LJ -Li .;-...'.'. VOL. XX'. . r: .;; , S ALISIJU RY; NV C;, MARCH 30, 1 8653: : v NUMHEH 45. . '. 1 1 , i J. J BRUNER, iolroa saw rioniiTOi. uatlM IUtiahattoi-k, accoont aioot tc, wImo Iba ttrdxt M given for ar , mm W fall lark (araia g otilivvly -4a tba-ijjbtaud-4af 8omuf oof m ia drsikc4 ehwxvd!; ovr, llm'nca and wrtlia4 ritJiU prMotHrra. ,,1ia Ymiiiwra pourvd a trrrnrndoiift fire iulo our Him, ao wild wera lli!r noU Ihat n4 a limn uf oara waa killed in the cbargi iltf ndcla paiig or-4haif- bi J. TW-chtyi m trfiutal kwaii aaxt lliird time, I -wbt tit efMj id rn grrnt dwordiTr All oeoaata " agtwa tbit tha .eiiemj'a rvtreat wa a wrfct toatVind Jniiiir, , . Oar bnut ia kvtW fra m waa Itrat n- portd. U t Mid that oor M Iom la ahutlatliaJiandJanitannBuLJifarT-fcw inded are aeria)jr injunsd mIW uaniUr, U fa said iban-wrre erW-knowar out of so ruaii. ; Amtniif ihott niorull" .woaudtid wo Wr waa Mr. Cuuniogliaiu, wf Prinoa Edward couolr. i: " 8a Jar aa we ba board of oor riuual tie there-were bot few killed. The only coaipany from 'wbttb we harr a comphH uf eaaaaldvi rif tbi'IIanoverTwwpr io which J. IL Ilnrrtis of iWver Dam, Kaadt'er eouatr, waa killed, wid Gilma, -XjrdNft llwa, tfavek iNird. Kimbroeifli ad two . feainea not gifeo era of tbia fertDpanr jrarf oiadd pHoir Lul ioor tbeiq .ntaaagod lo abaraeiitlr; racae hy tbat on beinir made pnoner tbej wre j.laot-d to an ambul0A to lx token lo Aqiita vnwk, but bufore 4h uad procWd d far the ambulance broke down. Not abb to ircair the accident, lb driver left them lor $ roomeat to aaminon luaiuanc, ! when loujr bnbajn d in the hand, Rre him tlie altfr iivbii abrt kt, and vleding their tijilanc-, aic oaeded In making their eacape to lhia aide by wimtniag the riven. The dtbrra were two badly injared to vail tberoaeirca of tbetbaooi of eape. ?--s-r v .' Among U aanieawf oar killed are a ilr. Fowler, of CanibeHand, niid Wm. J. Tnce knd H. S, DandrMge, both of Qouvb rand twuntj. Tne biM or the YanJswa 1 thought to bare been bavr -A 4rt who aawwled ia bairjring their dead savVthat ne nlone bari4 inj bodi, and iKat-the gnniod wathkkly trwn wkW ibdea.L T1i Iom of priaonefn xm ttotbvidea wna ab.mt e)ualw juieg about thirty and takwabot the tame aybeA?4 r : Tln eneroT waa nitdonbUdl rooted badtf ali accouoU aar ':iti -It-be- Ueved that too Yankee fell back in such figbt beaBo the thought that reinforce tnnta were coming up to our aide. fW jheir. tbat there waa a da or two ago, near rnroeilarille, between u of oar inen and fifteen of the eneinr. ' Oar men were Tiarricaded la liotrse. bat the Yan- keei,'aflt-r a running fire on both sides, nrougiit p a . fHiiforcritirnt; of two nun dred iwi, burnt the house, and caWured the part.y Tie boute U4onged to Mr. .Oar men, while oat ott this acoat. learn d thai Milroy wss insking fwqueiit in- Bbr4irribtsftvtrouu and .Xntfelnnwajr, errr vj hgoqJ ld,Ofci"ttm2aiid tiiicatinz evorf ' uutge tjKtn Ihe yeoj 1e, mtwdJZtmniiur, There m no attempt after -alj to take Newbern. GenVlIUJ has retind WU bis ps. , Hi! objecT arav a suppose, to drire in tbe enemy and bring ou; supplies f corn and baoon. We learn tbat a good. 1 quantity f tbe " staff of life" waa ee red. . U waa much needed. ' . ' , Standard, 'A aerrant to Bald win Coontj, Ga, baa Jabrf sold 1230 wortjk f brooms, from bmooi corn grown antoadinp !j him HtfbUittarraJaof leiwm ' . M A .- ID i Few upm wit attract mora attention ; than the m iropre-mnl till t reported i y" 1 from tlm Congressional Committee of Coa I ! atlftdf tL M2maW Jtw fvt.fjv. f VaWa li I -ew-j , wm, i wa wf -vmfiw 'W- WU 4j wuv crraloij piwi4vnibU nwu2Uirt down from tl nnta-104rt,. v tTu-.;L.