VOL. XX. SALISBURY, N.'-Qj, JANUARY 12,, 1863. NUMBER 3 . J. BRUSER, w Kotwi ak0ropibtok. dint of overw helming iiuiiilyr and the ma teriiJ ad of hij gunboats, cotnpelloJ the sur render of Fort Donelson and l)ie greater part of its garrison. ' The disrate character of to have submiUedJo therruleof a Yankee Haynau..; k . ' ; " , " , ' ; . Altar the fall of Now Orleans victory de serted the Yaukee baniient and perched per tnaueully on those of the Confederacy w ith With the defeat of MoCtellan active opera which ras to scatter tb Confederate amiy ns censed for a time iu Virginia, but "were I and win; Richmond, but" which resulted, in . xt . j 'u if : .: ...., I .1 1 i ,...j-. l f . . . ... . .. toons carried an with visor on the Mississippi and , the bloodiest and most complete repulse wLtcb tn Southern Tennessee. The Contederate'T is kuown ia'(he luorr of battta." Thenar. 4 me name wuich preceded surrender can Iw ram Ai kansas immortalized ber name by ! ticulari of this glorious Coniedciate victory . l. . i . 0..1. ,i . . '...i. ? .1 - . .... ' -7 ! ftftV L i O' 1 4 I ,, ' " ' Our feet are uixin dirt thivshi'Jd ' f tlm third year of the most gigantic struggle tor , national, indepeadenee W-b fouud- in the . .aaaak of the virurU. .'Assailed on all side hir armies, whiuh. for number aiiil m.iioiitt. tnents. have been hitherto upeunaUed iu any war. inougii w nave ou ewmwa o mucli terriuiry, have lost our chiui city, and navy. Xt now, for the first tune, stvmcd to llioui the Mteuiy Jhate gaiiied loolhoki in awaken to the dangers of the atU'inpt,---very State uf ur Gonfedeiacyt jut tlte skill . Against such a puhcy of defence tlte Ywiki-e " of ourjueraUiii tlx coumge of our ,uV 'Aaaniitda mi& have brH suow .sTut ' It txJ votinl Wiaua. VlMdL-J on a Luiiibvd l1L1n.lv eaiuu uitnaivut tiiaL our onlv hunts ut salt'-tv O F T . - J during the year just closed enablv us toHUyto$taud bolOfe tlw wo:ld'aadty,rea--coiiwl iin this lew en jouuaion witoarew in3es fuoro poveH' united aiid deter- , imwe great armies and by redden turf vigor fivtn 1'orktowa and fell badt-towaruf ittdhi iniued people than at any previous period of ous blow breakitig tlie long back uf the rep- wood. J MoOtelian beuotuirtg, tltrottn an ao ;- -6arhi!t'ry. -j Tite'tlmets vjppurtttiie.to iwwiM5 m .ms. m(mm--4ldtmiimmtf iniiiMscihslrty. for a inoiuent, aad cast a retrospect over the The IrnsUnos atlPoiWibotl Wit'tlrotrloTed piiftQed owttftsmsV wbiii recotted on him great eveuu f the post twelve month. A just long enough to iraMtthe evieuatkm of at . WtllhMiMAwiwiw'.th Mi.MiJJHHt.dwive. recollecuon of our disasters aud our victorlt , JJpwIing Green "by CiVn; Jolinston, wuiclt back his army, killing and wbnnding betwc$ w useful knowledge, for Ihepreaeut aadthe . took plaoe on the tollowing day. U4 W taking 400 prisoner .Jobn- lutura, T 1 I m Oil the ttli.of tVbrnary the la-tt erf 'the thrill temoed ljnrvti, eud fter souie The year; vfour Lord 1862 dawned gfeoisii- 0hJerata hal evjaeuatol. Xashville, and iawtisiderable idarmisiies tnok jioiluiionaoa ly tor the iJouthe repubhc Tiie hfiaot th yankees took possession. There is little the.Mith bank of tbe.Chkkahouiitty, witbio govern sucnt aud people had just beow iadly doubt that the iuliahtbints have mi cau tive hitlee of Uiehtuoud, -tashtd by the disapppareuce of a eiiaaee of to n-gret that t.lwy e4rred a srrfiiiler, Acting upo-v- toe policy of cootraeutig our warWweea J&ighiiKl ud oer eouuiy. Ter ' with Audy Joliiwuu as military governor, to Bins-, which had now beeu geinsraliy adoj.lud, -rrSed ty flryearl ilritaaiy-fanpoto fatrf r o IwnbalOmeutV . -w - -7-- ywiiuaeiiU iwid'liA"W!r heHr-evaeweia-d iioeraUi the Couied'tate cuaiUiLuoiiui auJ (km. Joliiwt.ni b'v ratlroa.! and forwd t oil the lOih uf Way, Geo. 