JL-'i'-Jf VOL. XX. - , SALISBURY,' AY JO., FEBRUARY j(, 18u3. xN LWJiER 39,, 1 . T, t ' , -i aMHTOk UK rorIITOR. - ri r .1' - - ' t ' ' ttinSAi-or.;', I;r yu Information or. , eonceYned, General Orders, Adjelai ALL elaat and limtlvr Gaer"s 0eadnaerv 8. Ib'63. . v ' Being bulled loot JJeaaevay B, 43d N. C. ."TZgiiiieBt,fC fUa-an aCfnaiHjrr feivall painoue ea wh-kre willing to fa'a tb araSy, " aad reeei ail wa ar bakl to eoneeriplioB, " 9 m45 fur the apeedy fUliag.ap ih raaka: : 'sow la ih fi-M, vo)interare allowed to joie '"v aa eemeanv tker may ealei,ad eive the ' ' Mat brajaly aad keaedla allowed kv la. t j the auepenaiou of lb Aaoeus curpH and Ue 1 11. aaa aiao aathonsed to spprekeed all deerr f cUriiif that the- auilwrity of tha Stat and Mteee aad. aira lera. JjulimjAtfl h&CMWZtt-mSi ttTw JiEcial iffloi to'uirJi tWihwiUi, alMcfclaturaaa.a rollKiNiwili Wfaa4 iTha-a ai:r'waia rw...i i tbair oUifatioaa, wU a itmlmti ia tk Mtjaty - f naoa aaul taejr lorwaidra iw iawr r apacuvo oiMnMama aaa gaam. , . i a asakia i tkeaa arraata, wy urdrra are Co ra apaet M ka aabaaaea or farluarba, aiap IhoM airaad ky order' of Gaaarala La, Ba- .rafad, ttiihiih, laacarTiettorrn ' aaaadaot f -Foau , wkara llopitla ara lacatad. x.i. , " , All tkowwk volaatarMy ptwaatilienaalvt-a " antl aeaaaia-wttk aa aaul 1 !. -1, therHura, aara'aWy appvat wall tbiaa wk ; ttava-abaaatrd ihaaiaahraa tmm auty a-Hboat r 4ru(Mr aaiQarity f Irava af akaaaaa, Uaraaeiil Hh.atatvatitkut aalartinf iialralad a 4 " "Wrtatav- - 7 . CTOffio at 8. Fraakfiird'aS.Iiabary. N. C. ' rv W. M.CRAWFOItn, t CapuC.ll,4WN.C.T. coisctirr rricK. littia. N. O , Fak. 5k. iPti t)RDr.Rt I i. a.v am :aftr 4" M I SCO sSTRCCTIOX ha vif " .XXl. plaeed apoa tka paUtahrd ordera af offl .eara datadad apoa recruiting arrvic, k ia k-rr--avaaaoanead tW Uia iatVtrmaiki of aartillinc , -ffiaN4 tbniiu(raud, that lha ataeatiou -of tba Coaacript 'aw baa not bora au.pandf da Ibia ita for tkirty daya, or a waglo koar. ""Tha olBerr"eliarf d with-tka asetttlii tbSalaW wttl davota tbamarlvaa to tha srklooa and prompt prloraiaca of tbair duliaa. Tba aafaf y aad welfara of Ilia eoia-try d. . mand that every aaaa ia this eriaia should da bis ; whole daty. .Not a day .aor aa boar aboald ba ' lot I filliof ap tba thiaaad rmoki of oar ffi oaa and callaal. army. A few laare awch vie- '.' urie it has rwu'wl'f achieved will apadly ecara peeea and iadepaaaaee to the eoaatiy By orforaf COL T. P. AUGUST. ' Commaadaat ror Coaaftipta ia N J. C. Pa tea, Adjt. Faa.4. 1863 Sw38 C. k- ,:v:;' NOTICE.-, 'ALL peraooa having cUiiua agaiaat Michael ttrowe, eontracted pnur to ike I at day of Feb Cbary, A. D. 159. nfill pleaaa preeeat thenj at tha olfiea ef IL E. Love 'aud R. A. Caldwell. Keqrsfor aellJeaent, to the extent of the Traat fa ad i their baoda, by taa let day! of H March, A. D 1663. aa we wiak lo eliae Ike Treat aa mm thereafter as pnaaiUe, which - eaaaot be duae according te tba Treat, witkoet tat of the debia. - J.F. P. B. CHAMBER., i fek9th,l83. 