- t t.u tM ,l. I r dlro. you know. Un military pot- .V.flu.r anma l.arfUiUra nlk Ulaffr!it .ML.mj.ar. f.i .1 L. .LLk k..lFrom WIT boUJ Window J CVlboaU Imt l-oliciila t ?i v fir.. .f-f, ? -rlHl tihit, th )at arism of pfir.it . TJia u aero on .Hi ' PKuinny wiihout ' jwt . coni i4-tTMlioo art mrc Ltni v iijga wm iha iiiore uuo (nwrwi jowr vy uta ootov-uoium m jm Cvmmimtrf IVtwrtilirnt f i wilt ftfmiVa with f nsnl aj4H( ih kofli ' .Tlnf jlmi ,era Ibat Korthrvp wa reaJj lo r"ijIwj duxtf' fcr war tu-n wiu wuh Ui mIitvv- 4 jmw4 lunsa i- JWi if anta Imhi Id rovvivil puated in " grteai atrviiglhtMfiiitid ! ipsaa robbwi-rt, nd to aliooC, ainh, nod kill ib iawlw owacrs pf tb property wbo ar wiHHnr aUBd aaJ drirrr.at bM btddiofr--From t batoaa ord.-ri to ClaiboriHi, it woald f vea actm m if lia waa aonif what diroa that (b owner would 'try tooi'tMia Ibeir IrrHinmU to lit ilia ! i. a . irumsue iiree. M mat jf Itiijfhl tmpror Ilia opfiortanitj lj tftVing awajr tlwir livra a arell-aa Uii( roirty. .. WluL lLe& ia wnntinw to oaalifr tba tt imrrrin -MKmplT -'tti Tfora x4 'IJitt.llntrdrlSint "bf w, Immiiu aad divinrf ; , . . That tbJ Lid lb tfroitrt7 to appear to ttM Uwrl hy Uavtr ooanaH and attittit to (Mend wuta aliicli hav no ubiioit ex kilUL wounded ad jnii MiUAei J cflroi MiWrbir roc, t Hut. Uio lat CMrd oaa buadrwd and twetitir. mi KvnrHtu knm i ilirir twitduct. Manr oar woaaded are bat alixkily injured , odiiiiina vt Miiundc twaddlr. oTHd to NJiikou lw aoaitmpc lo justly Uieir rullrte uf lit poupks, he bea jateljr nintex1r7"lJcau"rid oiie ndecend to etradicl the reaonTng of Robert Macaire khen n-jirtifed wuhuUt the Wit which once rendered' tlivro famous in tbe criminaJ eoart and on the etage,' bar 4ie roalty perMiaded Uiemsefotf . that the bare changed the belief of mankind in the dis tinction Let ween tamai. and faaot ';' and eonaeqaentl bopod to eradicate llio ilea of proiwriy from tbe mind of the Judjre, foe wrM ia lXinrt;,tJilars which are made to regulate it f Jf tiejFdid aoTand resisted tbe alon of Isaacs witli the bu)Mt of uceea, their a V4d and ingeniotis. ntanoorr It aipears delusiwti lasled not longer than Testerdaj. Tbe JndtM whom ther addreed. decided against them on every point, in terms tW (ireiptory to admit of the leakt doiibt, nod rebakod their conduct with severity all the joore withering, because ine para ble fnm the rights inter pretaioo of tlie Jbji. f Their Jat acU bare beetr" clearly wkbout colour of josh aothwity; they were boih tllegal nd immoral. Whether the individuals who .c-nlnniitled those Crimea, and those who iuciled and con spired their comiiiidfuii, will ever be iun- ished for them, is nncertain. Hut le us it M not nuceMam tbat they will suon be depriied of power to renew these injuries to the Confederate Gorvrnfnent, to the SuuUiefn jieopie, and to the Southern cause. The Imrewiiirttt Hill now bcAVe the Sen ate is the law which wirt aatrtfy the con- science and tne nnderatauding of tbe coun try, if it jiecouies a law, and the commis saries are notilled Im observe and obey its p6viHms,tli jut complaint of the eo.Ie will cease, and the difficulty of fiuding food for tbe arm wilinever agsin. frighten and punie the , nation repeat on sinoere coonctioo that tue-soarvit and bigb price of provisions is caused by the IoIIt and ttttjuiude of the system of illegal impressments pursued by the Commissary Department.' The land contains an abun daitce