t 'lSUMBEll.15. SALISi3U'RY, N; Q., AUGUST 31, 186:3. VOL. XXI, tfliit of Nerlh Canlaa (kvarabW la lb eaaae. ...v,:..m i mni thit. aliila ara araa ,dtnublilrcd in, lmpuil. Jonu wij. . 1 ' " j.j.'taNiiiV Dr r llerdev, 6tb Ret. B-neonrb eaunty. u c4 u c J.. tJ R'- e-aaiy. m -T r af llL , I irMhJa wigpleaaaeopy. s . , . O nxKi-. tb r"I.r"f 1 a a. a Hn ,1 . tl 1 L r . . . . hava alwaya Uean. auxh-a lir aa huooraWa .J nm, diffiflalura, thn axitatiwa of 1 : ..U..H..M . awe . m.f haa 1 .AliV.fllltt.il WTI13 A V. laAlMAwttBairntaB. Iba aabjaet a any other twma (ha. onr . par- r... ...i ,liew.uwi l)-,deJurhUnl mtuicr j; F, Waowwaan. M. .jircuwvaHj r.r.-r. . .. - . -i J.i ... .-.a. 4 Vrjntnnd after tbi. A change in. the . piV l Jw5?i rT?- . . ' i ' ! I ... .-rw an hnsl- anl oiuer article rejuuw i v-..j -peas, the suusxaipUon P? td4Uir$ for m'x montlM, and tlra U- lfofayear. -'-.'V "t, : AnvisaTUHisa, $wo dollar for the kret, an; O0 dollar lot each aubaaqoeot publoatioB. -coimTio or kqsjh ubouxa troop At aCoavontwn of tfi !fnl CwroUna troop In ttw armV uf North V.irjriwt wMmbU: at Qrang Court Hy Va, l II ?clock ; inn on lb 12ih A-g-at, 1863, Col BryVu Giime. 4lk' K. C T, upon motion o Capu J. C. T-rur, ib 'N, C. T, waa clla to lh chair, who plained tba object of the moetini u afw remark. X J v " . ' ... . Up motion f Col J. D. BarrT.'l8ih , y.C CorarniiU of ff"Vich brigada i api-ointed -non lha ffrae ua( rgaaiialiowi of.lb Convention, which ' tW a i4ort4irvarn-i--ioo reNrtd at fol- .'. .mV.-.--...,. -,. - ""Vii ryaa'''d'im4( N C IT. Went UCI It r Wrfc K C T, raw rnt 14. U-i H'i Pe.v,JilN CT, ) Lv-CJ i.a Ala-iJ. 3ia N C T, Cart K Famorr, I2ih NCT, Caj J J J. Mi N C T. CajrtTMcU tiuUa.45li NCT, 'Ur W W Ua.r, X6ia NCT, iJeallfvia Juaa 34 NCT, LiMt Ch-a tt Joaw 44 NCT, . LtX JaaUoaA l GmJUvl UA?,. 7iJct farlhia-Wi N-e-T-, T" Maj J 'A Eagolh.n. A A . Cia cMdaaiiaW, aad (Mr aaoa wra aaU4 t.t'r'jUat'a aaiaawi. ' LieatP C Caxhwa.ea A, 7i IUfoiaBt, ferzt W B eilh;w I, Ta I4.ll Oaawr aoaaiy. , Capt f M HWiii H, 18U Krfimei ' IRa4a eiNiaia. - ' '-.""U" , Capi lMaJnHw!, K.Wili NC T.Sua- i'tt Ubya. - B. S8i N ft.S.r. ' . it r Uu. 2Si NCT. Li..t II r Lyaa, ow B, 33d NCT, d- 4erfi F Bala.r. a I 334 N C T, Fowyia UmiiTJ Arawtrouc, coK.ITta NCT, phu ' B McGaa. co H. I7ia NCT, Wilkat caaty. nmciv't aaMaoa. ' r.t r'w Il.rd. Ilia KrMBent. Bmie Liat L J Hojla, ! Rtiawwt. Lacrfa oaaiy. ;:" " ; 9Sta Rraitoaat. Dr W W U(br 2Ci Rreat, Cal4n - CaptK Jliaclatarf ,44lk Rcfuaaat, TU CaptCaiaes, 44 Ui RaftiiMBl, Montgomery 'CaS'R ; BTFaaWsS, 47tfc Rf" AJamanca J Capl J M AleiaadaT, 524" Vf't, Cabanaa api J W Cualia, $3ad ,Rrf iaaeal, Fortj tU oooatir. . . waaauat a aaicpa. Col