'J . a .- Sirs i wUf'r ' Jw" ., .1 t W limnM 'V . .-.I- l...ilr that. "Jfilft C chcu:, .hall utto. Ij bo f u ' r.. Hint ia d r of imtUMi. IViyef ha J"' rui 1 ' - mLmt i have beP " ' Vulr tfecry buiiiWe.V fc.thfiil .hit to IWliy 1 tjC- ' ""' . ih-t (J.nJ WHtt't . . Of wVI- " " 4 mi finer - . . meir heart a, Let MuJv " ' rJ . .,r.wr f.i ( 7 : mUNf; audi Hn wjb - -ai.m aji.ftiH w.Tfi nim . 7 llw,:r cuttiiiry. U1 iu atcK w-1 lor.iiivu f . ,ip ,n .L i ' . . I . ll.rv h Sooth Bat let the f oonit; UoVfo "d thooKhtlew, Sit, .nth title-, h.nk of the ded, of tlrt Jjinj5nd the tnnjE; tbtok of the broken he.rted , the de erted nd tbe bomelea; thtnk of " i . W- M iul t a Willi l OTJeoi oii that d to God for Mi od for met. od jn oo. , JL pe frietidlr to tbo bore aoggettwn re reqoetted to eopy yVte4 com, l tb Minwooa eootrabaad ia Wabio2too aod U ioonj wh wi-n WUJ UieoiWehea fca pwDrttrd U, .urr, r trm to d-US. U U o -iU UMfOfBMi iokU fcr tkein I Aad Thair MtKCt eoodittoi eca bebra s . - . . . : .t.1 . 1 eold waUir aaa aw o, ... aiti a a a-1- tbMt I tba extreme. WDat U i'f'J to be a eeepk of ttootha Uae, U fc ot difficail Ut iaMio. Uuodid of ikn bate bad already qaite eooagh of liberty and aUttdoft kilaatbrbpy. TUj would rladry ratara now is oir wpi w kat tiw kaffa ad Dower to do ao. and iodaad, ata not permitted any . 'pmr Unhy to carry tack deairv'mta ettrct TbW . raoraiof a Uol aegro, nggea ap in eai off amy clot biaf, came to door akerr I M.nit;.a' fcat MtttoafaJ tA 1m mfrl a . jots'anytoioj by wkicb be oimM earn ' a tBeaTa eiotaakv 1 foead ka- aa front Fr4riebbarf, bamg beloagad to a aell bootm lady of ikat town, terry (tb oe m) bad tar eareral jean biredb'ta tima" from hu mkurcaa, mod m gettiog tioof rery wn a carter. Ia aa e.il boar be datertaiaed to ton ' eooUaUoJ, ead rm- ti tTaabiaeiika. kriaffioe a kandred dollars is ailtar kia aaringi. Tbia ia now all jooe, aad terry bimaeT'eadly OBt at , alUaa aad toa banbly keg littJa eia 7ptoytDt el aavtof wood to pottpoaeatar. tatioo. lie a rery aaxioea to go borne; bV aceordiag to bia oa aUtemeat, ia not ' allowed to do ao. lie nky rot anoeg tbe ' .... a " f 1 iianoitted to retore to aUtrery.r Tbi ia , Oaa ioauaoa eat of tsaoy wkick bare fal lea Bdr mj obaenraUoa aod ot tbooa aads obKb, aadoaWOUy eM ia uin cy. -' ' We reeeoUy beard of aa lacideaiaFarrr botae tkat tbowe tbe lore U tbe'yaaka Kir IB negro. pir w ' boat aad went off to oae f ibaVockadinj , ftaet lrio2 below WUmiagki. Tbey aere !i .V t. lta kliH ka.lr. A day eteoafteianlatbeii i bodiea were ' jtaabed aahora oo tbe aoead. Tbe oppo ' aitioo avibr aotbiaf pbsitire ia kaowa, that the yankeea tamed them adrift b . eaaWof tbeir eomiaf Irota wkere the yaP law Nver vat preeaiitAf. It ie aaid that there were nIUa of tbowJ 0. '. -j ' . - Tae Jtfiataiaa. (Tttaa) Wrwe aajra a bare akaat &tJ Uoaf at ta UU weat e k Iliiiir-fT " "11 , far actie aerriaa. . . . - ' " .wa ". v. SALLnUttY.'N.C,: W 4; ' jf I'. Stale Legileur: loueta in Raleigh today. mill l- B by ( reoc to another column, tbnl " loaae. I. !We forth iu l.