r -ti" VOL. XX. bALIbBUU i J. J. DCUN'EIV v svitor ak rBormrroiw Tft t PeoniV ef tJifc fcnfrdfrafe - la euenpheaoB with die request ct' tW grrm, contained to resolution pawed on the (jmKIi day oT tb current luouih, I invoke yomt attention to tL present comJitioa .end fatal proepecto of ear country, and. to the "iatJei wb!cb patriotism Imposes ou. uSaH dur wf tiii great stxag gfcl far Our boose our ..Jiharlj 4 '- - - ". - - . "Thaw waahiffcBBjmrialTw jgat tuonwyf jwm -to Taoeec- .. YtMLOf. nMVMOK&i Blw ; A rttrwhr- anpaao pretaOa ihraarh tbe aoaatry that the war tobw teiog vae3 afainat the pnovlm A the Cbo&drat Saict awy trraMaatc during tbepwaeot yea a4 whereaa tbia aaipreaaioa ia Jradini many fthot ciuarns la efijjaB kkryely in the pra 4uctioa of tMtoa and tobaiko. which tbej would not otWwieedo; and whereaa, in tbo upiatea of Cuaxraae, it ia of tha otaiaat bm portaaoe, out ouly with a view to the propM' aabaatraua of oar armtea, but tut Um intenwt and weibjia ot all tLa acoulc, itaX tha agri- .-.hiirb! Uhr of tha cuuntrr alauutd In? rill- tooi lo iwc eeerjr cAutuksrncV : Tbere- tvv '. limJUfd ay bW Ofnw aUe Cbnw 4tm t Attmitm, Tliat it ia the dcLhrr4 -k1 inr at Ctmrrra tbat the ntamiWuf Ikeae 8uta. while Lower (Jr r-.v. aJwold luok W wkmt lnrvft b lb utor Soifjuni Statr 4 by tha enemy abort of tuljngatKHi ; tltat rtery preparataja neociaary to ,tmcuinter eocfc a war abeaU be perwsted to, anf that tba aaifJeat aupply of proviaiuna r amies and pei-pie abuuii Jte the nrat object of s9 f rkukunau; whereAaT H ia earnestly revuau aaveded tbat the pwple, iaatead of plautior cotton and lubaouo, abalf direct tbek.agricttf teral labor Buaufy to tbe production of suuh crota) aa wiB iueur a aufficteo r of food for al UaiB and Bur every ewterjeocyj thereby, I WiOB true patixHwui, auftorUioating tbe nop af taut te tbe certain pood uf the country, ties. 2. That the I'tenJent ai hereby re- catcd to iaaue a pruilaat l the peuoW awara aTrnjcpoai ahara toaneueB att of piardinf ajrainat the entat .ril abort crop of rexwiawaa, and aetting forth each reaatae iLcrtSor as lis 'judgwent may ruHy ooacurriag m tbe views tnus exprrar vwar hwe of country aw aid ia uarrytng into Uiese articlea 10 irtu distrtcta wbei our f effect the recuraoMXHUtKioa of your tteuators and Kepicaeutaueee. We have reached the clue of the second jrar of lb , and npy pohjf, wiih. jMt pride lo tbe haWory at our young Cbofedura t.Ilu anaided, w bare utcT and orer- dwewa the meat fwrcndable combinatioua of' naval end suiEtary anuameute that the hie! I trytnen, tue ruaaoos lor tbe call made ouyou uf conquest ever gathered tcirether for the jfu" supplying die wauts of Um coming eebjagatioa ef free people. . began tbia year, I aJd a few words of apieal in bclialf of etroge witboor a aingie gun afloat, while tbe brat aoldivrs now confronting your eue- tbe reawojcea of ear enemy ebaoJed tbem to ' oues, anu 10 iua vuuruoveruuieui u uum MShtt flcetv which, according to their offl cad Eat, published ia August taat, cgnaiited of VJ vem-a Bteaauni-.g juu.lfcu tuas, and car ring 3U8 guna Yet we have captured, muk, or uVitrorvd a anmber uf these vessels, iackaheg two targe Irigates and uie slcsm luop-of-war, while four of .tbetir optoeed ateaas gaebwata are now iu our aomfaton, adding i tbe atrength of our littlu "7, which is raadiy gaimhg m taimbwra and eflV cwncy. To oppose invading force, cocipus ed of leviee which have already cXueeeded thirleea hundred thousand men, we hadno Kwoarces ber the voconueraUe valor of a aeopte uelenmnea to )e tree; and we weia, abdesutut of Itii&tary auppiias that tens of UMunamis of our ckisuos were teiuctantly re-. (uaftd adattMoa into tba aervica Immu our ia abikty to provide hcta with anna, wail for taany. month aome of ynr iuipurvaut Btreng uokla a wed their safety chakty 'a a careiul ooaotmWntoftbe bet that anraNre wuh aatawppJy of pwdcr oar tanbuo. Tour iiee4 ptrktialiav triumphed over m t&eas eetcie, anu-cajea ute existence LM BMMutioas of sibriatenee which is ilbiattata their .valor 'on nuneroas. battle- 3rUs and to mfhet erwdunc defeata on suc- v arauea, each of which an arrogant too boJ!y baagfeed Ia be LmnciLie. s&crjiia tt wca rsJaiird w TOipua (ouBdcoc wthe tiwmrrfjour arnia. : At w previoua period of the war have oar fbrce Men as Bawnet am well orjuaed,aad ab btvougMy djawirJiuaa, armed and equipped, Of at bwEnirTB teaioll bighT water, 00 vhich ur floemies relied to enable their wets ef runboata to penetrat into oar oouo- ry aa oevaaui oar Domes, m taat passing my TeC our BOongbold o tha If iasia ippi aul bid defiance to tbe foe, and monihi eoatly preparauoof lor tbetr redoeuoo bar ea apaai as vain. Disaster has baea the eH of their every effort to torn or to atom rklsburg and rortHudwa, m well ss erery ttack e"aur batteries 00 the Red river, tbe 'aJadutchie, aod ether aavigable streams. ruhiaafew Weeks the fidhAg waters and he aacreasiBg beatef arnmer will complete Mr disfawirtnre, and compel tbeir -baffled ad defeated forces to tbe shauufaeaMot of oa which Was baxed iTwrir ttuof tor ni cf ptcwM iii affecting our suhjoL'ation, . U must not forget,, however, lM - the ww i not yel ended, and that .we" er MiO confroutfd by Powerful arniW and tttrratett- : . . . . r . ... Bient wiitcb con troll the fleet aod truM i driven to ti most -deTerste efforts lo ef- hi uie ULUcjf purpor in wLich K liA4 )0 Ur W-n 0ri:(fl, 1 1 wiU iim hi vi.iM ea rrpr, lo avert lit impending down, to Mr rcttited ty Um atrovttk it t ?Qinmjtte UusUvajbarUnuea Wuivu hai taouura d, aod lit crowniug iurYjr pf. iu atteTnjd to exnU a terr.il popubtjtai to tW tiia!avr of our wire, our daosiiteri and out belpleat - - With aubh keuntnt befire ua' tW la but omoi' rcifNua wtui iprruennun. wa wi avert tbia datiM it anoeata, to the herer-fail- wfi waft . iWi'l".! I"V1 WNtn to nave rxiuonpq -ywew int nevint. jBtflf of tWwiMp-heT'Hniarorahle ara;- aoa, Um protrctl vouti f laat year, ra dutdttlM barveata t which we depeuld far UJow aoavrrare yield, and the oVficieo er waaanAirtunatrly, Mil moat iarke4 ia the Northern nortiwi U. tb.Comhdttrmey, abuuld be nuw 'dVvuted la die' fmloctioti of oKtoa asd tutjacco. inirad of grain and,tve Block, abd otbW artictv oeveaavy for tbc atibaikkTioe of -the people and lb ariyy. Jh L otMiaeoiieBOM a tar rve eerwu M uul li arnare auptiaea www ipacuuir needed lof tha artay it,' UiroKh : eoaflilmci io early Meaur7wu1cb mav ntoVa detuaival 'oar