"feU-'TajiLcJ try the i'iU,-,i As-. ...;teJ a'rcs . . Ag''t. . , , t ' , ., ClIAXLESTO!, J0. 8. A special Courier from Ki(on reporte that th enemy are making immense preparation f if advance. Reinforcement ar daily ar. in fr.mSufo!k 4 Yo'rktowu. At More .Ciiyand Newbern are 50,000 Yanke. - eungregsted 'ndef com maud of Fter. But lr i Bot ihara. A.eimaltaBWu allark la Id fumade ob Charleston, WUnfihgtort, Weldon ud Goldsboro, so at to prevent reinforcement leaving either place. Tfi enemy, l report- d,Br now.cookiug marching rational1" -. Tha Pumm baa been towed Into Beaufort harbor. N. C. 4lbted, with la of Terr. 1 1 A aettroehaltaagea Cel. WeVe ommander rf a lew York regiment, to fight auel- rb cbadeBSe WM H " hewrae "to act aetuflya swnS; "but Wriki refused ind .. ... r . ... t l .n.... ' (oftOWllB restgnea m service XEGAL OPINION. " In the Confederate Court to day, Judge Ma. grata prooonaeed M elaborate and able spinioa , being a amendtnent.of the Sequestration Aet, whmh ito ht Beat tf kin if ai alien eae uf to tfeqoeairated pnttMfty f aticb alien a4e. Htf. ! Tbt queation o( cvliliionality. a made a nW difedioa from the uflicaof the At lifae Jf, GeoeraJ. , ;c ' .'IZ'Z.'.I"- n rRo M:xiiYEiTrrr A eap jr af the N; York Trroaw. juet to hand, eoataioaa difcoatcb froia Cairo aMuooatfiiHT. a Federal xwoeae a Vkkabur The Tribitoo'e Holly gpriftjre correepundeat faumatee the loee by Van Uuru'e raid upon that place, at 600. ' To Federal, funboat f ner, captured of tbo Eealenr eoaet of Florida the Briliah acboonora Fraocia, Frit-r and (irorg aod lh VIRGINIA LEWISLATURE. - f Kiciuono, Jaiu 8. Reiuiatkiue were introduced. Uto the Wnia trriaiuatioa f ib tSlalo to (uaraulee to the Coafederate Uuvarnrortit p) meal of her pro. BtNtKM of tha pubfie debi, and jpled(rahe failh of tha Stile for the Ming. Alao, a propolin to enrol and organit all eXxaipla in the Stain tato orirjd, (rimul ad cHiiiauire, in be bjet 4 tba 4 the Gariior iu caaa of neceitljr. But RUle doaiit of their adopiiHi ekieta, '-.'.' , FROAI : THE UNH EI) SI'ATfcs. Jll 1. :'. v K:Hnoa o. Jan. H., Thn New Vurk Herald f .the tth inet. hae ead editunul ua ih ur'i--ct uf luierreauou in American afTure by Napoteon. I cave Hi French Kmpentr will aldrr auolhrr etrcalar 10. the Court of Ef land and Reaia. urifinf immediate lntetrentiu, aud the. chance are theeo powera wiil.egree to hia daiand. fbt wiU be. a of elude to Keoogoaimi by Franc alone. " iVxoWa KI ee i" I appeaJad to yon twice to ct with me but-yoo refused. My ncrti tia will brook nw More delay. I rc.rj(iHia the alhera CoofeflVfacy .beeauee my pVople are atar"i.Trb"riiw Cotton The Herald naiclode that the Miwrfal Fleot of Iron ptated Fnfalea now in Ain-rica arete re ratoaet a m-rjfuciie may dictate inCaaeoftbe Reevf uilioa of I4ie' govern-1 enU"1"' ' . ' ( . ', The Eeaci,tie Pwlematioa ia aa4b-t iadaeeraeat to - Napoln b interfew, Jaa all ,rhance for a'aeppty-of C"ta are at au end iintil Ibat queaiiim te aettled. Ho Will pretend thai fearful oriwee and bor - . lore flow oei'of tart work eg f the leer, ' thrjf hMit the Suth, an.l numaaUy denUud " the interference. ; ' Franca and England will Mb Oe that tiirir eappheeof oottoa will be cut ahorit if the ! ar freed. The French Mini'mer at VahingVn, it aaid, openly atate that duriu(4hi iunnth hia Uovoramaoi win mediate ivitmjor of the Souili. Thi aaeertam of M. Men irr, if true, puia all doubt up.a the queetioa at anand. Tb Heralodde, we iuaa prepare to ua ' .n nt all pnivte, tha integrity of the Repabnc. v FROM TKXAA, . Cabtrtrof Federal Gu'ultfuiU. i(-o. , . Aloaiut, January p." .JSfti tee" reef red ili"!!'