j ' f '4 .r a. oabiaat "ll,1'lll-?!,'?'"Tti ob"' anml T'''afP"efWa?'fBr"ay' wa)i nrtsso-fr..' .. . . ",."'Tr'f '.? W VOL. XXV 8AL1SHURY, N. G.V NOVEMBER 17, 18G2. NUMliER 26: ' f. i. BRUNER, " (tnirtt in TMtnuroK f MUSIC. NtMtol to tM fl-Wrj km Ib4. r wsM- TU( krim) Um bt4y mnM iglrt N.iJiAf imi lri iIm MSMtl T hm mm wumt fmitf i Mail ,.-.llf4abgiftif - Ami tritif wkmk ) a4 fW H'mJwm 4K kigfcfr, fWifrf hii.bU lh mini' 4w, if tfcn fl, krieil Uir, Of M'Ntorf tM VwiU M iaf' Otmrtti, fhmn - fcwtlit'ig , Ft MW W tl iMNMt rrJI faal Iwifl ' ll lit hnf k Vr mmde' wujgm A4 ikr ia fnckm lloa ia aiie ! For l aciMNM iat ikrro it mmetZntfy Atxt liig tmt tkrMkM In-art 'ra km ; , 4 Uk a yoyhxy iarir4 f llaa If patrM UMifna trmm f Ui iff Ca ff, lamFw af Lor, U iht AM-flnrinaa WrW mhttm r) hr A4 aVjf Ibtart'ara aa ia aaraM 4 H ft la II'MI mm Aaa rraM Jmtnir. No. CaVlett.. 1 N KW A LL J ACHaOK A PflKT; DwaUi it artit tmiftttt mj to k-aai thai tha iaabtntaWa aa4 kaaiy jiaf Si.Hall iackaaa, ia a part of a akitiljr, aaa tai waif aaaj ea aarf v4mm aa- aT caaia baa faa4 Iriaara l ranfr hi , U Ua aaaatifal ia liaraaara. Taa (olovinf iiaaa aia wiillaa aUa I cioa waa aa artit far aalaat ia Mmi tiimg ia a-ar aalwara taa Uaiaal Suwa aa4 Ikal MMty : Taa tatlaa Wat Una Iffcu aa gvaa, , Thacajparaa,ia4aaWrlMa H aifU wiU aotfma paaa aMraa . Taa aaaaWa UaiiAia a tka aka ; But alar mf mrf rj hath toara. . Aaa 4, aaaaay la gau a; r I Uwak af taaa, afc. a!iafat awa, Wkaaa lavaaif aart? Ut aata Of taaa aaa aiU aaay aa . Waa ataaiwara aa by f ma araaaL . ii4 af Ik teaaVr. fraT( aW laaa, Oa. gaaaj Ua UaaW ato-arta ra(. Aj fcaaat faaUy Wf aaar Ta kar, kaw. araiokry ia arrt To an'tkar, aufctka aVakly aVar. ta waoaa aaaf fcaart kava frtaWy aia , Tt atraaaat at lava aa eVaa aaa) elaar Aaatakatf bar 4faaiaf afiraa yat. Xaar Ma aa.kaaaj Mun Tky ' TW, " Ob, taarfc kr. ralrra tka akiaa, Tkf, aAa kv Tky kakaat akar. EatrU'a awfaaatjaawaca fitf of na, : !( laar ia vb ta TWa aakaoaa ( fla kair ia kat. oo aaam tftaa ! - TVa TkaayaaaVt atay tk Mtklaa Jiaada Of aWk Awiw, aaa awik ita paia ; Tkat aaly ky Tky atera auaa.a Tka kuU'a luat.tka aaiaWa alma Tkat fraax tka aVuast aa at Iaa4 Tm kriafat tka waaoarar kuna afaia. . A4 wkea eaaa kar mlUm kae liar b-ar-wai caaek h) aadtv aat. May kaaaiar-yoaaaa kaaaa aana ' .. Taa kricktaaiaf larraat af kai krvaat No (roaraiaf lowk aot aagr) Kiae, tkatark tka akketk afkar reafc - Wkatoeef Calk ikuaa tm aaa i Lerea wttk a aa,ioa alaanat wiU4 By aae ky aiaki 4a Jay ,nr woa . By fear affraaaaa, or fcobaa kvgailaal, l r aaaa aeary aaafor, eeary taa. Ok, Gad! peawct air arit aaa ck! "' ' " ' ja' a ' f- iaj " r . Jjftdir at 'rTMiv4j. It ha been aacertatnetl lt ZjQQQ oliW Yatt k aoldiert have been . removed from retiMcola. Fbirid. iMit to what t-.i.,t i Hut In.HrrJH.ut.-., ciin!antl aent at, and tliej ree:rt tm jerKr lore t4 tlteenemj oo v tite mainland. Ouw rKpedition lo warda PfOaicoU reu!d in thecap . turv of bacon etHtuch for 'en dark r.Honi all oar.4t: a in that aec tion. .' N"t I"ijj aiMce a party if Yan kee AbolttioiiiaU wcat to tke reai dence of -Gen Morton, foruierly ,a United State Conreaaiaan, and car ried o4Tfoarteeti of hi alaves, V Reported A rrtd BuC TTood U ia Uted tLat the AoolitiouinU have arretted and" iwprlaooed the Uon. Ben Wood, DeEiocrtUo candi date for Cotigmt in the 4th District York dtjrrllieT'bntspoken truths were too mut for Lbe traott to twallow. ; . EXTonnoK. i.. - ! . i i .i ilonaKU atii. Kwr him miiilli j al, lor rsrt I have an-H ia UfflV falib. af m4 banofal Jiaa bet a, mr tnaa laa!H:ialio aid ifcal Jt ilm . fMH-rllr. n ike hert ahW k lie ihK arliclr. jDwtc-, lr amiM WMiitha'paM, Tlia Cihii trjmati haa iwaae la ifrtMiuitoe rkluflHM, flfl aixj amHrali laraitiw Im kaa area tkat lliia JroutH-ialiua t rxkirilua in (?