i i i Li , L.J LJ uU LjiA ' 1 i .LjUlJ u ui r t4 . t r i ., . . . - ' , - ... ! ,-JJJ t.l.'i" ' U t J-ll-.'-g r?r,V i' m 9 in a .i: t-i-.o ii-i 1 1 . .' . u j-i . V!0L. XXL. J. J. mtUNER, -iditoraVb rsdrnttTOR. thoe of the reessy (and they ware-art ft) lay festering In the Hkj' Half a dosea of these could Imp ne fire,- had precioet hula . in rat, ninoinff '" iiily men W ru a ka ya-1 raatga. Vl t, I cutUil to rail p tW ens a cn.:ui.g ram raiQ.jg jawsaaaiw. w d.-I ineHli ,i1M. kllfi lrl.,-lna i, : u, . - - 5otttb Siay' loallMMWifhia lay within fifty yarde of he .1..lM-,, -V "" v-.'t-("w..V.-"i - .frke r ue wtaa: - front and after thin date, and unlit there U a lirr)ps Ju pikca of pfOTtiou, pper aiiJ ottter urtWWa roluireil to wry on bust f i i(wcri(tio('i atc? of tliia, paprr will ba iw WWtun for owoth ana AaW W for a ytnK , - . , . ' Adthbtowo, oim dollar lor Um firat, and AAy &nla (of each aubavquruC publication. 5 Froa the Jib Jrlb Carolina. Tk Botllt ni CAameeHortvitU-Tie Uoj)&il4d wounded A n af fecting icidenliivferiHf- What Soua after aeariae aa Maaday e!uj May (he 1883. tb. fir , frd ihat aa- ibaopaiHHjufa iiHUriiblaajCk" - Moaorrd clbrillet tea aailra alwVt FreeVrwbabarf ball U tuaipt aprreia daetipiiaa af lb 1.Mtry, ar defiaa IK a.aaiinaaf Ibe varaMM arif4ea 4aa Oiwatoaa at uia iwnmnn mi t peuoiiaa k a K"e)"al tf wl4 raaW aa 4tt y iwaaedUia aAemaiioa, aad aacb iaci aeala aa l.aa praea lo be aetaal beta. On iba two day ffeeaiRnf laa-ffral Udle Ibe tww arwdra were aaarebiaf abeat ihree-6ariha of eaiW apari and ffubably, each endear uriar ! Mrt-flM ibe . IwMeaaal air. iuUha( waa (uiaf aa bet wee a Utow aa tbey adraacad i a aaalb-waaiarly direclipa frnM ibe rlrrr. At tbia pviat aar dbrlefea ewa D. H. Ililla, now Rb-aVa) batay ia front avert redd, by a wight aaatcb, tm taraing iba aaemy'a ngM Oaaik. aadwa walarday ewapt bka wa aealaache aowaaa bt rear. I After riFAirjple4ikv yaakaea rVH baekawaefcar ai4reealb.be if bia " ''Chlwlfcrerina Wif 'iwrwwi traacbed ibaarlvre daring Ibe night Oa biaa- day " nralf war diriaioas rerrired wrdera to ' v atom " tb welgbtr Tbey advaaeed ia abd ej4ai,prraf allaf a aeaaa' awfally wrwfaJ TWe bare aaloatfaaTll ttgltl glaa WIIB W plank roadraaaiug from Frrickabarg to I Ormofta Poart Uaaaej aadbe left nfwat brigade reeled rei ikie mad. ,Oar reeiweat waaaw ibe eitretae Wfl of the brigade, aad aa tbey ad- aaaccd jCan iiry cliy in M of the earmr'f baiiaura. Tba firet Virgiuia , ur . . lh ifu.ne Wall brigjae waa in fnml of vara, aad oa St arday eraabg, I am tuhl, ibd goua fijbiitg bat ay Kaaday tnoraing eald be iadaccd, by theata 'ur pianieea, to badge hM of their ' poailion." bare (Raoaom'a brigade 'waa then ardered la charge weer ttew which thy dd wkkowi waiting tor eeauad orde ra. The wmle ihroagh which lby ran Slieraffy ran, to ibe charge; waa thickly eet with Ireea of ardiaary atza, aapiiega aad aaderbraah. and geailr de aeeading tna hrwikioiraediatdy be-vad which were the breaetworka.' Ae they adratfed Ibe laafcarUilery and MaaM arme waa deafeatag, ' ; aad aha ahower af the Ha. grape, cauiater, tubd ehelad miuaie baUalhai ware karkdamuag oar boy a w Iraty aapailing. Mea were fallmf on all eidre, awaclnwea whole raaka were j ' rpt away but ihvaa who w re a a bar raabra aa, baadleeaof lha groaue and pierciag eriee awaad (bam. The eraab of falling iieiUrr eld ba beard aboro tba eonibiaaik of aoeanaty noiaea j tnalla barating ia tba face did oot ia lioiidate mea. nor impede their prognea. and not uaiil they were with! a lea paaea ft, Iba earikworka did Iba hoate of the eaeaay tarn aad taaraatbB r . After the firiag (wbtcklaeted akawl twoboara) atthal partalar noiul cyeaeedt,! want to tba ' kaapiial threa-ftMrthaof a aole back, and by 11 'dock a. m. iba woaoded beg aa enmieg ia. tier ia where wa eon Id are the Melancholy ' rltacf wa ' Nefer aince Ibt. w.aLWgsn kara.I aeea no naay we a aererely woandrd, or aa naay ampwtaiiona aecereery. Tba work of btitcherv brril about tuit.n tea- tba eame die and eoaaed wlthli ecatlerea ana asasea nooai will the, a I moat lu dtffe7rene7rwoini prehrd and dreared, ball extraetti, and The euflrrerd mad at comforta ble a the aaiar afthe caae Woalj puaiM j, ad IU Dated Were aeat oa the battle field lo ' beck p blanket and. yaukee tenia, ovarcoala, i aad ra -ta'ct aaytbiug ia t ha World that would prova aaefal: 8ach articlee lay acattered ia , liMgMltet cWueion over he tarroaoding biD ad field. Oarhoepiftil waa iucattd at Wilder ew Charch" aroand which waa a fine grove Zljaar-Oaittdrlh caa wcrearf ftelde.cul , tivated 1m Jtarbal aow'frprelev daolai, aad torn lata great farrow by the Maddening htala of MtiDery. kairyinj to aad fip ; aad by. 4UgT at taterval af a fttr rod over theaa field ,.vVa dead naa aad hore,-laJa Ik katUa w Satarday atanlag.4 The fcw aa. awa a Waa bad bta killed were kariad.be4 laa anoaa aatlla BaU t aaariy aN thm rtny'a daad ta atripf) of fvarjihlaf aa their aaaaaeKiaVaai lliia baWraanoaa tlci afairtit whHI lira arrr atvlaatciil Burn tiqiaa It jr a aienaaala,' hat eariaialy aaar 'awa ra abaadaalfy aappial wild tM vary aaat af cKitaiiif . ; Tkia haakrr if after yaakaa ataa" ia a4 air a by aay naaaa. ' Taklnf off fit ot od4 booia or laaaa, I ioa'l tkNtk, Ja at aitpardiktabla ala, atrt fu briber lij; llia auipag Jia Mnackt I too aaaca it famAmlitm. -., ' - 4 vf rTil to wrtiowf A aujBeuBiaanibarupbrt. mil lilll n butfgkriT ka 'ballla fMto attciiar" all uar wwoixjrd, aad Uankaia aauajh Ip waaa all eoakfuriablr, Tk aif hi wai apaul miuiatrrinf la ifcif 'wala aa brat we eould, bat I cavli! vary eaafljr pereaira thai tra were all OMaerabJe eii(onri ; aareeur voice, jeiit ler baada, anufa atidaoae aiteaii fha oura rcr aaedad, aad vfita piuauasly Umgrd for. I af . . ' i: L l l u lbe oh( H Mtlly w'er l ,, - .. wouW pi. B bat my lr fcraj fl bed , MaUiu( lo eat! a t yn in ata euiarlpiuf betidea meal and crackrrt Iv eai f I ikanghl my feeliufa were lburuahly ateeMrMd Uat Icwald. at aad anyitdiif. weed, bowater ahockiuj it aiijtht b ; am 1 Mia ctoifraa thai una luaa Made uiv (rrl am fuNy ba4, a are I waa aware T it I fcU a arw leaf nJliof aWa ay ebrcb. Tbia wait Wivtirrd lo tha Mill N. C., Ual by auuia aiia tabe bad been placed ia ibe deparlwrul ( Ida 4k. 1 firal aaw him late ott Sund-y rtruinf, but h m much eafavrd with vibrre that 1 pitKae ru uU aUfiiiaiji lvhmifurilief thaa to aeaba ha-waa fUug apparriuly eaar. and toe.iaMaabia aouad. . I uaad Ibe ball bad eaivred aa inch brtow ibe breeel buae, and al a glance I frit eoarinced that ba wooM dir. per - napa aeave "V wa. caaaider bib woand d.ttg,oo aad ba frU to. j L-i ... ,.,a ..l .aa