!- The JiMBiajv lowinr tiifreetinl iaiellirnr fmm Nw Or- brana U4ta datad at lldqartn, ,bh iui4. Adiceeju4 reeeiyrd fhiiit lialrf-ilon aUte - that lb Teiian rebrla boarded tha F. deral H er itimer Harriet Lino.io lialveeiofl harV'Ti aad . aer a deeperate light captured her. . : ' ' Commodore Ranalxaw ecmnaadiiif the Fed eral fleet blow naoaef hie ranboaln, the Wael '.c ileH,, v,ltf. prevent hrf''YaW.ttj-4tt Ibe hand of , lh rebel, nad a on bi'ard, excepting eight, , perlahed. . . ,; ' The ribole alio c-aplored two companie of . Maaaachaaetu volunteer... w j:v FROtf CH A ITANOOOAy j ' MoBi.B, January 9 The Evtminf Ae ha a dispatch dated t'hatlauooga, ?lh itieiaut, which says i .: lieneral Bragg made a apeeeh at Decherd. on Muuday, U ibe cuiieaa thai pluc and WitrelrMUf, aaeaHaf thei i be did m Mean In deasrt them, but Would wake a at aud bet wren r-AaawweTriaamwt beeena hie troop needed rep beieg perlect- iynuiea. - . . - JU Said ortr lofc wa 7.001) and the enemx between UJOCand SiJ.OliO. That the enemy had advanced hia tinea fi milee thi aide of Mar s fraeeboro and hod been guilty of mint outrage- out enurmllie. They had alao bee stealing -nrivat property, rubbing peaceabla eilixeua x "d raauiag offaegroea. . :: ;' I ' V LATER. w ; ' t;7w ' - " iL" Cnarranoooa, January 8.;.' There ia a rumor that Rotsncrans'e army fcaa retreated to Nashville, leaving a Small nr. piiMllJiilieeajHMtf, ' -. General Bragg' headquarter ia at Vincbea- vr mm iii mate a Una oraereaca oetweea J .?a,ekiagtht HfW?eL4 eojj(tat' coMrqo eww v i A YA.YJEEH RAID.1 - Wincbreter aad Shelbyville. probabl that the Aboiitkn army .iU . . djtfor offnivt operation uder -- Kicn.Mo.Mj, J;,uary 8. European newsis quite interentiixr andoccu plea much space.,. The JItrald 4- 'limes says: The fast Clyde ateanier Vulcan ha boon sold to the Confederates and wa about'to atart on acruire. '- :. , '. .. 4-. Pari enrreapondentof (be London &ftays little doubt that distressed condition of manu facturing dietricti in- f ranee incline the Empe ror to listen' more attentively to Slidell than he otherwise would bar done. ' ; - The Parte Montttur aay some joornala ex aggeral the tendency of the coarse of Franco when offering mediation in America, mad an tirely misunderstands il character. The distress lu the cotton mauufacturingdi- RiohmAmd, A. 8 Tb York River train bring Intelligenceof a Yankee raid by from three to four hundred cav airy and gnnboata, inb vicinity of thn; Vhito if ouee. on ibe Pamuokey, 30 mile from Rich mond. - Thomarander deitmyed aevera! oya ter ehede, om aloopa, and fired at th train, which, however, anataioed -no injury. The train ba returned. NORTHERN REPORTS. t . ... . .. ,RicBHO, Jan. 9 , . Nilierapoper oih 6fh Ui (aDl bare been received Roencranti, in hi official report of Ibe bat tie at M orfreeeboro, aaya the right ended on Saturday in the royaidl-feat oLlhe Jebcra and their diaordnrly flight to Talahoroa. Tha fight mOuufiiitiil'iibdn rlil,Medieal Director eitimatee the numhaf of wounded at 500, and killed at only 1 ,000. The Mempbia Bulletin aay Vic k-burg aor rendrri-d to Hherman aftr five day, fighting. The whoU Union force there ie etimated at 40.000' . 