vr.:;;ixiA anl:c::i:: i .. ..s :'... -We' have alluJeJ but stiJui.ind brief !r and iuiU!r, to the impertinent infer, eVc of the Uichmohd Enquirer in 11m in ternal of Korla roliotj and to iu false nd insulting imputation' upon her. But we hav just heard torn recta which bouli induce it to let Nortfc Carolina alone and torn lt. batterie upon Virgin ia," Those fact "are, that; th books, at show, that in noaiber of troop ;a i...:.... : .;i i, ;i i.' Tlie Coidd-:-.', Government I, i isv.t- i. . w ...;,., . '.j !- . , i- r i c I in l!ie lu-il.bor Lood t.f trw j s, i.eiatirg against an enemy, a source of uncertainty, perplexity and fear. Lukewa'rnmess and in dillcreuee, even, at a time !ikb this, is scan-e-ly less a crim 'than t)j)en opyositia And yet, for none of lue thiugs oould a man, un dora civil, piocess, be got out of, the way. The dangrr.of mO'eriug bini involves hun dreds, and it may be'liuM'tsaiidaof valuable lives, and the sanreii carnw of the country It stlC Hem-e, we imagine, arise what i cabl ed lh " niiliUry necesaity " of bia ronfme nient: slid tlio whotfat son in the army, '-fpundrd it in certain localities, but went about 1 1 1 1 1 1 tLe i ;,iU' Juiiii,,.!, SrtrrUrj ff Trraar's Urf urt. - SALISPUIIY.'N. C: it in a different the Congress having del ected the power to the President, to be em ployed vwhetv and when, in- bit judgment Jt was rejuinl, Salisbury is one of the place where it.t,e operatW has been euspended, be cause here the Government has a prison for The rf port of the Swretary of tlie Tre ksu ry shows, I hat from the .commencement o the permanent love.mment to tho 31t Be cember, tlie reeei.rwei,e ur hundred n fidy-eeven millions gbt hundred and fifty fire thousand dollars. The expenditures wen four bundrel and fMty-three millions fou, bunilreil and'i-leven ihonsand dollar. v f,;.'lTlie.e4liniati'uraniimnt to be raised by Con grrss to' the tirrt of -July, four hundred mill, ion. Tlw debt f the Goveruinent on th. MOXDAT KTELint JASCI1T It . tfSS. TDK WRIT OF BIB CIS CORKS RESISTED ur-l-iLtiu- .a-rvkef.-nril- the ejonmietiient T men oenerea to on dan furwibd by tliov States North Carolina, ' the fifth la whits population, tnd No. 1 .at the kead of the lUioftMi 1 3 -State: .lnT Vmrioia. b. fcr th Unseat in white , ! tj wivw nac vwiuw mi. j-rM.-ie, ; t M f j of tills Ciy deuilihg the eirVninstnol'a at- J wvoi to the j.ditical iute4 of the ConlTed- Ending the resistance oT tbe Aabeae eerpao in the case' of Mr. VoQio Continent is not .nuv. "" -CVi, ii." fl.'.V V- With this etatetiieut to begin with, it IS manifest, we tliink, that Mr. fiadhatn and tlie ax aLo tiitise who value uie- great cauw; stake, will be aduwuiithed by this view of tlie subject, not to be too rah in jMsaingjud- npeeeary in. so plain a matter. That jrrest, writ is secwred. by tlie vxHimuion ana tne Confederacy. Fierraool part of --' r aIbiitk tft. hav furabed -52,000' men " . .. LinoolnVanaj. - North Carolina ha fur nished none to Lincoln. . . Now it .trikes u that Imputation gainst the loyalt? of North Carolina coroa wiih a ery bad' grae from any Virginian, more esMoallT from a. Virginia newspaper, and organ ot;btCoiiwdratef government which fiorth Carolina aa aone ua u" tax o touch to r maintain: and defend. - r--A Chj? SutAlhai -jajhtJBoatjaaa ha oonfeasadly oloUied them better man any others; they are everywhere noted foe being More orderly tliaa any other they hate been in more battle and shed ' ; more blood tfaaa any other ; and yet