-ml IrfMM, ailtnMil iit ihg nwr ajrhal 'rltuf t k, f ka aa aakafjy Vir-4 Uo wur ppk ,s Our - o U baR fit to la-li-e lial ail high ni f-aiifuW eilrlMNi. lliia i fai ffvtu fieri. ilte -aa. ' Fr iDiance, a f- tiaja aj;. i buuglit ( It. Carter at Ilare( ia baivfilvM, a M of uilifga, Kf Lttrb 1 ijuJ AA af aril. I alto ea (j-J keg or tu of itaVln. Mini ajjrwl to (Mtjr Mv. frfMMixi Sum araaavl tbia ill NMMt wtlttaeutt rltxflHtll I Far '0U II. lastMMl of Iwiojf etiTl)li, 1 LelleVe the aai (Mrcrut. aaa in 4 maile UJoo tlie ann-la. M(rt, 1'artrr 4: llartej had il 50c frf jraJ W tTitt'r uhalur(f an J 30- -f amnl k ail (aliicb Ulirrthi-jr IimI 44aini frfMH I lie MeMra. iMiliam, mint at ikrHHwlvra to tKMkJ- ruble inrwA eiiU-nca iw uUaia litem fur lite am-nnio-daiioa .4 air pv4e, an. riiUt bave auM ll-a ftr RtMch itMiro 'in Allaala; lliiouh kick Jaoe liarjr Iwuacbt frura O ! n'a raa Wiaka iala lliHi riMirt, tiiaa llie j -nee at wliicfc tit-v kJJ tln-iu U Mar, Cairter at IJant-rj Kut to Irlura tw tlie uljti, Miata, Carter 4t tlartrj, iw aelling tbvir ana turg aal oatla at Sd and SAc 6 or 0 (iiiir U auiuuiil ikej Hard lu aell them lur, arra Out au niack f uiltj of eitwrtiun a ibrr taera Wa ikej- oarj t ell tbetn ai Ida uU wica, k I dara any ' I key do but mala ao grat f$6t now aa ihey 1kI the a. Vet oar oW purrkaae uck arUclea at lh price mtliooe1, and ifaikk tUaec . wwodwrful atUMlio ia it. Tky lpN raiaamba. that cevratkuig ia k-iariag a tiitfk rka bow. Ttiejr do aoi reiBcflibor lUt, akat ikey ba t a UtO)(a a hk lacw km, aJ tkat their are ayt walj-ajilhba; to receiie, but arfually detaaiid a kigb (noa k tL What d cuuotry (nla avlhwur jeAiu. our aupl. airiea, vur UiUar, our duckeoa, our ep, uar Ulk,uur caodleau at f ti a i w ra iw WOti tWOTK botD aaya. Vllol eoj4 ara but di tm not dwpoaed to let erybody wiahea to it aotf buU) aya. Ur.aii aiiortioAer, but boludy daairea to ba ao-eltorUobae. Kvrrybojy wialiet to aeil Lit aeigbtwr kia guudt and cbaitlea at or fi t a liuodrad tbouaaiMJ tnc, bat it uuka bin aa oiad aa blaW if kit neigb bur offer to aeli kia) aytblfl( at mure Ikaa ou half abat it coak A . JpoMit oocarrad with Tba Conatmaa a Urn dayaago. Uaetaj pa rojiiljr.dtemiBL Ut.l-oablU-Bo raiaa aay mora o4toa for-aal dunng tbia war, (if I avaf do) J coacluded I would open hole bat abop, aad make it aower tba jtUoa of niy rotjkw crop a far aa J ooulO. tiut wool ia awortnoualy bigh. Great ieboaapbal I bow high. Woo? hat have to be kiU too, or k ikey will have to be wade ol KHUflbio eiaa beaidaa wool. Utit ray band uaeal iaaraed lha aecret yet. ow bra wa a caae that troubled ma very til uck ludeed. f waa naklaj; ,MoUiiB to" aell, kad to buy great many ibiujps aud pay war prioea fur tbem all. Wool baia meet witb ready aal, aad to aupport oiy lauuiy, t iboagbt 1 woukJ em 4uy bauda and etlkeiu to manufacture tbaoa ar tide. ' liul Oo-y wit! aell ao high, oa' will be called aa eiUirtioner.'