Tbaanaa M Garratl. fttb Bartia Col B Bbiam, ea A, Si RaffioMat Cam- a ..k. I . Col K Ptummar.caC. l2ik RcmmbU War raaeoatiry.r . ' , Uaal T jpar&hui, e E, fSta Rrgttaeal, Lieat II A BaaB. eo Do, 30ia Ragimaat. oampaun euuaij. - Capl W J iiuuk-y. A, flOia RaaHmaal afTAlltmlaJaB 4MWintV- Liat Joho R Laacb, oa C, S3! Rafiaieat, MoDi(unry county. . tieat W C Wall, eo F,t3d Reffimeat, Rich CajCl1ZSa. CTB. 24 Rgl,aW3ioa -rrul II b-Uaeawpdrt-ao If, JM Kft, W aounlin. . Col. B GnoN 4th Reel, Piuroonty Capt. S A KWly, coG,. 4ib Rrgt, Dana Cul R T BeaaaU. 14ib Ret, Aaaoa eao.nly Cat: J J ioaea. cw K. 14ib Kan. Wake cotmt. ' " - - - . .Utfaant Mile B Draafboa, 30lh Reft. Samnarin aiua ul V. J Priraia J B Cabb, 3(Hk Raftj riygetsemb . . ioii'i aaMABK. .- Ll CJ D ru'.kk. Cik lUvt.OraaracoaBtv, iCept R W Vaek, eo I. 6lk Raft, Wa eoaata. . ls.. Capt J C Taraec. eo A, bin UfC, Howaa aoaatyA ; ' V U4 riWl. a U6Jl Raft.Caawel eoaaif- 4 CaptJT T Lawaoa, ISfb RaVr1 BaaUa: hafliaoaaiy.. . , ' ' ,". j riWala A fe fciaala, 13ia RaffiineH. Mack (aalwrt aoaaty 'f , - .' : DrRR Maiphy, lib R-f lv Folk wanly. Fata J f Marti a, 16ih Raft, IIao4araa oaiKT.' ' ' '" " . Dr B A Caaek,' 834 Bai, Watraa) eoaaty. 14 C F 6iJar. 5134 .Rafl, Raarfvlr oflHty. Dr loa F HiUarJ 34ia Rft, Claavalaad rnatT ' " ' ' ' ' - ' - " ' -i CvtM .jfill4 hmu?Ti Aaa4. 38th Regt. Sampan . , rt , ...-..! .TcaU'OW.inofwrfclfl Rf Alaiaadar tp-l J" D Ceotfa, S8th Raft, Cumbar- oMuty. oavi aaiaAPs. Liaat Cha 11 Joaaa ca G, 35th Rcfimaet. IrraVB onaniy. aiT J Haaiay.eo A,55ih Reft.1Hioa) aoay. . ' rrcT aajaftpa. Ural Col T Bni, lal Rrtiroaut, ilkai y- . . . Cap W H -inoataoaj, m ncfi-nem, llaaovcr enaaty. ' Capt.LC Uataaai, I at nrfimeai, w cooniy. Ma) WmPraley,34 Rafimaat, aw naa- UTn iriiitii . , Meal irwia jmri i wi'""- D4KICL' aaicioi. Liaat Col D G Cowaa, 32n4 Reimt, Waanf(enaniy. C apt r r eautn. aa r aao rg - . Cpt H Beverly, ea H,43r4 Ref't. Aaaoa eoaaiy. . . Fraukba .aal. Sargt tt IV Wila, oa r, 43rd Kef i ia Anaua eoaniy Cast F M G StiMiJi.coI. 45'h Reg iroeul, - Befhnaitl , Caawell caanty. UtbI NC Daaald, oo C, 43ib Ga.lSrd eoaaiy. t Lie a l S A Satloa, eo t, aain wgii eoaaty. . . m " . Krat J H Raakio. eo B, 34ih Regiment, Goillofd eouaiy. , ' . . t 0 . Sergt II Wauoa.eo r.ia !.. eoajoiy. . ... . t Sauual, A -ira arpr. eoaaty. at a at a a a lirat a. Co I, Mro negimra. rVrft Fall, o . S.V4 Rarmea- r" Serat'Siraia. co C, 63r4 R-giiient. fTiKin motnitt of Col. lkrtlfte'll, 14lb K..in,nL jtll.iffiiwra aod mro from North -..lina. nrwaHit. ware mviud lo Uker w . : artiU ia die Cotm-Dtion, and act as .Ude- tatea frvtn thr rpctia eoyimand. , r . . . . , . . . i. i . Upon mouon j)l VAU uarrel oiu im.ni a rammlLLMfoue froui each 13rijr RHda wa appoioted lo draft resolotioB for die action of tlx Uonvvfltton, to do eeurcv- ed b? lb delegate from lha reapectivo Tbafolfowin Bat were reportea a ooinpoaing lha oommittea: . Steart'e Bfigade'apt Laiaam, tat cg. . . . w V. aaaa a a n f Km t. D Dana Brigaaa, w T naoiey, aa "g' Hoke'e Bngeda, Ll 8 T Hill. 5lh Reft, t Hr....l. C.ri 1 D Barre. 