fbr aooth these rirginian lectnre ner npun "loyalty and duty ; falsely charge her with entertaining a plot to overthrow the government, and insinoate that ah ha a lurking hopff a reatofatioa or rw dUuctiou'' of the defunct and lpwed Un ion. And on of the hi?h o65cer of the , , Confederate Oovernnaeul, wbe dutiea brief hfni in cootaot with, thousands' of North CaroIiaiaBL both, civilian and aol- araaei, of. uajtara fof wbicliw fr Fresideai Davis- has a proper idea, ot wuat is dae-to.himself and to an insulted State, u will pitch the slaodenar out of l he of- fie liagfacefc-- Th Enquirer's imputation aae'offoni ve to North, Carol via, ud houii be dier 7 tioaed;r Qaa do witlmtrt the itayerti 1 M jsdtice of that pajwr. a h fid in - tfee.ekssdlonjpfLGov. Vangnint winch tae pnOjUirer protested, tit there Bo an i pf iW if the Evqaimr really dirts r aniti of ; feeling and th aneuese-of the great euju Qbrer. nm.! .?iujt ii UaradA Etoeai returned to TeuueaseeSaturdav last. Ia their TiT!!rr or"i- i. .1,-1 J .,.4allaigAiaJQtuckyt thit Bacon Creek, Xo- , Jjn,. Elizahetown, Sliephwtlsvilla, ; (eighteea miles' from Xxjais ville,) and ether, bridges were totally destroyed for the distance of eighty anilee.. 13ie trestle work of th two first was . t Muldrough's EM, twelve bundredfeet long and ninety feet high, and burnt aud cora- i pktly. destroyed. ,.r Approaching Btrabethiown, Gen. Morgan received acommunicatioa from the comuiaiil f 4ng offioer of the Yankees to surrender bis - .hreea);-jtf heihad him Morgan) conirJetdy ; WjiuiifoandedtjGen. rktorgan m reply, onlered the Federal commander, himself lo iMirren 'ir r er, and upon his refusing to do mt, ope.nel Vt rth;3enea'n''tli"'oity, after luviojj v 1 4( given, timely; notke to the women and ebil oren to leave, Afbsr a bombarduicot of one " boer and a half, the Federal force of seven , . hundred men surrendered, securing to us a "st qoantity of arma and Oov eminent stores. . ' Tue city was considerably damaged by the tKMabardueTit, txU no citizen was injured. t .--"In the Sgbt;t the ttestk?, Gen; Morgan tfT captured aaotbif regiment, with all their i amis and stores. V t",The nnmberof prisoners captured at JWd town,' Nolin, Baoon Creek and other places amounted to two thousand. r. At Springaeld, General Morgan wm mr- founded by twenty-six thousand ot the eue- ji Biy, an4 lor while-it seetned Im sitnatkai fy.1 anlL sw' -v-- In motmi from Springfield ta Cintil4r eille. Gen. IloUery, ominaodinif llie Fol-nd r- "-i ...-it. : w . . i -ii I zzzzzzziz fir." gtaVai -The Cefit nminwl in nivk. anJ the body of Gen, IloHey was dragged h ow . . . " . th water and carried to an adjacent lion. . Two inetnbcr of his staff aim came up with J three of Geoj Morgan's men Capt. Tnbble, w. Lieut-. Eaatbit and a private. Uolh?y waa ... aUteod4 by two of hi staff Capt. Edward aod hi orderly. A fight at once ensued; in wfeicrjkiriL3toyWaUi Iril1! SLL-Evnottrfw hand! hmru. t . lain a ur.nf. .rui haiiawb auNtAafta mim " .a. . - . . . m . i. r Tr ttt J r,1' - ''oaptorea by Capt. Trtbbl. The nght was !:.: a band to haod aflahv audi th ootuUtanU -7--7a 7 i j u ,t!,ret ,"nrr- . Ti . . . Ajeeriu ouuee rrttom lUtni. . .affL . 