'J .tit? .-r-T- i VOL. XXL SALISBURY, N. 0.," AUGUST 24, 1SG3. JN UMBEB 14. r-irrtv. j . it--: Z J. J. buuneil: f " EDiroa axd I'Eoruirroa.- -t rlre efUia Vikliii a change the price of prof fsionsj paper ,oJ oilier articles: required so, carry oa busi ness tbe suhaoritlon rates of tbif TPJ will be (h'O dollar for six month vwf Ctrttt Lt lor loir jear. T ,." n7l ' . - ' AfTKBTMixu, two dollars (or the first, and dm UoUr. for each aulctucnt publics'lion." t April SOtlr. 18G3.' . . t'roa-tfur 4llarlli CaroL'tVa.' J if it 31st, 13C3, Ccunji tiear ' MadUum Court jlou- Jrpected to remain noittt time hut . U't'at iort warning Fight at MaRUM't yap up tM SAeneritfo akIiecruiUixMnttlnntf about deter tcrsIIU ffiorkdUlrenihtj Udr4UOu$'far4--HtUclothe. X day's rest afford me t opj-orttinity (o wrile iy;.io for ibe gratification yf my numerous friend: hilhrti JtUVKMIlt WeWiuX. ba IrsxeWaUL-.Vr,i'.,a(rm- i .:. l- I ..J j l: OiiiiiT MJiion? mountain aiiu wjumi cri-aa and rtrera lor ten Inv lu aucttrtwiou, w ara at Ut wUbin tbr- inslost' of MaiittoN aiil rviwtiitder of Early leaatuj Jt UiiTa Tluwotwr- "1 b fcuHtindeFiiT lei army t m tu triemtfy uj-u. ru u muM, but 1 . doubt very much w bulbar single limit ia , our firj kuwwa it arbmaatuta. W liava bad Uo fibliLjj ioc4 w L-r Front nyal, tttr irbieti, on lb 6rniii!f of U 23d itiaC wa iid a irisrikfrmhr rttbiMm bad tW audaoitr to ntteiilpl to cut utott I .ily to attempt In tlnf f'V wo bad OJMt bar abyutor oul of our Anient kiilod, U: .Mark Hall, ineniU-r of Co A. Tba fibl took p!acw al tbe vntraitoa uf Mmiih jptp iu ilw I f t M too rStremciy Lot tu tibt, but if o Hloa Kidf.attd ikougli-it wa vrrr t- iul w mu4 tb.iugb oar pter Mloii riout fcoinr, ytt th acrnc notm. kho'ild mit nil'l drop from vtir cata. -thiujl inorrf loan ordinarily ovitiiitf aud 1 Wo Cr uui4touly on lurrf, brawl and. Waitltcd .jOietly or air nnb up j larger balf oer irui by f.r; and L-r-v-iharoad to Iiray wbiclt folio Uiejuu- 1 cr w o tiudftbem ju tln rcalet aadetlMj(a of tb oharmiu SliviM-ndtMh. J W-aaie WF"e n fw a (a lie ineu were exbam.lr4 and could s. oa ; !art!in'. Ilerittj tlie day' prev)ing w 81 fBarcri pwani icuiy int.e,am t!ii tbe bt In :b mn;, and tb niarcbij at ftigbl, waa HTuiy niore than w could lirar. I evf. bvfoire aw fflun to tboroubly a-irn wut,and it" waa 0 wtVldvk tltiriiv'it uajr 'teJ&re tt' 'rrtM. Wbi We tvHi! 0 liedowo it lurked ! i8t an Jioor or two of d tjr break, and i.ot uniri titan I;ty uten af our riguuent were J wifb aa;- --About 9 .m: wt " tHr1 tih moved on up tbe riter, and bate Iwii ftotinj ever, aiiice uutil lite 29ib iui, wl we landed here. On Ui tdn la teccutly ret'etved conilrable a.?ceiona fwl liunie and the botitb. Tbe laraer- portion reaclH our cttm. jeate.dav, bav-l . wandered ( or tbrL werka in tbef uirtrtiiUina or enrlearoriii upvct. rl peted utaa b really