i .-"'.'-. ' K 1 .. .'"'',- V ' ' ' ' " 1 ; '' . , " " , - ' mmm-" T" ' 1 la' ent llrt t ju.w ftw t.l'.. our. 'KK '. . ' ...... , . .. - i A.- VOL. XXI. SALISBURY,; N.-.C.,:JUNE 15V 1863 1-1. J . II -,' 1 .'IM-- 1 . v Y a e"'T-H ' 4. II ' .-U'!."" '. ' -.t . i . j. bruner, utijoM. akd rorKirroiu. rrora ami alter wis uate, aim uum there is change ia tbe price of proviom, paper 1 andvXheeTt3clei Yetj aired to carry pVTui-' nesa, me suMcnptioQ tale? of this paper will b twu dollar for six mouths, and Ihrm dot tan for year. . ,; ; ;r .f AbvMnsura, one dollar for lb first, od fifty cents for each subsequent publkatioa. -April -from A Awim -r1 -V (rani atarrtuor mkbovkt.) V The facts of this case brinr it withio the decision in "the tr alter .of Irving." ,, That decision isixit on the ground that the. Con scription J&ct tf iNfteuiber, 186 doe not embrace) subbtitutea. , And so the qaestiens growing out of be reguUtions preaoribud by tbe'W'ex JDeparlroetit, -"where 1 substitute becomes auLject to m.liury awTice, the ex emption ot, the principal shall expire," was not presented, . Jt seems to me that any one accustomed to iudkritl inrtwlfi'Mtiori ninnot n-x.1 h i end fail temrW-iQtr does not embrace vo'uiuVrra ayd aubstilutes who were ulri-adj boend to serve for the war; dit-m.l ouuMructiou is excluded by the words used, sud m incotuUrol aitd re puinant u tut provisJoiM. . Luei reMuoiii u atiUiOfMeti., "to o3 e: iuijoea oy uie act, ami it may te urgia ad fhet in mMUrf Krvtc nil while men. ' againat tlu ra tlie power, to add other Jiv:" --The wont '2? iu(f and fcire m-ouodiUons that! liuae eouuined to the enact Piititery terxic" ane not applicable Id men uient is an ad vf Ugitlatum which Congress who axe already io the nrihtary senrice lor has no right to tietrgate le a department of the war; no legislation was necessary to ' Ute Executive branch of tlie Government, and nude soldiers of them. If only a part U of coume an intetitwo to do so, can Only be oailed for prH ieio!i m made (or ukittg "those ' inferred from'hun and direct words, aod the who ire between the age of and any eth- words in tiis iustauceare stlicd by tlie er age ls thn 4." oan this be applicable to 4 4atr.uaion"aSt bufft'! ' ... .I..T, volunteers and Substitutes? It i further pro- ! The aanie quesuua ol construction jspre videdl Uit "thuse cJIcd out under this act, .' seated lu the uiatter of II uie, from Cabarrus aud the act to which it is an amendment, ooouty, under dve iu the exemption act shall be hrst and iuimediateljr ordered to fill which exempts all persons who shall "be held lb (heir maximum number xistr companies, uulit for ynliutry service in tlif field under bat taltoos, Jcm.r row the aeejieetie t$tate rele ptcr0M ey Ihi jSasrstery IFor, Ac3btt.juriiu.a the power is confined to making rules the) rolunteers aiid substitutes composing the to ascertain whether the persuh h) or u Dot companies are to remain io. the field, aod the fit for military service io the field, aod it is' xtttipmeeatd battahwtMrare to be filled op by I decided that the act does not confer power those who are ordered into service Under tl to prescribe a rule under which a citizen may Conscript Act. - v . be taken as a conscript, although held .unfit Again, bow can the regulation Uiat all . lot military service iu the field, on tlie ground coosenpts are to be eeut t camps of iustroo- Uiat be tuay answer aotue .purpose in the lion be- applicable to volunteers and eubsli- hospitals, iic. '1 Ik-c instances teml to show lutes? , Are they to be uken (rotn Um army the wisdom of the Constitution in not cou and seal to