i-. .. . ... ... .. : -SALISBURY; C, DECEMBER 1, 1862. c NUMBER; 23 1".! J f a J. I' .UttMlf ,'" v. IV li tTtUaeMe. LITTLE ELLIE. - . .: . er ucu -. ' i 1 Ti. I Mr.' ! V f er ft 9 droepiag, i . Mker. j . 't r tmt fiuipew-, ' ,. 1 44 is wir fciViH- i : C 1 1 ?., mi a, j 1 , J--. - . . -,' ' ',-1 '; Oer bj4e h ee , , ' fit MMMIM WeM fOM I 1 w attrt uu : Tot C1m'i pwK im. W MM kf t MUTM4. .' v Bm k sot M v t' W mm Mr w t U&iaf . ' Ur WWf mA im i . Fur try m. - - . . . Vr mim Mr UUmImkmk. : ' U Mm jfM kHffct bmm. --. llf IiM hMM Im I A Mk. WtNi. f MMt UM, r Of OfS Ni IImmiw . ,. TMjf mmm Mt y WffM TWrilfwrtwNi v Tky mI lWr iMlkr. .... "'Jt J r)Nf fi. ;, " V 1 1 y TWjr m b MMy , rM if . m nH wmtlrt, ' Mf , M t rf t Fr tv4 M Wbk Gu4 m im kjr." Vu IlMW.IlVVMffvMjtff, - . AM m mm J Mi iviitw.iiiiMir, I , K T CUM M lf I '. . i i, ' JiMl m4M Mt M ML - 'MiUto'M.MPl. f 4 , 41m tVa m Mrayi f T 6ul JfMi - Aa4 m4 Wf Xmj. , Writ nwc hm , . rTMf lklliNt. . TW' (tfa Vllk (MMi' . ' Tton MgMi f Bum. 1Z KOWAJJ WArlIOI UOPITAL . fat iba amaiK aaataf on ' iba I4ab laatiat I kaawvad aad aWM akk and fJbaaaad anV ' tara baaa mm awaiaidt at lain Uitaaai, - aOJ ta raOawiaf Cali, .-' - v v AJamaaM 1 1 AJataaaWr U; AJNgnaay 4( A 01. a a. dk. a) l an . a a . It lHtia 7t PandaM k tiawad tt tbrn 1 1 Jraol 30; lUDowvtl 7; Xiiabal 1 .4 IUaCarf j Bowaa 17 Man) T tmrty l I'aiaa II WaMf 4) WiOtM , jnad Yaakia 4. i CnWH flMaTMnnV ttwa ftlnan CaWWTJw4; 'kJH . ,faai Laaiiaaaataa fraat Saatb Cnwa'aa.aad )htm wani Tataa. " , ' e -'r.Vaaoaa, ta nwnrr, ta tba amiinat af C;a.t)aM bran ataaa by piMina ia Iba faW ' AmjI-j Caaatiaa, to wall ., JaVAaMaMaUeUaM,::Oi)0 ' . J tUXmn. Ua. Wahar L. aiaala, SOjN - Caaaa. Aaandar Traalrr. 41 1 1 Cbarlaa C : llaaiaM fit lUebard iaa Aadraw tmwa l IY.uWaa)aMrlaadf UraCatnAM MakC 191 Mis Eauna Aiak $1 1 Mi L . tUtaaa floV . - f - c-i 4t ik vV.'s-ii ?rZ 7I 10 ' Tba Cbalnaaa ataagtatafaBy Mkaw4aiia tka raaaipt of ina toOewiaf iiaattiai ta bmW f - t4vlaUr. A H rawat, awlu Iwn iw. aw banral af Boat, aad M Iba, aattaa. ra-wMm Catbarnw Cnnlar bapbat t, nr;!MaaiMt L Hamas pair af nra 4aga t Itf.raaiMt Iba. anfari Mra. AaM i."t' S baabtni naral aad aM kaabal af aa - ieta L CtaabaMt aord af waad Mra. Mary Sary aM a.o'4 Miaa Eilttbaih Manny na and Want pair af baubata E. ' ban tl Ciaiaaa D A Darwaard m went i Jama a Mevabbin baaneJ af awaj Kra.raHBLlak pair af aeebe .Miaa :- nan T I- a4u f-n-li-'... .- TUa UmuJ w.a tatihiabtd aa lb I4ib af , Jty taat, aiaa wkMb iW Um aetata af ak aad WMadad auMMrt wba baa btan ana ; MMdaUd baa baaa Ml kmmdA ui UMMiM. T naiau la tha waat aad aiiiaa aflbo I'tU Mt tka been eaat ranted iawa a I x WimHii m aVtaadM; oar rifbte aad kb. rtMa. rtairaa 4 hrfa aaaMat af aaaary, kat Ut m aWw ky ear aVadj ibat We tarly ap. araaaae tbrw tarvieat kf rkkMBw a-a tnaaMiaf ,aaraMaaa oraW ta raaW liw anaajtiaa aataforukia wba