VOL XX; . , . SALISBUltY, N. C.i MAI10II 1(, 186IJ. DUMBER '43 -ItnSiLjLl .r.LVJ-V-' . l rl I f i J mm a a . ' -x HlCKtnMfKl.ner the amounnTiM T.T-:couri; EIO HIT. JtOS lt C 4 ir-BOViuchfito l: - .. -w.-w - - . -7 1 -7 a uw. vvuiw.. ""n''Ttr. of aT monef ia the Treaaor' not other. KBIfOt AtW ftQPBIITOlu' . ' era man of a battle which may now be oon-'. ter;(Tenn.) BulUUn Is - responsibfe lor tba -following, which ia decidedly the. best joka ' ,.- u.k k iorti " ! 'm approptiated, and tliat tlw Treaaurer lHURaDiT, March 5, 18C3. f ' tba wa)m ti aeUle- aioeraa ota ; out boo wing now our voopa UQUiiK Vff KJEi MXw yAoi. .nJnffit ol nu accoonu. of the. season i o a: tentionof Congress and (lit country io (he (act T that ft tittle steeling bad been going on among the department- t Rkhmonif only a few millions, a small matter and said that 'out Mr. Ruffin had made a pileT, Ao invesriga " (ion waa ordered and the charge against H?. . Ruffla wii pot mad' good, yet it appears ' somebody has swiodlad tlM Government TO t of a few tnilhoni ' 8uch ati occurrence Is con- eidured small matter at Richmond however, , aud win hardly cause naeh concern in offi cial or other circles,ai "Hie-iLiiSjBf Ti cwTrtiohT Cw attention has jdst been calkAl to a small lHiir eTTBeTuod wwIA'rone itmt,$ dc eceodant of tbe tribe of Israel," was6ouoerh L x The Etaminw of Friday baa the follow- in g particulars of die affair : Prognm. The PoUffiee Deparfmenl Emhntlrment The Demon of Speculation at the Boltum of L w e alluded yesterday to die arrest of ' Perry Mosespt Clerk in the Dead Letter Bu- . rvao, of the : . Fostoflice-Department Dinhe cliarge of abstracting lottery tiM-refrom, and appropriating the money found therein to mwu purpose, i Store - this denouement, it , baa ,beeo ascertained dial the abstract iont iiare boea going on tor a long time, as many a ax or eight months, and tiie amount ap ixvprulod to dial period bf Moses, must bare reached a (rood many thousand dollars. It waskrtown that th aoeued was Laiyely ' Wilfred iq afieculatioa, and afor the arrest eo-Xuoady hut, it waa aaxnaioel thnt he had forwarded f wentjr-aeven hun.dred dollars to CbarhMton, Soth GWroliua, by xprei to a b tnretted ia bWkitde good Utt tlie Ru:h - mond inarkcC-ltalto came ta light that he DM acpooteo two thousand dollars ro a iuch wood bank, and had various tmni iufeiOod in a many directions i Mosee ia a gtvy-headed man, of family, be- . tweett fifty-fie and sixty years oi age, a na- . tire of South Carulioa, and a n-Utive of lion. b. J. ilv-, a member of the State naie, and on of the niiwl eminent Lawyers of the Htate. Sioe sympathy ia exprytcd for hiio from the ttct that yiWof Ins' sons was kilitfd ia the bat ties of the Ohkkahbraiay, and ano ther scvficly woundei . Mo- Gnt held a position in the Appoint; tneul Burr.au at one thousiatid dotlars pr an num, with whicbhe probably honestly sup- plied his farnHy-witlr the: ecessri of ht In the rei-ent increase be received fifteen hun dred dollars, when,, in common with otlien, Im fell a victim to the mania of speculation ' . Whtrn id businesi, before, die war, in Booth Carolina, he failed two of thrtwiimev but aucb was the regard of bis creditors for his boneslyr; tlt Uie aJlowed it to go on as """usual wilhdurtress!mr him for varment.' IIu - lias held a post io the Postoflke fepartinent verjrince Jhejocation of the Confederate Oorernment In Kiclimond, and without as. teotauon in niauricrs and habits, he 'wmallfrr.,1. aiong regarueu as a moots of noqest propnety T and frugaf living. Pcoplo who knew him . were Umuderstruck by the discovery of his . " peculations. ' V learn that suspicion was first excited against Moses by the jRinaUness of his daily . , returns lrout the opening oi duad letters, in -; r;." wittlparisoit,; with other clerks similarly t-ra- '-rrWd. -It 'was thett Uie decoy letter was & thrown in to trap him, ami the bate two filty dollar ob?Was fob tempting, and his " .?rune w Pwd, the bills, designate with " private mark being upon his pcmoa He toeo auuiiiieu to uie a us true ttons oi between a - ' ft t a.. m. . s is . a. -a . 