j. . bruneiC';!. foiroa aWB ' tii. ! ll w1w-j-- ii hi mtmm m s yn& v Trie f U VeUaaai. jPryn:w1 .fftTtifrfr d.'mfr y?t't"?t - it fhn ia frico of provivionf, ptpet ' tad other niolet required to carry on buji- J i.BTimiro oof dotbtr or b &rt tqd , ifty omli for each wbsqnBt patlicatkp. " ,Tt Eitit::: cf r:;t trt-j-tk j:fr Bf t jflAtftrr; I'fjU'Mi I ' f 0kci If. 1 MfjMrTk FrttKl tl ,' r4fl "v''' t"' 4- v " n ;utaiiittrvii:kUfi,viid Uit jct f tU newj'.. J' TWa )" Vjskburi Jfl iyfdlilf U'.Mtn Kfi)ofl ' loU -b4 ibwwHUKbt of bi irwopt, lit Ul tr Wff irifd ! oflLbjr lb LwihI of (ltil i lh jciljf ' amp wbVre llwjr ! Iooh VflA Ik MMjr kUad to do m a 1 -1d "io-twow- impf)wtnibt(i obeurt; thq o Uw dar b 6nit arrid 11U n kid lik " llio W UiJ dMrmv men aod tuic, haro all ln ftnatrand byV e jrigilaoee of Uio : Coatedl -offii t tbia foiat;'u4 o, bafSd bl yr. arw, l. ia 4 jpiiilpbuw aa to 4 bt fft ! of MivratiooAwUbout ibv lvaat imr- tick of hop! it am J way b may tarn, and I Ik trt bia oxiiioq ami ooacGum plwbcd' vt&val 7 -jioawbk ahow of f tart aore Mm rar tm poMitua ini attiaaiuly fcgwojbl bojrwkk awd laBitil tola; ollifof tb iKoicialf stair annibiUlHHt of tbojarmy. ' "VtrtkoU Tk.&ku ra Ma .prvftj not oaiy aBsuucMui, out ' aijrMalaaatre to tb enemy. ' ITw ii,a bibtf ta yedue b place, and eornpvlled a"b bi t keep a large arnty bere to tbrealen ua and, to goard bia main bam i ik of vaat; magnitude, jiod ta itm-lf aafflviebtTf ftw "d rbaakrutfimijat weal ealf flItioa of tba amount of abaialenc re quired tor aa army of eighty tbouMud men aad a flee of4Mia buodred and twen ty ajteamm upon w b icb to trannport be troo'pa'add tuppliea, and added to tbeae a fleet of thirty ioguy aod onwWding (run I koala, naat rDka,Ubw one of the most ei pfitiva traveling meoagerita that ever etaned out to exhibit the wonder of r.a . 4tfre to tbNnwi'bUicate4 country villa, broadly hinted in a leading Abolilibii jou fee; lkftide the' Ifcer; ar;n Wakavwy l,Jlhat th iden f a crwbing Spring obidUc of raft aod, flat ealled mortar np'g has been abandoued at Waah boato, bicb i bare ao propelling power, glo "4id ibai probably our military op ted roost be taken in Urn by the steamers, erat ions, until the end of the Summer, will and placed 'proper' position, befor I key' are of any Idyantagf, and even then they '4 'no' Mrnfc'"!'-V'1 V'"- ' ' -And hat . has all ibis immense Jljrc acexMttpbsbed I Not hing I Jvry day that passes over a render their chances less and leis'certain while tbeir tt oops are be coming dispirited and 4erooraliied weak ening not ' only the pbya'ica! but also the moral powers of their army ; and if they keep encamped in; tba awampa until the not season approaches, the native roalariec will assert tkcirsnay and reduce ibe Fed eral army to a tnere akeleton, and the mis aribk wreck that nky' escape will be sbat tat ed 'nd racked, and nuflt lor aeryica in tb military. arm or any other. , It may be. aafety aiwerted that the army which is son t against Vicksburg will be a total lot to tba Federal Govern menu - If h consiaU of on hundred thousand toen. then there will V just that number oTdiaeased, wrippted, j ofiiamilire uiwfmiiia iLoMka dVx - left when they are taroaffh -ul. ih.ir work: 1 zEven if Ibey should succeed w.capturinjri the place, climatic disease weald carrv off i two.lbirdheri;fe ant accommodation, the whokarjwwwilff- r kWrkfainU"ri,bysically and aBorally. 