SALISBURY, N. C, MARCH 2, I860. MUMJBEli 41 i t j. j. nRUNEn, ; ICDITOa' AS U PROl'RtKTOK. drr (ot no otbar kuowa rvon lhaa that they presented theinerlvet m candidates lor office before the people. - " , ' R 4 , 11 ha quartered Soldiers la ihe bouses of eiilseue against their wilt, and not I tha man , OkitMitleai af Irt' trier ia tka Stall We continue from cur Ut iaaua Uie ob acrvationj of a Nortliomor io Uie Souib." Tlie uoncluJiuir noiUun. V will be atwrL ia on ineleJ by Ui denianJ fur military aorrice or engaguJ in agriculture, ia einloyl mi pro ducing die runny trifling articjca vf necwaiiy of commerce wLlcb enter Urgl into ordi these gentry, in bo!J assertion of the eover- j eijrntj of their State not against the Yankee- but against the Confoderntcs liave ' banded themstlvf togetlier and defy tlie au- 0oritieVV. 'V- ', ' ' ' . Tl. P. tit, .r IT.n4n.Lv ner prescribed by U. . nary trade. :.; ,.-( ,. . .; , . . (11.0 lUHil.iii vi iuuiui,i. . i if. i... ll . , , v It ia iIe that North Carorina W "gwarm- " i-a. , jl f s n jmtt. " jinb ii'v-uw .. - r . . i . . - - - . VOL. XX. 5 ?": '' '-lIr Drhyatun U CvngrtM called upon e tjpoe y further aid in Pruction of, ------iwr. 7 ; v,-;"v.' '-TT';.'" TV following i ihe preer.We aad reeelatiotia lalrodeced tha Kentucky Jgidalsre la r-.-flio i the war, of which Ihe telegraph baa 'idrltwl a; 7 tr will be eeea that (bey ere of aa Tfriporlaiir, character, and r bold and defiant tbatr arraigouicauu mo x r urnu owuuaixe linn. They vindicate the loyalty and fallent ry,ef K"ehuieky, and ere a fii commentary oa the abameeud elevieh eebjrelioe f her staler State Jlrjrlmt While Kutucty fhuepenty ad boldly dei0noi asd rpdile ih id. UilrUiio-MryUndeeel Ua praiecebv afuUoa.e letter from Gea. MeClelfaa to her loyalty ;T eubiw to jill ha auneiliea apd . BaMrptiMia witlwutTe whimper refase to raise fcer vwee, aad enjoys lha iagalar com pttraeeV acknowledged ia a pnbli letter from Vf aabiogtim, of having heaji among tha firtt to fay jjfr war taijjo lbFr4eTLJSerBiiini via this ar gy aai-tha 8oth,.. Aa a tribou to Ktalacky, aod at pari of lh htatury of tha tijiat apread B feanrd tbia aear and t raif- fyiof pnaif of bar d-rfua to our eao, an iaiaad U to lha careAil atndy of ouVlriad- 1 la timet nf afrraa ia'peara, tha C-orwtiia t1otf"of t h f V aHd Str th aapYewwtUw of tha Uad, . It pfeaenba tha powara of tha uf 'immaata, aa4 H ia tha oalr bond of aa Tha federal foraraaeat. a efiaad by tha eoaatiiaou. vhaaaierewMg Iba pvarrf raat d ta ll, ia aaiiUed to tha lifiaee of the pao la "i bat l:'liy t the vraniaar d.w mt " - impreaa apo the ciliama any hiua tweap urt aa adwiaiatraUoM, ia tha eafWeoieal of a anfcr aaaathoriaed by tha eaoaiitatHMi or f bidJaa by ita aroviaioaa hat it ia the daty of all good eititfaa to r-eiet aaehakchaaaaia apna ibeir Hghtet aad todafead lha eoatitalioa of their enaatry tatex vtuieaea. ua wio aphoiae . tJie eaeoaura of aay iHaar depart aaent tt Ih geeerameut, ia tha viplaiioa of It prvnmom. ia aiaiuyal to ina oooauiauna, ana eneraj to thafrfdon af hia ajoaatry.;;:. -:r:sr-t The Federal fVrBmni, driinr all ita t gUfoaate powera from lha coalilaiWa, ie, there fare, the create re of tha eonetiiaiioa, a ad be o pyarar ift auy "dtfpartmenl la auapetuL any " of tie prwaiaioaarihroar off Ua reetriclioaa ander aa? PreUaca wbaterer. Thaaasim that f Qoirrameaia derive their jeat jmwera from IB eBeat of the f,oerned." 