j 1 i r i i . i . In th" ; " I y-"r oi'mir Lord 1215 eifhun dred and" forty-eight jeers ago, the sturdy bti "r,.u of Knli'il. word in hand, III Runnymede, . wrested from, King Julia the Great Charier of liberty, which .juiiong olhe'r things, declared "! , that no freniaii hall W token of. imprisoned 7 r M by the lawful jnd.meit of hi aquaU or by jlh law of the land.'? Far agei struggling mil """V ion bad g roitned benenth the heel of despot j,m ( ht right hrg;tii to break, the tyrnnis trend wis woyed when the brt asserted iheir in-T- atieuable right, and embodied them la a charter , - which i venerated by ihe fovera of oeiiwnnl erected For four hundred enu inrietKM this charter w ih watchword of liberty, bat power ia alwsytf stewing from jho many to "the few." and it beeams necessary lore-enact ' a! forUrjr .Ah jigitts f the E Irtish" cfiiten In IP2S iW nriiouient demanded and reeeiv " Vil IronTCIjarJeo that erlebratnd law known a the ' Petitlm of Rihts, in which the King Abound himself " ne ver eg-la ta'r.ieo money 'Without tb msol of the rfimseenever again ioiirtwrmry fHeivaoeia doer-oarse of . aid never eg-tiit to'subjeeihia people to I.e. JO if any, pero be.restrilned of hie lib erty by t-nlee irVreV.. any 'iHul I m-ufi-' y nmmsmd Hi Khf i saassre ldf erseai, or Try warrant f the eounctl hoard, If dmMt f kit ommtlUi m writ Jw-aea rerpes, to tiring hi bndy before the court of TTTin,n 'bwii'TTir MtiraH piei"wp bohII deier--nine whether ihd eaoar vl hie oommllrweat be "Jnet, aad therefore do o In Justice shall apper laio,Bjl Charlee M.Uied this right n ha beas crfMi, a4 ih ineiuraWe Kojtirfiuirn twwttfiit hi head tn ibe Mock. - Tbe eominoo Ij f Enelaed7Tfr the mug. thtrttrm 'inbna'ied ia thai law) rwit the aivr-i(it tn (uaitf-nd the tmkitt car of tbe people aUto. in wrrtHMirat aaaeuibled. The p'arliauivnt nly eu eeihuria the eeiin. by ro(ndiiip ih rereae Act, Jar ikftl end timittd timt, tn inpriaa tiperled : perioe wiihoui firing aay renu r to doing; a iba euats uf Kome wa woat iu have-ry-.Mirw iii a 41-tttnTj. or rttttgiotrale of ab-t4te aHiboiny, wtteu tity jiideJtlie rrpwbFic in iay Ought only to Im tried inceaneol eitrntt : J- - i ' . i. e-oerrri.ey. With surb eaatioa pkv t'hii . Jtterre IliarJiiilrHie. Il n-(rdrd it aa fipcninru aaq lacaK-aiea Ma elerri mfy in rosea of imrtfi neat daafer! aad then iWy rbs CnfeeWate (.uostilatioa save the jirifeje of iba ariLof babeas curpua ahaU oi he aap'nd'd axihs Wf ia eaf of rrbellHin W tavamm the jmWW? aafrty fmty require it. i'reetdeiil Pavio Maa uB-riild I hi wri t in iaJlbttTynnierT(uM Wre aoiaaj tlw tua-d beeatae Co'ijcev giye n bnn th pw( io do so at b'S d'seretioH - We da not li-iit to nay tbat the Preeulaul has abused a powrr which has bn r.kh-ei4y ialerred. and Wauit nly et. erciaeJ5ctalori!,yfnicaI andoflPnaireaatlNN' tijr ote,ioyrand iwiffriiie peoplr. H's .Jwrtk4t tefmtrir t gnt f i cr nf lit , kUitJ Mtm WtlS'i thrinsrlvrs In " thnee-Tn " w. r by nciinf panderrra and pintia, awd who kfp oqt of btttle by impit)fnin( f he loyalty of mm of irHfe pairimUni than - ikraWlvee- fluid