'Bragg uniting his apologised . tor the eonduct, f Commodore ixalaat we lud to reiy Upon our owustieuih nd courage alone to carry us through a war with" oe2jribe ioost poWerlut uatiuus' uf luodoro tiihW. jSiie the breaking out of the war it had "beeo the uiiiveiYai oeliet itiii, VuSTcriug lor cotton, England wwid take ad- . trxnfntm ml' tlm linI invn.xt t,. n,iarri4 wih theh,Mmaa alhauoe uaetiaivAlkd.'jiii...HfiV. AtSticfcadgret stona waejcatto Jetutve with th tSwoth. But the sttl.iieut iug BurnsiVs ll.vt on the Atlantic ' ot' the Masott ShdvB "diffleiihy demcnmmtvd -. . t)0 the 22d of tebrnafy rrl'nt Pavw j In tbewesiutuue theJUegtsiature ot Virgiu the iaSacv, thia owpe. MT hd to look our wa inaiigurBted at fiKbrooud. The day, J ia and the tatiaoua ot ituituiond had passed neuiy J the lace, and single aauded, ptepare-r hke theertf ur pfV-wiut- glooiiiylf iulutiatui urguig pe Uoiiiederate lioveru for the ufleadal ooutest. ": and the MMUKiwrel.cereNioat took place anud ! tueut t-aVtood UMieitjr to the last ektreioit;. At that too u if as the avowed policy of policy of our government Ut hold every foot uf the territory iu each ot the SUU-s uf the fJonfcd ..jraey;:. - To carry out tins policy the eriuics of the Confederacy, uuuTovrmg rhaps 2u0, ' ikhl iii.n fl.Jllftl'iHi aiMlliT l!u I'utiuiiKf. I lit. I . Atlantic and Gulf cotk au JatOlig our wi!i teru froutier, van watching iu tab.ooiioua1iJ ; ikering isaod vity for tlte enemy to smite, -y t w nespeeirJ wjvpeatwnee-and gksriou ts- thr tsr- 3 itjtif -Me , vjeeurfed- tiie gWiiit The enemy feeling secure ol his prey vvht-n- tor of our unrivalled, Virginia i pvnr the yaa- jhallk wl thr JScvu fiutf, iu which the I au ver he should Choose to advance, was k.-e frigate Ciiubi-rland and Cotigr-.-es, and j fcii-s wtie defeated aud driven fryin U?r i!treTigtbtWrighra udyjd'rul "aiid'rTnwmer Mmnrtwt. in lUmpi.'ii iliwuk, on ! t:aiiiis. with "TiiSa'bf bvr l',O0O kilktd aud dbcijdiue pi1onuing the slow bui sure pro-, "he 8th 'K Mardi ; and her victory over the ! WtMinded. Tliis- W ai the first great shock s ol'iuaking soidters out ol" voluniirs. ' faiH.une' Wmur, oil Ums day alter. The i ilcCW lh u lutd received iilite ma ajH'wrauoj He was luassmg traopstst every aiiaUe i iuwlligeiiwe A "Ili' exphiiu dccidttcd thci point on our north aud western frontier, and j whole couuuy. The Virginia at once became I afiefwards to haTe reoovered Iruih iu stuii iittiusr out irreat at wada to onerate asainst i tiie pride and hone of tiie South. Many be- i niug effect, The number of our killed aud vur seaboard ue li ileetaud awuW ! ot lauu lorceg cousutuieuiiie Anacouua, uieo' me jj ""y.r". mx up"" ui , w vn.v . great: bjiigbeatof: tb " hat fhe tiiight havedone Geu. ll KL Lee, apolufi-d by tirjPrtSideUt Ofosn the young republic in its ooiis. It will f. under ilitferent irianairem'eiit remain