dcsiervea;- There U t trick prevalent thitt ahould be fnade jub Hand now u god a tiilte lo do it aa I will tverget. Ytjierday au old member of Co. C aifirejf io Camp, who ha J teu oaiaiieuM a eroui to arreH ueaerunu- lie 4 wis Wfer tit duty falbe riigbbfritjod of Fannirte. Val where, by kceDiitsr a vialant MtT.2enl felU. whoUfed to a "1. ... . ihewouiabave ud " y- lKUf tbH alt deairter. areiuit from North C I 10- W the mVvf .:iua; though the old 'atabs has a bad 1 f"J tW , um f Mi-kle-rvpnUlWo iuUt mr. vol wore islm- lWn.uf Alam.uce, Aba f Wood'. -.laJflttaf-TWulMjn "I iut,m, t&? coo'")'. P ked. them where they were ft out, tli.'ir In'alftetlf riiver toeTutnif teprfj out when they were brought lfore tbe proper authorities, and tbe truth forced out, the very otBceri exauiiuiug tbe.ni were WoMidfd to riro that they weie genuine yirfaAriirt,r"V1o iu"!,,, '.-A few day later h squad of mora JSunh LroHhiau were arreated, Bt ia the end turned out to be, Georgians, artely day paiwed btifdeitrters were ukea up, who' invariably reorted tbm. i froni XonhCaiiuawt firt,'but af 'rwrtbL Cf ivedtobe frwrn ee"ober ' t . .. . r r. 1 . I -IVert indeed from ttietrfd h oftb. Sute, IXl a. sT .t -1 -.w-a ."T r. tttby far tliaJargi-r proportfou wefrom VtnoiAla. 1'liun faiia ran Ka tvmi-iiii twL. mi adoiibC ' I sJo'not ttlate these UU itie&tt at random, aimrdy ta UroiJj5 the tnr btmes of our iter sutea, buil do it Judicata our own jbotior. t ttrLrrj t a sujgU soul bat ever deeied from tie yoofcderate army bu aioce men will go, oot rijht thai lbey aWlnravei tor hundreds of mile under auiiK-d names aud d North Caroline credit. " It maCea our Wood toil to hear North Carolina de Bounced Ma harbor for darter and Unit I U in (act, there, are' fully a inane from -dbery l.eeeys ibal the lat call Uses, the tow iuu wtw Lav bet lawfully left in bit avctiou of country.' SmUMi are brought out whose lei have been broken. ftotber , their ariua. LrukuM.aomv out with tbeir liattdaotT, one man bad Lia uvk ; and La aav it ta a fact tl.nl Uiud iUu bav Imuh tk-n l ItMvh, tbrir ojfaUI on, and IbW Dl to tli ar my. 1I ia roy aoibviiiy- of' court It i gtiMrail Widt"'-;fV'; . 4 -f : '." Oujisoe Coiet IIoise, , ' " A-ut 2.1, 1863. fT " unt-xpii-cUily a I HiiTTicI tlii 1at aeiUciice abov, older catua to mov itii loodiatrlr. Tliu un waa barJly au Lour Lili, lb rOeii a Unit balf doi cooking, Ucarly rrj man bad Inwu w-abin Li clotbra aud tliey wtr wet, tut uo al loaau. f inaJti, and in liftwtt uiiu- ulc all r ready, iwxl t tln-tr wiir I to MmJukhi." through which I dusk. T.iitig lira Oraugei MaMrd Ml ond w weut about four iniltn frttier al at It) wVi4 k Ut.rtutpmiu, Umtuut tt4!ctf t. - .I . : .wm 'vm uum. .11 mi ur Uvxt iiHirnia r inovrd ; ilia moriim-f wa riu, but loruillrf M 'MI, iMlt H4tb iuu f.M biWr Um brat Ucaiuw a tk uu r.ava biWr Um . b - . .... . f .,. .yy- f r 1. i ...1, 1. Iriit. AlauY mJi tailtHt from iUa,itti, tWblrOk-, lnUttvfali'o tlkl, &c ; and Hew tltXlba htn )mi1 afu-r iW water brook mot ardKtly Jljiau we dui ; uck tiiir audi iutobrrabia thirst bVn cao knww uu ill tjiya xprtetke IWiLAt J,pwiO- w rot into raiirp and a balf tiut from To day f hs- rurnotV f kini!!i near Cufp Tptpvt, and tba cufwy adv.wcinj. Ve bav jut re Cr"Slordrra lo rvtuain in Cauin al bo ;jrtirud to tcmcli at a inonient'a oo.icc. abundance rt u moat"'fuitaiiate" ihtng .-v mwi a v h 1 for us though tb fct'ltokrt itijj to wr.-tk. I!rir, tLKtir- i-u a couulry tir aixl tborn j grow luxtrtauny wr a tw jrara i tlie tit-M wi covm-d wiib goldi wbet j or ruatling twn.-tYiS mi 1ml iitiSe j -u, abd wb.tl we Lav U caused bf tb j bprvHMvetitV'Tu day .".."ate reed tad au J'aUnduit !t!y of dolbini; and euoM and none loo auuN ettlter, far we were ntd inj; tbT'tu bade. Wbth we uiarvb frout liere'tlte Mjjex'WrTwwuId' do'a proStabte iwiin by win tbrtHijb the wood mid pickup up nbat ia bift; NAT. M LhTING OF TUE 13iu X. a T. XcAttOitAkCK C IL, Vax, Autjf. e 1 863. " r..n ... . .'." " - "V " 4f , r ' ft A. itors. com. inatidiii' uay, vu (uotioa 01 WaJft-.Jh !! seal tit.l SLa r -. The Chairman b.ttiu explained the ob ject t the trtretin a couitniltee jlu1sist tif Cipt W V iioliun, co B, ileck lenbarg. county ; Sr Maj. VVw Uoward, co A, CaweH county ; pPnvnt J V Mc Cam, co C, CaaUeil owunty f IVjralo B J Jomc co U, iV bounty ; L: J D 'on, co L, Alamanoe county ; Sergt 11 C rwitr'w.r" wWi a. sv ..11 . ........ ..... 1. . 1 1 poiutoU-to dMt'l rLaoiupwita Vxpresaive : of ,tbe" sbHi of lb- nulling. Tlie commit tee reifOrteJ lite foJw iiigr-UJiJliyi, which werd -uuaiiiiuouly adopted t Rtsolfdr Thnl we, the member of said Crciinout, have witaewed wxb wurtificatioa and deep sorrow, Ut eourae. punaied by e por- U4t 4lti ioa 41K-. fee ttrttri w ew pairioiie old Male, ia that they, iu eoanectioa with certain, journals of tbe Mate, have, aud -are stilt excitiu a spirit oi diec-ntent and di. loyalty among both hrr cuiireas and suMhers a course ' which, if prited ia, will brief re proeeh .apoa hri' cood name, and disaster te the CWfeoVrate yoverament. " Rtlttd, That We believe this atate ef af fairs haabeeU iuaufuratcd by crrlaia joaraat of the Stale, among whtrb rauks i.e, anw arewufuttod syftj uwre? - M.9 - . av. j aw, a--, A'eWred, That" hire ntoal uulwesJed eonfid?nc ia rte'i;etef,Xoftl Ckrolma aad . the.