1 . " Bank aad Farrago were-expeetedat Vicke burg. - . ' . A Bill baa been introduced in the Yankee CoHgrnw anthnrrtiog- th,s woe nf $300iMM. 000 mora of Treasury not and recommend the iefue of 8300,00MK)U itx per rente, re dremable in two or three ram, and f iOO.OOO, 000 at two year. -' - For i he Watchman. Ai the laet Term 'oTtbe Confederal e Die trie! Court, held for the Dielriet bftape Fear., at the Court in Saliehary, at Deciuber Term, .186., ih tiraod Jurur made the following preeeniiiieut, vb: ' t The Jurors for the CoutVoWate State, hav ing duly eiMikidered the charge of hia lloiir,v Juilge Biuoe, do in uccorifnuee with that charge f-ieeilully aubmit the followuig CMUcluiuona t which they hve arrived, apon the subject of eiliiiiiou aud ecufaliou. .J,..; They in the 'outset beg leave . to eay, that they 4bo bolieva that Southerner, engaged in a struggle for liberty, nayrvtu for life itself, ase so every sense 'of patriot ism a Mo have, aay deliberate evil de signs in i ho practice of the rvila of,exiojrtiuii and siieenlatiofl, which aeeai to luve setxed upon iba proph.-Tbey do ot believe thai we have bo si am areuB corrapi il ayarioioua ae a bndy poluie ; but they d believe t bat by Ihoughtleealy imitating the acta vf Miore evil FlieH, theceiiiHtirtky baa bei led stepy tep, iu the oowaward eoura of depravity, nutij they have grown calh.ue it the whispera of on cipiCe,'at.d ihw look Opon the ueceaaitie, of i he Leedy a.l depeudaut a a inattemf chance, and have i their eyes to lhebalefulcou.ee qen.ta of their acta, . - 'Itial lhi si's te of I hing stuiuld b ve bee a peraiitied lbu long to eit, t indeed to be la mented And w do otiw.ee Juiorsanarmbled, and having Milruia injunct on given u to re dress the puhikgnevaneee, call upon all well meaning cilixeu to reflect upua the con qOencee nf this unhalowell thirnC fr gain, and i uH t.he'loie uf UKHiey co.t.iheai' the Jo of lair fame and hooVaiy. Think 'upon the wants of the family of the gallant e.a'diir who daily peril hie life for your dele nee. Think of their aufleringa from your greedy ("peculation, and let th'ie drive you to refleciioo, and' escape froia) that just oondeiiiuaiiiet wjiich assuredly awaila yon and your posterity. What au exalted po iiioa in the temple of infamy will the desend ants if speculators hold when an hnet histo rian will write the history of,lhiwaf 7 and how degraded Will they leel with all their wealth, wtiea ptauled as a deoendaHl of ili mu thst starved '.he eoliCet'e wife, cheated the piar of an liiioeet living, and made hu'ieraud want stalk abroad in the laud, all to BJliafy his vrerd l r gain. ' .' s ' v,. Lei tin, ppenl.awakeifjh.:" who hni e not bectnne b .kned, and cause lS-u to show forth tlie mantiueaa of Hieir narnrea byTwnngi tbeir influence io put down tln traffic, which causes the helpless to tuniirn and the tiroag to weep over the. depravity uf man. AVIiea rue a are appealed to fcir -charit'ilde mrpoea. tbey give and give freely. ' Even the specula tor ia the aee4ties of life, will, when appeal ad to give freely to remove the' KuAeriiig from voder hi eye, Bui when he de not see the poor sufleier and hear not t hf wait of aoguish, be