cauiof tusUjction? Certainly tiding legislative, judicial and executive pow oot, because they are not called out aad era to any one dejartuiecut placed in the tnihtary aervice under the Coo- i I Aiii ol opinion, that the petitioner is ec scriptioo Acts, but ae bound lor tlie war by,( titled to exemption. .torc .clh$oWiialc of eulistmehtaj Tlicretore it is considered by me, that P. P. 7I am iulornied thaL soon atteir tlie Con-" ileruney, be iorth witirdisclfarged, with leave scriptioa Act ot" Apnl, a regulation was made to go wherever he will It is lurther can tor the discharge ot nil volunteers for the war sidered, tnat Uie cost ol this proceeding al wbo were over the age of 32; and uudvr it lowed by law to be taxed by tlie Clerk of inaoy were discliargcd, but the regulation the Superior Court of Itowan County, accord Wfcaft4cedUv WarIjortii.ent bewiiii Jug to tlie act ot the (Jeueral Asaemoly, be Satisfied that the act by iu true construction laid lv Jesse McLean. did not apply to .inett Af ho were bound by the terms of eBlwtmcnt to serve for tlie war. Thia k the- same coustruction given by me to the aot, Under it all volunteers and aub MiUite wlielbvr over Or-or(der 35 or 45 are to ovaliliue in aervke beiatue they are not ruibraocd by the'Coiiscnii.km Acts. lean .see no reason why tliit ixuuaetion oltoald iMt be followed to the luitUr ounseqoeace that as substitute .e no; i Ui braced (y tlie Conscriftti'ois ,Vcli, aud do not becon.e sub ject to uiiiitary service as conscript. The fact nccwsa'ty to tho ntiiiliculion of the refu tations ol the War DepArtitierit dit-s not ex tott CooWlW ntlY tlio; qm'ftuxi that maf grow c-ottrt that- reguiathni w not prewnted, " trtate a h mav iWem ueeesary 4ot the pab It la mall the ancal til Uujoiujv Ur Ue dfmce. He hU eaueetae Mo ee eaihxl ediff disn-fardl the dxiiOii in the matter of Irvio, bccaii.-Hj tlie Secretary of War does rwt consider the count ruction given te the ConscTtption Art ol September sound eX- position of Uie Act.', the enqmiTr hatarally u?tsltM.TrVho mado "the s&ietav of War ra Jini: pe? He N hot Wiade so by the Wrtistitution trtin'TT-? Ian no power to - make bim a Juige,- aud has by no act sien lied an intent ion to dovs.. It is true for ilw purpose I earrjing 'ad.-iW Cofigress into ef lect the Secretary rf War, m the first place; PtS eonitliict :rn mi ).i hirt mil "-git; UCtion'1 lUUSt -bti ?Blyrr "to th-adk'iafT oUKTwi.eourrinHt.rgomimenttf.bvw't- :r -T' T."-" i""'-' "7 wiiktm Aocordin to the view uL by tue it is not tieces-ary, f ur the puqo of this case, to decide upon Uie legal ettevt tt'therebhttien precriht?d bytla Scwtary cf War in re ard to recetving 'substitutes, .but. aa . ihorc regulatioiis ane n-licd 011 aa-mUiorieiug the arrest of tlie petitioner, it is propee for me to say that msny ohjecton entitled to oousid eration insy )e urped to tbe power of th "letary cJlS t -oettiorr-; TiTe-rrraxmrrrt tinder- whtchrit at -vMmed that the ower to nutica a rrgulation that "in all ca.j u Lcrc a ubt ilute beotnnr subject to military eervjeej tl "discharge ot' "lie nweirsu'exjHrr " 'owne within Uie oop of tho power coufiJed by Congress, is th 8tb eciionof the Coucnpiion Act of ' . filk, . ' 1 "'-mfiiWTrrr - E Jl 1 rliete. of war of .tnrr mno cuecK ; or t r-e-lye ike April, 18C2,in the words! Persons not liable for duty may be received as substitutes for those who arc under tuck rtgulationt ui may bt prtecnbtd by Me Secretary War." ; Tbekis-;coiwtr(sctioit X)f' tbis section substitute must be an able bwlted wkitely'T. man. fir for inilrtare service In the field. ' The otl&r ex prtfied;nb wit r The 