7 ia which wa oigSiaeter to roic-t. : u oaa ftiademeaulpriaeipa jltr freediinv--oee aaeerted by oaf anavetora, and 'of which they ftiflgbt a ad woa oar iadepeadeaee of tha Briiieh ewtwa; aai'wbUlt w aarer eaa aorreau dir. - It ahoeld abo ha bora in mi ad ( bat et. ernmaau wra inwiteted tar I ha protaetiwa wf lire, liberty, and property, aad that aoen aa uu t to prfijrm thi-ljF w.ill; Bfiwaer w laif r ba urertbrnwa hy .aa lattUja'Yittaoaa, had ;-; rafeoa,parfe.;::':-i.,5-;'4;? '; ' Tha hiatiiry of the praeenl admiuinielration the Federal Ootrtrmnant a" a htatorjjtrfjjr, !ealed InjiiHea aad aarpatonaf leading idireft. f to the overthrow of tata authority aiaj Oiita luaiko .ioaa, a ltd a eboaolidalion in the Federal ' Uavafaiaot af all pofiiieel power, aad thearW tlua apon lher ratoaof a great miblary oeeput out, aa tyraaoical aod deepoiw aa the wnrA .Uoverumeniaof Europe, to prove which we ra ler to tbe foliowinr farter . " ; The PmaMeal haa, wUbontaaihoriiyafCoa (reaa,eopadeatba wntvf babe a Cor pu hoe .ttnkio a deadly Mow at the bheruet or. the !, Ua baa aaoideUiiena to h arreted, traaa- .part4 to"eUB.tBtaaa,. and ieeajrcevaled in . liihaonie priaoaa wiihoal charge or aoeaaa 4mi agaMtet Uiaaa, ' tie haa deuied to eiiitene lhaa arreated aiid Imarianned a trial by jnry,r iwdeed nay ril. ad haa withheld from them all knowledge or informaliou a lo tbeir aeeoeere or the eiaae of their arreat. If a haa eubjectad hi prleoaars tha held to berbaroue aad inhuman ireaimeat, endanger lag both life aad health, aad hna reeulred haa' dreda of them ao held as acdnditia upon which they ativfit be releeard, lo take illegal oatbe artatranly preacribed by bimeelf or hia ageaia. a baa aUeriiuier l-r tferirTiy We fre (ha preea by the Pcib!e eappreaaioa of aeara. " aaper beea they aaw proper lo eriticiae the -aoaaearea af bin kdmiaieuelioa had aueh aa bava aecaped auppreaania have baea eobject to ".r orHwtyineefflptime"WllHlre ' lie haa auettip'.ad to deHnty lha fraedom of apeaea, ay arreatiugciiiaeaa whe ammadreiled apoa the aieaaarea of hia adauaietratiun. a . a ua aae cauaea lo ne arretted ereoaa en- gaged ia eirculatfng petilkma of ihe people nnaiatemjringwiiB ins nth WoT petition. KU haa wholly, diaregarded tha right of the paopl te be- "eeeare ia tbeir peraone, boueea, apera aadefiecta,agaioat aBreaaoaable aearcb- ; aad aeiierea. ,. . . ;.. , ' Ua baa taterferH with tha admiaiatratioe of jeauee la the State eoarta by vwUaily fbrciag we jaagea to aajoura, aaa ataperaiog their gfaad janea,aad by hreakiag opea jaila and releaeing eeiaaaara ooafined under regular je ieial proceaa (or felooia and other crime. . . 11 "M i( oote of tbe Ststee (amoag which to Kewteeky) fneetbiy wrested from tbe cilisea hw right to he a eaadidate for omee withia the gift of lha people ihas atrikingdowa tbe aUc ive f ranch lee aad eminent aitiseaa of tbia Ule are new lat eoataeaieat beyond its bof- family picture, carpeta. clothing. and 'ther ar- tide of houaahuld grioda and r.4bd than of tbria eilver-ware.flwck, aod provieioe. '. ' Ua baa Permillx hit wagua-niaatara aad other, with armed aoldiera, lo ariaa the core Ala, aad hay, efce 0t oar citicn for ilia eat of the araiiea, without tbeir eoneeiit. and wilh uul juat d.n-rjiniu;ka aa to whether lha farm rr avoid aiaxe ibaaiiitlea or at 'iig their ewa jwtee aia) ih, and waking their owa oeiimata aa -to teTalae aad qnaatxy takea, aad giving