"f r 1 1 xral Jjicrsox shot by uis . 'OWXTROCrS IS TZ2 KIQUT- mis xrovxDX?r : trn lb following tkfiatcll was toccivyd from - Oaiaea last Bight j ... . ... ... ... ' UuoguaJtsha, 19 docVJL K t-ti ru t ir.j 6, lso. . ,j It th close of' the batU of Chanctllors vule, aaoday, tb to n ray tf reported ad- taooDf from, FiwdcttcUburg la ear row. . ll;Leiv owmnt back toftret his. . rronws.W rYftOtai him briiue,.ydi4 J twrwtKt toetrtnwg V I taw immwaatatea ft iru rem ande General 8dgewick, 1 determined to attack it, and inarched back csterda with (Jeooral Anderson, and urn- ting Wiia lie Laws and Lariy w Ot aftar . loJa, naooaaJad. hf the blessing of Uoaven, ' fc driving General Sod gawfck over tba Hver. aT My xxxafie4 Fiwdwiebbarjr, W1 m sjysmy reojb aqqta, of th Barebsnnork " to .vicinity; . V . '- -v t- ... ....-jttAtt.lriaHifti that w armies war thrice; vicfocwa on tb. mom Vv In i-iJitioa to tha above, our mformation - io the MrticoUn of tbe.tbre greet battles toenone4 tbetem amauats to next ta noth jS, ' We bar beard of no oasoaltie with evh ikiBww. - V : , e alarureable exofcom vra pn. iuoed ban jctunUj bf tbm naoaneemcnt iUt atdrgraai aatf bant raoetd from Or a. Le sUdnf that Booker and hia auff bad been ctptttred. . T!m oalv.Jbaodatio for tbi wtorf.lt turaed out, hm that loa operator at . OwuMa,t bfonnadibe operator beratbataucb a mart wu u atroaiatioti at tba teraier A ailixi iii rm vtmttrAm nwuminir nnnnne d (b tct tUt" jOeaeral Jaoksoo s anu had baea.amputatad and that be is doing wealL 'Ura Jatksoa wbo ia at present ia too city. has. been Wurtaed by a ieuer of tba meka- (dhoiy eironrnstaooe toodar wbicb tba Ueaer ai ncatved bin wouodv - TUafonowingatbeacOrof Aeoaostun Mpy affitnr, as detailed M that .fetter: At ii Jwsbt, on Saturday nighty his 1 mea being 4a va ap laTinaoi aattfe. a body af Uoups iras aeeo a Aort dwUnc J aJyance of oor taie. It bew doabtfal -wlietheF tby war ineoda oeeoenaes, Qeaaral Jackson and staff U fnrarard to' aaaertala. VTbibt be waa taagaged ia reooBOoiterior, au inea beic aa 4wn f his soprement, mistook bimsbifiand auff for anetmes and fired rotky into them jMStaaUy lulling one af bis auff and serereij a otadio General Jackson and Alaj. Crutch Itil Que bnflet passed throagh the Gener al's nght band, whilst soother struck hia left arm bvSow tbe etboar and, rangtag upward, dutured tM torn near tha abatddea. He aaataadr feil ta tba aaa. Ilia brotber-ua- bw,mfr vwt arttb ban; kid dowa beside him O asosrtaui tbecbaiaeter of tha vroonda. saoosent tba aaknoara troops in front, who proved toe tha eaeaiyaadranood and captor- oS tvofotber stsJT officers who were atanding ner tbe uenaral wtthoot oouciog bim. Boon Aar, foot of our mea pUeed him oa a suet ch ar, aad were bearing bam o tha rear, when ,4srj fret sH abaf dowo - The bywy to bis ngiit band is seere, ana of tba bones bariug aea shot Wav, bat it is bettered beym at- iiiMtey-tfcae-a The raid was atifl tb theme of nubbe eon ftt3oB yaiardayf and thoujands of -wild toman fouad cruulaUoru. . Bui tba edsa t f lin mrm mwLMmntlw M ill II tf . Wtt itAMM wbiub would have bees greadil swaflowed 4a 9m my bekxe were recetrad with arbwia meakei4kiB. Several ausopbisticsted iar- mers, who galloped their bones into town to feriug auoniMtioa of tba adsanoe of aouatleas xasdceaav gat aory dariaioa for their; pain Jfetafter boldness arinoed by tba enemy ana tbe apparent tmpotency of oar omiiarr auibonties arrest bis