k j j aeiaf and aaoreeeed a great deaira to elerfX 1 I carefully adjoeted ibo. Wanlete aruaad hie bdy and left. Daring the Mgbt I Weal to aee buat two ot tbrae liwca, bul'alway foondiirt a4 I left bis at firM. Once I drew down the blanket and, Mi bit brraat to ear whrlher be Mill lived. I foaad thai he breathed aa calmly at Iboagh ka .waa ia gud bealih and ,ri'ying a refreataag aleep. ttooa after daybgbt on Moa da nairainft I caflail oa aaw (rain, ha waa w . - lunch weaker than 1 had ever areit him; Hi fraiare otrwek na aa briag very orrabar and really badnoie.-Ilia face waa ralhrr imij:. a fiat moaiaeche.'chiae art but lxri a hkere, aud ailky hair, all coal black, and the lanlj. tong rr than ia aaaatlv aeen in the enny, clnatered ia earla about bia lemideaf and big ti forehead now bloodlea and white aa niartjlr. Fr.in au nearaocra 1 would aapoueo h.m to be twenty three yeara old 1 made aomr iuquirira about hi welfare, and we aaaarrd thai he waa doing fiaely. After a fcr jocular renwrka, I waa railed away: and did not aee him again until two o'clock in the afurnaou, 4-hr a he Called ale la him aa I waa paeaing near. Frwov the" inonieat I first it him be had breu King on hia back with In leca perfectly ireighi; bo had arvrr ao much rxrrerd a w'rah lo change bia poaitata, bat now to toy question.- " W hat wili yii) have I , 'Tar a me on niy aide, plea," he replied. - No, my Cririid. -a ouimH Mandilj try and ciMitut youraelf .he wey Jou aro. Well then, wont ton raiee my knera ap, and draw my fi tl to vaide my body T" " O yet, I'll do that," and went to work ; bal 1 knew front bia rratfraanei that hi laat boar bad Come. I pat my haudt a aoVr hia left kae aad.raiaed it watt P i when 1 relented niy hold bia fo4 end ankle-'rvuiaioed aialioua ry, bat Iba reniaindei of hie leg did away over It aa atraca the gtuuna br) nI. I wal per frctly bockrd il waa the brat iniimalioo I bad had of a broken leg beside the other wooed. - -" - Soma how that leg wont siatid.". said my friead; try the other." The other rat up ve ry wed. After a tltorl pause, he aaid. I my left leg broken F' "It la, but dou'l true bia yoaraerf aboal it now.- Ue Covered hi face wiln hi hand aud heav ed a eigh that senocdlolrar hia heart strings. A Mxtfneni afterward he lucked hi ha acroe hi breast, and mid in a btfecring voice. . My legrhaiterwl t bB thnogh my bnsaet-J I maat-4i- whl will fanny aoi poor r : .M - ranay , - Ciiene now be ouiel ; you "OG.kH what will Fanuvdowhea I am f ..on. tk.l Iaa WWW. O r. .J.itf l.ut ir I afiia ' il ll ro Id I velauwdio scared1 njieak, above hia brea th, ask. rt Say, tell me, who w Feany T" M Hha ia my wife a-a noble wo-wo-. I manned her lest winter - - - while w-I. was at home oa Air-fur furlough. -.. Ha lay aa jf he were dinghe gPJ for bream ibeo toaaing himself, he took my hand, aad in a Whisper, barel) audable, aaid. Good by t you've beea my best frietid - - -Telt-lell her - Fanny - - Fanay" i Twaalhalart he ever aaid. I have never learned hie name, bal he wal a whole-souled man. Hi bluuket wa bia winding sheet ; we wripp d hinr in H aad 4he net morning hia tairna be rird beneath 4ft pin tbatgrew nearby. . . Toward saner t. Monday evening, a heavy lhaeder shower Wl oa ia. It eoatiaaed rala iag 0 eight, aad Teeeday, aad Taeeday night, aad oa aatil Tbaraday eveaikg bereeall alack ad, and taea caatiaatd aloedy aad cold aatil Kawrday. The wwaaded eeHered Borely j we getm myarft Mr at fVhva''wi Ma aiiXri but tle fall, and left Iweethera Gka U be aeld Ibal waa aQ be bad-4adecd, 1 baa it waa bat -be aheald bare had great deal more, flow Jar will three awarta go aaaunf IM woanded Man ia a fcar day 'a atom af cold raial Temper anee ia a fad ibiog la ka place ; o ia wbia- ey, aad oa each uoraeioae a abort Vrftrrred to, U abauid be aae fracly .