.' Ye jdreJlJbat, but ay aaeeMitio are imp rhma la "lloHr-demaada.' So I concluded a a a X? ?l rai, uaW tok. 4 poumJ. of Fool ia akebauge (or a Wool baU 'Now,'' aay ot tba tkiog all right ; ao eilortioa mow ynly half price.' ' : Oua of uiy Sirb-oda, a Tatiaer a, welt a myaeK wet ma at Crooked Creek Church. Hi. Coubltyimui " aabi be (tereraJ . boo aeoi ataoding arouni) ' I've got eoOM wool, 1 aU. made into baU: what will yoantaka Iberii (or - Two poaada of wool will make aiid pay 'for a . wool bat4 aid 1 witb beCoittipg meaLoeaa'ailWtoM of iny aelling bata ao cheaply : 'A wool bat Bard to ba sebaugad lur 4 pouad of wool aow 1 charge ouly'2 thai all I waaC : - ; Bat, Mr. CouBlrymaa, your priot lor baitia vary high. , Two poaada of wool art equal lo 14, aad that aoorrsoo for woolaata.' - -y.-- . tKd joa ay roa bad tome wool X - .' " ' . - VWbal did yoa ur jt waa worth f r well. 1 run au i w uwir mu Hell me our nh4 at 10c, aad 1 aill make ywar haU at tOa r't , ' Put cb-aa arwol ala. aottb 4(k a pound.' v Very well i aell a ynr ia.l at 40c. aal I will Mwike ya kat at So-.' T1a laugh Waa afaiaai tnj f.W-Ml, and b bad to )ield I Iw poi ''ft be baa a4 yH yielded m bia au( at 40i;, and I hae riot coticludvd to baaa. my exlfwlaiiona, or tka -rtva of my haia ell kef, up..n the idea that be or any una eW will do ao. lli'ta ia oaly urte taa ia praiiL llire are mtM iui of otlirra, Eierj lajtfr ett.nin (in one aetiae of lha wotd) bat bbudy hIm lo be extorted upou. . Lrt oor pro) le com, bmk from ibetr Blerilijj auJ dKimli-r what ettortiun ia. If llwy aill only tako a reaonl4e and uuorlbth view of ba ul ject, liiere i!l n4 he atiimuch inurmuriiand e4iiUibt. U arho ia really aa eitiartbKier. ap-wbv tor,' or enjrronarr, aliould ba d-bobiHl. Lie ho arlta or NiaiiufaM-tUrea for a fair profit, and lbu add lo lha aiercantiU. niaaafaciaribjr facinrtra uf the latnl, U applying lire ueeeiiie ut hfo, dearrtre your tbaiika ralber tbati your euiae. 7ir CoaafrvavaM. B. E. BUI aa Taaaan. Ukarauitfi aaaf cn af ractarkM, 4" a a a $. Hut there are nianv prr ' are n4 ut&'ern, a l,or eiiiitu'VvX 41 the irutetfetoebL fet ado tivmi mark luaeaa tbeieoplalrt.iiiblbvtaarlvajbWNrir be inade for khrinlhlg ao bv u l. priorft. MkI aa nnrmaKees taa- J n-ra, aaj-rtintt-adVats ati owih of facto nr aad maaufaclarer mm artisxna of all kinda. All ock roaa art out only jmarti-t-ai raeruie to our ucce ia tbiairugrbs but are acting in direct bad "faith to lha government and are ul jci to puoiebmeal. Three ruea are esempted from the milita ry rrvtce. Dal tbU exemption ia not nr tba tnfir,of individaal. but r tka poV lit foud. All tba anuaUtberebM-tf, who act kar their individual giu a violate lha' true intmt of tba law, au, ate eipiyaaly object to 4e mt omlet eotert$fd aaJ imr aiorc to ht txtntpttd - Tbr Uw pnvide that aeretity -five per cent on the cl of (iroduction hall ba ike ettrrtue limit of tba prioea chargad." Various pretext and acliemrt are being already-reaorled, to, tomagailj apparently tba coat of prod act ioc, or to mtatify the ealcuUlKMi, ia tba mrod of tba eople. Under ibit Jaw ne'itber the coi of living, nor the ioteraat on aapitai invented, from any irt of tbeeoat of prod art ioo. L Tbeaa ar provided far ia the rVeotyfiv' per cent, profit allowed, aad the provtaion ia ample, and eoricbining more really lha ought to bave beeq allowed. What ia tba coal, of Jrfoduction on a pair of thoea I It ia the price paid for lb raw hid the txpena of Umiing it and tba kireef tb oparaiiv who make tbe hoe. Let it b remembered that tbe hide which are taoaing aad a hick are to make tfcijhoe for tbe Coming winter era bought at comparatively. k pri.