field 4eye4 c&Hly iw ffproaiwrof nppTwo,-rmay abouhl, th prifarut atiMkA preve mi uufavorabk) is the hurt. Your coua- try, tnertiore, appeals to you U lay aarae U thoilght of gain; and to.dcyoi your,-lv to SeOuruiff your liliertiea. without which tboae fauna wwiUt j "dr.5e on the palriotafl of (lie po,4e that be pnioat war aa Ue only cumiiUua proffer- i bkb wiB be rtbrml nxt uwuib protuiaea an abundant yivld ; bat even if this prmnise be folfilled.tLe difficulty of tranafionation, n bkneed as it baa been by en anuaoally rainy wintvr, will caom rabarraaatseata in military opcratuia and aufieriag among fTie'pedpU.; Buouhi tl crop in tbe middle and- oortbero portious of the Cuiiftfderacv 'rove dobeieat. But no uoraaineae need beleltin regard' V a mere supply of bread for oum. It ke the large auwunt.jpf com and1 forage requir ed for tbe raiatfig 1 e stocky and for the supply of . the aaiibat juext ia military ep erauuna that your aid bj jpejcjaOy rvquked.r Thee article are toe bulky, Jiff tbsiant Jlaoa-. pertatkai, and them thf . dcooiaticy ia the last banreft most :Wwi4t ynor ilelda bedctoted exclusively ja & prodaeuoauf com, oats, beans, peas, potatoes aod uthar tuud fur man aud baaat Let ourn be sown ai?J toraT rrveta and 1 aixl let all vour erd by tb Congreaa, I eandcntly afval to jeOoro be diieded to tbe prompt suply of inurs are oprraiii.r. Iwl Will tLuaaddjrreat- ly to their efflcieucj, and furuiih tbe means without which it ts impracticable to make tbos prompt and .active .movement which bare hitherto stricken terror iuto our ene mies, and secured onrmost brilliant triumphs. Having tnus placed before you, my coon ble to furnwh al the comforts they so richly merit. Tbe supply ef inrat-fbr the army is .deficient. This deficiency is only temporary, tor twaaures have been adopted whkh will, it ia believed, wn enable us lo resbxe the full ratiou. But that ration is now reduced at tunes to one bau I tie usual quantity in Botne of our aiiuiea. 1 w known thst the supply of meat througliout tbe country is sui detent iff the Sii4ort of all,. but Uie disiaucei are so great, the condition of the roada ha been so lad during the fire months of winter weather, through' which we have just passed, and the attempts of groveling speculators to forestall fhe market and make money out of tbr luVbtood uf our defenders, have so luuch inflamed tbe withdrawal from sale of the sur plus in tbe hands of the producer that the i Uvycrnoieut has bean enable to gather full suiibea. The Secretary of War has prepar ed a plan, which ia appended to this address, by tbe aid of which, or aom similar means U be adopted by youraelvea, you can assist tha officers ef the Government in the pur- uhase of the bacon, the.pwk and tbe beef. WlWfcfcii1 n the I .Ipiowo ttf exist ifr e.bantitie k t.