' ' ' ' " : , i L-f -ii Xi-.uirB. '-.-K-" - - ," 1 " "' '-- r-' g-r-rj j -sw.awawaweajBMMBlBTMwMMBMBlB -' v f "untTVPn tbiTOK 4o rnorattxoa, . From mti utter Ik date, sod unlit tbtrt U duinge ! tlx fiicet of pivv'tsioai, paper ad other rtclet reqojrifd lo carty ou bo tUtufocription utet'of IbU paper will U tu iJiatifotix taoathM, and Atm o AoTimiiira, (fro dollar for tba Snt. aixi 1 ooloiW S each aebaequant putlicatioa. C0MMVXIC4 tiONS. Froalhe 4(h Norfb Cirollna. Caaa Bear Baakt r UW. Ta., ) -July aOih, IBC3. $ For more tLan two j ear tb CWl-r acj tM U-va fldatin oo a current coin paralivtfly MiKth ; nwlbinj baa iinHftlrl our pnH'rttM aave br hoU ihr a ting tit -..t' .. " '- . Jggggg'J1" rhd wLlps lUwVtd matcher love hinM twimw nc,M -MiJWP"J-..rr,i,fltiii.. .Il.i nm turn r.rot.ht far fl tue aiiapew w 6MU : ud too mudi w UmkhI Wala Wd lauh hkf bt .11 at tmce we ref-lo -f Allolirer reaW Ue mV Pr..g! ..to a wturlpool froi wbieb I meDMf b0nVb, r of pri.uer. in ..r hainK We.b.tt never Uable to mricate Ti tfuM.j .mtllrt un lU r HUV ourelv. The new of the fall of .Hjk.-I rW ( Kid.inouJ. ou..,J. bur.nd Tort IluUon lia tarlled u hke ,, . . l .,.. , , r . --. mt. . ... . WU,lndclodp were nt prepared for -uch lOtell.groce. W hy bare we beoo told that thoe pl-ce. ; rfert-JOMiMtt tiotlliUv t wHrtrrd-wTOtti.gr wtionie dandy mppid with r.t.oo.and arnn.ui.i , C0Ilduct-i, th re.,,kably god vr-1 ,,u of the South mU, IkuI it, but 1 twavwl that the grrOM were id .itch ; We Ido. travel J more than eight have not a. vet but on oottage with .pk-Bd.dtr.in! hybaourjouru-!U,r , (njfia if, lweiav.fo(jr boor,, but ivtLing hke whit an .rchiti-ci would call mttempted deoelHiOB wb U,er knew ihnt ; ll)OM ni)U4;h,., Weftt .j, HlolUy after .tyl about it. ahd I include the town, as lbwtruiH iuu.t evetually Uk oult gl TU-aiw, My rf tU.V.nkee ! well the -xvwirv houae. Tber are yet have learned iHue of tbw wtu-u-: rH(V -(ineJ ,u cul u. off we . Ml .,d w cjra. m ,lt!ir ,pararR-e Ur ; we only know that one of the main H r,lowl(f m.j lul fjWi whiIe -uJ r, r 0fal)v j,,,,, or w(ite. pillar, under our oew goeernuiil ha fcmiiI j,,,,,, Wrre u Ur. whinlj u,lh dwellin'aud out bouse. beo removed, and th-l iu reioova ha . .. our rc-r j, , bo in lh)i caod a luighty lotting ..uung ot-era, bal rjltfr . )-TOrt bv l,Mrfvi r up our i , and mU)M,uIiU anJ fcaw great trengtb tbr blow hm pveato our curry ; uu, (,M d ,He 4, were yevmUi CucripuT th."bov. U-rm them vhlHtly tun.hf.ug, and there ,. no .., . V k Uulttmi ihc n,ni .UocU. ) doi v our- jiy. and I am by eruVn.f. .bould ht l,r eye to j Jvd w fuf Uq nU A u. f .j. iLink Wtf j(Ve ,his the K-o, Jut it u not expedient for . , fkin WJU 1nud- 4 th.nistate many more wril be entmll in our tl nryutini mriiir in i ma tiiintMM ui tM a. ' , , J . ... I I .... u . ll...l In ..I, rl , T. ... vaat inina a oepreciaung currency u tue , . . , - , , , ,b ' men were gctlioi iii.pHi.eiit, ni wk a wonderful change ha rtn etfict- . ?. . , , ed oo our met in ranks, I did not thiok :.. ... -I I .1. . ,. . i ' . . : l rymg tbeiu up, tut it did no good. Pre- -iUUb fc'J lvein sight, them up and spurred them ou ; now, ju j, oft a iwauoo seems to hare acUled on every t . , . f. . , , . - . . , , . .. t i mg fcUeils at tha wnole tram ; thev burst- ouoteoat.ce, and a Cetrutinalion to push ' a mw . , , . . .. . , , . i ami wtiiczed. and sparkled about uo- aifair Ufa speedy, perbaii a fearfu ctis.m.. u , i V i , ' . , coiutof uWy nar, which, some, how, nn- IB our departmeat twtUe ha becom, mm of w b ,.t. an every day thrug. F.ght.ng doeajt , ww J,, twtl ammh In iWl a tiartirla nf irmul f ir m. . . - J ., ' ,w ' , .' t j -- -o?'