-, Tte preaant price of hide and b-atlier comi tate too part of the coat of the pn2!oction of boe made from bide or k-ather b-i'l. Nor hv tbe tanner tbe rybt to hrgi K resent price tor the Walker niada of bide ought at lower price heretofore. What ia tba coat of production of a yard of cotton gooda I It ia the c-t of the cot ton and the actual axpeoar ioturrvd in running (not making ur utliog up) the macmnery ana ine wage oi me operane. tbt.dpth now being made, and -which will aaad during tb eno.ing winter it mnu foctured of cotton boogtil at low price. Tb prmnt price of euttoa no pnjof the coat of producing a yard of elotb from CO. ton bought during lb winter atdjriug nowpaaU Na Every operative ba.! perajiaal '. inter! ia aeeing to it that tbi law m b4 violated. Fn if r.M taiwtiaiMiliait or offiivr tif a l factory or other atoblabiuet ahall violate ! 'Aia lawy every peraon engaged about the aaUb!ibmnt ia aubject tooonacriptioi at one tad witboat remedy ! . 8o avery maa, womaband child in tbe laad at )aleretad ia reprtiag violation of ikU l.a tii lm. Ia nrt-v'i'iit thon'rVnto ke' tog oppred a well a to prevent tbe gov- erament front etg weakBao: tkat ine Uw ba been exacted. '' " Variout matboda bar been rmorted to -witbr-viWf aecariaghigb prieet and eacapiog pnblie odiam. Tbe meat com wjob baa betfc to oflar good for tal at auction. Tbia ia, at Brat view, a pUasibl acbeme of xtortioa. It pata tba wbort bmmI Mvnmanitv. lovarBIOoat indudad. Let it b Well ramembered that much 'ofbe congregation wet in th attitude. Ma- J ia the btadt of ipcuUtor--put ail iV tb oef li frlnnevu o4tnteri4ta, and Hsarea to tba ownera Uh ofilv tAyrt real ly inteadd-A'aA prim without odium. Tbia muat all be atoj-ped bow. far atora tba a Ti r aehl. on lb aaat taf prodaa tittti, aketjier at auction or otbrwiar, m) a tiolaliob if tba l. A SuM'UuU foe SAoe.--An ex Liet it no (1 cit iauii Iim cultifd onr ,at- IfiiiMxi to tlie iiibj-! uf the nao'rvf nuliilt iiMrrHina mm a uhatitntu fr Imhj. il afati-a that when li moved to lb MiaaSaaippi, fifty Team pfpS te ahba) wpre v te har) fur the iieruva, aim) thtef male their own ut of tliia iitxtiTial, viliieli auaarrrl lite pur'") aa aril aa the more olHtrtfly nindv article.- and in aHie rrapwt !rt;tteT. Tliw JrceM ii aim pit-: take a re?M cowhide, or well auaked, with the hair on (which in to o iuflt lo the foot), "put the t'it bwii tirmly' ujxn i, ami cCt nut the j-utferti . desired, make the ireceanary hole alng the ejjea, and, lace it with a thong of the a me Huterinl ut the lifel and up the iiirifep. Lit it dry upon the foot, and itae R.iitiiMMla e itaeli l-erfectlyito, thtr aliN of the latter, while" 1l ia suffi cifiitlr rulMtantiMl br all kind of traveiiitirx, ami ita elaaticify it pre ervc by mm. Socka tliuuld le put tut when it in made, though it can he worn without, and audi '$ o avoiu too tigtii a at. ine moo- cain, it it acarce'j iMSCvtaary to ob aerve, adapts iftMf to the shape of the tW, and the lit is