career, ettisens oooki aot teef easirelr easy. Ha had been permit ted jsa cross Brooke ereek aad com arithia two nites of Ihe oity, and there wat no abso- ' Idle assurance that he might jiot repeat and area estead tu visit . f - r -;-;Wbkb tsia-f ajrxxa aavautv - Vve tnenBoned iq par hot that a train, seot ap tha l-'redcriclaborg road to repair tba trade, ba tarn fnghlened back when wkhia threa wiks of Ashland- bv the report that tba Tan Icaes held fbat tdac io force and bad Cannon ppera- or, who wm oq this traa nfuasd ta retara, aa j proceeded on a band oar to Ashland. Karir Testerdar morakir ha teleerapbed to 1&ebinuad Ctat ther was ho eoetnf M sight and-that air was qniet Ua, however, said that rasaleDts informed Um that durrng the previoos dsy Yankee pickets bad at Oifferrat umt looked into tha plaoa. w uunfct&ere as little d)ubt Uat tba sooondrels were look sg Ior'a6ai on t wbom tbey might give OMttsef va op. Tha operator aonnv th ejftrnenr connected tba broken wires, thereby at otice petBtt? th ity fir lomrnuiikadou anthUoiSMa,btat)oa. This was prim foot oridrtos-tjat ther wa b enemy aloa; tha aotaw coa vt IMS fuetKejjuiTs wia euUj atandy Vouyht that there wara 'aevaral lare borTies of bbst3 catalry acaUerad orer die cocntry of tha Upper James river, buro- .' iag the barns and dweUine sad driving off tba negrot and stock. About tea o'ebok a iarmer bring oa Westhanv plaok road, tw ' aofie m( of th eitfi cam in wiib the ao sMaaaeuieat that threa rbooaaod Tank ear airy, had btvouaekad a bis pjaoa the a-gbt elore, aoJ were, at tha tuna of tb telling, aUl tlircc .' Two boars kter, the' old ladiet of tba it heard aad tresbfiny bebeved thai a ctduaa d sot (hsndred tboasaad sooaatad ; Tackev wm aaarehtng oa Biehaond by tb4 tnrpjth of tha James fiivar and- Kanawha Csl Bat tb best opiaioa oa fbaanbject UaUbRboutstiMaaasyastbatbs )v : C i, . . ... v I , l. a next Lew J t. o.u in Nw Ki t - Uitir ppearatK-a at V.LieU plc lctrvti a fa- rat none - - - CoJoiRrl B. T. W. Duke, of tha 4Gtk Tlr- cinia, being ia tha lower end of Nr Kent with on Mured and Uij man, reoetrea or dor to repair ta fiichaaud. Embarking his aiesoaa tai aa tba Tork liivar "railroad b proceeded to obrr tha order. ' A tba traia reachod Tanitatl XatKM, 24 miles from this eiiy, it wm fired into bj boom four hun dred Yankea earalrv. , Tba cars, ware ta- staodr .stepped and tha bojs of tba . jrIUnt 46ih instantlr .tpriogirui out, formed ia Una at battle and returned tne Or w in aaetnr, Tba Ysukees, afraid tQ ebarga, stood off at loo ranffe and aned their carbuiea -. Colonel lie," ami that the Taokew bad aa tboHgM to durrii.t ike.near approacn oj Our mea they wbeeW and fled, jmH, IwwerevTailh autkMa, TbevJeft six saan dead Mpqa thf fikl;'and fiOeen atbers. anwof ' wboia vaa Lioatenaat Uarah, vera Ukea ansoner. ; fJ TWfollowtof furoiahed by a partkipabt ia tba fgbtf On Mooday, tbe 4th Instant, Colooel Duka, with tha 46th Tirgioia regi wmoL of General WWa brinda, arrived at Taoatairv atatioav" front below J?w Eaat Court Uoaaa,- wbar hi ragiraent,i together with other portions ot Ueaer. wiss com mend, bav Wn doing good ! seavicev Colo ad Duka was wider order to report for duty at Kicboftoad. wKh bts reinawnv tba aid 46th. Befbra tbetim' for the train to leave, Mjor Wise rod a short distano from th depot, ana set a 'rwteent of .cavalry, lie bailed to know who tbey were. ""The reply was fcWe are Virginia cavalry." Tben haV salf lha