'substitute must be person, wbo is not liable to uiililarj duff under the exuting law, tie titne,pUce and manner of rwertrfoe nbkituta hi"-which is included the tuode oi ecaUiojf whether he is an able bodid white man not liable to duty ; to be reguhvfed by rules prescribed by the Secretary of War. - If the regulation in question be confined to cases where Uie substitute oeui uuder the "C vHcV vrwerds brrieet i that si and sitwwai liable to smutary amy, Uaocwrds whh the Hyiafou of the ficL . Itui if it be ei tended to eases where the subetiiutc is Dotal the date of the eoutract of tubatitution kable to duty, but ia alterwards madt UnbU by a uosrqnent act of Congress, jt departs' from, and goes beyond the provisions ot the act by addnig a third coodjiion aod the power to do so majr well be questioned ; especially, where tlte rrtaliou as Well as the act of Uiogresa which is supposed to give it application are both subsequent to the contract of substitu tion, aod the dMcharge is absolute on its lace. For illustration, suppose a regulation to be prescribed that lu all caes wbere the nubsti tote ir titled br dreatoled; or where he tfrseru, ( the diauharec sliall e'iwre, which stand on the ' aaiae footing with the. regululion that the ' duaJiarge siMtll expue if the substitute is made liable to duty by - subsuqueut cl of Con- 1 greas, lor all add a thud condition to the two The Cletk will file the papers fn this pro ceeding among the papers ui his office and give copies. . . II M. Pkskbox, C. J. S. C. At Kkhftiond 11 ill, June 4th 1S0J. la let ta ssirsd at let eatUled ''JUilUs.." - Issctiom 1. Br it enmeted ly tkr General Ahif e Svrtk Carolimm, twd it U hereby tmtrttd y the eutkfnty the eume. That du riug the war, h tiiWrnior aliall bsve power to call out ae liiililla for kieal aod temporary ser vice, all able bodied men between the ages of righlreu aud firiy-five J rare,' or such KirtMin hrreuf tn the Whole State or any part of the out I'roni each frgnneiilal ditrict,as ia uow es iablihed by law tube tamed imecnianiceof uol leesjthatt aisty uor more lhaa ope hundred privates, who hall f leet .the Company officers; wheurvrr any of aiJ diatrieeis hall fnrniih 4 auiuller uumlier thna a, eurftpany, or there haH be a rdue after j onn.panie, uch vw-ner auaiber aiay be at- tacbed to aay adj amiiff rict, aftrf the com-; panle. fornmay ke erg.ai.ed i.,to reRi- inenis Sud tmltdfinttii, ia whieh eaee the com- leirnained oflitera ttf c4tDaaira shaU'rlret the field offi'ri ''" '"ne.aumbrr of etaff officers lor-each reiauent a're rvldd lor in i he ihll laws, sba.ll e-appwate.d, nd thojjov ernor-ahalt coiuatftaiou all officers denafthe . , . r,xftettarffj 'Thar .he ,.r. IJie l.Hidrral Stit, and fcine y, talMins and al!ow. a'ucea while br erol SerttiTrea theeeef -Mi f grade ia )he 'Coiifi-drrat d'leie eervice. C. 3, Bt it further euaeud. That iher hall be esempl fr seivice eader this act the I r..n..i..- ... a,t .. -h- ufBCerlr the.eieetitive departments of ihefisle, with their clerks and secretaries'; mrtnbere and oflireraof tie oialJtaaemhlv t iorfires of the Confederate and rotate courts; tke aiowney jeaeral, aokciUirS of the several judicial eircaits. clerks of eoerte ctTieBKt miTidrste-eird keiNtS jeTt ef nw terSx COUM -J I rstees a nd k eepe ' ; of thepoor oa salt eoaiwiouer' of eae6eitoty, two blscksniilhs who have edabUhed sboaiB each Captain's dletrict oa miller t ck pnWie taitt J rftretar Hiarfs cf iuu sxwwM tke btB. eera aad aeeer sspky ika iaaaas aeyiant,p4 iaautate lor.lkedaaf, dsmb and khad, with tkeir iamales aad. pajals ; phyai. eiees fbw have area habiiaalty