatedere wilbant andertakiag lhat proaiiaea to btoa tto bv thedeM iratvu eom milled to tto aerey of tba aarvuiof by tto nobJe-hearted martyr w (woHt. oww too a.peoieacy.BB to the lime and tto meaner and we antf ef will eiooe the inleraaU of ttototerpriam and give krart aod toad to. aid ltorn,U oar viewa are incorrect wa bope to to eat ngbt by tboe wbo bay w aMra of aacb tbinjfe tbaa we. Hot antu we are con vinoad, we meat enlot oer' kind, bat eare- tat preteat arfaiaat aiv effort to draw mo aey from tto poctoU of the friend of ttoae aoldiera and ttoir mmiliea for aew and impractieable edaoalniaaJ parpoaea while tto hamedwie Paeeaaruea of tto body aad tto toe are aa grant. 4 . . . " .-. . . ..... v . ' 'For tto Wjacbaaaa. Dear Fritada : Tto time bat tome, wtoa vattoejJbegia ta ioalm bit tie tUU othiegt riittiBg to tto great atreg;le low aWpt ea,'wtvAt tur'aot U tome of tto -jatofli that to etoy of eei'iVnow-BMa are ; '? 1 m taejrtftaac .of taejeillaad eby lit prwptct for poaca la ao W$ triot Wilmington, CktrlotU Jt Kulktrford tWrood.--Tbe anaaal nieeting of the Slocktoldera of tto Wilmington, Charlotte and iBatberiord BaHroad Company waa held ia Lineolnloa oa Wedneadar laaLlto f 2d inauat Doctor W. T. i. killer, of Cktavamrtd. praaidrd, aad Jam L UcCal lem acted at Secretary. Tto Meal bwueeet watrarttcted--receiving ito Report! of ..the rrretdrnt and other vf&cetsio. -Tto board of Direut'ira was aalboriard to wbaerito. nrh aum aa tbvyniyj thiak; proper lor tto eaialjiah mentf aork oa Deep River (at recom mended by a late Railr-aid Convention) lor ito manafactara of Railroad iron, Ac. The luilowiog geoUemen Were elected Direotort for tba enaajjng yro rsiL Geiea aad C. C Qaedenoa of Lincoln, A. 0. Wn of Balherford. 0. Dickena of Cleaveland,a W.Dana f Mecklentorf.' 8. U. Walkea of; C owe, S. V, Cola of A neon, W. UteeJ of lacbroood, K. 8. Freatb of Robetoa, 7oba A. McDowell of Uladea, Jot. Greta of Branawick, 11. it. Cowaa aad Joka Dawaoa of New Hat over. ' lieatri Greea and Dawaoa are new Direct ore ia plaee of Ueawt. kfearet and aajJoklya. . . - W. Otioa waa re-elected rraaideat. for ike Eaatara Dirtoion-N. 8. ter.SaperiBtaadeai; J. L McCaUuai, Secratoy aad Traaatrer ; K. P. Atkinaoa, Ckief Kniliaaer aad Maatat of Traaaporta- tioa ; J. IV Gtyle, UmW of aLachiacry : V m TaomMoa, ISotd Matiar. : Officaa for the Wetttra DitWioa-.B.S. (raioa, Eaginaar aad Saptriatendaat : Y i'Mcl3ae2ura..- : Tto Road keoapleted tea mika beyoad UaeoIatOB, and graded to Shelby ; bat act eaoegk iroa at toad to finak it to the Utter place. Oa tto fewer eed, iik&aiatodto wUbia 114 mam of Koekiortara la Etca a ... e .a a. .i Fiendiitk Outrage, k deed com muted by i-edem! aoldiera bu come to the knowledge) or the writer, which i thocting beyond detcrip- tion. aod the bare mention of which ariil'iirud ace thrill of horror io every Southern breatt. XUeiofor tnation comet in tneb a tJiape aa to leave uodoobt in regard to the truth of the ttory. "f-;' ' -'r ' A few yeart ago, a yonng lady of Coliinil.it. Tt Hn wtt married to j a young lawyer of Ilele'rta, Ark. t?. I ...i ... i v .-.I .... and accoiiiplithed in a high degree. We apeak from pertonal knowledge io tuaktog tint affirmation, lliey were iinf.rtab!y tetteld in ilelena, and were bleated with one op tmre children.' Her huaband ia in the Southern army.' Five Federal aol diert, including and' officer, forcibly eeized thit lady, carried her to barn, and each of them coin in it ted an outrage on herperton. . In two or three weeke the died; a victim to their brutality, and the grief and mortification produced by their treat ment of her. . V Her htiaband it laid to he a Lieut. Colonel of lofiio regftiieiit. The wrt ter knovva hiui," ami could give hit name, but forbears to do to. 