4tJrJ . Mr. WilklnMrn'H FEMALE SCHOOLe - ' OWI.NO to cirearoataace be road coairol, r thaaseroiaeaof taia InatUatkta were not re I eeasad at tka una appaiutad r bar Inl ander. , aagaad ejneld aaaeeaft te .bib patroae aad lha patiue, inai tea achool ia tfim ia operation. : Rates of Teitiew aboet pat eeutJughed . Ibt formerljc:: , s - ' D- WILKINSON. Fab. 9th, tea. 2t3d " TT Hating disposed of mt entire j Stoeu to W. g.MlTIIDEAL, I lake thismeib t odof tufia-nringallthoea wboowt aae toeoew : " Iirwnr4 aad pay ap aad all who have aeeeaale , egaiest at to ell aad receive heir dnea. . ' I feel very tkaak'el lor past patroaaga, and r 4ift a liberal abare for my aaeeeaaor, Mr. : aiMlTH PE ALVwhe I ameoaSdent wilt -de , ad be eae to please- ' . . i T. ; ' MOSES A. SMITH. - - UAVING boaght out lha StofW Ibnnerly be vugiujr o .w3ta-ArwrrifrT.woiii leased to kava aiy friends eafl on me and es amine mj-sH)e -nrsmr btdii wt s BTttnnnnntiiin rcaa emmiiy kept (a a dry griodsor eoafectioa ary Stora, , i W, iJ M I Til DEAL. Jaaaary, 15, 1863. : " 4tJ5 Crdri states Pr1sa, , Sauaaear. Jaa. II. Ib63. ! i ALL MEMBERS OF CO. (A.) CON- dared to report to tkia Cocnpaay Immediately r ba aaaidrf4 daaartara. Mat nick bae r a ferloagh are iaeladad ia tha above. - V S. a WATERS, Caat. " tUI . :-: Cosaasaading Cosapaey A. ; V v i WANTED. : 5EED fJATsi 8IIELLED' CORN AND baudta. Ve J. F. FOA1.D. Jaory, If, nar itU fBOM TBI baJLT ROOBCM. , It i expected that Uw Ocaoral Aaaeipbfjr j Taa' Citarf tf Uc CaaWat laaat r. Sulla ol North CaroUn win adjount mm dU th!a; rw tuQm.-. . . . mominfr. Wo larj do .diKpositioB at the ' ta rtatorday'e Uau wabriafly aaaoajneH lha -r-" thttd tbetn with a liula brid u- thoritj ; wa do proposr, however, to an to the people uf the Stat that tbey hare tinned one redeeming act one ray or light breaks forth from tlw iuaaaof dai-kocM avliiab will go lai toward coVerinj nukuv ofthewna of oDMjstua ana ixMuniixnoB lual aaug over tue twdjr now aboat la m duaul v4. ' ' . , The iiaosam of tlie bill Introduced by Gov. Crahaui, ,io Um ' SwialeJ. -itruteatiug alnat ;.uU al .ji hauards, Uvoh 0txi.J b - . eoUct vUnuvut iu each 3 liuuaul diowa that : the . patriotic '. fire ' that ouruoa ui trie tifru m our aires baa not oeen eutird exiiupiiaiit'd iu North Carolina. The Getierai Aawmbly baadw4ared that uo power abaU inorter wKb lb oaomienof th1aw in tha Sute, andjLat ourmiaan kIuJI not! bo oVprivtxl of ib prolectiuii dirowo aitMind HiMrt hv that MiMiliiiiaKlM Virin' tu frK'iiin aio bayOovta. The rights of tlie ciiiaoua aod of the Suie, and our duty to prou-ct, dt Ifiid and uphold tiUtf aullionty, wa. flixpn-nily portrayed in tbe diacuMoii of f bit ImII. by lloiv. Wu A, .Grtjlum, J.J. VVfcrnni'Kaj., and other, iu ifie na:o, and by Cuu. Gru- aixtk mui oilieriL in lliM lliiu. A l-tilt T- furt made lu resist tin paiac of iIm? bill ioT aub House, bul ihv fiieudf'of tins one iun iower, or ol a Mroii' Government, were louitd lo b vciy weak aud Uio voi-5 oaiita tt' was it was coiitcudt-d tliatifdiia bill was pawed aiKl a wooieovraiu Captain MKHiia otpci to thu axecution of Uie writ izt certain localities it would produe. tunjiicL Uttre ia tl muim truck I ug, iiuiuiliatui-;, oouaeuicalcry that we Jmve hd so uiucii of before. What! is North Carolina, a auvereign ttai., to atop to ak a pi t y nCo t vrate Senate; or even the Confederate Pre!' J . . . ! L .1 . l -II - . v. u, , Gtuwball, and within a rair raae of .the gaaa her owu decrees Hi her own borders? llave j c-pl. o.ry. Tlw Vaukera made uoaitempt