49- . ...... . w. .... : Another. flaj of troc will to-dy cjrry off " j '" thr or four hundred prisoners from lb Oa tuJar-aboat on kundxrd ! . . fifty Yanke deaerteea, who bare. come iu fmtn tim IA' lima lvdr I Ka natl. '.t lf.. UW'to, the ConWeraU Comment and. wer discharcrej. from th r.rla.. . , " t ', their parol of honor. ' Aoaong. tbem are ' . . .aay" arttxans and workmen of various ' , craft, who will be mefol ia Government , , moby.; 'tl: , Uyirt-i; -v. ";.4 Ualearo-itlrat iQeneral Josepb it A 1 dersoa baa tri ven a oumbfir libera, eoir ment, the impnsonraent ahall continue antil a truu can be bad ; and it no good caitue ex ists, he shall be set at Kberty. This wns all Mr. LotUn asked, but this was denied him. We are neither his champion- nor apologist, for we know nothing of tlie facts in the case, "we are simply contending for a great piinei ple as oUi a civil liberty itselC H Mr. Uft in has committed treason, or adhered to our, enemies, we trust lie will be punitued ; but if be be innocent of this great crinie, of of any crime, be i entitled to his liberty.. . lie has deoianoi an klrgatioo'if, l&.eiie''wliich'' has been denied him. Meanwhile he Jan gukJies m tiiff itastile at Salisbury .under, (he am hand of uiiliury powr, with many otli- -er who latre akeI .in rain tliat their cases may be investigated. Tlie Judge, who issued the. writ in bis ca has backed, and the judicial enuiuc has been lowered and dragged in tbe dust at the feet of a subordinate jnift tary officer: . , , Hal StanJqrd. f . Ma. tloLeea In a late awmbrr wf the Slmndard, jroa statrd that I had sard ( a wrii f haitti cerpaa ia hrhajf of W. C. Lufli. a priaoaer Ciwfiitrd ia th CuafeeWnle prima at SnliitMiry . In the State JimrmaL of b 3d m ataal. in the loading editorial, the fcdluMriug tatrmeul i made : Wm aaar ill ibe kadim Coosemlive orno f thin City bad surd "u a writof kahfoa ctrfut before a Judge of this City. ia behalf ef a pris oner confioed at 8alibary. We preeme the nix remedy i open lo all uihrrs. Why do tbey nuta ail I haneiva of lit remedy t Tbt frral writ U ipteoded a the great bul wark f tbe euisra aeiut arbitrary powrr.". . I have ne eranmeni l ronke on th a bur, or lb edtrtal in which it iieear; aad i eall- Wg yorr alte.Ui.Mi lu W, my uofeet i4ely l in plaoe yoa ia p Ha f the fact eoaurcted with ihi Brriutr emu-. Uu the morainglhn writ waa Mwued had the kiiMfurm . lele gnipKtb Editor ..f the bbury 'Wmlekmmm. reeueftiue him to inform Liifti that a writ had HMlMl 1 8alibry th Com- . .... j ben ied uuu and thai I would be ia ih ael.1 Moraine t prrteat il w mo ad ant .f that miliiary pall. Yair friend, bdilef or the H icwaa, not beme in hi oSee st the reeeptioii ,4 tfcm tlemi hi ivtaat, Mr-Jame. iriianediatrly roeght an in terview with Capt. Mct.v. the Coaniandaiit. Not fading the Cejilain in hi ..nice, Mt. Jamr pnieared a conveyance, and (ahhoufh ibr duy, Taeaday last, wa aa ineirmeet one,) wentout to the Confederate prikMi, where he fbend the Commands at, who refoeed U allow hiro either to see the priaooer, Lnftin, r eomiiiunieale lo him the aubartaee 4 tbe diapaleh. On Tuea- I day morainf t ;leeraphed would be W) t Bejaauniaii tm savrii a a nmm am a m. a a uni I arearnted the writ of kihrma irim la t'apl ilenry M.-C'y. He refuerd to idtry the rn, and' reap. iHdeet in wrilieg thaf 'lha writ 4 haht. aw eerpee prmld t Kalubtiey by the Cwifcdrraie Gwrriiineut. 