18lb Rcrt. rettigrewa Brigade, Capl,R 11 SinflaUry. ert- . "' " - . - .1 44ih K I,er-3airif-d.,Col TMG.rmt,bK.g. R.m-rara BHe.de. Capl J C Goraaaa,2a4 X--4 Damel'e Brigdr U Col U U towatv-wo , . . , R-rt. ' . . tcalee' Brig ade, Dr J F Miller, 344b Kefft. Uimo motioa lb Coiteeotion adjourned nutil lhrt ouCw. t . m. . a a ' ar. At 8 o'clock lb Convention ra -a- M-mUed and waa called to. order by the PrtAident. Tba commute not being ready lo report, Lt Colli 0 Jonea, Col Hen nelt, Col Cot aod Cap ttl rwponded to call mada npon thetn, in briof and elonuwit Kpaotbe. ' ' Tba ccmtaiUe on reaomiion men niaua their wport, throngli their Chairman,' Col Gnrretl, who .read tb foll6winfi reao lullons which war, on -notion of Capt Bird, lllb Hcgitoeut, read ana naopiea actinium: . .... Keeiee4,. Thai oar aaparalioa from th Norther Gov rnuBl waa, frwathe beginniog. TzsJm- faf-aiBit ---TfitHHi?Fthi baea lutenupv " - . " . . . we tmrTered and eadared i -a kaaa many f ear coiaraeVafallea. and tbf tb 4a we aull laiend t eac!are.aUf aadatar f IB I nor u s-.i.j .k. ika aaiiua nfaav DOrtioa of oar people at boa hB ao kiad ear baa4 aa tu make farther reweece vmr a-.. "i .bkv That we ara daily caUraa.4 in aw da- tenainaooa by in aaBaiarai Nonbera pre-, by the inMM ana .n.. acta. of the Northera paopla, ky.lha inhamaa aad BBpriaeipled acta of th Nartbera GoVera ment, ib erwwning oaa of which ia( aaowa ia .t. i. . unuiiai af iacoli. threateaiae rataliatloa our aoUiery for ctr treatment of alaree found af iaurrectwa, aau oy o. .n--merabla acU oT a-vage barUrily t lha Nortb em ealdUry to every pwt of oar laad. , f 1 rk.t ..rnaattv a we derire peace Jlw ia i -i and lonf for a ret era of fca Me-af. w do U lerly repodiata all aclaof peraM or autnontiee Uaxiaf lo a pea apaa aae 7 . ii,. .i .nki of North Carulina Nureaar ara1 eooipraaaaH " .... ,miI4 aromM a raiara l aaMjae r aa V- .. -. - ... . -uJM,a.W inamit.a) Biay wno -7 - . ,f.,nrt aafor. aai lh f"0 wiih awarr aaraga loflieiw abich Ita baa had thaaivar toimpaaa, aaliaiaalJaf a the aui pWymaat of oar Javaa aad lha frea af toaa of iha NorlA lo mardor oor ditiwaiaad oppoaa aa ia boaiorafala combat aa aaldiara. , ; Jlfold, Thai while lha auldieiai ara fif ht ml, aflaaiuf aad tyiag 1 ladcpaiidaitce. it ia wren lha aaaaa a Iwaw hol4 ba ooo Uaaalty