tbo geutleraeu ever considered that the com- i a ,,nd ,ud, ,fter WiH,nz about Iwenty min nion governnitnt is : but tlie abstract reaiire t CapL Gary ordrrrd the battery to pea,r ol tbo sovereign Stales, and tliat the central j wht.h it did ia haudantae anle, aenditig Ita bead oatt exercise no powers save Uuwe dele- gated 10 it by the soverrRn tiutra-aoinpoa- lug the goveranient 1 Supfioaa then that tba Prcrident ahoukl imie bis proclaiiiaiiou sus- j eadiag- arriJaeM torpu iu all the Otlate ol Aorth Lai-Olitta, and Uw btat au- tborides protest aud dec'iire that tlie writ shall be exiiMieil as before? Ilvie is con ...... ft, ..i i ... ... n : whose creature or agent the Executive' is, . .1 .1 . .'. i .. . tr-f ' . auu uie .ccuue auutorny. n no uiusi live way t The ajjeot jxr creature, or the creative, aorereiga power f The creature of course. We do not say that any sucli con vict will arUe; ou Uie other hand we hope it will not, but if U should we for one shall stand by and deleud . the right of the aovereuu State to execute her own decrees in licr own jurisdiction, rfardiesa of the Confederate Goveroineot or any other earthly power. We kuow tliat certaiu of the cvnftiei stripe are prcavliing the insiduous doctritiu of central , power, a strong government, dux, but we j tell tbeiu that while North Carolina will be " behiud d ooue in tlie common struiL'lc for iu- : dependence, and while ber citizens are united ks ajyauwt tlie oemmou foe, tliey will never pnse Isaac P. Smilav b pioved io he a very kee cavalry.. If the Convention w-as in ex submit t- liave their own rights wrested from j valuable capture. Khe was built in 1861, aoe I item-e we could get a bill pa.scd to raise a them and an iron dospotimu act ui over llieni j carried a fiue armamani, eAnaisung .f one 3U- . 4riV ttate defence, or if there was any way py a power uuti mey are ncipiug lo buna up ; I and perjietuale. i Gor people are no peculiar adVktc for mM.m h'l.w tl... .li'-iri'i.- il.v joathe. UiftwhQ nreexhed it whett dema- tMfn were mturSg to destroy their lMnM.Ut ehd KbrtJa.' I.nt tfyw W.ll tumr ' out thejr wood like water against any power e . . . . . ... .. t that may attempt to deprive them of their rights as citizens of a sovereign State. For the good t)f the cause and upon the plea of tiib'tary necessity we have suUuttted to acts of othuiabj and laws of the Congress of the Confederate plates that we bathed and de tested ; but we yet remember that miliiarg meoutiiy. in other limes and in other oouo- triea, baa beeu the sy.reu xmig ty which tbe j r : i i . i r . i 1:1. i people baVeboen diriveil oT their liberties uiHn tlietn. . We will stand oy President Davis in the ooiiiukui struggle, to five ouiaelvesrronj eointuou enemy, out we ire not -aisjawtit tal.Bt (hey withdrew. The cpiarrd auaiu ; .nTkimr iiihim iA'iiiM.iiiiiiii ilium iiiir nwn ! aiitunit fort Krtf m- tttlra.4uiM lilMill our OWn tights and aaalanrauai iae - aa tMBViif itf HHP naVIl VO SJ m I "V va vaa. r v. a ITcaUon, This innovation uikmi the rights of the peo ple this uspcusiun of the writ vfhnbeaM ot put, has been a tavorite safety' valve witli the rulers of oar eneimiee, ami the exercise of this desootic Dower has brouctil Uieiii W'eltTligh Kto the brink of revolution among