J i i i i i J i . V. J --'- r VOL. XX. S ALISBU 11 Y, , N. C;, APRIL 13, 1863. iS'.UM Btli 47. '- -f - Mr" 1 , 4- J J. DRUNER, soiroa and raoratjcroa. Caftf Xur freaerktsbarg. VeV ) ' . , April 1st. 18fiJ , ( " ejt SUtbvrf Behind limf-ltatyfk Srwu- . aoies X7i fef ftaAinend . Camp " . a Concert mndjhtt in Salidwy ' Jor rd 7insufl 7!lii)HK . BTiy euhi'f 4 iHrprttf tnded milk wghf$ ; uumklVht aveAt ' to . 7um a , . SekotiichJenim mgin. .... - T. jt fjnfa iatwwif fgpjf traders to knew awn- thing about tmr trip frorii home jo litis place, ad about this I shafl IwrltoTjIlxai'Xtbougu Z tar many other thine about which I nwst - aey eomethmg aa eooa asWopportuoaj prr the 24th ultimo, tb wbo" 4th N.- Ct Band, 'with the exception of Chatte fl-" who 'nmeored an extension of ten d vs. irot aboard K, train oausuury ububu tor uaieiga. - w e 'alow march tune," and, aa was ex- , tea behind and - tanned connexion" , at tbf lacfL the Weldon train bavinff Ml an boor before wt drove up on, Wednesday. tfbea we fowl tltat titer wa no beta, for It. we gely concluded to "Jio over", nil el-i "Tf? that 6 igbfracccrdibfly We jump ed aboard aa outnibu, and at bait past efov- ;, A..V1., akgh fed at tllKxcbatige. a fourth ef aasiie bum the depot, aod for the ride, don t rea think the eised wuUtloJ bad the au da ily M charge each of n on doikr ; tut u so lo frowT atxwt , ao xltc txtl w-g could do waa to pay tut yrlMW CHMV-tr.ank our atars it waa no wvrae, and ulrruiina to walk - baefc - that -2ht That eednotn wr wa. We a right g ood dinner reasonable rrKMih, aiid the aflerooon every fcllo nwut -otordwff-tabiawiL tlr en the wronfr aide, other not aUoeibr ,mt eo bad. Jf'or ray part, I tlesire to aee the -atmnmvthe wonderful and the beautiluL in duced me to Wsil, CrL the Lniuttio Atyluni. I tlen the loatitution for the dt-af and dumb - mi bhBd, aod laally. Uie Caniu4. I'm netao ore llat lt Fisher tbHigtit that I was jro- anir to take Mring m the Jirst, bat S ffitww I -dtdo't tbouh-ny way, 1 eduatdrr niyaetf - VKbnr paw tor any anemooti a tronbhs, UK in aha iiri ure wilt bare eotoethinf to eay aoovt -b. At Wfl : jrreeinent, tUe.fianJ niet at Uef, Hxcliange and becan tUinr. Before we ckiaetl llie eeeond piece tlie aide -waUta, yard, eardena. imed with in appreciative audmnce. Not -fUn and bbb r- mou aod wcunen. oof while, nor black, nor nian, nor beaat what in the name of common amae were thrr.thttn? you ak--cros between wio- cre aioaod ad, oer " colored breth- tremea of color and intelkci Rakigk Semi naiea, OTg What will courey tle idea better, ifoayrWiHa hort, reod reader Uula'Ax oo(a " brack nigger waa to be teen axnonjr them alt, and if I abeuld ay five hundred 1 Mttbk f-ajtireaaid peoiea, were congre 1 fated, don't think I woaW " nrtcb the bknket t What a alamining eneauiium on our Capitol and the rulturva who flack there I Neertbcle, I speak truly; teialvayi nfc . ' motet a wt jvmriuf tknugk tku Howling wit deraeM, aefking not " Whooj we mougtit kill aootebody,M bul aoatething to write about Bincel hare protniaed to keep the readers of y the Watchman and the Ex pre posted in (jnattrrf ' of peneral ktireat, why I Mail do rnv y la the best of uf Ability, ao king at 1 am fa eorvd with oppeitHuiliea to i nwl Iny h'ttera. j know : thai naay of my frivod. have never . oeo tlie Capitol oT our Sute. I meat) the towo around tha cahitol buOdina. fit w well ; 'worth a trip) and no doubt many wouM like- to vuut the place ; not in me capacity ot ie- ialftors," tenatori, Overoora, or even edit- of then wire, but merely a aoeud einit, rW 7 onefcT curio aity aake, Now, uke a araeior nenni aavice, ana a you ever uo j .ow 0cn a ooi nouon to uk wesewion oi you, don't Cat to provide yourselve with an abundance of" torch pine, it is plenty round ; there, as vl ij;hl up ' when you enter ; if you . .don't, yoii , will thmle a perpetual twiliglit -irfgn jtejt&JX'; fbe . -WlaM everlaatiug ewBpseor gmethlng of the orV all the affect of 16 many copper-oolore! descendants of r PKhahon(a4 tiling 1 aboutlA part f rhm 'ehese, there are,' doubtless; many pare Anglo &uons resident in tin) town, but, uhfurtu-' ytr aojournnig m their nndst It i true, a t tft tQ er Jnifne.wldte'brbiJ'5l anOT wiUiio ght. of tl out- j atcirta of the feor r4arouod us, Dnl tn as isne.1,w.n arf)ig rang,.