SALISBUKYv N. G., JULY 6, 1863. NUMBER .7 VOL. XXI. ,. J. J. BHIINER," ' Wf .f th. UattkMM. WWTtmiiWtW pi.-ea of pronwonMir' "aJliTotlM-'f ierTMIein?c? i'wilMcrintin i.Wof this tper will !. iilMwrtfilkii la1Hi of till tUUlpr be uo rfoiiri-. lb.aut montl. .ad thrre hut for . year. - . ' jLwiimMKa. two doll.r he tbe fo4rnd one duller for rwti nufMcKjii-nt publication, . i ijy- April ifHij. - - . , . -- - f- i Frftftf the X. C. SuntUrd. TrnrrrK' ntntrsnnvnrVlT I V KM.. M VMJt.M U TU wtngwpoii.b.J .which w have been fiirnwbrd for pullMMtkm by Oov. Vncs i itk creluWf that ftnclioimrv nd to .he !d.Vr d his f-Uu-r. Tim mi . n ... ,, fiT, idflnnu-ed by hw n.tuii.lly Kronpyi'uru- ing fr lionir, abntfi himself from hi nri- inrnt without 4iv, nd tnuken hi lr.vj.wnrn nl.r.iwiu-a.f, i.t hn ftt.- . , ,fVaic.. TUoU ,Mii!lt w1il,t, tl)y1 l.t lhs imr .re rhr-i topvWfl wk a lie h-arns (imt lint nn n leiil with- out leave. He ehrdei liiin for hfj cnndiiet htid tell him to rt turn und Mmtd hv hia rul- tOlheLiat. Tlie -.m ikviv-. ihe rejrfir :wv-W rwn nf li:f nf flT" r t 1 4 wii!et to tlie Oove-tior a-kiti? pardon en I .v ' '.' 3 ' ' ' ' " Jon w crante,! aul tli fia-r..rt loniivi-jl : nid we Iwve no ilonln hy t!n time t!r. no- blc-hearfed soldier i. a.'.Miti writ his n-irneiil, :reiij;tlH-i)"l in rt-uJution hv the o'-i.-al tiiro' which fj).a pjej; attd Jajki. JlJ alter f r ha coiiiitrv to tiie h.-t. Tk- a'tnai- f Gnvreand loxite furnish uo example) t a:riijui milliter i f"er thmrmifci-Thih-tttil by tb father of lllfl soldier. And if all .1 Men lee a;i,l Jt-Mli t,-ri were tiiateJ W4.i1 t!,e iiimahtl firmm-iM und litnine w hi, h led this to repent of in-s error, ar.1w h; IO rrnefn 'I IifS priiif, XA 'ipi;!l YA remmed to h.renieot. i,1r w he !s fmueiit, many who .r now b- A-nt would go bark to their regimeetj-, bj-t- oiii:vil w!iinii(iian .1 nueh Kmuu vert lie; i..r m..r. tI..,.,Li .twJ'.r'Htf t l5 ."I tlmT 'Tmer.n tS r.Viijit Miuid by their txthjrs, . UV eija f. list w e VC l-J uJUlU ICiiti to i4: Mh4rf f, lit - an ju-tiiy deert:m. There a!f jjewi-i fi, Sertioii, it i 'T ie, frotTU Noifh tkroliua n-'i-ment! than from l!i"e nf rh.-r 5eatei ; but weaneory lit know tf at tli.-re nfe nv. SuHwrn, Stale he p'spni her ll to to thi war. Uc-r hmur i'ir ke. '.'li.i A ays ciime hn,e, eojie. out uy. Lt-tui CI .i i -, . .- . . . s . Ceyther, and In-r heart b l-ii wli.-tijuu WTtT; Wht'It' Jfivr.iv tvrciiJ. idii' JaixMs ' lhrt.ti:li her t rovenior, who U ,v.n ,. ! .;. i,., , ' oier lurn. it, u leomlv vour vt ron'"'. Tjie . - ' tnght rnav ( loni', and the rro-:xvt i.ow .... , , 1 ' .., - .ud t.ien ghxitny, hut tne niortirhma.Wtwme ,.ouner or la: r. I)enrtK.u neither nve. nor ; l.e! WliAtfVor your wrongs mUtc'ver ' Jo:ir motiv,-, wlutt:ver vo n ,m,io..s alv.ot - ii vier voii with uie sotirtnicr oi - . ,t Vfll "j.,1 .tWO- 1.11 situation. ITiik iVcombioti Mi Trm rv iii the keeping of your Sti.le. Hie will lie Uut to her aitit to the Ust, but, in the end, ' !o will tie true to her!f. It itWi aiisv sue-' vevda, a We Ihk; it wilt, you will retun? i with ffyhig imW., and the (.hoiit-td thon-"i ud wiir gwt you an you idaw ' Vonr bt " ' J ' .irii.M i,.... .... . i ... i . i I ..ii y vnii iintite oii; t;ui If IIH' cause !lioitil bol, yonr State will know if fir. .....I .11 I V " " ! ..., will III IIILlrt' Iait VOII J l.wlnn -I :. . . . v.... v, aud