-ndMH...- )- lrMi -Ir.rn tl.ii.tf t"- '".of S-ltn .u ,ke n ....... '''"" 1 " '.v !l'N - '' M' '"' : '"' 1 ... ., . lr C'M.J'Iiim-..'' du - Mr. J. T. fcr, . ....il l H ...I u ..l .i , .l Mi.' rir in- It bijjli r' mi l ! Ifi I...ul lij-M . . 4ii Mi'iatiHi : cm I I.- .1. iliAl.li IH I .1 MM lIM lH'lH'. - - -. - ; Tuf will t.ui. i.H-tlr Watli'-r -mkI I. "Tli.. .III"., vi i i' . - i - fm. Uht1 f iiiMtftial mi.J iumI;.ii;. 'fii Cm-tu in rach Jilicl f tl. coui.tr. ie rru.wI U M'rUin ai.l jct orrtifiiatr to all ir1i, Umt tbr Acialiyj limj ktHi-r bu iuu) wi.l Uf i.rtJrl.uct. faiuilm h.witi trl to ilt CaUtMi a fjf'Ilokkfr of Coifderatv Treasury note, will AikI it 10 tbetr aUratifatre to note tb lol- Vwmg notioe of tW Coufciksrata Svcrrury of ''7 Tata- ierav kt Nma.-r-In coofurmity uli the a.l wf Conmarprorea tXtober WW, tr.Z, Ik Uce brrebjr pveo tlavt all Trvaaury note wUkh shall be awoed from U eTmuury after tSc ant day of December mtxL will be faod abie only iu aereu per crot fiooda or Stock, instead of eTgbt percent and all penoriabokl tngTreaaury notra wlm-b abaQ hare been ia auad prerioaa to tb aaid first day of Decem ber, aad who may deawe l foodjb aaioe in eight per ceuL Jfc tvla or Stuck, ar beriy Dotiiled that tiejr in nut come in oc or before tbe32od'day ot Anrd iext, and preaent Ue aaid nuUs at tb Treaaurr at Iliohmoo.L .r be emittrd Ul1 m wn 01 -aaiaUut Trvaaui w ... I WikuLvi ul I ha fVilVll milvlit Cm tlx! ItUT- poae ut funtiiug tlietn in eikt per inL Bkm1s wr Stuck ; atier which &e uf will be fuo dable only in aereo per ceoia. ; C G. MKilUINGKR, . Sreretary wf tb Treaaury. October K l lofii Ikalk a Uumfkntf Ptytv Qvcyn.'t are grieeed at Uing obliged . announcv the death ot llutnpbrey I'evtoa Gwynn, sou of Geo. Wajtef-Gwynn. "ll? waa. kille.1 in a alirniiab near ilartinntui im the 16th otOi ber, aud bia reinaint mine for tlie prevent in tbe Cemetery of that Town. Young Gwyi.n Mlvml (las annr Ml tlm iMilbrmittA the war. wltt-U Ik: tU but Ultle orer blleeu yewa Ot aw nul ivmoiiiMl iu it until line dar on wbich be waa kiil. A Uiore palUi.t pint tha.n uuraerer tenaniea a unman waxHn. in ' lainWiamt nf kta Cartain. m a letter coflimuni- CaUn the inieUigeocv of I.m oeatb to bia af- 0M;ted UUter, be waa brave lu a laulL lie tui.t iliiarn hi Vimiii? Lie Mum the altar of bia : r - . - - t euuntrr. ami ms guoe tw ii..y a patriot a re- 5e. There waa a pretty f-JI of mow her ia Frida Ul unuoi!y early lor th cliiuate, w belief e. A Tbe'nrt thoakt on aaaking after a comfortable n:g;hl' real and eein( the now flak fIlia? (.!, ,a the pinff nJ diera tboaaawd of wboiB, doaUIea. were eijioaed to the eold rata, wliich leeeded and th aaow, with anuty'' e!othinif, dm teate,aad ia maay catea m fear no Wank et. llw ran aity of ue do too nineh for tltent I Their lire and oaf liberty are de iivmleat uDun tMutnnt and eiScteat artio of tbe people at home for tkeir reliff frota ' expoaar and aoBern.g.