- ptp at the elephant ao 'did we at the close of .the third piecA At upper, took a nap, (very much needed too) and at midnight found our- ' Setvea ennifarlshle Seated in tha buli' mull --and whiiliKg en toward Weldoa.rAt eight , . o'clock, Thursday morning, wa arrived in W -took breakfast off an empty uble, and plate filled with, tb same stuff Half hoor'i rest, and we. wer again rulGng on for RwhmoAd, where w arrived at sunset th ,ena trening. . Ran tb blockade of gaanls, put up at th 8potawood, got trans- - portatioa nod passport, and aAcr ail, found anelv aeated ia tba theatre before the perfoemaoow begaa. I am aorry that I didn' . bajr aa opera gteaa, for the lack of oo I cer i A, v, - - - fMinTjr wik-d jba crram, at any rt a tail, lank, Imlf witted, bushy beaded Confederate officer sitting in front of me. eremed biirbly amused witli, one., Wonder whit, bo saw! w iitrii iirr-imiir iiirniif n 11 r i iml inra n was .i l i. " i . . : "... then it was it. becaiiw he invariatlv nut tha wrong end vw - w im avn-va t liiBj liBiTU w ywwMM lo hi eyre. I tlnuk I aliall 'get a pair of coucK-a-iHui onxrf , ur sptne piece rl tingui (erieg, and use them with result equally t- iHioctury tn next tune I viait the tbeatre in Uichmond. Uowever. an ear trumpet would be much luorer afulrui jmnbling, and - J a ... r uiion in aom er the actor and actrease, aosonitely insuurmble. The ahow clost-d at aiidoiguL we retnrned fb our Quarters, alent, ad earl oo J'riday luonuoe w wcrerou e4 to take die train wr JredenckjUonr. - The morn wa cooland froatf. but Hie Urk crowd tun Vflard kept onr bodlel comlvrUbly warm. At Ami land, aeventem miles from Uichraond, w tonue!L-jid cot hot breakfast, bolted down, ;lii on ajraio,- ,A U ju'tlotk. A. we were lauded about a mile and a half from oarap, walked out, and on. our arrival were greeted with about Irwa the old 4th, that utade tuevWeHuttnnfc...-..,.4--;:. L And now we are in camo once more, ritrht ffutd or it too. WetinU it the BMieaa ofold. t no umeisaneiu urnuiit eiiara mouminir, dres parade, tryhiir experiment in cookiniL ainjrinii. Ulling yarns, Aa, and it paea rp idly.. ( Ani aotnetiioea bothered considerably to determine wlicther I have in fact been at home, or 'whctlier il i all a dream. . But it moM be f mtt b curdy been umewbere if not at home, why cloee abont there. We have disl inct rccolK-.:liots of cuticw I ld serenade in Suteeville, and also of tbo con cert and ball in Suhabury; aod frequently 1 .1 I - I Ml peK aim ureaiu aixuii uvm. ( i ney con&u lute tlx soureeof tli uioft nlrasant recollec- thw, which will wely acouaikny Wto; our yrava. iSiit 1 anoula aetata, one page, at least, to the fpreo to haltbury--Ht nuhly deserves nolioe. And, before I forget it, or have not room, allow me, in beltall of the Band, to ivturn our warmest thank for the eftorts made by frienda, btth known and un- known, to eouuibuie to our bappinesa and pleasure It auemea; though tliey could not do enourii for nr-tley spared neither pants nor expense. Indivtduaily," they made lions of us; couectively, a berd of them. This was too much flultery. and certsiuly mora than we deserve. But, ay Julia, don t yow thiuk tiiere waa one bear in out. crowd 7 - " 0 yes, that party, 1 mwt close What I've bepm whiljjrcniu low,- And pnmwpt within to-write.1.-..-- W were much pleased to see so Wtr! an au- dienue of routh and beaut v. and middle are. assembled in Murphy Hall on Monday night the 23rd ult to listen to a specimen of the inime wn have in llie 4th X. G 8. T We ar no doubt, a tmrd looking set of custom ers, (who would not be after a two years life in the woods) but music baa a Wonderful ef fect in smoothing down a rough exterior- are hope itaid a Jbriis,- Te concert wa put througJi In a cJ-eliUWe style, each player performed His part admirably, and the audi ence, I presume, was tntefied with oor ub time music. Hard to Sell though which pro duced. llw.grcatw effect, or drew the most at tention, the band, or