- --- preparation are made 'for. another. o ktragelical points are gained by either, par- tv. .ud thi. w of standru off .ndl firing i . . . . " i i. ? ; . . , . , j t l: e .i ii. toe iivrim iinnag 01 a luousauu ueaiu inisaile don't pay -the South; with the T. ..L ! 1....H ..-rr- i 44l I.' ; : norm u iiiHvw.-ia ouv muid : uiero, arniiea tuenta from the inoou aa tu l..L l.vr.n.t 1 i-i i . t . www imw v ins innr. was in uo ta snr.fig up like Jonah, gourd vine, iu one 1 . , , , ', . 4.. , .tance huriHfd or hard ireed. night, ilmy seem to ri!Tikj luuhhrooiosj v ., , . -v . r-.i .u ti . f'i .1 r llagrstown We b,v ii: line of bat out of the eartii. there ,thev- have lot t , - i p ' , . 3 , , ri:; f V i tie two d.tvs and inghu Waiting for the Bear, brflf . million of toeu, but what of ".. l t . i t i that! llielr place, are-filled to -S1 tet by freah'smportation. from EuL " ,h-V C lh 1 utorac b'oWfU!'' While we Blight al well , reinforS bu" lo - f.-'- tuv uwuu mm iu tooa oevouu l l i .i i i ..i rMm , , ttt arBiy acns headed them and beat them of oar own territory for help, i . . . ,. . . .ii. j . . at their own game. lut armies now con S I heard -intelligent contra , ..... ...... ,.. Uie cotinuea Thi morning rlligei baud" say that "de white in de Souf would ooa be played out, and d white army wa gob' to bust up, den day would have an army ob nigger .n I ' goin to be . B1"i9r rj,'M', yb,Jf yk I There i no doubt but Hit negroes in the army hate VaokeejiisIa iutensely as our mI dier doi WMS w er in renmyjvw oia if any bad desired to do so they could have left Urv but inatoiulf that tb r frd to veiiure Leyood sight of camp for ooncluioB ahall w draw from what , ha .be.ei.,fnRibiy-l.SuBl;,,. firat, thatour situation i growing alarmingly erilical; aeecood, it i high time orae raethod wa adopted by which our rre'n $.juig1it be taved, and not Beedleuly tacri , ficed ; aud, third, nine, butchery and Iom . of life teem to be doing no gepd whatev er, w by "U it that tbe diplom.tuuWot at work to brinsp .bout . elllemenL. It folly for the North or uy other people, "to talk .lout eocxjuenog the spirit ot tU people at the South, We admit that by Jn.Wmiof namber wu may be tern porarily aubjugated; and it it (actio Aspotable that thow who are laboring to r-.w-iav, our eurreocy are doiag bxre for our ttUer rnU tha. tbe wbeU Yaokn - nUHynj ueir aouorreai r.aj wr , VIM Ww f W4n - U v lb . United State, remind me of maa ii . i l . . . r-i. . ( mofeaata, aa4 acUfl-' i tlat cPactf I woald predict bo peace for Uie South for tie utxi Iwtot year. , Oer .dwpapera would be flfld with aoeounu vf (out mur dent, iosurteuliona, plota and rebellion,' and tbe deplorable stale of affair! gBr 1 would be too burrible to oootetaplate. , UuUet ua tiirofrura tb future to tbe pmweU; 'It.fcaa .breB aaU that Geo, Ie'e army retired in great coufuaioa from 5el ljrburg. TbU ia not o, tecaiwe I con NU'ttttnl a mito fa that aruij lufavlC ! I believe that my opportuiutie for teeing ud learaing wr aa good aa tboi of aoy maa tu th army, Soiut of the diviion utfcrvd avvere losfa, but I cau aiure my reader that our Iom iu kitlrd and wound ed wa no greater than tbe ritetny'ft, while hi lorn in prisoner waa much heatier than our. Tb primripat reason Ur the falling bck a that our line of coiuimu- I tik ntion in rear of the army were tuo lon or ,MlMf)d , WM tolr tllJll ,,;,.re oI njr w .iu gwuerai woiie err iii.mdxI. f . J . i ivul U-fe Were, auU Imu ln-vu tut two lours WHitiiii ( . ...,.., . . .or too waon to gel out il the i The i hnllowing, earing m J riven, and hur- and ch an everlasting cetl aav oev- cr was Uaru leu ol, u i , that Use train wa oot loaded with glas ware. The :m?TT T- . 