heedlessly permit himeelf W -see but lha profit of his trade, little caring, wher freezea from the waul of proper clothing or shoe or die from the pinching of hunger. Yes, every bushel of grain bought by the speculator for the purpose of enhancing the price, Haces that euch beyond the reach of th needy. T-hei tbna briin, by daing our influence m.ithe pel vat walkaof life to res'ieeagiiin the love of coanry aird one ciutiHt ewiw. hy .checking I appeal to onr lie;hbtn- to h-t nothing go iato the hand of tcetiialrs' when needed by ha oensnmer, L1 every man put it to hia own Coaacieiieeaud ask no mre f r wWal he baa In sell than he would liae to pay. ahoutd he bo unfortunate enough to be compelled to bay. Thi i the honesl rule, and a few noble exam plea woold reetore a healthy state of thiuea, 'sad tha needy and the virtuous will ibauk yon fosiU - " . . -i ; - . . . F. D. RINEIIART. Foreman. 1 .., JAMES F.JAMISON. JOHN sl mkaxa: JOHN w; McNEECV, JOHN SiDAVIS,. : j R BARRING ERr J j. m. lorance, ; J. II. OWEN, ; P. M. MORRIS, IAMES-WISEMAN, ..J JAMES B. ROBESON. , ecu;.. . -d. m.iiojl; :ooks. Ordered by the Court, l' 'it thii presentment of the Grand Jury, be epread upou the Minute of thi Court, and a copy funnelled Editor, with re.quet to publiah ' ' ! ' 'f ,. : - Atleat. DAN'L. COLEMAN. Clerk. V M I From the Raleigh Btoadatd. .1' . r M"." IIolobm Tha. aaline powder which you gav me, and which waa. received from alieWry or from thn vicinity, weighed .fifty fdr grainaV It tet I decidedly tall. It ia tated'to bare been obtained from 3 gallon of water derived from n lick ,,' On trial I found tha 64 grain contained l0"of inaolubl earth, ihn reducliig jlje. amount of line matter to M gfrua. rti frmsVtehv 'JjWit it n unHf mmmt toe- qaaiiutyor Mraawe avwF! or iabl aalt, atill mora.'- Now. the qaeaiion io" ba aolved la, will a water which hold in volu tion, aait of thin description, and'ouly to the amount indicated, furnieh enough to make if "an object to boil it for lia eontenUt Soma light may be thrown on thi queetion by slat ing, that the well water of Fayetteville clreet contain, upon an average, w-ore tbaa 50graine of aaline matter In 2 gallon, of water. We have obUined aait from ,th, wateri i of all the well in town, yet no one expect to nee tbem for obtaining aalt: It would, require at leaal UrWO gallon to make a bnab'elof ealt. ' - Another queeii'oo may ba- nropoaed, (a it not pTbabLe' that by going aWp1 Do&h, itronger add better water naay be obtained T I tbink not. All tha licks whM belong to Ike forma tion of rock similar tt thoee of Rowan, aad in deed all the western conntie Of the Slate, are da to superficial ckangea. end the deeper w go tb farther we (bell be removed from the auarCe of th aalu Tha snperficial decompoai tion of rocks and earth, alwayi furnitheeeaHne matter, among arhich wo may detect chloride of sodium, or common salt. But there are licka in other formafiooa which appear mora favora ble than the one'onder cooeideratkm.' I ana lysed tha water from a pit about '4 feet deep on tha plantation of Mr. Seott in the Western part f thia County. - The formation ie the rd andatone, which, and ia known, to be a ealifu rona rock.' Thia water coot awed 456 grain of aalio matter to thagalloo. ' Tbieaalt contain ed, per cent., or in 100 grain of it, 7 ; graine of carbonate of lime, 6.60 of magneeia in com bination with muriatic acid, and eome or ganic matter, the -remainder war mostly table an It. Now this water may be need to obtain eelt at a leas price than v. hick i demanded at the present time by apeculatora, especially where wood ie cheap .