of irtea arid corn tut no more of It is brought lo tbe market or exposed for sale anywhere,' beoanae the owners of it are not and cannot be willing to surrender nieni fcf Tessmoiey r tusn ihey have cost. Unnce there Is ftnJioc lu be midi of plen ty.i. When, the people are satified that the will not be forced to part with their property without jukt compensation, deter mined bf fair assMdent'f sicinsce, as the wuT be when the hill we print lo dsy and tbe'whole Goveriiiuent, will be aVn isbed to6udli6wmuch oT those troubles bnew bees of our own cieattoir.: : " "'ZT" Jtkimond Examiner. - - ' 11 j mm'i '. i ' " . LAnLUn. ilarsball, residing near WauVsboro'bss fireniS bushels of meal lor distribution among tbe families of soldiers. John S. Little of Anson has grten a bice quao tit and sells corn at $1 sod neat at 20 cents to tbe families of soldiers in his neighborhood. James Dun of tbe same count has 150 bush els of corn to sell to soldiers' families at $ L Ia 8miih's beat, in Anson, there ia not a man who win cbargo the wile of a soldier more than $1 Jot com. WeB dona, Anson I -. -V uyA:.- Hi ..Gkssreer. - now.'eoba Bell, of Tennessee, Is vu3 i rVage NaidlQg la Soom, Ga, . :r".l'" TA Army and thi Cktrabindi . IFAa wiW. ilf'TW with der amt, jtrmy Mp4'iee and amuuniiiwn. aoidl':r ' barracka, aad Iwt, and must re voking of them U. thlfreedfOeBa qoar ten. " If I did ever kaeW doabt about the policy of tU abolition of lJweyf ha inanity judders t Um awful e4 Jitioa of l)w ne groea beresad justiee is Miirsgtd . by the siiaiozIIem awaj MM taesr kwvsv Thy arevboddled toftfrther?- JTery JosjL idaeea, stlteriiig aad dying froaraposnrw: and disease.- ".The ai dying at the i rate ofaboat a doteo a dar. : Small 'poi ia-ew ff prevatenU -. j 1 ... They wiU wot work They are freemen and llnrir ida of liUrty b freedom fnoto twk.-1 saw, tbia anoraing captain loatM ing grain, fur tbe) am dowej the river. He bad a gang of fifty, aad the would not work. A half a scors of IrUhmen would herform more Ubnrthan all tliem. ITiey all want to go botne, and, if the Go vernment would alio tt they wouUI all KObacfc." We have 6ken upon ourselves a- eontract-t U' lef feed, -rlotbeand bory foor millions negmes; - That m the plaia statement of facts. ' .: Our armf atiuut wkburff i in a meutaUe omilition more than a third are sick. Thee are camiMMl ia the lowland. The Misiippi is nowriiii.aj4 if it oihi tinue to rie tlw camps will besubmerged.' Xo boat comes frons beiew without lring iriginoif le here wit bont-tb Temams of wiore- of less jrallant aokJIers. The wsr is a dreadful reality here. The soldier. 0d bless t hem, are resolatw'and bopefuli -ready to fight M and if heed le, die U tlie old Constitution, but not for the negro TOr TWEtVIPPODNDERN APO- 1 . LEON GUN. This cun, rotroacea by tlie French Em- paror WerVioVi: liglUr than the' for mer twel ve pounder, and tliu capable of j bMing luauceuvreu by six norm on tne fields It bas a smaller - clurge ott P0" der -than -i he 4d twelve pouuder, and is employed to project either sliol' or shell; bence called hj the French, " Guu Jow Hier ' , Tbe : Napoleon guns, by order of the Ordnance Bureau, are to supersede all oth er smooth bore jiejd artillery in the Con federate -aerviee, wbicb - latier will - b ao- oordingly gradully withdrawn, llieseguns are now being manufactured ra.Kiiy at tbe government foundry and machine works, in this city, which will soon be able to cast and complete one every twenty four hours. v' s ; - ' Eiperimeots are now being made, un der the