no reipt ft aama whereby in wear duald adccvaafutlT avrk hit pay x -and of if a, whea , vonchrre -era given, they were en miuruiai I at imi aoooey couio u crawa apoa thrta; . .;---- :v : He baa permitted bJaofllcera a si auUiara to aa'icaalavea ia great aanbera to leave, their niajirra aud owoere. and la take ihent wuhia their cajnp.jaud tbrrtwjth bay net, lo Pfteri them frai reelamauoa, and, wbea vi aoita have be a broaght tut th4r recovery, lo many iitetancee the ptvrtt cat lBw da ft ha btn la aiated by armed tiree, and tha uWaera of the alave maJtvaird and unpiiMitrd loroo aoowa cauae o'hor lhaa hie ailempt lb recover and protect hie property. - v lie haa peniMttea bia office ra aad anidiere. arkhtmt autfyirwy tif trw, to levy large watrr- batiiiaa of. money upon aaodeodiog eiiitene, aadcr tha pre.eucenf roiuiburaiiig other ciii, teaa for tha loraea auauuoed by lha eaeualtiee of war. . . '. '.. ; .1 ' I la haa pemiiited bia ofljnera aad aoldiera with impoQtir i. murder peaceable citiicua " Ha ha given hia aaaral and apftmval toaeta of Coiiiivea appropriating and pnipoug to ap propri a te e laorntoo u oiif the public iik ney jo purcbaae the freediiM of atavea, aof their de- ponalioB to eonie foreign eooBiry, and ha in vited tha bonier siatea- (including Keeteeky; iC libera te'ihelf alave tUh primilaea of cow peaaina frvm the federal Treaaory. lie U net naiJe the CoftMUeluNi of the U. Siatea by giviog hia ofiiciai aa act ion toaavaat of C-oaereaa rrealme a new State Wth'tt the territory of Virginia without her eoeeent.. 7 He ha, - withuut conetiiaiioaal antboniy, aided ia freeing the aUvea ia Hie Diet net of Columbia. . lie haa. ia viulatiiM of the Coaetilnlina. hv protlfhintwa, declared free all tha ahivea ia y. pf.b ?u.vtjy,Uf f lilum jLfiidiat I ear freodooi'liy iorW a, mm aoaglit aa alliance with tbea ia a war waged a garnet their waa- If r o mooetfoaa, iukiua : aat ttclord by ao taw.beinea or diviue finding aa pnralel ia atrocity ia tha faiatory of barbaioue naltoua. He ia ependiug targe lain of money, aiiprw ia leeding and elothing aegnea atolett from priBwo o ioogree tor ine anppurt ot toe ttn tbeir Biaetera.- i Ia view f the nreguing facie, tbe truth of which eeeabt he deuied, we do finulv believe. and ai-Jemnly eeelart that any aaetaaee fer- aianae we bseceuve ia ine innaer proeeca tm of the war, epow Ihe'baei t bia preeent policy, teade iaituedielely aad directly to tha overUiiww of both the Federal and Ulaia Goir- arNateuta) wherefjre, Revolved by, tbe General Aaeeanbly of ih Comuvmwcjtih of Kentucky, That keatucky will, fry all eowatitetKHial maane In her power protect her cidiena ia the eiijoyniaut of the elective Trannhie the benefit of the writ of aae tnrjm the aajpurily id their person and pAiperty agaimt the uncoajetitutioaal edicla of Iba IreoVrat Elecuiive, and ihetr enfrrre- ineM bv the nav uirder bia control. V Keeutved, That by thaeontituiion af lha Stat wf Keatucky M the right of the owner of the lave to web alave aad iia inereaae ia tbe aaiAe and aa inviolable ae th right of tha ewa to any properly whatever,', thai " Kentucky under- at a ltd a her owa latere le lou wen lo ba IbaoX tiilfia grataitou advice aa to the mode in which aua. should menace them, and whni ahe wauta lha aeMetaiice of any oulnde aditiimvtratioa of her ai'a ahe clamia the privilege of ongina- ling the eug&eeiioa ; eoiieeqaently I he prnpo 'eitii' Jnade 