- - In concrasioli, I majrsiare indivindaN, as well a the putlte, that the eonditiou for the production of salt doee not exist in aay of the Countiee west of Moore, Chatham aod Orange for tle prodnetion of aalt, or I may say its preservation, il is necessary that the rock for mation alMinld hve been depneited Irian the ocean, aud that it should have preserved itself somewhat in the form of a bmin. IuthisStaie though we I ave extensive beusof sedimeuis de poailed from th sea, yet they have not been preserved in the miwt favorable condiiion for furnlsblug salt and. therefore, it t doubtful whether, w ehall ever be able io proenre salt from any of them. But the, whole of the State, where primary rocksxt. we rairt confidently ' affirm, will never furnish u with salt. I have spoken more laity upoo (his subject for the rea son. Uiat I am frequently receiviug letters f inquiry upon the eabject. - H E EMM(NS, State Geologist. v Raleigh, Jan. 4, 1862. : this Blornin - Fnw the Chariotte Bulletin. FROM TENNESSEE i CmTM006A, Jaulk. The enemy now hotds .Murfrreohoro rum.tr to tbe eonlrary iMitaithstauduig. Our ptckVia Uiug within three inilea of them. Confeder ate forces occupy the country this side. tn. Bragg now estimate onV ios' i "9,000; wliich includes the woohd-d left at MurfrcetHxtro Gen Hauaon, of Kentocky, wounded on the 2d, expired at M urfreesboro since evecnatntti.' FROM RICHMOND. . RiCHMOKO, Jau. 9. Th N. Y. Herald, aaya Seymour'a sjieenh will tally with hie speeches during the cam paign aad favor the prtafeeutiou of ihe war for the resteratioa' of th Uuieiu An attempt a ae madetomoti Henry Ward Breeder itt Elisa beth. N. J , on the 5th inet. The famous For re divorce case rs finally deciilcd. Mrs. For rest receives 140,0(10. Accuiiiuh'ted klimonv B4.00U per year. olixavf Augusta Cottntv, f Va presewted SVHrwH ifn ku with -spM-4 did bort al equipments far eervioe -m rbe Valley. FROJI CDlTTlXUOil m. ' Chttm?oO, Janoary 9. Th truHj Rebel publishes the following dispatch' from official sources: ' ;''.-'- - WiMciiasTta, Tenn.. Jan; 9 ien John II Morgan's report of his late expedition shown two thousand paruled prisoa-r, several hundred of the enemy killed. aad WMtnded, and an im mense quanlity.of arm Mirt.perty deti.ed. Gen. Forest's report shows fifteen hundred pnaoneis, i!VT. .tbooMrtd tf the ecemy killed and wounded, an limntente. quantity of areif, ammttmtioa and store dee Myed, kud his wht.4e command splendidly equipiad. :'' .-' tlur opralSons at Murfreesbnrit' includes the Capture, of 4,00 prisoner, whsr h addiiioo i 2(H)U caotored at Hartsvile and around Ato-h tilbu mm P 10.Q00 prisowi in les thawtiee-f,: motilb. W e bavs also rapriirecT and sent to j the rear thirty canuon. 