batteries shouhJ frown a king your path ; . I.WCofr,.C., 'X. C. June 16, IStLl I Uif EjKrtlntry, Cor. Z. II Vmct . ' ! . ' ' I win . ii is wku jorrxiw 1 cooimuninis K. ;. - r r o r v.uirniiii im tnv ineuu.4 .a lonn L'lUI H ,11 .w I ..... . r . t , ... . . . I live, by abxtitihg myse'lf fnm my compa- i ny without l,ve. l ent (,. on ,h 12.. OI uim inn! r. , j , u,r,i n, ,iiim,n, ii uie orit"crvoiii s while .JMy5.y, stay ; when wys re- Ul(il ,ouch ,1K. eiinct lfore tho bi .tie's, he i ,!,.t J-WWl- ! will Ih- master the.eaRer in his own euard or -fM.4iahX.&.UxU Ud Church ma' thu ex.-ite early emulation ..tiitt x turn isljeTnltTTiiimrw: it -fs the-onle T ......t -, .t , f 'VI 1 W " "ji re i treat r i' v. vvujhl eVHiiiol. eKiiia hSLu 'TrT ' -?m ,ht" a,n'ction ,f "- Enphh, and vet thVy ut l.r from bcin2 un Inemls. Nr, 1 have broi.pht on rny-udf d:s i mmuLir ' met me at the pate with l,r.r.. ,. jtiraS JU-it fsUe 1 an Imp rTant proclamatit n to . 'IHV t. A tier tiasminy-t urf',.,,r. . 4 tiJ"ft.sked hieir I 4urlort-ebv C VM" ' fiivti rjwara'.i "reJifiirV lo toW-SlkHrfcatf " him 1 "was not. Thu old maii broheintQ tea:, "hortyts epeeiaily r-warkable. It run.: adJold me I could not stay wjij, ju,n tlat "Whovever .ha!l dare to Utter -ollerisive I must po nnd join my regimetK. I mtlieil 'n?uPR . relipion. wather it may tu hia), I intended to do so ; I tljj nc)l comB j h or to innilt anr person on aicotinr of h in borne to stay, lie tlK'U told me if I would ' rv-''jal' 'aith, shall becondemned to tho go bock he would'ut have me Jkrreetml Imt if I humiliation ot walkvn-; throuph the streets of tot lie certainly woutd. I told hiin I want- ed antDA hitK.Ml ko.l a .r l I M"v? !"C a pair uf t-lioes., ami told inn hn in. tcBded toMMid me such things s I noiMetJ, ,od irn , w1,y I djdn-i stay .nJ waii for mlot.ghtjrejd.ed lMBsm home more. -Mo let-M, I hil much rathw ner fr w ?M tvo-yo.i, Umn f ip you to come Lc m that way," lie uked ne it I had liiin I bail hof.'- lie then got the M " fit we re. ;d thisL nir oo: this tew-iie yotrivlit ffnttudextion briiynon.'riN6w,:! ) "j ruined-undoue fotcver. Tlii K,rt ft' volirco,rviHfi, (j,-enior. tln" u i a '? I done u I 'Will ihwimw jpw I,.- . .never ! wiH " ,'',v- 1 U I"- J j want f THiirti l niy ri-v'iiiii-ut, il joii tU'!i?e. j Oive me raw.or jwmcrhinp to show, in or- ! tJ,t I jmck without beiiip arrested, r lirddn ino fiir my trnirpns.inn; I find the vuVol tin- is huid. I ptvoyoit : ty" word ati.l !k.ii..i a man tlwt I never i n't . -. . i .r V IUuiv. (." i nnT.iua imw. ipi it ii (Ik- lasi. I will ami jmu my fclM 'tMvrr ami I'liimu wilii tln-ni until the war , , ...... , . . ... . .... . ,. i i . .i . i - I r i 1..... 1 1" voll u.i;i ,iaija m 1 will be tunic tUau a ( iIuiiiuikJ lunw tAiliwl, und ffl mywli un- ,','r :"''' "Migntioim t you for tit ! 'MfT- . I' "'"'. f''-- -; I""!"' noun t nil); llie kiinl, Ht Hiat I inn gel lack (o 1(iy .,.,. ,,n't W(Mlt u", ,,i.r j iiinl if I rmi lie!)) it; it I onn't, I will p , itnl , the consjienv, In? 'V'"t n",y' 1 ,fcV" W'l?S,1 lWU id'l will inaiiv mote il new- 1,1,1 mo! .l,-.,k..'f thVevil: ii lUt , J,;vn oinv wl.r.t I n.)W 4i, I wn.iM hnve i. !iiiii!i-l Uieu- nntil now. I l JijVi'rpor. (i, VV.'i ;."Tllil n,e tlii-: l,n;e Sin- l'r so 't-iili. Tlie 'i nl til! nil-- Ileal ell an I eiitM kn,,ui IMV I 1 n- II. ijinV ,tp vr . ,,,,.",-,1 ,v niwii-. 