Uejor, nd let th offioarr in Mocnimand ad vance alone." Tbe whole body dtarged on bun, and whea m l few pace many fired, bat without effect. Ho wheeled his bors aad dashed back to thadepot, Tbe Yaakees for it was a portion Of their cavalry wbicb had made the Utrakl dashed up and fired oe our men sttung on tb opew cars. Hut tbeyfound they bad ridden irto a bornei's east, for quick as tbongfatr fthe 46th respond ed ta such manner as to drive them "away, and thes save the railroad. Colonel Duke, with bis officers and men, deserve great credit for their gallant coodnct, as the Yan kee force was five to one. Tbe enemy had many' of their horse killed,' and five taken ; nix of their own war killed tnd thirteen ta ken, prisoners. VVe had only two men wounded. Doubtless ia future tbey will be wsre of tb We mea 7 ; " : ,m. . AIPCBS CArTCBa. All toid twenty-two of the Yankees en gaged in tbe raid near the city have bean captured, Six were taken by citizens on Monday, fifteen by Cftonel Duke, at Tun staffs and oaa coolly rode into the city and down to tbe doors of the Libbly prison, and delivered himself up. Just as this adventurer reached the Lbby all the Yankee prisoner then in tbe city were m the point of being sent to Cm v Point muler Baa of trace. When tbe raider was informed that he was to be sent to bis awn oooou-y immediately, he ex pressed great dissatisfaction, and said be thought it was not doing the rigbt tiling by bim ; that he bad expected to have been per mitted to remain a few days to see tbe city. Among the primners taken are Lieutenant Marsh; of the 4th Hew York cavalry IT is felt am was fractured io tbe elbow during the erigasemrnt lie would have been re tained her until recovered ul his wound, but that a Yankee . surgeon wba ctammed hn said Le woall nin no risk by making tjie trip. During his short stay 4 the Libby prison he conversed bneeiy with (he ouiuers in chare tie said that Hooker's cavalry forw amounted to nnwsrd of twfttr thoHand, but that only about a thousand had eoue further sonth than Louisa CiNirt Honse, and that none of them had expected to escape capture, tas aeaaaa a ni taaata cavauv. , Woae raaasa to ehaae lha aiMoa rx- pfd oa yeaterday, ibat lb wbol fore of Ik task oe aaVatty sagagad 1 Uta rai aa Ibia eity did aot exeaadaifiit Saaarefl, eomprui- ing loevlher, tbe 13th IIIibom aad 4th K. York recimaata, eon)aadrd reapetively, by Col's. llarwi and Kilpatriek. But lhal tbo'onguiNl cioadiibiua, of wbiob that iiwl swotiooarf wa off-abooi, waa vastly mra asiavruaa, wa bf giatd raaaof to bebeve. Tbrr srnvrd is inta etij oa yesterday two ( a m ' am. . v - " a w Wa- yousf sna. i- ruig'raMi an t. u- Dig- rer, of ( I" Vinai cavalry, woo were, t Mnlarilav. taki-a prvoar by ike Yankees. t a birafity kouar a Orasf pring,ia theoa 1 V of Lovisa ' Thy war ia tba ha ads of lb Yankees duns Saistday and ttonday, aad what wo aball nuW stai is what lhay lesaed by boaraav and boratia dnf ibeif cap tivity. r- O Fridav, tha first dy of .Nay, Gaa. lon. sss cruaaad the ftappabaoooek si KcUey's Ford, aad tb Rapidas at Racem Furd. with tbadJtowiuf regiaaeaiaofeavslryi Hani' lijhl cavalry, th 1st Maryland. 1st Nw Jrry. 1st Hsiao. U Haw York. Uhh Haw York, fib Pa navjvaaia Laacors. 