60IMI amulf anna, und have 3000 ia th handa ti the mapr" '"' ItTTthiitroB tw rhr desiniyed, aa)d the males sud harneea secured. The enemy' loa in ilri and, onnde, i e timaled at 20,000, iiiciiidig.''yGeneral. ' . FROM YICbSBCRC . Riciimomb, Jan. Private dispatche from Gen. Pemberton, jut received, eaye: We atill hold Vkkrbtirtd wtl hold it, aa it is growing stronger every day. Theeoeiy appears to he-retiring" ' A Flsg of Truce Bost baa arriyedateity Point, bringing over WonW and chikrrea. A copy of the Baltimore GaxeUe baa beea received. B fl ara learn that Bank has or dered tb re leas of all political prisoners now leonfiaed lifchidinj Mayor fc LMoaroe. '? t ; .l: 1 1 i i c , it i l.'i i I .-en inhkiK-r I. h h- 1 liior-.. t t to.l.. Dodd uuiiaial spi' ou tle ouUmtts of the City, and on bisreturii waseuddeuly strick en to the ground, ilia situation waa soon dia. Covered, and he was conveyed to bis home in a carriage. Drs. Johuson, E. Burke Haywood, and Jl. B. 'Haywood war at one summoned, aud all tbat medical skill could cuggeat all don for him., On 8unday night he was bled copi ously, and he rested weH afterward.' W ar glad toiearn, at 13 M. od Monday, that bi thought to b etter. ; "' " ' " ' ' Mr. Badger is, we believe, la hi 68th year of hi age. Th temporary obscuration of bis great intellect is a calamity to this community and to the Stale j but his constitution is remark ably robuat.'and thousands Will join with us In mt eirnex iom idii m may 9m mwriQioq 1 a . t a a a a a parta 10 ai ei many yearm. no omwmti. i Sv'Wiff'fkd to learn bb we go to pre; that onr-eitcemsd fellow-ci'Jxen, Mr. Badger, is Im proving in bi bealthe ia. yaa. Jl,.;. To Iiand Buyers. J, H K ubscriber offer for sal hi plantation containing; ' " JM0 ACRES. - This place i on the new Road to Lincoln 10 mile West of Salisbury and In on of th best neighborhood in the county, convenient to Millie tud Cbarche. About two-third i clear ed end under cultivation a'nd embrace 40 or 50 acres of the very beat. H , BOTTOM LtiND (as It uever overflow.) There is on th place alt neceaskry buildings and tt new, ' having lately been settled.. Gallon the subscriber Very I soop ou tue oicintaea n job want t wiiiin. S.A.SLOAN January 9, 1863. 2mopd:.14 1 VI IX sell. at public auction on Wednes day, the 28th day of January, inst, if not pre viously disposed of, the following property, xrK ' ' no ses ed Mules, a reninanl oTFattle, hoir and ehrep.a small lot of Corn, Hay, Straw and .'Shucks, one Ciur-hora wagon, one oxsn and cart, one Cot tort Gin, baud, ic, one set blacksmith's tools, one loom and gearing, farm ing utensils, and an. indiscriminate quantity of plaataiiontrumpery. f C. L. PARTE E January 9, 1863. 3wJ4 , Property For Sale- -Jn Salisbury, in Slatesville and In Concord. 1 i THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR sale in the, town if Salitbury a valuable unimprov ed lot aiiyiining tha dwellings of Mr. Pearson and Burton Craige. Also a tract of land con taining about T WO II UN D RED A CUES, lying on the Gold Hill road, Tour milea from Salisbury. Sale to take place (if not sold pri vately, saier.) at the Court-house in Saltsbn bury, ou Tuesday, the. third uf February, IS6X ALSO, in the Town of Staieeville, on Tues day, the 17th day of February'. 1063, (if not old privately sooner.) the STORE HOU3K, WAREHOUSE and OFFICE?, on Ihe East corner of. the Public Square, nearly opposite the Siiiioiilou House. ' ALSO, iu the Town of Concord, on.'fnes dav, the 2lM day of April.rli3. (if not sold pricHtelv ner.) the isTOUE HOUSE and occupied by White, Smith' & Hrad shaw. SJ 1'enns.six mouths credit, with in- terest fmm date, ij January 10, 1863.