k Md WMadad. It waaid bt dMag tbam hrjaMM if let tWmaafltrwbiW i a bare U ia Ur pawar to rebate them, aad w nn it awy tma wa rata aid m a ke aamaf nutir by aanlriaatiag aaaattbJnt i maaay, pwKiawMa, kad etatbiag dto. . LTTn baaal Cpreat wtj ,-- ' 7 A koemakar ia Kaoxv tb atb Uy charged 13) tor pair af boot. t m at ooo lka ttjf naier tba Ex- - njfV Art aalccmtcrmd Ibr tztorUoc - Tk pacf l af klcarrlk laow bow to C--V-ckilMw. . - r claims of. ddcac r UDinna 'V putIM Utw ft L'-w!."! ciroi'' jrt vf 'll ., Ac, of dtx-rj OWif, thai will nfml wanr.'iiutcrt f r rwJrft: - . '. '"lv -..'.. . I Dm tatcveMiUJkMjuUitaUM Arwjr ol um Uuoiwiiirsia tSutea. t ' la atmaoa wi(U tiw wvt ixtuoa of tha nit wcUoq ur Act 30 U UwiOcrmU Cotyrns -ll October iHb, 18C2, tba awirraif im prvpniwl mka amt rvgvla imm fW tiajrvMOt to tbeir proper rvprearaU tiM of tint atuutfOU doa. to UuwmiiI oiflaen aoj oUir of Um Coafailerata ana, which mi Moa aiMxrrcd of UmOoonUry of n ar. a wint4 copy of wluvb aw b obtaiueil.ao policatioa to thk uffioe, ty mail or iu irM, tj ant mm ductl iaiert(ti iberoa. ' CUuuatita riQ pnxooit their owa intereata and aavo tlpoum and dda bjr vWfrinf tbd I- Awafent orauorurr aiiiirao( uo- nturut r 4mUf uemrj m tbry canaot Ummt (Mtmioal atuilaaoo 'and av hcttauiMi at U.m uffiootiaa umtv .apwdy MttVtueat of daunt uf UU cLaractvr tlwn Um cUiaianu thctiMclrca,- Ummiji Urn Luvr way h a iBouaaaa inuva oa. 2. Uaunaata (bvuki br DO ithmm, bmnae of tirUjf tiwt a at prt-aeirt mtutdaUr, avll or iart witt) iWtr clauu. H)ry eauuul know Umt mwiM't iiM wiMdIi ia U mhi wilt Im mxTUiucd by a rvyular auUit aal rriiiKUrJ to tW atir vttUtk!, a tuyu aiTit U mm Mw to . 3 Titm m no Dccrwity fur cUimanU to io- cur rtiiMM and Km U time to aitvuduif to f.lxr Joiiua pmvuMiiy, UKiunJ tlirir jrwrtue ulkrour twnw licit Uiiui tlirwi& TImt tuaiU, or auadwutal vital ouMreauc wiB uv luuod aS auAdraW a rviMiiuuoe of amount fooad !, -' . ; , 4 UaUM will always bt taken ap and att tl4 tooonhnx to tba data ut Ibrtr pmeoia two. , -TUia wtU aw KncUy obawrrvd withobt rewpoct to any prrma wUtw, a that par tMtintlMi wot rvenota .acooji of tba iW ledMracy may ba aaaurnjt thathnr boaineai win m as oertaiuly attenOml, m a tbry wr pononally J.' ' ': i. Tba printed refutation and rornn ap prwvfd by tW twirtary of tt'ir, bature tv fcmJ to, will f crwy bfuruatiin nwa- AddrMi 7 w.ttaTAru)a, . tfecood Aoditor Colwlcrata tftafaa, - ' if: -kA .. HMdnnond, Va. X Taunrir Dtmrnbrrf C 4 JL l'. . tfsroim ArMtoa't Omen, . ClcbmoiMk Vn, November lot, JWXL nrnmrt taTpav aod aJwwaxa tlu to de- oeaaed nf&om aud roklien of iba Gmfed. ttnto Arny. .IVr Act "Jfo. KW, approved Fctroary lith. im. nod Act Xo. 5o, no prwrd October 8th. 18C2. - ' Tba rat aWUoa of tba abort nanwd Act providettbatUjapay and aUowanca doe to auy , oacraant otuntarr nooomioianooad oftjonr, muaicjaa or prirata ia the anny of tha MriVnMa Sutra, ahaO ba I MuJ to tha WKlaw r tiMoeoaaard. tf Ivimr. a nutl to tba cbiUrau, if aay ; and m iMault of widow or cJuWwa, to Um tatlWr, if .brTnj, awl if not, to um nwtner,oi t,Uewatd ?Iuntwr.