aagaged la the practice of their rofesioa tor font ysars lmm dietary Mure this dsy .the prtMdsel, suaeris' osuot.aada rtSMoable aeenerf mt - tmrimrrLA inswnt MdT'W flFr Friwt Mor aaa we aseess. titeacb HMipet ; lbs ureal. Sent', profs ufS and sis ward U euHet-rst tit J Kiiaeioat aad teaebere C aeaSaitf he ffla- cipai aua a reaauatiMe eemoer M saipliyf or RMauraeierers vt euitoa and aula goods, irea Isstker, shoes, and eher ankles aeatfeMrd f leather, who are iverking uUt aoeUaeis with the CoefWA-rals of Uf eovframrat, or who have hsnSflit iheasrfe'wiihia tae term of the set el Covinm, v atMaiss: t taka and y ukiag ae asore the erveaty five fer eeei. aVait apoe their asaaafaetarM betiaev. er ease H mI a smnJ Pf pear i tae eaiiie Mtisfaetiea ef seek oSeris ae tae Governor pay appoint.-that wea aeeirscs ae afreraaeet' raa eaaaV.aad aei entered ''ieia erarsUadee? aiernly le eeeape atihlary dsly aad that jhe UoVarmir shall have power ia special aad rn tratedinary easss t eaesspt say ether persee. 8ae. 4. B it further seecfei. That ia eating thia act the GnVeranrls eaipewsred Io eaiptoysoch office rs of the asditia as may be aeeeMary, and be ma appoiot a mi labia asm br of drift effioers. with ike rank aad aav of junipr sreoee seeieaania. , . ...... .j . i .fcSfl. a, aw it Jmriher rutcUi, That wbea ever Ike Governor hafl drm it espedieal to raiae atereeily, ia plaees where It cannot be doae pekhely aadet thia aet.eaanpanieslbrsps. ciil servie,he aay commiMion anleera for that ptrpoMt with authority to rai such coinp. uir to eotniat f as many aiea and- uffieer a ha may determine, who whra in aettve service shall be eoUlUd to Iks same pay nd nnder tke saateralnas tke tbrce krrvia aetborised es- eeet lu the appntntneul of etneers, which than or niad by the bovrrnor. (ice. 6. BtilfurtktrtuaeUd, ThttlheGov rraor (hilt huva power to ippuint field officers to- couinind any force rird uader the ath eeclioa that he eiay think proper and expedi eat Sec. 1. B it further enaeted. That all lawi and claueea of laws coming In eoudiet with-this act are hereby rrpaaled. and this set shall be in frc aad take efleci from ud after its ratification: Ruttfiii the 10M y a fV6re ry, J 663. .. .There are such llilu as lb laws of civilized war. They areas well enoVrstood and settled as lb international law of peace. .VJb jfe, ;f aisitipis of any v ariny ob serves aad oley the taws of war in the conduct of hostilities,- iia oitiaens or b- iects ire. entitled to certain immunities and protections' when they frit tufolbe hands of the enetay. ": Bst when Ration or an army perilettlly ioales the known laws of civilised war, that nation ia AovJi kuvuini fftmerii ; all its individual mem bers partake of that character, and every man in it should be, and can Justly be, shot, bung, destroyed hke mad doga, or noxious reptile. It is, indtcd, a crime Dot so to .treat them, as that omission is a per uiLtsioii. of lheir l comlticjL. : - : . ,; ,a The Federal Government and armies have been and are now, sstematicsllj violnling the jaws of war. Plunder of private pro perty, ravage and-devanUtioit of peaceful districts, are tibt eruiilted by any mod-' ern code. The ravage, of the Palatinate by the troops of Louis XIV, is generally cilled in the writer Ofc internationHl law us one of the latest instance, of thi pe- cies of public ofieuce, and . .condemned- as an outrxge on civilisation, rood gathered i for the ue of a hostile army, or iltunedi I wtelv within its teach, nmv Ih: If L'iliniHlelv detrovMl ; hut to burn, the instruitientsof hosbaiidry, to maitnilMs csitle and deniroy the houses, groves, fence