I I n i M .''Mi LrW WKEKLY. SALISBURY; N. C., AUGUS'117, 1863. NUMBER 13. , w ; J.tj. BRUXEIt, KDirOE AB raorulXTOa. been anytliag of ihe kind, - He hat flrethoueadd soldiers for the causless j by exposure on 'the Maud are re- hard labor with-th ani in the pilt Tjieae f arc quettioos wa cannot decide, her can ; shown liimletf ready cheerfully to war. forty thousand of whom are I fused admittance in the hospitals in Mill an AwK.tldn.kjiBlik ! ma I. L-J 1 1 A . ,AJli.iiiull..ti.l.a I C.rfm1 Thm RtirmAM tf llna we divine what wiJJ U jlsfiotd ltf' I I- J . v "... : . ... . t . . ' , . , . ' , . . .... j i r--- - ;.. From and iter this date, and ootfl there ia ebange in the priors of provisions, pp" ad other articles required fo carry on busi ness, tae abaeription tates of tbia paper will t boa aottiri (or six mouths, and (Am W- Urt for a jear. Aoviinsiao, two dollars for the first, and one dollar fur each subsequent publication. -Y GENERAL LEE. It it natural for the people to be Itere tliaffio one will, in such ft time s thiatuake an assertion that ia -calculated to distress and dispirit the public without full authority for bit statement. Hence it ia, that those who give circulation to error are enabled to work so largo an axnonnt of mischief. " It ia or duty to warn the people that unless they would be deceived, they mast have a deaf ear for nine- tenths of what ta told them, no mat ter bow confidently it may be as- insinuated. In a late nomlier of the CbarJes- " ton Jercury, a correspondent of that paper gave to the public a report of the artny, so far as campaign Scr , ington at onqe, and see what terms i to send to hospitals they most . be " " na y': vice is concerned, he has led a hand ful in the mountains of Virginia, or done engineer's duty in the State of South Uaro!ina, or led the Army of thel otomae witii eqaal cbeerrulncss. lie has oo complaints, no earrings, no murmuring to indulge. lie is Leon ten t to do his best with the means gireo him.. We '.repeat, be is Out a inaa im abamlM the izfenee ox Lu eoantrr oa a personal pique. Hie retaliation farce is about orer and the curtain had as well go down The want of back boote at Richmond basgircti the enemy the advantage of na, and the bet thing tbat can now be done would be to own up, releaae the two Captains selected tor hanging, and' thus procure the release of Lee nd Winder,' held a oatagea for them, and Morgan and his officer, who are incarcerated in I the Ohio I'euiteiitiary. We had the advantage in priouera when the ten Con federates were massacred in XIis Kuri ; we had it al when Mutu- frd.waa hung in New Orleans, and we had it when IWiuide commenced that floated tfrrfwgbwiratwt fora flia murdera in- Kentucky, but the can be obtained, Jnd not wait for JetT.JJafia. day tr two, to the eocct.tliat the President and Gen. Lee had aear rel; and that (ten. Ia had tendered bis rcaignaiton. In the Jftrcury, of the 3J iniUiut, the correspondent follows up tlo sul-ject, threats the alleged djareeineiil aa an estab lished fact, and asy.rtis the reason: "It is aaid the difficulty between ;ITi and -L? t f the re-. fnaal of tla t.iriui-r to Miiction the tria! br cmrt martial of the delin- j J weakness audtw, and the hold nucnt Pdiers at Gtttyborg, asln of these two men, wiio ooght to Lee deaired." f hare been hong before Lee, Win- It would gtre great distress andr, or Morgan and his men wee uneasmeca i tue ciuiury o feiiee -v"a " that Gen. Lee wm ut war with the confipement. President, and thrratenineiv resign. ' Fly no and Sawyer are hung, so ninn a son 01 ueeerai uee anu a son of General Winder, hesidta Morgan and a score of bis officers, llie ex- vaaaalatin), hesitating, weak policy of the Government haslet all slip, ad now ta talk of hanging is ridic nlous. Had it been the .iotenlion of the gorernment to hang Sawyer and Flynn, in retaliation fr the two officers murdered by Durnside in Keutuckr, the esecutiou should have followed the selection of the victims, immediately, in the 6ame hour, lleftitation and detar betray- yat fiouft Standing Among the ftdru.A, correspondent of the World, under date of tLs 4th, writes irom e w jjneans ; j ' l be .federal eoccrs who csme dowa bythe Sallis Iibinsonf last erenmgysay that Thnrsdajriirernin, tlie farm house, two or three miles back of Baton Rouge, in which Keal Dow was convalescing from his wounds, was surrounded by Con fed rate cavalry, and Dow was carried away a prisoner. The World has published i portion of Neal Dow's hiatory iathis department. Every statement aont by your correspon dent with regard to Dow's