: 1' - 1 tie r... . '. -7;i -' 1 I . .'1 '" I J It Li-i:r:ii,l.-r, ;iI within ten. d.ys from tl.s passage of ti.is act, are to be funilla1n 7 per c-nU until the 1st ,:Ac2USt,"nl thereafter id 4 per eeutr" AH ealfcertifleates outstanding o the lit J u! J sisal to doerueJ to be loads bearing six pet cent, Interest payable at a date not exceedtog ' thirty years, ., ' ' " " . , . . The 2n4 tecuoti authorises a taonthl issue of Treasury notes, bearing BO intrest to an amoeat not exceeding fifty millkifia, funda ble durinj twelve noaths fiom the first day of the pioaih of their is la six per cent tonJs and thereafter in four per euta, , , Te remainiuf section of lie bill are sub- ataotially the aaase as published some weeka ejDce, eroept that the Secretary of the Treaa- :wmg fPwatfl,o4ryl millions iWopWWwwWeWt or Cotton certificates, pledging the Qovera tnent to pay in Cotton at the rate of 8d, sterl- ing per pound m stx months after peace. gUery RklrLa--Lsf a wlfUigsItkel a4 Talaaale oaeer-Casfcicrate fteteaa. BacanoKn. If arch 18. fafonnation haa been rocetred here that alanaiah occuired yesterday eftersooa at KeOey'a Ford, on the Upper Kappabaaaock, between Uen. I ittnujra tee Brigade, with IVttham ' borae artillery, aod the cnaiyK about 12,009 tuong, nader GetLSOaeinao, who had auooaeded in crow tag the .fiver at lata, hour in the afUsrooon. Our Amvmi did not mxed 2.000 men. ' We hare to lament th loai at ataj. PdUam, of Ala, and Major fuller, of ar The euemv are badly crfppled, aad retreated to the north bank of the Uappahanneck, (earing their dead pen aad horaea strewed in the read. ' They alaa IrA a hospital. ' ' m-i ra. asoon dispatch. (ictvoirv, March 18.11 P. at The eti gagement yeerday near the Rappahannock,, occurred at Jamison's Woods, six miles from Culpepper Courthouae. The enemy were driven across the river with heavy lose Our loss will not exeeed 150 killed, wounded and captured. -Tbo emy evidently oowtwupla tedagreat expedition, but was eontpMeiy ' foiled aad diacotnflted. .- ' irraa tas'Vtst. Moans, March 19. The Appeal of the 17th says reports of this morning from Port Hudson represent a serious outbreak in the Federal army, which, 4 correct probably ac counts Yor the retropule moveairnt Hanks- innr kvmti mvwl thai Mrrsl V&nlrM mrii meuts had laid down their arms and werel enl'bacariil two regiments. ' 0o. Rust's oommand bad dn veo back a greatly Superior force of the coein. -; f The Tribune has the following dated, IV ola the iauh:-,---.vsUii The Federal marauders at Hernando, had destroyed the county records at that place; also, made 1 general jail delivery and had ta ken aB the horses, mules and negroes in reatht Thev were attacked and ivutod by Iflythe'sbattsltoa jvltaakaa and wounded, ' Our loss oue awn wounded. Later frea Eartaa aad tat ratted Sum. Rtcaieovpv March IS.-Northern dates up to and icduding the 10th instant, baa been received.' 4' P ''- The War news is not of much importance. The London omreapondent says the politi cians aad Editors have settled down into the convictioo that Seward must reedity be d missed in eompliahoe with a peremptory tk fnandof the, French Oovemunent, in onse qienoe of M r( Metcier s eutreapondeoois Intervenuon in some way, and at every hazard, seems to be uVteraiitMfd on as a snea sure of French policy and an pen rupture cannot now be prevented without that sacn fioe of national honor and dignity which is at tempted, by tin ISnlish rress, to be upheld. Caamiiooaa, March 2U. Intellirence