'Boldiert and men ot the South, tliink of thia unparalleled deed ft crime and infamy, kttd let it uerve you to. fight fur the protection of 'a-. a ii i a a. your wifet and. ciuiuren, anu ro drive back ami dettroy Ihw invadera of "your coutitry arid deipoilert of your Uoxne.A.noxvxu4 . aegitier, . Snra. Gelt, of N. C Staustos, Va.; Oct, 10, 1862. moadoeaty; from that poitl to Chtrkxu, tea aejotiAUoot part kv aadar eoatraet. ptatfiag for lattieg the balaoot to ooctrae- toriLi.v:--i rv :.fVt." Rot4iaghtm.lWhrnoad eoaaty, Wm ta Ucted at tto place for toldiag it atit M Fortiontri going JTorfAThe Confederate Government bat offered every faeiiitjr, by trace -J. botta. to foreignert,; who withed to go XSortn to do to, since the cominenceinent of bnetitltiet. But it 'eeemt that the Federal Government, in iu detperar i inn to obtain reeruitt. reaulret that H4ereaflhr uoUen, claiming freign iroiectiorjf can nae any ueuiauu or traoeportaiion or sobttttence bu trace boat, - witliout previous rangetaenta, authorised, granted and recognized by tbe Dulled states aa thorttiea.w Thot, It will b seen, wjt'the RichmoDd tfwirvr,, the foreigner la the South mast obtain anthoHtj from thti North before he can obtaia egrets, and this anlhori tTi.foT the' pretext at leatL is tut be bated Updo the condition alone thai be will tell tut bouI tauie Jr edcnu GottrtbctC4 CcrpwiXa.V; - XST Tiie Chat lotto Democrat, In giving the ttttement from the Hal. Standard, that tome of our mano faetures refute to comply with the " exemption act and to -be satisfied with teveuty-fiVe per cent profit, 4 ' "Any rettonable man ooghl to be atisfied with 75 per cent profit, and ; we have heard of a few instancies where the roannfactnrer was satis fied with lest than 75 per cent . But the instancea are precious few. Mr. John F. Phifer, of JLincolnton," until recently sold his yarn at $1.50 - per bate, ami tie now only caarget, . 3, while others charm tX' Geo. Neel of thit county, we learn, has been selling at $3 and $1, 9 Yonng, Wrt ton and.Orr, of this place, pro- , pnetors of itock Island Woolen tj Factory, have agreed to famish " cloth to the State for aoldiera doth tog at abont 50 per cent profit -, We have heard it said bjr the pinners theroel vet in the piping times of peace, that if. they could sell their jarn for doubte the coat of the raw material, they wan Id be tttiafied, for thfT would be making : a bandtome profit indeed. We learn that factories -in this' neigh- borhood are telling yaro'at , $4.50 r and $5.00 a'bnnchand jet cotton ' can be , bought ia 4hie , county ' for frotn 15 to 18 cents . per poond gotnj clean cotbHi at that. - Even at cent according to . what tbej have heretofore said a huncli at thit time ought to-bring only $2.00. - Tk$ Aceiditd on Me WiL arU Wtldon Jiailroad. We learn froa; Mr. Bltner, Conductor on tbe above Road, that the reported ettnaltiea by the accident bear Magnolia oo Saturday tatt, have been : crest It . . exaggeratexlThere- waa one xnao, - a colored -brtkeman, killed, and he r waa standing oo the platform. '. Twja , others, soldier, aomewhst iniured, t but not serioutlj. The acciJentis tnppoted to 'have, tmen rneL bj -the falliog of a brake, which, threw the ' after cars. of Bp-seuing some -four of them. VTtL Jommak . ' . ' AatnhUi MorhlUf WHkia a year part tto rriocipal Bank of Cap Tear, at WUmiagtoa,k lott W daailk,!tt IW denU Caahier, tod Art of iu tea Directort. Two of tto Utter died of Yelkiw kever. Truly k WilmingtoB aa tfSetedeity. Wt tote beard it titled that ia tto Itmeoa. geegatioa a Sw Xamw' Cbarek ttora k not a pew whom occupant are aot eloih' J ia lootroib j. iy. 0. . - Small Pea ia Qilfork toliier re-. ttiraei from tto army by the ruuna.ef . Frtsar.i tick la tto aorta-watt partet tkk coasty, tome fiftcea milm from thai place, aad the data k ttid to bt amtll pox.No other eate, .to for at we hare keard, pvstBtdrQr,

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