systematic ic coursor plunder and pillage in Louisiana and Florida can be sub stantiate! by affidavits sufficient to 611 two World, with a a tal to each,.,. Ha has been cim vie trd M ' l- 3 of tlieft in a Federal court of justice m this city, lucre is a mass of evi dence against him in Washington, which, in Russia, would remove the ttuuijci ui a vyoortLik rtrgimeui, anu send In in to Siberia for life. Asa General, be was actually rejected as worthless from one division after another, and literally "struck into" the division in which he served with his brigade, May 27th, without the consent of the General command ing that division. lie was no boI sent home; and General Clingman says if men are to be sent home from hospitals iu Charleston they siiai not be furloughed." There are large o umbers of sick in the brigade, for the letter from which we quote says there are two hundred sick In one regimeot. The letter, suggests .that Gen Warren establish a temporary hospital in Charleston for the accommodation of our sick soldiers, and we trust that the suggestion will be acted up on, if practicable, Daily Progru$. The Baltimore American men tions among Confederate prisoners tin son s Is land. Sandusky Bay : Mai. H.. G. Lewf$V3.VN. C." Lt. Crawford," Cp. K, 5th N. C, Lt. J. T. Martin, Co. copies of a triple sheeted j'' 21 81 N; LL - Jone9, Co. vith a Quarfer suiiDleiuen- 23d N. C, Lt. S. J. Evans, Co. Ihtilf Progrtu. AN0TI1ES YANKEE LIE. " j Among the items in the late Nortbera 1 paper at copied into the Richmond pa- ' P" are aaodry atalaments as to recent anidM ia lha iUIeigh Standard. One of tbea atatamenu ia lbat,,lb Standard bad declared the war M caaarleaaj. Of eoeras this is "a lia manufactured out of the whole clothas lha aayinir ia- XbnEdi. tor of lha Sundard was a member of the Convention which, (br cava, unanimously voted North Carolina into ibis war, and in recording that vote be truly andeambau cU aaid in the Standard . " Thua was the annivertaryof the Mk- emturg LK-daration of Iadependenca Ho- rioualy celebrated by tbe delats of lha , peot'U io Convention awembid. North Carolina baa been tkta to act. but abe has acd findly. We think she haa acted wia4fly Xrou firtt to lastr- nitce(ortb her- - destinies are with the States of the South; . and she will make good ber art of tbe 20th or May 1861, with her last dollar and bar last man, if such a sacrifice should be re-. rxr n;i7tF"Nrc.;Lt:G: m: Whit ing. Co. C, 47th N. C. Lt. ColM. A. Parts, Adi't F. C. Powell, Lt. G. W. 'Nixon, and Surgeon C. B. Harmon -were tit-West s Bonding Hospital, Baltimore. We are grati fied to learn that Lieuts. Iowa Roys ter and Gaston Brooghton, of this City, reported dead, are botlrliving, though in the hands ot the and likely to recover. J. D., Newsom, juired at ber band,1 ine junior oi u btanaara is crying out lustily for peare now, and is evidently anxious to avoid the extreme of tbe hut dollar and the last man. A Tanlee Omission to be supplied. The constitution of the United Statea pro vides that the property of a parson con-v victed of treason rball not be forfeited bv he euemy, his nerj Lut onIf bj bfMe d(ri bjg We regret liftjma Th vankpM harinfir Iwmiii ia to learn that Col. Leventhorpe and elated bv tbeir late suiTessea as to knamn. his Adjutant, Henderson Lucas, tbat the revolution will fpeedilr be put dier. and nothin? indeed but onh of ! 0 of the late Captain Lucas, of down, are devising means to set aside thatriot?KjMhse palrioiiflm ia i iM'j). hTe d ,ed l woond re I tnP'oviM. By the wl4e f-rte f the great es teem which the jnople feel lor Gen. Lee, aud iheir cojiidctice in him,it would dlahearteo them to hear of anch a state f thing. We have taken the jaii'S to inform ourselves on the subject, and wish now to be understood ' as ontradicting tbe whole story in all its extent, and by the fullest authorit. The few brief lines which we h.tve quoted from the Mercury" coutuuuication are indeed a curious i lustration of the number of evil and baseless actusa' a a lions winch can l maerted in so i sltort a space, Thev are a model t j ecutiou baring been delayed too long, they never will be hung, and they bad as well bo released, so our officers may regaiu their liberty. We have had it in our power at one time to bare retaliated for tbe bru tal murders of the euemy, but tbat time baa passed, unless we want to hoist the black flag ami commence a war of extermination. Daily . j Prfgn. moo, as tbey nave already dona-. cei ved in the battles ot Gettysburg, j fnost of the other wential previsioBS of -V Xf. V' Standard. I W constitution, ine . I. limes says: The Comjueation et -The7 qnestioa I . I s r . P. ,i -m-r . f -y ? oi w anjeoaraeni io me u.innscaiion act. Sixth Sorlh Carolin liegtment I . . , WepublUhto day, from the pen of T a correspondent who took part in heirs forever ia being 'discusd by Con the action, an interesting acoount oil ,j ,: t the federal department, he is now tnc Penning of Gettysburg heighU the next session. Tbe law is now con- measured by the amount of private propertyheir positions enable them to lay bands upon.' Nevertheless, for all these things, he has our sympathy. But if the Confederates knew only one tenth of what is known of Neal Dow io i past sympathy, past prayers, past hope. Counterftttpnterpruc We hear that quite recently one of the vessels engaged in running the blockade be tween Charleston brought through and small Hassan box or The Richmond "Enquirer" once of terse and iiaachieveoua lanJ of Thursday last says: . guage. Tlivy contaiu to less thn J We are in poesession of a copy of lour averments, the troth of every the .New York "Herald of the 3d one of which the fitcts authorize us contradict in the broadest manner. Frat, then, the country will be pleas ed to lcara there has not been even the slightest unpleasantness between the President and Gen. Lee. No two persons could be io more erfect cord than aro these two distin guished patriots. There , never waa taafeast foandatiou.for die story of, and ricinity. The expedition which uuacuity between them. Second, I left there a few days ago has arrived inst,' From the situation article we clip, the following: Lee's army is undoubtedly in force between the Rappahannock and Rapidan rivers, lie is said to have been largely reinforced, and is pro bably moving to his old positiou near Fredericksburg. Everything is quiet at Vicksbnrg I President Davis never did refuse to sanction the trial by court martial f the deliuqiiiut Brigaders. Third, Gen. Lee never desired the trial of the deluMjuetrt Brigadiers. Fourth,1 there "wefu tw delinquent Brigadiers: f S5iJf e haa. 'nade no meu - boflhy uSnH but In bis report, wmpuuieuts hiia trwps in the high -terms for their gallantry at Gettysburg. 1 Now, what must the- people think f writer who alleges a feud be tween tbe Presieeut and Gen. Lec, Jd charges grave delinquency, coo ked at by the Presideut, on liigh f ,rrsr" m me army, witftont the ogattst authority I It most be act rf.0 criminal triflinrr with the cUngi and the welfare of tbe COUQ- bonor of ita rulers and a T. ai crenacrs. We take occasion to aay that Gen. . ,J? n.ot 000 cf oiHccrs who old abandou hia coootroa a per. tiaiion.vevea if there bad at Port Hudson. Its destination is of course unknown. The disaffection of North Caroli na to the Richmond goremuaeut, so long indicated, baa taken a bold idiase iu tho recent declaration of the "Standard," the leading paper of IlafcfghihefapftSlf'' It Opctrfy denouuceJctf. D.tvia as a repudta tor, in tjifu no contideuce can be placed, r who j efforts toestoV iiati a Southern Confederacy will bo a failure. In reply to the Richmond "toquirer, which calla upon Jeff. Davis .,to suprress the Raleigh, Standard and .wipe out the Supreme WWt . UK Ul LU IUI m .V -VMM.. dardn iya that Gov. Vancla 11 stand by the Supreme CaU rt, and that if. JeflLatialAMempts to use physical force to suppress tho lan dardy? be will bo roc$ with physical force; and a revolution in the Suto will be the result J -:-' -...' The "Standard m also say that package, addressed to a firm in Ma con, Ga., to the care of a commis sion house in Charleston. By some means, the natnre of the contents was ascertained or suspected when it was opened and found to be some $200,000 of counterfeit Confederate notes, lot. Duncan plate, and is bAfar the best executed and most dangerous couu erfeit we ever saw. We could given the points of differences, but prefer not to do so thinking it bi?st for the public good. We say this, however, don't take any more of the Duncan plato $20 unless you know them to ue genuine, or get them trom a man by the glorious old North-Carolina 8trued that after the death of tbe traitor, 6th. The men ol this reguneut were the estate reverts to his heirs, which ren-. conspicuous in clubbing their -raos- ders the intended working of the act practi- kets and using -keir bayonets in callyvoid." taking the Stone wall. Our corres- Southern meu who dream of reconstruc- pondent, who has beeo iu ail the J tion, if such there be. should study this battles iu whicn tuis regimeni juasi pamgrapn. ids jansee congress participated siuce the war com- j "M