by this eveninss train atate that oar acouii front four miles , this side of Murfreesboror report toe enemy retreating fnotn that viuimty. , , March 2 WTlie tolling back of the enemy front Murfrveaboro is fully conSrmed. It is suppoeed Uiey hare gone towards Nashville. An Abolition Caotam. of the Port Royal fd. C) Departmrnt has iiroved true enoutrb to btr creed to take command of some of the" iK-gro suldiera. With -loirf companies- i11! thein he latelr mwle "an exned edition against the enemy." On his return, be publitlmi thtt , moat marvellous account of their heroiMn. Their eagerness bi cluirge batter iesaud the like, was almost frantic 4 They far surpaswL' in dash and cpolnem, any sol. Iters he had evr read ol save Uie rrench Zouaves. The cor respondent ot a llardford paper dispels, how ever, die glowing fiction in the (bllowmir : " The expedition succeeded in bringing oflf lotnr noo-combaUanta The town ofot Mary a Was burned by the negroes. J The landed and encamped at St Mary's. During the eight twenty Confederates, on horseback, madea dash ioto their camp, when the ne groes fired in every direction, and then sum peded fbf the transports, throwing asray their guns. ' They rushed pell-mell bn board, and . create J Uie ct ta owrualon. a .rr f Celd Wsiljarirr;; - -5 MiC Benjamin - VtburttTan i 'otd arid' re ..apectable citizen of RutlteHord county, Was brutally murdered in cold blood by the hand 400 George SutUe; sear KaUierfoTdton, on the 5thinst : The wound was inflicted by a pistol, and produced death instantly. It is to be hoped the perpetrator of this horrid deed has do sons who will imitate the example of their unfortunate father. We lsrn tlie act was unprovoked. - Mr. Washburn was about 50 years of age, and bad filled important po si tioui ia his county, and was at the time of hisdeth Chalrnianof the County Court Ma leaves a respectable family to mourn his untimely and tragic death. Buttles has been fjeste4 od oondnedjn RutJbordcootrty Jag where he awaits his trial, and wiB bo doubt meet bis just desert.1 . -t " . " ' A " ' -jssinfcrfn Xbgls. . CALF FOR AL Ais wseke 'oU7 rj Uek. -i Appfy to Yf. U. WTATT - - 3 i ' '.: I at-tlia lwr;,;ul Lca.lU LL, lowing CfeunUefc) wit: - I Alexander 22: Alleghany 1; Burke 3; Cabarrus 2: Caldwell 6; Catawba 18 Da vidson 1 Haywood 2 ; Uenderssn 2 ; Ire dell 10; Iiaoolo 1 ; .McDowell 1 ; Kowau 4; Sampson 1 8tanly 3; Transylvatia 1 ; Wa tauga t ; -Wilkes 3, aad Yadkin si From & Carolina 3. ; ., . . , I ' . , The, following contributions in inooey itul paoniaont are gratefully acknowledged by the aairtnVtowitf; a.. Oatewkt Cbwafy. Mr. John Thorn D- ' Mil' ' 1 - " v . .ft .AA s $105,00 Row Gntntjf.Utt. Catharine Keistler one bushel dried peaches; James Uorah one cord of wood.-""" ' The claims of our sick and wounded sot- diers upon our tlherality are peculiarly strong, and are entitled to our particular care, and it is bofied that contributions in money and pro visions will show an increase of the spirit of liberality in support of this Hospital. As the times hard, and wecannxdo,m' charity what we would wish, vet we should endear 6r, to the utmost of our abilities, to relieve the sufferings of those who have contracted diet eases or been wounded in trying to uphold tne institutions ot the Southern Uontoderacy. a ss m -a a . a am w wnicn rewecuuny suocnniea JA& CL SMTTUE, Chm a March lOthr 1801 The Charlotte DuUtti and Iredell JSxprm wiU please insert '''.r, ';: A PLEASANT INCIDENT. We happened aoddentafly