- Aajstia'strator of the Confederate OovefUMiaat, belieeiBf' that if S.prth Carolini an and ihew aerlhrettlbeir doty ia the con feet. aa tbe44ire, e enWt eatiaaa tely keWwsdwUfe"'"-i-. ",.0...,-: '. ' Rtmirtd, That a orth.C-Wliwt-we have awe rle ease- riewta- fssew Mewdy aU rf WttaaasUrf; Ta testbat of Cettysbarr , Feuav ee wiB we teatiwasXe ia every aawf pncy, aud at alt lidarj', until oor el"ra nbuU wava Iriuuipfmutry rr aaiudvpendeut fcuulh. Rtivlttd, muftvttr, fhi wa .will cknDwl- Jja no lr m af aac lava thaw of a fall ew-nilioa of oor lufenc!ene f ikJ.uiiiontrily, au4 I lhia eit4 w tledicuiv antw our . - Rmltc rata w la Mart al uranaa Rritt4, TLui thcim jn:ri.iue U M-ajl tu iba Stmli JwmtL Alillon Cirawic Grea borw psIrM and Catawba Jotrual, whb Uw rqaal tbat t)iey, and all th papera'uf llta of .Uia Stala . farurU 10 tl eua pkM copy. w t , Tha nieetin iba clreted Cat U T. T Lar Mn, eumpaay II tiarft; J: M jttttia. aa tleWsaUa la aaid Coowaiioa. afiar wbkh it adKNiriW. i,f - . - . w? ' " ERfH ' J;J):?'W" MEETING OF THE Mth X.CTUQOPS. Caup I4t a N. U. Tuoopti , " AoKut llili, 18C3.' f At a meeting of ilia 14tb N. V. intfiit litld Uiia day in iuuaitip, to i'r-j tbtsir kauliiMeut rHxUiz ih retfoitairtio lion aud "bonoirbla pr.K" procIititi.it f a portion of tb piyaa of Nortlii Caroli ;i. " ' r 11 . .1 j CL.Tr aad tff&a ...d V ft. JZtAUtt v'h iihkioii, 11. trair was caiieu 10 ') T -.,..r. v1,.r-n,.j!T;-.:.-.r- apMMHutI StcreUrie. TL . l,U-t J Ilia lulln irnl.i.. I 1 .t ;..., 1 t itt..L' f r - ' - 1 rMilv or tbu fedin uf tbjit rx-giinenf. Hie followifig named g 'u lb-men cotitut" ed tbe cwimuittee J Ser G St HQ back,. Lieat I) Ilarnian, Lt berjr iHiriu' the abeenue of .tbe committee, a call w.a made upoo Cpt J M Guder for t.jK.-ecb. lie replied iu a few appropri ate and bappy remark, tolicbin the ob ject for which the lueetititt tumbled, and letting tbe whole world know where be tlbuds iu tLU contest for the freedota of the Soutli, Opt & U$y mid Ih S V Tra try W eiitertaiued the wWieiH wrifi auiiie uobie ienliii)euia. Tbe ciuinorto of llw vointniuee rejorVed lite following preatutile aud rolution, which were uuunimot;dj adopted sfp-tratelv and col!tivcly : , iiKtaas, Bare .learued truui mUiKou- table - aoereea that a feefcn 1 ntaiMfeatieei itself anioue the people ia portents of N. C hich if nut checked witl disgrace its liiir name ; and, whereas, retleeliui. upon reflection has been showered apou tbe Executive of the Coufederute States by a purlion ff the press of be Jtai. Therefore; wa, the uaderfiued members of the 14th S.C Tf, vybutit the fotWiag: " '.4.. ResalteJ, JjuVTnat we Rave cjidcnce in the adaMitistratiua of Cov. Vance and rrrsident Iais iu the reaerul officers of otir artiiy and tbe unequivocal deteruii nation of our soldiery. Uttaittm vaa. inal we have learned wtin aafeifaed regret that a pnniun of the public ol North Carolina atertaia aentiux uta lockin;; to reconstruction, and whar they designate ': an honorable' peace," anquettiotiaUy equivolent tu aubwiuaioa. ' Rtmlrtd, 3rd; Toat we are ntti rly end in Cinjilty uppoeed to these sent i'meuta of recon ajrueta'a aad' "pretended bunordblr pescc'l Retolcttl ilh. That ibi t.ceuu uf IAkxJ that huve tluwu fma SWlhera-. Vei: the ttmimed luoaeruenls that every jJJ a.t.