1 1 w anu turce uunuruu uoiiars, out DO more. The geueral xppearanoa of the acoused would lliebjhe imputation M tb crime, wltlx wJdch EL he m10nI4Sk iMiighti-fevUe -a appearance,- with a law of - vm most benevolent cast, one would rather -r took torftid iir iihn a tract-distributor, or a Methodist extorter, than . a hoary headed peculator and embenwler. ?MCrai -.- uon. bimea Uameroa nas resignea the ' f fost of American MFniater at rtte Court of St, Petersburg. Io his letter to the Predent, 'of January 23, he says t When I undertook 'this responsible trust you will remember that ibe end of the rebellion waa supposed to. be near at band. Our military preparations were stupendous; the spirit, unity and delcrmi- - aation of the people and Oovernment so man kJfesvihat dtjublidtoemyl and fiawgn na ; tlow seemed to concur, in this general opin--ion.-' I -was no imliflerrat joit tm?ttient - change in our doroestio affairs. Tlie eonii- racy has assumed such tirmidable and threat, ;- aning proportions- that he cannot consdrn 'tkfoSfrtAA KiymgTI fborar? Indiousand - open efforts are everywhere 'made by reck less, treasonable leaders, to divide the peopW - of the free Sutes., Tbo hope of the rebels is la want of hannonj among the people of tba' loyal' 8utes. '.I will believe every means should be resorted to nwh dus ooonptrary. W eaa bar no peace that is not a conquer. d peaoe, and I nave io uujn. that we shah awbdue the traitors and vindicate tba supre ; saaey of the Federal CofistiUitioo. The En J- par f Russia fervently trusts we may - merge, from oor straggle witb an andivided Oaeciamisik . We should reoognias) hi bi or ootuamaaffMrtss asidsUadksi afly," 4u ! J!F ',.! OasetIt Itrfsl Rfs. A member of one of the New. York artil Iery"conipinIi?s, "prominently engagtnt iu the first day's fight in front of ICk-hmood, writes as lollows In recard to tbt action : Our spherical case shot were awful missiles, each of tbem consisting of a clotted mass of seventy-six musket balls, with a charge oT powuer. in uie centre, mat isnreowuna fuse.' lb' same as a ahebV: The miisile first aots as a solid ahot, nlowin j iu way ihrtniKb masses of men, and then exploding, horling hxwaid sbowrr of nmsket balls tliat mow down the foe tn henne. v - ' TOur battt-nrthrew 24 of these a tninut, and as we had the exact range of every ptl of tjie field, every eliot told with fnffhtful ef fect. " But Uie enein r were not at ail daunt ed they marched steadily on, and hailed a perfect torrent of bain upon us. by we, as well as our horses, were not shot down, will forever remain a mystery to me. We did not mind the leaden hail, however, but kept pouring our cn shot into the dense inasses of Uie foe, who came on in prodigious and overwlielioing forces. And they .fought i it . i . . .. a . . a unumuiuiv, too. . uur snot lore meir ranxs wide open, and shatiennf them asuuder in a manner tliat was fiightful to witness; but they closed up again at once, and came on as steadily as Lii''lih veterans. hen lliey got withiu 400 yard., we cloml our case shot and opened on tuein with canister; and such destruction I never elsewhere witnessed.. At each discharge great, gaps were made in their ranks iudued whole companies went down before that murderous fire, but they closed up with an orderund discipline that-Wsaw inspiring. They seemed to be animated witb the courage of depav, blending witb die hoe off sp?eily victory If they coutd, by an o vej w helming J!?h.r drwe us fronr our lion. It ws nwfiii to see their Tanks torn and shattered by eery discharge of CaOisuH tliat we poured right into their faces, and while their dead arid dying lay in piles, clos ed up and still kept advaricinjrTight in"rhe face of the fire. At one time, three lines, one behind another, were steadily advancing, and three of their flags were brought into range of our guns shotted with 'canister. Firer sliouted the. gunner, and down went those three flags, and a gap was opened through those three lines as if a thunderbolt had torn lliroogh them, and the dead fay in swaths. They at once closed up and came steadily on, never halting or wavering,, right through the woods, over the fence, through the field, "right at us to our guns, and sweeping everything before Uiem, captuiel every piece. When we delivered our last fire, they were within 15 or 20 pai.