3d. 5th aiid 6th rar lor, 3d ladisaa, 4th New York aaosaled riflsi sad ib 1 3th Illinois. H prorseded dirtel In tba Csstral radrood, of srbteb ba took peas aioa from Trarilllsa's. sia snil apwlbonst of UordHiWiU to Kraderick'a Had, a point fifty miles from Richmond by lb WMiraa of th rail At Tbompsi s umes Koads. sear taa rail' a. he saeoaauv and dastrored aixlaaa rwiroaa b4mipK W. U..JT., UiVd man aad fa roaia lor boMeaevio. Uariaf aaatihLhuwaaa o tba eereetsas mils of railroad ladtealod. a sent dUcbiu Srnaat Colawbta. Goosaiaad ?ort Ilooas, aad pr- bapaoihrr ptacea. AKWtg wna pse partssa vara seat thro battru)r f ring anillory of air (ae aeb aw rarey Wyedhani aad Gea. Buford war a atoaomaa s otairr Uor Mot. asset board that Aaerifl aad HuM, with rapa- rat eoMssaaaea, erossas ta Kppasooek at tW soaaa ina with atooawaa. bat ooaid aot btar wbilhar lhay had foo. The aoaotrypee- mi Bad at tbe approach of lha as my. To 4hi bow ever, taors wa on' if nobis sicaptiea, A at at Lootss Cowrt-boas aamad Hodgva, a oassrtar fseas ta S6cb Tirginia, wsleamsd tb Yaak wkh maay deasonstrat ioas ofjoy, look lb oath af aJkgUaa aad taW la peraaad or bfarataata I da tb aaaw. Foar aVasansrs ; I-..- f ih rr - ' ,rnitka k r ivd tLiu..,. ' .t,k iut), ,i taiasd ae e' -r!v warded, a f . m .1 ' ... 1 ' t luS MOJMIftl r.. .T TT -w- . ' .. Ta ruid a vas nam vas. W bav isa at sooM solas t asert!stbt reatas take t y tb Yke!ry darii g th rsat raid, aad gia tb radr tba ru af ear 4avtigtlM. Oa rfatarday a ba vy for at savary, aartkas ti toeoaaaa, took posat mmm f th Catra ralraad Ksiw far and five badrd at ron, started towards Goochland. Wf toaaaizbtof tbaas (root Sataraay antil aaday atKbi wha tbey appeared aa tb eorthaaatar border uf tbaf soaaty. - Oa Mo, day lhy bar aad llaagary statioaa tb FraaV liokabarf road, aad ibaaea- cam towards Itkbatoad, ressjl th .Bntf atot lt wAJkJmi hnrjaa-aMs.M aaxya4J,ara taw id 4W faaVotiy -atiaoiroititBry ."ro4 teMtag tBi tna Lbickabuauaf .brxJs, aear lb Msaduw Bridrea .. AlUr deairoyina; a aortioa af tba Chkkaboaiiav bride aad tha ajrie Acu. tbr Uok mm their baa af march for lb UMJ-aarebla Uaawef. . . : ;. . Tb Yw.lflb HKouto. Col. Parw. V.rt CM. at tb lias whb tb New York FoanK Tkay read Ashlaad abaat tbrtb aetoek Seey avaoiag, aaptwrsd th aaaba Wae tsar, aad afUr aaialaf tb tick aad barata iwa ataa, a tsUMt la (atgraph wiri jsuasadtd to flaasear Cans a, aa a vatri soaa. ...t ?' v-r W has elrred aatatioaod tb prforaaaea f this aartr at lba alas. The fed tbr aa Muaday anorsiaf aorly, mmi at ! o'eJoes, A. St., atlackad lb Yk Kiver trala at Tea. stall' at at too. Alter, bang aleata ay lb roriy-oiilb Tirfinia, It i Vfisvad thai tbvv I wtek.aa tb Ravpabaaaaak.Ulow FraaVrnka. . , x m r . . .fa lav a . a . . . a a m a r - . a. - repaired to lb aa'igtibarbopd f tb Old Cbareh aad fond a j aoniun With tba Foanh N. York, tarea and lb wkuia crosaud tb Tamaaky at Naw Cssils, or susa of lb fords lower dowa tb straam. . ' J..!:. r It ha boaa all alnag beaVrsd that aaoeh baavier fore lhae Uher of tboav iaat sseatiua- ad left fooaisa Court beats a Saturday asora Ing. a4 went m tb diroeiio af Uolami.a lb Jaaaoa River CaaaL Maay raasors of th nsovaasrauiof law a4achaaa aav raaehed as but aasoaf tbsaa alL Mtbiagj4 aav wis traow aortby or Usf.bt. TVs Uen. Wm. tt. F. La st aad dafaaledat Colaasbia, fraas which place it n asoat yiubnbls that they rolaraed la Casmbid by lbs nhortast eat, We boar a theee. I Vaanors of another detach as eat who bav koa operating between CoJembia aad this city hat tbey aoaa I aa iasachaoefeaad aad aa- tfeaahla obap. lhal wo eaa asake ootbtag of Hbetn. Oa sms broaght 4a report