- Tha Brr4 atctioa of Act Xo. 34) proTldr uH cauuw um t.Odnaanl ftMroommnv abwiad oltierra and porun fur par, aBowanoa ami oowntr way o nnottea and paw whra uwra bj owomh TiunoB 4 um noiouni dun, aatWacWry to tba accood aaditor; under wch reiruUtiona at ba baa, or. may, pmrribf, with Iba approval of tba baoraary of War."r By aectiuo 3 of Um aarno Act It ia nrorid- . I . I . te.v . l: : I i f . offlorrt aiaUl ba fnid to tbrir bein or rrpre avatatirw ia tba anma manhrr aa aituilar daima of Doo-cooiniiaiooe4 officrra and pri rate amSow. or mar br directrd bv law to be paidf Taymcet will be madr aceord- hnrly mider tha Uow'ior rnlea: in. IJ Um cbiktrra be minor, payment wiH be rnatw to the. raarJWi, apwa jtlw produo lion, of tba pi ojut oertiflcatra of guardianship nbder tLaatvlof tWCWt 2d. Tin iMimant mom pmlooe bia or ber ainM it, and that of ie diMntemaTed witnera, '""I tim rtUlwir.hia' a- cUimuut be a motbrr. the aJi- leWtanor, the aitaru muat tuta Uial Ihrra U h1n nVithcr UVe, child or blb er cf the do-U ; f the Uihi r, that there it nrrtiirr wifa or cliiW ; arid A the tbitd that Ibera at m widowed wife. TWniaisttooriMiartttrMoflVrniBtt toatlfr to Um crediUbtr of the w tinea, and the clrrk of Um Coart matt v certify, ooder Um tral of tba tame, Uiat be ta tooo mtiia- trnte.-- . . : -'"".'., i-' . The fbrrjrwij; tnttroctkiot must he atrictly eoorplied with. Vowmtt attorney or it- airtitneBt, wbicb wiir nekiom be may b executed brture a mjitrt or in praMDC two. tvarwctabM . witw-fav. Uaima prrpaml at bereio dirrctoi and trfcna nttad to the arcood aodi'ur by mail er otb crwia. will raoMr aa mwipt. ntteotoa u tha ooaiaera of hie oCka wiS 3w ahd aJwayi ia Um order '"of their pveeotatio.? Tba nmoonu foood jtae wil be romitVid. by .'..; " ..wic''''. 'f Z ' eotitW aa tbey' r.aaTATLon, Y -; -8cond Auditor. T7lDcrAKTK T,C&A) ,---- Notrtnbcr t h. ISGt f Appro the (urvTol mka and Ytrulauooa, ; i . G. V7. UANDOLTH, . VccrttariofWar.. coirs euucatic rou uoys axd . '. 7-f e ' " "-. ' ' ; v Dora stx!!y. bil a aJUr tbxir tkhm. la clica tf.-nrs th f a a a a ara at aonr frapali isjrie:.. ';vnt tfn i on adja, ehewa, amokrn, twwra, idrkka, braaka tha SabUlii, niarU tU Ciblt an! tU.aW tvary. lira aa' if tWt w no GouV no M en ad9. jaxtoacaA 4ay, n alarnif, what wvatdar, f bia boy takin nfWr bira f Eren nkon tha rnoUM ponon a moro jadKMoa and nltbfbl eoornr, Inatilin; into tb bor.irood principle and reaoaitfcau, Um tvil rkam piaoftb fat bar, lUa naiporbw magnK, drawn all aneh wortij ni oat of bun. Ia Aptbocaya wrijl.t 8 drnaM maka oa onaoa. Lot ia doroaMia ' wrilit. riybt pa tarsal drmmt may waka una Mini drnnk nrd ; nod ia InMaaSoKI rear, twalvo