'I reqaeaird llie pneilefe tn aee the prironer.' Thi area denied uie, the Captain iiiforming uie that crave end aerioo charge were preferred gait Lofiin, at, ne waa instructed t .jtarf the Judge as a judkial olB- Imik, I then ureMd ibai if the chars- , , . e , .. . gaint Uftin were m enVni. that he ahnuld 1 T. but in thia cae, it seems to ns, he did ex it a trial, an iiieiiiMiii by th proper f. j actly right that he bowed to tlie Con.titu- neera.d.an ii mnj nujr ratft. nu nMi uie CotJenite Congress, that priMuplW, m thai e4-d'ped penn.na ! , . i . -l. ".Z . mighi V deter-H fr..m CHn.nitt.ng like f. j and -Standard ik-ecnbes " bock- fenei bjtl wbeth er icSttty or ieimeeM. n J. eJ," trafiug bis " judicial ermine in the dust WMtoM pe alinwee ine n-nraiot eoanael. I hi, y.t know, Mr. Clilor, in allowed the aaiat de-' faded aud abandoned, and if iheV'ar eaab'e to employ, it i made oMigaiory en th Jodfea to aaig the eoonael. Yv are aware that we bare a statutory provition declaring any cit Zen or officer refaaing ut iAry the writ of imbe rerriliy of a liigh mideBian., aUir . . . .ff a at A.!-...' a t nr anew-, aunjeci une or nrt noo- - - "- -I - .1.-J 1 1 rriniuded apt aict ..y k ii.w prouia, and iiMjnired nf him wlmt wnldb"hierfirchiHild i can a wni w iwa v4Mie or tne 1 hiv.v-i..er-ta ' lo preferred; ft ihe umiinanoii r thi hifh 4 m(uluta..M ' 11 aniw.rMl m.m ihl It. aiuiU not be arreated. I eajd t Iral, I did not know what eare Bl.e Judge ran ting; ihe writ a-.-uld lake to owpel him lo obey it, bai if an atiach eient wa itwMd a;aii him f.ar ciHrtempt, aud if ta Sheriff of Uian ouaniy cimttna tid ed to Mrainda th seeee to eaable him t rit. j et th wrw, wtiai would hei thedT Th I A . a i -maa:u aviaaum v waa na frw a a na ant.it furiiiar 1 . r . T . r . . . t i"9ing oi am wnetner ne na i nanurr f , a.j H to thm, I w informed h n4.y'hom " exammatioo was had, before I W ttMr7yr'T.Kiiid tun t.v be fwnttem of . M a . - - aatnu, terrv W ih thirrrnr-Tirr-etii fUteivh, aiV aawxHale eoeneT, Cd. l. ii Fowle, waited OM the Jatd-je. who deeliued to take anv farther tp e ut ee- ' (J .Raleigh. Ja. , 1063. . The writ .of kabmt ettrjtHti w orie o,f the dearest riirht of Ireeiucu. Ii ouet UKKisarnU t I -. .. ... .. . . . i T91? r DW,d HOtiatHl the wrest tt horn toe the people who have it not, or having it, reliuquiidi it, are at the mevew of, pitrr. Tlie Constitution of the United State and of the Confederal Sutes, secure' to the eitaen this great writ. But, rince th commencement of the war. Pleat operation within bi, donxiru without authority of. he Congresa, tra. bejieve, who aion have the are apt to inake an error.eoii impression. Let !( be observed that the suspension of the writ of Aoieo orpaa? at this place, ia by an act of Cbnereu, tlie rresideut being the atrgan, or agent t tlie Congress for the pur pose. If thoae wh sued oufawrit in behalf of Mr. I-oftio knt-w before baud, that it waa subtended here, why did. they make up an issne wit h the (ernmeni in this case Tr It is htf probable? we think, thiU Congees act ed in the premises with theesign t' inflict a wrtmg upon tlie right of Uii? citiaen need lessly, mSor the purpose of initiating a change in our -wVm- of Government. - It ia easy to Si they may have been inflnenceil by mo tives of patriotUin, and considerations of mer cy to Uione brave: men whose duties in f de fense of the country call tliem always in front of the enemy, where mischievous and treaeh enus persous lave it In their "power to per petrate acw involving tbe lives of our soldiers and tlie sucoesa of our cause. But it it had been otlierwwe if there were reasons lor lieving the Congress designed an overthrow ter to make tlie issue on tbe Hour of that body, arxj urnler circumstances more iaVora ble for a fair trial of it. I tut granting all tlie intentUu claim ed by thttse wbo aetit Mr. Badham on this mwi)ii, , and supprMing lliey did mot know, e- foreliAUfi, that the writ tiad been Sn-rieitdetl , . tJa aid UU iretitlematf after I w. . arriving Item -ami finding lie ou!i do noilii mg, Jif4i the matter any further? Why did he suposel ems- toCapt. .MeCuy, wb.jee suhordiiiHte powfitm leave him but one tt?r- ' native, to wit ; obttlient ta the order of hh . .. 