1 i.':- tlrTRTr,c1,!?rTnfr, - ' tci. (il Not:Tn ) . ... ... j.jAttrmt lahraiKNT IW-tli. Inne 2il ) . I'limte . l'lfi .V. ('. TL. ' Catl t Jhiue, X. C: SK : Vom Uuli-r. yikmg lor m lrdin nad j; '.u i;iain ! v.;ir jepiMient, i tx-n ii,sii, I Km !o-.-i I von a J.1.". ai.-l w lil v. heii Viu ie,-v);t to ir.e in tint CT-VTb Ti iT7-7 To t7 Tirr.-:T.TerTw ITTiTi I havT- to',. nVl.l tvjlwnre exemifiotl ftuit pumliila-f,!.' 1 .i vtiV that there is' It a Leave i.fS r wu.dd not Kr.nt tu . on of u l-l. ..r I .(..,,.. V..O 1.1 . . - f i ' iioocie.i 1,1 puss, itirt iianu. ' Jetd t. f ' iied in tl; eiilein latioti uf snoli '.n Nnth Ce.iyihii.-i. And while they iv. I fl it i:ti( A in f ir o! tmr tttttnmte err,T'T 'Wiell i t," '4,t that eviTV tn'tier j;; j liie 'inn i W ii.!,,'iv nflt (: ,. -n ill !.,,. j nuniV- ii. mi ii.niiv i,..14e M.'-rs who . . . . . I Lute Uvn iiiJuiiU tn LrJiars a-ia dx.n- i i:ritr.n iir lo Une (In n! f t"p. won, i In" a ,Ji -rti,-i lioin uiiavai!a. ri-i - l and miitow .nd vvi.i, ii the remen,lrai)ix; of ail tiieir piwwii 11 1 1 ; rn:iot eMitiqtr.!u How :?1,M-!V1 Du'd be the heart ot our tiener N. Mid ltow 1!eIa1t!, ttiOse ut our birs. . .,. i .. i . i . .l. . .t. .: . . v juiu .I w la.'."! u i::at cjcij t.:e. m 3 oi na- turv were i,othr:-. and the Mroti? Iand of Coial iifT. 1 1 ivn Tir.t a ittist ;ri the iMtaJiif, ' a !"''J'''- " hve d.-duati d their ot) to I."-J.:er :ii, l iiie:r home to deoation for . r . , . li.eii tit,iiti iii lejwiiii-lice. t i . " , .t' i - ,, . 'v -your 'jiLi r s adviw. 1 on could not 0uw ,!,,. l)lUl.;, f mou. aj p;itii'tif. .md letum to yoiir Imtvc wminades, H"' ' teciti.-ttt ver sttTred npon . U4M ""'- U' w h' -vwur '- j lei., .i.d you ie worthy.ofytHir lineape. ! Very li lily yUli, i . a. H. VAN-CE. ; - A Itatit'K Writtiug 6Ve..'ifion. When niMic mpV have sereweti tip eotirae to '''k a h other "f-ir better, or for worse," 'l'- bt"' tli. Mr l. t oi', MOV a tmnillll.Vnal mat . tlmt luia 1 Aifmiinodaied penei.tion after peneratioii. Tlie pair walk d tiniryly -sid by side r from -l r . i . - .. f it . -i lUw,r ,i MtH'tiiarv. .au n uie onoecroom l0U!HJl S-ld.ini, however. d,ies it so hamien. The lit ides dedicate sole pets (be pa., and ,H' '0"" of w Andres, or Pet.-r. owns t w-omati ji it master. St. Kev'ne's Well, Ilrjitjiau TJeriition in Smyrna. Ahmed th - V wihhrwtHW'W' thiitr-ihiiiiwpii' I a- tbia . doe ,ne ,0'u with a dacard !ui.iendeJ' from hi J ,i. - L - n,..t wti on.leir.-h m!I fti'i. r,oiiti. amit which-the law iittltels. VirginiaJLononx. A jii.nlity of.lctn nns raised; in lxin'oit, Itockbrhl'j. coun IU)uUicn Mvt they are larr and fine, nj wiy com par. rnost favorably-with .ny of tl luiported ooev ' or comma win wirr , Jiruv-N "c5yiff- 1 'II... . .!.. :fA-Sj.K pro'mr war or unparalleled megim aoe auo leroouy. Vi" uu, - ' ic.,",wa i lor .aiwiocMiiiu i oi uaiauia, m bi- ,r i.J,M ',',. it i-...1"f,.n r mini I ready statue) wild brew: I ( faiih and iiirlial the ist of K'tphn 1, .nd the the Zea- . . . . FrtMM id. Charltrtoii ourirr) V Itlaaiiloc KtrdatlMKfaidlalUa. .' trt. ilb .ad OinnMcaiHMi thai r re- C(K a i . . i . . - -a i nig rriiU'liatMMi. lit ordvr U tain mriut mhu 'riiKtirw;:r:'rhtrfrxfii'!WivrfiTiiai urd"rTBiTiiej,;bj' fw,anjH faco, funda hlr in right prr Crnl MOckM lvid . iha ('on fadrVaU Si-I .1 ilia oituu of llto h.4Jf, it4iiM