'bybraham Inein lor he to emaiipate ber alave ia hereby rriectetf. -Rlved. That the lject niH jiurj of the war having been perverted . by the party mw jft eonind of the government, m.. violation of its oA repi ated aad moat aolema pledgee, nr eimm in vwniraa ir mira, Eepreaeotativea are requeatad, to oppee any former aw in it proeeouiion oy luruieniiig ei ther men or money.. ,: ' .. " , -v Reeulvvd, That the proelafuation of the Pre aiittMtt. September 22d, Ihfil and Janaary 1st, lettf, purporting- to emaaeipaie the davea in eerlaiu Mate, set forth therein, are uawar of each eharacter and lendencv aa not to he eidxinued toby a people jealous of tbeir liber Reaolved, That be M ofneiviaapprovi" eaV-by t he--Prswdenlt admit ling HeeU f ihla aa a Rlata, V?honi Ihe eonernt lSlt ttf Vlrgmiu. to"och"'a paiapaWe vneeiioit of the eoai4iniioa ae la warrant Kentucky In refuaina: lo reanenice the validity of such pro an a v v.k eee4igV--:r-:rri:"r; rr f 1- Ra4ved.-Tlnit KeBtuiiXy wtiienroiaiiy unu wkhthe eVmoeraeyiHbrymibetU' tatea m aa earnest endeavor lo bring abouA .a speedy termination of the esiating war; and lo thia a ad wa tnaiet gpoo a auapenaioa ef hoatijiiiea an Aa armistic, to enahle the belliferents to agree apoa term of peace. " :ZT' Raaolvad. That Commieaioner from tha State be anp.Hyted, whoee daty it shall be 16 visit the Federal kod Coafbderate govt HP mania at Washington and Richmond, and erg them reapeciivery to agiee.apoa aa arennjiiee tor Ihe parpoaea herein contemplated. Reaolved. That the Governor ofl Kealncky ia reqaeetad to fbrward copy of Ihe foregoiag preamble aad reaoleUoaa to ine rreeraeacoi tbe Uailed glatea, and to each of ear Seaator aad Reareeeatatives ia Congreaa., , . '( ; : , dx., 6lA &ulhUcr UMMfcdw ' .tug EiUerpriut and IUxturctt. ; Uuder the itiipwiitive remure of tlie war and tlie blockade, tbe f -uth ia deve'lojiiiig hef.ov.-o rvaourcea, and i ;dly becoioiiig ih-dt-tendent of tlie i'ureirti D:arkru for many things wliit lt elm foiuici 'Siii(iheU by iuipor- taUou. ' All industrial elutuutit are wanul.l 4,wwitu ,uu , cui'iyjcu .every yc I i..,uu.t i u: i !.. j . 1 uaeliu purpotwa. . a . -i ..a i- r yre tue war ummoui lied extensive in works at KicLniood, Lynclibur and Danville, ' iu Virginia j Fajetieville and 1U1 eigh, io J9ortb. Carohna,; CLarlesion, South Carolina; gavanuah, Kotue, Atlanta and PaJ too, m Oeorgia; Uiatuaoogaand Juwxriliej la Tiitiesaoe, and llontguiaery and Uobile, in Alabauia; beside tbeoe NoHulk, New40r teeus iwadlSaahiiDe ud otbrr citiea since cap- larea vj oor arniiea. in i tnuee cttiea yet io thwir poeneeaiott a tbe iroo Worka and machine aRopa add4 ainue Uie beginning ot tbe war are now in full buut, turning out uiu I pi lion of war for which flier are adapted. mm aiigrinaunuory domanuea- by-Uw ticwly awaknned tnanufactaHng iuterests ot tbe oountry. The Tra.legar Lvb Vorka,'at llicliiuoud, have lilted Government conUatia ainoe tbe. begiuuing of tbe war ainoubting to over aeveo miUiona ol dollaia, and as otbera are euiidoywJ at ratea piojtoi tionato to tbeir i4iliafllU4 Tlue -liiiktrd, miiuw,l IsImil iron pWlur iboativ uavaL juiiotin- ry and kjcetnolri'e atoam enginea, and. ail kitid of tuaduuef y - ireiieraJI)-, including tlial tor otua aad wooleit tuiH.