1 . . fcfiun . and it6re tltaui.all, what was. the defign in parading llii piit of, .tlie interview in tbe public prints? Was it to excite mldic iiMlignattua ?-gaint whWi--Cat)L Mx.'oy. or lite Government ? If against Capt. Mo Coy, it was unjust to him. II againit tlie Government, it wm uufntu lly and lum-iiiev- oua, and that at a tiu wlien we cn Jlly f - ford to bear the incidental distractions attend- j ant on the Uossi..Ki and etlleiiiciit of such i fuetiona before U" jhsjW It is understood' Ikt that Judge Saunders refuel 4 proceed furthrr with the writ be cause he did not knoty.- until it wa returned before him, that t!w GoveioiiK-nt had order- ! ed a susjictwioii of it at this place, Wehave at the feet of a suUdiuate military oflicer "A language not fittiug to the aulject, accord ing to our humble views of it, but of a kind rattier abounding in tlie Standard, to which, nevertlielct, wc are dijn!rd to accord ho.n-. i eMy hi oeuel and rectitude of aim. I . i, weri. 1ni .i,., ... -.ht, , ,. . , v"rr?- a"r i7j"jj u ic - ! petted party, in Older tliaf if goul cause ex- . c I.U t.nfM-i............ ti. ;..u. ... ' ' ' "-".' ri K-UIIIIIVM can be hud, and if i no coimI cause ext, lie "hall be set at liber- ... Tlii is doubt k-s the object, and it is" a ery impb? id jiwt one so clearly right, that tlie woiMier is why it should ever be re fused why tlie Confederate authorities could not pr.Hhice atTe1fmnatioii of this kind. tlie w wiiewc tm,xa testimony tlie arrest 4nade."" .Vhdjii; itdeed, lre be any man r w t - : oofrtitieu m Uie Bamoury nruon. ooocernmir i - -.a.K..tiaMMuv.w4ao t OJ tUe oJleuM. cbariTL acswuu; iiuiL. wu ta.. r .... ...ir . ' . ... L . '.I ' . Snauiai i, 1. upon Imiiian riglii; ami if there, be no good excuse or justification for it. should excite the indignation aud resist- auce of ctery man wIm desire' freedom for I hunsidf arel Ins childrenrBat are there hoi justifying eircuntatcca? This ia. tlie'ques tionoo which tho whole subject depend; and we confer that "we have hitherto enter tained the belief that they were quite instil cient, notwithstanding the Confederate Con grew, after grave debate, arrived at a Very different cooclnsion. And yet, it 'may be there are case in whichThe testimony cannot i. .." ' " f a . :t a ? o oouuoea, out loere ar isolated lacti and SK-Ta be.dangerou to permit a.certais. uroected MSUMltnoJa. a. Au . 1. f l 1 a.1 " The Cin federate Cougress met at Jteb tnond, hut Monday. There was no quomm In the Seualtf until Wedueaday; at which time the Preyiduiii sent in hi UK-sage. We did, not receive thia docuiiteu until SatuVday moruing, whi our cohunna - were -already nearly filled. Tlie rrwioS nt opens with a view of the inililary affair of .the. eoiiiiry, say die war ia no w in its third and last stage: thai ill first effort Was lO.! aud tliat has been abandoned ; tlie aecond waa to conquer the Soinh and govern it as a dependency,"thia too ha bYU aliaud6ueV; the thitd, oVuign - to destroy and luiler what tliey could not subjugate, but if we con tinue the same efforts as in the past, this de sign will likeWue be defeated. ' II Says we desire peace, we have all tbe lime uVaired it, but Will continue the war at any sacrifice un til our right of self-government U establU4ied.4ud several passengers, as weR a a unM He shows most, clearly our right to be ac knowledged as an HaWpeiHlfiH power by Europe and tlie worfc but that ariperadded to the n-fmwl of Kurefn to siiow us that act and France lwi bcuefked our enemy anI in- j jured us. Tliejr have not been true to tlie principle tliey liaive engased to defend in e grl M.