Urt4laiin of liniaJ Ii laiih f (kiofun d.iltiliiy tltc uolpa obtaiNiI a widr rirruli4.n. In dtffjiu liructi of ihe.!C laiid, ih ser rr(,.ry urih Tfwiaryrntnii(, tti t'iu f--Ji'ral CoogrfHi r a acta, Ikd llie l'reriilnt of llie Confederacy afvrK" law. lirni iuf th futidabifiljr vt tHnm Uu(ia,4MtrirraU aighl pt crnU, l Ilia 2'11 AHI ' . kiid lim il'i'tf thrir fumlalMh.y iu y.HHrarrate x-rm mr -,. I.. Aim'u.i aiit. Tliia in m oUin crnis, I" Ihe Ift Ai'ul et. This i a plain b'eacll f plifflued (tknutm( ! e .rerfi otilialion of llie rtiulraet, anJdoauiislil repii di.itioii. to a limited etient. Af.iin. (he t'ouledrrult (.overuinent isau'i a no; lie r curiency. fundabr by law. ami oil ii f ir., in ock aud bondt of the Confederate Siutea, al a lime, when Jiere' were none but ('Miifeilerale eiht per cent a ocka and hoiida in ex , cut e. In faith of ii fundaltilitv in tucli sicka und Itundf, that currency ) nblaii'i-d a .u ercu.aiio.., suppivmg lare y ier.,n of the C..t.-deraey. Uuttlie C.M.Meraie l...- ........ .LJ.ib,i ..I .' I. .,i j, iwu.,11,.1 i..r ooi.gaiion w ii.e e.miraei reIu.. eit t rveive .III. curre,n' r t llllrJert' e-gl.l ft cei.ia I lh. e,e h.4iid u. .! j utt ( f(.w Cl,m(.irrd with the greut mass of '" K'11' ur ",d f""d """ "d . -,i.ze..f, and to cut d..v.u the imervsil of their p.loUU If the,WNi h' a right , ,T,1Ilrllt. W(lUd beau.., unequal tai. a d-Miy i fm.hjy of. .... r-tf, ttfriuw. UL. -r.jynn, npnrrsvhin, Tiited.,n-tho who de eljht ..rr eeftl.. R a.iy reinc-rt.Wb,hiy - n jt Th, Kt,n.imrn or p,,m,c.aus, sii ang'.uUie prr eei.i4- mid le il !, a 1 lm 1. ... ..,kl, .,..K a - j ,Urium. Thin fat'ttVes ffeak vf hatr ihe Serreta" of t ie Treasury atlen,fiied to justify on two rouml1. viz : lil l lie tinantial nerr-il v of the ciae. .'J. livMiia'ojv Lithe Mi.uieof Limitatii-ss- j I. tt. inler!y deny the ieeesil.Tof Ihetjse. 0,r niurce .mil llie ren ure. a ! llie C,,iM ! erie l.ovenunenl are an,i.- ai.ii all-u(!irieiu t" "' fr-mi ihe rhtnir nj didimi,r ef T prnimnmr :ln the- KcViho nm of 1776. liter, ! " repil.bati..n f a greatly oVre..-ia.' i ' """ ' ',,,ur . Stat- a4 Fe.Ier-l. ' -"' ' i J ..-..... ( Mitu u or inn 11.41111 a i'i (irtici m.mi incy ? I. I A 1. . . I. . . . I A IWh god ..U .ml ,cfiuy de- I i4d the jeuj.iun prrM-rvaiiuu of the public j f4l(,. V Thave.idfc,htt,rw;r. Ui'ii jour rvotu. tiunary IVlli. r had me siudnw of exctlfte for their irei.jrture front ri liiih. Il f.'Hiic m ihe'r want of FeSHtiri;i and in the b 'Wiw-e wt the ferW'rr of tuX jlmtt, in th,i'iteraLt t'overtiiiient or l-ei!?ral iiel ilinl day. IheV ere alm..t feMihi;e of ngr cu lural wealih, ....III.. I'.j.r... ..l.iI.1 II.. ... .... I..., ' ' " ' ,c r.uiM oiile' make rruiwtiou on the iSiales lor unmet , and tiioee requMlMui Were ollen "nitire hoikired ill the breach I hail in llie observance." The can and the circumstances rr now e.n lireU riiflrent Our VoUii Coiilrderacv a- iMtiuo. u a-nrmtura. weaiin am rcH-urces- . t .lion, tohacco, and rice Itirm-li an nmile ba- ... r. , .. i ' ! for the reeeinmioi, of a..r del.;, however lr. I the Cuiifeilerjcy liiay contra, ;, ia order to win Hie glorious oo.,n oi IliaepeuUeiu-e. Ihe t'onfcilerate-Congre.. too, has full power to tax ihe ciiizea, huhiin eil in snbjecis I and amount , Away, then, ailh ihv lhm-y pretext jf State or financial necessity it i a himciit of tbe fancy, and oujit lo be nhamtd from all weight, iti the fjaancul aigumenl or biie. 2. The Statute of Limitations turrishe. 