perfect. It outwear leather, and is not hard, a nme miglit nppvaie, bat quite the revert. If desired it can be half-, soled with the aame material. Tbe hair Maine; give the advan tage of warmth, ao that socks (when nof to 'be hadl cad be better , die penaed with when moccasins are need than if shose were worn.; 1 The gentleman to whom, we are indebted for this suggestion fays that lie hat mentioned the subject to told Sera, who are very tnncb pleated with it, and tart there ia no reason why soldiers-should go barefoot while to man ' Wde are thrown away in catiipt. Jfoot'Zt RtqitUr. Mart of: Butlertk BeaM JftV Ut$ A mUd for Hot prayimg for ' Lincoln.' -; " Butler, tbe Beaat, haa a mated and aeat North tlirre mioiater. ia New OrkMBt, for omitting in their aenrica tba prayer for M the Preaident of tba United State, The New Orleans Dtll give the following ae coont of the arreVt of on of the three, the llev. Dr. Goodrich : " , On Sunday lat tba church waa opened, a uul, for diW aervice. i The robed pMor wim there ia hi dek, and' a larga i:d fbionHbb eotigregainin fiHed tlie I'lew,.. ITiete were present, too, several mmv officer, and among them Maj. Geo. X .Strong, General Butler Adjutant Oen eraL Tbe, " eeremonW rolled on and on, and fin'allv tbe llaior diacovered that tbe miniaW bad ' omitted the prayer for th IWioVnl of tb United State. A kymn waa'chaunied and then the audienc knelt, a if to indulce in aileiit pfayer. AVbila )or Strong roaa'and'Mid toba minifter - Wait one miaute, ir." ; With ttT ud denpeja ; jf; guilt urrrla(L' tba" eongrega-tiou-ttpod erect, awa aUicben, and to la die Docked round tJi Major, who wa at tirrd ia citw' clothe, and, thaking their very Urge fit at bim characterised him in .uch term aa, 'fV, you roooater of enieltr," and thm, turniig to the livid a jr a rmn'atrr. mm'aU-r. crvd Mit, "OooOM -ooa by T aoU aome ol Hiem ejsouiaieo wiimy. lf gwnj; ou o wmi. -'b"1 turned uon the omcer. wb Moked calmly Uku ibe madneM of tb matron and mai eu. and ia concert once roor bawled out, -Oh, yea mooaterof eroelty ; joaTl never j daUaib ua in lleavea. , ; - x r. ' . ,. .. TQooi for fie (rWaorwWe.learn that Governor Vance id receetry; (bat be had determined that aot another, atiil should be run la tb Stat during hi term. II thinks a all other bones! peojd do, that bread it better that wbwky. Let apecu huioa and extortion b put down, aad let tbe people do their daty at the Governor W ton&Jtda, and weeta aeither btarTd nor tbjptdXwy Profrru. ; IVwa 1U tabWiWaar, t Oae of the Mrtageat of the Many 1 rrurk.U . et bibitioo of popefar'teatl-1' taent which tide war baa jnarle. h the BlTI SITK c,w,. h W; aad I Marvjaad to eer armies wblcl rtotnt. le i Urg force, vUted ibna Stalav Looking back, wiikoat the tlleeioM af aa' tbaaiaaiq, at tb oVmooai ration mad ia tbnaa Slat la prvaenc of our arm. V .......J in, oeir proper wortk, w are forced lo coafota that they were awble: L .i a t. aw l a . r ef uat wey aaoraeo at B ComMerabl am- ' ' tarial aid. aad bot Etle moral eaeoer- ment, Empty barrabt and K "waiving "of V " tag in aighi of oor aimiet, aad pretty ' ktleea from fomalo ompaabrxtra, ar ao! : o,uito .afScieat wiliijoaiea Vdf SoatUrtw . . patriotaam and d.otio. Wbm ear ar- r H.bcroabrd into llarvlaad and Kentucky they expected aornothreg ror than that 1 ladie ahould wave pocket