-t by their pres- ; ence in society the drpertkii t$f our sii3iri pieeludea the poeaibtlity trfaflSiwtiou with Yan kees aad Aortnera citixens. ret, r dftibrra 'oiegaiea lo i r uA I notblnffaiiwt"of Li. 11'. a.,wi iu I1UII.! ... " v- . J L MKcb!l,Corp'i W M Gudjjer, Serg't i V Itttntey, Serg'l C Slmnkle, CaptT BeHHTudlSeit'i F VV IQeUr. " " Rtmlttd, ilk. Thai wbile we disclaim ay4&r. the 'burttoae' of expressing their disap. iutentiou of imperiously ur tberwie arro-ating prt,l,Htiou of the Cour.-e of Certaiu persons t?vm2rV v ?JPV,TP& are advocating peace ihe peopie bf A orth Carolina, aueiuutf deradi T , . .1 7 t .u eatioeof ihat iuiachivoaa spoil now manifest, mut. dett iinet.Wl to the interest of the inf ilself. awl tending to dtscouKile t.ie gaflant incuerthe norm Varouna regiments, reittiad- ! ry, Capht n A.' II. .Hartm wancalleatotne iiiffoer couBtrymeu that they would be --guilty fjBjr rlm, on taking the Chair fJ55!L -J rnatl Vfev? Vert appropriiOe and ell VtiV t port so cataady defcrved, ! Rtxlrd ea. Thai we exhort jtbe ptlupteef Kak Vttal In lVat tJtsW WkAMMr' ft.l Iklkakfi lua.tlltlw mies bune 'a Uvtu wall f steel" the wip.ltm.ed rnmrKa, setting lortn me OOJ.-CI ee fsut tnwf vs aitv lAjws. 1 v eue. me aTdetiauSuW: l :eou( , .that portion; of- -Use i''.","'-"'"ri ts M071Colw Jex.snr :wU ! mm 1 Ih. .v.. n MI..J Ikt.rlntt. lit., i ... -J ... tr.- .. ..... . press that ndvisea recoustructtou feVer tbe I corpse of their kinsinrn. - j WeeaVrA.-Thai we hereby appnnt Cal 1 , nrniiTii, en. inn a vi'pj n uim rri-uiu lion be forwarced to, and pubUahed ia the .Sioe Jottrmal and Raleigh Prugrt with a request that all of tbe North Carolina papfcrs copy. : Oa motion, tke ineruns adJjouraed. J. W. TRACY, CAtrtmaa. . t f ff c i1.'- .- ..,an::r--.-t. 'J" . .1.. 1 for me to state that these resolution Were not adopted nor the tneeting attended by a small portion of the regiment, but that every, man present Iras there to let tu know by their hearty yes that their whole approbation was given: to the sentiments j vertl4w be reeolutions. God grant I TffiarWeTlnayveTve cads to agali 1 Saj anjat ' against the course , pursued bj IXB?8'My cWmtttitW aner bavt.,--.tirva..for tl to feprenwt this reeitueat m the TSTuVaiitliiu Utr, s" ? -.'v--- ..-f-.. rv,..- . North Carolina regu-Waie at OriiS' ou the f f .mmut-s rt jrtf,! 'tbroujfli tbeirUue- tbllMvxiivV.'.:' .-. . v; y- 4 ,':: , matt the fcl!owjnjjeeiuVivti,. hicu;wer j any of tb H,OJfe or pre 'of Uw punl old Bt:.' Tbn aoJJici kw w nnuli dt mined to U fre 'aa tha-Jf ' l w would Imil witll ,'dtiibt an ; boDoratl 1 and pcruiaiiifUt pence. V bat coucei tot! dga 'mid 'bracf ttkcrt may. cry out f.if jpittjrbt'BlM :.ltrjr,Jwaw4-.Wit tbu ao!dira ara firm, in lbiir torvtQ It frk uf di(, s Tbrvu eWr for Ji-flL', Davla and UoUrl E. Lw. . A LEM AY, I MEETING 2Sm N. aTUOOPS. . ; 28TII . U KM, Ang. m, 1803). 