-4-tia,- -aiat jiarwradtjiafrf e Vtft Ooveruntent in regard topjwalwnng.. :lnt morningri-- ' ...... , -." regnrd Id" Uta poclamataHV .. ibt rreilohf savrtlwt until Ciiflgres sliall o(b- ( tw). liieet, ! will band uver lo the au- tluwilie -f lite ralei aB ofucer of tlse Uui- (o-ioi went sadvlr to am fast uishl. ted t'taie lai. luay. after the wiano of . innu a Cife.k-rate Hjft. j ui proclamation Ibe aireMed, or taken in the i The rd Confederacy, to be tried by them for instiga- bloikader. I . . - . . i Ttiu iiH l.ug servae .nsorrevtu-K . e . rr,...r. , iUwx a m M t tit t l ... I 1BB11IWIHIH Mar pocrany of tlie Nortlufu Governuient. w hit ! started: out with a clear dtsavoWal if any 1 right of iufentlon of interfering with the;d- J rrtestk: afliiirs of the StatesTbut now attempts to exercise that right, in the verynice of tlie . ! the confirution'3ey have worn to sufort, . -v.-,, ioWh.i 'in.liii.u.a' ih hl nm ctiiuiw, J ,w ,-xen.i.tKi al. will be re-jled, board their IraiMiweta by trikW Gen. Mr - . . j. the rrv-idetit liaving uitnated, in I in uie. J tsk-rpand aifl tbey were cfcaMf Nerd lj sage, tliat it w disatKiroA'd by tlie people ofj "Lf ""f nffc . , ' . . .i h , t- 1 The Fetleralkaj i e4inuilet at 600 k3hd, theCoofe.Wy. ..... J vpimdv and l,M)t mksmg.. - . Tlie guerrillaa bnrn-il the Meauier Muwri Small hjT Vffc-Tl ;rreat ted M-y". Metiiy . . of cliaritable Mi!iiiix for tlie small pox pa- V FUOM -KINSTOV' SC. tient who lmve been removed from Townv ' v i i m i Tbe bouse to wiiwhUiey were taken was ui ter-1 GokJsboro, Jan. 16. ly oWitute oT Uru ankles necessary for Le Y-1. wra;t conifort of patients. It wa an empty liooae, I riiteen miles below Iieie;aml are supptiwd consequently every thing rerjijired bad to be to be in strong force in advaoce. They art taken there. It i aliiuml empty yet, becaiw i building a bridge over Cove tJrwlc frwoou" .. .i i . t J tew a feint to cover a movement en Uiere nothing mtUsiore. or shop, tc , to , WM. TtoAbolitioa- bought or sL Tlie supply must tlierefor j tl rr8 ,,ltJ tooand strong, and have SJ be obtained from private families; and we j. day rations. . It i tiiooght BeaH Ihitler wu" have been mjiu-stl to give notice that any j now take the chief command. ' , " thing left at Dr. Whitehead, of. hw Uie j "Jl TJr' nnmt' ,. " r , , ,1. . l . . 'well day Wure .yir.ly,but whliout re rehef of tlHiae umren. wjll be taken lu tltem i t. ., -m ;,hi'w .i thrw llfyhwMv. , Awliriy. The Ixgwlatute'ta flu Slate met on tlie CHli, oikd ilu Govcrtior'a nieesau mwrvedr- ' - - -,'1 ;;-t Gov. Iloln4n reeorrtmeiidi that Kentuvkv ' reject tlie rredeiit'.irwLumition.and tu- , tint agaiiit any interference with her Suie policy a (Unwarranted by the- Const itut Km.. He think the roulamalMi giving frelom to the slaves in tlie rebelliiMrt Kiare inflict j ppn Ivcntuckj rudjJLufligl j ' k.mdin-ctiJow, ' ,i u. . tu. n e -t -r ... im ..