--y. Vq. . -v, r! ; .e Tae 4ta Qaarttrljr' M-enpf for lwa Co.. I be aeM at tWa Chapl ikrflb aa4 30th af N"oeeeaer:- WM BOBBITT. P. E. TAe VarULOat GTernment baa exehaoged tlie eaurtuoat number of 38.000 men189U at Vickaburg, aud 20,000 at VaritiaaMd hu yet a aarplaa of eoine 8,000 to 10,000, inclodint tbe Uarpert Ferrjf,prioo. era, v.; -' i.fi J ' : aaeaaMayaaaeauMBW-a' i ' I AV JaaoWarv--We kar teea Mveral jpaii of aocka nad by Mrs. John A. Wilhune of tkk oooatyf froa eottoa aad eow-hair. They ar toft aad datable, are aaid to be warn and to poaaaai the ad taauca e aot.wettieg 0k -: . ' " . .1 v - ' rnt' u TlitiK; I.m ? a -lieoel nils , 1 pf tlw ? it t! !. pUee. atlAtOto. L V tu- gatk Uu I - a i to U fore ftt Wekioa, It ti tiei iq u4fgTpli frail HaWph, tbst Mma. of ti nriKiom 0puneJ oo Um SootWl briuw Wilminctoa. MMrt UmI h k tb iuMUiuaC.tLL, MiiioqfW,Ppy.ib tuwa who h Ijvfr abate. . " 5 . . , . It b UBoiaflj annoutxxKt that tb nmny hr k-ft IljriMMith. ' Thr dratSwitklh, pro baftly, WVWon or fHmUin a Ut ara Miiftoaiti to bar i gbwr up lha Xowvi Uirv. Ortu Koatr cuaimaixU lb Yaake pedi taw. -.wi..1 ..h.f--.'-TIk- .4.pn im Cuott ot 0orfla kat uWidtrd Ut ilir Ccnvnpt Lnw waa Varhr cutialitii iMnl. iimUf thai pnvinii whk jHwa to t'.mi.i.- tlx powrr iorw amiioaX ami al ....iuiiuiah4 ttm ihr fwer t oall out lilf unlit ( .ir ..wee in Virjrini.i ' refatrtetf li..J r niyajrenief t with Iforwalet army oil I.. a luat tik f.l..nt.wr t-iit.ntY. It slated ,1,,,, e drove th- et.tr.v lk two niiW mii.I rhxt il.-y hav ivtT"',l tlw Rpjalian i li k cner. Grrui SW .Wia.lhw of W IV.wat r.nr-f w.io ll.i- .:ir-I.h of wrtntrc. C-'?l 'l gtow .-.irr.lv. fltrk. Ajt. t'at LA-VK LAIVX'K FiH THK I'Cllir liKrKVSK. Wh ii'.l. r.MiMl lm -n Mi' in'.. ..mi.'H il.iS'n w..ilint' f' M iit . ! k ty uWir f ... . ... I. n i l' !. ikr ivqiiiiirnn of ... I . ..I .. TT. ....innt L. nia.ln t. 1 1 i f " i . - - t- gnlln III. I I .ltlHitT f tl'f.y vin.ir ..f ih- S.j. wbilllit''aHiril .. .-in.i a ill' tut IIm ntiariif i ilM.tjWh.. t.iiiaania.bi hv th ...it.fii .-..nr.. It a;-.-t il.nl tlwivurt lit. i. Im irutihb finl, ""d irion-il-U .wi-r infi. fxatlr; rfr '? ti-.t cn-UWi .y partial and 'pp t- t..n ..tyrfi-AT jxrt. Tin Jaar .k in fuU a it pTMil- a. n of ijai4 dua kv ihi. twtlv tnmaaa on apt vt ntwla of TIIK KKl F.Sr XORTHEKS ALCTJ0.'S. Th- York lIttM;t the Tt. in. a an intrninjr tdilorial p'tng a ana Ijiical iew of tb recent electioua. and foeeli!oiojj ia tonie rery aiiheant aeche th -hcy of ihe rmorratio or Ooox-rratir )rty. 11e e jnduaiona