'i:o annlogv at all. Tlmt statute i n I art of lite confmrjia-rft beloug. ouK to the lei fi.t It ' dejiies i'llie aid of Courts und :he ageney ol law suits to enforce stale ih..a flu. Iu pur- jio. i to m,ie l the h.-uest ,!' ti!: r. mho iiiy have lost hi receipt or arqu.l.a: ce. front pay. nip llie mine Ut 01 a secoliu lime. Il never wa JeMgued to jm. (eel one from iiavhig a just i debt, however stale o flliitiat' k When so! apphed ii ia a crv perverswii auii ahuseiif hi w. I To plead the Statute of LiiiiitaihhiF, in bur f a just debt, is, as weonce heard a -rreut jury lawyer say to place a lie iij.u record. The Sla'uie, therefore, neilher ite4vra nor dir-1 . ' ' ' lurbs ihe ohligationof Ihe c.muact. bnl leuVes 0T Royul, S. C, June 18. 18G3. it bimliug iu Initorand g,rf coiifcieiice, and; Pkar : I am .prisoner of W'ar on writ in law. to this exleiit. thai a promise io ! board ibis vessel. We Were '.captured yes pay a debt, barred by ihe Suiute. is a gimd le- j ((.nav mormnp bv th? I". S. steamer Wee e ciiistderatkin. on which a recovery o' ijie; MR kei) All tlie'olicers are saf... We lost old drbl may, he had at law. ; j (Biirw v hj ven or ci-ht woimd- As the unwise policy a e are rwndemmne ;; , 0f the olPwrs woondtl. there is Wrapp ha. assumed the shape of he. we g.,t have A ; j, (hm,,0rO(,9. remaiued siletiton lheul)i- t, had we not learn- .. r , 3 . ,. . ,. dtbirtw.iH more florae, vd..W of g,od! 0'V. Hernandez ViU) sightly: 1 1mrstou , fa.ib i ciHilemphted. iu influetiiial ; -M"'ne Othwr), shphtly. . qnartet no less than a rnHictnni of interest j A lifter horn Master Wrap: says he is ou Confederate eight and neve, per cents lo six , ... .... lit I.- .: . " . ii. r. i.uhii, . . i .iieii io siieak in .advance, and in no iniiieim; terms, of , the con! em ids ted fraud It W-utiltT have u. i. excuse nor JuMificatuNi. a we have ulree- ,ny thuwili rtth.tlia.iif trlJHlgtrgxjuJ" ?H1 i of the taxttifpowerr- We leari m7 "kCi v it t tuicllect, pure in morals, aud nigh w sutmii. , them. when. ea,hup m a tneu4 ol nime. t under a strange halluciit4iiar recently jus ity j i;,uilli yjnes in a most flonrishihp conih uch repudiation and dnracyful policy, on the tion and askinp Jiow he pol rtd of the ia ground that it Would be nrear.v I., prevent , .j.; Ue aflsworv,I : ' UHifederate bankruptcy. T handily of Hh .. p,H those radishes i covered with a iHKion we nave aemoin-iruivu , ana an, utter distinguished citizen and statesman justly re plied to and related it. hv saying" two per a. I ' I ... v. k. L n. nr' . nt.1 i. .n 1 1 .11. t it. r , cent or seveii ter r.nt . ill bankrtml Ihe Con- " federurv, sit percrrtt, rr a redneiioh of one, of ; r ' - I two par .cenl, will not ftave off the catastm- plie.' - A iroii minib d citizen, of praclical good sene, also replieil--" "rrer th. repu dfate .nd reduce k lei the Cnn- lederac borrow at ten -per cent, and thus fill her differ .nd eru her independence lar th. eslize. to Ihe foflexleut aeeeesary, prom pi -ly aad fully, to pay th. iuiereei of th hli. d(M and. by thus luxUining bir rrrdii. U tit.' rud ttf iba war, .1 ill .lpicioia cloa-, wiib In. dprndeiica Won aud huh nutaroibed, ) would m au to tMrMtmHi4rMmrvv' m r w-.r . : w j v. w n. t. t. "-, ' mi - iiiiuWe3os7' v . W. ar Mroucly of opinio, too, that .11 r padiann hl of lb. Co.ftfemof w mn. tniiliuiiu!. Ahboush llij Confederate Copalt- In violate llie i.olualn.n vf on.lrucii, il ooei eodlniii k otaiiiH-. oioliili.iiiff llie evral ovrreia Mates iroui pus-ii.i any such laws, and il may well be awmued llut vital a Stale, in hrr plenary Mvrreigiuy,C4UiioliijDaiituiMiii alty do, llis rners agency of llie Confederal Stales, demitute of even a parliole of aover eifaly,i w Iwtlly iiieomprteui iu accoinplixli the Miwrr ot llio ageal muni bo mlKirdniale Ut lliat of llie suvereix. irinciuat. We may hare aihi that one of oar cilizviia lias it iu cwwteaa plaiHxi to tMhinqueeiioii of cMiiiiaiionnliiyi ..'n m Mini.iMiH. hir Jm'tir M-rraih. rrauir- , Treu-u.eru. deliver eialit per J,, i tdi, tljiUt ptt CrUV fund- able. He the constitutional question, however, an it my, it it clear lo our mind that il should be the pride and glory ol a young Confederacy, seekiug adinieaioii into the lainilv of nations, lo enter into the augum axauciation with'.. bright eseuicheoii end untarnihhed fuilli. To reduce eilil and e veil per cents to sit percent, we may add, in conc'ui'in. would H)) ueqci..l an well a. laiti.leoppressioii i . , .r ..,,111 rni.fed.rav l r ... . .' in im hour of need; and H iuld he duwurighl MN,;,.1Il1 . d r,Abeiv. The number of Jhoe f ' . .,,,,,1.. r.,...l. ... 1 a.eiiri. r II" ITC Mil. ,m ll",vi, ... r w . . " rl'oiieM aiiO uinmnioi it," .hi. i. r ,l, urn! fle hi eciioii y, yliouid be hurl- d from liie h.h place of the CotiPderaCy iul enmjii, d lo ijiioininiit.s obseurity. It is Lf.ims iu morula, Ikihuk ndimus.are as much bound us Miibviduala lo k. rp faiih With their del-tors ; ami immorality iu the lioverninenl t-nJ lo demoralize ibu people. 1 1 i. aWJjo er,,noin . teratiM if me CiVernillelil breaks farh ti. i unci ally, i inuai ueresaarijy l"e credit ill ihe market of liie world, and the diansiroaa result w,,u'd be the l it of millions iu the sale of new bolide, in the lndeniet. piliful and abor tive eff,.rt io save a few thrwsauds, in the dim eiu,. n of interest il old ones. THE .-.'It-RCXDER OF THE ATLANTA. Tin; .Savannah Republican of Saturday Niys it is jienuitted to copy" the following -letter 4"r.Mi . teiter jf the crew -of llie Al ia it a to a t ieud in' that city : . PotiT Royau June, 18. . 1)kak' Fkiexd: Coiinary to our expect.-. ti.iri-. our viSM-l was tiecessariiy and nna- voMia'i.V ?:irjetiiJi'ir, to V,ait. I.rojrers, cuiijr , I tii.-iulnnr the Monitors evbawkoii N.-.iiiant, niter a thniv-ttfo minute fight. We Meumed up to within fifty yards ut one time, but we lonht at two hundred yards. We t'Pem-l with oni-8-inch, .pun." Two of ' their. 15 inch balls eatne crHshinjr throiiith the t Mljc d.blm? the marine .m8 crew ami ...... , , " , , , L No. .. division crew. Another shut k inchin ,he Iv!ot '?".'." -, seriously wounding both Austin and Hernandez, .tlie ilots. IJe- ins; thus disal'lett. the ship rati agrouu . Ooor pun could not he bcoupht to bear up on any oiject. and humanity and instinct promtt d a surrender, as in less tliun lateen minute the rotten thinir would not have had a human bei tip-aboard. We all deeply sym pathize with our noble and pallant Captain, who is sufleriiiG and overcome with ment.L i antruish. Every 'man stood nohiv at his post j Ironi the fust to last. Our loss is one killed.' iS. Fi-b," it i. now declared that no sush or id ten slipjilly wounded. der n. lliu published has been isnued." That ' i i'.'Jit si-vetetv an I Tl,v !ir.. ri-.