to see at the store of Messrs. Geo. W. Williams & Co. the fist of sales of the two parcels "of " Subscrip tion Corn," the second lot of which was re ceived a few days ago. It will be reoollected thai some 25 or 30 citisens of this town re- cimly subscribed $16,0t0 to purchase Xkrn in the Eastern part of. the State to be sold hens at cost add charges. The difficulty in bracurlnsT tmosiMtrUtioa haa orcveated the acitxnplishment of the object of Uie sutscri- brs to us lull extent they bavin? been ena bled U procure so lar only about 2300 buah ela The lirst lot of about 1700 bushels was received when corn was selling at about $3 a bulteL and it was Mid at $2. The second lot of attoutGbO bosheb arrived waVn the article was seitin? in the streets at 4 25. and was sold at $J 25. There was upwards of 100 purchasers of tlie first, and 184 of the stsoood vlot, nearly au of whom are women and wives or mothers of soldiers. The read er may imagine the relief thus afforded to hundreds of fiwnilieSi and probably thousands by the terrible priors of every article of food to say nothing of the heart-felt pkasure derived by those who projected and tarried out the scheme; - - - - V . The position trf Messrs. Williams & Co. has certainly been no sinecure, except in the con sciousness of luiving contributed more than aS others to so frood a work. Tlie managing Committee of tlw Mbscribeti sliowed good Sfttue in srhaAing them to do the work. . A great deid more corn has been purchas ed aud will be brought be whenever xans ponation can be hmL fhy; On. v DUiiuked Uold irrieuk On tie re ception at the Libby prison on WedihSiay evening, of tltcpriauuers sent from Gon4us ville, it was louud Uiat the list acconipaijring them did not tally with either tlieir nunber or rank. In fact, Brigadier General Suxo-rh-ton, Baroa Wardena, Captain Barker, mhJ a servant, were mom est, and answered rot to the call of the roU. The commandant d the prison, suspecting that Lieutenant McCWlan of General FitjJiugh LeVs cavalry, whocame down in charge of the prisoners, had given the distinguished priponttrs a dioiue ot' the Ricbmond tiotels fur Use nidit dispatched Captain Bossieux with a'fiUtA)! jnen-iailiffll wa,.iiv uwMuuiinj imiciju- ers occupying room No. 05, and Lieutenant McUniUn aoatsleepinjr with oneeye open. Captain BossietiX demankxl tlatt the prison ers at once change' their quarters fnxn the Ballard.' House to the Hotel do Libby, but Lieutenant MoUellan wouIJ not deliver the prisoners except Mn m regular, order from General Winder. Captain BossieuX return ed, and reporting to his supenor, who is an acting Provost Marshal, that Official repaired in person to the hotel' with a sufficient iruard and compelled a "change of base on. tha part of me Brigadier anil his friends from nta Battard to the Libby at the hour of midnight titcK Aoamtso. . . iTmtaaW. We regret to learn that Cbpt N. C Hucties, GonerJ PettiCTewl Adjuunt General, was wounded by tlie bursting of A abtfi at or near Barrinaton's Ferrv.' .on tha ocsion of thoderiioiwtitiori at 'that place a fowdays aga-. Uts t-yes we tearn. were in jured but to what extent we have' not been able to learn, we bo Hoev, the Uijanes are nof serious. Cant. Hughes went into active service soon after the- war broke ont and has been at his peel constantly 7 ever- ince, has sens much bard service and been ra a number of battles. lie never belonged to that Class who sport their good clothes about towns sod cities, but has been a laitWulaoMiec iMUg erJ leant that President Davis has made Col E. R Vance, brother to our wonhy-Chief M gistrate, a Brigadier General Thisevulence of the President's favor is worthily bestowed, for there were none more "brava tar daring on the bloody field of Murfivesborof thai Colo- nat Vance, Datlf iYsjww 1 ) i ' " i' 4 l.'