-U arrr.a iba aaea, aad eaehjee theoi to bear hp, ruinl the dee poadeaey which la alwoeicr Mai a io Mlow aa deraaak cb-cjmataacea, and which, ia lha ab orace af elimulaliag driakerfueidly p.-uae fetal. ' I doa't aaaVneawd bow it it that fur iba U Ws mow he pion gMrdt bar bea.a ti!tuM, ' Jf? fJtbaiidrrjl.P)'lei; a mo ad KichaMioo, WkK iaatraeiinHa ia mm ia . reery r that paiea' ibe ruadaaad uka out any liquor wbk-b may1, be Umud .oairaei bly lor the waa of .hoilab; tad aaw wbea lha notwitob) need at maM, eearea half a gallon eaa befcaad. Tba gaaroa did lueir daty well ecarce a boi go through aiibvai beiwgraa aacked. Bat who got ibio liquor, the gaardaor tba Sargroaef- llow tong wig the propte aab bnI lo inch oatragea f Lei the Mea whobrinr eargoee to bc army go well armed, and if bay ntaa darae to open one af yar package a, eAeei Aim dare eeary $Uier iill tack yea. MAT. NORTHERN NEWS. - The rHmt 4" Huokt-r' armv h prrltv ltarJy rotniitciiied oii br tliKortTi. Ve prater logivetlta alrtvturra uf tl Trroaar, aa thn. mi mny be regarded tba vryn. far ejcctUeuce, of I lie Ulw.k'. Dpt-nkilij of it tlie Triiaar ) : (iclicral Ilker'a rcroMhiff tl - Rat piiliNiinoi'k lin Writ I lie loyal niHiona of tlw Iwrlb . ttj dfrajjTowibUji aliockV. 11m advance acrwaa tlm-y anj rapti river bad btxc eu mlrnirablr ilantHrtl auJ ctfeded l with V rittlw-ijaa- otr btr-part-ibat tbc I L,,Untrv Lv,I y. m-i,K, .hI 1 1,. if l ' V H rtMtt rwtory. Will, tba Mil- rwaoa wniiMieu uy oioarittau cavalry mid a lo fender tbriu lmpjwit1 for traiiia of eUlit and fur the tranMrUlioo of tiMrn,4l wottkl aeam ibal im ought l leant to have breo able to livid Iba ground lie ao caaily gniiu'd until, abuuditiit lainforcw luenu ttould renclt bitu from Washiti;tot, Ualliiuoro nad tba ricimlj el ilUiiioa Ruada. liul.be -decided oa plitij.liia l!alil.lia,iiii.r a rwl rtCw.1 ir a. Si 1. Ililla I ' ' - " v i h. Geoeral Hooker wna douUlet keenly draioiuteti nud jjreatly dacooccrted by the jaw flight ol thockiiulb cortat..bv which victory wn ahatcbed unity altcii it ectitiicd alread v witbia bia jfraip. It would tfctu. ibaL be did Bot'aftcrniud trust bis nicu so ihoroiigbljr uur rw-k darinj uiovc uieUU o Ireely aa lie bad jwiomJj done, ltd as wa iudissnblelto decided iac Cc. If be tunde auj grave 'miktakc, we should aay tbat it waa bi inaction on Monday. On tbat dnUie rrbebs finding tbat fecdjVick waa vloee ia ibeir ' rvnr, bnviujr aucccMfulIt atoVtncd . tji linghtu overlooking Fredericksburg, Mjipeitr to liave turned upon Iiim' with llie bulk of llie'ir forou, overwlielihiug bitu with au Jierior nuiuUira after a , gnilanl reairtalioe, aud driving bim acroaa ibe lU-nbaauot:k al Dunk' Foard. ' Of couive, llooker itit bave beard the roar of tbe cmuiiou and known lbt tbia 6gbt 'ww jotiij ou with the odd fearfully agniiut Sfdgnick, and it would aeeiii tbat be abuuid liav ibrowii bimaelf iu. full (orve oti toinr m lion of the rebel .lines confronting bim, m Sedgwick bad pressed upon tbeir rear tbe day before.