-i'iein,f i!ii hiii rare from" our e ' , ' . I . v. ; rui'iMO ju . i c uooi .in iii,-t , nu v ' der-them and us eomlortabli. To-inoiTOW ! we are to l,e sent North, amilt niav be some time before you see or lk-ar tiom me apun. Yotirs truly, W. B.. 3d. Tiie follow tnf from an officer oh board hits also 'aen handed ro us, with the liberty of niakim it public: I' Su! VrBanst" M , woumle.1 over'lho left eee and in tliei .'. . m . , i TV il ajilile. I'Oing Well. ' A ftiftl On MUrrtt Ctttture.l nave atwny Uitijauyh .troubled with tlicniellon bu. aim re - 4ed Yo imia 'i buai?'" ' 1 said "les. He cvuiiiutitHl : 'M-'hm bugs like radish tops betaT than meliMt vines. .. r , I C ..... .V.A 1 uiereiore always pum a tew uem iik coiitebipe hdla, amliu uce the fiua cuuditioa oi niy Vint. .v--'--., "The stenmer, formerly-th. pri vateer Sointer, ia loadiu-j . Li.rpool U CUlM. v I ' 0 . MOM TIM N OUT II. THE WORfcT OF til B PRIVATEERS. i am a - u a Jm T aiwMij m h'"( i v l l. : : ww if Tb. New York HtrmU hat th. tUbiwinj aotlce of the rcceal damaje Tuflicted by th. privateer bark Tacooy i ' Th. .k:n T.... U'l.k fnrfn f J captuieu ou oaiuniaj. djf iii pnvaieer aars Tucoiiyr whos Opula jta. ieMly, I. ihat vesiMl and ia that' which he pievioeely coto- ni.uded, inflicted s.cb exieisiv. damage apea our lucre ha nl luariue. fche was captured aot more than 75 mile frmn the New Jersey shore.- S(ie was bonded Kir forty ibmi aud dole bra. Not is this all The Isaac W ebb brought k the captain aud crew of the brig TJmniro, frmn ttaKaa tr Uoslon, captured and burned by the Tacuav four daye prvi.aUy. U 37 17. longitude fro pi Greenwich C9 5, whiehr U sboui two hundred uiilrs further snu'h, oppo site the D-lawar Cape. The Tacoev has thus moved 4UMUt.(lt aW a Uea ho4seu was v - - . offlhe coast here, just ia "the Coarse of our ship between Liverpool .nd New York. Tbe Htrml'l complain that (be Chamber of Commerce lie appealed ift. vain to (he gutera meul at Wasbiagtou for pnulecliou against these raids aud says; V" The' Nary Department have bad abundant warning iu the depredation) of the Tacotty. For atmie time .he has bee. operating almost iu sight of Fortrem Monroe. Every day the privateers are becoming bolder and doiaf great er duiimge to our Comnieicial iuterest. The impuuity they have enjoyed ha. sv encouraged l hem thai ihey veiiiura now to muk. their i,u i ting groirttd right iff our Nor-her it harbor, and especiallv the gieat port of the city of New York, the eentre uf the commerce of" tbJ t7nP " ' led Slates The Federal admiuistralion thu.ner- '"' Uoveruor o liie stale ougiil to take i lie mat- ; ler in hand at otice and bef.ire any furtlier mis- " , -chief is doue He has sent our miliiii. to de- fend ihe prop rty of Peousy Ivanian, uho ought i to have been prepared lo take care of them- r T seUes. There is as much necessity for tbe protection of Ihe shipping and cargoes of the 'merchant Hf Itii jjrrat " CtimTiiercrat me'rnrpolie as there i. for the protection of the horses and other live slock of the of Pennsylvania; aud, Thenrchar i y brgiiia al boine r " sirratssio.n or sewsrrEi atiUTaar dicta Tossmr ove. th. rses. W. mentioned yesterday that 