-l -J I r a f : !. :i-..t, Lk.!i t t s w cij.y ttiuc4 If on account o; tU Laving been worn during a lonj ani severe stlack of -small f 0X Xfom wLithla hni just recovered. t , . ; .,, ,. At h.s tatheVa residenoa JOHN AXEX ANDES. BOSK son of AHen Rose. Esa, The deceased was a member of the 6th Regt was at borne on rurlougn, sick of diarrhea; and died on the 5th March. ; ' ' " ' ' - ; At Bakers mills Rowan Couofy N. C on the Uth Inst Dr.. JAMES W. SHINN, a & Co. B, 4th Regt N. a Troops, in the 20th year of his agew -rV , :-! . . Dr. Ehionvduntoeied. as private, amonff tha first troops that left Rowan, aril spot. fession. He participated in all the hardships incident to, the war, nit. was often confined to the. hospital, owing to great feebleness of constitution. At the battle of seven pines, where aQ the superior officers of the company were wounded, he Jed the company most gallantly through the fight ; and on that and other . occasions was bonorably . mentioned for . rallant conduct.' After passinff safely through his hut batye at Sbarpsburg be was taken to the Hospital at Siehmond. About the first of January be worked his way home, lirterally stwra eat to die. V For a number of years, previous w nis oesin, ne was a con sistant member of the Methodist' Episcopal chnrcb. lira last words were " oweet Jesus, ccmc quickly, gloy I glory lr ' v e. CORN iND WHEAT TTAVING talsa Spaeiai Letters of Admia XX it ratio at the estates of Coroelina aud Eli EJIr, daecavd, I will sell at their late res- tdeaee, 9 milaaEast of SaliAry,a Tbersday the 2Glb of tha iuaUnt, the following property: 200 beahela ofporn, 50 bashala of Wheat, 9 head of Hogm," (aaat 2 Gmia Cradles, Farm lag Tools, aiM'maay othr thinn not neecasa ry tomeatioB) Terms mad kaowa nn day of sals. : r H. BAKRINOEK, i " f Hpecial Adm'r. arch 4,863. k Ict4 ATTENTION! v ALL PERSONS WITHIN the bound i of the 76th Regi mBtN.C. Militia brtirsoatos area i f id and 49 .years, Includ- lor all persnns Who hare fur- , Ulahsd substitetea, an alt per: soas elaifttar eaemptloa from aay eaasa whau aw, wB apptar la jftaliabary oa the 13th, 14th. lith and IStb April next, with ra tieas, for mad cat esamiaatiua and eamilmanL Cmnmisanaed Otfieareof each eompany in the Segifliestrwill see that alt psreoeaie thair ra speetiv diatrieta, batontiofto their eompaaies. r at SaSsbary fjeble t th obovs order. JNO. A.BiAD!HAW, Col Com. 76th RegV N.'C. M. March 23. 1863. - 2w44 (5 A REWAR D The aaaal reward of SOU Thirty Dollar wiU paid for the appra- baoaioa and confine me at ia tha Military ro sea at 8auabary( of prhrata J. F.Cator. Co.C, 49th K- C Rerjmat Said Castor is aboet six fast-high, Uit eaipiesia, lifht hair, bias yea, aad has a large sear atoas his face aad boar. He eeeapea faun the gaard na or about the 1st day of Marchf at Ramrltna' Croaxing , acar Fradericksburf. Fa., aad I think be is lurking about home, In the aeipibortiMd of Rowmaa ttre. ia KowaS eooniy. JOHN BEARfcOpt. Co. C, 59th N.C Regiment." March 23, 1863. - - tf44 SALE OF THE PROPERTY OF THE Yadkin Manufacturing Company ! AT th sit apon which lb Factory was baracd al MUUdgvilU, JV C, on Wedaeaday th 8th of April nest, aad to coalinoe from day to day, at which time aad ptae will be uld the fttllowing. articles, via t . GASSIMKRE. JEAISS. ... Vi, .V rli. uri.:.. rj v.