- ' ' "! ' L j Tbe rebels seeA to bave acted with signal euergy and skill, from tbe moment tbat titer found Hooker iu force on tbeir right flank. NtVcc irouUiu tbeiiiaeirt: ' about coram ottkation or hues of retreat they nuuwed 0i6a force rolled them up into a bard i tall, .aa it were',' and threw it with- deadly vim apon whatever ponitia of Uooker'a largely exUudv line the? from. lime to time found aenkeat. Aotwub labdir) their heavy losses in killed and wounded, the reblea will, claim, and juotlv, a gVeirirfuiftpB lotbai they have etetked B , rZ , ; , Jek4lto advWilW.Wli, of Uw PoUjiiiao. , The rbel loeret in killed and wounded probably exceed our own, and in prisoners are scarcely, if st kil, inferior. As to the effect of this repulse on the progress and issues of the war it is too early to pecu late. PAKIC AUD rUGHT OF tHK SUfKItTM CORI'8. With all their lying, the Yankees sro notsble flo conceal the panic and flight of s portion of their army (theelrenlh corps formerly Seigle's.) in the battles about Fredericksburg. A eorrespoodent of lbs New York JItrald, whowituessed tbe stampede, writes : "Ths flying Oenssos came dsihing ortg the field iVtrowdv Udapeiing and Iyrwirt Ynjr lond bdHaaftd wiwewwiwiA wm wlien lW panic 'burat mjpdSTvkTmf I tTTf U a vUnraa lo aaoiber k actwa. 0 one band waa a solid calasaa of inhinlry retreating at double ,aick; oa tbe other was a dense amt tf befogs who acre fly iig as last aa ibvir legs coal! car ry, beta, foJtoaed op by tba rebel poar itig tlwir murJeruoa vvUeys ia apoa as, yelling and boolicg. to inert ae the ooa-. fusion ; ,hundrfd of earalrj; lionea, left ndertoM at tb,fir dieclwtrge, kim tbe rK beta, daahiug raitUcalljr ahoeX il all dUwax tiona; aeorra f bntterata flrwg frosa the bvU J fatierj wogon, aaitHdaajcea, SHrr, nmn, caotion taWsoB' all jaiaUed aad tumbled fugetber In one inexricatld taaM and the murderous fire of the rebel si ill pouring ia upon ibem ! To add to the terror of tbe occnaioa thert' eras bat one means of escape from tba (eld, aad that through a little aorrow week or raviae waied out by Si-otf creek. Towards thi the confuted niaaa plunged bewdloay:. For a moineut it aeena-d as if ao .power could avert tbe fiighlfnJ aUaaitj. that ibrealened tba entire ariur. (a rataa tbe loinio atrickea arowd, tevrifind artilicrr ri der spurring and Um.ihjj tbrir toewea lo llinr uiinoot; ambulance apsetUng and Im-iii U-ln"d to Mr againat tAea mid stump ; Jtorse daahititf wer tbe field : men flvinjr and mini; with alaraa a H-rA--t torrent of nw4o ajareatle aa oniiiroilaMr. The . mea ran ia all dtreo Tbey fill r-uH-d iuaeged with aa inattnttf ire ides of' tbeafaorteat aad aacat direct line from the point whence ibe surtt-d lo ilia JDjniledJSlalea Jkl intTord, and (he mMoritr of tlietrt did aot atop aa til tbey had reschrd the ford. ' Una? of them, on reaching th river, dashed in aad twain to the north -aide, and arc sappoaed to be running yet. The stampede waa oirereatkedugrarTgtBeraL . fBOH THE DA1LT rftootcsa. 