-cs of us, and as all our horses were either killed or wounded, we could not carry off a gun. Our whole division was cut to pieces, with w hat loss I do hoi know. W'e fell back to a second line of entrench ment and there held the"nemy in check un- 'til reinforcements arrived, and then we kept Our position untD night put an end to the A LONDON PAPER. We have' before us. die London Index, of January lut, 1863, which of course "run the blockude." It is a Urge double sheet, very liaadriw!j ; jrini .; Tlie ne is the South ern paper in London, iThe number before us contains in full the message of Gov. Vance to Uie Legislature, of this State, in November last, togeUier with nuich other matter rela ting to our State, and jtlio Swuthern people generally.- . The Index, in its notice of Gov. Vance's message, says : u Regarded simply as a study of Un politi cal institutions to which boUi of the great ; AttiWrtea "yeieTiota -profess rtlierosdy equally attaclted, but which in the cxuth alone survived Uie oftslaugh of Democracy and Uie shocks of a great revolution, this mes sage, despite its great length, will well repay perusal. It is impossible to read it Carefully and itei eWio fi omit demrer. ideas of the. reU tions of the State to toe central government or com iron agency of all the States die ve ry point1 which tonus the complex probltsm of American politics, and preseuts the great esHhfficulliva to Uie Kuropean student. The message is not an essay on this subject, but is all the more instructive for not being an essay. This measagu is calculated to raise the character of Southern, &tate government ih nglii estimation. At all events, if throws much 'figbioirinntefiial workings of the CotifederatiB-'IKdHioal aystwii --yr yi, :This is jMgb4raiiaiiroia,a.jojjnMJ ..which views the menage lixm a p"l"on un&occtod by pifejudioe Of party reeling. Indeed, die publicab'oH in full of the document in thaia elesy wmfnelf a oomphment to die State and to pur worthy GoverBr.--Af. C Standard. Movement of Tankn Prioen. About six thousand Yankee prisoners, from all parts of the J3outh, will arrvye at Richmond during the next two weeks, to be sent North per flagof truce, . PrepanUions are being made at the Libby prison for their reception. - Pttenburg Erprem. Death m a tSkarcA Misa Jane U.Cuyler. a lady of advanced age, died suddenly wbOH at ner devoaoos tn ,anm uuuruu, aawansaa, oo tba 1st instant cohitdermg the following resolutions : - M Resoved, That wliep the House adjourn to-day it adiour'n to meet at 11 o'clock to morrow, and at the aauic hour each morning therealler." ' . " The motion was lost' 'hen, on motion ol Mr, K M. Bruce, the Hnsewent into secret and roswned tb wmsideration of the Tax Bill' A.v i ' ' Ja xbe abstract of 1L bill "reported f vm Ue Committee of Ways nd Means, to lay taxes for U" common defesce and carry on the Qu vcrninent of the Confedrato Si at.-s, pib lished yesterday, Uie report gave only the amount of tax proposed to pe levd on the Various "TimdcS and "pccnpatohs inenrtoned. With a view to impart a inore tliai-diigli ua derstanding of the scheme sow under con sideration, (which will probasly be amended in some particulars,) it must be stated that die bill prohibits any person; association of persons, or corporation, froti engaging in, prosecuting or carrying on, ifler a date not yet fixed npon, eidicr of the! rades or occu pations mentioue) in the list g)ven in our last repoit, now be or they shall 14 e obtained a bcense therefor in the nibuner hereinafter pro vided. The mode of obtaining the licensees prescribes! in the following sections : Sac. 3. That every person, association of persons, partnership or corporation, desiring to obtain a license to engage m any of the trades or occupations named in Uie moth sec tion of this act, shall register with the collec tor of the district in which he shall design to carry on such trade or occupation I First, his or their name or style, and in case of an as sociation or partnershiD, the names of the several persons constituting such association or partnership, and their places oj residence : Second, The trade or occupation for which a license is. desired: Third, The pLce .where such trade or oiupatiou is to be carried on. All of which facts shall be returned duly cer tified by such