'M"; "'" -- , 'f V C'l'lAjMcesfn 'forlha enemy to make any derooaelratioa against tbi poiuL ilia expedition through the Yaaoo l'as baa evidently proved a failure, and no doubt heavy onev or we bonld U Itiibrmed of it tbroogh the Nor warn press. Tba atUrrrpi on lb Suoflow e is also checked and lb tnemy ia aow! n - " r - " i k i lm P'6' n-d don't .know hatAer to advance or retreat, apd ar r are driving them very doselyV Sob Sra operating ia tb country bordering I n Yiutod ,jrivr. tkaold raruU 1& sum .w.t;lftaJaWV''M" W;'d ( w w wtTw, w m tiiMiaw whim towiry doe not allow ruliof terra firma N WytthwiiiiB4flirw Ijisadw I ' . .. .... .. . b ift ob dry Wint, nJ tinitk la ftcap Iroio lb lu(vb f lb) Gpfift-denitra JU .JtJ bopfdihlllvt,fcw.daya may bear aoiM m1 (fcrra Uwt ootiatry. p LATEST FROlt TUB JfdRTJTj Tk , Iimtil . actiaat Ctirlf iUrtj pawailrliy rfitrVCarst aratf f Irv Jtrwf faltil lit War aal for Praca, .W "' v.'"' .-' ' - U biiv advtcM from tbt North to lb 1 5th, fronf which w mak, ap tba fuJlow inj Wnar wp"'. 7 ajOMNWNf ayvtailf Chartf$ton tntire : ' ' lfy oawW " ''fi:-' ' Tho priudpai fcatort'of (b newt' friihf ihJ Tofib ia Ibi aauouanieit of iht 'o lira abaadonmrHt of th movemeiit agaioal i Tba attempt to taka Charleston ia for ll lima abndond. Tk irbnc!alHet of Admiral DujkmjI a4 tW ar inf of Jew. Haotrr bar lwa yJrMn to l'H lioj at. TlfH etperiioaat pravrd too liaaxrdoua. Tla tutterk-a of ilt enemy f Sumter, Moult rw and Gainintrrg'a I Vint, and ha utacka low furrowUM to be oyercoirw "'by llm fwrca brwojtlrtr njpiiHit theaC- By tb arrival of th Arajjo from Charleafbn bar, oa Uji JtltiumUutj M bittrt (bet factor- Effect of tht nem$ of tki bnJommt f , tktmottmc( ayoiW Ciarlt$lon in tht A orl Urtat dtipomdecy. bc. , Tb owJ oT thi i abaadon meat of tba inoremvflF ajninat Cbarleatoa had cautod a irreat de prekion. in tbVNonb. and a deJ (oudvooy BOl uukooj do i even txceeaeu or . u ae- 1 .i . ...... "fTWffW fpaawng The replTse of AdraFral DuiKrii' iron idad fleet at Charleston indefinitely poat Hjnen, we aupecy lliot rwuinptton of ac tive vperaliona againtl that rebel atroug hold. The failure at Charleston, together with the failure at Viekburg, to gaiu any oTieTidvahlage7oet al alf renu put a:o end, lo.tbe late coufl dent expect at iona of lb oouotrj- io regard to a ioruu4 and deciaive prwsecutien of the war. At the eickly Summer aeaton in a few week will rirt the Suuth Cnrolioa aeaboard, we conclude that nothing but tome orerwhetming Union succesae in other quarter will aeeure ' tb capture of Chailettoa beiorelbe return of the malaria killing frot of autumn. . Indeed, it is be limited to pegging a little here and peg ging a little there, at tli occasion mcy io vite or deinaao. ?rfifVrec Ike AtttickTtrric Fin Uu FortiTh KmJtitk completely ridiltJ--Iier 9pptarace ufler Ikt jigXl kMrrtrr r. Ironclad. ' "TbV jtlcrald gives. some interesting par- ticoiara bf the fight at Charlestbn, which show tba power of our. batteries and tba pleo&d tnanoe? ia; which oar gun were worked.- Tba Ilerald admits that the artillery practice of lb rebels was splen did, and gi pfoof of it In this way r " . Our nine vewele were struck ' fire hun dred .and twenty times, the favora being otsiriouiea aa kiiiowa . New Ironsides reteived of shots, - 65 Mini. Weebawkeny vBlf,k 4 1 f."'" tokiU, .tPc. Kahant, TbrrTOfa'iaT8 ; v Tbe fire from lb batteries waa treroen dona, ; aa the condition of the' ; Keokuk abowfl Sbrjwaa fairly riddled Hbrough antlbroogb with highly jpolisbedL Wel shot, .weighing a hundred pound each. furnished to ilia rebels bv EnffUnd. Oar vessels fired in all on hundred and fifty bb ibiivw e.v oae slou at the forta, wbile-lbe x latter struck th boats cW- 6re ' hundred and twenty trnieav 'When tb