of thi article aa to th po litical oHnpfesiou of the neit CoKgreae ai a folio ; CWerrati, 101 Kepabiicana, 83 Cinerra!ie majority, 19 Hie 7rreW .pertiaieally aay the idea that the IVinucrala eWvted t the aett Cxiiirrraa alMtuld buhl a CnnreauuM t de- tine ihrir tieaa, and pol-liah to the WurbJ atithiaritatirely the nKaoiftj of tf late eleeliona. " . i The plain aajjfjjealion of thw and other article f the HtrmUmttl ihattb recent DetiMwrHtic triumph tbvald b made the early' ca-aaion of laying th foundation uf a Unhiti party in th South. It ia not im .riUl.fo that if the tuggeUna are fol :ed the Democratic party of the North will ere lontf otter a j!an-r the leeuo ati uctte of III Uaion. baaed puaaibly, ea the rreaio ofA A'tw Kmgtmmd Slut, the adoption of' tbe Cuatitulioa of lb Coa: tUUrat. Stair, and ahatever other con eeivn irht catch th tapericial tiew 4 jwple of the South. The biota of tech an Viperitnent apon the 8alb ar quite jititiu in reeeat ootgiting of tbe Northern . Hie Iltnld inlicate tbe fKitury or at i once relieving lh U of the South of all drluiiont and faW impreaaioe Jtt to thn fl'irit and purpose of th conacrrativ Nrth." It thiaka that th recent Detoo eratif triumph var foreraaaera of torn great ajl bene6cial enterpriae; but it w eareful to tay thaL? they: do not (broke a treaty of peace of oo any itlher baai than tlwuetegrity of lb Umoo." . TUg FL0KIDA COAST YANKEE ; IrUEDATH.5i. V leara tliat' th Yankeea bar lee recently cooimitiiog th Ntoat aarag d predMtioaa on the IWida eoaat The tall work aoutb of Feraaadiaa bar Uea d atroyed. ' ' ;; - A lude regiment cf aegroea,couimaad , by. ht UBcm, from '-Port Uoyal. ImimM at Keraitodiaa oa th S-J ioai l ia thuuxht to Us for lb purpoae of rliriug a whit regimeut aUtioaad at thai plec. Oe tb ftlk inataot aa Abofitioa auaa er riaited Dariea ,ery Hy ia tb asora ig. After fir.Dg tde 4 pooad guat, thy landed. A force waa paabed forward from a camp near Ianea to meet them, but did aotsaceaexl ia reaching that place until th enemy bad left, a fte' Ottrmit tiag what depradatioaa tbey could, they moved off keniedly . -; t ' We leant that LW Yakaaotreati. led with aiaaling aegroee aad other prop erty, bare dattroyed th oraoge groves ia FWrida by cauifig dowa tb tree, baaidaa eojnaitiiag other act of aadaliam io the daauoetioa of prirate prooparty 111 r..'a1TlttM :UU 1,1 HM,1, " A tvaUtfauaof intetliDoe. lo kft Staon toa ytnlay inoraii J- pac 8lefillca, fJ of a JUwIitioo nny d, Are tlwta, joaji In Iligblaud eouaty m brlirwl to be all caa. " . :rm I: ".'" " 7Ae Emttnyln JiiAt RiirfS f ll U iww a wrO W, lb U trtny ban a nuna-row 1 flt ki tka ' J' JanUrirer.in tl iiKiMwrbo0l don 1W. But tlx- drtiijriii of thai frit ainl tba ckwia aivt 1 Uractt ol ti am-U wUki nHI,H U rv lac 1 IhJ Dot aatitVi ij kawwa Wr arr in 1 m-npt of ao it.trn.jrn of intrr! cf imjMiiiiv from lh ami of w ill Nur?br rn Vn ipina. TV avMon W p rr U UiMiMfU tt-riu to ba Wl, aa , ruVt t ui tiiiiuklti.ir a forward aiwvmirut. Onr h..nJr.t and twi.ty-i alrarttUau AbtJitkH.it, ai.t.rv,l by ra-v.a uf our ta- . 