-' W. MURPHY. 3w:34 Ii UNA IV A Y A I'PUENTJCE. ' RAN AWAY FROM THE SUBSCRI beron llie 4lh insiaut. ROBERT WOOD, bound apprentice. br, (white.) ngi-d about' 15 yeur. 1 will pay 2S cents reward for hiaap prehertB aud delivery io nie, and wilkeu force Ihe law agaiuat any one who harbors, einplov. fclieller or conceals him. V i MATTHEW PLU.MMER. - 'Jtnnafy.lO. 1863. 3w:d 34 SICWING, SEWING, TO THE LVDIKSJ r lll K nnderejjned havinf taken eonfrari t 1 for making eiheeTinh S.ddi-re, detre to employ .VKMaiUe . do the sewing. Tliey request nil who desire information a a to the J1,le1 kind of work" Hi Tie doneand the' prlce-f..r ir.H to "ppiy unneir mime, iw-w4nt.ini iMt-4ie eomer formerly' u-cupi-d by R. iS:. A. Murphy. Call soon. " ' : WILLIAM HOWARD, J s. I). RE AUD, " Saiibnryyn is. jera JJ5 HOOL BOOKS, T E are irep.ired.at short notice. to Turnish VV the.l.Wiiig KCHOOL ROOKS, from ."MSrhug. (luujpbell ii. Albright's " publii-hiug t...i . ' : 1 Uftnw. lubreensboro , l WU: Our own Spelling Pork 30 cents " 1 First Reader ' IX " '- " S -cond Render. 50 ' Primary Grammar, 30 - 1 1 r. Ier , with the caKh. and stamps to pay Btiage," will recrive prompi aHeulMMi. i. 1. DKUfl E.-KS, -J'tf Haig , - -r 3f " 1 ' '"" Notice to Conscripts. rti BTsTre tTrTrfWirfhas,i w-Ub. aent of Hi 1xilleiiry, lire Uovernoriauthor itrd the raieing of tha three, lie W coulpnuie jwhh are re be attached to the 6th North Carolina Tmoos. Col- Charles E. Slniber com manding. A BufJScientnumberof Conscripts, la form, these three Coenpanie. will be allowed to organise themeetyrs and elect their own of fier. As soon aa thia ia done, they can report themselves io lb Commandant of Conscripts, lav Raleigh, or ta Cot Sbober.al Drewry'a BlaaX '. B. Rv MOORE, ' ' :. , Lt. Cot. 68lh NCTfoopa. January 1,1863 , r "33)t ' , 'JBIiANK DEEDS : pQR gALS AT THIS OFFICE?. - - .x4Vi y--;---'----..- fr;-t i-y. ! C. "i 1.- , , -.i i ,15 j . ah- .coitini.'stUe (s,, iug dt wrted i the Confederate Stutes Ai . -', ' By General Order. ... W.L.J.LOWRANCn, Col-Commanding 34th Nt CL Troop Deo.22, 186X 5t33 Llill Stones for Galea ' A PAIR OF NEWIILL STONES, yP 2 at tha Quary, ? mile South of thia plao for sale. They are cut from, the heat on la thi region of country, the grit beving beea thoroughly proven kr many case, . They are- 3S feet hi diameter; and the runner ia 18 or 19 ? inches through tha eye the bed to proportion. . For further particulars eaB at ' . - - v ' r , - this orricE. , ii inrisM . rr .-t&i&$f. mrttKssax. 1111. a ar a a. a .-..i.ri.jjuiv.- z.-eaaaiaa-iiMtiauTW- TVTEGRO WOMEN, BOrYS ANB GIRLS; JLl among them several good: Cooka aad Washerwomea. , Paraona wisbiag to bire. wilH call aa ma oas mile eastiifSalisIrury.' J bava- . alao a Tanner for hire, who has, beea at tb-- ; basioeaa for about a year. . .. '- 7- ' . A. ftENDERSON. - 'y Jan.a, 1863 ' -V- - . -, ' 3t33 ABSCOND mo JSTEOnOES. TWO negroes, MICK aad SAM, belong ing to the atata of Solomon HalUdec'd.vera -hired by tb undersigned on the Jt JanaaryV . tfi.- -i-j. - ' u rt y.i a Qauaowy, eui navw lauva in aoina ap. i ue v - re sappoaed to be larking about Salisbury: V' will live a liberal reward for their apprebeaW; sion sad delivery to me, or for their confine meat in jail,"so thai I get them.- ! ' r ! OTHOLY6RLYs-H- Jan. 5th,-1863. 