Xeokuk cam out of the action great bole wer tkible in on -' ' ' -", 4i - ' 80 & ,- ; for UaL'ter . "idVr Yemt aM to? I rfcW-K.j'&iJ i'ra f U of frerfb SibaitcVment b r and there. elLIA&wf. I I - i t ' . l wnq win proiruoe j n re mi utero a lit A lcw,lregner fa lucumond Ctljrighl, or letv , She making water, jtapidirt end apd make rwn. A roli willing ;iiidwi plain to b wilhit sb walla fu;avtMiMr filj Forthwith tb 'f4.1U ad.diuitltl. ! iMurt iba. actio her totlrjf tUerand feMrfetlb)id tow .')ubd, with- Ulk.' W rW our eotteeptlob of lb tf'rriLl evneJoeia witli wblcb lb ftMt bal futigbl aa far bliind tba realil;.S5'Iiivkl d'd Mw wear ff rratbat,BO w hti tx blal that, lima loeoant lbm.o- )nroadabot pea etratad ker aftetHorrt't, aud woWof wbick, it will to-rrfWroWrtf!,, a rnuRrama tf 08bUaKwSirM-nfcf:Iah ir eflnd1cilll)liV)drt. Aoxl)lol paMed through bar frt mw, aaid -atill an oilier ibrougl; Uy-HMlr$ qtialcrA The wer all ateel ftijxiU of oih hundred HU(kJ weight, aiid olilwl lo'lhe aiooiUb ik-m of knife Wad. Tit terrjWe'tlJVct of luera irjectilcajnay bainagiood wkeo it U ataUd that oi of theii,' atrikln tit aflr ... turntaiHiit ancle, whew tbatiresarl waa abnost under the walla of the fortf lu riod itself in tba Iron mail, ajEtd l(bere ty mains. " . f ' s1' ""v ' 'M (The Iltrtld charges England with bav tog luraianea mesa si tot (all made iter in f - i "iT ' "i"7T.i """" T- . Richmond) and goes into a tirade against Jobnny'Bull.Jnu'fter.'- ": p ; v FINANCES. " " It is a gratifying fad, it at the plethora of money ts U-$iaQirg to abate the b aoption of orreoerl for the eight wr cent, bonds, baa become h vkible. thai liorrow" cs i-aniiut procure money -from manjtof tli banks, which are wWiged to 'Tetaia fundBiiTriibicb to pay their depositors. Tba conaeqaeweea-fw-be eipected, are a stringent B4oy market ami an aOMtemeitt of the enormous prices which have pre vailed. If tb tffeel of thia aUoptioo altould be so. great at the preseat nioiuent, when the reduction of (tie correfcy i u nutniiest- by ..ibe .voluntary action, ofi oar; (.uncus, what will H, Jb when the Ux bill is passea, .ana. in wjioorawai oi carency kforml itt e pHyment of Ujs 4 J1a tecuklora aad imprjHien aijajif J ruined by udden. cotipM in . pices k evident, and tlierforiier. erill hare no' sym pathy whatever. Tba vulmne of currency has at no time exceeded 800,000,000. Of this it may baafe to cakulaie'thaVlOO, OOO.OOd are withdrawn and funded. The tax bill is variuudyieatf mated as produc tive from.200 to 400vOOO,OOQ of the rve pne. lase it at tne lowest ngnre, ' ana what will bathe effect of iL wilhdra wl of 200.000,000, or half tba remaiingcbrren-ffivend cy i lueviiaoiy, most asiounaing uepres sion in the price of every oinmodity. There is a mistaken impression that this a -.11 . ! I iibdraw.l wilt be only temiiorary, and that the fund will . reach their previous channel, tit rough the disbursements of the Government; and that the volume will still be increased by the addition of 50,- 000,000 monthly. - Tb' Government has no right to re issue Ilia Treiwuiy Notes which they take in. They cannot issue a depreciated currency.aod lhee notea would clearly be less in yitlue, because the perkxl luring which tbej could be funded would he much shorter than that of the new Tea nry Notes of April 8. Therc-forejt must be borne in mind lhat'tbe mouey with drawn, from circulation for tax-a can only be replaced graduany'by the disbursing officers, and that from the period bf its absorption, six or eight moot lis ro ust elapse before the volume can possibly bf o great. And this also upon tlte supposition that no more bonds shall be fold. By laW; the Secretary of tb Tteasury is directed rto tuna notes, bo a lo endearor io seep omy 175,000,000 in cireulatioo. Whether be wilt display the genius neceasaryW yet to tje-deveJopedv AVitk money in plenty, prioea -wr necessarily-inflated. 