dampaoinf the a4if auatiaf a ehiU r the oeuteet by aiialjr reptaaig aa4 aaaa laaaiofa towafd eoMnoaaou., " w-ww. BMtroa to oar prieoipiee autrae la our wiri .... a . I ft aftV. an aad chiwraa, ano wttara a- m -r kv uiKmiaaioa. ajitrBe to uur itubla dead. aatraa lo uur imereata, uniroa loiMir tStata, aiw r..,nr CanfedaracT. aaa aairae ia the rhuiin.ii iknar iu aubmil ia the doBuaa Uoa of aach aa rule me Northern people, aad that we fear Ibcir rale awr taaa we war o..t d i-.J TI..I a km laarned WIlbdeeD mortifieatioa aa4 refrat thai fral meirlg ..feitiiaaa haea oero new ia ia which reaolaliona ftaaa aeeB aoojnce auciar .riL..ta tka further eafbrcement of the m . i . . a J l . .K ipw-v"w- . , coMeript law ia our KUlejj that weeanaei ia- gard aocfc aeU.a, waea oj apuriw- r -me. ia any oUiet bght tbaa aa favonag ah mom afoar eaemiea, with whom we are eou teadiuev and To tbia point of ieW a dtaluyal ..j Kmfg fetviur BPon thoaa ai h..m. CauDDort BBd-evupaiT. ae treawirw j av ar aw p--w- . , i .i.. t thai we eaanot regard the ap- ooiniment of aa obnoaioa tiibiagman. or the failure or tna ouier omn w ""- r raAicaBa.i'B'a any eftaaa fur ono v-onB ..f.... . n.rCMi ihaira ia unr reapect t that tba allegiof each aa e.eaerahowi that thrjrdo j m.. in. Mil v toeiHnpIv with thare- ouireroentaof the law, bat lhat it m a apeeiaaof 1 . I J ftb mm iLwm aavaaA dfaW --i aa a aa aa a a ' at U mi to Mipvtte- d-tjTiwi liraiiip tne L iaa haMTaa(aiMw' am IIHTra UT aaajvarv w eaw " afaar. O i .Jmmm-J aaHal Blal MI tltinnaatll III Narih Carolina ia encouraging tbie apt among oar peopw nieeU with oar aosaaMe4-eoaoVaiatioB. o"4 . . . . . r.k.. Il.r ..flh.L oiwww w www w. "rr , wa oa nuance ine annuf" . ik.i In. autiraa ia auproved by a wre majority of the troop from North CeroKaa, ee Blterly lalee, aua in.i wr m reuutatioa of Nortb Catolia,weBiiiear-l- lH . ... :m L ...AMiil.J ' that no eocB waiemeai wiu ov m.d-w. 0 JJ Tkli i .u.M Ml cnarwr- ter ia which we ara ag ge. inTiTioit - j , r.tia or d -traelKte Of ail our right aalreemea'ihe fteedot of the pre,dor Jwiuad taat iT -ae n t bbc n i ,r,au.n iraouabJe. may.be altered with impaaity; i.-. Uiim.hlfl Viirhl iaeverv well .regu latad goeerameot. ia aaa aooam w w. .:.,; .nh liuiita aa'to f rbd thb : and if it wiiu.il . . M . U fhoold be found thai trae patriot iwn in North ' ' a a. I J tkai evkaMilwl Carolina ha ao rar ION ui nora wym . j L... .. k.r nu in ba aaable to BUO MCwjw w. ww. rvT - , check lha cparee of .tba Stand and other paper who are giving alter. ae to bcb eeuu iw ika. nuhiie aaihttritiee b-obM be re- uvuw - r . r.nt to the cauee of the coatrtry. if they aliould fail lo take ueaaarei for Ibeir auppre- , .... D.U;J Tkat sa kaartilv aDDreVB of tba ... v. - - .1 . . Li- .