lace men, wlina occnpatte4i j Jie tha t of ()ibeH,.,e w.ldke y.wis if there i weresoo pUtitl p-iikmarv In guartl. i-aay;tb'jaiwertii;'iiaprd ih Aet was r recklessly eW-rred: In proof of i hi let as , Inrn to the ilebates'Ia the Senate of the t on 'federate CimgrM. Oath tslof Octobrr Ji62, if tbe , oV bate on Martial Law, Pnvoet Mar. ';'iila, Mr. Smme of Louialtna. rend , doitt ihe(.Arlfeiatif War u rltw that they ; erv framed ttclaimrly fiw ibe p.vemmeat uf rfbw-Av-oi-r-ojr 'iMW iiilStr!rSf 4iarrC're-M in tho ea ea tit er4is n-VremdentS of lbe tViifederate Ssaie, wlio War be fooud lurking a Hoot onr .. .eiuteo of tbe C-nfedmte Slates, aoi a meiiiia-r ""J'f bo fand irf-v r ,-f tHe. miliii in artaaf s(serviw, wa either lo manial in imiita-, 1 1' y Jaw ; aad caiini 1 1va iHed. bt military f M'buoil ir eitxn boa CHiiiuitled I any f- feaoa be. mast be tnrd beture civil Irihunil. II, in -rmng inr rreMdsat to eufpend the writ r aoatof raa.af upon e) tnffiti sudden rnr(isaoy, patf in Wrt without ever having Wn rbfvrwd "t th- JaiVJar fU,iniiiitM: - yrbt-fhffr trtfitvWtt-rflljf b f renwf . , .- ----- ITtTO? WltH ed traitinlfi nnttn hr a t'tmfV 4o 'iareaa. s . ,.-. ... . Hot we aaaarf-uls. thit the IVsid-nt ha lto-id hia no wr. . There might b hh e drath of bi c impnuii'ii m-u a'ler h- .-ft home, Hfajae-fifK-ww&a .aijjd-ad hie .J yut..-J --'..-.I ,,-. -1 i tktwe Kttle-cbiloren Hight he laaght.. i.. ptav. . of KicbiniHiJ.'wben lit a sUim ,f'eigi. There ; mhl bive UMn some sicum lor it when Gen. Jickana df-ndrd New OrVane araiat the gfislTHTiijFoul' father; Bn uaeTTvrn" VnT 11 - to bow to tbe'ioujesiy of tho law, when be was ioed fti blC oatipt juditiat nalhoritf. 'iT:r;:ft whit esemw can b given fc lua!t htg it loyally of the prople of Rowan, ea l ran dona T " Wt base that fhe rebetl . ni't or invsior,, spoken W in tbe O.toitiintii-a ote'iiH in Row tut, no not U Kortb CaroU a. 'Bat there is a military prison in ftalisbury j -yea, and tbera"was Bsstile irT France and - U is aaol that S4.000 lefres de cewiet were W 7 during, what ia termed, tho toil reign of witrditul FUtftjr- iha1J we wit usee these seal- Kuril t j i.uniy tlmt ttie Cuiif Uu.i.ii, given UH by fur rihera, detluret that " in ail criminul pr-iBButimia the accoKed ihalUenyiy the right to a tfttdij and public trial be informed of the nature and ane of the accusation be confronted with the witneaae againat him eomputaory preee tor obtaining witneaaei iu hia favor and hare the aeairtance of coonaeltirl hi drfeoae Can eiiiten of the Slate be be guilty ot inooeenl, obtaio apeedy trial when deaied a I rial at all T rheibtaia the awiit of enauaelwhea debarred any eooimonica lU.n wtih any person t-'teept the keepers of the Baatile? It does arem the peaceful loculiiy Vi,niietf.lntwi(ueWd f. u'iiW,tWf RfxtV UOTSO pQWB 1 if foond guilty remanded to prison, bat If (band innoef oi set at wrje and ail oone, pot oniy witbimt detriment to the public (rood, but posi tively with advantage to publio liberty and the eauee of Confederate independenae:.I . begio to think with Mr. Baldwin; of Virginia, who, at the last ses4oa of Congress remarked, that "be llionght tbe' President wil fond of exerciaiaj power, when he bad a good opportanity, aad if CimgreSi did "not clip his wings, In lime, ba might go to f lreoes.H - y -1 r The "conservators of 4ibet4a-4o4Mryyl sncb there be, and in Riiwan County and Jtiate a large, inust eprak ihiI, er it it Urn lets. 