iacbaa of fatberfy dtpartttro from trtnr' Mtb may trad toi U.'s wnuJvriaf n bfrlioMi in lb wav'tf in. Wtnr Ntwft .bojwfnl of tbo arirU, b tbay ara BMranndrr Um inllnanorvf tba mutlwta, waaketvbut better rwaak, ato ke mora at bom, nod ikal. mora ' tradalila In tWir naniif . Tbry ara Mwtrv ! eauiljr -radrd to tvma nndr fil in fluttcv. TJImt Wiou aiy bravrr tbaa tkw mm, and tbr'aacord In tnfaittir Mtme coaiait into tbrir Otulilrs fur tbry am nut afraid lnirvlcmrcan4nipuMthti ralvM U tba ppl taCtie..r..4ltii chirf ly ka-o at a ditanV, aot f Um rana f IMAm abot and ImtI. Tbw arr I bearcat t knwwa oowanK flincb bvfur lb tnftk wa bara man? vb llie tfraatrai 4STK Uat Um eacHraroat. .BCSICI1TI0I U i K. BltV Tbia ofScur kaa teiuVfvd to lb, Adja tnat (reatral of Um tfVoWat Sudta tba rraiffMtioo T bia imWiu' rrctaved fmra Im tiovernur of North Caroliaaaa Cobjael'of Um FiiUt Ifjptnrnt ; ta Jjije (Ktcf to &i Vancr, Mtiag Oth lb jreaaomv, wknM4a4. bim to tbt ttep, be aUtae UcSk whidrr ba tow loKjf been Miilarcd to paaa abrmed by Ue brave and gallant aoidiafa of tljbKuta. Vbeabt in j, bant tgiuttf, i in be dune, the North Carolina boya are i i bfbk: dernaMl ; tbrir blood baa flowed fr ij ca arrv bvld, nod tba pro warn of tbei owa nrm hacband Ut lortonet of mnt rn jloaUful day. Yet, .we bar bearJ of it fc iiMaiMra of ber gallnnt aona rooeivM Uint ateed of rarte. va ia n oficial kpott, wbk-h ilary bid to joaUy earned, aid wbicb, w o ricbl I hair taa.v Tlat trintment of 'oar vfficrr. loo, ta regnrd to aipotoUumta and nrorno , tiona. baa been pokurely abjlunerol. Cot UcRnt eotaptaatibnt ia aeearai inataaaaa be baa beea cotajilkrd to am janmr ofS Cera proeMtad avA bira oftiotr a bo bad not. and wba 'bale but tH aeaw a batths DTa cotnpbunt lh t Col jrM, of Gfr jia, bia jntfor, an who bln amtWbia ova eotnmand fb twa'atouiks baa braja appointed Bripa. -r jn bia bri(ab-; ia m4 iUoat ranaa.no we cbrarfaUjr oaomrnd tU following par aA wbicb waitrnct from bmltialv MGofrn:'-f-' V' . Bat,aeverM tba tmnta fpaa tba iadividtial pride ' North Carotin otSoera wba bare brtaly (k-a obliirrd to atibmil to tbt proflMtmo, InWverai iaatoneaCof eiU Sena of obar BtaW, to Ue comuiand of UiiradM claaiTV North Cwlihian, tba alar npoa Um Sbto U'Nronder, and tie manda tba rvtaatietit of ber KHw in the only mod they cat maniCttt 1u - In Ue aoirit of aa nnraatt nrotett aif aiatt tb'ra in- hattica, iadiridaaj. and to' wy State, I re- aa my )hwaMfe ;.v --. Ta mUr of which CJond UcBa an laatly eompbUM it WHaded to br tnvernir Vance, ia bia MaaMffe to tka ljjadatar wUb iba rt4omMMatiio that twaethiny; ahail be don Iv Wmt ihta ajnaai twjjWvt J Of eaureiy ignonng nona wuuea wwh, aal wa ttnotrafy treat that tbo mt aiay bt peedily aotrected. The Idea of appoint ing oOoera lVom other Stale to omand North Ckrolittiana. ' when wa bnv ian amottf ourtelvM capable and worthy, ia