1 A tuettliiii; wan orirmiii'J thW t.tf in I Mid. rrgiiiMiit by euiliiijr totii flmir iipt Ut-rptiird tirtl3t Uiou loibtioo, tba' following Coinruitt waa appointed' to draft rto!utiou for tbe action of. the rneetiug. .to wit J company A, Srt Holly fluid ; company B, Sergt White ; coinpituy . E. Capt tjlurk ; com pany F, Capt Afjiiiroii ; company G, Strict Morrow : 'company II,- Privjtfe L H Mariiefiy;' cpnipnuy I, Capt S 3 Bolian nan ; ct'inpany K, Livut Stone. '4 Tbe Couttuitteu tbeu retired. Duritig llicit aiWtiCelUtt. ltieUni.JWi eiirt aiiied by a pee cli from Lieut IIui ley, after, wbicb, tbe Commiltee uulinitnouslv' rejiorted the n neeicaa, il nas been bruugbt to cur al.teu "rwattized, -tioaro dexpuiidun!, and eem to be wiiliui' hV-Mca upuuiuy tertww, tba electa of which jvill be to bring upnu the fair name of our glunoua old Male ciMtooof and mfaray a art ewase faer prond bat lletlttja, -w i.ich 4ave- o vickrmury floaiedorer so many a Woody field, iu he diarepf eted Ifl tho presence of our eora rudoa iu arnaafroin our aister State of the Con. firaey. And, whaeaa, we beiu the first roluaieer regimeut frout our State that went in for the Avar, we deem it proper to express 0r otter aud decided disapproval of such a eourar. 1 " ' j ' ' Resulted, That tliose who seek thus tobriuf the Coinmuuweultb of North Carolina, in con. fliot with the Goverunieut uf the Confedcrito Spttes, who ;hus create discord .and distur bm.ee a at iiiuuje, aud famuli , our deletled foe whit further encourage uieiit toward our farther t uUjaalH.nt ,ud praveiM our-drplated riaks from buiiiif fifled, a the law direcw, are-not only guilty uf jfiviug aid aud comfort to our en. eiiite, but are Irejlinjj the North Carolina sol trr!,,iu the field with neither couaideration nor juMtce. t IZemlrtd, 2nd. 1 liat we nail with pride aud tlI-....f-.h- ur.iLL. i fu.td u nrl Cm. ....i,,, r-; ..nJ..H il. I2il, i Mrawwe Cuart'HeUte, Va.;' loeipress the decided duupprovai of the conduct at hoiin-, wecioaccordiuajy npjioiut Capt. J. M. Crowell LiroLlC. D. Khyue, berjjts tlollylield and Morrow to reprwent us ill sjjid Convention. Rctolted 3rd, That we Seuiaily' endorse the ebuduct of the UouoruMeZ 6 Vance, iu whom we believe we have, a hish luintled ; aud pnliioi ic H;..vernor, aud true to tbe iuteresta of North Caiuiina and iheviilh ; ' ' . RetoUeJ 4., That we request all the pa pra in the State friendly tons and our cause, tv publish the above proceedings and naolutions. Ou uioiion, the ' above proceedings werf UuauiiiKiuvly adopted. " . - Ou imili-u, the uivetin; tbon udjourutd, Aiijrut iCthrlsCo. ' 0 G. HOLLAND, Chairman, R. D. RurM, Secretary. U CE'I IXG OF TH E 54ti N. C. TRtlOPS. Camh 54th N. Uegt, Ne.tr Orange C. IU Aug. U, 18C3. f ., At a lupftitig. held'tbia d:v, by tbe officers and ' men of the, 34tll X. C llejl. Mutn, ot motion ot vaptain j. i. joer , fe.