1 IrUllaat lrkleMat--twa Taakae Captarrd la kerlk (araOaa Watera III aaa er t ear Partlzaa Kaeser. - otto ot the nnat daring ' . k.;n;... c..,- ..,!. . rt Vt I i '! a to w vi siiv - aaewa , w svavaaj. was last Saturday tbe 10th, Cnpt. . T. FJliott, comniamliag a company of Fart'tran liaa- gerwUh tWrty rucUT-caplured "Iwo led cral steinners in the Chesapeake and Al- beiiinrle CaVial, and brought lhttu through tbe Sound (lo Franklin, oa tbe Dlackwater paaaing on ibe way a number of the ene my V gunhostt. Capt Elliott arrived ia t (tit city with bia prisoner, tome tbiricen iu number, on yesterday. la Capt. EllioU's report to the Gover nor, h say: "I have the honor to re-port tbe cap ture of the steamers Emily and Jrrme, Lyeferday, llie former a tine sailing aide wnevTteamer, and Ibe other a ropelier. used on the canal between jA or folk and tbe otlier tHiiuts. I bad conceived m ida of 1 cWitfur aomettme aSo, and vWerdir fnd I nn ojiioriu'iiity to execute it. About t! u chx-k p. in, at .ie uMiai nour, ioe jir I. . . I , a rotf hovo iu sight ia the Curriluck Canal. 1 made the proper distribution of my men, thirtr in number, and when she eame along side we Wiled her and demanded surrender which was complied with with oat reistenee. After enptaring the Ar row and knowing that tbe Emily was ly ing about two tuilr below i awaiting tbe arrival of the Arrvw, I took twelve men aboard, determined if jiossible to area re Uti prise, aud believing- that it'would renire a good deitl of caution I placod the Cap taia el' the wlrrotwio tW wheel bjoate and required him to steer up alon iddeaf the ITavaila 'a.- tf s. it Ik 1 11 J'r as n llaa it SI I K aarl liaTlMiwi 1" ft-mitt wa at aseaaas wasa - Hwaai awi. wra -aaw ' kly pbn succaetled, and l swiWndered l v-.n-t '.-.---..L..--, , t wiinoircTwmatJceiiwcap gmHlilgm tng seven, ami UriteeB ' I tug seven, and-toriteea n ine Aavuy Amonir thoe eaulnml on Hw Am was a 8ur-;eou U. S. Kaey. The -ret bate required gave, me DO opjtoflunity of reA porting their Dames. Ve"aand ao gsns on tbe boats, but a lot of mail bags which are forwarded x to you. After 8 o'clock I started for'somdr port to secare my priie. We steamed all sight passing a large gas boat (tbe WkiUJitaJ) roountirig six gaas; we p-sod Eden ton shout daylight, tbe people ibelfeTlng'we Is passing ep the Cbo wan five negroes us believing as their Northern alliea. 4 received iben am board aad imtDcdiately dispatched them te tbeir owners who ao dosbt bare them new in n snore atailable and eertain shape. Afcnr n food dasl of anaw awtar vmoa iifa.w),wnwttDcaf ,' j X lha Navj, lo lb comaMwd cilka boata, I aad rwdiaf bj prkowcrs to Fraaklia, wv atarted to tba latter tdara aillVUlar tberaat' boat UoVlock. Bat aWarUdie except I aarpoea toe tba crew, were sbaadoa board. Tba Arrmm k talaabea oa mbt uLUr. a-aeLiaery wkicb iasaid to bd fiae by lao Fgvacer, aU waa aaaigaed m bf Maj.' Bofwa. . Tba jCaMjr is TalaaUa lor'bar aaacbaatrj aa e& as kail, wkkk ia nay araasoa aad thai of officers atalioaed aerc. I ... a v- . ' aoald mXlM.iy9U gsaioaC'- Tit Wlowsag r tba names of tbt pri aacra as registered at taa rrawott llarsbalV OSm ia tbia tj: Ceo. W UowUad, Vder Ford, WavSalt, Aaabrose Browa, Albert Browa, Seaeca Yoaag, Edward Vaa Akea, J. JesJe, Albert Faraoea, )f New York, Lm Beasielt, Hyde eocmtt, Baflaloe; Robert Taylor; Joel Jeoea, Geo. IL EvemVreaaayleaaia. PARTICULARS OF TALLANDIG- ; DAirsTiREEsir r: Tba Qpcinaari