district collector to the State collector; and'thereupon, upon payment to the collector or thp district of the amount hereinafter provided, such collector shall make ont arid dehver a license for sucb trade Or oc cupation, which boense shall continue in force for one year at the Hacc or premises desenb- ed tnerein. r -"'ii-i Sxa 4. Tliat if. any person or persons shall exercise or. carry on any trade or busi ness hereinafter mentioned, lor which a li cense is required by this act. without taking out such license in that behalf required, he! she or they shall, for every such offense, re sjiectively, forfeit a penalty equal to three times ine amount 01 ine ou;y or money im posed for such license, and ol all ether assess ments upon the business one moiel J thereot tor the use of Uie Confederate States, the oth er moiety to the use of the inform; r. .. " deo. o. 1 hat jn every license to be taken out under or by authority of this act,' shall be contained and set forth the purpose, trade or business lor which such license is granted, for the manner and extent of conducting the same, and the true name and place of abode of the person or. persons taking out the. li cense, tiie time tor which such license is to run, and Uie true date or time of granting such license, and (except in case of auction eers and peddlers,) Uie place at which the trudo or business, for which such license is granted shall be carried on; Provided. That a license, granted under Uiis aft, shall not an Uiorise the person or persons, association or corporation, mentioned therein to exercise or rarry on the trade Or business, specified in such license, in" any other place than that mentioned thereiu ; but nothing heiviu con tained shall prohibit the storage ol goods, wares or merchandise, in other places" than the place or business. " Skc 6. That every case where more than one brtu'e pursuits, employments or occupa tions, hereinafter- described, shall be pnrsned or cajxied on m the same place, by the same person, at the time, except as therein men tioned, license must be taken out for each, according the rates severally prescribed." r II ACT far taa relief af tie Wives asd Fassl tiles af Saldlersla the lraty. ,Ssa L Be it enacted by 0 General Aem thf of the State of Sorth Carolina, and it it hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the sum of one million dollars be and the same is hereby appropriated; to the usel ana benefit ot the wives ana (amines w indi gent soldiers, who now are, or may hereafter be in Uie service of the State, Or Confederate Sutevipd n thf wives aftd families, of all indigent soldiers" who. have been or 'may Tire altesbe killed of Hie in Uie -army or service of the country, .Sec. i Be 0 further enacted, That atibe earliest jiracticable time, it shall be the duty of the Chairman of each Court to notify die justices of his county to meet in the Court House, for the purrwe. of eleetirig some peV son, to be styled a County Commissioner a majority of the Magistrates beingpresent Set 3. Ik it furihtr enacted. That the sum of one million of dollars, as aforesaid, be equal ly divided amonrst the several counties of the State, accordmg ro un wia vojmuaum, to bo ascertained by the ceosmr of LiGtt - RmcL 4. Beit fail enacted. That as soon aa the Commissioner aforesaid, ahaO be elect ed and enter into bond with Approved secu rity, by the Court, it ahaJV and maybe law tba Treajor of tarn &atw (0 pay lg the County Commissioner, it shall be the du- ty of the Court to direct .and establish awb rules and regulations in the division and dis tribution of the money appropriated to the use and benefit of the w ives and families of the iudigent soldiers as to afford the greatest relief and comfort to them, whether thesams shall be paid Uiem in the .who, or ittpartj tt. cash br prov1sldn;tWlUl uWef to fmrchas or receive produce or provisions of any kind from the ..State in . heu jf money, or men amount as the Court shall fronrtime to time prescribe. V m ' Site & fit it furtfter eaaefed, That all coun ti that are or may be iu-U poaseswon of Uie enemy shall receive the amount that they may be'entitledTo Tiiiier- Uieprorisionx of this act in North Carulioa Treasury notes,-and that the said counties shall