unor- on Uie718ih 4. Alan t(atnaWdiiig'" tlelierat furthtf on'be eeea tbi tiuteTibl i'he was blown of the anmoa of tiie Cuulracy, (Gen. covered too late for its own safety that Jt had j.up by ner jcwmiiiander, a lmnith aflrward, Johnston being disabled by bfy wound,) aa en wrapped a lion and not a lamb in iu folds. ! without having attempted any ''oilier service iiumed tiie immediate couiuiand ot the anuy llowever, Irthen iniredno Bt of Virginia. Active holititiea were instituted this year sehoaners. Jlie grief of our people when j lu the early fiirt of June military opera ly General Jackson, who attacked aud drove the eueui , out of Morgan couuty on tiie 4th bounded, wid to tlui day they refuse to be January... A-aainber. of akirniir4et ibJlewed ccte-fiMted. .' 4 iortaeru Virginia aud in WesWru Ken-! While the Virginia and Monitor were bat tucky. aud in Missouri, in all of which the ' riiig cadi otliers"8 iron ixdc in Uanrptuu adrantagu uraa 'dmaJedly tiritb tW Cwfu-Ir ? Koathy -the arm ol X.M thefil VirgOiia was ateS. uur peotlle looK Our lCOe!eS as mat- tart of course, "asTt "was" uiriversally lleveI -4bt4Uiwllull4twMiem?-s it was tlief4iiori J of that dav to call them, could not stand be- fore Soutliem troops in a laud fight While we were consohng ourselves with past and to coma by Wslerf Gea Crittenden uiarcbed be little mjm&M men into trap at Somerset, Ky hud for him by Uie autoa XehTa 43cbpff only extricated InmseU after a loss of 500 I roen, killed nd wounded, bis artilleiy equip- : age and 3U00 men He thought the enemy's n.xjt . . if . .i , . . . i numbers were less than bis own, but found ' them trnx.yf l.Otsy Th'H affair pruduued. a semaiiou 'orth and South out of ail pro portion to the nninbers engaged or its actual tellis,. Six ruoQtliS later it would have been regarded as an insignincant idrirrnish.- It struck a gloom M every Southern heart . wfiich w e can now aflord to smile at, and sci?t CorSwptindittg thrill of joy through tle Wtfi.l,4'he Xew York UihU Uu? day, edrmnentiiig apon tlte atliitr, expressed- the opiuaui Uiai lhe.reU-U would in wiiacpn-Oi.e sua for. pence by the 1st ol the then ensuing - May XUe "Uvpre.ut- iGn,-iotKd by this mishap Couiiflucd tiuuugh therviUaiUftlcrof tiie ulonth;-though our armv hnd-mnt-with - eoietOidabhV u coast, and was only dislled by tlii? ititeHi geuce of fien. Prkes victories at Bodnville, Missoari, oa the 1st of February. -;. But February, which had dawned so bright--ly, chju became overcast, and disasters betel Uio Cojfederate arms fast and lwavyr 0u the Gth Fort Henry, on Uie Cumberland river, was taken, aud on the . 8lh Burnside captured Roauoke Island, after a very trifling eHtanf by the garrison, Who consUt f I ' . n i . a portioni.of the Wise Legiott fend some Worth : GuroTma Troop: r. With the Jtut of Roanoke LJand, jhepetny obtained quiet 'p9-ion cathnelAbotirigixa . - On the Hth of February, alter two days of battle such as at that time bad never been "' equalled upon this oootineot, the enemy, by t lad lhlifu44..ut ifiNtu. . rwiiiit " w vywyvviMIV VIW i . V . Ttbth icmtife 'ci nhVd thepiw-ediwy tiwothra !rd1tbeaaivatku liatiou twu with terror and alarm, there m now no doubt they" were bWiugsin disguise. 