-.,. ou, gentleroan well vrw.lH-d Ii?, will be liere on i . . i i . i . . . ' . a . nofk to Ih-He fiaving fneml irj it Uia'l lwi .The .huVn 7ief f fcniief rwr w,ll tak charge M .ny r-ckaPe tluy u.y TItt. .lV i"' Mf. Ciceni Miiore, of thi county, will kfai e. I Utaer Eng!n4 jri'gxei'iht ' 8libory, on Tueday evening tb2Qtb of tU mf rV;ff .rtLT tkmonrllBXrKlf Itidiinond. audeinect i lY.,.. atrj.:uTLrrxiI7mCrUr poaeofconveymg bornlk-s, boxe. d(e.', toth fi)Uowirig Rcgimeuts the 4th, 5th7 Ctlt, Till,' 34thnr57th. Those having any thing k eiid, will have it ready by that time. B. Teague, CoSjiiry D,.43th X.U Trooj diedral Castle Thunder last Saturday week t: ; ,' ' '.vv-.'-'V,''' fReoluto hav been introduced Jn Cm Legislutare of New Jersey, proposing an Armisboa of six months and a National Con vention at Lexincion, Kr. and wer' the special order for Tiuraday the 224 tnadel pnrw i lonsot seven-iutny notes. ; ' Utnt frta lie Jlertl Tie Tsikm fH1 .;. TUlsbarf lairrgikle. :',-..:.7-.; X Riciitioapi.'Jaii.'li; .The tCnqiHrer ha northern date toth 1.9th. The Yankee say they did not renew the attack on Vkksburg becans tit pUct was founil Mnpregmble and heavily mnfurce-J Thejrwitf operate frwtn aoioe citlier polijtV'i ; Tbey claim to have repuled the Caifeil: ?raFM at Sptiig ' I'-RicjuiirilrMii ,fTftio''l4n)tfl 8e0alor; - Tie Setial pawwl bill antlmriaing Um enhstuient f-,2flC0oV vownteers,lof lb dV lewat Kentucky.---...- ff. Gold hi New.Vork U'i, doling at 14I ' ' ' ' . CbaTiliwx, an.lS. A CouCxh-rate steamer has arrived t i Coiiftlerate poet, bringing a lieavy mvokt nabte and assorted cargo. . Slie left Kam on Amday laM. When alio left, tlier wen 'six Very swift English ateaniers there, IreigLt- ed with gaU for Uie duUtu, and about u mil lor a CmfodiTate purl. ;..ir- ."' atalilaWiiaWalilaak Um f a lakfTraart. vWiuijtOTfx1'an: 15L A Federal d.oonernprwsed to be i tran- porr;-went a.-hore off W ngbtsville Sound, i imlikhejiiAtCfiVhHr claituvd both iy the Kederal and Confederate ! total l.ne. Men. repotted; on i the beaeli hn Tbf R ks4r tcsla Is It. t - "r - r niumoro.- Jan. IX r r - a- a 1 be Mraiuer Utat . wX tenore. a s die Muckader nearrM in, Ax - KnKn the Charlotte HuJIrtia. FROM THK CNITta STATES. lticRMo!rt. Jan. 15 Dbpatdies from Ci"!. dated tlie Htb int. as the entire fcrce.V tlie FehfaLi at YicksLurx re-embarird i ii I FKOM WH.MIX0T0NV ; t: 'p VlUllMlTX. Jan. lb. "Hw Vnitett twtJrroneT Otirorobiis maialcr rVMitliuey, with twelve irtJlcars ' twenty-eight men, weui ashore ia lAw' ro inlet and surrendered twCoL Lamb te-d Coi Lamb kepi off bwr blot kaders, ,Thr pr otiei are exjivctod he- to-morrow moiini'X Nothing definite or further i kn of tt enemy fiHii 'ewb-ni. ; There wa'JirJ JeJaM aight and raOjWhH day. ' There are itlmg of lb Beit. FROM MICU MONP.-r z LATE.. NORTH ERN INTELLIC.M E " rr-i TtreHuova. Jidr.-! A'eoecial dwpalch to lb Richmond far"" five th 4iwwwigt"- :T wi J r wwwmw W tmm aa aw . . . - a . ... ... .a a ,'..al at lw f lhir rnveampa, for tlie. ptir.-f ,w,t4 ttetw ffons feaheylvania, viee I avi WHmnt. JimM Caaserow We the ir"" efBeekaleo. ' "": ' Gold In Nw Y.k .tb l.1lhlat. ed I 141. tH.f Eaehaag m ueea Tb New York llerald nys - Ik for Roaeaeraas is meeh more srio finaU ib.a that jnat HdMi)j th labor f ' eaJ ate bat beg- "a failed t ' lb rebel amy . saakeaaotb.r atier Roeeaeraateaneot immediately follow tJrV ' Braa aad bla arwy.i ,II mM U recnu and aommuaieaOon. wb Jehvir aad l Nonh tbiirfid.' r . ; - !f' . F.ii John Porter a bee aeita ' : ". f

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