Slid rowiiuj crops of a country, is bitfbarous. Todrhe awny tlie unturned population of a con quered State; and send thousand of wo men nnd children into the wilderness or foreign IsikIs, m simply Jvilitih. TThia and tiiocli more, the United Suite a. doing, and. have been doing 4or eighteen moiitU. The nicnstrous acts wLich brin" beii; and starvation on thousand of innoceBVf kumaa beimrs. era-UmedteiBati. CMv ou ,,rudple, and in aWd'wUh the J . P fjVwHineut ' iiiruvlioub ol a tjoveniineiit. , . The United Stale doee not make war on the Confederate anihorities, hot on the w... i. Ti.:.... ii I veiilatii aiid redres : it hi t tieat ei-err unit aa aearri ' v v v 1 1 " . s eae v e e a vs a.as.T - - 1 1 11' 1 I a "a man, whether, officer or iivtv enured J!1'1 dj!'M uunlof testifying iu the execution if 'that Goveriiineiit or- um, at fyone; -'Tirr trirth 1ti been httij; urtrk hj..imiiul Lu 1 hi. t iiifjtrf tmla f M'Vrn.-. i menu I he pn.clanTTirTir-rTtpgetrriM-via CHtinot hitVe been forgotten, jTlie ..tin.ie ".' . s 1 n it 7 xxi eTCecu,tebe"Tawx rrich"iieririrfnrrT enunciated ha Bow fuilv coriie. Il ia ue- rrptUicpr.Iaiiiatiotnw If ojr f" "l"1" VT t . -. Oovetnment ana Its OeUetal. are too inol- ly -hearteil to act, they should at least have eaough manhood not to threaten and rail. " Kick. Examiner. f . .. ..: .. lt.aU U aa-iatereaWM Jiejtnjuf hisiyir-rei after to he able loksw the aumbef of aaliiie". TiicK aeh ft5Qiuy bs foraiayd i tk wf V b.'ipe ibat th adjlai GBraJ wdl eamw such record to kekepi. dMnineaisbinf ihedalea ef retry luto ihe armr- Tka reeeed will be a pnaul ea aad hi pajee is O-wsehed a cost vferwMtforMias aay that Jleraldx koaat--Slls MU-aal r Date 'obo! 'ktlfario I A Ymikee editor of eewspape lliathe people of t - mm - mth3M oa J I l.endrcd hoosaad dollar, and Proceeds to dexterous pufff ua ef his townstns n, ala a ijicio'ft t(t Massacbusettv fU, )iaa rnade the ItiagnilJcent donation of on bthdred dollar to the aforeaaid'suin on hundred thoaaad.' The proposition I eharaoteris tio of Yankee yulffaritr. ; I the opiaiom of this peopje, money ia th penano of all evils aud b ar of p!l griefs,, f fully part is generalfV considered, M th bignt est testimony e'popuTar 'approbation In lb North: UllhW redpienta f such bcjaalia arc enarally aa r ulgar a tbav saabJ that deaigna Ihetiv, Thai coars Jteatiaaony. ol ibe Mpaiar favor may d very wail (or actresses aud th favorite of Ui prit ring, while it would inslt those wHos refined estimation of pollic honor repels (he tho'l of tlie pecuniary tribut of parasite -' We have no reaeon to bliviliat th atnily of General Jackson is is) any pecu niary necessity or danger, to eu lor th remarkable sehctre of relief proposed by the aiiiall editor iu Georgia, II is munifi cence, and that of the small grocer bo lias started bis list, had better be directed W the" indtgtnt and aiiSering ' familie of private soldiers.' Jiio people of Virginia are quite ready to honor and olierisb tlie lamny oi ineir great cuieiiain( ana to sur round them with the most tender respect and assiduous attentions without ' lb aid. of gilt schemes and the interjiosilion of a muiual-aciniratiou society of Yankees and grocers. If Uieir stor be small, it will b the duty of the Legiidatura and of Con gress to provide i proper and honorable peDniou. Notoriety hunlera and private ad venter- ers have already iteized ntod the nam of 1 Uen. Jst:kon;-a.nd-TiBed trior fhi tnort base and indecorous ends. A subscription of (Hipular pence has. been started for his monument. The bogus military of Rich inond and -newspaper whose skirt ar draggled in