VCUIXIVZ.' , . V. - VOL. XX. J. J. KRUNER, i 1 Tb following telegram reached w TThursdsy niht after our paper bad goo ; lUnioa, Jan.S2. Tbellou baa the revenue Bill ander consideration. ' " The Senate i discussing lb bill to raise ten iboasanj troop for Slate defence o ita eeceed fesdinjr." '-"A Prearobl die claiming any loteution to conflict with the- interest of the Confederate tJorernmeot, w ma rejimled" 1 8 "to 25 . An' ajaendment ctcruding front its op--.raLionstku satject. to fonsortftion, and ' not interfering ' with' the existing reguta- tions of.Stata. and.ONtfcderate Govern uienU and aipressing no tin'Mi Vs to tha . ooosUluUoaatity - of. tb (joncrit - Law, 'was rtjected 8 to 37. W had jhoped the Legislature of North Carolina would have 're, aasembled with mora liberal and conciliatory views. We know we bare Confederate aulhoriiiea wh.i ' hava too littla regard .thaJeelings of. "others f. buCthey are' upon on. and ourall Wat stake. We must for Ue time bear and forbear; our aafety demands it Wa oaraeatly trust, that the North Carolina LsgUIntore i view of tb vast interests dependent' on harmonious action, will do nothing to biing tha State and ' Confeder ate autliorilirt into collision. However provoked, we have no lime and canuot f iirJ lit wfanurla amndr uunwlvaa hn. . Let.n vafpo personal d jf &i' Oceloatxuer and mora dwUut day The firt,"tbe great duty of every true Southron " w to put forth all his energies for the over ' titrow of our" implacable and : barbarous enemy. ' , 1 . Wa assure uur friands in North Caro lina, that wa who sympathiie. with them i tha wrong or slights lby have received, cannot sympatbita with them in any mens ore, that may tend to impair the efforts of tha common Uoveromeat for tha common ' safety. Tha time will come for the re drees of all domtie grievinces ; but rill then, and wbita a foreign foe m threaten ing as with subjugation, let us, with onit ed hearts and hand, uphold the sacred cause. Richmond Whig, As tha Wkif don't denounce ' u as traitors to Ut cause and in conflict with Xha Government, as does Uie "organ," we ara disposed to treat it considerately. We think oarself Uie Tea IgimeotBillroight and ought to' be improved, but does the Whig know thai tte Bill aait atands pro vide that tti forces if Iraisad shall ba , teodared to and accepted by tha President, and that the ajjiendrpeuis alluded JU1 abbva were made in a lactiona spirit, aod for tle tourposn-of defeating the bill altogether! , Whett wa sUte that the bill provides that tha troops, '. when raised, shall ba tendere! to and accepted by tha President, we show to tha world that no desire exists on tha part of ihe supporters of the. bill ' to disturb tba relations between the Slate and 4 ha Confederacy. Those who support thia uiil araaa true to tba causa and the uov ernmebt - as' those who opiwse it, and if the Virijioia papers wish to do our people Jurtlce wa advise them to ba cautious of egraphtc dispatcb emaiiatitig from this city, every line of which u cbaracterUed by party venom, and every word of which bears the impress of malignant hatred to Governor Vanca who , recommended the ' "raising of this force aud those members of tho Afcssmbjy thst snpport . ic Jn this oonqecuon wa may remark that ir we can not have a Press Association that will ie- cure the services of agents that wilt furnish vjsMpf free from the bias and prejudice of iniernat party, Uie press bad better quash the thing entirely, and each publisher de luw Mtvu uw own inuiriouai exertions "Ibrtelegraphio be.' . t " . Wa protest agalost tba Senate of North "Cwriinbtjfttf aawiled because it refuse lo .Trt!.w!!ifWtiooi rvsolution or amvndi - meat that may be introduced ami we aiso prowsvagwnst the Assemblrtwioirre- r quired, to renew itt