themselves, and no one wilt be siirprised at any time to bear that actual hostihties have bridten out between tbe Deotle , of the New England Bute and those of the Northwestern States, and that tlie power of Lincoln ia tottering to its kHtudaUoa from its oppression. Otir-au-thoritiea have acen- alt these evil effects of the attempt to sopprrss person! liberty at the North, and we hope they will be warned m timeTfor our peoide will not submit to sich tyranny Had the Assembly adjourned without pass- ieg this Personal Libertj Bill the body would have deserved the execrations and contempt flbawkkdU;-: :. . r ' : , l; -. Frwn tba Cb4rtot4a, Mareary. 3rd. i ; I ' . Wa,l rt frri 9TiMlt. naval aya a aacrei eaprnoiua waiorra aadar tha aomataiKi f Liut-CuL Yalra.U tba latti. f. Ktfralar Artillery, ao4 diapaicbrd to Joba'a lata ad. la a"tek I Kb (aubuala arbick 4eeaaioaally prvwl aloaf tba 8ton. The (urea coaaialrd uf thr rftuwiif tionpa r Tba tfaif Traia, Catnpaaita A aod II. cuoiajaadad .ra apaaUvely jr Capt. 8. C, Webb a4 lieat. L. Vf . W9oa, M ajur C Urlea Abtoa, jr., beiaf in euOMaaad lif ika baUaJioa r CSomaaay -JrVe ika, PalatHla kailaliNi uf Ll(ht Ari.llry. df r Cajn. F. C. fehals; Coiauy 1), 1tt J. Caw liaa ifrafalarj) -AriWIeryrwitb a kjlrt BUarj. Oapt. F. II.' HaWt-aloa "we Paftuti f B,'ia chart f Liakt-'T, . Grrff ; Cumpbay I, lai S. C (f alar; iArtUlery, jL'apjL .U MucheH i Couipaaiaa H and I, of 30th 8. C. VoJaaterta, commanded raapaclivrly by CapU jJ. M. Roof aad La.ul. -M Gamer, aud acting, aa barp afeootara. During Tbaraday aif ht tk0 trwnpa irrra- aoatadr aa U(mi'i . Puiul PUe. aud l!xuubaira.oa Jthtt!a liUmdii. aj. AUi op mm- uiandili(lba ballerira al Griinballat Captain tfarlealaa lkaa at Lerant'a Point Placa, and r - m . the ahanM-kuMara being auder ebarga of C.pi. Mitchell. Ia tha ajieentime a detatchmeut of Luca (rrfular) bntlalioa. auder Capu Joha IL Gary, eras stated al Mr, Tbttuia Grimhaira place on Jatnra lataad, aad farther ap tba blonu. Tber kd3 -4 pmiwder fitted caoa, a-Afcb wre pal ia poaiiaa 150 yard, apart, and alum I 400 yarn fr.aa tha bauka u( the rivrr.- 't he aaaa war eaau4 aim artacniuanta Wiu- naiora A B. aad C.-iiaJrr LeatV W.G.tljrirr and K. b.toIlaaa art! Capt T. B. Hayae Further dowa Ika Pud; aad on the Jamea Hud Hda. Maj. J. V. Oroara, with tw rifle Uegunaat . V. Aruuery (iai iainr aao ! with a drtaehaMat f taa Gaorvia Bati-li.n aa aharpfhooter. lock up a piioil 'aa "Hi to man thr channel. . Un Friday aftermion. al halfpaat f.or o'clock, the enciny'a gauboal Ime P. tfimth, attained p -the. -n tar- paawng .thr. batle riia of 51 ijor Krown and Col. Yalee, and came to anchor a litllo atxwe, eppotita tbejendenee of Mr Thoe. HM WiF., WTITO. --. Sbou crenliiug audibly throagh' the tioibera of the gaabtwU -'At ttM tirrt diacharge lkte waa evidently treat euetrnlion ou the Yankee decks, and one officer cried out, " Gieat Gad ! what tbnvr-1 Ito vWunmedl.tely .lipped mk fr0ifl Jt Be , jt fa mvhteii l)f thHAs ki piUi ind beran a haalrv rrlraL. nuhliiir . n i . - at the baUrryaaehe retired. fb threw grape aliut and .hell with coneidrnible accaraey, but without injuring any of oar turn. One grape abut .truck the gnu of Company C, leaviug its trace longitudinally. The firing of our battery