tUtoaa, and Um reaction i beoututng mitfwraoM. -tfinwmi w, Wt lanra that a wbkkey tftatSU- rt waa torn down ia Gaatoa toaaty laat wttk by tbt people. Tkt bik pnet enra ia that tecuoa ana um tmawy m yoad, ww aerpoM baa Btadt tha afn tolvf tbatba ator tball U wwrtad fct rLiaiye-t3Ur. 47m. v. ti aoJilor to th mj direct'- - RETALIATION LEOISLATIOX. TW0eorfi Lrffblatare apjara la b dktrnjrakdimf ktelf by atrlngent toama of irkbuioa on tbt Mct of tbit war eapecully witb . rtapret to Taakea. fwr aajnera and reaideata wba bnrt rtfoard the prwteetioa of tb Confederacy. A bill already pateed tba 8aatv taatdiaf Uutf all aad teenr paraoa-arko km left tbt 6UU ca'OeorgM for aay etbtr plant oa tbkdoa a'nrnt beytad tbt limita af tbt CbnJeder ate 8utee ataek tba eommawoacoeet of tba, areata! war, or, who mar htrrtfter leave dartef the eiUanoa of titb wir, abatl bt forever dkfraftckleed front toUtif ia thb Buta, aad ia ibe aeent ba or they tbaald ret ora ta tkia felata, Wl aito b baU to pay winnallr a tax of one iboaanad dollnrt lor em-fc and every mem her, of bb family, incln.inj kumelf, darinjf Um period of bia rteidenc. a'-"'- V' ' iMba name 8eaaU Ant k it -provided tbaf ao parnoa bow a eittita or rtabJent of the United Statca abalt be Iwreafter per milted o rrme a filiate af Oevnria wub out firt tak'mf, la addiiiua to tb oatk now preacvibrd by law, aa alb tknt'be will aidnAi, mmntmb and defend tba ia aiautkia of African elavcry intact forrver. . The Ulowiaj bill Hat aUo oaaed the SrtMta vt Gewjia, rHallalory to Uaoola a abitlifina tirwdaMMtioa S ' y ' A bill to b entitled nn Act to add aa ad Jiliwnal Section lo tba 3d Divtiioa of tb 1'eoa) tto. Wberrav Abraham Lineule, Prw4dnt if tlie United 8lntav ba puUitbed a pros lamaitoa bar tba parpirte ut. eicrt:a( later rrctiua. revuh and rviaUnce oa the part of in ibK Slate, ikrpeoaltr br which ((new ia. by lb taw of thia tnta, deatk And nbrtvas that prucUmatiOO H detla ed to be nfurcd br Ik dUtem of tbt UaiMltiM. 'w ---- fctc. I. Tbt Gevarnl Avwrobly ofCoor gin do enact, that ftm and after tba let day . of January next, any pereon, a ctlixta of lb Uaited Suiea of Aroerica, who tball Im tband within tb brniu of tb Stait of Georjia, tball bt daemed ftilty of high niadenteenor, and. oa eonvktioo, tball bt paakdied with death. .. Sec t. It tball hethtdatf cthtjadg ra ihT the baperior Uoert to bold apectal term for the peedj and tammnry trial of TUE UAlLRfiADSUOW TO UVE. It baa btea npteirettt to oafTwrnd for atrnm timt.tkat ibe entire IraihMiortatriia by rail will aeci-atarilr Im eeftffad fur Ibe ex rJattra a of Um Governtoeat ' TkW wil be a jrreat inoMvettlrtM to Um people, who ltae been aVenotae4 to look to tbW mud of trantportniiwa fur their contunt daily aapphee. .iba imjiortaiNM of ttpe ditioo lraniorttioa tW rnea and army aopbiml, k w obeiooa Uwt "no. patriot eaa tomplnia of iL But our