direction of Col. Earn, on the new Anslrian gun metal, which, i a combina tion of bronae, tino, and wrought iron, and some gun have already been made for trial. . The metal is ereedingly tougli, bard, and elawtio. n It is designed to-make. the government work at Augusta, a great Arsenal of con-, structkm, " whmmunitton. field and seige" artilery, - projectile, snd. wdnance tore, in geottsl. J?3Llenia JitjEK qusutitiev fufiba ,iia4tihe ajrm,J: The powder worka are daily increasing io- capacity j when -finished will be- the largest works of the kind, existing They are now auperior to any kiu n, possessing all the improvements tba'j' experience iii- jested, many of wbicb' arelu'e.to CofoiMsl tains, who baa epnsideray furthered the proceos of rosnufact uing powder, the nal U. uf which ia fully eoualioUia beAtsUnd nrd of Europan and Federal works, prov ed . by testa .made here, with the' ballislic and gun pendulum. ' The, prodoctious of these works, have already exceeded the en tire cost, and saved the gtfvernment nearly UlTOiunJnsoi jon-fi. ' -it- j.ii' ; raaVrt i:erfii. . liend wriiing from Colcrarn, Bertie, uuder djiullaroh.. MTMysT ran in near the land and fired sey era! times; three of the shot or shell fIl in and about tbe eillaga. Besides giring.mucb aneast aesa to the ciliaens, tbey destroyed soma 10,000 .--to.' 18,000 worth of. property fishing apparatus belocging to J. ILEth eridge. ,;Th"is shows tha want .of protoc tioa ia time, and the loll T of inadequate protection at any time. ' Wa are bolnless, and at the mercy of all partia.,, , r h W staled that aa iniarrecvloa bsa bro kea out ia IloBgsrr ewaspoadlng with that ia rolaod. MOST dioaled ia the iaue of. tbe 11th, the lead ' . ing articJa of which we give a summary pf esterdsy, are to be, accounted for by the lively ajjrehenKn that has sriard ap OH the commrrcial metropuli of Uni ted State, that tbw eitd of tlej war, w Kb tbe sckooeUlgvment of the lndepenice of the Confedrraie. State,' would be err' tainly follewrd bf the seeewiioB' of thf Northwestern jState. whidi, sinoe tW loss the South, are rooked to aa the theyt remaining hope and nojKntof the eyin inervml and inannfacturing Statra of ibv JSart. With tbe South irrevocably gune, and the Northwest liaising by a jkair.tU renuuHinf States Umk to tie close, of Imm tilitrea aa tbe day of doom to them. ; flece 'WHAT Tnk YANKEES .': ",'"' DREAD, s- ' JotiriJoUtotttL, wtiu fewjouathailyMOided,i was iu favor of letting the wayward sisters wm U (Ueoe of Utia the w.v.anl kl4'W lMt7:le go in eee," finding now that they are aot likely lo go alone,' proclaim himself V HTVT U HUICIHAIH Mini VIIITITIIHIIM WMIf and the Herald, which then applauded the iHjsition of ' Vaa.Buren,'and has boeri' ajl along very milk and waterifb, now raves aa madly as the craziest of them all abut rtni-hlug tha jvbellioo. 1. U does, uul cun ceal the reason It : "We mu I'Ut down rebellion r force of arms, or it wiU tear tu covaf rv to ptteet. "ileuoe it is that we feel called uian by every consid eralion cf law, order aud the puUie infety to dMouiK lb Northern copperhead (teace-mongers of the day as public ene HMes. When such leckles, bigutted, bar Towstgbted andj-birawliog- demngognes as ValkadigUmnd Peberton, of Ohio, Ben Wood, Boby Jkooks ana their con federal e,bejrm resMlance to Irreaideut laucoln, and. tbe doctrine of sabmhMtptO Jeff Davis, it ia due to the community lliat the .tendency of tlieir absurd aid dauuerous inotructions abontd be expoMrd." ": Tbis is the ezact bisue the suppression