-. -..ix.i mh.iJiIu viintr. EVMn if die aur- wvi jinvmh ww. nwrnifl I V " - plus be less than w bebeved, ta it not a bitter j arid humiliating refit-ebon, that those who re ' main at home, secure from bardalilp and pro- j tected from danger, should be ht tbe enjoy The eeotraat between our past and present i incut of abdndancv and that their slaves also CatalHrfiffTOpto Dtrt'lloff aujipljf tf.MluTle;tlirt- 1 rons, brutberiL busbanda and tethers are ttmt- va iu um r rations io wun.11 uw mww efficiency depend, -...,.2;,i.f ..Si.,: .....,; ; . XKnTertatoing no fear that you will either miawu Uia mouves ef lhil Address,-or fail to respond to the caB of patriotism, I hava nlacnl tba facU fully and frankly before T, ' Let us all nail in the paHormsnce of our duty, each m his sphere; acd wttn coo certedt jajraistant, and well directed effort there seems litil reason to doubt that under tb blessing of Him, to whom w look for guidanos, aod who has been to us our shield ajvl ruw atrvnirth. aha! . maintain the sov- areiratv and mderajodeoce of Ibetrf' CooTedTTT erate ttaiee, and transmit te our posterity tba heritage bequeathed to asbyour fathers. ' SiraedJ w JEFFEESON DAYISL . ICxictrrrntUrricx, - , Ricbnwod,Apnl JO, 1SC0. 1 .-. - riaa Uinitiii 'lU f etrcr j tKVar i ,1. Let th priIe ii acl awinty.. pariah or ward, k-lcx-t at puMio. mvf tiup, aa early aa conrenienii a eommittee or Vtnre or enure ijia a'sHM-v. r - - S ,j ,, I It Let it ba he duty ot ftw eotnniiUe 1U ; aaorrlaia fruta . Wc-ja. jaMiay-r i parinh what amutiot of urdkBMt, whrtiwi er bacon, pork or beef,, ha can, apeiM fur u of the aroiy, het Meenrin a aumilr 4r W fiuitily and thua aVpaudaut ot bun for liyd. u uia) cummutaw a ptva wbicb m deeniod by lia-at ajoat eouiproaatiatt lor tLa artiiiea funnabeaO ao4 lnlom the 'cHisviu what ha rief-A that each iay know, before dchreiav .whiwpriua U tv be paid for U BTUB I :i ?r- MXalM.w.aiw oaarvjotut- fert tVtraJUTwrtatwa .th wppth) o Borne j eonveiiMut depot, aJWiXMaiatkjay Uh tha olSoer ao-ai to reaur then. h--w;u .( Let tbaaonrnitle make uVlirenr the auppKet of racdriiiff paynient of tWBriue, ana aaauma taa aty f payisf it orar toUi eitiaena who bar furnished tha ft.pr&a.' J 11 L" n net tbe fluty of tba oouMotUe n per for wad far any lows ar ity- at wlucW there may baa hrtermaster or CoinmUwaV UHU.w p ur ii a u natnee uf the ciuaena and of the BiinrHr wbiuh each le ready to furokh, and the mice Bxe4 ; wbereapoa tlonjcer wiB biiwself jr- Uter turn ttffium tm inalce paymanC IV. Vbcre UiaKautndies are 1Wffihd in tbe twuatrv the ceettil traimirirtaiutn Mh depei will bepaid bjp the tiovrBaaent,-ui ad- ajitkie Q the prite fixed by (lie rommitteev V. Aa this appeal iantede to the peopled air ute oenroi 4 our brave uvtenuVre Mow lu the anay, the Dciiaruuent relie with confi- eiiere tnaa jwx.voiuppnaatiaa would, be fixed by tbe cnmttuuee.nir aouented bf tlKJse wboae dwrf aiotivt will be to aid their coon- try, and not to wake undue gaiiMWOut of the need of buf noble soldiers. ---James a. stanx)y.-- - . - oerreiary ot ar. After At XDipopei Thfi Richmond aor- respondent of tlif Cbariertoa JUVrary aay ; tr. uwuin u uaru aown opoa tne news papera, "ttpetf Tecoumtetidation arthTosT master Goneral, who evidently considers the Conatderate pre tbe advmary a nuiaanc te be abated.' He early daubled the fax on thia kind of knowledge, Wewpw desires 4k tax- to U douUeA Ttta k fla m c ordance with a pnm! bicreBrt of posUge. iv a fyeuai aiienuan to , aewipapera, as a mark of -Air. Eeamn'a anorvcWinn nf iluir lax ftltikfel lara per aouu.u on eacb daily suawnbers pa per I Tbe fact is, to men in