Mat aigal bat Ga. e5t.namaa aad staff war eeea aa Mondsv on ibo'Thr Cbob road fin mil (root tb eity. bat heaoaM giv a rnhrae- naai. Taaewly enain talsiogvae jr bV frnas Gonehlaod ia that fort) arefo ran away from lha Dover enaJ ovata oa Monday nivbt. and wrnt ia srarrb of th Yank re. . Whether' tb aoaaay sliU bold the Cant rat road, al Louisa Coart-houa w bav not learn ed. They were there oa Mgfldsy swraing, sod were reported to have oee ao isjory af consequence Io lb read. t If S Ma mil baa beard lb reaalt of the bat tlr of CrianertlorsriHa, be baa no doubt attempt ed to retara aorth -t lh Rappahaaaockby ibe Sam root over which b earn. TS Lavssr. At s laie hoar last nifbt 6oa. Fellifrew let ecraphed fnua llanorrr JaacUoa lhal there waa no roe my ia lhal vicinity. A great light, aa of a boeee oa foe. waa ear ia a dsewest direction by oar aieketson tbs river, sis au lea from lb eiir. Caaauosdtng was believed bare been heard la lha aane direelioa, bal it way bat beea ibander- - a- Rarn Two trades, brariag sevaa haadred woandrd aad'lw haadred sick aoldiers, reached tbi eity yeeirrday morninf from Got sea's statin oas I be Frederickabarg reod. From wo ode d offiesrs who cam dowa ea the train we have on i icreetiug but scant facta of the race at easeui ary battles. Oa Tharadsy Huokr'rigbt wing bad reached a peiat near fpditaylvania Coart Houas, his left roatiag o lb Rapid at Ely' rord,ond bMeaatr o ubaaeenoravula, Un miles 6oathwK vf Fraderickeburg. Th hos tile sua wt r at Ibis tins ta eke prosimiiy and skiiwiash ware freaat. Oa Friday eve. ai, about six a'clock, Uaa. Jsekaoo attacked the.eaemv's rif at fiauk. and lha first reaersl belli nA tie. Rhodes, commanding D." II. Hiir old vision, keing aa oar strorae left beta th Aghl -Taa a army had dariaf Thars- day niebt, Ihrowa dp foraudabl bresstworks toreaUt aa ttek from th diraction of. Fred rickabrg, bat oar loree dvaacig from nearly oppuait dirariioa. tbey war, id eoaras, wurthlea. The enemy finding tumotlfoutflaak d d-serted his works without resistaac and (led towardd CaaaeelkwsvtB. -Nifbl roaniof on tb paraait wa diaeontinaed. Dariag Sat urday JaekwMi eeaiiaaed to pre th nmy's right, wbilM Ga. Le assailed him I Itvml- Oa Saturday aaiog, shortly after tnidaifbl th b-wtit aemia oeeappiag line paraliel with tb plauk road tssdiag frowr Frederiekabarg to Oranss Coori-tioaa. th ennnv advsaesd aad dabvered battle. At tbia critical joaetar Cre. Jackao reeeived hi wooed ia lha maaaisr -' tailsdby as yesterday- After oaa f b most deaserate aad btondy battka af lb war, which lasted aiil tee a'efotk ea Smdsymoraiag, Hooker wm beau at alt paiat, and fell back towards th Rapida al fats eoaflaenee with the Rappahaaaack, soaa silt oaa sa Fred sneksbarg. This was lb ball! of Chael lorsaill. Whik4 it was rfiaf, fledgwiek. wkb aa avarwaoiaaisg faiwa.advaaaed ffos lbs Rsp pabaaaoek below Frdrickbrg, sord ti. rty, wbo, with aa dlviaiao, held lb baif hi or r reoartckaoarf . AUr aaaori aut avspsrate reasianeo. Early waa aompolled to ralir uv wards I liasnallws tills, aad Slgwidt took po-: of ibe ler'etd hewbta I fif ht lb oneaty aaptarvd a, aambw of prino. ars sad.fiv guasef tb Waabsea Arullsry batUboa. i is said that tr entire companies af lb H asbiagloa Artiiery were, uka, bet wa think th report doabtfut . Wbe a revera ovanskaa as a aeapa goal is1 never wanting-. la taweaaeM ) said w aoaid av. neid ear posi'ios bat for tb puailUsinto eoadaet of nas