1 Chir Government bad undertaken the impos-1 sible task of defeating . at an f thousands ot miles in axint aintuutt an erwitikr ofs greatly superior numerical strength. and? potKtfMiugau ine auvatiiagi'S mi powenui , , ; - - , - , ( Wl ooiwwted1 -Jti einitrjctii.(r ourlines of Uftnw, i tnarciu-cffiurrieJ to f.ui j-Hiction with BeeS?' nuifed horn the army ot Northern irjfuna . iuuiiiiionu. to the coiiiniaud ,ofv the- lV)attiwt'of the," -At this time the iutclligeoce'of the' deatroo Sfi,iMipi, was w iih ing lit truofr) tVoui , lion of tiie Ygioia burst ajtou the peophret' Cduiiiti. ,v - I Iheiimood hke.. clap oi thouder trout,. Uu tlw.very day that NasKvilTe was given juundlias sky. A Uila-sstng guobost Jlie - up to the enemy, una forces 'were' vicnfiMw ; was tiie vouseqeeoce.: Wbiletlits akurry wa- at Snr t'm-k 1 isHiri, an 1 V1 Vnl.' ' suit iJIlliT Oil the klDDitOr.1 GaK'lia and tWO sltreniendius mow xtonn. .Still, fite) linsiW- latKin ot the. rrcnk'ui wa gratdytntl to the j guuOouis wrw rvpubea t Jirewy a biuu, nation. The yaiiket had tjoastr.) llml he and Itiree of then! cii-ili. Kicbiuotld fur should never b inaugnratmi at Kk'luiHmd, the lime was sale Tbi ovKt evvitsof iiu arnl n Was tloud Uiat luTairs wuuU be luau- j iwlitduf wkib JtW U'luriui uiif U a.t.l Willi greater vi-ur by (heH'rmaneut - "GoVe7H.mT: " . heved she ...$ deslined to clear our waters "u eora.Hi tip lie was made known, was mi- iwnonmiij: iw Mim ma-iei iy uiMvemems ui the ar"iff'1ailasg" baik Trofil Witichestef, j veuireille and Jlaiuuwiis. ami HilAiluig up:- Tn McUellau all the nrmth of a deieat. ! McOtellaii advaneil mum our d t-M-rted wmks I a . . i:.. i ii . . ... i i i i a i. ...a., at to find that for luViiiths he lutd beec kMt at tfiffd the sue of bis owtt, " - reflv, Johnston -f! back to Gordorrtvilk and MeClclUnd, alter a pretended pursuit, re- tw,uu me oy water, to uie i oris euio- wtiere ne was cuecke.1 and itcw uy il.... If ...... ..T... Gen. Magruder with less lltau, 1 1,000 ctToo tivemeii. " 7"T A yP this Bioveuient of the enemy was ascertained, Gen. Johustou transferred his truJjis to the sujfwrt ot Magruder. Tlw pasvige ot his hungry ud nigged veterans 4tuHigh tie'atfew ol l&haiond will Dot soon be forgotten by our cifiaiis. .' A: this juncture Uie munition of tle world was distracted from Virginia to the south west, where on, tk- C'.lt ol April Gen. Bean reyard beat- Grant o the bfoody . Iildf Mijloh, killing, wounding and Inking pnnoiierji Zd.OOO ot hi troojH, bujt l.fl Ins advantages bv fU'e iuJiscil'ltne ol hii tiootw next dnj id .I'lttsbiirg Lauding. 'Gen. A. 8. JoWiiWin, Wan kiHed t ShikjiAfter. - the battks ol Shitoh tliere ensu5I aintTier Ittnnm1)ro1iieo run of bad lock for the Confederate cause, it . .. . . .-' . . . -i t I i x- i . . . . W . . .. , .ft I losing durinj" Uio tiiomli ot April wianu iSo. 10, yortrulaski, rorts JcKson-aJUd muiip, and the city Kew Urlcans. New Gireana was surreudtfpsd-wli tin 2'ith of April, and iiiwueillate!y oucupied by Uie Massachusetts tyrsnVBuUeiV whoior more than aeyen tuooUis exercisid his power alter . . . . Tl- a. ' ts a tasWon so brutal aim atrocious aio call 6wBttpoiTTu WIKMO CIVIllml wonov ar ubict nau it been fo? the people of New Orleans to have had tlieir house levelled with the ground and their women and children driven forth into the forest for Bhelter, a were the inhabi aati of Fiokvbttrg and ftederickstmrg. thaa T..f TiMil Luii .kui-j I llll f IflltryPAud ifuriuft IIimC ! W vj --.