poeer, tbe free pre iaa pleasant or deMrabk- institution, and throughout UatCbnfcderate Sutcs there is strong disposition to repress criticism aud freedom of opinion, indirectly,; if not oiher- wai This uufncndly measure Tf but a jrle development of' the spirit evinced by Mr. Conrad and by Oen. Tan Zlom Executive officers, members of Consnss and army offiaeri, have indicated a dwtkd hostility to the promutgation of facia and to criticisms. Many prefer to be without both fact and opinions a government called Re publican, but" conducted " by irrroponnible agents in office,, . The people are not to, be trusted' have no business to. know tleir own affairs. Hence the evil of a press. Iroften does great barm by expeaihg misnanagement ignorance being bliss. And it the height of jpatriutisin to let Messrs. Conrad. Baagun &. Co conduct us and ouraflairs as sludl suit their views. One cent on each ncwirwppr sent to rerular subscribers.-tmt wijrhtnff more than three ounces: each additional ounce or fraction thereof half a conk Otter periodicals in proportion,,. Thi will tiuike reading costly, and bring us alter a whii; io the English system of renting paDcrs by the hour lrom the coffee bouses and periodical shops. . , , -. ' '" " V SUGAK. Sugar bas gone bp to $1.25 to $1.40 a pound. We learn that Um sale of the ar ticle waa slopped in Greeborough a few days ago though 'gotnjr at $1.1 a, and a lar-w lol'OB hand. There cab b bo doubt iadiffer-jUbaL nearly bll lb .Bgsr ia iar the t hands of a few moooiHMiati and that sake have been slonued at tlie same time, at . m . different places, bj waanaof the telegraph. And can we expect to locc-ed ad e4ab litlt our independence: wliil- n businea men,and caivitalisti of ihe country , are thua grinding and opprsW U ,T- rs vil tor gaia and mocxim iae auaenng ot their JeaUtuJaUwo fellow er-aturea. Ualess tBe ronieu! "anJ bustneas nienTf tbe country, nearly all of whom teem to bar raa mad on lb subject, of money, can U brought back to a sense of decency, honesty, patriotism and fJsirdaaJing, it will ba strange if w do suoceed . W learn thai lb sugar, the sale of wtich was stopped at Greenaeoro at one dollar and fifteea went w peuad, cost the present bolder ft. to 9 cents ! .Is: thi b xceptioB! cas f f Kc'r If lb jrenersl rule. Tber ar aome honorable XQep tiom bat Uiey ar rik aegekv viaita. -j A met miUriuf -tkirif tktmtii mum. .ear Jjmttitu m mi cAaaly lrct aa ... "gaeriaa I. " Bi U few ay la t90awaiat anaiy ftkt gt4ue AVL.-W.a, ad it araarUy ejt(d ay lie mntUritp . aawe, 1bil h whmt a ad may be" lawful, aearafirt, baa a auijiiiy fib jwattara 4 id paae of mT, ia the aiaie.ur NMribayolina. aaaWt la aay .Maty ahall be aathoriaed i ad tteaeweied Im tr aaaaet ' al aoaaty . baWona. wbicb aw, by J w aty jteaebp aHfaity f j pec. aVrftavaaaTW BotMaf iep,llidiiensrWT' If the Sfr 7 Iw4aa aaiaiae4 anal W m euaebaeeaatllJk. ;' ' ' - i - ' M pfevea4aVtW pJM,eWiWaeiiawUt i.t.'x gfTwrtaaj aiy aAyry i8C3 ' . f V - ; totting viin$if m ttttmn raara, -rr--B it iHSetrd iy Ik Gtmtrmt Attemtlf tflkt Stmti V ftfik-Ctntiirdnt H U JUretj a aated y le mHkmrtUfftk aaw, -Tbat ia aft aivil cafee where prouf fihe kandariiiiif of aa aiteatiaB witaeaf, traideatMitof