the Msuttitutan bnsines and tke JlUi of back door li a nsactionsr are de lighted with th opportunity of tm in ndvertisiniE therelva a Ueasuear aad collectors of the patriotic fuud. Tb sub scription appears to be an affair of a liftle Tnati dressed in uniform in Gov. Letcher1 closet, and the very enterprising and ac- euinphshed theatre manager of Richmond. tt is paiuiui to see now toe uame ot mia great bero has been dragged in th dust bv those who have fastened npon'it Tb " subfeription" to tb Jacksoa monument is tie convenient handle, after th most approved f;u.biou ofihe Yankees, of schemes of self laudation, puffs and pV-ace, It i made a text for showmen s advertisements; paraded by tradesmen Ui sell their wares; used to advertise theatres 4 and even pros tituted to give a-respectable maakto pub- I iv " ha lb., which ar declared to be for the "Jackson fund. Of courmi it is a God end tp ljiHt elass of extortioners, wlw are always buy in displays of pairiotisni t-v puonc suuecnptioos. w . wiaii iook to see the list rtwde4 witli the name of; idelliono aiwculators, ungramatical grooers Ld tHcuniou. adventurer, who Ji.ne to RichLiid peddling puppies. . H We are deeply- senaihle of the debt uf honor aud gralitud wbivli the teopletof this Cotifederacr owe, to the jH;eils and iiiHUortal hero of, this war. IIh deserve a iiHwioKil t his' nHKiy, and hi un inedinttf family are wards of the republic. Hut the debt rhtmld, be dweharged dvent ly ; Ht with Yabkeethows and hya Jack iiuddin in uriilorin. The Legislature of rMpreaaBia ouy o t" niH - KuliebV - wHUJio a graceiuBna jioo Diablo office, in tn-king an appropriatiou ( CMniBeiuorating the seryioeS of Jack- e b. - oaum;ul or, other a1?ropnate ." Was teauaioui, ucu mnuineeaac s 4 teiMaiioii are 00101011 i eery . civmV i-d jouMbtry.. ThT ,re a fkr nior r- IO puiHi; iria umu wjiii r.inmvn. wilh4fedivatiBye4i ii-aii.l Midecencv. Hkli. Axumier,. BOUNTY iOiilUt-AUDt: W hav brtn requested to Ub i re stKne to the comiriunication in the 'Pro er of MooJiy, signed W. T. Gn corn plaining that Wunty had not been paid to conscript in th th Regiment, thai the Paymaster of the Stale is always ready to pa ' bounty due to North Carolina soldiers jmit preentioirof the par rolls prbper Jy.juai outTbe duty of baring ihte pay loUr prepared dtvoivMe ttpotilh Com paay Comhiandrs d all bounty rolls presented for payment al Raleigb, w are informed, bsv been paid Vltbont any de lay.. A there is bnt on officer charged r in tJeorgia propuaei m, b la ot WZ&ft7ft'W)'iiM with ibt dntie of iKe Paymanter' IprJ, . TaVfaetfta tare be tbvs msde. but it Ue- pctd that the" company oncers win it- tend to th interests of their meu In thi,'- snaiier, vu pexevaajr oinnsa puuuniroc- . tions art fuipislted MPOJlf Pp Ww 19. Uul J layipawtriit is-tbu-ffacticor witb Imirimeals aa salnal laiaT -niaaf linla i'iiia ' t -. liT.-or Wnnaid absenteer setum u cairtiD.-' r 1 I to prepar roll for 'each company, and' .' J f AtiI llis arhta In idi Pifmailu li Ik.'' '.' I 4 RegimeutaJ Qurtermastekorli'tlrfct of-, . fcer attached, to lb'lgirBnV wjio rnjr47 -T4t Raleigh-1 tbi. y there ; k no,. f KBcvlty -a' obtaminj pay meat M ..tho $tat lommj.Dmily ProgrtUJ i ene Wib' iv Vf rt- - t - v . a ; -w uyiii xAr OontVary to- kxtetatloa, tb Yankee on resfetdaT till remained ou "the outlr baok of the Rppahahnock, at Deep Ron. : ' They occupied hlie angl formed try tb . ,' creek aud th river, and were throwing vp f tin of entrenchment of a anil io lengtb, -exteadinf from Bernards. bQOM " up U ''' Deep Run. By aid of field glas thir ' ' dirt digging operation could (be distinctly