at this point waa rapid and well eircn ted.Tha gunboat ia bar flight Soon came" within range of the batteries of Col. Yalee, agaiual which, aha thea directed ber hr.didra. But the heavy concentrated fir from Joba'a Island vuoa tehiimetod the atrufglt. .Three ahm at ruck tbe machinery of the ateamr,de ranging it ao that ahe could aa longer proceed. : She then dropped-anchor, aad her cwminauder au coadiliunally aurreedered the boat and crew, eoiwiating of II officer, 105 nira aud 3 ne groes. Col. Yatea Ihereopon ordered the Lieut, commanding to Bead bis men ashore in , lha streamer's biials, fur oar men had none where- m.mnnMi. aad a iirhnu.ut ..r ,Mir torca i tm-iiH m kuird har. I n nmnilrr waa soon : auder Capt. liarleatoa took pnoereMon f ihe ) piiaer rimni.., wg --? . H iilch heavv CilHmbiada. Her hell and maeiunery were not 1 maienaiiy nijareu, aao win au.i or i'ble condilioB. . Jlj "e J The enemy's bias in the action wae nineteen hx wounded. The negro pilot wa oetright - Oe loa waa only .one man killed, a member of-Aton's battalioe, from llorrv District, whose name wa have not yet beea able to obtain. vOur lurees behaved with the almost eoolnees and bravery, encoenteriug, without breastworks Ht other proteetWm, the enemy's fir at the abort rauge of between SCO aad 300 yards. Tbe Signal Corps and Wnlpole'e " Stono Scoots" were very active and efficient in promotiug the aucceka of the aspeditioa. Durinv Satarday nirbt the other Yaakee "I? "ZZ" , IV1 of destroy ber. -Major Browaa gtta,Mweer, iiamedtately opened apt ineai a not aac wen direeled firei andr.-wntetf the fate ol the er IS QOW UllaT ne PUP. l n rmuviuiv. r i . i - v.. ... I snTprmir - .... v-, Saturday moreuig, and were eeconea io j aSBraaaawl le-ft iMIl ' by a delaehiiwufor rhe Capt. Lord commanding. I hey are a villain- ! as looting erw. The aawei ef the offieers i are aa MfowsT.- F.S Coeoveri Acting UeeU Comntauuing John W. Dick (Executive Officer) Acting . t t Master. Robert Tarr, A cling Maater. , - Whitman Chase, Ensign. Francis Button, Ensign. rT" Jacob Tucker, 1st Assistant Engineer. Erastas Barry, 3d Assistant Engiawer. . 3. O. Hid, Assistant Paymaster, Charles Estacker Paymaster's Clerk. O. II. Marvin, Surgeon. Jama 8. Tacker. 2d Aasiataat Eagineer, died oa his way to the dty. A aamber of trophiea fijaad ea board, sack aa offieer'a eworde, fie thamalica4 iaetra aests, le with a eoasiderabto peek of braa aew M greaa kaeks, were yesterday breeght a to UaSL Rrstev's office. t The prias wJ doabOees W speedily pet la fll(htH.f i rim, aoaa eo-opcrala in tha art IQ orourifvaeladaapuathblockdliif deal. . W doubt not, shaH, 0i war last, but in due timo Wilipingtoai Charleston, Savannah, certainly we think tlte blow will fall between Savaiiuak' and Wilmington, and w doubt not but the report atarled by the Vankeea that Charleston Is to be apeedily attacked if a part rf tbe prommine of 0f rations on tha otli-f phwest : Tltew wooU m to anferkir atratrjry r; superior policy . in attacking Wiark-wtotr wnrie v .immtrton and ravwicaQ rre bald by as and frotw wliich reinfotvt- luenu could be drawn to aivtMt io tbL dc. feiioe of Charleston ; and all know, that the iiaMtjr- of .ither tln-m olautn. iteciall Wihuingtoii, would greatly Weaken Charles ton. . .