-...ot uut,.fft : ut the republic. ittiout it our armies would have been disbanded fat at the period when the enemy was preparing" to make his great, wLehmtiC advuiiutt uon IticIillioniL the conscript law held our atriies together , va TOiiiorceu went wun uiounmqs 01 iretu troops, who were in a sinut tiine. by condua and example, rendered as tHicient as Tyiluu Weis. . It Was uow tlioaght advisable still further to uoutract oor hnes of tlnirnce tit Vii-tMtiia anvt' rtimur . tlut iruHiiv iitti.ml ' tn ja $ , point boyuod the wwjajratfoo ol his gunboats. -... .7 JT.7. '.-- liboats. tronjai with 'thoae. ol iWatir.'gard, aid Ovu, , 1 vther. guubiraM'Aiu'tb the loOi ot'May atiJcked Urewry's Biull. L After a vtgorooi uVrteiaj ot several iwms tie i emnnv iu lite alley ou the iid aud 2uth tuVTtTureTa nictioStcf omtKi wuur.ded WaS idso grvat, jieihaps amounting nous were earned on witn great aciMty iu the Ouuth and Y est. Jn the first wenK ul that month the Yaukevi exjcien-d a . Vere leuulse oil Jauae IataIKt, bearC1iaile toii, and began tLe siege oi VUlu;g. Uu the 9th Mempius wax etacuaU'd by our loroca, and Gen, Juckaou, by I lie iieip oi brave old fewfeu gaiuod iiioitief i ghat vie Ury ai rort KepuUic ovei Oneida, Mtityy, ltaiiks aiid FlvmoiiL r iom tlui nine mml tlw 2oth of June skirniiiUiiiisr waa'ol iuilv .- .... . 'i:.. - - cun-euce on tiie lme iu tuiit t Hu-iimoiiu. -foa tW VVmiamAburg lioah. alioul two nnh- on the city shlc of the tattle held ot heveii 1'iiies, ; The skirmish was seveie "and 'the atf Vantage remaiued wuu tin eiuauvv J The Lincoln Government Uaviug beCuuic alarmed by the victory of Jaeksou at 1'ort Hcpubbo recttlWd MclioWeiH troifl Fredericks burg to luvleol tlw Federal Capitol. This laft Geu. Jaskaon free to..w!.dpwii.by a rapid moveiueut, the best of the war, on tiie enemy's right, and enatdod our geuenils lo take tiie Ollenive instead ol"stKllHfg a siege as tWy wooU olijer Wi?a jiare beeu iortL-U to du Ou the 2oth Geo. Jackson mvei at Ash laiiit, aud the next niori ing niov.-J m Uie di rection ol the enemy's right at Mrclniuic vilie. It was calculated that he wwuid ar rive at tiisjt pLu.-e in tint'i ,(v-oHXJtA't.villt Gn. A. 1'. Hill, who (oeii Uie Clmka- iajuftiuv -aL-Uu! AlcaiU' J'I1i1l-S at UU o J.uclwK, - 1 M , -On the adth, .o oe-in the at l tack ou the citeiuy llie results aud dctu'i ot ilw bailie ol luis aiid Uie iHKxjeediugsix diiys ine hit jMfeeTly known to everv SiOutberii reader to reuuire f particular mention at this day. The enemy . . . . " w'asdnyen suewiwively trom Me. .fhanicsviHc, Mysoh'M4VCord Haihour Saifageutioii, for the tretneudous rains of the night sitteXllUi of December lfurnside constructed his ceeditnr the last battle, the beaten and de- luomlixod' roiunaul of his afwy would hare been cut to pieces or driven into Uie river on WSStJttVftrt tww Midyertrttitt during Uie night, and before daylight the rain,; which oonUoued throngbout tiie day Wedneeday, had remfcred the roads irtipaa sabje for artiucry. Tle eneroy admitted a loss of 30,000 killed, wounded and taken nriarmtvra bb theae hatrJa. . . . , jitototypft, bhe "was afterwards blowo " up'by her eoMiaMiat ia 4be t hitter part of this i montu Uie enemy abandoned the stege ot the i heroic city Oi Yicksburg, after tonibard-J Tueut ef hearty two months. , - la the1 beginning of August the enemy 4uu-j teted auother ' large anuy hi Northern Vir- ' f inia audput )n command ot it one 'Oeo. 