seen from th hills aboe nmtlt6p Cross-- ieg. bijt K wa Impossible to form any cor rect Mlimat f tlteir umlrsr - Deaid tb ditches, only about Iwojregfment wr," vsible, but there may iav .been several thousand concealed in the gorge of th creek, aad under th river.bank. On tlv Stafford bills, just opposite Deep Run, night be seen about thousand men, ap pareotly cavalry. -- : v Ther bad been ho skirroiihto or " onading sine Saturday. ". ; 4 '. W e no reaspa to chsnge,th opinion, bilbertq expressed, llial tliavdenooslralJon , of tbe enemy was designed aololy lo dis concert or retard iom supoad plan of Gen Lee That it'JiiM I)eeO a dead failure 1 U already knowu to th Yackee Gcneoal ( Wbere Hooker, with tl tnaia bod of hi force now is, is a matter open to con jecture, H may be at Kelley's Ford, 80 mile abov Trederiebburg, at DaiQfrie, on the) Potoroae, or even so far away aa 1 UanaasaJuoctbnWwooIdiaMttiBav' ly 4nc4in to the belief that b was at on of tb hitur plpce,' were "h hot the "great Fighting Joe," nnd io command -of ' tbe finest army on th planet," composed of th vicloriou veteran of Chaocellorsville. But with Mcb a nam and such aa army he cannot tura hi back upon a foe, b has always pretended to despise, wherever he is, we hav no fear but that w shall soon , bear from him. Even while we writ a great battle may have leen joined. " Tb latealreporlwhiobt. bbwererjdoes come. . Very well autbeaUvated, from King VViIl lam is, that th Yankee gunboat bat again ascended It afattaponi. .But there is little doubt that they will renew their raid unless some step ar takenNto pre vent them. One batteryof flying artillery stationed at West Toint, would effecpaaUy keeptbeio out of both th . Mattaponi and thj rauiuuket. This matter s well wortby the attention's of tb commandant of AS departinenL Tlie wheat crop cn these rivenr is uncommonly large aad most ready for 7,n.r wrge amos. raoy ior 'S i?," , - t- Al- ready we bear the people of mean are. making preparation to remove witlf their families and" tiegroe. !Tbe Confederacy can at this juccture but ill afford to throw away so rich and. productive, a section of country, and especially -one t1iaCcatj b, retained 'by so small an Mpendilure ' of aav-aast '. i' .jsite; .sm. j m -i-'x Frora other utru of tbe Stat w harano recent ialelllgenoe of interest if we etcep CoiumUia,ou tlie lame rfver 'and Kana-' will canal At tbls p1scther waaa grear panic tast tSundsy, eaaaed bt ammor which obtained circulation and credit that SloQetqan was again advancing from Lou- -Ua Court House upon the devoted town. For several housr Iher was a tnigTity flurry Md excitement. 1 Fartnert bid their horse, paople' f an. jnto jb oods.;and 7H the . boats - Iviugat th wharfs wer sent off in bssbj; lip andoif nlIifTiwaWBy a"i gOjAC JJuctdjncj, at thi; verj lime tb r- Iit t'rei ailed iw-ix)iiiia that lue X cavalry were at Cofumbja. ra' route for the Central ranVoadAeVs-iJraasiaen -r i Ceumeil e, -Sfee. Thie body aet ia la city ok Tbarsday, tk I ItV. oa the caitaf th Uwveraor. ' Al the aaeutbrrs preoeat. to wit i fclr. Sattenhwaibs of Pitt, Mr. Stnbba of Mar tin, Mr. EldrWe of Johaetoa, atr.Pick of Gailfbrd. Mr. Haerav of Asa.. Mr. Ca!k way of WUkes, aud Mr. ratten of Buacoeah We anderaUad the Council he beea eafrfeed Io CottaWleriia aeveral ahjeets ef imponanle. rroosediBis ia oar ari,-at, iiasrfar- . 'Uon. E.G- Reade, ef IVsoe, has beea ap poiotsd oa the" Inlet nal improvement .Boardi ka piece of Willi ai Fa toe, Jr., of. Warren, re sirasd. Tki is ks azcelleat apooieiiweat. . " t r ' .r ' Duty Fnr---: 'I M i. i . T -t. i j... jjl .1 1 ? 5 - 0 . 4.-