71 wagon seemeo io oounce nail a rod wan out touching the ground. Iu twenty miu- ute not one could be seen, but this and similar skedaddle wo dotobt gave lise to the rented coctustoo. 11 infantry, tbe I I- J ... ..f ly". r . TT ? j " j Jit.'"" ' f - h " front each other near Buukcr Hill, a amall town midway between Winchester and CbarlesWwa. We expect aa engagement daily. NAT. BUeaac aear Cbaraerbr. Pa., ) June VJih, im. j. ) Mr. Bucnek:1- We are now in (he State of Pocvlvaiua, and the Mt.fo week, itaai w7tiited f Tlie lrau1Jr o? if.e Annv of I Aon turn i irgwi, taM4ie tu s w. t ti Uappahaunork to the vicinity of Cham bttoJirg. vA rvry. few day and the army of tLeXotiederate States wR .again have o 4rjf strength with the Federal Amy, lut none ob" the offensive o are bow in the enemy's country and teveraf hun dred mile from oursuppTies, and, ubsist ing do the eneioy's country. Fortunately .for as it i very rich, the wheal crop here ia bow ready to harvost and the large aud capojcioa barn are an unmh-taisble evi dence of the, fertility of tbe aoil. , i Tbvyk(em of Agriculture here i in more Jnced stage than with, us bat it doe. not near com op to my expeclation, Von still find nothing but the old ngxag feucing uck a i familiar to every West btb .Carolioiaa where wood ia'abunda.t aad aaed vtlboat aey cookny. But bete av. m. " ' -m ' .a - - i I : -.r- .f . , .. " :' i f '.,-. 1 n i.r uiuertoi, r- w7","7liiA la tern ftriuff rensr. out M the knr I orOS UW (OWIJ " " " I The beet improved t"0 kat I i .i . . r.kHirt ii rkv riiMi ; - re i.-j: oi4-wtt4u44oaa baill feDce nailed on t..t i"MJortbiaecboorTiie"tbat will laat for roaay year. I Tbe Larn4 thro' tbe aame aeetioa f oonty r', bqill on most of Jbe Mtrnw l Umtooe M Ib Umm mortar f bicb givi.tbt)in m jerj baodaoroe -appear aAc, and ow. lW ..other fruM they ar bVl et bfk, all eery ; large atiil capacious Of of of thew lea lliao oue hundred fort is l-ntb and of a probrilonh ate width andpwny that will reach from one hundred Wd fity to two hundred fet in leogtb an proiorlionate widlli and heSgbC Ib (hi couutry eeery. tbiojr f stored iu the baro aud home anI callfe are taken c4 of in'auch a oiaooer a to m a great eouroe of profit ; a half dozn cow here fcoiiHtitoto the btock of large farm, and i t,he : farma ry. jb, , ze , froii) tweutv to one hundred and fifty acre. Some feware lm than llie leat nauieJ and i Tew higfier thau the highe,- but ' tn fow 'jnortwiM. ii.?y will come between, the figure, afeht.oned. . .. . lire uweiiin "H iuinwicu wi... tiiv farms are-unall building, but aufficientlv Urgn to be comfortable and very neat, but with very few ei-ptiou there is nothing tasteful or decorative tut tlw-rn. Occ- - se.-v ice. I have not yet m any of the j fine horse about here -as t her have all been sent off. I understKd that Vester- day a party of our cavalry nurprised apar r tv of liushwticktrt and drove them off. and captured three hundred and fifty splendid horses. The people here expected much harsher trextment from our troops than they have received. If any of our troops wish to buy any thing ibry generally give them the article without charge, sometimes they take pay, but not often. July 17th, 18C3. Again I resume my letter. Considera ble time has elapsed since first commenced out it being of rather a descriptive char acter, 1 dout tuppoA.age will injure it. But we are now at Bunker Hill near half way from Marliosburg to Winchester, be inr ten miles from the first, aud twelve from