Ikejaria1eii of the reurl. ia adatlaMjile to how to than tha reatwa uf tbe iutirameal nieaiaa.Mi araof iL. 1 t !. . - 0 1 r ... : pf ta hndritiuf af a Mtblier ia ikf afeay. ab- InwpabU for the l fika p.rpuae 5 and ia like .w-rW of tbe baadvriiiartf aWrUtiBf anavrara .reaideal Wkbia the the tines of a aublie auemva abafT ba adaiiwiaUe. RliuJtk!Ulk 4a fjnmmry, ins.) . ciu X. Bt U tntetti hike Gtuml 'A. 4Wy Ike Slmte a Jirtk-GiurmliM,.m4 it is keitkjf enmetti y tk mmtkfitf tftk asaw. That vbeiiever ew-aaal, in anwwawaa af real eiiu, buMa aver aftf his tna ha rspirad, hit hadlurd, or jam arrat for biift. Tnaj aiak aUMiavu ef tha mc beliwa aumi )uiiea of the ptfitf of ihr euaaly, jko shall jaau a precept lo Iht nhariff, or i athr r ' prer affieerof tha ewawty, cobweb adiag bias to eaaae o euaae bs Ar Mcb jotit at each liake aed plaoaeeehall be tbereia aseaiiaaaa. tawaty iadiaaraat frea- auMarat twelve rf ahum ahafl a, aclaeiaa .as jrov, U, after,. Wt it jaylra,bal aaMa aad eeqirini the fret af tba laaaacr; that the jalea baaiag the preeepl ahall esata lo ha auU&a tba laaaal buUiar of tha lima aud place of eaNiry, wbeabajja arreiit- tee I iatiudace avMicao. 'T aar'raatleaBfir'tba twelve- fraabtildara abaflaliar haviaavth eyb. deace Wtwfid that the . asaaat bolde ever, tht tba lb justice of tha. pw ahall jaaa aw irer t a ftrin,r etler arvaar afficar. eommaaaialtfai w ewpuMM the. taaaat aad aaijaat ihai aadfosdM'aawaasaar" 'n.-- kc. 3b Be ttlmrtket emmete. That if either party, piauniffur eVfaadaui, ahall ba eawatisned With the niMiNf iif the tarlve frerbnldere,. hlt If pruMtU)d tu aaaealto lha aWtaraa ef the aperwu- await, aaoa pnnf Miftlcirat aeea ritjr I rrtitU4, keweerr, if the defradaut up peala, he ahaO he reeuirvd to enter into bCud with sefficieut aavuriiy t cover tbe met aad all daatagee. Sac. 4. Be it fmrtker emmete4. That if the aheriff or other fimper officer rbatl fail toexeeete the preempt, or to aerv the eutie as raqeired wit knot good casw, ha shall pay a fine ef twee ty ajoHars for each defeat!, and each freeholder ahall pay a In vf tea .dullare for failing to at lead aeeordiag lu hia puuiatuns, wilbeat gaud eaaae abawa. , Sac . Be U fmrtker emete4, That if the tenant h4dnf r, or any was hoMing aoaaes aina for hint, ahall rtaist tbe sberiflT ar other proper ffieer, tha ja lice sjhall bind ever the early r partial io the auparior eaurt t answer anyiudicimeut that miy ho prewired' again! him them. RtiM tie 36(4 y efjnmm, ry. 1863. - ... . : ifa met teemrndtkt 46th tkmftrr f the JfauW ...Be it emctr4 ketke GenerelJeeemklyef tke ! jiartk-itttrMimm, ef it aereay a- I fled 46ih ch taad after the eonrt fi,r eaaae ahaB e order f Pretided, kevtorr. That the court ta ordariaf each Bale, ahall not urdVr the aaleef mors lhaa may b eafEciaet to pay the widow hr year a Rapport r what may ha saRicient for aay guareiaa n expeed for the hard and laiiinn ot hb ar hr ward for lb apaee of nne year Katei tie 34 deff Fehrmmry. I663.J Am met te mmemi $4 eeetiom $4ti tkepter Rt wiee4 Cite. . ... , Be it enmeiei ke ike Grmermt ArmUw af ir StmteefNrik.CmreIimmtmm4 it ti ksrehjenmeted By tke mmtkmritf ef tk mmet That th acad proviim, aeetioa arenud. chapter. 