- Tbe work at UkJiioond, Cbariuatoo, AtlaAti aud Mobile I are we; onij ones vapaoie turning out eacb and ail ol tbe rarielj; but ajB otbens lumore or b-0 in one dejNiruoettt or another Tber tup out smjjdMHory work ut every brancb exjeept naval engiues. : 'Kitlea,niuskeu,4 bayonets, gun carriages, sword and ' military equipments generally, are made m Richmond, Kajetterl'le and Moot gonery, the first and Unt pUeea repairing as wreUae ISbgiMg Mithmdm-iimaM etni a: coutreinunui ate also made at several other points, Uie last iu almoSt evry Miucipl place in tfte Sourb. Tlie factory iu tichoioud for ma king 8inrerievt'itigniadiine ba been etigag- ed since tlie war in repairing ainall arms apd I making equipments fur tbe aaine, aud uasJ fiued out i ironiciwe quantities U die latter. Tlii estabJisbmentk yet owned pnueipalty by Jh'ortbero iwen, who have ideuUiied them selves with the rebellion from tbe begiuiiiug. f When Ridimond was besieged, lateummer, I all of tbe roost valuable macliiuery in tbe city was taken down and part removed, tbe rest j being ready to move at suort notice. Muue then it has been set up and i again in lull ojwration. At one tune during the akge 'the Andersons, of the Tredegar lion Works, bad about tour hundred tons of nwebiuery ou ca nal - boats," ready "to .travel to Lyuvhburg, anions which was a splendid lot used fef tol ling iron plates, and" valued at two hundred thousand dollars wbich is arain now iu oie- raliua In tbeif works, v : " . , T There ate woolen Inctories at Kiclmiond, Lynchburg, Kaleigb, Cbarlcatoiu Home, At lauta, Mobile, Jackson, and other rlatr in Louisiana and. Texas, while cotton mills are numerous tbrotiglioQt the country, muny Iwv iug been established recently, particularly iu Ueotgia. Tbe machinery lor new tiiuls u partly inaDuraclured at home, aud partly ob tained by running the tlockadc, several lots 'of the lust having lately arrived, ami is oeiug nut up in Georgia, which State lakes Uie lead ui manufacturing en teq)rise, a3 she didefore tM'war; Ibougn efcrif Sbite' aiid disncrnot OVCrrtltt. by. 0r .ftrnn tea is directing ebise at- tention to this. bindijf bouie productioit Wool is scarce bHtetrough feaat'be tbftiirte- nor bouta trom lex as and Mesuco to supply the mills, and much of this is nude to go fur- tlier .by mixing it with cotton, which ia a drug in tn market, ana can be bau almost tormo Tanneries have been numerously ed, and particular attention is now tlie preservation of bides, aincli is pushed -pjmmiiew-ftnv-iMtl the use of salt and w hich may be ing idered as one among the first orijrmal iuveution of bouuiera genius, drawn out of tbe occasion, loiwerly :ftwrtjrtj4 lfHtekaaW o ' . T . . reservMl and sent to tlie tanneries, wlieiice they Teappeaf in the form of good leather. - Many flint bides find their way across tbe Hisstsaippi in io lexas ana u ium river, bum liiMyjuom: arajc uioee regions, . ine sayus oi u auiupia, r J eluding those of dogs cats, -game, and vermin I are Dresewea. ana eommana row pnoea. Xbey arei tenoed and made to enswet one purpose or another. : lhe. Confederate Government monopolize tlie whole suppldf the best leather for sad dles, cavalry and artillery berates and milita ry accoutrements ; and the overplus, if any, is manufactured into aboes for tbe armies. These boots and shoes of tbe best material, are distributed to the officers and privates are supplied with those of inferior leather. Tbe additsoa to these leading ananufactnr bg mterprisea, all productiveTabor not traia- I luu11 bnrpiug ujwn wlattlMry ealf a "coo- rpttacy' and a "plot in ortb VkroEna to destroy the unity of the Government, to tarn tbeir attention for a tpotnent to Georgia.