-1 .waea serewa, uncnm, biwi nj -f w traet of Irffwd. Bichromate of Potash. Bee. waaXaW41lUwJ.tfop. Nail; Capper, aa. Blue iftone, nd -varioo other artielei too aenaroas to meatlou Airo, : BACON LARD SALT AND r CO RuV. Also 3 mal, aa 4 boras Wagon aad Har neaa, 1 a horse Wagon, 1 two horse Wagon, 1 Iwa Safe. 3 pe;r ptatSrfni Sealee. on pair of counter Scale and Wright, oa pair Gold Sealea, ea seit of Blacksmkb Tools, v with two 9 f'';w rroat sad Smoke Stack eomp4ei.oCyHBdef Boil ar. es Gaa ADoaratu eooipl! and ia good order, oa astt of Tinner fool, one Heoly's Caal Irae4siUll Irsa Bha(U'finaVaMandM..iahT'lo Cards, Ti mV1SWVk:- WatoWilcTiBy.f b'2 . t . m .... f ' . tam annd lKa Fore Puajpe, SMemeat for Washed, Uriwashf i iBd Colored . Li i I , u Gaa Pipe, thro and sii iaish east Jn Pipe WTOBfht iro Shafting, eaat iron Couplings, east fro.' wrought Iron aad Steel. j CONDITIONS CASH. '. "7" . . i- -f - Y.MAUNEY, Agat. Z. Maiidgtlill. N. Msreh 13, 1863. 2t44 OW FOR SALE. Os f th beat breed kUj I. L. Cl.l. IfyJt K !- . - ' ' 40 W. IL WTATT. -- Salt For Sale, : At $U pf r BiviJieL " ' " 1 By A. WATTS HOWEtTON gal-aary.Mah 23.1861. ' - tft4 "IXILL atsad 11 Sftnamf seioa at Leg. -t-Ltoyiasaa4aUwd. (iaxaav'a) fiasiiaoa Coeaty N, C. For beaaty. a aim try aad strength anescelloil, for fraes and docUitv la haraass aeqaahed, aad oae of the few wiih a dip Of ths old Medley blood. , fSOthe seaaoa 1 30 iamraaoa, Mares from a diataaee faraiah ad with esesllaat paster st bath plaeea, gratia. . w.iliioIt. f Lsxinftoa, March, 1863. i . . St.-pd44 : j ; Ileoelver'i Bala, ?i ?f WILL BE OFFERED AT FUBUC SALE the following tracts or paresis at aad. baking ins; to aliaa saasalas. aaw deeraed aad eoa- deraned by lb Confederate Court? to. he ass of If a Confederate Sutesaf America, at the m a '- i smm w an maw aaaivi Missay a aassis w aaa awtar nfbi aavis m Kowaa taaty, oootsia ing ahoet 62S aeras, the property of Cbsrles ) awan a . . I Hartasan, Jtsas Ilartmaa, Mary -Ana Iltrt snaa , Mas ad fiartmas aad three other Brvta. ers aad girt i aamed. Naaey Hartaaaa, and uainanue wimeim, (afiea eaamies) aa gives - AL9U. at the Sam time aad place, two traets aar Gold HiUeoatalaiag 144 acres, Uie propeny or, a. r. Stockton aa alien eaemy. At the Coart-hAaa la Lssloffton, pavidsoa Coaaty, oa .tba J5th day of April next, three traeia.1 eoaiaiaiB4aaeres,bakmglagto Alston uonmej on tract eonlainiDg 94 acres, batoag lag to the wife of Jos. Brows of ladiaaat aad eae other tract eoataininf 26 aeres, belonging to Sesaa Lvokabae l two tracts wall kaowa as the Coarad Gold Mines, will also be exposed to public sale together with a large, first-rat Engine, at the Mia oa the Uth April next At the Coart-hoaw ia WiiMto.. ForsrOt County, on Ih 17th day of April next oae tract eootaiuiiia; 126 acre, beloarjaf to J. WlFalp aa wife. - JOHN I. sHAvER. Reeivr. March 9tb, 1863. 4wt3 CT Charlotte fiallelia will insert oaa week daily,) Salvia Press 4 week, aud ad bill Watchman OfBe. SOUTH L'R.X FIELD $ FIRESIDE SUBSCRIPTIONS ADVANCED TO 4 PER TEAR. QWI? ofp WING to a farther advaace ia Ih price paper and the limit pat Upon oar sup ply, the Proprietor respectfully aanoaaee that from aadaftarth let of MARCH, tha onca oft be FI ELff AN D IFIREjSI DE will be ai follows: j ' ,. Forone year... ........ i.......... 4 For aix inoiiih.... ............ f3 """ No deductions made to club, and no ab cription receired for leas than six moniha Postmasters will be - allowed 20 per eeot. aa hereiofure. laereased xrtion will be need to make the paper attracti. The eharmiag story MTHE KANDOIJ'HS, OF BANDOLPH " HALL,"' --.r!""T7 will b completed in th 10th aansber. Back nember. eontaininr this interestine romaae, en be saplied. In the cam aamber will be cotumeuc-e INDIA U0BQkHr OR THE LOST WILL, Thi will ran through several aembsrs of the paper, and will be acc mi pained by oririnal Talea, Easaya aad Poems bv th best writers ia th country. As only a fixed supply of pa per eaa be had, the edition is limited, and those warning to avcure taw lavoW JaiUily mo wHld do well to Mibeeiih early. I makiflf rmUUnce b partMiulaf to state the Poet OmW County aad dtate, aad to aeod oo aical rhiapiastera. JT JAMKS liARDNER, 2 r43 ' Augeeia, J $30 REWARD. 1 HE above reward will b given for the de livery of H. W. Overoash, a nrivat of Com pany D, 34th N. C Troops, at th prison in Salisbury. Sid private having deaerted his Company on tb 2 1 t February, 1863. W.UJ.LUWKANCE, ' CoL34th N.CT. March Ifi, 1863. . .. . . 3wpd43 SPEOIAI. NOTICE. TPn7t&-imimmit4m- Wilmingtoa, where I occdd la enlarging my tck, I am uow prepared to sell Guuda cheaper tha a ahy other Jmmjs jU, .S liahn ryw4f youduuul Jmk lie've it, chII and aee be litre parchaijag ela- whrr. My stcek coaaista partly ia Keady Made Clothing, B4 andJSboe, .Moaruiog Prints; Gingham. DtaBeSr Drei Goods of alt kinds ; Red Cotton, Coata aad I Broaks Thread, at aumberS j Tobaeeov Cigara. Snuff, aad ia fact, nearly every, thing generally kept ia Dry Gdodeor Confectionary. Shire All I ak is a viait and examiu for voerarlvr. - , W. SMITH DEAL. Salisbury, March 16, 1863. ... 1143 , PLOWS A AGRICULTURAL :, IMPLEMENTS. - TWO horve, on hois and subsoil Plows, of perl J aieai, uiinnirnrw iiufn-piwrir, t'utter and I ofa SneHerSi lojreilier wtlB t l.rgU-wodWiroa work for Ploa-a. Ac. 7tn-lrtJettabtiihttiBt of Ffeteas &.&sa- dr for aala. .'...Apply to r FREhCKS, Mrcb4V'63r2m4 asaliabary t NC- JL UQIiSfE WANTED.' A good' strong Sore, that will' work kindly ia single harness and to the psw, ean be hired oft for twovor three month to careful haada, by applying at thi offie. , 0 ' MBAOS sugar SALE ON CONSIGNMENT, FOR AT M. BBOWMa -March,.lCth 1863. 2t43. . Dl'HOWIIHTON TENDERS haa profesrioaal sarviess talhe Ptisans af Sahebery. Offie at the Boy daa Uoaas. Mar 1. 18fi3-tf43 ' ky w W afe' . w ANA WAY r'J.4 THE tl'ZZZZl bsr sa it morakg uftba Tth Mreh, v HDTJTEX.jU, ; a yellow maa, aged aioat 3Syars,S ft lor 11 laches birh, aad weighs aboas UO poaad. tie had aa whan a left, a Kar,d-Jackl,vch ss is were by suUkra, a palof peats with a bUck atrip down lbs leg, a grey Csp, that ia.. patehd bhlnlf 11 may have other clothes . new. H is supposed I be larkvag ia ths neigh borhood of Cathay Rica's ar Cieara Foard's. He nuy be trying lepass kimaslf for are soy, t ia order to get back t the arayas 1 bad hks . wiia at wbji tnr. . .'.