time ne of lilbred. noisy boy jtt front of ihe atage, to say tlie least very bad comment on the parental traimug of the rising generation in ealisbory,, With the exception ot these precious boys, our au dience wai mute as statues no cheers, no clapping of hands, uor throwing flowers, like in butesviue, where the music seemed to have an exhilarating effect, here, it seemed rattier dipresring.' And t hi feat ;ure existed thi feeling dl nnconctirn prevaileft during tlie entire flight. This was the ease with a large majority of ihose prMinitfwhile..tlte minority were in a "tare ot levensh anxieiy to have the concert over, ami, the dance begun. Tliat tinw came at -last, mucli to tlie joy of many who were anxious to Trip tlie light fantastic toev Uy: limb did not fed very supple; from the fact that I bar been trudging a kitapsaek for a long time ; anc u uiej nau oeen, wny, my . .. ... l i rmy brogjns was an obstacle unsurmounta- bfe - , myiKM wilh Umj more pro fitable, if not more agreeable occupation of forming new acqnaintanoe and renewing old ones; withall(of whom, I was exceedingly welt pleased. And finally, with one of the lat ter cltow, undertook a night march, ot which I fear some of the inciilentAl rewilts proved rather mikhievou. JjAU'ri';! we say, and bvre goe Uponmy rftnrn jjMbeJWVI found everybody, hi Kenorat, dawiug with a litiiggAace to aavs somebod y i wriLT do know there was ,.,..L ;Tlr,i,ilttM.i, hr h.lf . - w ' w-lclMH , imimi attlujc rJ Uwf giddy wfiirk tlie2 ofrmonnTtvrrr Wu wondering why tliey.didaX So wisely came to the toociusion that it would never do for me to attempt It hnul I was first rJut throntrh "squad drill-. Whce then. Jemima antj 1 tfav been jtishigthe atti tude, and oilier preliminaries alone, and ve rily, I believe we have improved on the in yeutor. iThis, of course, .wa don privately; we are resolved never to appear before the public until w are both on the same aide of the broom stick, fceling assured , that oon but ancb should dance a sdtotiache. At the perp of day, r may be a little while before it, th ball busted up, and -' v;- -t - -Er noon ara cloeed tboa baael ayV , While baty' euio aldtmhar htm, - - 4 And dream that all I Wrfl:-.' ' Rut flrat, that braid, (hat gMto foil I Those acalbpa, rufJ. , garment, all , .1.. . " ' i t , . , .. . n . - ..n. ........... -,r. i, n, 1 ' -TfjOU TBI 0AILT f aOORKM. AFTER A -STROGl 00 VERS MOT, It hj evident tliat ter is party in Congress and s fmrty wutahl thai re beni on . a .trog"iOuynBiiew--p Jn lotbef word, party that re trying to fasten a despotism upon th '.South as odious and as dppicabl n any tli ft oppress the f.Wf lb OldAVrvfct r4 often I suf- hear people, here in this o"o4 Ud freedonvlovin- bUl of jNorili -Jiioliijt txikliig ahout IWt - believe in freedom of lb press and spei-cli. fcc- And I itthMr this that ar 6gltling I Are ww asdeed to throw thvokof the despot, Lincoln, only to oo equally as gallinjr lleaven forbid. - Bat wa urge .a a . a ' tue peojiia me honest masses in the army and at borne who have the fright to control the civil aflair of this government at the bal lot box to be watchful of, their liberlieil No despotism ha evef beei established by singU stroke of the pen-- Usurper - are caution and Insidioas, and ap(ear to Ihe world in the garb of the Mint while they lK4ea the hear: of devils. Tyrants bnte n free press nod free spnech7 anT Hivis, toola and base ntea sneer at and ridicule tire weapon of frewnm. but whenever the mnssea of people fall so low as to re nounce thee- gresl fevers of civillixation atwl human iruirrei, liter hut uiily deserve slave who are so ready to bow the knee ta tvytty - will find t hat this peoplewrc not so depraved aa to be ready for their scliewe yet " The Richmond iTayarvr, with its foreign notion, for the reason, as it aaserta, that, portions of the people of Tennessee and North Carolina are disloyal, favor a change in the manner of electinir members to Uonirrea by which each representative will have tbj wbola Mate for til contilu ency.; t ue charge as to disloyalty n ap plied to thia Stale ta faiae in every partio iilae, nod the wriUr