-". . - " " . -V.-a a . a . the ineetiuif. vOu tnoUon uf-Lt. G. II. Tjlidsav, Capt fbtn'tT; 8s parhato and Lt. til tt' rs t . j . . , ; . . f ni pany j i turee coijuniitnfM-o i-uicen. uere tbett appuWed by tlie. Cbairntati to .i,f. .it-bl-i reolulioi f.rf tbe i Vfou. U n .O iliiout.lt adopted t o Whkika. We the officers and tnea nf the. 54th N C ttest have learurd with much mor- lih'-.atk.n of the etiuree pursued by certaiu per- of .Vorth Carolina, which, in our opinioa. m j calculated te-Work delriiiteut to oor cause aad f hrai.i r., i rre.ter eft".. lor i l J TTTTr PVUJRW WfTO fWHf --iwiut assuiiiim . .a..-iaa-ieie Mi ut That coanjuntoionr awmy. (under- Preeidence ,) lo ever a peaee aad e- ubliSh the independence "f these bUtee, upoa a si4id aad ee.niiable basis, w reject with aeora aud iiiJiCuatioa, and rrfard tenthortocaWe aay pntposiliow froea as to the Federetuiboritte looLiaf le peeve or eeeeaiioa of hoatititiee. Rttolvtdl 94; Tbst while ere de earnestly desire tbe terneiaatioa of crael. Houd? 4 usuual war. we. will aeet .2 eoaaeat ta ilaa wa aay ether eeeditieae Ihaa she eetap-e aad 4eial eeperauoa ef thew BUtee freaa the Uaited tilatea. ' ,.'' iRfdtxi, 3r, Ttt we( ttava arer aoairf! ' an eorncrt tfeira fur aq aniieabta adjuttmaat tif t)e liiOieulliee aow txiiin; btwen Q, and Ax the 4ieoatiaaanea Uue of war vara Ut abaa. . JUtoM, 4(1, That wbile w art willing lo (Haiti Biynorttiou iron tK MnMnvfor r - nmmiDwini ongraccini any aucn pre- -pucela frow a la tba eaciajr, mn4 eelara tbat "' la ear opiaioe aay acbapie for ibe reeonstree . , . ' lioaof tbeCwooapuuaay baaiawhataoever.de - ' . , aervee ta be met by tbe balur witb oor baud. "'" ' itfUMtl, 31a. That wa are tut aa lawatr- . erinf proaecotioa of the war until paace shall - be eaabtiab4 on. letaia honorable f the fluetlt and ear lodepvndeaca m ackaewledgad ,a"v , atunnf lb f real family of liatioaa. ' ' . ' ; , Rttalhd, ep.-THi wa oUe ear voitca with : J. ' v-. ' , tbo tif ear obbla Frenaent and Goraroor. in -. caltTnf upon all tnit patriot and oar fair eoUu try wvniee' to exert th'alr icflaaaca ia driving back' to tbeirtfuty all who hare v basely d. arrtad it, legetbrr with, tlawe who ewa tbeir iniwiw-ifce'fficonotiy," bat tr n&w" tarheTy aud aabniinirely aiandio; mVtnf ia thia hoaroC her peril, for tbt take of abieldio'f tbeir own worthless carcaaa from 1'aakee bulleuw and to eousiga to deserved infamy (nose who are rhanicleaaly endeavoring to fasten the stiswa vf dishonor and to riTil the chain ef aervuodo apou ibem and their poelerky. . - Semlttdt llk, That tbt above resolutions be pauliabed iu all North Caroli a papeara larer ui tb ocject of the meetia;. r N ' i '.." ' ' cokitirm.''