the latter place, aad mail facilities established. ; i Since we lett Chambersburg, J'a, we have fought a heavy battle. One which in our own country would have bceo a victory, a it was, our counnUsary sup plie were nearly xbaur.ted and our am munition also low, so much so that the reserve traiua were emptied of nil the am munition for artillery u that they con tained, and In this condition our forces were unable to remain in th position we then held for anv Ieni7th of time. But I ( will give you some of the detail of that fight of which I was an eye Jsitnes aud, such other part a I. think I have reliable information of, , ' We left our Bi vouac near Gbarobersburg on the morning of tbe30th ultimo, and notched omLfour fivrsfiile i on 'the pike leadins to Gettysburg and halted and wcS wsBlittio- hi vwuumMfJi li?e4Jii.y the afiernooii of theIsf ajC:mvforw?ri : jndsroslhe nlountun, passing hy everal iron estao IjabDlenU which hs bit-u -onttto'd by the flame "'km d before, we halted tliat night al abetit 3 o'clock and on tlw morning of 2d at about 2 o'clock we again took tip the line of march and arrived at tbe border of yterdy'a battl6eld early in tbe foronoon.r Herw w remained till near noon, then our Division (Cen. Uood's) marched to the extreme right of the Gon federate1 fort and opposite to the trong est point of the eumy' lino. The divis ion arrived al this point between three and and four o'clock. The batteries"' command-, ed by Cape. Rilef, Latham and Owdeo, were "injmtdiatyly placed n position and opened firi on tke enemy, who replied wilk spirit, but fn a abort tiine to W bia was tileticid, aad tltoi brik fi r of 6nj M NAaTv . i - j -u,4i0a irioa it ore-Il-Ta-wore woletl .w. r.. ,'". of Blue JJuwetoo. , or boariJa . , . -. for ao .fee dark t Jiok nr lit.' trf ir"" Wack Urt.WW'M I Aftftrt.nhf offi-rin tolknd ma chid abut lid 71: v..vT: : ' -1Hv maUriaI.,afono.tba will r--- - , -:7i.4- . rt-.- .r. i"! ',7 , : : ku-f MlnnlaaK All AflP twit til - . . t Bn'6f lofaotry came o Iibm witb tbe batteriea. (The .Artillery ceaaed to belca forth lb toweile 6t dMtb, but bekl their etfient one of Oat. ' lfeWyV kad sn aihj ahot oft.-' Alrout 6e o'clock CapC IWlly' Battery took b porttfoB acme 4 wo or three bodred yard to tU left of It. firat foaitiow, aad eeot forth ' a Uetrotlive fire trf ahella ovef the bead of oar i.fautry iiito the yankei'liBe.iBd 'cootinBed the fire mil the CoBfoderaro troop aaceo l ed op near the lop of the first trill, Du ring the firing from tbw KaitioB, oee; of the three inoh rifl ui. burated nd for tunately, wounded lightly bat one maor Night oon clo?d the bloody drama for that day, and tbe ucce of our 'divWioe was the capture of three 10 pounder Par rolt ttifle Guns and driving the Yaakee from the ton of the fint bill, which wa frbtto'toriy to fifty feet e4evation above the low ground between the two aiiuie to the second. which, wb some fifty orsixty .' . .7 'l. tl.un iiii, hii and iminetliatelv n rear. The front of both biUawaa very kteen. amounting almost to cliffs Before dark, Captaiu IWlly. disabled g.l W; Uoughttltlie fieM..ani njLX.? .airerl, and one of tiie captureu gun iook the place of the bunted gunand the Bat tery was aain ready with it full comple uienFor gun ToTTtiif ftghf-orr tlie third-. On the morning of the third, early after the ti'ht, the-eneiny commenci'd making demonstralions on our right when CapU. Iteillv and Bachtnati were placed in posi tion to pro'.ecttbat flank. - The-plaiv of at tai k firl prop.ied. hut afterwards rejected, wtis to turn tbVeiiemy's left flank. The plao fiiiallv adopted., general attack along