'The mind o the President muA be dirabased. He- should be luPwoted of the petty political jnalooMcsof bisadviaera. He eninitd be luftajwed thai ilia judgra Nolh Carolina, are JBore likely to irr with him than against Kim and that it is a wanton iuaul to onr people to be treaUd thus. . Men mast be sent to Congress who will refuse to jiee the President power, suefc 'dangerous niwi-r.,snd who have them selVea an inai kt 4 rihe'tiliW'Tepublicaa institutions. Iu shit elerual vigilance must b exctclSrd, feud ffrqu-nl recurrence niuel be made tn the fundamental principle of civil lit- eriy to ine uiun inai mo iiiiiiiary iiihh uc bpl in subordination lo ihe.eivir power; and to, the. jHililieil, maxim, which 4nly obtained prafti-'jil fiiree aftarjcentniiea of luil and blood aheii thnt-all poliiKuil pwr ia treated tit a:M denrd from the people only." trt ni alwav kre the I'fliQitJeuee a'id dyflriuiuatioa to. dtingiMh birlwepn ibe government and the BiiiiiinnM raiimi, and'let us lake er ttml we do ir librrtie. lilile b) Jillle. umlerjhe plea oioecesuy tyrants pb-a in all agre amid the divisions incident to the elaiJi of anna and the nviniuaa of empire. Biciimoio, Jan. 16. The procceediuirs in tfie Con We rate Con gTriw to-day were uniininrftant. 1 the Vir'uia frouna of Delegates to-day eight baDirfs a 'Kenator ware taken, reeaitiug in no election. On the first j-iinl ballot Rives uceived 4IJsarU 3. Allou ,34Fktyd 28 On the U'l blU Kivereceived 7, Rusacil 48, ffciyd S3. Carpenter 47, Atlen 15 . I KU: At tho Hjital in nicliiinind. ott- thr 1ft infant, Urat IXXKR ClUSFOKD, of t'o. A, .l7irrU.-ln, V.TVSttdeTrwiw, it lTil ninn Cntnlonl, 'E.i., of tliis oiunty, ael 23 ye!r-i .I.ioiit Cranford was born in K nti county, where lie nttitloil ittitil ckged upon to dcleiiij hi homo anil all ihut wit ih-iu- ini i uVnr to him. II dMvrlMlly rnttofmJ nil t!to ititir ipperiainirt": to a.aulilh'r's (if, an-1 w.w wartn Iv bewred by the oftieero ami tnon of Iris eomrmnv. who gytnpoiliiw Uroply with his liervavoii 'Tntnily. Aftor bin dohtli li . wtw hftotght hortk ati(LtutyiKxly now ro-ttiiit the -rave-yard of Franklin Chtin-h in this -.onniy II lt-ft no stain titan-. m oharactiT he lieU an honest lifo, ami tliml tn a noLh- emw. -'- " v CP"-"-. Iu this eimuty. m the iHtli September krt, MAKY t: , wife.,1 Caut. A. A. Millrr, in the 2'iih tt uf h--r ajts Khe lial bM a eon-. mimi-oi m-HWe-4h"ttbeen ?httrch wear Ttrnr yeara pravtoua io uee ueultt, unit gave evt- deofe that Vie, died ikk wiih' Ui hope." . Fallea in liie baitU of Fredeiickehurg.' a the rvemiiff of th I3ih Dceuib' r. C pi a in A t'. Mill- In Ihe hihim oi jutte. v-upiaii, tinier, iiiiMirti, we Jboheve. an. a chriiHiau patriot, by sense , of