- lb copying from tlie iSavajirtua liepublicao (one ot tbe tuoat reepectable and induentiaJ papers in tliat State) tue following paragragrapb, we cannot bolp exjreiiglie conviction that the IkiquirVr! . Degleot of Georgia ia solely owing to thu tact that Gotv itaowa and tboae who aopiiori him 5n Georgia, belong to the dqulm;s pouticai paxty, nd tboae iu North Carolina whom it alandens do wf belong to the Enquirer's partjv-'i&j; - Ofuentr.--' -- ' ' ': . a " ' - ' - a ar ,v a a ' X i' ' .. rrom we davauoao ittpuuican.- .. I' nr. .in ui n.'. nv.'.L beading a rebellioe or tie intention of getting one up. We are not teepeii of biseotucience. We hope be w a patriot be bas every reason one.- We do nnian to rajr,' ihoogb, that bis course towardt IbeCoiileJerate jtdnimiv tration iulLia wai bis deuunclatioo of Con eres his ProcUmatiouaof the reeraitin? Acts U that body as outrages upon the rights of tue fetaiee and tue citizen, as unconstitutional and deaen'ingof resistance ; Lis repeated at teipjits to oi3oa Jly jnitids ol the people Jpj: wards tlieir govei uineut by exhibiting it as iiteir enetuy ana not iiieir moiKl all tended towarde rebellion and toward nothing else. IImIU out; been ivr tbe loyalty and (rood eue ol the people, r we should before Ibis nave oeen plunged into a war with tbe govern ment. Tue sneeuu luessaue at the onennifir of the Legislature. was in iu effeetj, at least, ootuiug luore iur less ; lliaij ppetf exhorbitiOD to rebellion. - Au tnieJiigent officer of tbe ar my, wIm wad preseut when it-was read in tlie House, remarked in our beanmi that if such au incendiary dodimeut were circulated freely in the aruiy, a thousand men would be shot within sixty days. We booesdy believe that the cuuie of tire Governor, whether so intended or not, bak done more to breed die loyalty and desertion than all other causes oottibined. , , . , W'e abo know thai many of tliese peo ple who have acted so badly confidently look- dtel coune. The deserters from tbe at my in Ten newsee, we have good authority for say ink. eeitty procbumed it. and we iiv reaot to bebeve tliat H was at liie earnest solicitation of officers from tlus State that Gov. Brown eras induced to SBce hia prucLuii&tibu against the tlisalTitted, and ttiereby arrat, afpossible, the iepiiciou:i e&eets,of bia couree.-, , Tb Dejtrariivrs la tbe Lrxlalatsre. Tlie Editor of the Greeusborough Patriot, who is a member of the present Legislature, end a close and intelligent observer, says: ; i There were but few ;t Needies made ia" either Iloiwe-durhig tbe seasion i and we feel sore tliat we are safe Hi staling that at least two-thirds of tlie time spent in pmfitlem de bate. by tlie Destiwtive lau-ty, wlio constitu ted not more tlmn one-tlnrtl of the inembers. Tlw Deetructive leailers (Judge Person) and his followers, useii all the aetioue oppoeiliun that purliahu-'ntary Uictics coi.ld suggest, Jo enitarraxsand delay many of the mtwt impor tant measures brought lorvard. And in ev il y iiuttanoe wlierttaan efTort was made to up boM and sustain the snpreiuacy of civil law and G'tu'tiiuihitial freedom: over military des potMii, tlie wliole Destructive paiiy voted, to impereede civil Lw by military rtilo ; tiMifirm ing what We have beretotore nihI, that civil liU-rty ,woikl ulbe