vowsvrv day or two ye cpnsworwa wyai,- wtat nas Worth Carol jmj dona,xf, faiJedT to do, that she ' suould be thus bamiiiated I- Have we re fused men or means to the Government f ' Uave we fallen abort in the performance oy doy required of a as f State I Our bitterest enemy will not dart -assert that we nave. Why then should wa be called on to eodorse the President and swear aj- , legianea to tbf Govereraent every time we are aasaited by party birelingat Are we like old Scott, who took the oath every time he entered Linoola a presence, to re- - new our vows of devotion to the causa and ; auction for the President arerj lime a pUooa , partixan choose to question oar odoiy If to we should not only be v SALISBURY; N. C, FEBRUARY 2, 1863. . r T 1 vIpftKiflwi k ftlT ma(.I Kill eannM liwiii . " T n,rTTT ml:... I " V ? . ginia and other State ; we voted unani mously for (President tavl forihe'posi" lion which he to "worthily and j acceptably and oar people at' the first blast of Vie trumpet rushed to arms with a vigor, ftoanimity and alacrity'; equated .but by. fc and excelled by None of I he Stairs of the Confederacy, and the? will stand by the cause and those 'ho administer the go; eminent t tba last, regardjesaof slights, sneenfor lnnlt."7 Wb, at then, to "tha Hfln of ' rt-noa anJ justice will our 1 Virpoia jriendhave us do Doltbey want u to repent continually in tack clotb" and ashes that we kave done pa more, or to Irsooor hair aed mutilate our flwslr because those of our iliwo - who boaMwl that they tnada thererolntion hare refused to help fiht the battles! ; Wt tell she W&fo tlrat while the great mass of our people are capaUe of anv sacri6op and willinir to endure any hamslnps aurt suBertns for lbs independence of the Poulh6hd for the pVMnaiwnc' orine fierhjH they have phdged Uteir sovereifrn faith, thera ara a tew disappointef, corrupt, ma licioos patitsHh in this State lht would not only dtroy the Confiwlerary and those who administer the government, bat would sell themK'es to the devil, provided that Hiereby ihy couiti orena down uie ad iniuiklration of (tovrnor Vance and thwart the purpoHi of his friends and supporters gwlatnro. All this ry of disloyalty orjpnatrd herein ibis city and State, and PM49l imt'tlfi.f alorr. ous khiglus who expended tbeir strength before men' wre wed for to be used s ttfirets for Yankee inarkMoen; and we t iemt what we have before said, that if we have any disloyal subjecta in Xorth Caro lina tbw are the men. They asked for war, and tbey, have cot' war but instead of throwing themres into the current that ruhed to the field of carnage they have, twn skulking and htdinir about like wlikiDod soanieU soittimr tbeir venom at Uovernor Vance and his friends for wrench inz from 'their ereedr srraso the moils of offica, and libeling those true men who have given of tbeir blood and sulmtance for the support of the war and to uphold the government. White w do not particularly admire the Ten Regiment bill as it staiids, and would ike to see it "amended or changed before being passed, if passed, at all, we tell the Wkia there is no conflict. implied or expressed, in tlia bill ; and that thoee.who support it are aa true to the gorernmeiit an as for from iating ant conflict with it as those who oppose it. All are doubtless honettand sincere but differ In opinion on this matter. We ask the iVkia to read Uie bill and then tell us if the trooi to be raised under it will weak en tin government or cause any cowlict with ita aulhorities.