(rtiA Muna nftiu. VaBCB I lM airaeirla foroariBdepandeBee j that wewillinf- : . . . - i ki.i. . .... in. ..inn. www ini.tr in in uw. w.bw ll .ww ih.t a am crrtaia he will oi ketraf bia 4r-atV . . " D 1-.J Tk.i Wka. lha raaolutlOB adopt acwmi " . - - .4bk.. imlt ih aantimanla of the Conten tion upon all ihepointt embraced-ia tham. in- TVj. .ii ik.v, ha CoBeaniioa aad thoaa whotn aamacB Bl ll.ai tmmmmmm n - , houU k,, t.id ,tt the ibey repreaiBt. deair aheuld bei, 1 t.i. Kt.iw. with lha ars-umeata and JFWV W. WW. -W . ConaideratioB which ighl be broagbl forwar to aaetaia tbem, th rreaiaeai e.- y--" - Ikw ba aatboriaed an app"t commHee of k.Mi.rtk laantiOB. who au. II 1 mtiih ik. BMiMraiioa and paabca- w VH.rw.MTw r I - . " ... , .. .. .. - V Int.. lioa of aa aoaraaa 10 tna vt" - " ' .. .l. 1 j ... ika Wtraa. apeciany appeaiiax w m pw r if 1. ,k.i .ni.ht aad net dowa the arnaU (aa we believe,) hoi treaaoa.bfc faelioa ia iheir midet, wbo BiacBiaaiioit wa troabla la reaial Ibaa the pwet of ear eaeauea Thn retolnrion war nnatiimouaiy ana .-ih,..i..fir!le adOnted. Pemlini tbeir adoption, remark war -bn)ittd by Col. 0rratt, Col UenneA, ljnt-Col Jonas, Upt Bird and Lt IlilU Capl B W York, 6t- regf.en rcspona in.! antertained th Oonvcn tioa in an aloqnant addreas, mid bandling kaa lahitlM Anal Tn4HkfaLrifVJklVIIIVW glove-.1 Tbo aker waa frequently inter ftaj naj ew.BV.er hv - rupted by tba ontuuaiaaiw. ai.auww v. ... QveutH b"JeflarBtb" ' " , ' e a " aTlt" ..'a.i V BtT-jintd Cot i M UWWUjBiwrrijuiKm 4 1 . 1 mm ii..fli I-'1IL1CI. . M 6? th raiiitnet-l : t Hardy, 8lb regimeni; Menvo ui.t p...! Seatott (Jalee, A A t' RamaaarV brig-J. ,,wlio0 l$ryn Grim, 4th regiment, BUU t.-v t Kan AmmhfM. . . - tTr .rw.r. id Dr J F Miller, J 4th ...im.rr.d. nKcaMMlin!7a of tbo Conyen- liftn am ordered to. bo pubhaheJ in.Uia North Carolina and Ricbroond piper; and by jnotran of Dr W W Gaithar, X6th regiment, thn proceedings with thn nddrw lo be prepared hj thn Cammitton nppot d for thai fawpoaoy ,1,ert ori?re . offioera Uioreof, lUa ' Coirvomion aourned nnvaV,ntlIIE& Prttident .?yrwrt. Juo Aotd UCo! 38U N, O. T.; A.: EnSll.ard.31a4. dV A. A. G. Maj. Gen. Peodcr'a 8U1T; W. W. On ,b,rf''AA Surg.lbme ... ' " t.. . . v- - A.I. t...JrWaail IT u-.fi. S..thCi.C-----4il Es5mant; 1 mm- - J4 v iwU-wR-o pkiI J. . Ii. fio 14. JkJib iUiriatent; Vlw. a wu."-w, ' ' . Jno Justice. U dV A. DJk IO- oke,; l CHJarlloii. LLU. A. 710 x. v. - Camp at D-tUta'i Crlaf, T., j Tb ofiicer -d member of CapuhvReil- ly'a aad Latham'. BailaraSa, a. . p-. detanniaed lo bold a meanf oa tb13tbf Aneual. ia regard to lha bcikib aT ina naieign .. . ... iim. .nivuntrid there waaaH Blaauarw, " -r , a lawa aioemblage preabt, tb Unfth oT the two tfalienee ia wiw V""" hundred men. . ', ''Z, . Oa luolioo of Captain Jme Ra-!y, Captaia . ii. j . a I . bair A C IwUnaa F ca.w- - " . man., v.v" v.