'With a stringent money market, tl-ey must tnvari ably collapse. Upon all these tWt. there i the additional one' of the.eageraeaa with which the Cotifederete loan was sought aiier locsruue, ai vo veins uixiu u-i larrahd the oremium paid raik&g UIKW JJMw tfr treats. jle reaction must soon commence, and wbeo the news of; th failure of iha ironclad fleet beGwe Charle? ton reaches them, the financiers of Europe must feel a still greater confidence ia Con A. . . .Jii-w i-'-rrrl federate credits.1" Ifrmsy tk Tiinety Jsyi tof full develope the appreciation of onr currency, but w assert the opinion that in comparatively a abort period lb ehaage wfll ba malked and graUfying. Besides the Value placed upo various arjiclea'ar qojy.ociiuoHS. uecaua w wia m iwtu mood have esUblished prices npoa thspneaceroent of tje present war. U vol- goldt silver r sterling exchange in their tosssKQ far in advance ol its, correct value, it Is no indication that tbe value of our enrrency should be depreciated. True, lb price extend from xucomona to toe i . . - - - I '.' I " .J 1 prkavgpea nia 8 Oft pea aanLk four dayv theVartraaU f tut tbe)?!! HtiLIUh- el ererywiiere elllirougIipul. lite Uon ,6ay.(Tlk'fargalhent would ' H fallal cious that Value 'f ould .Xe', ' suddenly cbatiged, Tabs tor instance, the provision ntarkev vtbe iiBcuilv,of.4ransporlatJo baarnided a scarcity ia lUcbaaondL Cor tilea4k''CrnAaeee.airU4 - at til per 131 1 -Wer 3 10 Mik i eV W per do; Jui keys, 20 each: pwta, 120 per ietj , hiW i". weumKft fje aay. mi 'f oci'eve. these to bo fair yakaliona vf tkesa eorninodiliest It is jiwc as much the case a in lb infla ted price of gold, silver and tte' Hng. " South QrrWiM4a. Tk Premlsri FaJI kil Saltr (aeasy. Wilbin the at frw daysaeeaeral an eaMiies itas porvaleU Ipe speCuJatlngmar ... m'.' ket. Tba invest toent of Cutifedefateootes info eight per cent. lomls, th revbluUon-- ry aionea oi in nonnern prini9,int puoy lcy of the Confederate securities in Europe, the f ederal defeat at Charleston, and other events connected with ttielwat indicative.! of a better lime coining apeeilrly to the South, have had the effect of producing an unsettled slnTe of tuiiid aiWng all who art profeiwidiially engaged in turning over tiieir money in the article of common trad. Th4e hasr- boweverij-been no important decrease ia the price of anything, and those tittle ' article of :" prime necessity which make up the irsff of This domestic life main at the aan;e f'xorbttnnt' prices to which they, attained at the last leap up wards' m the felted nle of the domestic mar kets. To tba comparatively useless article of tobacco, there haa been a full, and the F decline promises fd W greater as the days plum wkagj leaetny-lw spHulators the ai tefhativ of selling off at reduced prices or ibolcliu with a peqftec1 oT'ieobUe -laaX tjread, the great desideratum, hoi.de Its latest elevation, (ut it m believed that in litis article the sjcniatora.have done their worst. May it Iw so. In clolliing, the opposition produced ly the blockade run ner and the blockade gocus buyers up has in mm n nifT(CTii cnnjr in wniio rlHMOilsM- nienis, which are selling strring Suits for tneo at fifty dollar that on month ago tlieV oould have easilv sold for aeventv- a hundred. : Such