the money direct from the treasurer of the State with out being subjected to Uie provisions of the bill in regard to Uie action of the justices, the said amount of money to be paid to the Coun ty Trustees of said Counties, and to be by them distributed according to the provisions of Uiis.biJL-Jhe. 8nid. Trustees giving- bond to the State in double tlte amount received by them to be distributed Ba 7. Uetturtier enuctea, I hat this Act shal be in force from and alter its passage. Read three times and ratified in General Assembly this 10th day' of February," A. 1863. R. S. DONNKLL, 8. H. Gt GILES MKBANti, &)S. nxTK Or KOBTH CAB0U3J Office of Secretary of State: 'I, Jno. P. FL-Rhss, Secretary of State in and for North Carolina, do hereby certify that Uie foregoing is a true copy of die original on file in tiiis office. GiyeRundcrmy- hand ihia Clh day of Marth, 18R3. . t,. " . J N0. P. H. RUSS, ; Secretary of Stated . NEW ORLEANS. .. . From the Picayune, February 18. me U aw Gas.jtts Yesterday vWas ilardi Gras, but how unlike the same day m the calendar of former year Whyre are the murmers and melodists that kept high carnival? Where is the " Mystick Krewe of KemusT We saw nothing of Uiem yesterday. Last night the merry inaskeiis met, neither at the ball nor Uie festive board. There were no sounds of revelry, for. mirth is no longer one of oilr '." peculiar institutions." The Oxertow Remarbihle Escape. To- teniuy the city was visited by a shower or series of showers of wonderful force and vol ume, so mnch so indeed as to completely de luge our thoroughfares, making Canal street impassable, as almost aH the street in Uie city.' During the overflow a little' girl Til teropted to cross jaha stfeet, at Us intersec tion with Barenue, but as the crossing was completely hidden from view,? she made a misstep and was at once drawn by force of the current beneath the iron bridge plates. Several persons, who saw the occurrence, at tempted to snatch die child from the angry current, but were unable to do so. She .was swept in beyond their reach, and it was im possible to save her life. Fortunately, how ever, the sluice was free from obstructions, and in half a minute alter she went in at one end site emerged from the other. The water which she had swallowed during the " mid dle pussngu" made her sick, but after she bad relieveJ her stomach of. the dise she walked off as if nothing bad happened, not even com plaining that she was wet., On the previous night two horses went through a bridge, Uie cover of which had been swept away, and it required the united exertions of six men to draw Uiem out again. Such are some of the peculiarities of our wa ter privileges;. .. ': . ' S DutrkfVourtjHdge BbweU.ia this court yesterday a petition for divorce, al imony and a division of Uie community pro noitv was filed on behalf of Ifanr A. Goutrb against F, M. Fisk, whose lawful' wife she claims to be. A similar petition was filed in 1855 by the same party, but was subsequent ly compromised and withdrawn on the pay ment of a considerable sum to petitioner. The parties have not lived together fair many years, for defend aut. bad the reputatioo,of be ing unusually susceptible to passional attrac tions, and inclined - - ' "to rove Free andUinquestioned in the paths of love." At present he Is-siippoSnd 40 be living elsewhere in Uie jCouiederacy, and. his laie esutes here have been conipletely tkd np by Uie confiscation 4isequwU,jon- fA ing Uiat creditors of every kindvere roking a dead set against die property of her erst lord and master, Mrs. Fish, nee Mary Ann Gough, concluded doubtless that she might as well have a finger in Uie pie, so she re newed her old suit. She is represented in Uie prosecution by Thomas Howard, Esq-, her counsel io the original ease, and seldom have the dull records of her courts been re lieved hi aJecsJ documentor such romantic holiest and literary merit as Uie petition fil ed mi tae premises. , ' - . . Tba Yadkin Factory near Gold Hill N. C, owned by Messrs. Holmes Jc Co was destroyed b fire on tbe S7t& dl ,"ln.tJeVon. - - nnairir wh inauiimru w v ine vile lBv vaders of our soil. Among onr citisens . .. v, who were present,'1 was Mrs, pi ' "1 . at ' " 'a women noted for berrVolhern feetinga, 1 her general slpclt of good humor, and wbeJ ' '. . tiaa a mind nf nnMimmnn nalnraf nA,sM Amnna the YanVeea was a bi'baclr. neg'ro7 i io Federal oniform," who bad a very iiq 0-JJ poriant loot Mra.P- walked no toXiaL-.