'ope. IVnie came to the command will! a" ; gieat sound of trumpets, and'issued mi ' in- i.uiiuwi vrwrr iu ui aoioicryi wniuu giuuou him metnorable. uotoriiy 'Srbr.g-.rtai:Ccda;;' 1 ten. Jauc-VDO met i pnlf ill llilrwrur itn flu'. Urh .J A iiajiKt autt IT-- T'r-r'"!. - A-v- twat blCB Ui pitched bailie; ailluig and; wotinoiug .uetwevii J uuu iOOU ot ins lueu, t genueman Uie louowuig parUcuJars there' and taking 6000 prisoners, i'romthis time ! oei.t - nod" of Geoeral Stuart from four of forward Pof history is too well known .; h; iqo, who were wounded u, the fi-ht at , to teouire repetUwu. Medellan aad Bw- . , . : - " , side were both recailedlo his'asbisuujce, but T fB U)urt House, and who tad arrived to littlelirpwje, as Gen. Lee, on. tl Unit ChwoWffle.j1--i; - . -.-, 7- -.-r.-and 30th ot August met and uV hted their i " General Stuart had era! ie nWiftUj- te, tw P"?!- U : nod oik4 to JmUx Court Uwe ott the already historic helds ot Manassas. -t before he cneowotered anr U the enemy in Ou the latwr day Gen. Kirby Siuitb boat , force. When he reached that rsace. he nth- " the enemy at Kiduuonil, Kentucky, killiug ; r vneipectrdly cane in contact with a body . . and woiuidmg 1000 and taking several thou-r of the Hremy infantiy whxh greatlj out atid prisoners. . numbered hirnv when a severe fight took Oil live Ith i4 Jjeptciiibt-r flt-a Lee leaving j plane, in which four or five of Stuart's men tw lrtigh Arbtigtvu tieegbtsj to whtcn hau-jweie wounded, lie then wkLdrtw tie men""" rvtaite.i tli'e riatie:vd army ot l'oje, crusted j and advanced io another durctioo to within Uie I'otoimur imoMarylami i.r wiks U AJcxandha, captured four hea- mte4ilb Mitfi.VJln having mr.i dmL prontor. large nomber of wagons, sumt-d command nU yaukce army came I and a quauuty of stores, Ac, besdesoVstroy up With a division of our loiu-s at Boons-' ing wtiat crwld not. be moored Wro. . A sauxfituai y batti -tmueci in which r tKVa Murti luTvii h tt V.rL , we W ere oulnumbiivd and. dm en t ..... i .... I ' . i. ... . vu tins tinne day Geu, Jacksou and A..1' iuv having lakeu llariwr's Ferry, the capture of .re-cross into Virgim wnicu una oeeu tue prime ooiect ol the lu Geu. Lee prepared to irgmia. iliit McCieuan. Cmi- uA-ut m lua uumu-is preaMeil on his culuntus, and ph theITiirGeii. delivered bun bat- tie at A utieUm. tJ -n. A. I'. 11 ill by forced utatclMM trout 1 1 . per s Fwry came up in time to take jvait tu this engaij-uieut aud save the day. The eiinuy chums a victory, rai tite ihti v Hieuce, u auy were . wanuug, to prove that he was really defeated and bis anuy eripfMdii is found in Ue (act tliat he did uot lenevv tlte fight ou the MHxeudiug iluY, and on i he fiAt ia.'rmiiuTGeo7Lee"" to .,&.!iK.?.0,l,, ulAl 10 trtBftroct 'rbini Ititr nvtrace of Tictory on ijiw ocyasiori cost .McCiellii hu tmumaod, and very properly, ilhewas f leUviuuii l siwuw iiave adauced ou Uie Uateti Uoule1- ,1.,. i....u.U ..... it.,.,i. it. .1.. ...... . wWik jtwJ pur.iuK of the y.ukee irs srv fws ' vsvuaij, tv (IV at illC and GovwiiweuC and tUrxfore Uav UoseU ! I11111. Ou Ins first iemt ol a forward movement, he was iiiet at tSltepiK-nlstoivu by Gelt 'A. 1. Hill and driven back with U-rnlle laughu-r. For niorif thsrf a month tlr host Jo anuses cOrllviited one anottier near" Winchester.