already passed a law to confiscate all t . i I tKa r.BWt-wast BAH onI rt.Mvn m.' jkatAaai noticed, savs he never witnessed u proper such fiirhtiu ir by Hoko's brigade, to which the 6'.h . . mar - r. t I. fi..ht;,,r ti,t at Gpttrshnrwim111. omen ana child in the Confederate belongs. X C. Standard. - More Colortd Troops. A telegraphic ' nf a . t T Wl..wkML..KiIlnril.;. dwpatch trom wasmngion io me aw It is a counterfeit $20, of theYwrk Tribune - - - - 1 he ar Department pasning int otganizstion of colored troops vigorously.! lhj successes of our forces Vt havegiv. en a fresh inipetu to enlistment among the liiacks, and by autumn it is estimated that at least 100,000 negroes will be in arms, in tbe Vallev of the Mississippi. It has been decided to raise four colored re- And if we were to allow them to conquer u the law would unquestionably ' be enforced, with the addition proposed by tba Times. There would be no Coostitn- - ! tion for the South, as there is precious lit- tie for the" North. From NevOrUvns. Atvakta, Aug. 7.' New Orleaus dates of the 3d received. Tbe S:'r Continental armed from Vicks burg with 600 sick and wounded prison ers. A tew prisoners remained at Vwk- burg, unable to be removed. Secretary Chase has issued orders to clear boats with cargoes at St. Louis for New Orleans, except ' prohibited articles, and giving bonds not to load goods for intermediate points ex this District. The first is com it- ihA v,n, r.m.llw ar,n.jichin1T 1 cept under a permit Small lots of cotton whomyoo kuow to be reliablo and I Lmnietion ' are selling at aaction at 43c Coroner's LI . . resionsiuIe. - , It is sa id tbat the house iu Macon, to which these counterfeits were di rected, ia a photograph or picture gallery establishment, and that the instructions was to buy cotton with it and ship the same to Nassau. We hear the members of this firm in Macon have been arre6ted.-J.;arifa Confederacy. .-.'..:'::..-. . . CLINGMAN'S BRIGADE. .A letter has been received from Snlliran! Island, from a medical officer of Clin gmanV 5rade7t3' v which be 6aya : '''General f Clingman'a hngade, Ctinposed of four Nort,h Carolina regiments has, .been Jo. this. place itice thricommencement of the bom bardment" of Morris IsIanvThey have u ndergoob more Jhardsui pa, and more terrific jdiolRflsKdf lhe same fenetlk of lime than any troopein the Confederate Statesiocethe wa0mJ menccd;-and.-ribtwithstabding all As we have before . stated, the only cf- fectol way to prevent Northern negroes from enlisting, and white officers trom commanding them after enlisted, is not to take either prisoners. Leave them on the battle field. If our .troops Sre in a hurry to pursue tlieir retreating foe thej need not give the Mack rascals and lhir black er-hearted ofiicerfauy mon attention than the Scotch soldier did the Foucbiuan who was begjmg" for " quarter. 14 1 cannot ston to Quarter re." he remarked, "hut I'll cut ye in two. And suiting his ac tioiK to his words passed on. The above extract from the Augusta Chronicle of the 0th. contains matter tor grave ponsi JeraTioTlie"KiiTioc Ut, Sr- inquest showed that several negroes died of starvation. I . '" '.' - Urn ma an.l auhierl oor brave eoDttrVmen North Cairolioa Las fomtshed ninety' Uii, our' sTck soUiertinaLi' sick I to be slaughtered like swine or ysked ia ways ready to acknowledge the equality of the black race with the white, seem de termined to force as to do the same or ac cept tbe results of the black fla which Abe Lincolri's last order has hoisted to the breete. What ailt our authorities do in tba premises ! Will they tamely submit to this eucroachment upon our rights, the most flagrant yt committed, andthtrs ac- kn6w!elge our own slaves our equals wr will they take the other bornof the dn Xori Carolina ScZdiert, Per sons risiting Richmond to see their friends sick or wounded soldier from North Carolina will find them . in General HospitaFfo24, -corner of Main and 26th streets ; and in 3d, 4th, and 5th divisions. Winder Hospital, West - termituu . of Cary street. Daily Proprtss. The question of the Southern man -is whether he bad not better live on bread and water twentr year and 4gbt-tUnNoxthT than live rptaal-,.. iyn breid! and -water and aaen privileges as a i antee master wui afford. -. - v . The Fayettevill40bservcrtfay, several hundred soldiers confined at CaUle Thunder, are rejoiced at the general Tpardoo and amnesty aa nounced in the PresidentV Procla mation, for they will be discliarged, and will forth ar ith join their regi ments, no doubt aalwfled to serve their country .iyf. Ohiervtr. . - .X