in the A'ayeirtr knew it la lie Ise Mheo b aUtered, 1 did be not example Virginia . a part of whose dtixen have established new State nd been iwivedTfntolh family xf Abraham? No the writer: is -iie, dreling sycophant, and intentionally libel led the people of .North Corolina. But enough of thi tor that paper ia lost to shame, decency and tnth, and would be beneath contempt but for the fact tliat it W tbr organbf tfi "Government In i w:far aa publwhing the advertisement aod or ders of the Department are conerned. :- We oopf the following article from the Enquirer airoply tobow the gradual tep i that the advocate of i despotism are tak ing to enslave the people and place the i Government tn the bands of a privileged few. Ve art opposed any such inno vation ,ot the righ t of the people, and will denounce at all time stul at all places, every man who halt engsge iu any at tempt to dspriv the masses of the pwojdu of the inestimable privileges heretofore en joyed lit the ballot box,. , ller k;rijsJililsle referretl to, and w CO not ee how any true lennesM-ean or rorth CaroliuiaO can tread r. without a feeling jof intense loathing for the creature that could pen such a libel on a people wbo are making such sacrifices for the cause of tb South - ' - vjw. - ELECTIONS JR CQXORESa A bill has been reerred to the Judiciary Committee of the House ot Representatives having for it object a change in the manner and form of holding elections for Congress. It is roade.necessary at present by the fact that large portion ol several Confedeiate States are overrun by the enemy and also that a wy great portion of the voters arc. absent from their homes, aud serving in the army. The bill b based upon tlie . provision loClhCoeuWa empowering Cougress to uudceor alter the latwne tor this fwpeaMaaeywae v eral State Leinsiatares. i ins - out conuecis twstf erttb?ygier We lavor most heartily the plan of election. falreadf able advocated jn-4everal1wuniHJ bjr Qaaerai Ticket tbt :ecb. tBmbey fcf 1 have the whole Stale wr uia constituency, and each constituent to have the whole Con gressional delegation for hi represenUtives. We ooold approve of thia, even if there were no war and no portions of our States occu pied by the enemy. ' - -Bevtion for State Legislature . and for Congress seem to imply two different ideas, la the Legislature of Virginia, for example, charged with the internal and local affair of the State, aceing that interests of town may differ from those of agricultural district, and the policy of the mountain region may con flict with that of the tide-water eountry, eoun tie arc represented by delegate wbo attend specially to the ioteresta. each of Li own lo cality. But ia tb Cbc federate Congress, Vn ot assoitM rini i an nnit and a whole. , .She come in to Congr to take oneel witi br iter orerelsntie in the name of Virginia, not .of the jcounty pf Powhatan, of kthe region of Iit.t VL..iii-il . 1 wiinmiL. r a nil mt mmn hiiu voij ui caa . jw - wja vaieuiWH'W i, , iim tJtiM aFWfiJtaa reM ai.ww ntwiMB parish, but for those of half hemisphere. I . When Ueorgt come . to uongres in tne person of her chosen men. she does not want to know what Naiweinond tliinka, but what Virginia thiufci .of the great bread question there to be debated, t When South CaroCn meeta Georgia in Congress the comci to con sult not - with Rabun county, but -with a mighty State not about the small affairs of Itatxin county, but on llie 'grapd oe on which , bang, the,, late ofi empire and - the well being and honor :,ojf unborn geners tiona. The way to attain that, broad state repretenr tat ion ia to abandon the lately adepted sysfem bf paicclling iwit the represents tin amongst the counties (which waa at , best a mere piece of vulgar Yankee detnagogBeiam,) and com back to the- true, pko of having each representative In Copgress voted tor.bythe M- li nla a flu An ..litn..nH 1. A m a '- - - , that n to say general ticket' JN arrow local reputations would hare less chance in thgue and eorrnption fewer facilities the really eminent and educated gentleman of all parties would bo solicited to erv their respective States; and we should never have a discussion on broad principle of policy and the destinies of nation lowered and degraded by the narrow calculations of "P." P. clerk of this rrwb,- w..2.1; .