-- During tliis time our trooj were recuperat ing, after the toils of the two most aixIuOus cjtii.puign kticun in tiLitory. Hie scene of active hostilities again rkilts to the iikitiwest. Un tiie &l ol tleiober Geu. Van 1ku attm.-ked t,useucra,n at Cor uitii, and Was disiuttroiiyly deWled. lliia deieat, a disaMer iu iivil. was doubly seasit Wteubl the coiD'hiMou ul Keniueky eaitijNiigii from which so mucii tiud been uu- UUpaUil. L . 7 '' . I oXainiira ia tBC&NilLwttC inm bur latest ttted jaiiKRl to l);ii-u.le, ou it"! teiiiii, wirT-j . . i .M!y ittil a leUvat toward Gnmlieilaud i OU P!" - ' -r ; - - t DnpuAer ll'loi ii.er Ui invii viet. iMw in ' IrrivUege of tire writ of ioieas eorjmt i Ik- UaIe i'eiry ille. lti.,gif . im-Iy re-! bc,"" sosfiewled b prodauiktioo of. l're iitai int-i been asciibrtl to u- disxlltvtioii oi sideirv Da io VhJwburg and the country . T . I i . . ... I theuoluft W the .fou.iau4aiu;, JMtiFu,n..w nuK-s pf ine st'j, . tlte best o union seems lo be that he Was out - . ft . i eirCTalettyrlindl ' iliiienat wyAtti-clcJ to the Anuy T the PotoHMO by a darmg hot apparently frmtlew raiil, made by Gen. J. li B. Stuart into IVnn yvlva.UA. lie made the entire circuit of Me tjieihiu' army, but it aeeomplislied nothing lieyond frightening the (ienuan .larnK-rsout iaJovJ;ioxaSft ., . Gen. Lee having withdrawn must of his army t the East of the Ifluo iCidgY.M,i?Lit,l laii, who had llkwed him to Harrentoiii was ipeiacded Jtt ihe coiimjuu j of (ht,Y8n ec amiy"ly fen. .. E. Burnnide, Wtio took comimtil on the '5th ot Kovember. McCh-llatl ln.ving beCU dejioned beeauwhe would not " advance," Bmuside. io attu, hy the atfeptutioti onirrjoHjt!oii Momi oiiii Uiilieil Jn adi'iuicit at mice, liuinj-ijijli ly on us.'tuuiiiig commaud he iiiaiene1 low'arus 1'iihU itck;tliiig, aud had hi irohwd lia- llp jiialilHick ut dlict' hir wotiid huve found lio liinig liieif to pi eveiit TiU tak mg 2i,,,o,' t tiie towu ai:d the heights iiibpKiitryTic cujileii by our forces. .. But lie ltst the golden ojisMtuity in Waiting for certain pontoon bridgJ-s, Which did iiot rrrive Until after a week's delay. In the- meantime Gen. Lee had-aJTiycd 'on, the, south Jhnkof tlte Kupjia-. liaiitioek and selected- his, potjuu., Uu the bridges and was penniltcd t& cro tter on ly so much resistance had been ottered as Was Botlicieutly to throw, him otT his guard. WTfeCtim dayBuTmade-fc-lt oar position from right to left with his artillery, and hav ing satisfied himself hy this process and cer tain information which he derived from an "intelligent colored man" tiritt onr weakest point was directly in his thmt, be on the morning of thd tJth inade' ht grand attack, of battles' tought kt North CttnAm' Vabout the, mum time, Gm Sroiih'a report ot wnwa we puwian tO-daV. TbeSe events concluded the war in the East for the present; but it has oofy opened in the West While we write that -review, ow the last day of the year, two battles of the first fahn tone nugnUude ore actually being fought, one in front of Jluifreesboro aud the other frwfore vicLsborg. j,j , - i v tTlhuUr ntStmV EaU. I m r u ... . ue iyucuourg iyi-ra gws loroagb a. ' .. . . . . m