-)iiYy Jrofrt, TIIE CHARGE OF BRECKINRIDGE ATMURFREKSBORO. In hi editorial letier, descriptive of the battle of Murfreesboro the Rtbtl Banner; tbu efoquetily plcntre the terriblechargeof the Breckinridge Divison : 1jtw.atbia. junctdre, and when the fortune of the day were trembling in the balance, . thai a gun was heard from the right, and then another and another, until Utey were fost in one continuous roar, ; and a deafening shput swelling above the din of battle, went up along the line a uncon qaered Breckinridge the warcliild of Ken tucky, wept up from the inner rank with twelve pieces of artillery vomiting tbeir lightning a the bead,, t ,On the come a moving forest of bayonets. They climb the gentle acclivity which conceals them .i.. is terribly iublim. Round shot rush shrieking overhead wr tearinir Mbeh-way .1 - - -I I' - . 1 ' Ftmr-? wrougn. ine ii y ing naMe. . pnei jr the angary haste chase each . other along the way, and banting in the sulphurous cano py' scMller their frsg4iients far and near, missile of every description fill the air. death rides riot over the fields. Far in the haxy distance, to the rear, a column of thick black smoke betokens that Wheel er and Whartoo have turned their .flank, and are burninff their train and military stores while faintly from the lefV Buford is beard engaging and driving in tbeir cavalry'. . J:- '-r.". t:i77 A geeernhadvance k Bow ordered, and almost imattaneonsfv the whole fine move forward. Long and desperately die ene mr coo tested the ffronad, flghtieg with aa cibstrnacy worthy of a Belter cause.' Breck inridge charge across the open field. .The cannon of toe enemy leanoz aa opening inks t every step. The r . i .. . I. - ft... hsve" been jeirlwhlnd holding at. bay a whole division. Preton rulies to the front like amaolae with a brigade of fiends incarnate following ilose at his heels. On moves.tlie entire line, and with a demoniac yell burst on : Uie isnemy, wresting . from them the ridge : which baa cost so many Uvea, and . rescuing the key of the whole position.-. . ' i' . 7 . vtThe eoeclosioa ipf arcooiemporarv's Jetlef hi equally eloqneHir ; lue field Is iNcarmine with the proudest blood of our noble ltnd, and the aim r of Tennessee monrns the lose of its most rhiv- alric spirits,' Everywhere in the clod moon light lie the upturned face of the nolle dead, and the heart is filled to overflowing when we think of the cheerful hearts which will now be desolate. But our country will cherish - thejr memories forever the common soldier wbo nas died unknown. as well as the officer who, th'duzh their deed, rbar-woii renown and when the summer lime sftalf come again, and tl e md tie blue birds carol upn the overhanging branch, the flowers will lovingly rluMer around their graves in I hi cedar grove ; the stars will sing to them through the balmy nights, and the dear ones at home win ieu now mej gave meir nvre lor no erty God let thai one virtue atone for all their past clfeiice, and take to Thyself lie patrnit who has du d in the mainten ance of those rights which TfiouHVeAt to our forefather. gjGlNGINTtlEARMY We are triad to see that the Douse of Commons of this Slate has .passed, by a unanimous vote, the resolution introduced by Mr. I leaden, of Chitham, protesticg against the barbarous and. odious practice of flogging. gsg?'ng and bucking in the army. Utber modes of. punwhmeiil can be resorted to, which .will be more effica oioua than, hiptiing, and wliie.b will not leave the stapes of a ermanent disgrace on the boly lhe ldier, L . The Richmond Examiner of Wednes day last coHlaiaa some of the findings of a court martial -recently held in Kichniond. from which we 'perceive that some tweu tf North Carolina soldier have been ter ribly, aud, it may be,juiily punished. Ataong these punishment we fintf jthal one, for desertion, was sentenced to re ceive thirty-nine lashes on his. bare back, to be branded in the left band with the etter D. and to be nut at hard labor on the rjublic works for three monthswith ball and