duty to hi-( HXIiilry. cojleirled ml uatk .Coin inand oT C-ooiDauy K. Ilavini-been in (-amp elMirt ine uear fral'tbury, he prorrvded to Dvll'a lalaOil -dttrOce nmvd' front place In plare, till he ram uenr rredrncketnlrg. where L. id. -n t. i. l :. while leading his -wen in a chrj-e. A Com yoar suti nftmon til arius wntes to his father. died a brave man." " Brother Miller was I member of the Luth eran church, fUihal, Rowja. fe uqmber 4l ywra beiw v4evodHrm.i lo he r doc .tn neensnei'.ninl iitli-rest i aLtoJ 1 1 prayrr in-eling and .Sublimit cliool- Tha wri lee -t XUm4?'rtiYZ b eowdac5df a prayer o'lini( while tn tn eiip, and Urnnng ,T the hind be piously lmiird ; euiini, " am ready to ruert rfrath in any way and wnenevrr if noiy OtMne. Thank tel for tiiiseomkmms i . . A rnneml waa pret-hid from the word: Jrsaa aaiib nr.to,herVf mit the rmatrreMiiui end tbe lib ; he U ehVveth m tor, 1 boa -i be were dead, yet iMI be live,!!.. . . S. - fit" Pulntwary alTectam. M I LO son of Joseph E. Todd, Janosry 3. 18K3, agrd a boat 29 yeara. Tht deceased had beea a volunteer in imr army since the I4b '.May, I860. He was ia the battle of the Keven Pines, and by UasbJtss,agofGodcmeoatanhr Immeidi ately alsf, he became sick and re lamed home. Uuriag bis illness, be gavo evideaoe of eootrl tim, and eimer-eea! reeignatSon. m the will of Ood. 'May Gi-insactify this afdictiM to ike j goe4 of tha beieaved. A foar rL waa reaeh, j iiixini.nr. cf tiie im! Arlilit-ry, Cupt J. ii. Riley, aed uenrly C.J years.- He was good and fuithful aoliiier, and highly approved by his superior oflieera. He died martyr in the cause of his country. ' t I . ' ... .'. Chance for Profilnble lavt st- . ";--..VS ' "4 . . ' A - 1 oTElai DISTIUSBT FOR fAVL ,. X HESVBSCUIBERrt INTENDING TO remove from the: Stele, oflVr for sale their well knows Diatillery t oroperty, situated iu, tbe county of Rowan, joet beyond the corporals a nutiaMif jiwa Jir . iiiuiery, in cutupieie Sixty HorseowiSf, od oil like .thf rlfea-chinor aeeesfary -Jut m 300 Bushel House f ; Also, a three story rectifying houae., grainery Ware-house, Mall hoaee, office, Cooper shop, ad three comfortable Dwelling houses all Mtnated la a' grove of '-'''.- :'; '-. 2 3 1-2 Aores of Ground. To persons wishing to embark m profitabln enterpriee chance tiaow offered which rarely occurs. The property will be i ahowa iu persona desiring to purchase by the luWribero, or in tbeir abeenoe by Cpu.A.-Mc.rs,. whi.ee uffice, ia adjoiuiug.Coaran's brick house. , v ... Terms will be accominoaaiing. Jt a - M. &-E-JiyERj so. 19,4863. . : . . .,.11.33 . ' : il.NAWAY $15 REWARD F T AN W AYtf o w t be, so bscribe r, living five LV miles North of Sulisbory, JE$4, bired negro man, aged about 21 years, dark "aralatto color, speaks in a coaree voice, stout built, bodt i feet ; 7 or 8 inches iu heigb'., the prop erty of,). L. Peikine of Souih Carolina. lie had oth wheo he b-ft a Weil Worn "brow u broad ckHh'coat, a black wool hnt which hud been split and sewed u to make it' smaller. " I have reason to believe he bus goue o the neighbor hood of