. : r , Lt, G. II. Lindsay. Chairman :. Capt. D, A. CuIbretb, CtrpL G. F. SmjtbPrvale iohn IL fhvirjod; C.- A Serpt.- Wr W. Edwards Ct.i), Private Vm. II. Young. Cof EV Sergt- Saral. Stock. Co.' F, Sergt GeUI,-Sergt..V3uJL. McFarknd,.Co.V Prirate Wra. J. Harris Co. K. ZCtpCB- ....Oeckerbum, LteuLGi Lndiay and Private .Wro. BL Young, 10"" a patriotic mannar, then addressed tbe audience, urging upon tbera tba impor- Uoce of united and determined effort at ' this particular juncture, for securing oar independence.' r-f- - On motion of Capt. J- B. DeBerry, to appoint delegates to' represent'tbis - meeV ing of North Carolina soldiers,' to his held ' at Orange Courti House the 12th inst, the Chairman appointed Cap!. J. B. DeBerry and N. B. Hampton. ' - Oa tnotioa of Lt. Ogburn tbe : meeting adjourned, with three cheers for Presided Davis and Governor Vance. . . CAPT. A7H.MAHTD?, Chairman.. Cakt. Sami i. Parham, J Le. W. W.- Cous, f Secretaries. VALLANDIGHAMl ,. Among the lata -STortberrt itemu . is Wi thitla crowd of visitors havq driven Vallandigham from tjie Clif ton Iloase into the- couDtrJ.,, Tho Qitoxi' Iloase is in Canada, within juB-ehot of the United Staters. Val- laauighaui went there with the evp dtf ut expectation of being able readi ly U cotnmuntcate with Yhis patty liituds in Ohio who had nominated hiai for .Goveruor. , Without know inr positivelj, w enspect that some ofX'nculn'a tools have beset Val ndihaut aitd thieateire'd hia life. n4 tli lit he has retired to some sa- Jfer place. 5 - . - - Th6 election in Ohio coraea oU arly ta October Shonld .VaJlaa, digbaui jbo elected, the Onited States will be exposed Jlo, one of the sever- eat trials it has over encountered. It ill be a question whether Lincola will dare to seize the Governor elect of a great State and prevent 1U in auguration. . We incline to to think be will. v And then, will the peo plelaabmit ! That is more doubtful; if "etc; shenld "hot, a civil war" will ext which jnll gTe our Jfortb rm bretlireu enoogli to do at home, vttioet deVStipg inaehoftheir timci 1 tlieJ UoaTexieracT. . ine. wno;e pot;-SakinX inoOaV.Ottt, . of il, Bite -,Ui6 Northern .and ' .ew England iStatSs, wiir be mwt likelv te ride witb Ohio; and even New YTk 6taWinajf" takoT x!.o"ime":" tow Let 0 ho'pe for the best fro the election of . Vallandighansr" wbicb i atrre to-take jj!ace-nlei- - ted bv.the Dresenee of vankec troo:a at Jthe ballot boxes tho jpj Df Oh:. And w lulrr ru t tfltt. to, may oe a verv uansoioa-i fiperimeHW-riy'.,.'..d Olur li ti ?7 The Qepof Eahnd, ia her-fci;-cent epeecb prortrgfting Parliament, " aat: Tbe civil war jbontinue ia. . AtBeriaalinfiictirJg much evil not "V nl oo the-contebding pattiesbttv,'. eMtttbercationsJ. Wetreonoreasoh. - -IVewever, to depart from 'aVitrtcl - ' - r ' - ' '" ' " ' - ' ". ' J -9- i -f;:' '. t . r .- 1 "

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