iaraatry rfiit. Wa, however, b. have oar dcfaal at Ibis point to bss bees ola. iy ao t ta MBJmcasaodd arooxM srstnat as. The saessv's Uiawph wa deatiard to b short, fired. ' CeecrsJ bleLw bsia'g seat Io Geaeral arty asaiataae; ia la lbs tw boar dWodvad Sadrwiek -aad drove him inte tb YsHey eth Rappabsaaock, lacsntanlig, it ia be tared, lha rsos tart he for s lost. Wbeih. r Sedgwick raUealsd te lb tw or to m ! i i (flci ', I If I 4 t ' ! tvo: i f a t.rr and r t r J of l,nt. 1 !.. h (I d. but aa Irara, .r U ilartt boerht vicbiry af tbs day. If ur ks i this baiilab asgrsat asreponad.aureulamasaiast bav ba beid t lb r afth aaai)' anlttsry, planted aa lb HtsfiUrd hills. ' . . Of lb paratioaa ainc Vsndafi W bar awtbiai bat lb vageest aad saasl aaatlafkiry remrere. ' . ' - '. ' ' ' .la lbs esrUaof Vltl. w ha'vfjnsalloasd that r arasv aptard thirty sad swaa tsa tbvaaaadsriauasra-sigbt thousand of abicb BMaai4tbavariivdatGaiaaalatkta. " .. . -I x - Wasaaa.ViBai 9 a ; W baa a y4 ba aal 4 abtai aa aa aoaat af bat few af ta assay aabiss which have aeearrsd. t w I ; t : ''" " Ef1y-adsy:moralf 'Ofa.!A,''r; ';"! met4 ita Jii wawad aa-Ka tf of hi leg. Jt was fsartd. from U loeaatybf IkiS jry.tkat bs Ua.porar.ly disabtod, wa.eriek, hf a trafnwsvivn .w- I bat w r vlad to Ur that such was sot lb aa.": . . Aaaoagtba killed Ws has heard af CabaJ Faatwa. f"iaw-gtaswa 'Britad. rCabi I Walk (WrraT).af the 1 1Kb Vtrgiau), Cat. alaUory.af th ib Tirrlate, Major MdsWl a a, aid ia Oasral llaib,' Captaia (Jraha Dnvidaoa, Ltiebar CaUrry; Captaia Xdward Branch, af Ktckmoa ursya, aaa Cap, vaaaa. af that fbiarsbart Grayst.Jiw Cbsaaia Piic; of Carl tftaart's wa killed W Thursday aar vpwtsrraaal Veurt UoasK ' '.' ':. .ndtaiviaT' ' ' . OSeiajUftjeaiarJoafroai FrvaWeksbar;, Was yasterday iivd, la lb fallow! r rflWl V I Hooker Jetj two rs ararsat. awasr seng I rf " ho ia sawa, aooy s mm aarvss a srosasd sha laspab sans k sad Rapid .'eWv wiek's iairaeua wr t'ross lb riearaad attach Ueev Lra'a roar a aaoa ar UaeAar abnald ef asa I hens ia rVoel. dgwick, for sua roa aakaowe, delayed bia eroaaiagbo yoed the appoiated tisa aad did aot get vr nliljlooker waf !, bat yet ia liai I pre rest Ueneral Lo rrarn poeoisg Bji Victory. llaAar iaat United RtMos Ford foarJeea Mta abov FiraVricksaard bad .'"i r seve'a below th aoanaaa of th CaaaaJaaaaack sad the Rapidas, holding a otvoaf posiliua, aad otroof. ly antra ached, receiving heavy riafocmeaU. CAROLINA . 8ALI8UURY. N. Cu Mlf ITILIItC. ill n.tio. jp4.tt.,-s& a.iiHTT 7 ITtlSCWllX J1CKS01 tlhV .The sad iatelligeoee, Vf toTeaphTtuw fcnt received her that this atmstiaa bora has died fruru th effects af an over -do of morphine and bis painful wounds. . It is still hoped this new, tbougb apparently reliable, may proa Untrue. His be would be received as a great public calamity.-. THE GREAT BATTLR The great hattia'w'wew on tito banks of the Rappnitaonock ; and a victory, wa are assored by tha Commandiag General gaioed, worthy of any arm or na tion. VY bav seen gentlemen from the scene of, action, who describe it as cartajuty tba most terrific fight ever witnessed, and the destruction of life as awful (ndeed. We VnW f not bow" to express ourlutuuef lor tbi ol-T it mula of tLo anornr. aiid tn orhat luixnara ' toconveylopi brav araiyfor the dauntletooiannev in which ; tiiey faced the vandal foe who bad been lay- i ing waste pur lovely coontryand bsrled them back with such tremeodowa slaughter. "But while w ar proud of th prowess ex hibited on this occasion,' wa bav to lament the loss of many brave spirits, both ia wound ed and killed.. Tbev have noblv riven an .v,. 