idea k toimprem ... i.' i-T. ... . . t r. I UM tact ( ur miaaa t tu peopie, aw counaei them to provide : niraintt futait ia cpnvenience by RMkme prompt prtMavw- lion to rami evbrytbing Iher cat. ml make everytkiaif they wmh ut bwtu. Savy need of all kimje of VeiMnlirt. pret-nt toar crrtnod itiU winter fur nil kinda of cnldrabie 4tideiiM, ealJiapf, a4atoea, toratVand evervtbwjf tlwt ma atfaia litVv Ileal tmit yean ia freat atwmbnrn rair larjr: qnanlrtn-a of poeltry J tW jptea ry acre pyaaitd la email jrniin, ibntyou Wir make bread; bare rMtturea of MurA and make milk "and bullet; People tab live and do wet! o theae wbe they :cnh ait ly oot and Uona, Iwt nil tba br malet toctardia, f anniaff, kail tiny;, aVt, both lor yoaraelve aad tb aoaiera. in altorffmaka ap yuar minda la aaflvf and maJtelUwuiMtamficea for liberty whmb your grand pfrenia dil ia time of the old revulutioa. 72kA. iunummtr. .': .'. V GEORGIA'S COXTUIBUTIONS IN : TUE WAR. ; r. We ?nUier from lb official report of the Adiulnnl and Intpfctiw fenrb of ImwsU Umt UMt State baa in Um tted erata pnivi-4.jj nrmy fifty nine fetfimvatt uf infantry, three rtj-imnu vt cavalry, lhre laMUlioM of cavalry, foart tadw jaMit ImttalioM of artillery, iufaalrr and rng, 4uurindepewdea! companiaeaf ar tilryrd two legion, being mixed rom umiikJ wf infantry, cavalry nnd artillaryi Tb aro, ofictal report dectaraa that taking lb a umber of Um f inhabitant otlQtorgUt.aagivta by tMoeaHtatfjlaaa, 1860, at 186,688, aad Jk)iag oaa half of Uut notnber, 98,49, tfbt malm, aad applying tb aaaal rt ha af proporUoa tor agea, it will tot be nrjtaJ. to tay that by xteadiBgOba-iMTlod for taJUury aarrtot bryotid forty Cvt yan, tbt Statoota twr akk cvMtr-flre thooaaad aaort ablt bod- tad itav tboald -wtoramtydttBaad thak lint, rv, i r MMir - - ' lIDofctnrert of Enropeaa uaW jtaio blot tlM bwbJt ot noofnhioci' . Uamar, credajitj Jurinjr - baett t& -biotted by tbt trixt fxWe of liah InttKorracw la American nlra. ' tht) old talw.lt told aotv, with JWr d ametC Fn&cti.Aad Rotaii nan' r th pajtl I.o will forthwltii i Inttrreue In tha el AUia tie q BtrreK od ptot'to end to tUif on tooa Bnexplaloed pin bj forct of their jtfeat nonl Infloenca orer th UIHjretantt. " ,U UaU fortn, the totj , . U b little mori p!is:t:1Tt ttxtt Uf. ' for that bocttl.ty tl$ tocUi wl.id . It tlie well knoaa. cturxcteft'tUe of " Efiglith pniitiea 34 Jl.'emtnre, ft lete jiowerftil ! Trace Thai coanv ) try, tn, lacks tit ttnmjt iktcrett ial the preptttutioa of v the Amdn1 war which EnrfxadT f erirct frod th. e v -trrovirijt entton lt!2 of India. Bat when tbit topcrior bUosIbtlity la tha new if of reeosoitioB it admitted, II la tukid. There fa not on parti- ' ciw 01 euiMiaoiiaj tnpport lo L3i ya moor. No official dcclxjxt'ont tin - tachto It. The whole report briot and end with a aeartpeper, oorrea ' poDdencc i'icA. Examiner, . '' t" 