baadkercbiefa - , at tbeia ..d that a fcw(b.adred men bbould joia U.eir aUadard, . rigged for a camp bunt, and wilbag e play tbe part of foney aoldiera for tw 'r three wwek- Tliey expected that bvg bodiee of recruit would flock to their ataodarda; that the ? " people ofKratadry and Maryhsd would nk both profaMy and fif ta redeeming tbmlm froor. a tyranny which aad bparwd tbem la BottW, and which h might well be uppoaad bad beaoeae at- ' tsrlf iatolevable. v " -v e ' - e " if The foct tbewtW:Bitlrl. tt'J A land aorfin Kentoekj did ear armies and any uUtantiaJ aeoeragament, in acorn- . ( tion to their force or i contribution of V ' material aid. The dwpl.y f verbal tym- r patby ia tbeae Bute was dotibtleat abu&- . daat eaougb; bat it lacked lb fulfill- ' -meat of actios. Tbe people were onto . willing that w boold emaacipato tbem r tbwy preforred the South 4e the North, bet tbeyiwera not prepared for a mere - referene to rkk life aitd forton. Tbit brobably Ute thief aste of tbeetu- trnne rceeptioe given to oar armies Ja -Maryland aad Kentucky. , Tb dread of . Yaatae veogeaoea aad toeeaf peoparty were too powerful to matce tbm rUb again! the ia lavoer of a etuae for which they bad a atare erelareeoav witboat aay attacamenu to it higher than tbeae of tel- fiab ealcubuioo, ' ,, , :;-e-;6;;-'1 The only jatt xplaaatioa that can be i furaiabed of the abject atmade of ibete . Statea it, that baviag taken the ant tfrp of ftabmaaaoe to a pitUeat daapotitm, they have baea eaailv correpted into ita tab- I: ject. It ia woodaifal bow eatily tba.pir it of a commanKy 1 ertabad by sabethv - toe to tyraaav ; bow tbe practice of ao I reaMtance asakes of men .erawBag. ere . tare. Tba mUuka is ia makitg tbe frit . atep of tabrnkaioe ; when that U aooav -plbd,demoralitioa become rapid, and tb braveat eommtahy ajBB bn, tmasoa. latioa. Under the. aprienot of non-re- ' aiatauoe to tbe'rnle of a deapot, men b oom Umid, artful aad miaeHv ; they peed their five ia eoeanlting tbe Suit " end of peradnal sdaftbaeta. This eorrep- t'xin in Maryland aad Kentacky bat gone on with visible atept. Tbaia bittorj it a traaoa which this eooatrj my well remem ber, of the fatal coaraeooet of any anb mUion to despotie will However tpe ciou iu pletC, it nadennine the vrrtnet of . a people and degenerate at last (ate ter- vilu acoateaence, ia IU bua. tv JBoUnmchMH r A. RoczeL of Uecklenborg coanty, has tdd a large crop of wheal to bis lieihbors for seed at $2 per botbel, wbileit could command $3.50 to $4 at his door. Ue refoaed tf let r tpcolftore have a basbel at Tlie Charlotte Democrat says this gentleman haa two eons in tbe army. ; What a spectacle it would be to tee a wofum ol each men 1 And who belie vet thai Mr. Bonell does not. himself a riclier man, in the tree Ml. I - .. ' LV V.J toMte oi toe. term, mtn ii ue uau forced $4 per bnsbel for bis wheat oet Of the necessiUes of the peofdet ''.t . SUtU Journal. . .,. CoMpfiawatery le eAa MildullA compSmeatory ball and appar will b given lhie evening at tba Dalavaa Uoat. eoraer of Cary aad Jomieeotb atreeU, to John Mitchell, the Iritb patriot, Lo ar jived le Richmond from the North a lew weeks nea.7 i Several' weD kaowa eitisaeW Skb mood will be prwarai, and tba oocaaioa wilt tsdad patriofe taotiments, toegt, etc. V

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