1, a, ,i-r.. ,k-t. t. unl Hvv aaa waniiva vi ikh saa vwj aMtivs. aJU i . .. ... . , , rvektn rkTAVn aVl lha ItoHlf f KaaJ inriayssnawlalsran ' - v - and .'entire separation is tha Only alternative tbey need expect. Our respected townsman. Capt Wjl C Loao,we regret to U-sra, ismortaTy wounded. Wbra tbe news rea:bed here; a uaiveraaJ ex- pressioa of - trgrrl was beard at every tarn. and a hearty-wish," that (althongh fearful af his recovery.) be may be spared to his natrrerf town and country, for many fjhf eoma. W regret fo hear that Cspt. Ltrrnxa Da- M . ' vit ofthistowtt,wuab severely wouhdod. It WwtMssr of tlio Rowan Rifle Guard was ar a Tfl'i.j,,. . Kfik. W TTTsT- n.-WZ'-- sKjrhtiyonnlel ' - Among the General oflloer. th aocidental woocdmg of Oen. J Acxsoa, by ear own men, is sadly to be reerettrd : for bk name is a tower of strength to his Ihvisiooend throtrgh out th whole army We learnt frorntd. C. M. Avtav, who was also woonded that th General is doicg wcu, and that he expressed tha opinion that ba would be able ia a lew weeks toreumebis command. If tba tvmyerv of a whole natioo wta avail anythinr with lirn wbobas all power m llearen and. earth. We are sure fe Jackson has tna benefit of thilfflinalfP v feriog risiderahlp, wa am glad to sea is able to ssjt ;aad wLHO?t tbit oy jeara tt Wtttl son fxAAR ra itifwiit lit tiia mtil k ra-ii 1 i . ' -rF- r health and strensrth. Let us ae thanklul to the Giver of sil good for this sirual display of Ilis mighty power in our bebaJf on this occasion, and pray that lie will ill hover over our codniry. and defend h from tha at tacks of our enemies for tba future. '' TU Utaned Hoi sr TCmcajad-Tb heaviest shower of rain ever witnessed by th oJdest Inhabitant fen bera last Wednesday bet ween 11 and 12 0 clock. It was mingled with bwTTO baiL , In 10 minutes time tb street in Iront of oor offlc Was covered with water 1 and all lha streets to the neirhbor- hood were, at the and of tha shower, which did not last mora than '25 mi&otev Xamrly tUiraJybnergaJ.- - ' . . . . j - , - r f r v : eJ ly l! L.t I V: ; o t., t:.stw.atl:t ii vv..j ta la u.eU. j -rwaa couuty, tut m nerer. But.l Lt aVi . . found tut its InU-tulwl fotation. Ti that daring lb ieniun of Ut County Ct,ur 5 " an application, was ma.l for th prHintme;. of sbitath person Io sope: iuh?Dd l!, e!cctu9 ' of Commisfliooers of the sai l Town of D ' But ILU, oa tbs first BtarJiy iq Juo and that its boundaries adaay Joia thesa of ' tba aacwot of SaTabary t and thou, half a mil aqnar. . 1 WoaJor what oar "tlfy - lathers" war about wbsa this aadadoaa b-ao. I , v ...... .1 1 fmst the prOeperity or eof old beKmd ' Town was being fanned and matured. v - iHbtur aipmcuaai,-MiAt Vehl)fay di liotmJnifcow tbey -w -,. - to lay S ia tht W. :. Such ao ewfti sf s-h-vvpAsw iorost krtnyjk)ri T assart tKieWga cnttsdagutUpe,profperkyai alty af SaLabory, for which wa bar kbwed JbaYVWry aad aaweath, will b wi?iaV given, arovidad tbey desist from tba forth proaacatioaj af their tftavtW dasigaa, earn forth and fol A a(b altyfaajt and sberrby provt their fotura lojraAy fbls wf regard, 1 a rfastalla ,o8ar( Aad csbl permit oursrl vai for a Btoraeot to believ that J tbey wut rvfua tb geoerow Cfrxfttnnity ax traded. 