cta indieate. . : x it ia lelievedr a general decline in merchan due andvprodncts ; and the only fear of consumers undih principal hoie of the specalHtorklhatil isiiietelr one of those oevitaMe deviations rrotn the ascending scale which, in great marts of trade espe cially, only serve to lure, the former 'with false hoies and lighten the fcap of the latter to a stiil higher pi iclt. The assure a nee that there ia pleirty in the land will iHw b brought to flk lest. ' TJieTwarm sw-ath-r will lessen' th wants ot the. public and add to the magazine -f this abaud MiMf. Tite good news at home and from abroad proHiUe a great moral rtfw t, and brtjseeu the two, lit, moral and tii phy k'icmI infltiencHi of the. seaon, we ultoulcf be led V antieipnte a snroruer. which, will ex hibit a vt relief in the community. The disappointment of such an anticipation may as well be accepted the signal Tor a general resignation to the rule of high prices until the end of the war Hick- JROMtf rvaT'uT fcrainjjrl?i ; On of the fr(ote.Bye learn that there is a farmer iu ibia county who baa several btfbdm) bnrrekof corn, more than wilt be required for hi own use, ahd that he savs lltute who get it mbst boiiie down with lite gold and silver. Tib is pecu liar cw. because, we are told, the gnUe man wa a tfrvat advocate for Mood and ekoraa fc Vy,in-1 S ftkrW ., , T. . ,m- nTtr' er ru xvm tbow uno in - tm-wmitt- these are the nwn who . nsrubk n the J stri-et vrnets and aiait lit (oyaltv of tim roen.'vino bave made sacrifice for their country and whose Aios latches they are sby-otcarVjHPre,! We ar grat-fied to karn that Capt. J IL Foote has been appointed to a position iu tbe AdjiUant General's office! Capt F. is a tau've of Iredell County, and waa a Pro fessor in Wake Forest College at the com- unteered, raised a company, and attaching hime!f to the 1st State troops, Jie tor aa koiiorabk pari in nearly all the great bat tk In Virginia. Such a man deserves well f J;UiVr!rwfAtr &itU-ri4i u. 151 THE " as Moacrinl nnder thf act f April. t8(3, erft'fn yuty-( t-iwkf CedliHrt bi bht'iub.: BtituteCedhart wa 23 yesr of age aqtiiDV---. . afl.frpeqtsji flt,and, sufndeittsnhatiwt h, " tb wi and ,w accepted by Uj,y Idallett,' corrimaodsnt' at conscript,-bo fliereuporj' gave Irvin aa absolute discbarge..- t '.Tlte' petitioner STert, hois adviJIhsf tba cooscriptioa acts ra npwtii'oiippt .tR. , u not, oeceMsry. lor inpurjxjaoof iUaca h is adirih ffd' fiat Ufa m'wlSdoot ' ' xhwaajWen ;: anthority to accept juhetituteaand ivatlia cbargea, bat it k ksistedTJiaf Trvin, ' charges wM"aftetard't ft-i.l Congress reodejed oTlice&ct, oc'tlia act pi Oct. 162 mtSut 'jJi petsonj IfAwW'tU ages Of SvUnd 45 liable aa 1wincW UW" r Gedhart became liable, a eotnxiript,-b' ' reason whereof be was no fedje a sufficient . " subetitute, and jlius.Irvina jiiwhargf had ao . farther afiect" "If one, who k at tba time ' hable asWconscript should b offered and ac cepted s a substitpta, it may be. conceded thl diacharge obtained in 'rjiat way, would, be1, 7 void, because no corisiderauori-k"recc4ya by the government,' and the officeV- exced ' bis authority. Bo If after -the corWrfntion act of April, one who ia adder t8 Vears ' tit aire is ofiered i and accepted aa a buostitute, & may be conceded that the discharge wilt only'. ua vi ruevi uuiu ujv ouosumic arrives a IfiOt V age of 18r fof as it wa knowo to. the pav ties that' the BubstitUTe himself woidd bewm liable at that date, finder flaw theu'k force. -it will be presumed that the contract ana discharge were made in reference tor that state of thing; and after thfrsubstituterif rives at tbe age of 18, the cotwideratioD TaiV i and the officer had no authority to grant a discharge for a longer, time. ' : . .' ' ' ? 