Cheraw, 8- C-rif be has left ihe county at all. ' I will rive the above reward forlna con- .MARY THOMASON. Jan 17, 1863 pU5 NOTICE. W ATINO PISPOSKD OF MY ENTIRE etuek 4' Wi 8M 1TII DEAL, I ak this melli od of informing all thoe who owe in to come forward and pay uuyimd art who bave-aeeouuta agninst me to ell and fecrive their dues. I fee! vrry tbuk ol tbr past pilroiiage, and solirit a liberal share W iny snreeeeor, Mr. HMITHPEAL, who I am confident wile do all he'caif to please ' ' - -MOSES A.SMIXrl .: HAVING bought out the Store formerly he. loiigiot-to MOSEr AMITlI-; I fwtitd be pleased to have iny friands'tsnlf '-on iiw'mnrf ex amine my stock where lint anvlhing can be fee ml uraally kept in a dry goodeor ct;fef;iHi ryeif-tv. W,4MirHDEAU January, 15, 1863. - . 4t-35 l.KAl)QUARTERSr CAMP OF INsTRIH'TIOV, ) Kear Ralei!h.Ja. It, 1863. ) . GENERAL OK ERR, ) No. 1. , i , . . I. District EnMUing Officer will report to II is Excellency, lha Governor of Ni-rlb Cero lina, miy d--ri-iUtii.n f.n the pn t Militia tlrti eersin their several diMricls in the rkeciitM.n of the conscript law. with the afiiue-oh-aiu each case. . ' .. It. . Paragraph II 'Sp-rTal Orders Xo. 12. 1263,-from theae Hyadqutirvr. will m coiisid ered as so far Otodirled, that the District En rolling Officers and examiniug IWd m ill iMt be re qiirrd to make places of rend-svou at the Coaoty Seale" in the seveiaPeoutities where those p'acee may be silulrd tofTord fcil -lies for iuterfereoco by the public elicmy ; bat they will be expected in such canes, to eitab lth such other place inseidcoiintH-a ae n place of rendeivous, aa in tbeir judgment may be sn situated as to not render them Imble lo encn inUrferenee. hsving in view as far aa praciic ble, tbe coovrwieuce f the cmf ns, I J. JOHNSON. Capl. Cion. Ciiio-e-Hp's. J. N. Paioa. Adjutant . e , w ' Headquarter, ' - CAMP OP IN?.TRITiTHV ! Near Raleigh. jn-.IO. 1862 V SPECIAL ORDER. ) ' - No ;r - ' . , - Ail pamlled prisenere whie dttiv it i to re. j Itort at this poet, I airhig b-en exrbaiijr--il. will afport for duty without d-ly. or be ooosdered ' aa deserters. ' A Ca,.l. L.J. JOHNSON , 3wi '" Com. Cosripts in S. C. y - j ' r'"tw h A Kenfieson Jjr. U, i- XXenaeSOXl, Respectfully' oners hi ProfesMennf s--rvicee '. toihe citizens of Salisbury tiiid surnicHne coautrv. ID Office uwUira at Henderson or Enniaa' Drug St.-re. " ' ' - tfa . J NOTICED ser-J-:--: , ... - - m)J BffXKS"T08 vreODlFFERVT ,..,-d and 6a- ul. at fl M ariui . " - . . x' SAUSBURYrNov. 15ih.l86i A LL those inlelted tr rft firm oh MttCasatra dt Foarta. will en at the Boot A Shoe Manufactorv ofJobn A.Bradfkaw.uexi woor to tho Watchman Office, on the anbsoriW ber, and nettle their secoants, either oy note r th eaeb. Now ia the. time to pay. debts. - If -Rfi . - .THOMAS . FOSTER l store tontifriy ,-cenpiru r . ..,7- i. s , ... . .. . n,r, ,ww .- , -r-, ibareo, J. F. FtlAKI) A1C W 1 t Jamiarv. 19.186 ' ttSS i I ; - -TT" .' . .,. ! f(oas, fodder, and etraw andoaa good straw.- T-yi-yO.V '.i?"- . r- ! I HF.ecrei.rv.rAvarhas. wMhlhr.c.a-j ' . irwilat.hoWaaakitc.