64ih Reviaad Code, ba, and tha same ia hereby repwalea. RmtiJi4 tke V2tk day - Fekmmrm 1863.) Am met k mtmtmt mf-limilatieme. Be it eU4 km tU Gemerml AmtrmMm eftk Stele f NmriK-UmnlimM mm it i IrSy aa- That ia crniMHrtetwae l tuna tor jae psrpve ppiy- - ing any statt nauiiag aay aeiMHierawii r ahy rigbta, ar forth parpoae ef ruling lnipti(af aay releaser y aveat ar astiafae tina, r aay grant or eoaveyaeeei the time lapa-daince theSOih day of May, which waa ia the vaar aighleea haadred aad aiit v.-eae, er which mV alafw autil the ead ef lb areaaal war, ihaUb exeladad frdm aaeh eompatatina. Rettjiid tke 101k day Jaraary, 1863-1 ' Ueetmjrs held ra Warreo od Franklin counties in this Sute have reabrved to re st rict tbe planting of tobaccoloamadtBmall er quantity to the band than the Virginia law allows in tbe Suta. And in Marlboro Dis trict, a CL, a fuR meeuo; has resolved to plant bat a half acre of couon to the hand. . ' , -; -Ay Waa sr.., by tke aasriy ef te temr, Thai ih tute others for the performance of the miliU- ntrof tha ReviM-d Cx!r, axUaltMht I rv service reQuircd of them! cannot be con- theMine is bareby auiauoW by addier mMred as a contract between the Goveru- ibe words rsit monttie," er e iri 5 la tit? Ccafeicrata .Coffrt. 3UUTI VAKUMMA JJISTUIVT." . J'.'V.-'j. v. -''V' o. '"- 4''' '' - 4 ; t$ .kr afaTTcft r jjeortt JWBX-jtri -,r ' ''"'-"" XeptQ'jita aubjaolf- tepJlaryv. Berr.eeuilderv the Onptio9or;f, h.. t Cuafedcrate ConnaY apnrored 16th Apr)?. Ta tn aectioa of that Ac prorided, pat , peryoaB not liable for doty.aiay.be received aa aubatitatea for those who'are. ander abeb "TS'Mj-drv v, ;Te JSecretaryot War, by an enk roogt tint' Adjutant and Inspeaor-OeftBnTVoflfo ' Oated 26Uk Apt r86 e&Ublisbed the rcgu-.; latioua which ,wouJd; apply lo snbstitfifea. I cumplianed with .Ute .KguhtioBB, tbe " 7 peraoa rooilring tbeaubatkats wee-to-be- -diacharjred, wbett that Jpubstitnte is accepted ' ' arKt enrolled,' . Tty Conscriptipn AeVapproved 16th April, 18C2, called into aervice, white men residents of tbe Xn federate States between the ages of 18 and 35 years; at the time the call or calls may be made; who are not legally ex empted from military aervice.. -r , By .the amended Conscription Act, appro ed 27th September, 1862, the President is authorized to cart, out and place in the itiilil4' ry aerrice of the Cdhfedcrate'Stiitesj for three . . years nnleas the war should have been sooner v ended, all white men who are residents of the ' ; 1 Confederate States, between the ages of 35 , and 45 years; at the tirrie the call or calls' "' may be made ; and who are-not at eacb time -ar times legsjfy exempted from military ser- ' vice. 'Such call ofcalls to be made under the profislbas and according to the terms of the AcQ to Which tbe Act of the 27th 8ept 1862, ia an amendment: : ; ' Leopold Cobn, liable fo service -under the Act of he lGth April, 18C2, eompTied with the 'regulations of tbe War Department, k sued by order of the 8ecretary of War : fur- nisneo a uDstiiate, wno twas accepted, ea soUed and mustered in, for three years nnlese the war shall have been 'aooner ended. A: diacharw wm therefore giren to the said Ieoaold Cohb.' ......ni" ' - ' Tbe BubstHnte bo secepted was not subject toThe caH Sf cans whkh might be made nn- aW tba Act of tba liStb itrU IRM If ' hot already in the military service of the Con- t federate States, be wouid.be subject to the call or calls to be made under the Act of 27th , September, 1862. It is claimed by the en- ' if ollirig bfBceif onderiffeWjral Or'KCC dated. 