1.. ... .1... f .iv l.v iIlk (4ia1 iralu luM I I KU.IVIII HI li..- "'V "V " " I rt,,,, Thr d im HViry .mi amriiin was Ul arJuaor-iAm.tt Omlrdn rtr- j xmrrr t U4wt-. n IrU aiai rkrti imu nl, tlw-y fj.ir-nl tlllr irralliittl that ll-'-oril u llt-.r Ul.lf trturowl tutU tank titllnj A la 4n a ar.-y w iviit. K ji ir U-m nW in tl.iviij l't G-n J a. knnai r.MHl tiukrr' ail aa ill ! txMlWw llirratitiii.rf tW rrar J" lU rntnuy. ?iMtiMiia.rt aiair mat Sintker t Gap i p.)-eeuo JicCtrttaa fonr We umJ a-U tlmi tU iuliuiaboiM are tl Gen. Jackou Im an no leonrt uiuvenieul, and that dpeiclir were nwvnl frmn hmi yeterdar. dated " WhttknUr ;" ni tlie neij:hlajrleal uf whuh re wa reported U, U? at Rmer ai-uounta. fiiiicker ' at tie- firrt of three Ga in the W.e IkKlr, atKMit hely mile froin Harper a Kerry, aiaf ia q tlie-' Ja-ett real from hreav nut; to VVamheMer. Tt Noitla-f o pa(Hf n i.r.Tnl ibat Utc tPWei ol lift Gap bjf Mt'lLLA ' i.njtwt tt.jt twwari !ee'eiituig our araiy f.im vouiuijt fcaat oi tlaJ iliie U'!ie, 1 W..I tetv tlen. Iah lu ret i vat tu tHveJ.ia eiHiiniumeatHHi fran Uni col i-ff VV Lu..milutuirti aa ulettii.vnt laTT.n. who hit -Chlorper C-irl lluse jebt.ia, lUt tbtie a preliil report uivtv (i -aus Iwul ajtfcn i.a-d ,a looveiiwrnl at or wear in- fl-. n-ar if lbe r.MiuV. aial "r" " v . - - J hal rapruktallti "J1Jy trainalhe lue 4 wriiCB i repreaeuiei w wt't wi to -vw alerabU-. ,Krwm l Be aaJi avnitv 5era tljti ti-a I AX ImJ onb-red a hravy mmwot of cavalry in tlar d.m-UoM e4 Wiih b-t-r ; k tttat tbe dupaJtiie Ir-ea Geu. Jaataoa were rt p.ete.1 to be "foud mm akbuogh Cm ik-Uila were ih1 rvtniu.iia alnl lu iIhj army. Hit I. Juuimimrr. .Vv-lu UT The removal of UCuUa tumtW umimuI of the AUJiiioe anny orea'mr. aa wekram from the Kaajnmrr, fvat et.ite ant lW(rhout the Nurth. The reeeurly rictoriou laratoerata are nvlienant, and '.Xdia Vaa Buren aay Uncolo ha, by thw ax-f. r cuml the eleetam of McCVtUn Preiivt( J the t. fetale. - Far Hi iraarAawa. WILL IT i;E TOLKUATKU f We Inrreky rail atfirtoa of lb (Jorera ment ,U ike ft, that tWre are In-iw midat, earKHW r lio are. atrtetlr aad indirectly depreciating tie Value of (J.fedeate ante. v What a prvher ran buy far three dollar in Coafc-drrae utoiiey. h ran jh Uia for two iht'lar in Male note, and f.r on a4lr ia ler an.1 jfi.. ' ..me are coliecling all the mttirf thef n ferret out, with a eiew "far- inetinent ia new tper elation. Wki'e wli-rv ar- d roanding cie for ehat they hate to ell. at jt fow fijrure. The oHvq-ne i na tural and palpable. It muat he roniplete ani Vniveral bwi.ktaptey. Strike frten uad-r na, our ot.lv