Comttnimi ttraisLaa tba loUowiig paxtataiaia of YaOaadlgbama A tpeeiJ train left aia city at 11 o'clock kloaJa- aisbt, with acoapaay of taa I3tk U. & laikauy, 6? aaea, aitk diredioaa troM Geaeral Baraside, ooiamaadiBg tU Jefaytaaeat of Ohio, to arrest C L. Yal kabaas at bia reaadaaea ia Dajtoa. TtMrtrata reached - Daytoa at Jf o'clock, aad, proceeding to YdbaadigbaniV bouae, pcarjett gaards oa taar streets a tba ricui- ty.aadtaecaptata, witk asquad afaaeo, i sarroaadad tbe koase. Taa tloor-bell was nog; aad Taitasdig aaaa appeared aUfca wiadow and iaqsired what was aasring. The Captaia told bim, bat he was aot damoaad togabag peace ab)r. He shoaled for the pohce loudlr, aad tbe female members of tba tantiV joined ibeir erica to his. Tba Captaia told bin hw might as well slop thadistarbaace as he bad the fore to arrest bin sad weald cutaisly h aa."' .ZTz?: I ' ' 'ZTjT"" ydLmadshani tiea said be was not dressed, lha Catfeialoid him be would hav lima to dress himself; bat he ra doobled his sboau Ibr the poCce, wbea an aem4 was mada to lorcfjhe fioat door The door matted tba eifbrts of tbe soldiers, and Vallandicham floarisbed a revolver at the window, and fired two or three shots without effect. A aid door was then forced, and the sqaad finding all tba doors ia tba boose IwatcBcd, broke opee (bar of them, before tbej reached tba apstOneat Occapied; bj lae indiridasJ with whom, tbey had hosi aesa, who was woe takea aadj escorted to -Uelraia,wbich4wasmwsitiag ;. V,, Some of Yallaadigbams tnends, bear iag what was going oa, raag tbe fire UUa, with tba iateauoa of gatharing crowd to icacae liaa. Bat .few petsoos appeared, aad they gave ao troabk, YsJUndif kam aa broagat to taa oty and lodged in tba atreet, bclweea 5yc- u' "aaJa here so one was Mtaiuedl to sea bias without ao order J Iroca Uca. Baraskle. , Tba official charges agaiasi VsQssdig baaa set furth that oa or aboat the 1st of MsyVat lit. Vernon, OLio, beuWidy ad dressed a large meeting of citizens, detJsrr ing that tbe present war is so injurious, (creel aad asaeefssarj war a war aot be m5 waged lor the presertarJoe, of the Ua ioa, bat for the. purpose of. crushing out liberty aad , eb&abing a despotism a war lor tb treedom of the blacks sad en slaving of the whites, and that if the ad BMakuatMo had so wished the war eould Ure b(a hoaorabiy j termisatetl ; that peace mtgbt have Wen' hooorsbly obtsia- d by Estcaiag to the proposed snedtioa . ' "... . . . ... a j." - . a i prtosuions ty wsicb w ihiiiicii caaiat coasa a I huteiioa, were rejectee: toe day Deiore ue tlmUle'efFredericas . . - . . - . T . . . ' lie . a bo charged with naving; said laat order No. 33, of OetV, Bornside, Was a base asarpation of arbitrary aulborityr aad that the sooner the people ia formed tbe mlnoas of asarped power that tbey woold not ubeajt to soch : restrictions, the. better He declared also ku perpose to defeat aa attempt to band bp a monarcby oa the. rsias of oar free rovemmeni. aad that ha believed the mew of power wm iryirg to esabfish itsfakmry- The dectsiosv of the toart martial W the raaa of VsILi'MissJda. was sabmiUed to BainsiJs by whose order be was arreat. ed a the 8th. U will not b made pab bi 'natllplablaha k i -A II i - - i v. V . 'i- rrwr-.rr- ' .1 .

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