8th Sept 1862, that in consequence of the substitute being within the class of per- , sons, upon whom Uie call or calls under the. Act ot tbe 27th September, 1862, is to be made,' be no longer answers the requirement of valid substitute; that the diecbarge here- ' tofbr given te Leopold Cohn is invslied ; and -that he ia bow subject to military service no-' det the Act of lfhh April, 1862. Congress has that large power, conveyed in the grant to it, to raise armies and provide rules for the government of the land and na- . val forces by which it can deal with Che ques tion at issue, io such manner as if" shall deem best for the public welfare. Whatever may be the effect of. ; the order of the Secretary of War, canueffinjr the discharge of Leopold Cohn, there is.no doubt of the power of Con- gress to do si.' Had Congress passed a spe cial Act coucerafng substitutes, it waa com f ictent for that body to repeal it, .or to annul , qualify the discharges wbich bad been ob-7- tained under it The permission by Congress in sicn cases, given to mdiytduals to subsu ment and those who brofit by the tietuiissiuu.. It is a mere indulgence extended by tbe Cov- crnment, which it may at any time, modiry or extinguish. ' And the hke power is, in my opinion, vested in the President of the Con foderite States. As Commanfler-in-Chief of the Army, unless restrained by the action of Congress, be may, upon consideration of public necessity, call upon those to perform -military service who have been , declared lite ble to tins duty, but have been excused from or indulged in its exercise, ' . - But that which,, distinguishes this ease, is that Congress has delegated to an officer of the Government, the Secretary of War, the power to prescribe tbe ' regulations under wbich substitutes may be received. Tbe reg ulajiona have been prescribed, the substitute . haw been. ' received ender vtaefiv-.eB4.-tae-- ftniijiinn la Htm 1 taa li a ln'Tlaii tbaeEatarv owswa tw i.'ip - - V " . ...v,1 of War has the same controlling power over t tba ruattee j belong te Congress or could be exercised by tbe ttesulent. Jl He quewion sppoars to be thus presented, because it caa- . ... not b. maiuuineil that any. Aa of Congreaa has beenaased, destroying tbe privilege which has oeen secured by those who have had substitnteB accepted for them. Nor is there any order of the President, by bin) di rectly made, - eallipginto military, servioe those who have been tbos exempted. Not is the order of the Secretary of War cancel Sng discharge heretofore granted to be re ferred to any other source fbj ha authority than the W Section of the Act approved 16th April, 18G2. Tbe Secretary of War hev- -ieg acted in tbe matter under the direct at- . tbority of this Act, wil be preuraed tobsve ewUnuedtb exercise of hai power eeder the . same source. 1-.-.

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