Intata ef rarrettrr. ami w all wnk irretrt-vahlr, iM.i one ! twrtet of rain. ant nto-io. It the ttuvf rptnrnt are to iL and that ! (Mcal ili 1 make iu War a leal teiKler. and ' end, by aura-, to-aat the aofdid praeiie- : .'' I . " . abo relerrea is or w ar a ruiaeu ana undone people. , ,' DONATION . ;" . ' The (opowinjr il a Hat of arte-h -f4reret to Col Jn A. JJradabair, ty lite Ijufxe Aid, tciety orrtAey ': .. - Mr. J. J. 8ucnmerrtf, 4 carpet Uankna; Mr Burton Crauw, 5rpH bUnketa;, Mr. M. W.'Jarv 4 caipet bLnkt; Mr. ?,: Shotrff, 2 cVp Watitetj ; Mr, J. l. Ikewn, hlinketa: tierbvtet iaa Cbareb ot Salisbury. 23 blankets Mr J one Marphy, 6 carpet blankets and J pair am J Mr . Ifoyd-n, 7 pir k, 1 bUnket, I pr. ahuee, 2 but Mr. D. A; Daria, 3pair J2pauvbe: Mr. Mary Murphy, 4 puir socks; Mi"ebelh Miifphy. 2 pair araksi Mr H. Il llolne I blanket; Mr II. C Jooe 4 tTt covering, 4 ewr o k ail 1 pair drawer. .' '. -v ', , ' ,- -- . - - . A Ntw CWafrrrWf. W bar aeea a wretchedly botcbed eoaaterfelt' 13 8ate of North Carolina Trtasury aot W have aot a sea iiine note of that deao mi na tion, to amtk a omparia-a, bat this, is to videBt a fraud that bet little deacriplion aeceaaary to put oar reader oa tkeir guard. It is a very ooarte wood eet, prinu ad w aoi paper, tka aigaatarea O. II. Kerry and Ilsary JJardi not at all like those oa U geaaiae aot of tbe taalltr denomination wbick are kefcee , Tbe dat of the oae we bave teta b aot tlkd Pyrrol1'. Ohmnr. x lila I .' ". J e.ty. t, L'aadajr T'.nr . r 17.-. Ml U 1 ill tpnia' K-w :" 4U-t la t!.' Suits wMr!j l't, ll'M Jbf wiU ' (ten ksHkf In j4rit of kartnony, 7 teatI ! oh Mj r r.rti 1 lw of 'vW2;) frt ..' Mfy,l-- wrVar WtrT f , ro , , nruomi at oacv t tkf A b tkna aud 1-rWotm H itk rftnilT 0l :flm.v Ma bvtx.mll tW tvpraHrtaVltw i k pn4 vf a '- Lrl tW M Manf V i.ka ib we nary rloa4 tl. i;. ha.'T Iw orniir, be militia, a fa i iir i.uttNH J tmr roi rvanil. Ut lUrm mmmiimktf T'orW to Ike lMtrirl Uro'kjof lb Et wboM rt (, bvlp roiur j a rny hivraif. That tl.r pM pi C 'l oo'i ih bag aadv, 1 1 Ac, to tU aj r-'enijrt i aimplf t'u, , Jh uk.a. Iy otb roeia Ihry u.rtikf. ...I (oly riM ukably rlarta llirm' " M-Wr, iu uM bi to ahair thi .Mr( 1 m i. ii T I) '' Wfly nud it ' i. . na il w 1 rut. wm ari.nL! IM'll.t " ' " ' hr IB,MMliirr u W aU.id, U .. ,.,,.4 iondaU. t.i w.W ib. ir t .M.ibia .ae-l prt.i-eriy nt oa.-, but . . . . .i ll.t- ttmi n r rnurw, w ar S Wiht.ii . "''d elt.M KailMMtd.aif ie aeweeW; h thi ran he tlnfcr, W ib Si aie, i.h..ut any meee-ary olhiag brleli thi Nate and t5tt.(rere aa iUii!w-. We doubt M bat the on fed -et-4- pMrrnittrtit aiii dwell it ran for oar' , r,,.!, Hait oiil brf e.yrla4 baralnv; hut it)iout duntntehtag our foe ta the man. aiiuiea in Vujjii.i anr ehwahrn-, .