'the Provost M.reb.1 .t Baltimore had issued his order pro-' hibiliug the Baltimore paper, from making ex tract from certain Ncw.Yotkand Wfatlrrtt pet. supposed to bs of secession proclvitie . Th New Yolk Herald denounces ihis act of military tanuv, and, i.t a king editorial on the subject, .ay. : r If extracts front New York K-urnal. ou?ht to t.r.liililld fr.t. mikii.tiAii I. ,1.. Il..ll tiiore pufK-rs, a joriwrt tlie "New lor k paper themselves ought to be prohibited from being sold and circulated in the same locality- Of coure the prohibition against extract, i. be- , cause the paper are poinous ; but the entire sheets are admissible. Tbe iofereoce .would, ihu. seem to he that the poison iu small done is dangerous, if uol fatal; whereas ia large do ses it may be with iinpenit-. Gen eral S herck says no'exirect" wtH be per muted. Bui the order which we publish to day, prohibiling extract, but di-claring that it W.I ' a mistake," aud " perhaps a misappre hension," to supprer. ihe paper, themselves, is ' . riiiiculou. on the fujse of jt. Though il was pub- lithed in the official torgan, the Washington Rt- ' publican, of Saturday eeeititig, and iu a tele graphic'itispKtch to ih Xetr York paper. ye urday. With the official signature of hi. Lieu tenant Colonel aud Provost Mamhnl. William nay do lo tell to horse ma. in,. But ills pret ty certain that the Order hud Something to do with the appmaehiiig Alaiylend election. We nave heard an explauatiim of it. revocation lhat i fur more likely to be trm. lhau that I- . i . . - , , y ' ' ... which is assigned. It i. staled that oue of the prohibited journal, applied to Governor Sey mour Ibr protection, aud that he made .ucli remonstreuce as induced a direction to rescind I be order. I fad not this been jirnmptly done, it i. believed that he would have MdereJ backr" to this State the militia regiiney t which he has. just sent forward to assttt in remedying the . neglect and mismanagement of Scheuck aad Ihe War Department.' The Iferuld coalinlies : Instead of wulching the juovemDts of the enemy ia Maryland and ou the border, of Penn sylvania, General Nchenck, -famous shk for falling into a 'trap of Vienna, in which hiaeoto uiaud waa..aiaughlered by ibe' rebels, aad his raid a gain si . uewspaper of Philadelphia, has miw agat. entered ,he field -.gainst the new.- -pa pete of New Yurk a seemly and graiettl return fr the promptitude with 'sehieh 'New' York tsuep talve hastened to th asaiaiance of Mar1and, Which XJeneral . Schenck has wow jiernntieir i ee rruwresheai ejiaie Sfore. 1 - . luvolviitg the deetractioa of the Baltimore and We had hoped JaatZtTt'elJitrttr-nif- side in suppreseing the Chicago Tieie.ltadee.' suffi'-tently rebuked by 'public opinion and by the President directing him to revMie hi order lo preveul other general fnutt-imitatiug b1 example.' But jjiere is a class of men hon4 no tig:ts of lhe.timescaa instruct. The gods Mem. lo have, dtauned them to the same kind of blind ness a (id insauily which characterized the ae tkms of the ruler, of trance betoro I ho- first French) Revoluiioa, and afterward, ia IS30 and 'iM. ' ThrVension Office t YV.suinjjt; bat I. tell Inwrded the iiineteentbousandth .pplictlon of wives mad. widow by this war.- Botton .Transcript." V ; -t' i t t - J I . H '."

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