- . i I Mth.m nn Ink I HE uie naiii maoa m i.w w . ject of the Bajetiag, l-alear..Ml;'- j. .. Miaitb. exDlaiiiiOlf ine oo- I i- r I Jauienaat M vera, Lieotaaaot K V U l. ..... w. . . Woodward wa requaateO w act Oo hkhiob of LieuteBunt Myet. tba - j ... ...uni a eommiUOa Of man waa req-e-wr -n - , steea, to draft Reaulouotia to be aubmitUrd I lo lha meelinff. The CbaiimaB appomted the fol- . From 0PM -r- - - Re.Hy. New Uaitoveravoiiiy Lwui Joba A Karoaay, R-wa coaoty ; Jnea A Garmaa, Bowan eoaaty ; Alfred M reeler, aowaB co. , i Henry S Co..pr,' Habf-a aoanty fJwijl I Edgecomb county J R Johnton, ftanapaoa au.nl W - ck 'Frm CpQUHt Bat.ery-Lteote.ant John. Py. C.Un tbam, Beaafort eoaniy, teret couoiy t V li .Maulpaa, ienoir 7.- ."I H4a-wtJ-IP4m B Pool, Wake county.; ; - . . - . . - MUnih tha aetloa of the " - ATIBT imwinw".- - - , Standard wa. b-ea-d at tengtU, In -' very aneomplimeBiary to ua "-""- . L .... .k- mmitlM ntBrBedl BBO K- UDOBI . 1 mm, " - D ... that tney nao r"""""1 " . , . v,bareupon.the ret.lBlan were caltod for. aad ware fedWlJT-"J ""-" r r.err. it i" with the freateat regret that we, far from 'home, and every-lhti we noia .t ... .... .l wndrr tha Decea- near ana near, iura" , " ; M WIT of giving alter. nee to oar .feeUng, m re- t State. wboM 8 are 10 certain .- ,. " . . . u eu .k. k..H ufaverv couree ana action awi i - - .ood eititen with the greatert contempt and iudinattoB l," ,l .. Jte-Biuew - r . . . Staiidardiand H. eatelbta aad pretriT tb Fro ( ppr. pabliahed ia Raleigh.) are at v.- . ' "1 ' n.wi. In nm aalimBtloa. . t j 1- Tk.t ik nrraent couree oune riaBce witn onr ini y - - merit onr wareate 4aa.l nd .aafa-w 2d. That Ihongh we have keen aeparated for n,Are than two year. fr-.m hrae, and thoee for -h(-e welfare, oar heart, moi. ernea.ry yearn, . . ... . .. . .LiiiiM mmd lajll. d .uflenng in. r' T. " ; vet we eaanef ana wut mm fwiy - ' . . -a.m. .fMl nrafer to of reconairncuoa i - r-- . - 1 ... inn dav. eznoaed to tb "orm. of Wl, to eroachtng at the feet of Yankee oppreeaore. .. . 1 oik... ... ..awa.ilv entreat every ottixea . ja. A n. ww.-- j ... of the old Nortb Slate lo .parn mm their pre- ui . k.. anicit-laiua truce ae rite rreuera tT" 7 '" : ,T the idea of recoi.etraciioa in any form s allow a few exempt ana eoueenp.-. . - .. tkwieau.lv dreira i to aknia f.ma duty. t thi time, af; danger ta Pr cobb 1 1 . .. s.i i-tka Staia toaa placing every deliBqaeat m the 6cld, where be ih. akMicara Of ina iwiim'i may oo hia eaty- - 4th. Thai wa arntiy ae-trepeac, eannot eoaeeat to ay, eaeepi a nnai -ep-.