- leetr-T: 'ttrt M'ltrIA i m .a IL-, Ktn-llnev. ihe GuVeriHir, itir f . ... . l;. a..i- ij. - 7 r IV A J-A. i..4 fU. vt ihe Ihrre new o,o,i.ii-a i, anc,M qo ediw. w Bentiea , " Spcr. 4-r cllFI I Kll PORN ' AND ' wldchtsre I be attached t ibe 68th North t f. m,mm tbe day of sale. OEED AT. SHtul.LfcU tORJi A u .. . t-.j. t:K.ri. K. SKobercom-I . '.m T. r uirtes . i wboot dto. ; 'MXy4mMmfMtm Hamber of Conecnpis, h Deo.OftblSa. ; - Janaan-. 19. Itffi3- - - , tfJ i ej,V , . i,Mni. will ba allowed 1 v'Sma ... -r-, '.-yr : i n. - i 11 ,i 1 i , in-i H it r t .. i i.- i y f . i ' - - Act of the denerul J inhSy lii li cn-..U i the olline of Auditor of liio Fublic Accounts.' Accounts with the Slate lor the expenditure of public money will be required to conform, la II cuses touching military alTairs, to tbe Army Regulations of the Confederate States j and all accounts, whether in tbe military or in the civil d-part menu of the government are lo be presented quarterly, end as soon.M my be fler the eloee of the regular ?aarur.. . '. J Tbe undersigned avails himself of. tbe pre sent opportunity, to notify all who aredelin- nn.nl in a.t .mwilllll tf ilia miMi RUt. aey or properly In their hands since the coro-4 " -'a. a. a menoe nenl of the war now pending Be nenl of the war now pending or ine no- eossityof bJog tbeir aoeoaata prepared and set i led. The attention of the Uenerai Assent- t ( k nl aninat tha State will be aadllM oordiug to the rale observed by tbe lata Board Of Clainii.: ZuXtX F. PHILLIPS, ; - 6wd5 ; 7 , , - , . Auditor, c. Tbfliand Buyers. H V. lubscriber oftero for oalebb plantation eoataiolng ""-J iV'!S0'-'-'-'' " ' f r ZIO h C R E f- !TbUpUcVW on & new ftoad" to Lincoln 10 miles West of ftslisbary aid In one of the beet oeighborboodf in ihe county, convenient to JlillUaad CJiureneg-. About two-tbirdai clear edami under cultivatioo ami embraces 40 or 50 acres of the very best ; , . jn it never overflows.) Thera fi i on the" place .11 nMwakrv huildinira and all new. having lately be en settled. Call on ne euoacnoerjerj the premisei if you want Vtrgain. ; ,.T..,. . ...... .j..? - jglJkAN.- - smia on Jan naty 9.1863. Wpd34 ef-i:V - T WILL sell at public auHion ort Wedues- dny, the S8th day of January, inst.. if not pra-H vieady disposed of, ire AiUowiag pnmeny. xik slilio--ses and Males, a remnapl oif cattle, hogs and shep, a small lot ot Cyrn, Hayr Straw and Shucks, one four-horse wagou, otto oxen bhK'ksnllth'i tools, one loom and gearing, farm ing utensils, and an indiscriminate quantity of plantation trumpery. . ' - V ; C.LPARTEE. . January 9; i863r X3wi34 ' : . VALUABLE Sale ; In Salhbaryriii SfatesTille and In Concord. THE SUBSCRIBER OPFERf1 FOR aale im id i.tmm ,J Umlitharv valuable unimprov ed loi' adjoihrng' Tbtr dwetlmg of M As Peoreoa- nd Burton L raige. AUo a Uaot ot tana con taining hoUt .vV.t:s.a;-.-.- -.fr-V.: -j ' " .,.