tbe whole line, and the signal for the attack was two gun in quek succession. Before the aigiudVthe two BaUeries protecting th right 'flank were ccrrrrpelied to open, and the kirmi!bers had got to be very annoy in", which after a few rounds, scattered tli'-m. ttut before this had buen aocora .1islt.d ,ieHisrnal gwns had been fired, and at the cessation ot the nrtf off ine uana,iue hi ts Sem ed almost to be trembling he neath the heavy concussion of the numer ous guns that were then being served in the most gallaut' manner. Althouah the infantry were actively and hotly en gared, not a musket or a rifle could le Wrd. The roar of artillery drowned all. I have been in all Uie heavy battles in Virginia and Maryland, with theexoeplioo of Cedar Mountain and Chancellorsville, but never have I beard such artillery firing before; the smoke arosa in cloud above the tree lops and waa wafleil about by the breeze as tbe rain cloud drift before the wind. The sturdy oaks that hare stood the storms for age trembled under the roar, and fell as they Were cut off by the cannons' shot." It is needless for me to add, that while this horrid and unearth ly scene wa being enacted, Utiit man, the agent, who put iu motion the. destructive Tngme Wis's tlnnouud that pot the fields of Gettys burg, bear ample testimony to the fact, and the crowded state of the Hospital show that many have won honorable scars. 'While thi scene, which I nave described, was being enacted along the .frontline, tbe Yankee cavalry attempted to turu our flank, but in their fiit advance tbey wet a Regiment of Gen. Anderson Brigade, Hood's Division, which gave them such a warm reception that they soou retired ; ih then dismounted a tortion of their" men and sent them out on foot to feejourl lines, when they discovered ai gap in our lines between two Regiments, they sud denly dashed in wkh about four huudred .,.... i. t...l in.-i and rode straight for the TjatteriesTT rhich-'opeiielJ-o them bell tBd canj ,.andwUvjrere kTniciw-tW BatWrUu,kunjM itifaMTr closed in tWir rear ul . placed ihem bet weerf IWtf fffvst Tlsere V t of them nearer thainhirty or forty axf lof fur-gut they Immediately wheeled tolheir "right aad all were killed wouud ed -or- captured, except eiglteen, which managed to-et out. This affair cloned the fight ou tbe flank, and Uie day dosed with the enraydriyeu back at air point front bis first "positiou. After Wk, our right waa withdrawn and extended to the right and rear in an obligue line from tbe maia line here we remained al I day Sat urday. The prisoner aid that the aa keea" would give u a genteel .thrashing that day, because it was the forth of Ju ly. But it proved otherwiaet they lay ,U day a mute as ppstibld, not evea fi"ff aationa! salute at roeridias Kurbonl thai Uk4 we fired them a aalou, bat wars . i loriu ujv uwirci v " 'w wu bui riw ' v I yev iiio lire, " , " y - ; I ! -V"' "r lue rnii I fcAt flA rlL-U I Af V Uk tlie-'eumber f Vum d our deeire wa to dwt.rb aotrte ol ibeir: form aUoo which tbey MfJered U beeotn'e ' riaible, k few rotada, ton fee la tweBtf nau mm whwu euciiuicr aid unt ftto - - " w vur u f bal y eokUerad care the field, and there-- wa aetadig te peertDt uooe kokJir) tjka' poeitMB ww enrpied, buf tha atmple fact Uat vera- S.baitiDg wa the neioyV country, sl the aupfdy i Ute eiefony of the army wa nearly eooaumed od'our Qrdnaooe trains were eUy well eilia0. d nearly 'all th ArtUlery'raiBnnitior'' was expended, and. for some' kind of Ar tillery eerj shot wna oot pf ih. train. So yoncao eery easily see that there was but one course to pursue. That was to bring supplies to OS or we go to the sap plies. The first was impracticable; if not impossible, -as cur communication was cat off aodcoald be re-opeoed onfy by force, and beoee. what Would b.ve Imab a Bllr " born, W taraed oat a 'reverse abroad.'' .