1 . But in our case there was at the UmeW law in fores- under which it ' waa' known io' tba parties that the subStittita' would 'aAer- wards be himself liable If coriScript,! lljeT contrary, eh was In alt respects a fit4ndiii(S-" ficient eubstitute i for the wnn'sj vvi. aV &i(Sdt,ws such; MnnJ'Ablijie. Ji&dwfg giyen lather wis full considtirsiidn itceied& by the government and full authority on the part of t officer. Tbe question la, doe the subsequent action of Congress, to wit. the act of Oct. 1862 by its proper constructtad and ' legal' effect, repudiate and tuake'void the con tract aod discharge--: -v,:v y, : The . construction of acts of Congress, ao far as the .rights of the dtisena, as' distifia - fOiuthed from military regulation, are. con-1 " cernedj is a matter of the Couru ' ' VVhether Congress has power topass. an act expressly 1 making Hable" 'to ounBcriptwn persons who bve heretofore- furnished sub-: "iitiiteTand received "an: absolute discharge is a quesuou no. now nresenteo. ana one which. I trust publio necessilv never will cause to be presented, , as it would violate natural justice and shock th moral sense. In 'my opinion the act of Oct. '62, by is ' - proper construction, does not embrace men who were - before bound as substitutes, to ' serve during the war. It is true, tlte act in general trords gives fe President powjr t. call into military,' service1 ail 'white: men resi dents, &a, between the ages of 35 and 45, but this mauilestly. does not include men who,, are already :jd.mihury service for tbe war, lor this plain- reason, there Was fid occssioA ' to include ' them, they . were bound befdra,' aud tb true meaning aod intent of thet act-'' is to increase the army by calling into service meu who were not before liable. Suppose tlte act'eontaineda provisiou civics bounty ' of $500 to all men called into service nnder ju -operation, or previdiog that conscripts should not be ordered out of theirnrespective Sutes, would it- be maguled that men who, had previously vohmteored for the war, or tilled" to ttWexttrlhft or to tlTpecWr privilege of rernainuig in their. owntaIec Z. Ceruinly not because there was no need for halation in ; order to make .soldiers of them: ' -j-?. ' -f : - : -f A' decent repect tor our law makers- forbids the Court from adopting a ' construe' tkn which leads to th oooousioo that it wo the inteniioo, by tbe use of geneesl words, r to include wkbia' the operauoo of the act substitute who were already toand for tbe purp bf cBbetiug itcia. But mciMmmm purpose of reachmg parties who bad ftirriwbeey sUutMuies, ana ta uiat way asserting a powef which is at least doubtful and certaidy u Volvea repudiation and a want of good auth. As lite otxteeriptioa act does oof include ub- -stitues, the conclusion that Gedhart k no ' longer suSkient aa a aubstitoe and tbiz- lrvm'soWiargek ef no further efitfct. taia. - It ia considered by am that John Imn be forthwith discharged with hberty go to wheresoeveebe witt. ' . - It is funber couaidered thai tbe coat of this ' proceediAgsDowed by law be paid bj Jroe lnrio to be taxed by tba ekrk of taaCperr 9t Court' f Iiockuixbsm County ating. to the iUtut io soda case mad -' isar f 'd.' '- ' .'.,'iLI.' : ',. ' Tb Gerk wiH tk tba papers in thia prw- u oaediog awoaf fba paper of bia oi&oa. '. v-- f r &u, pumsois cb. s. & c ; t At ISebtaond HiJ, April fib, 1SC3. i i J