-. - i. . . . . , . ... - tqt lliese reasons : we believe "that either Wilmington or Savannah or both will be at tacked before Charleston, and we may f dd, the weather baring become good, the attack may be almvrt immediately expected,. The WLoiJVjlBnpoobjkiu; Mg,MjUROukj our great lower line of IUilroad connection, I ' vi ihim. lll.niHlll,v I W II O VtlMlUIIII) mn hrnce of nmch tnore eoosequenee- to the wot more importance to us than Savannah, enemy, ana this being the case, and remem bering the presence of a Urge fleet at Beau fort harbor, in our opinion the chances for a .speedy attack upon Wilmington are very good, and we hope that our authorities will be able'lo meet and repel It r but reineinber ing the iat we cannot without a violation of conscience and a'-diregartl for truth say tliat our confidence is Very strong. Tlie place is strongly fortified, -we suppose, and we know it m nefeiided by a gallant Gen eral, and as heroic men as ever met a foe. but we renieiiiber Dunelsn, Hattcras, New-bertt.- lloanoke- oFblk, JCaw Crrleaiis, nd oilier iiL-e, and we have nnVgivings. Wil uiingtou ouifht tote held and will be, we suppose, if it be possible lor the Government authorities to (Mend iL successfuUy. If it Llh it openx up i he tvay to Fayetteville and Kaleigh, and trrfwpbwcs once posseskcd by the enemy the full of Richmond becomes on ly a.question of tin. i Siuoe the Asm-tiibly first met biU eoold have been passed and a force raised, armed, equipped and put in the field to bavu assisted in tlie iefence of Wilmingti'ii, but that body; though epeled lo by a suiTeriiig, tluwilcnfed perjpte toikt an, refused the assistanoC asked lor, and now it Wilmiugton Jails and the otner events we nave mentioned should re- miiblyFiauy. of whom are now so anxious to pet -home- Iwfore ( the business Jia been coiupletcd, tliut theyj will be held responsible. We .devoutly hope thut anotlier foot of North Carol! nil soil may never be polluted by the bated invader, but still if our protec-CoTiln'Thefutunr-be-no better -ihan-m the past, we have no (ilea that even 'tbe Capital of the State itself can be held many months against the immense number sent against us. 1 rota five to ten thousand men, could have been easily ruised had the Legislature taken the iiectNiry steps, and if Wilmiugton lalls tbe necessity for a reservd State force will be mote urgent than ever, for having possession of the ivailroad, Raileigh and Fayetteville will at once become tbe line of defence, and without a,strong permanent foive to guard against raids, either of these places will at once become- subject to a suqiriye and cap- lure any night by a regiment or two of Yan 0y wiucn tne present SKils ijegiMuture couiu ire got out oi existence, ana give tne people :h;iuf to construct another, we should be j uble lojret jnen Jiere that wonlil exhibiljnore I ciMicernj lor tlie welfare of the East' and of . thtt Siie Uian the preiH.nt . body . have done. One thitig" rte'tbeotieiDea who ure now in such hot haste to leave us, and it i tliits: We intend to hold theln responsible Ulre the people for whatever disaster may befall our people by I lie advaixies or raids of tlie eueiny bereafter where the damage might have been prevented by the lore for State defence which they rriused to- raise. W We know the people weie for the "measure, iu the proportion of lA e to one; and we shall urge tliem to Indd those who delvated it to a strict acoountability when they return to jjivejstijiccount of their stewardship. 