'tf 43 WANTED The highest cash price will1 be paid the prodncer by tb aadenigaeaU for' ' .;;.i,L,.it.ri;vr:i 1 ONION SETS OR BUTTONS i "WHITE BEANS, - IRISH POTATOES, Snow Balls,) V ; WHITE and BLACK M UT ARD .8 EER , HOPS. BEESWAX, v a' s j- SENEGA AND BLACK 8NAKE KOOTr FLAX SEED. :--'':.t. LARD, BUTTER, BUCKWHEAT AND" . A ... WHEAT FLOUR, i CORN MEAL,atd all country produce. CatP befor yon Belt. W H. WYATT. ' . Druggist and Apodiecary, opposite MarpbjrV Granite Row. ..' Saliabory, N. C., Jan 5, 1863 , 2t33 PORK for the GOVERNMENTAL THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE be paid for Pork for tb Govenimei.t Afe-. ply to 7 I P. BROWN,- Jan 5, 1863 ' ' , ' 3t33 ' -ffl. Valuable THE HOUSE and LOT known aa tha W Sixnonton House, .. IS OFFERRED FOft SALEr THE building is HO flU front, and 407 ft. deep, three stories higb, brick, !!!f -j.- r T"i.-l.:iJ I""S" anu tin ruoi. ilsuuiki ling ie divided bb follows : TWO LARGE"- HALLS. occupied by the Mason and I. O. O. F. Base ment is divided into four large dry rooms, ed? for grocery and ahoe shop. 1 wo or th in the' Stare7fonhjng thwhl length of.thar building with large cellars and war room, counting rootneand a rlu ky" Tight room ion , aeiMinn sto7, and wago yard . in rear of the - building. -'.; ei ;. ,, .'. ' ; .. ' , HE HOTEL, is the best arranged in this conntry, larg and fine natros, well furuiehed. : ' Brick Kitchen and Smoke Uonser large Stable and Home tot with Water cob--venieni. " 'CS'rr'' .. r- Thi ie the moet desirable property ever of fered lor sale in ihie eonnlry, Statesvilla ia a .Mu.rtal.t nl:.ea I.. live., anil m kriak 'Otaea Jnv iiii; Si trad. . The Fmal College and a goad Jiale" : Srhi4. in snccfeafaioperauontib Weatern Nj it i C. Rail Road aud the Charfaat and S tabes vill' ' i Ruil Roed, briug a great, travel and trade"- - : j th- town, and i"ir well, known StateeviMe TrT Hbeet vpcfortradejitt We terma wrt be mjide tttuith pnrehsef.Ay, r? 1 lenjeth of .time can b given; "-tit Confedefat ' j moneyor bom4 wiJI be received. This proper. . ; ty ia now paying a good teal, and Will coOtia- ne Ut 00 ao, and wonld not be sold only for dt-. . .. ' CT If tb property a not Bold privately,-1. : will be eold io the bighet bidder oa TUES I DAY orFebrnary ConrfTor Iredell Cottaty. T . JI'.'l "-: ; ILT-SIMONTOM. I r-;-- '"ApSnryiving Partbef " -;-.- Semi! Weekly Standard and -CaUwb Joar sal, eopy ' i time aad send bill ta Mr8imoatov. ' Dee. 9, k62. ' . ' a pdtdcSO. . , '"r' P UBLJC SAE. i : 2 pj L WILLsell at tb tale resideoe of Capt. A- ; (. 1 -A Miller; o Tuesday, lha SOth of ;JaflBar-:2LI I t iefi3.tbe foUowina Property.-.- Twer bead of I iltHSwra4j;aMl 1 . .-.r-.-rj.- goat, one. two boraa wagya ana geanaf , oa -v buggy , a quaptit y of corn aad wheat, Bheaf- ". -- ftoas, tiwwet, sad atrsW ana one goon- straw net ter, ou loom, all oTblablsaeeimM soflfica-- en'furnaare, together with hia rmtng toola,. , an other articlea tod tedioo trf mention. rt- . Terroe made known on the day of ale.' - , - John c. miller, AdnrV Dee. 87th, 1863. - y ' 3wAt r7 Teiiaccm Cfeaiitcr v t : ; A Fine lotof Manufactured Tobacco, at'waol--- - aale or rataii - ' . -Jj - ' . ' . A good lot of Cigar. '1 . ' A email lot of very fine Cotton ia large bales. For ai bv MERONEY Av BRO. Baliabnry. Jan. 18. 1863. Impd34 BIJlNESOPXALLlINDSjL A J J 1 - I