-, .ft I will give $23 for his aafiamat in asm JaH as that 1 eaa gel kias, esd $23 for proof & eoaviet asy ea or. aarttoriag tarn. m . m . . . P. 9. . BILL wear a larga-sst of whiakass. ssd " meestachsand a bahyaad f hhv :! Amu, n jtiM T.C: WAT80N . March IttbV 1863. j t43 'U.u r EierBtlre Departaert & Ctr- . Idjatast CaasraTs Offlsa, (XSitla.) ' f . . r v-v iBUxasaa March 3, W3;.' GENERAL OREER3. fHO,l,v...,?, fN ' ' GENERAL ORDEX NOlt earrent ssrissv Is hrby levoked, by aider aalev Vaaea x . J. & MAJSTIN. AdJ't GeaetaL ' March 16lh, 1863..3sn43 i,i mk a.. ; District Court if Abenarl. GENERAORDEB -A L RECEITEIW aader XL BeeaMtratioa Aets aiast file their seavasta la .4ha .CWrks Office of the Dfatriets waareia they rasis. oa or before th 10th May azt ; aad the day of holding the aest trms of the Uistnct Courts is breSy appoiatad forsttlaanta,-47 i f t u ' S. Th east Dtstriet Coon wiU be held aa follows I For Albemarle District at th Court House ia HaKfox ea the 20th Msy azt . F Pawfie Dtstriet at tb Coait Mouse hv Goldabora, oa th 4th Monday ia May aezt.C Wot Cap Fear District at w Court Hoaa la SaRsbary. aa the let Moaday ia Jan next.. Ordtred, Th at th Clark f tha) Court caaas puilieauoa of tb abov Garal Older to h , mad weekly for foar aobaeeativ weeks at tha Stat Joaraal, Fayetteviila Observer, Ashe-, Vin Nesre, CaroSaa Watchmen and Wianing-f son Joaraal, and that tbada'lw for each pabliea twa be seat to tb Marshal, to b paid as uagaas expaaeaoi wiavfonr. v j . - ' ABA DluUS JBUgS, SCO. A. true copy frees tha NeorV .t...-tr r ;, , l HvAaaif, Cfrk. stop the twiwur;- eaaaaaaas a i RAN A WAT Irons the subscriber aa th moralag of th 10th lastaaf , a' a- gro boy named ADAM..: Me bed ea whea.ke left, an -d white hat aad a sort of a banns twilled eoet, grayiah color pasta, aad good 1 shoes., i Adhm is 18 os 20 ysar ld. and. for-: nrly belonged to Dr. Bell, af WsshiagtBa.IL. tA WT persoa apprebeadlng said any aad Bvering hmr ta me, r eonfkuig hh ia soma I jail so that l.jsaa gt amvefteil a raaaooaNT I rewarded. .. . , PAVID KNUP. . ,; , 7 sniles West af Balisbary. N C. Maieb 16th. 1863. 3w43pd - ' ; A' SIX NEGRE8 $OR 1 , BY Order of Coart, will be sold at the tear! Hooae in Moeksvill, oa-tha 1st day of ApruV- LI863. IX SLAVED, generally, young andf liketvT of lbs estate of tb lat Elisabeth M. Pearaoa; for the purposS of division. Ul '1 ' Terms, six months credit with interest. ': ' JNO. M. CLKMN T 'v 3t3 Comsiiesloner. TOWN TAXES. , ALL persons residing in th Town of Saus bary. or owning property therein-, oa the first dav ef February, ar hereby, notified to make returas of theia taxable property to-th Town Clerk during this month af March- ' -Resident of th Towa are asquirodio giv ia tb number and location af theilJots, sam ber of taxable polls, white, slave aad free ne groes oa their Iota, or 'a thair emplay ; vala of gold Sad eihrer plat aad watebe f piaaM aad earriasast ameaat ef toads, Ware and sasr- chaadie. of aay :deripeioBr brought iatft tha- TowsT for sale number of dogs wnT or aa their kl, aad all other taxable item aa speea fiedin theTown Chartvnt ; Cmroierion Merebaata aad Traasieat Tra ders am required to return aad pay oa .aasoant of merchandise pyfdelptkMi broagat , to Town for rale. . fv i ; Person faiRag to make their return by th i last day f March will b Sable to doabi taa, ' RetarsS received at the- affia of ike C.hwk ' at tba Court Ho, daring this month. V . THUS. Ne?iJblXuirx. Salisbury, March 2. IBP M 2 Borax . Exi- Logwood Alum, ' ' Chromi Gf$ef'- Sofa ' " rd& YeUw, " Copperas Lap Blaik, -j 7a i" - Bl US Ston, 7Zrrz I AUpicty Cream Tartar M CinMrnton. -'-- TogethaiLwiLh a general asorteni, of Dragv j Mraicinea, Dye. Ac, at reasoaabl prieea . - W. H. WYATT. Salisbury, March 16. ' Mi3 '' Coicord Classical tnd SdestiSe - School, ,v'-V"-.. - coNCOKD, if-a; S. FRONTIS, J, Pnctx.( '- ibr particular eaUraw Ae PrimetpaL BLANK DEEDS r ijoksjJJSAT7uisdrrtc&. ! - r

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