--nfJ , -Iheseviewvif uury. be. correcC apply, of course to all States, whether partly occupied by the euemy or not; and .apply also to a state of peace as well as to a state of war. ... . There is another view of the matter, not. yet adverted ta The greater eomber of the voters, and the i4 of , them, are now in the fiel4; Jar away : from: theicon'ieiandJnL many cases from their States. .TJwre t no reason why their absence in such . cause should deprive them of their franchise ; on the contrary, they have, in that very circum stance an additional title to be beard by their votes ia the election of the Congress which is to decide the doctrines of tbe country in the Legislature, while they work out our de liverance in the field Indeed, the people they have left at home, aire in some region (pair of North Carolina and Tennessee, (or example) so timid and so dubious in their loyalty, 'ttTrfbey"iarsi'ti"1iavv the whole choice In their hands, the result would be ia nirt disastrous. " We1 ay " that the oldiera rrom North Carolina and Tennessee are- thw bat mem md 1hhe (fafMmtie t( tforth Caitilihirattd "Tnineait their vote U give ns a sound delegation from these State.iIt win never do, while tbey are do ing desperato battle for our independence ciih tire and simple, tliat their weaker brethren should eund ttf feeble or false represenUtives to Congres. r;V':'rr : . The whole question begins to be discussed in Congrees and in tbe Press; it has been ap proached in a patriotic spirit, and we trust wHLbe continued witbjhe singlminded aim and desire to ensure both the ditrnitv and the safety of our glorious young Confederacy by committing iu destinies to the beat and wisest men. . . .'. : . OUR DANGER AND DUTY. .'. The most terrible campaign of six months the world has ever witnessed, was that of Napoleon in Russia, ia 1812. Amid the horrora ' accumulated . by the ferocity of men and the rigors of climate, there were manv splendid displays of heroism and en durance, and one eminent example of pat riotfctti, to whicli- it- may W well to draw he attention of our people in thia hour of tlietr trial. " ------ When Kufostd wlto was in coinmind ... of the Rnsoiana. evacnated Momw to the French, he made a remarkable srini-circu lar inarch of twenty-five mile round tb city ami felt back to Tarouline,and by thia iiiortmategtrte secured stroh p his own cohimuniiiatmns with the richest province of the empire, and ia a large measure cut off those of the French. For about one month he held thi posi tion, recruiting and re-erganiaing his army. Although the Rusfdane had tuffered tnik.li, and tlieir city -vf 4locow, had - lieea given to "the flame, the pnlnrof their rmrriotisin beat more and Wore -warmly 4lie- fi sermeii teWbepewetMtiMjh Perheiw no wlwre tn h&oryoWgml' mom noble exaijil of nalS.M xvaLlhn was exlubiled. Ja tht prpvNionjng jirid strengtlien'Tig cTlif Rnsstan witrr-A '1 ri'iitine. jA d .: Kverv article which the army friuhl po ioiy ose, was ireeiy prwuuvru "j nvvw and by serf. Food, arm, equipments of II kinds, horses,' clothe, every conceivable necessary or useful thing was brought ftn ward. Regardles of age, those over and under tlienequtfed ages, poured tbeoi selre Into the camp i and woald not be x ctuded from th service." Many mea of seventy vear stood in tit rabVf boy and seemed to bava received their youth aad ardor. . Aa English spectator of the scene says, that Governor of distant province. U0 Mniia or orwer er lYffaifttM, urged forward ry wpply bj eould'eolleot; and o many ataaoo wer lipatch'J by relay, that ICO henu- ; tiful new gun wer in oie day nt v ' a operfluou. , When the army amount- d ta 110,000 men,. not oy , wer tbey ; t .--i . - ....... ew.4wwv UKH..PVI A, v- ,i w" i v.-- " - ' w txieusion Of in foraging rang a dot ju' . milrt.'