chain weighing twelve pounds at tached to the left leg : another, for being absent without leave, to hard labor with ball and chain every alternate ten day for sixty days, to be in eolitary confinement in the intervals, and- to forfeit two months fay ; another, for desertion, to receive 39 ishes on his bare back very three months for the period of the war, to t branded in the left hand with the letter D, and to be put to! hard labor in Richmond for the balance of the war. These art awful pun -iih meets. It is better to hoot men at once than to punish thein in t''" way.' But desertion is i kgr?at and growing evil and hot be 'cliecked; or the cause itself may te lost. JiaL Standard, ,, THE YANKEES ik ELIZA IJETH CITV. -u A ifriend haa placed in our -possession some -extracts frcm a letter written- by a highly intelligeut Udy of Elitikbeib Cny, to her husband, who is neoerssarily outside the Vankee lines detailing the character of Yankee role in that tow and its vicin ity. We are compelW, for want of spare, to postpone these extract until ,onr next ; but we may state in advance, that the con dition of the ieopla of that town bfcguch as to eftcite deep swnpsthy fur them in all ff ne Sonthern beartir, d tha mostrnnrn4 . ! .f .L "I ;' Mig mqignation agamsmw-we wtworfftww who are imposing upen them, a desitotism and a "degradation worse than that which Russia imposed on Uungary. a The ne groes have been armed, and the males of the tov.'n over 10 years ot age have been ordered to take the oath of allegiance to the United State within a certain timed or leave the town, nd of eouse leave their familie to the tender mercies of these arm ed 'Deoea, commanded by desperate white. In the course of her ktter, thai, lady ey j Oh I that CoV,' Vance conld end aoYoe troopa her to our'assUuoce. I believe he will do sdif it is ia hia power." No donl lhOoyernor would end the troopa if ha had them, but he ha no reg iroealthat he can call hi own. Oar troopa are all ia Confederate service, and tha GwJrwet ca no eoatrol otar them. lliMimli Lia earilta Jit tiri ,7 j Whit an argument in that In fast of the cate and lovely women, at' the mercy , of VUUAUCU S.:illlU I v U VI wwv vm vie armed necroes. call io raia on the State ; for aid I A. V. btandara. AN ABLE AND INTERESTING - - SPEECH. ' ; TJie seech of the lion. Bedford Brown, of CaWweli, delivered in. the Senate on Fri day last, on the ten regiment bill, wa one of the ablest- and must forojhW vindi cstionr of thtf right of the Stale and of the literty of tbe people mul Uie citnen, 1 to which we have Uu-nrd since the war comHVew. "- Co1. BroSFihorooghly aha indignnntly expoml the rhnrge of-dWIoyr ally preferred against the Conservatives of this State, and demonstrated the fact that the worst enemies ofthe Confederacy are thewe who are disregarding; tbe right of the States, and who. by such a course, and by ignoring the rights of the citizens en der the: Constitution, would destroy" the i ffyj'y r?fH' r now contend we. na showed that free govern meni ing. government like ours should never exercise doubtful lowers; that, the: Confederate Ctinstitu tion,.str.-tly construed and adhered to, is ample for alt purposes, whether in war or -; .t . .i .... . j in peace, anu inai me goverumeni ana thecRUseiiri which we arc vngaged would lose infinilelir niore in the conb'deiice of the eople by the asumptiou of undele gated or douMiul. powers,, than it would iraih in any temi6rary advantage drcotH venience by such assumption. N, C. Stundardt - ifry'iiJimwg from the Columbia CaroliniMii of the 18U instant. and hope the authorities will direct mora particular attention to the matter : "'" Fay. Observer. dnlon.-!