--! in mw prrvrncv vi an iuc lanKeeaana aa taming a very serious contour, addressed . him as Gen.. Roaencrana. Tba negro in,, . ..... pared (femb-lourded.r Oer friencUprjear. " fd'Jnoi :jo notice Ebony's eenfnsion. Tb Yankees seemed amazedfCrjffee ssfd l' ."3 am not Gen; ' Kcaerkraos LeTonga lo" gentleman in East Tneee.T. "Ah, Geo eral," said our friend, To can't bluff ma tbav way. TVU ma bow yon coma to. let the rebels get'yoo." - Bof Coffea proteat-; ed lie was not Rose nctans. ft Onr lady 1 friend affected to ..disbelfeyf. h,m"t and tB Yank prisoners seemed confused that p -big buck negro should be uken for tbehr -. commanding General. ' It was'a Hcb seen. Yaklcee Barborifc-H Jettet':"a ir. eei-ed in Lynchburg says tba Virginian, from a responsible lady; Jn Fauquier t stav ' ing Hbat a hospital in Georgetown, con-: taining 500 negroea affl'ictedjwitbr amall 5pox,'fwas burned up V day or two since. Tbi shocking affair, .attributed . by the ir mm w mm V " i 7 lanxees to accident, is not credited.' Bui -, : is believed to hava been jpie result of cold fchded-pflrpcOd extefmTnalaeT negroes and tba disease 'ty tba somroary bat execrable design pf burning the beUd-T1! ing and the negroes. If this report km true, and from the respectable aoarce frott which it comeilo bs.'we bavenoeiioiiZZZI to doubt it is probably the blackest deed ' in the long ad black eaulogoeref erioriai of which tbe Yank'eea have been goilty iST Witb the addition of at least five hundred millions of dollars to the seaoureea of their Treasury, says the Richmond Ex aminer, tnere is no impediment to tbr Washington Coverninent continuiag; .the war, on . tbe present gigantw scale, for another season ; and if tbe effect cf iheir - conscription bill, were only to keep in tbe 0 ueiu ine. woopa wn wouia otnerwise SOOB be disbanded, the prosecation of the wer ' for at least another veer would be ensnred; It becomea the South to dismisa all'tbooght of peace; and to prepare for resisting the most formidable, becarae tbe most desper ate, onset that we baye yet bad to sustain from tbe baffled and exasperated, but none tbe less determined foe.' ; ,; Watch Out. We nndorstind tfat tbe. smoke-bous of Mr. Eml. Reich, who lives in the vicinity of Salem; wai broken Into on Saturday night hist, and some twenty eight piwoee of bacoa stolen therefrcjnl We are not aware of any clew having been' discof ered ae to who perpetrated this theft' The public priau of this Sute are almost daily chronicling deeds of this cbar-. acter which should certainly be warning to all who have property in insecure places. Roguea now-a da-s can inflict more wjury. than common, in purloining property which . money cannot boy. So be wise and watch-. MWjMSmimi. ; "n7 GARKDNTNG IN CAMP. The . Charleston Courier, in commenting upon a suggestion of its cbrreepondent "So cession vUle" in relation to the planting of ve getables near all our camps, adds: - k .; f .the notion that labor is leas honorable than military service proper, is and should be exploded, if k tiver did prevail among sensi ble men, which we doubt. Were not the lines and batteries which turned back the Yankee' on the Potomac constructed chiefly by the labor sf the stout anna that manned die gons behind thetn? . This we believe was the ease-, at 4MolLiCo4her:p will ever be the case wha proper oecaitoiis demand. .The good volunteer is as ready to' work as togbt, when Uja-workingls neces sary (o prepare for fighting advantageooslf and MKcesBrully.'' ; We entirely aetee with Ae rood sense of the suggestion and the Courier't remarks, and take the Kberty add that the species of labor referred to, is not only as fonorable, in tbe largest sense, at any vocation, but will re-" dound to tbe pleasnre and comfort of tbe cul tivators. It will prove an agreeable lecrea; bon to the duD routine of camp Ufa, and in a aua&iry point' of vie w, immeese ia itswsulta. Io fact, it the officers will lead off with tbe "Shovel and the Hoe," tbe boys wifl learn toregairirat an annraing rstane. 7 w , J,