sale in tbeir bands. Tlie personal Ijberiy bill, whU-li im,-1 both HMifM by lerg tnajorities. will U found in tlw JfWof to-day. It is of the highest im poilanee; since eren UerWetitiTr adniits that ttM.n inni civn tue nave oeen oouuneu to uuu 'onwrsi gtuHW, without clutuce of trial br an opot tonity to bow ilieir innocence fur twelv motiilisii past ; . . Tlie Itttrwt is strictly correct Short's tjie two sessions were, modi of the, valuable time the two Houses, and especially of the Coniriions, was useleeidy consumed by such members asjtfessrs. Ferson, IVebles, ami Cobb, in efforts to embarrass tbe majority.-r-Mr. Slidjilierd, , though acting Ifer Uw oiost fTw uiribesegeTnie tO aVOIl SUCU UOIH1UV&, airiUJV ,wo w enjoyed more "respect Aua auy IXv4nietive WJerJu jhelloiise. ; By tbe w a v. Mr. ler son has But vetredeemeTL tHf-e7Tuade - , i... i tiA. o i..i some! iwoyrr siiice lo spill the LsT dip oT ami (ViimiJtT. ami JNinontoii. wUi. la rved witli bun vt'tjaU Legwlettfie, are void in their -nr. but where ia lie Ul'nictH iiijr w hat he preached weeaM secession, Mr an-huuificani Confederata ofihicfteteuses Hik . ; . .itlrayi Standard. Tut RlcasitSB Esqciikil4 In another place we have spoken of Seward as "the prince of Bars." We rather think that the Ridimond Enquirer will successfully contest tbe unenviable, distinction with the yankee, See the following; v T' " . " The Old North State, whilst ita true sons and soldiers are fronting the enemy upon oor border, is swarming with deserters and runa way eonscripU (all " conservatives," who hate origHml seceMoa") and at several points t?i)- Y iaa.-er- 'wnCi "i j wiotc ju ujcrvwB uere uiao eisewiiere. i We have seen lists of hundreds yes bun-- . drads of deserters advertised from one Vir giuia regiment. The Enquirer bad never a word about tliat, though nothing approaching " it has ever been seen about a North Caroli-' . " na regiment. . Tliat these Nor;tli Carolina de sorters and ronawsy conscjipU are "conaer-' vativeay who bale original seceSMon, is a tbul ' sUiide, so apparent that a man having any seir-rtiect would jiot Lave ventured to uttor it -A to tbeir banding together and defying; Hie authorities, it is true,' but not to any sucix extent as in Georgia, bout which the Enqoir- er is altoetbef silent. Far less is it t hen. than in irginia itself, Where about one-fourth of the State Is banded together, not onlv dn. " lying tbe authorities, but actually in Lincoln's v army assisting in ius ellort to subjugate us. Let the Enquirer look at home. North Par. ' olina can do without its malitmant ovprninir In the same artfele ia tbe Enquirer we find -the following additional slanders ; . t.- One can only speculate upon tbe motives of these destructive conservatives, for they do not avow them. Bujlie.- thing seems to Vi us nothing more, nor less, thatt-a conspiracy to overthroTT the Corifedcracy, "whclhef wltb a view to reconstruction, or to a " middle -4' Coulederacy," perhaps they hardly know yet 1 If we train victories and exnol th V.i- Then all will be well ; the servatives" wtu exuu as toouiy as any. ; iiut if disaster bebl8 our armies, they mean to be in a posi-, . . lion to take care of themselTes." ; j ; s u . y , Tbb U ettered by a jper wbicb itself re- -cently bad tbe effrontery to advance recon- " ' fetroction views. It probably judges North" "r (rolinians by its own unprincipled standard. ' vj . Jbytttmndt