of the rebellion by force of arms, or endless confusion and ruin front ct U war in the North, universal chaos aud mob' law." AH ' Una means that the Herald has discuvejedlhat to stop fighting 1 to sever the lait ligament that holds the) Nurtb western 8latef aud, sub their with drawal, the last fountain that feed the coujniercial maw of New York, the last prop that sUHtaius. the Yanki-e Stales, will be gone. It therefuro calls upon Lincoin to enforce tbe coineriptiou act,, hints, at thetdflty of arresting V'allandigham, and appeal lathe pride of the people' of the Northwest,' by telling them llmt their prof fered sympathies and proposals of peace are received at the South "with unaffected contempt and digutw-r-thal for all their plana of paoilicatiuu and alliance, "the r spousibhr ami ruliug chiefs of the rclmlioii have no other answer . than that of scorn anj couteinpi.w This language expoeca clearly enough what it is the Herald dreads, via ; the growth of the Peace party iu tbe Northwest, till the Yankee Stales are left alone, not only for the war, but forever. It 10kevry plain Id us, too, th jollicy we should pursue. What the" Yankee Slate roost dread is exactly what we should most of nl! deire and encoorage. -1W-war-i now waged more wjiu the-view of-holding on to the North Wevternf Stale than with imjLJmpa vfjnnid back the South.--i bite lh is their- polieyi it - i ours so to wage the war as to-promote Uie detach ment ot lliose SUtt8for7;witrr llieir'de TuUious from the Yankee Government the war i at ail end -and "the best Govern ment the world ever saw" will sink into such iinpotency . as never again to'give us trouble. iVicAon(flFAv. .r - La. iJry-y. - A Uftrtnnate JdarriaffeWf find tlie following in a recent ncmber of the Port Uelson(La.) News: v: A paragraph .appeared in our last a per staling that Mr. Harrns i.f Skipwith's iaaullgt UBU' llinrrrcu un wqw-.yi waae havwitfromona who kBawAThi lady was for a long lime a reident'of the paru.h of Pojnte ;OjJpwtie-ftlytJli. KV Musabemga largw sugar planter on ibe.Uayou Fordoche. Iler marringe with tb .Yankee officer waa, somewhat roman Jic It seems thai whiie. the Federals were stationed at her bouse at Skipwith's landing, a difital'.y occurred among them and bear ing the disturbance Mrs. H. went, out to sea what was the matter. In the melee,' one of tha mnskets. went off and the ball paaaed through tha lady'a arm, wounding her aeverely. As ao physiciaa was to bo found ia the neighborhood, Mrs. Ilirris was takea on board one of the gunboats (or UastmenU There aba met Capt- Sullivaa wbord aha alWwarda married. liar mat riiwaiiai. Wis, bowetsr, waa aot of long duration. ' it eavrn reluM-d U smile .apoa , of dUcordant elements, ' In : n'h a union Im Ugh! wilb tba'-Qtieeo.w the Captain,' vnA imam nliaM . I r , - another Yankee, -i''"' ; '"' 1 V THE YANKEES ATACKSONntLB.' , na leam from Jacksonville .that lbe I anket r. black . - aad it f e i-w- '-vsiw nsroona vax. .r ------ iiuu piece aeep very close to Utr oar- ti: V tela sine their recent .drnbbiog if , Gefl,V ' ' ' ' V Vgaaa ooya. .Tbey w seldom show 1 pf the. ipwjj.. la. WW understand that JJjer, are abantV. i i -fifteen bnndred gTo :roopaiA ofiVers at place, j These Ametajaa j cilien AiMcattrfesceat1! wntaeBtdow.a' a . - . ..... i iroin Bri iwjau aeq , report (bat. other -if weie soon to Miow.tbein. , It Uf .beew recent fitrht tKatrc i anet wt n(teea.aegroea aad one whita-1 officer dead on the field, bnt sneceeded iwr .... F t: I L mm. - " m eanying off their irouwled, ,;: Very kM me ciuxens.rpmata d tb place,' whicii HtJ represented to Jiava become a perfect msl ; ; gro den. .Provtsmna are ry scaroe. Tha ..' while and aegroea Rtcl mingle. and the -Y.!f flSoew-Vt i!mr ly imnmraiaod,, dissipated.. Atall hour.vof the day sprue . of them may ,be seen reeling drunk jnlUW st reeta. It is not; probable that they wil) . be allowed to remain in possession of Jaek- i soiiville very long-carliinlr tbewUI Bp4 b permiUed to penetraia, the interior,- ' ' lMPfiESS3iS?i Worargrit General Cooper baa issued ihil following ' ' .Grde' on the anbject ofimprwrnenu : j-Ju . , (In consequence.' of JiameroualappHea te . -tiona made by various persons ta the- Waf .1-' f pepartment, it ia obvious that some mia-; conoeptioa ia regard to Jha Iwtfnctionf f si the toecreUry of War in relation to tha W impressintnt of supplies mnbt eiist oa the i tbw gover aweaV bare violated', their 1bVnv i strnctioni t now, therefore, fee t ha nw, , V of removing such miscoiiceptionramj a prevent anj y Wstk)0 frloaa instrnctioawt- it UJierebordeid-Vr -.' - - --t. L Tltn6 . officer of tha tfovernmeD, - shall, under any circumstances whaUver, . ' impreH uie supplies wnicn a party pas ror -its ow eoDumptidn or that of his familv. " eroplorees or slaves. . . .V' . V - '", ,'" .,'J"'- llTThat no: officer lalL al Cm:-- wakwa apeeiallwertBg'l'Voi b'fc7 " r General commanding, in a case'ofexigeiK".; ; ! cy, impress -supphe which art their' way to market for sale on arrival f , t UL These orders were included (nth instrueUoni loriginally issued in. relation to inipressment by he Secretary of War, and. T the officers exercuing soch aotboritv are V again notified iha ny c acting with- ' out. or beyond the autboritJ gives m the iniiructtonV will be lieH.MrTctlrfre- '?t iUijefwIJr'OrdMgnA . 20, 1863. ' T ;.V'j.-,v-i.;i - Prioh Jmmiia.---The ; Yankaai-ti , , r' '.-.V .t- wVV:. rfJ"if.L-."--rl"'- ?f-Sf 1": Webster, the murderer of Capt Simpeaa- . a Confederate officer is, berood doubt, ohe of the ftioKl blackhearted and at the same , time smiling and plausible villains of tbe many who have entered Castle :TbuBdfr: yei. Watched veriJoadyLaUgaard:-.-he amuses and startles him at times fcjr . - removing his irons before his rery evestl , and without any phytical efforts With aj ; small ordinary, anchor pioeof wood, with out design 'or shape, be unlocks bis hand cuff and leg irons, with' teQ times motw j dispatch and dexterity thao ;dwea Jack Sue)pefd in the Tp!ay.v No irpna about tha prisoo .can be kept apoa him if he chose ; ; to remove them. He is sometimes gener- . ous, and keeps them on M jost to aceotar ' ruodata the felkn.aa ha aays, i-. v'--.-" Conscious of his skill, or slighVmf band. : hnk prvf-Jeia bttjela uf,lyeuidtjfeta5 uNd 'dollars that WtrlraatrfrOttaflf put upon bita which a .cannot remove.- -i Awl ha has made hm every assertion good m numerous lruunce. aever ftiirnar oucse. W'ebsier is uuder arrest awaiting trial for. his'Sfe. ' ' '... K:"''"'-'. '"- -v-'-'-r": -ii-u:-- i- . mrfvaZ It will be seen, by lb - . . remarks of Mr.'Baldwin. wbicb we publish : to-day, tba j officers of the governmeat have so 'authority of law for impiess ing private property. Tbe Attorney Gen eral of the Confederate States has so de clared. Congress bat passed pm law.oa tha snMect; and that body has ce right under tha CoostHatioa' to anthoriie the impr&sraeot of priTata property without makiriff "iaat eompnaatwa'a the owa- arfascraV . ; : :;rv' : - 0JT

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