- can tan-, a kec- -J evetal tkou-at4 , HtrH ff.Hn iWmilrtta for aertir i tk Stati to c4ra- Wh tbe UVWrfnl eiiiwient ttj ortau of oe.r eeoterit counm. " ' " t ' llir pnu h ett Ike kialat! to at .t .! I- tl a. mailer, and hope it ail! he .it- aiiiwal mu ana-y debt. The t te.tri.m.u OMiid aad ua'glit to have d it. Ul it did not 2ef-j Ptvffnu. Jt. . . . . . . a M..ti ...tlllt k. VI. LA I r.t , r t.-'.ti iu6 w.tM tUUOl'E llurult .f w hi jefoice Ar t,nH of tjjrd yo ttryr IUm. . ' .. ; KaatCfcC0. N. U. NoTthrra datea of the llllt ka Wef trveived her. Gen. M tVIUu baa lU teHved and Uura-t.le a now in cvieataudof tint Army . ulhe rototnae, Tb eaoa for tkie ae tbat MeVWUaa lefueed. to advaoce, aud the Uaiprt KVy tweawnet hg oriMut hon ta tbetr t.tiicM report. ' Ti.e straruer S'tk baa arhtrd with Lord Lioiit and S-toon Caaieroa. No Cairfnet Coad ia EagUad. a heUI oa the tU Owtober, a tUmntoued, , It wavtfMipatl iodt Bnitely on tb nw4a ff tiw day of meeuu. , . The Iin.k rniffs ? that Sr 0. U , Le l elptt aaeSlU b a-ib, tb OOU TIm cotnniakieatiou of French Miu '. iatero the Caleiet at WaLiogtoo relalre . a ' a-v a ' te tuatUi a ew Vt-eS a a "ao likely to kd to aa)" tWaAtoa. The lUltirnore tfaa any tkat Lord Lj on 4U ttait IU i.ittvt-i tu tea day. , ( Cauie'ruu tbbUAtaA thet:wiH be. t.tetfon by th aingui lie' aat that ike Cvak-deiate at grttHiJt a BVel ready in Engtmbv poiU to attavk Nt York. - v.oyrca. It ia aajd Jhat E1 ri4del Bsababaa tW-uJdluW fihe,T will probaMy be a . candidal k-fore the reaaaylevHM Lej Wure thi a inlet for United Jtte Sena . t. - A dti.atrh ftottt Hiilatkfobta'aais: Tlie'lrthiritv ta the peeacnt aUgWatni vf !' nna) Ivatiia u a foint baM being lrfxly iJriaucietir.-U ba beew wondeted lrtnuyrh 6ld be aoiaiaataid by that f itrty for United tatea Heaator. K'-moT haa,i. alreavly va aeVeeal oraaioa that Es-I'icaident Jainea Uoebaaan will be the tujtn, in utd. that k Way fc the eji i.rtaiy,i the ..Senate nf tk U.ft tee kr hi. tkulaof Ueaefoaebarge atill bangtrX ore - bim. J lla wn-1.4 euiraiUer tbni n -ift rtaaUy aed up Gvaeral fewtt 4 y !' ; laftfotter, ai ar of ttpirhHr tkat ke.e. id U able to vindicat kiaeaelf 1thV aief4 t ion of lb euenliy uhea ike pro r ifln . . t . a. ... a. .a arnvea. Om efif, a riceliebt aalliority, thai t lk . r -l '.J it. a fwinonam ia'ku" mi hithicii LeHhttur Utely kel ip thi ritJ.H t dvlerminad by a Urge majority that llatk ansa should be the nominee. If so b willbeahxted. ' " f .. . I u. H The fever still bngeoer ia our tnklat, ita continuanc beiog mainly diM, no doubt, to the return gf warm wealher. Tw oew, casts ar reported as having otturted ) Htrt : day and -w ar informed that" thei wer two burials ia Oakdakt Cmrltv. , " . W aleo bear of flv death bating ukr place aat night, sjoocpt em thai of tkf Re:'J. t tritcbard, raatot of ibe Rrtl Uf- M Cfcarcb b lbis pkx- WH Jomr. lit

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