Keea acioa ute JUrfsuannock, who tmme- f uiateiy ivtuntea alter crosiang the nver. ll is stated that the reeonooisanee-of Gen- era! Stuart wis to ascertain whether tha Yn j kee army was retreatior from Frederickt- t bunr. in ibe direction ot Alexandria tat it I was ascertained that the enemy bad only a smalt force in tltal direction, and it is the j general iniprrssioo that they have fallen back from Fiederk-k&burg towards A quia Creek, There i nu torce of the enemy at Warren ) ton, but oooasional! a awal aquad of Tin-' i Kee eavairy vmt toe place, oat these are m- eraOy captured or quietly dispatched by a de tachment of the Black floree troop who re, main ra that neiehborfaood. - A lew davs inoe a portioo of this company made 4 die 1 oeat r Yankeg,Aan4 captored ; seventeen horses and fight ejeo, and nearly r every night they encored ia captming few j of their (ocketa. . -! , The Lynchburg RrpmlSm sartr OeneiaJ btuartrsad to have gone an far " f '.," j""""?" M Mtf all. : r 1 . . . f ... """,c f W ers. The quantity of commbsary stores destroy ed by General Stuart said to Lave been Urge, and to have embraced article mwhid. the eiwiny stood much in need. At Aklie be had a small brash with the corny, ' three re ginjeuts strong, vrbota be dwpersed, kilbng a" number and cajuring over a hundred prison era. lie pursued tLetu to within 12 mileaof Alexandria. This he accompltshjd without tiieluasofarnan. y ' ' , .'. vx - AFFAIRS rax tLTUWEST CIIAX GES IX GOMMAND-GENERAL VA2i lxiuNU SUCCESS, ice We gather Uie following interesting items 1M ureusda (iiwmsmpft) Sppea KMiw..-tnpor1ant clianges have occurred in the different eoweaaada at thai viiiyGencr-J al Van Dora has been assigned to the duty of re-organiaing and cowmiarwiing the cavalry iurcraj J ieoend Lu4fll, lately at the bead of Gen'etal Van Dora's old corps, has been trans ferred to ether duty, and General Loring bow commands, Geoeral Price's force mourn a it Was. - ' ,- t ---j Tb late attack eT General Yar. Darn, on -the Federals at UoUj JSpringa, Misstawppi. w as a gi vt awecsss. u xeuerai praooerf taken uumbetvd about seventeen hundred, and die stores deatroyed were of inimense valie-r-ooiN! of the estiuatles placing the Fed Hal krs at foes lhau a milhoo, aud a half of doltarK ;" Several railroad trains,' and all Ihe"1 Kjiippmg lacilitwe tound, were also deetroyed. ftunepecied was the aprwarance of our foicvs tliat but little reatstance was oiTered ; end our loss waa coniparaurelv nothing.-- Van" fX.ra' destroy tM all that fL-tt hito hi hands; , - - ; Zr" " It is slated that Van Dor, after hie ene cessfuJ attack on Holly Spnngs. made a dash at Grand J unction, twenty nules tCEtant, front which, as' weir-T6tber points above, like 1 J! 1 .ft , l . , . C gionous new may oe oatiy loosea ior. The Jacksou JipW says that the moet re liable iulonuation vxiooennng tie. locaiiou oT the Federal General Grant's army, locates , him in the'vksnity oT Oxford, Mississippi.' The movement of General Van Dora, there- fore, cuu off bs railroad conamiujiMiaiiaski as we have good reason to bebeve, that even vriih this facility uuinterropted, his men were on abort rations, we now lufor that ins trou- I bki IP this respect will be tucr-jvatyj As the ceuntry has already been exhausted, and frnnmnnKT'" oy wguu uaiua uum oe wiuw ti .1