-On a recent trio on the&oOth' Ca rolina Railroad, we were thro wa in' ith a number of female refuge (!) Who had come from tlie North by ' flag of trace boat to fjiiy foint. - la conversation with several of them, we learned thattrta- ny are l anxee women who nave never been at tbe South, visiting their husbands, and who' expect to return. , , They . report that the peof1e at the North are sick of this ar, but expect a ahortly to surren der from starvation. ( We thought the obj$t, of the flag-of- tracvrinits wa their domtcil, and bad no idea that North- era women wuose n us oanos oau "oeen caught in our work sbopV when the war commenced, wtire'Wbe allowed to visit thein. It may be a welf, hot they should not be allowed to communicate again with tbe North until the war is over. We have reason to believe that fhany iinproiWr persons nrriveti bv the lvt flag- of true Ixiat Sii hundred women are said to nave ctme, fc, A Surgeon in the Confederate States Navy. A. S. Garnett, was iecenly - tried by a court tnartiaf on sharges of intemjer aiice and scandalous vondttcfc Tb court acquitted him, of coMrs, as Kia-h bodies Soarcelv ever convict an oflicer : but the Secretary of the NavTf m announcing tle decision of the court,' takes occasion to ex- 1 press his disapproval of that decision, and e x presses-uie-oeiMH- tuai me accosea i gu i hyrTbi - roorie of Tth Secretaryi,is rather unusual, but we think very proper -where there ia good reason to suppose the court failed to do its duty. An oflicer of the Navy or Army who i known to be intemperate ought to be instantly dismiss ed, aud we are gratified to see that Mr. Mallory, thu Secretary of the Navy, has the boldness to object to acquittals where he knows the proof Was sufficient, to coa vict. Char. Democrat. tW Lieut. Col. a II. Waltan wf he fgth ft. ;C Rtgiment,Ta.edroftjfb thi pacrla! weWnisrway- Unwn conntyX- J Tie wound nrwceived at FrederikfcbnrgNind'jm attack ih M;kiiesa since then, has almost broke n?m down physically. " He hope soon "to W able to return to his duties. Since the Vmmenoe ment of the war Coh Watknp hasacted iiis part in a faithful and gallant manner. - T - Chttriotte VemoeraL i The following jSaten'ta nave been issued to xitizen of North Carolina doring the past year by Confederal patent office : -' T Breeeh loading flrVirm, J. W. Ilowlett, Greensboro. ' Fire arm,; O. J. Peterson, Marion, v neatior apparatus, -John II. aforehead, Greensboto. flow. r. ti ra ww a . mr a nl lock, Sooth alilla. Combinalioa Bed-aUad, John D. Jvt. WCmingtoa. ; NUMBER 37: ' ' 7 fromihe tbyetteviUe'Olterver. a wr m w w SUtesfetesmrropeller, " Columbia," 'mouDt- . ' hug one SO pound Parrot and six 24 lb. braan 1 riowitiuers, acting Volunteer Lieut' Joseph Philip Couthony, Comoianding, grounded b'aJf 7 - a mile from shore off Maaonboro' Inlet on $m ' ; Biirht of the 14th inirt' ljit nl P,k.i' 77 ' fe mnimrf - son of thet36th N. CL T, in temporary oom- ' mand at Fort Fusherat the time, having . , eeived th information from .Cipi. Smith of . UnSiaaMJTCl'wnW ately dispatched Capt TL J. JBraddj, with hi - -compaay, and Adjutant Parker of the 36th '"" with one detachment of esnooniers an4 widtaiortaVt.JliD Cptai0 V 8mUh's force in the capt ore, if possible, t& the " -ship and crew . MeanUme, Cot Lamb havin ' amwd took command of the ezpedidoo and after a forced -march of tumty mile in fivt now, through Wting atorm, arn'Ted, just at dark, opposite the steamer prepared for bl- ' rouao 'till dy-h'ght Such , a bivouac 1 Jt ' M hlew Knew and frisC . KLt liw i . . I I . . mmww a,. i ( southern soldier, sft Esquimaux Indian, or a ' poiar uear, cddiu nave BlOOd tit iki-nnnk Rnf mtr iniiil vuu i r. , --, -r .u,j mini at fun-np our Y hitworth wa aafelj in posi tion behind a sufficient' bank of aandJ away goe a oU; from our battery, and np pq. the tar and 'pea, union