-i - ...-J? ; fSanday the 5th, early in the raoriringv we started on tW road to llagersto wn and encamped on the top of tbe Bine iiidge. Monday the 6tb, we resumed tbe march and arrived in Ilagerstowa, where roar dered on picket,: supported J by Generet Anderson's Brigade, at . bridge, between Funkstown aud Hagerstowfl. Tuesday, . the"7th7we rem sioed on picket.1- WediW---day the 8th, in the afternoon, tbe Yan kee, were reported advancingand I brof me field glass to niy eyi and soon discov ered the blue uniforms. They were from artnibj and half to twomifes fronrwbera " I stood. A cavalry regiment, near by, immediately moved out, and after an ab sence of two hours returned, bringing in fifty-two prisoners and aa equal number of' hone and hcrse equipments. Thursday,.' tha th I wm relieved aftiweot to bivon .Of Friday the 10th, formed line of bat Ue. Saturday the 11th, erected soma earthworks on tbe line in front of the guns of the battery. Sunday the 12tb, remain ed fn position. ' Monday the 13lb, re mained in position till about dark, then took upline of march for a point on the TotomsA known as the Falling Waters, marching and halting' all "night, in all, about four miles. Tuesday the 1 4th, cross ed tbV Potomac .on a '. pontoon bridge, . marched six miles and bivouaged. Wed nesday the loth, marched eight miles and birouaced on the road from Martinsborg "to Winchester. Thursday the 18th, march ed two milei'and bivouaced at tbfs pt'ace. I send you a list of the killed and . wounded of the Rowan Artillery. ' "KilledPrivates Henry Owens aad Wesley Hoffner. , Wounded Sergeant J. D. J. Louder, slightly in' shoulder f Corpl U. H. Crow ell, contusion ; 'Corporal J. Hardister, both legs severely ; privates W. A. Campbell, left arm severely Moses Frick, right band severely ; Andrew W. Boward, near the spine, severely ; Jesse Trexler, left foot . slightly ' David TrexTervflgh'rTtle"seveT" ly ; Sylvester Tbompsou, bead aligbUy; Tobias Weaver, left leg severely; M. G, Braddy, contusion slightly, from bursting of a gun. ' Major McLeod Turner, of the 7th N. C Troop, ia severely! if aot mortal jy, wound- -ed, and in the hand of tbe enemy. The ; above comprise all that I have bard of as yet from the immediate vicinitv of Kowan. " IOTA. A WORD FROM TOE PtPLE. -The time has come when! oar armies most be recruited, aot merely by coascrip tioa, but by volunteering, or oer cuum i lott. This assertion may appear strong, o will look attentively at the event of the past moalk will eeibat 41 iri7uJonlotairBBab Vickabn. jbr tbe w wljCol foil back before Ratsacraata, for tb,,sasV of bvtu. Lee foiled ia his invasion of PemsylaiQj fee Ike want of meB aad is returning to the defence of Ricbiuond becsuse there are not men enough there to defend the city. iWauregard .waats more men- at Charleston ; and we want more men to defend the east, against the raid, of the enemy, and to secure, the capi lol of the State agaiast anon and rapine. There is a chve of mea who ha . hitherto vind'icaied their loyalty.to ,tbe aoath by urging ethers to go W the war ; but the lima has come when that subterfuge will answer ao longer. Those who new urge others to go who say "fight it out boys" mast e themselves, . Our . condition is Mwwiadeerata ; aad those ho reajiy refer death to aabjagatioa rtwfwe ....... 4. I - t

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