0eflleTrska.-rW't,aajr a trunk put off at the tHMilhefB UeH)t yatard.y attrrnmHi, im ,elialeiy ajia ine artlvaroTTn; irain, now .. . 1 .1 " . V ' t 1. 1 mr.k Weld.-.n. that in ante molw rewmMed aseTnry; Wt. ean,j:ken iL , The owiner either has a very ,,ltaiae - arardmbeW many present, fc km rneaJe. we doo'i know which: Had there beea Brveeiaat on the road, at a point far ramute (nim hroan habitatioB.-this trnuk would have .... i .. ... i ir ju eomtort.Diy aneiterea nenwner aua a ea fVieada. Jt. Exfrt. Sherklag itddeat. Tb. body of a rnaa, dressed ia the aaifrom of a Confederate officer, the stripes a the collar indicating the rank of Secoed LiaeteaaBt, waa found oa :he Soalh side Railroad, about om mile from towa yee terday morningr The remaina were horribly eiaagled. and it ia supposed that some tw or three traiaa vjaat kav peseed ever deceased daring tbf eight. De was a maa of stoa t form, aad apparently Syearsofsg." Hi shirt was marked " arry.M bat whetkel or sot tkia was Me aaaae, we kav beea aaabl to aacertalav Ktraifl alTerrlbl !UeBll It tki Xarfki Tho Nrthern paper, ten of. atranw aod icmoKi epidemic uiat dm Orokeo out in In- There are AO symptoms indicating ha !'-' ". roch. . The patient is attacked with', chilt i ' ' u , and thiokalM has an attack of the ague - buL'. ' M eooo M thechfll m over, the dcnt'siDki ' iflto.Btupor i from which he rarely revives. L , The rurMtles are rigid ; the popif of the err Tr" is ineemubJeW either light or touch; IbesuVV - of the by is ettreowy tender and sen W : ! siUve, the head it drawn backrtl1awrkra' ; y 1 fltL.nd the breath is drawn forcibly with i a hissing : wund, a. if by greM eflort through . ' " ' jfochldrerl the nffrg veiy to" U-:V-Z broken bfreauenttOTTulsiot- tb---U , stepor Urge black spots, many of them raised - np hke blistert, appear on tbo surface of the body nd hmbs, the patient usual! Uyiar to from two to foor noora. In some "rare cue blindness, deaine,- n.t.. r .l1 II. ... ties, &c Io sou canes the nation r raai. . r Irom ttw alnnnr Kw.Kn u w v .. .. : . t- .... . -r.""..-.. .' ' -. r-1 av we aa to oeueve himself convalescent but. In th. hour or two, it seaed with a temble deliri- uoju terminnung m coma (a stopor) and death. . This disease leaves tlie narin L . t l..- ' feveii. andyeryJow. and liable to Ion cfiKht or bearing, aod to paralysis, upon recover ; paralysis, upon recovery. Price of Cora. i t Cafn and corn' meal are now aehinw t i.ti market at from three to four dollars per bosh- " el, and in some parts of the Sutewvest of tbiav it u commanding a still higher price.. Itis natural that those who have Dude corn t Wbv1t on towlrThoTrfd-T for their own lamilie. If they did not do this, tbey would be unjust to those who are nearest and dearest to them but tbe mdivirf nal who .hoards corB or meat t a time Lke thivand holds them back; -Ibr-Jiighw rioei tbaa they are new bringing, not odydeaw titute of the ordinary feelings of htunaoity lw'"",u?h Vtoe'MtboinyrT midofae oT Lincoln themselves. ' We are sat