down, from earner, -utwoofoa yank: we know yoa V are "m f distress,' yon generally are now-a-day. espemUr whe (for yoa only happen) to COnMS Within Fa nana ' .... w-j, r--- -" uwnciiionff lor t a!Mn. .At it tun L tnadea iManu - , ' of our pins. ( Youll have to show eomethinr -elsa-in -ibe 4-gooda-lma. Exhibit your bleached domestica l We've done trading in fancy color like your." Bang f Whii-te. x.: ze-BKip diuk ncm mio ana t&rouph hep imn hall goes another bolt, andnpgoe tbe bleach ed mestic sore encb, and tlie "Colom. bia,T ust twrty aaya to a day to Commission, 3 and cefse to be one of the North Atlantic BlockaldiDg Squadron, Commodore Lee, Com- pjanding. ... ' , - Uuss lor .! JTuber boy and their ndlant officers! Hold on there, men I don't hollow betoreyoufetoutot the wilderness f ' Yon der come two steamers bound to nltr-K )roo, and thre -work to da " Tkflgl goe aA V It &B away over beyond n in the sound Look out there come another and anofW ' and another, worting and spitting and abaing like forty fragmenta of a thunder bolt 1 Tbey tear np th ground and make the sand fly, but we are used to tandj&i. a'Now our time, boysl let her roarl ' fire I Away goes a bolt from Parker' gun ii Clear tbe , wy, ye salt-water devils, this is a frame that two o play at and althonefa yon know hew to shuffle and ait and run first rata we've pot " : you dead on the 'deal There it skips and ' - goea,nd right into the Penobscot H pluneeal , let 'em Aov it boyt, math ? z And they do amash'em iH they hange their ": -base," a b McClellan, aod make for deen sea 1 1 sounding clean away. Like the taliant Fal- ,J; staff, they saw lot of " men io bw&ram.; :" and so taking a fancy for tbe Parthian mode of battle, they left us, yielding the fiiklito t- ' CoL Lamb, who with one gun and a mere , handful of men, completely exposed on a bald sea-beach, decently drubbed out three of " the " f Nortu Atlantic Wqctutamg Squadron, Com modore Lee, Commanding. r Commodore Lee, Commodore Lee, your brave ' ship flee, your brave shine flee. t- ." tDevil the bit will they fight, sir, . , , ' Vommodore iee, Uommodore Lee, (bey, went- ., , to sea, they went to aea, i - , .s - ') -Vt And tliey MV and then took fright, uv 1 Tofhe gaiantry and energy of Col iainV .cspectalry, and to the promptness and daring - -of Captain Smitinuid Briddy, and ofLieuta." " Parker, C J. Williams, R T. Mitttfd anV- Henry Benton, add to the spirit of the men of this command, is due the capture of the ' Columbia and forty of her officer and crew. ' "" This steamer seem to have been doomed tolD Tuck.;5 Sbe was buHt eecially to run the blockade, and on -her first. voyage in that " enterprise was captured by tbe enemy, who, ' now in thia her mat voyage aea M aa-of-Wai, bare lost her We may aay, I trust not irre-. verentbT, Lord gave and tbe Lord hath taken away, bleated be the name of the Lord.' " . VIDL A ffigtra from the :VVt. Th flag f of tiuce boat from Fortresa- lfoaroa, at -City Point, on. Friday afternoonr broogbt ' t -op between three and four huDdredTadiea"'"""f ami children, who coma to iota their re live ia vsriou quarter of the Sof h, but mostly in Rich mood. Fifty or tiy meev. sage were received at tbe telegraph office . herwtt Friday night from Petersburg, announcing the arrival of partie there, and making inquirie after friend. Kick. Examiner, ' , .. J 1 , , Gen. JKttL XfsL Geo. TX H. HRl r now oa a visit to his home io thia place, after a continued absence of needy j wo year. Always of a feeble eonaUtatioa, hia recent arduooa dotiea in the field hm rendered recreation and rest positively 04" eeseary. It k hoped that he may ba faOy .; restored and invigorated; for ihe eonntry cannot do without ha eetTtce. Charlottf Demount. . , s - .;iii.--iSVi. -rjfr 3k. - t i --4