-, TWO HUNDRED. A CRE$, Iving on tha Gold Hill .road, four miles from Salisbory. Sale to take place (if nol'fcld pri vatelv. eooner.Tatlhe Coort-hooso in Haliabnjr bury, onTnesdav. the third of FebraarylS63,' ALSO, inlhe Towrf f Siatesville; on Tpea- dav. the 17th dav of February, 1863, (TT noTl void orivstelv si-oner.) the STORK HOU3E, j WARE HOSE and OFFICES, on the Enst comer or the- rublic quar, neany oppoaite the Kimonion House. t . ' r.Xl.0. in the1,Towttof Concorde btrJTet day, the 2lsi dv of April. 1H63. (if not sold peivatrlv oiierI) the riTOUE HOUSE and W A B BH ) US E, adjoi oing the C rt-hUhe, formerly occupied by White, Smi.h'oT Brad shaw. tT Terms, mx whioths credit, with io lrert rn.m date. - W. MURPHY , January 10. 18b 3w34 - lilfXAWtT AtMENTIC& ranaxvay from the subscri oer on lie 4th instant. ROBERT WOOD, a bound appreiilioe b"V. bit,) agrd aN-ol 15 year I a ill pay 2 eents reward for hie up prvbensioii and di-liyery to me, aud wiireu foece the Ikm. Hgah'iat any oiie who harbors, employ, shelters or Aoneenle him. MATTHEW PLUMMER. . Jtnaary I0:JK63. ilw.p.134 . SOWING. T TUB UUHISi- T f-rnirMTiMfviMiila-rtnv takew V-eoirtetiei 1 g for makiuu Ui lira f.M" me mier. MHMre In rniploy 50(1 Iniliea to in the 'ie'wTrig," .Tby rentiesl all who desire inform-i.n as to the J ko.H of work io be d,.ne. and the price-i fof ii.r ; I tw appK if their office, ilie store ijami on tbe j ! r ..... .i - ....o.tiMl liv IJ. A. A. Uumhv. ! Call noon, .-'--r--; " ... , ; W 1 1X1 A M H OIV AKD, ' JXS- ll. BEAKP. SajehiirvJn 13. 163 tf3l W " ""' -prepMUVor! awm -i--",w tu roik.wi..st ii00L books, fr.au Sler,nigt raropbell eV AlhrightV publlehing fjnt Grveuboru N. C, Li ! ' Our own Spelling BooV7 ;3 eentif .. Yt. Rrade S3 m M 8-c.md Uoader. ; 1 SU 1 30 ' s -"'- . .. r r ! r5S wii reenve pr,-op t ,'-;Vv..- i " . t . I O- vrl - 1 ; ! toio-iraniie thrroselves and elect their own of. hVra.. - As ftton: as tbia ii node, they ea a report thneelvee to ihe GomioaniUnl f Coneeripta, 1 . sra. a . . ' r- . -TIL L - l --.-kl- DlM f v.;- i , - 'B R- JIWKB.T7; ii U. CoL 68th N. CTroopo. January 5. ISO-jJri f : 'J .' - T ; J- I BLANK 1)1)S :: TO A SALE AT TWIS OrtX .. . s ... r . m , In, 1,1, i . V, 'I Mil. , lit li.e J tlia aiMoiuing coiiiiiiin the .. i c.r ing deserted lb" ConMerute t:t- Army. By (;eneral Order. .. . . .. . - . W.L.J. LOWRANKG,. Cel. Commanding 34lh N.' C. Troops. Deo. 22, 1861 . 5t33 ' ' Ilill Btonc3 for Balo. 1 A PAIR OK HEW MILL STONES, yel XX. at the Query, T. miles Sootb of this pkee-. j (or eale Thev r cor front the best stone isl - this regian or eounliytne, grit nsving oeeo. thoroughly prove Id mane easss : Tbey arw , lata a!- a m-. t a aa aaaw llaaa eiiMuaf I at I M JO I Wl - inchea th ough tbe eye th bee) b propojrtion.. ' For farther Particulars call at.' ." it.,, , of iaei iu uiui, - " . . NEGRO WOMEN, BOYS AND tltlA among them several 'good ; Cooka and Wafherwomen. Persons wishing to hire, wilK call on ma on mils euavof Salisbury.1'' I hvw also a Tanner tor biro who, ban boat at ths business for about year. A5 HENDERSON Jan. 5, 1863 ABSCONDING NE0Bp&,t TWO negroea, MICK aad SAM; iekmg-; ing to tha aetata of Solomon Hall, dee'd. werw f hired bv the nndersigned on tho 1st Jannary.. in Salishiirt; but baN Wtod lo aotne wfc-Tbjtr-re anpposeo to be larking about .Salisbury. , X will give a liberal reward for their apprehen-v sion nail t ds'iroryjlo msTor. fJklk1firtmr roent in tail, so that I gat Itiem. :.: - v. . ... ,,.rf t vi qtijo LYERLY; .; : Jan. 5tb, 1863, ; if iM k-ri'?