. .Tbe whole nation wal olicitons W. ' fitt the cftitip with store and useful large1, " e." , Let the reader remember, that tbhi WM.jn Sparsely etlled and comparatively; onprodoctiv Rtwaiav and. ust befof lb euipg inof tbe terrible winter .lb f err it mention of who borror make oV ' blood nfwWtt,'0'; t. ' .Tb glorlou blsie of patriottarn 'wbid'v led to aiMsb mfltnolvble'tWriSces wi died bj the Irench J8 vasion Our Jand, at thi writing, is in a lrailTfj , position. , A foe enter our territory for1! so assigned high moral, rtwav: JJedoer hot coma to ecnra a solitary mil or reU-'- ' S'ou advantage to biaowa people or 6QrT' 'fights purely for the subjugation of our' country, that Be may have our ubsUnce and oar aervic. .- The French if sacce- ful, could never in th very natoie C things, have inflicted uch terribl pais and penaltie upon the Russiana, as tbr Abbliuoniiit Dot only ffwy, but own they1 will visit upon ua; and wareflghUDg'for't a land in comparison with which Russia is' , s-wmHr-.tw ynw-uHt wnyer iroiH nr oil, oar, army must b 'supplied witb all tnmg necessary o weir puysicai wu n inir: Among these, lood t tbe vere firstw It tbe duty of every man to plant aod raiae,'aod sell at tb fewest possible ebaftf1 ea every thing that carf be prodoced fol" the army, and, f r tbt uoverament cannot buy, to give all. above tb amount requi- iuXor hi owfi ubistence.)ur peorJa hav already done well, but th criai da- mand more at their b ands - r Can aotbinar txetta oar Deottla. ia tb! army and out ofit, to vie with on aDotberr. ia generous telf denial I W have all 'at' take.' It will be a fearful error in any man. to accumulaU money at tba risk of our cause .. It is not tbo time to b builds ing op colossal fortune. ; .The men wbo do it ara weakening ar arm, and If cay arm nut, bee us oar troop cannot pro-" cure- food, or ara disheartened by- tba saf ferings of their families at borne, or are" outraged by the reflection that tbey ara. submitting to privation and exposing themselves to death to protect other men in their pecuniary gain, U ancb gain will coma to nangbt, aad all acb gainer have on their aol. the horrible guilt of ruining tba nation! Let ua all be stirred by every consideration of policy aod mor ality jto consjdey r not what fwa-.cat.gaini f but what wa can give,, aod oor enemiea will be appalled by our heroie aod stopea-1 dous aelf-deniaL N C. Chriitiam Ad. TUB ARREST; 0F.C0L. TALCOTT.- .Wa copy from tba New fork World ot tbe8tb,an account of th arrest ofColTaI colt ia that city. Another paper aaya that bia wife, on learning of hi arreat, waiaud-' ly trickea? with partial paralysia; , ,, , ..'i, Some exe'tenjent wa yesterday cansed ia this city by the arrest of Colonel Tli! cott, formerly of tbe United State Eogla cera, who wa examined by iQeueral vooi and sent by Mamha) Murray to Fort La-; . fMyette," on the genen! charge, a it is ua derstooil. of being an officer of high rank in the Southern, army, and a confidential agent of Jefferson Davis; on hi way to lNrk Colonel Taloott ia well advancex? in years, aad wa understand baa. for more than a yeaf beea residing in Mexico, wher he has been employed in constructing. railway from Vera Cms to tba capital ; It is stated that b left Richmond ome fif teen month ago for Mexico, and baa bad ao con'nectioa ' iaea that time with the Confederacy, tha object of his present jour ney to Pari being to attend ia t&at city to the business interest of the Mexican railway which baa been aader bia charge. If these atatement' are correct, and Col. TaleotfrwaarTeallT eewngpedyroab - New York with hi fitmily, on bia way to uroj, .tha imporUaca of bU,arvest woold anprar lo- have bee ingalafJy, overeatE- hiated Tn'ihe first accounts given of the aP" fair. Deputies Dwyerraod. if6ungt wbo ij. ili.feejw"tch!ng for. bim, arrested bim . t about aoooj near Barnpm's Maseum.- II had been ataying with hi family at a pri-, vata boue, No. 144, West Twotj-fourtlt: treet. r -.'''. ocli North Carolina. 6 pef cG j; Bonda were sold in Kichmooa few . at 170. . 8 per eta. bronght 118. The 6 per centa are of old ta " ue and aaleable in New York by the !. blockade runners' who bny them initead of pceiev orrhCar- -olica Bank Notea comaaaaxi Umi aam trtalad. - ' --'" v "- 7 i I . t h - i ft 'I