-- in. which wiH maaa a. rree, from oar tprafwraj,. .;.-,1,(i , .t . 5tk Tb"! la . oar preeent uovernor. - Vance, w find aa emiaeat sate-B and pt- riotic leader, ia whoae aeal, integmy and .bifi- . t..waa 4r.dk irai iit counaeiicc. ABW wbnee able maaegement of the .$iure of State. merit oar anqaaiiBed approoauoa. m.t. tv.. ..m.ilv Vntreat everv citi- Din. n ww . . ten of th Ht". - bead iheit eaerr e tahe tmoet, lo rappnrt and increase :.. . k.t with lha firnr of the treat "i M.tU.. mtm ma"La able To wrelT fewttt "treafieiba Tenemteaa rdv and -raaet-f; paea, which .hall Ire , a forerrm their puwer and iuBneace. ' : a. a. wlniLwa vera read, the Chair- AIKI in i.. - - j. m.n anm.ui.erd th.t they were opea fordie- .-v .ft... . B. .mmi. mm fel cawioa. I! Ql it demeo mat - - thing to amy aafavcabU, ta their rrcB. They we-e-adopted by acclemai-ond if the Standard ma .n4bifjhhde b4 keea pte-enl aad hwfw--fcs4ru, eadoreemeat of the reolatiotiaky tr"' nnd deteemiaed epi"t. tbej wooJd have -gol tea the terror oC. ihe Yanbeea, bb4 fooked al Utaae forced to be lh4r oppoaara ai home, - . ' ? a :- Mw.m. lha BHeaeainC of lb- meetlBg were reo.oeate4 w"pV4 '. " . . , D.i;k D.irkw.L vt il ia toe anowiaj papar' miacto -raal,-Jali--wyVatrta4aa. Faj. IIIPIIW "WKI.I w " . with lha reqaeat thai all other pafra a ta ri:: - , .- - f ntu bM at .Tbiaiira einircu n oaiuroaj On motion. Dr. Kerr , wia eallod lo the' Chiiir, nnd John MijCooMOgt'Jt E1-. f 4 " . oaeitetl to net m SecreUry , ..The object of thn wt2.ff rtP,l1? - ed,ti follnwin; reaolntiona wer preaented -y nninhnoosly ndopttd V - " 1 ' Wkirmt,-. Meeting . haw ', been, bld thrdogbwt tlw-Sutav rj-dioi-l -lo tUw cauM of lb Coofedamcy, and d'cpurag- og to the soldier who have bravely de tended Ua, tbeKfore. ; 7. " , ; Ruolvid, That wbilo have.nl way been nnxioni for peacn npon inclt lerma aa woold aectife our Bigbla, Liberty and ladcpendtrtieev yet . we denounce the sev eral meetinip that bve bwan held a d'n Vraceful to the State nd nnbymire of nil the diareit right for which' we ut eon- , tending. ' . ,-. -.A Resolved, That the eoune. pnwoed by W. W. . Holden, ICditor of tba- Raleigh Standard, in ancouraging auch meeluiga, ia damaging -eribnety our atregsle for In-. -dependence, and ia aowing discord among oar jwldiew, . thereby. ja?J;nil lion and desertion- ; .