- ITfANTED The highes onahD prioaa wiB j ft be paid the producer by,, nndogiMd; ONION SETS 0RBnTTQNSr;Wt , v r - . white-beans, ; IRISH POTATOES, (SnoW Baits,) , WHITE and- BLACK MUSTARD SEED,, ; ' . .;HOP1. BEES WAX," "-riS.: - - t SENEGA AND BLACK 8NAKE ROCTV . r FLAX SEED,''-H;v.-:- g I WHEAT FliOUK, ; CORN MEAL,aiI aafoonntry lidueo. ,Ca before you golt. W H. WYATT. v Druggist and ApotheMry. jmorito Mnrphr .T .Granite &6v-,.ltr&f& r. Saliabery, N.C., Jon V 1863 ;A 2t33 PORK for (he C0FERN3ILNT. nHE HIGHEST-MARKJET PRICE Ht' X Wpaidfor PwlbeGovw Ap -plylo ; -T- ;,vj; V. BROWNf Valuable iPropcrtj": ---aSUt-t.. .lir,"-ji IM:.. 7 T H E HOUSE and) LOT koown aa thw, Simonton nouse. IS OFFERRED FOR SALE? ! "f UE buihlinc in 110 It trout, ana iu. iu oeep, three stories high, brick, nd tin roof. .TtebailA. FOR SALE ti!!iTl B It 17 .i.ing is divldod iaOawiiSm ' -t-! TWO LARGE HALlS, occupied by Aa Matwria and I.'0. 0. F. Bosw. ; . meat if aWido uo tour targe ury nwrraw vTI for gmeery -oml' shiw tKiwo of tbe MLz: II in t he Slai, rnniiing the whole length of thoy buibliug with, largo, cellars and ware roooia,. couiiiing rooms'sad n fine sky lij-bt. room on eecond atorynmr wagon yard 4 rang DC tbo, bwWiug."!!.;'? -f ,, i .THEHOTEL,:,; is the bt rraoge in this eonntr. tare ands Hue nanus, well rarui-4iedt , ,. Jw v Brick Ritcbea and Snok'e UozsiL Inrg- Stable and Horn Lot, Wtllv Water eonK. iveoieat.-, i;5 'I t-Uft;a..'i..'v , 4 Thai is tho owst Hetwrable propertry. over or-, fcr--d for sale in this coniitry IStatrsviJe ia . desTrabla plieaT to wf, anttrtr pmee n trml.' -Tbe Female- College andra eoMlev 4frU.I. iu ticWuliratiin,the Western N. Dr Rail Ro-el aatflbo Cbarfotteand StaieevilW Rail Road, hnug t great travel cod iraoa so trw. town. aneTil im werknown SiatemnJIe n. tbe Wet ptaee fer isnoo in Weetem N. ?. Tho i-rnii wil be made to suit the norehaser. ; Anr tlengtb of tutee' mm ' V flw..-: or CnhfeoVrnto-'; money or bonds will oe reeeiveo- i aw proper-. r .Ity is pow paying a goon ieat,an win mut-. . e lo no , land wonra not be aohj only mwa . . vieion.-' ' vJk -j.'. f , ,,v- '. ';, " ' ' tV If the pnvpert v Is not sold private), it wilt be told o lb highest: bidder ow TUES DAY of Febrnary Court for Iredell Cownty.- f r.Fsionton- y.'''-&'tf'-.. 8eirvTviag Partne.' ' ' Senri-Weekly Standard aad Catawba Jon--nal, copy 5 limes aad send bUI to Mr. &iamatew . .vDee, J.T86. , v , ,yj pdti30. PUBLIO SALE. -r I WILl.sef at ine. tale reeiaeacesM t-opi. A- MHtew mm.VmMW't9th' ! ttiCI. tbe AdloMMitc eutwrtsv Tsee Head f , . . .. . ir l ... n... a.. v loitiailllir, v' ' A rme lot Maaufatorvl Tobo; atwboltv , aale or retait S ' ,'' "i 1 A small lot of very fin Cotton i lnreVlea. V. f k. For solo br MERONQ AvlRO. j i Jiabnrv; J IU. 1P63 Vf ; ' 1 aajM : ... . 'BLANKS OF ALL KINDS i 1 A-- V