1 them reflect on'tbautnriorav cef of further pusbiraj th-irwiM scbeja against th mother. 'that bas. oooriabed sad braogbt Uurat urn to manhood, &d that aty faoat altimately ran sgainata -ay," abdbt avrwbmingty deJeattd. t -4.' -: Wen, r!Cbcstnnt Hittt'li! iW saaOW west of Salisbury, paiiry, w believe, aabudt id of tl r'6aI' feadini urectly "loXbaf- hotuvawi rudmng nearly to tba liocola roai Bbt, leaviftg al Jokes aadc, w are glad t fearn that it ia the inientkiyi. pt Ibose coa ceraod, if (h tiroes change apotv to eatabCA a Urge fjMonfacfory in fbalJviraHy i. aaduK.. Wtmdt rivahirg 4h old burg, lav add to its growth and prosperiry,,- n 1 avil aoeh aoder takinirs wa wish tbm sucuna. aau shguid iCbcst out tt?T tf . becomt a Biibbor a! atan, w hop,' isMtead of eovy, tba bat of feeling ayeurtbwfwewv- .datr JVwe Afoa. Ur. Jelm fiakev. of dus county, w mrr tnfurvvnl, mm wf fn j jut )a wiJvws'and saUieca' wives at th ooasparatiyely low mica af $i per bar. ret . 11a bas also donated proytsions bberajry to tb needy to nhborbood. , . For tk $ Sir od XToundij SiMit. . .- - J . . Ssusanrr, Msy Tth, 1843. ' TV hve aot.Rers of or Army on Rappaliannodt have again tort tba aoetay as . tba fiekf of battfeand scattered them - Utolaaaasefvb ham blew.1 WJ'W obtained at a KarfJ coat. TW best blood of ow aauoa has baea .abed freely ea tha Kfipainooc-ana waodtuon s ww who bav fallen in death, there r tbodaawb of others wbo are wounded and dawdled ka present asrvice. The will eek their owa quiet homes in soon as tbvif woonds wiB ad-, mit of their removal; soma, whose wound ar not to acrions, Will com at one ; others aa soon, as tbey are able. Wad aa thr a - " . a .f way bom tbey need place where tbey oaa . . r . a . aa- 14,1 rcUrntiiurDI wiiboBw ciwff Such a tlaoc k tbe Salisbury Way-Sida flos- pital, where ptore than twelve hundred of our fodgHd, and etrtbed, and tiursWd nc Jul last, and where al who chme in flie fotdrv ahad bd taltfuHy Ottded ! for. Botwtietd provnautM, roedicine, delioseie for tbe'sw. and money; vVai yuu hela as waav to take Lrart ofycir awp, f otrr neighbor's soss and hi others and fathers. Who nave so pravr- - fuMU i1leo!1orn 6 thetertbj6ehV tf &m ! KAabariaockT- It hi not lbeUf tal Commit tea that chits oa you. It is the votes ih ixr iiialmed and bleediriir soWier that Sk of you to gtve hmj, ".food ami wa w axebanga lor ibablnod .intfii0jbrj' A word to tb patriotia Is snrocient. . AUKSaSilYTH,. . V ' L l BLACKMEIt. , .-...-... ... . A p .. WM. OVERMAN, -K.-WrJABVI8 F. U. Y, McNKkXY, . JfrpOtf Pimm? - 'From M i4tVwTlar to tWa hi 1,233 sold'ier has beea entertained at IM Ee1is&ry-WJid AlekaaoVr hoataf T33 J ifcjl-trrtrJ g9l Asrta I? Atanamoa a; nuocw----Uo.wo ! CsAasi'M "HI XitlatafclUss wba fjiarok 2; Cleavelaad; 311 iir ) - "v. .- ' . 1 1 UUawtta zus ; Ujerok 2 : weavn Davi 49! JJavidaoa 19: Foiaytb i tow I ; Haywood 19 ; Ucadevson 6 ; ireo !79 Jackson I ; Lmcoio 5; McDowjfi . W.; uj.r. 10. ukk-Bkor I ' Madson. 1 : Mitchefl Br New llanover 1 : KowaOW; icB 8; Kw llanover 1 : Bo?4!, rd lOV Hkhnxxxl ?: Randolph 1 , : I f StanlyC! ; Barry !4 ; 8toki .J ) ihia I; Wayno-1 Wataiiga lv Butberford FampAorrl n 1 waices 74 : Taslkia 21 7 noc7 ,'T.Z toa 29 Torida3 i.6't VTli liiaimlrTaj3; MissuwplI-W. t r a -a mhaot 2tk mora bav be ."-a"LL;: u .B lAoirt IfinO aoliiara esirnamsa, auwua . j ..j' wbo bav. been eotertained ja oor Wj" aocs it waa opened Jaly bit - - V I

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