isfied that there is enough corn in North Cr4 obtot)readtheTjeopk-m- vi CerUinly, thei is Corn" enough in tho Stoto.Thoonly dUhculty-is, tbe meaooeaT selfishness of those who hold UprevenU thexty from putting it on the msxket.. Some refuse to sell because they sr , wsiung for higberr price-f2 60 and $3 per bilidBotenongb: lo satiafy their mean, erasnina diano;i tbey would let those who are compelled to buy starve before tbey would sen at present; p111 vura' e uuwiwng tq sell oecaosa they have been alarmed by the God-foraakei -specuUtor (the worst enemy tbe South basV offering advanced prices for every thing to eat' - llin. iiuliuiini. f.MMu. .. . T . ..ia.Un, w oenevo tfist A laiDik ;ne is about to come upon the land, and, fear- ao4 cave enough tor their owu use, they have not brought to market the surplus which they have always sold be fore this time of the year. We hope all who have more grain than- is TCquireor for their own use till the next crop ripens, will sell it and relieve the wants of the tntryv . Don't hold it until you see how- the next crop turns out, but work hard and trust to Providence for tlie next crop, and ail will be welL Now is the time to show a liberal spint and help each other.. -.3;' , Frout what we hear wo Imould suppose that the Government had corn enough.' Wo have beard it estimated that at this point, and between here and Gotysboro' alone, tbo Government has five hundred thousand bush els. If this is tbe case, we bepe the Govern mrnt agentswill quit -buying in localities) where grain is scarce, .We hare Do doubt that? tlMTOovernmenf 'tuoOhdxoesA enough to but the armies one- year from this date. CWfotte Democrat . f v . X3!F m A Feminine Voice from. Tirrhua." giviug the Editor of tbo N..C Standard and " the traitors of North Carolina" particular ."fits," must, excuse us for declining her re-i quest;. - In the first place her charges 'at u traitors" ia this State would, if seen by the Yankees, "give the enemy aid comfort." Ia the 2d place, we happen to know that ab is Very much mistaken in presuming that the " tamaertatives" (a term contrafTKtinfn.ig the man who advocated it,) of this State are traitors," or any portion of them' that W wot of. They are as loyal, as patriotic; as brave, and "as ready to fight tha Yankee to nntrtlttww witter araaaW 4JS";.w - .." - V " - " J - aw J aasaw iy-taE Stats' UMtjate secesswnist ia or out of tbe dare rnx-And if there is traitor-aTN.Xar olina we have not bis axxuaiuaiMedoubtle0 tlier are, but not more than cm be found 4a any otlier Soolhcrfj 8utt By any rate,Lut ooln has not found enough of tbem here to or gan tee a portion of Carolina into a black re publican State, nor has he mustered into hsi ranks an army of 30,000 traitors" furnished by thia Staled Tbe fitir writer, therefore, better spin cotton and make ropes to hang M traitors" in tome other quarter than her na tve State, North Carolina. . .We eoojure bar to give herself no uneasjneaa about this State, which has sent more men to the battle field, loKtmore men in tbe Conflict of araa, and had more to die of disease in the army, than any other State South. How wefl tbey fought aad bow often tbey acbierd th rio tihtory, let the enemy aod the lists of csjual tiea atarwcr.-lfCtoei Caaak a t