-;, -J ,.Jlttolvl That bin presa is nni-nflce to tbo Suie nnd.oogbt io be .uppwaed. Resolved, Tl it every lojal ertiwn ought to look more npon ;oqr eonntry'a cause, nj denounce m a jtraiiot every man who doe not seek hi country's glory and lm eonntry a good. y. . .... , . . Retolvtd, That -be acbeme orciuDwag ,aopted by bis folldWers to acatter hi pa ..JJ U denorjnced; Md th.t a,a will rnvw our suDDort to no mem ber of such u clob," for we egard them aa -disloyal to the Confederate Gxveramcnt Jtesolted, That we assure our brave so!-. A,.rm that wa have entire confidence io Aeir Joyaltjaa .lUe past. viU FtOje, r we urge mem 10 rrjci. ui. t veraiona of truth as set forth by the Stan dard.. . - --.4- ' JZfw-vedV-Tbat we cordially endorse Ihe ; administration of our worthy Governor, Z. .QVaiic). atbalA.eJfJ.fg rej.egl her that a " man . cannot take fire in hia bosom and bis clothes not be burned." Retolvedl, That we appeal to our patrk otic Governor tb nse alt hi influence and power in forwarding reinforcementa to the army, and in "arresting desertera and re turning tbem to the same, to all of which we pledge our support and influence. - Jlesolved. That we approve and endorse the administration of our Chief Executive. President Davis. J . . SAM. Ktavlv, ID - J. M. McCoJisACQHST, Sec. , , MAJ. J, McLEOD TURNER. Tba manT trienas cl Major; JMcLeod Turner (who waa reported mortally wound- ed in tb last charge on the enemy a work at Gettysburg, then in command of the 7th Rt gtment, N. C.T, wiil o pteasea w learn that letter recerted by flag of J troce, lb'at though terribly "woiinded sttoog hope am entertained of hi recovery. , Tbk letter Utea tbat Ii was wounueu by a totnni ball entering rigot wue J . -- I TT l.J ma. and paawng 001 on 11 w rciu xu . vioasly rareiTed a flesh wound in the leg wbil laading hi regitnent to the charge, aod bot for h undaunted bravery r and elf aacriucing devotion to tbo nobjo-fAhr--Major T-rnr4n lb ; PWfJJa6 have receired tbOadrt;kdful)wound; for Instead of leaving the field oa receiving the first wound," be' alked the entire length of the regiment to gire up the com ma.d and place it in charge of the feotr . t. M.v kavinff , done so be ww re ": r "V ' .. ' k 1 .: IT- ..1 k..riM. hall, passing inrpuu uiiu. - a fkort diatanca from the enemy s work:, hia" condition Bot permitting Wm hmsg eartiad from the field, lie requested to; U Jaid in a ditch near by and dtswed the men who boW him ctf to leave, hun. aad co 'to their reginieBt, sayingevery ..'L:. m.1 So, ha) man wa reqtnreu w. left. Our-forces We" tttxm and thinking b in. MJ. Turnf irv hia wcb and other vaajtWs abonl hi person toa soiar -j i - with the reqt tb.tthesteaU V taken . - .vl. TVi aoldiof mavMave tai 10 nm wooiuci. 7, - 1 w, Jn. or be a twonar.Aa the acrd r-&BpA hW leached Hesti-atioAr -.CJ-arfofte Mullen. , t - , " : A" .'V ' - - vx'A "'.-

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