Obtener. " " ."Jroiii the Richmond Whig: SEWARD TO NAPOLEON. . I We have already givcp the substance of tbe letters of the French Foreign Secretary, suggesting a scheme for bringing about peace, M ' M ei " "-a . ..i - .. .a documents of so "much imparlance that, ir , " give them to-day in full The French Minis- v te.adUjubat -- ; Russia ;wag- calculated; to clulbut he!". urged by considerations of humanity and the " " hope of s staying useless carnage, again tor offes: friendly .services. JDmjea' . t strong throughout tbe letter that the war ' ' . . waged lor- conquest must prove a failure -V ' ! that Uie Nort cannot subdue the 8cuth. ' 'L I Tbe French Minister is persuaded of this truth tboneb he had just received a disoatch -" from Mr. Dayton, unfolding at. great length 1 1 the military, naval and pecuniary resources , of the Yankee the vast progress they had T "1" made in invading the South; and exposing V. " the exhausted condition of the Rebels--they ' ' not being able to recruit their army, and pot , U4ng able tq raise $l,()00,006V-TbM despatch , - goiBs much more, into detail of the stiengtb of the Yaokees and . the weakness of tbe k ' Rebels than Seward's which; is summary of Dayton's with this difference, that Day ton is bumble . and entreating;. While Seward is haughty t and insolent That the French v; iliuiater, in Uie iaee of the elaborated and staiisical udsehood, which Dayton laid before , ' hiui, should prei8t in believing that the war' must prove a failnre, argues that he under-' stands Yaukee trieksand Yankee mendacity,' and will not be imposed npon by ; the repiu- tioo of the same falsehood by Seward. ,' j v( iSeward's letter, is absolutely sublime in its -" efl'rorrteHr-and swaggef.Seeingtbat "ther French Minister had- taken no heed, to Day . ton's nor to his own repeated representations t of lhflL' stale . .of sffajr Jn jhisTOun tr be Inakee a grand and imposing display of the "T.." acliievemenu of tlie Yankee artnies and their f . mighty power of the conquests alreaJy V made, and the little left to the Rebels till to be oouquered. The cool, contemptuous " and defiant ajr with which all this is thrown into tbe teeth of Napoleon, can only beap-V preciated by beating in mind that itccme ,v Irom tlx; aaine eowardlv Wretch Who sunen-'- rderedllasou arid SfideUt " Napoleon may be" a tnan subject' to unreasonable fears, and m tliat event, be witt be terribly alarmed when V be contemplates tbe formidable proportious 'Iim WotHi-Uiirsty adversary. v. .T - liie publication of this correspondence wuT ' put u Bd to any fmr ajternpts fca peacablw . initiation by European Governments. Any funlKT actMi ou their part, if there be any, wi8 partatw" of a forcible nature. - T - - The Afnrr' seems rather disposed to enjoy tb4iwgm5eaBt figure, whkkv out litUe " . , oueborse concern cuts by the side. of T, Seward' splendid six-in-hand; and it as-V cribes our msificaaca AO the fact that we have not been reooyauoi Well 1 whose bull : is that?" Tbe whole matter haa been in tbe hands of the FresideoV Is it bis fault, or is ' it any body's? liave any inducement been ' offered to Foreign Governments for reoogui- , tion, or any other favor? Ilave we offered !. Foreign Governments any special advantage ia tade, to make it their, istereet to give ns active aid? Or have we stiffly and proudly " cbumedwhatit waathea privilege to accord? Wtowithingv - ' J u4