1 ... ,i ' i ' ... . J 'i ''7. X rtirWthhiUMrto tre;W' t ttd to aotiot, that tadcr tbt aarplce of . tba a a Nitre Buwae, tbt- maataacurrt ' of Salt Petit baa bare eofameaeed at thia fhwa. It h ander the fOagttotbt of Al' C If ardock, Ekj, aad iwomiaea to b an. aamfaL ,Wt tndertaad tblaat wk be ' eolleeted out handrad pottnda, and at bt ' kM aow nearly petlatxod hi aWDrBeota, 1 ; bt txpectt htreaittrthat the fjaaiuhy will bt largely incrraaed. ILa aaeeeet bja al- .' ready greatJf exceedad oar biHmt expet-Wioa.--.i3aW - J BytMhJfalieierU'cCapt ' a a Barney, Agent of tht C 8. Kibe : T ' aad lliaing Batata for the Diatrict cf ' ' North Carolina, tbt eoaatinrt af BeA I ' Petre hi becoming qfcit geaeral Captc!a ' Bay keaajrtam ar b tlU toca aad wa hbve tbt opportunity of kaontrx ' thatkHufndatric4ki,pnvaTB;,awi tn oflotr. 'TW work have, ander bia . immediate tiroervir bU ir to do walL 1 ' f7rvMeavTali,aArra . VVe wtMaeorrnct hat of tbatiMcnlahwa and txtorUoaera ia the Qmiederatt Etaiaa' eoatd bt kept, ia arder that wt night . know. lWjlba war over, who wertovr -ewaniiea. Let tht be ioac-CSmeo Abo keep a tint of tkoat who itftne to , take Coofederaie taoaty; Tbeir Bamca ' 1 ma-4 ba banded dowa to pcatery at tbt . wt cwtroiet tht Boathera rtcrft had to toatead ith. A.j Vr of Jadal wia " rcly oonM. n traitor or dcrcttar who , learm a and feint tbt aimtST (bet no In. lory ia raMpariaoa wUh thtt.!ct fiitadat ao cepractatta oar tsmsq,' A Yaakea onrrmpgadefct ta rfshad a v p of tka toatrbaaia" atboaa tiU IrMiacincMentof UavkH: .Warning to eat Ib the act'sst of the " dxtkiee, I tmmii tmo tbew at a fcraer. my nrmy bat anewe- a ttf 'ai r ?7ot -Is iIm rust. t prfotrd to t!rt a isxa, v Dua no. tab. Tkra voa Want ma to guT Whal ToU glamP Cvla ? to tbt dn-tkat wornaa I law, ptfWi to . beii r Can't -to, ti f fat rlt Cur la ' bU r WeJL W titka yoar Ullet-s. V Bat Pat got a Lmband." 17!!, IU take toar hatband, loo. Pet fzr' tld graaay, I eaa't kava bar.; VTly cut yuago, loo,graayr assstlStia Wipe noma daya . ,H 1J t lem U rood 1 Lord to givt to back, to Id essttr." I -tried a dWa or more, aad f sad aadtr ' lying the kopa of ajoat of tbea waa aa V ahimaf rttara to befr aatfv lead. The !'-.' "iSbtmBtt leckl i: Their local nttnaba)eBt k aacnaacritUa, An actwat fwitrj by tbtkwt Ctrta, . autkortxing aay atabtrof fMraon net Wen Ikai twenty; who art.aot habit ta bCZ , ry duty, to aaaocUta lieraaelre ia a ts!!'.tsry o(Soert,tc. Tbey ahaJt' bt ofei:l al'.? ' ;( beloegiag bxtht Pravktoatl Arcy, nerr ia wtlboot pay, aneT ttuUed. wba cp-' j. . tared by tb 9tm to alt tba rrivne-m ofpriaooerabf war. Tha tnaatsr roHaof aaid cocnpaaWa art to bt twarded to the gecreury 7t War,d tht IW2ot,e tb eommodr'of tb ts-Hr dUtpct tfity. at aay urn, tuda&4 I ti, ata-iA. r 'it '"'""""V a . i t 'm.. -jr. f ' t . - -

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