v 4 r ' 4. if- V t v V V 71 If t iff )f i i il U t 7 l j f r trr- f- j II: I' i; i! - I .' .With ba iiiva.). tl.e tW.wiib C and 8-orJ.-.lur more than two years J"C South has ft-ted th invasion with an en ergy and heroism unsurpassed in the annals rftinie. Has the South nojuuncatiooia this resistance?, IIm her tre.ure been squan , dered in vain?- lias the best Wood of her noblest tons been freely shed .In an unjust ctaN a eaiueln war against the " best go vernment the world aver Mwf It would raera so, judging from the spirit and drift of aa aiticle that lately appeared in the Stan- j Uara, over toe signature -iuauu. I i The whole article is full of peodantry and ( V v " blind partisan hatred, aad enameled Icom a i(f f . . grandest contest in which men can engage the struggle lor nghuui independence, iw . " writer labor$ to put die Soma ia the wrong to show that her martyred heroes have, died, id an unjust cause. &( one who has reau history impartially; no obe who believes it Wrong to invade an unoffending people with fire and sword ; no one who believes it right j to resist unconstitutional eoctrtion could have J written such an article He attempt to fill the heart of the South ern patriot with gloon by cutting hint off . from the bright, examples of Swiss gallantry . enccesstully contending againsr Austrian des r 'ffttism, and the heroic example of our fore tiuhen triumphantly resisting British tyran- ny ; K by .charging Southern people with being 1 r ;the sole cause of the war ; by keeping in the ' . back ground the wickedness of aboTtuoo agi . tatwn ; by indirefctly justifying Lincoln ; by suggesting doubts 61 our victories; by imply-'-" " tag that we are wasting eur blood and trea aare tor a mere punctilio; and lastly, by try mg to delude the 'unthinking and ignorant ; by the erf of peace peace when there it ' no peace, sod can be none, without our tnie To follow " lfendson tnrougn ail nts la ' bored attempts to convict the Sooth of.be- "ginning a, wicked and unjust war, would re quire too much time and space, but let us .. .".tfifvfce at them. as we pas$., , lie asserts that there is no "analogy" be tween our struggle and that. of our torefa theri To the Southern patriot in anus ' against the principles and acts of the despot ism, it,, would aeem that there is not only a strong analogy, but where . the analogy (ails it is much more strongly in oar favor. If the Colonies ocing allegiance to the British Crown were justified in their resistance, then are the thirteen Sovereign Slate, who never acknow- " leded allegiance to the Northern despotic otxirueitwa of tbe- Constitjitioa more rliaa justified justified in resisting the open vio auion of a wnuen compact, the bold, robbing M their property, the avowed detraction of their viial interesta Our forefatlters " took nj arm" to redress their grievances." Tbe Sou ih era States instead . of falacg up arms " to redress their grievances, quiedy and peaceably withdrew from a Union , that had been faithlessly abused and " assumed tboir delegabxl powers" instead of th sword, they offerei the free navigation oi the Mis sippi instead of the clash of arms, they of- fered an equitable division of the pub'ik ph- pai tj L - ier oo anatoiry - but weea tbe ttarro w-nnnded monarcti aftd "tui bisot ed niim-iry," who actad ajrainst tha advice i th aUest utemea of Ue ae Cikat ham, Camden, Fox and others," and tbe u narrow-tninded" Lincoln aud Im (aeatical CWb.oet, who attempted to coerce the. Souto Sg naii the advice oi the ablest statesmen of the lao-flioqgiaV of Gweer, of BeU ati-I others ? Is there n analogy bet ween the cru elties of British aiercuarit, and the barbari ties oi Lincoln's hirelings ? Is tbera no anal ogy in the heroism of oar leaders, tha cour age and endurance of out soldiers, and the jbeerjig, wlf-sacriScibg ptriotwu of our fair daughters ? Tbe eye blinded by paiti- sad hate cannot sea it. Wirtia yon wouid. expett from, to astute an hisjrian as u Dstvfi7n" a poilorphical reason for no mighty a revolution, he tells you that it had lis origin ia vrgery be telU you that the people are so simple that mere party tm-k nirt party sehame, could up rxK iro:a their afSxtions and Walter tbe might pillar of the nation. . lie tnu-t dab-, ble on the surface and fish among the ieutn that floats in the dirty px!s of slan whose petoU6C to''Qad' M'fpSuij"fSS vast' Eerolutioo than aoryery, and that forgery without a reason. Why did be not go be neath the surface and see thai it found m causes in the deep irrepressible antipathies of two d;2i-reot antagonistical people? Why did he not kjl you that his antagonism' was brougr.t about by personal liberty tills, by underground rad-roadiiby incitements to in surrection, by John Brown raiies That tins antipathy bad been fostered by the poisoa of titeir school books, the atheism of their pul pit, and the fieadinh teachings ot a toog list . , of iDf.u jus cxia from Belcher to Ltncoio ? 'Why Ad he txx teB you that th South had "vd f e"sta-in a coovtitutiobal way" to tijee tichingf for Over forty years, " by R-presenitioiis, remonstrfUjces" and repeated FvViiiu, till forbearance ceaed to bujl vv . tee? r - . Who in the South wanted-lhewar t be- would nach its irerent maenitudo? I doubt iTDitvilioo, wuL ai la pf tc Latt any . - . : . I" . 1 : L --II I levaar.-Wba then ckr a tuan the citizens of the 4outb the caosrs of the 9 ' . r r T . war whgq tbeybelong id the rtupwdoas wickedness of the- North. Lincoln intended to Ttftar the Union by the (oint of the bay ( u Resistance was made tbe pretext fop -iocs more onjust m.lL" He threaienS to Jhari our st-amen as piratas ad hand-cui our wHierf as felons ; Le proposf9 gradual ernanci'iation, 4Jij protfaims uriiveril free dom to the negro, and inntes him W murder and rapw and gcarantees to protect bis tjlark t-ut-th-qcy in their- fieodiah work: be 31eiicadof oor greatest iieroes,35Tjj 'to placeTTproper estimate BpcSntTife8t fmportahcX 'And "lltnoggTi (be pvts litem in initotiane ' when they faS j-aio haoii, aad then makiseau ivenal con fLcaUoa of Southern property the law of his t-.l u.-y i.iiri ..i c 1 ' a.xv!V-!.im;.t .4 .. olj.vtr W U but he could be touud ld.iubt tl.it our pu.-!t defenders had gamed gforious victories over our brutal foes and hart wwo imiuortd Uux ? Tbey profit to hye gained victories," are his words. AVho bat he would suggest tlt we are pouring out our 'blood and treasure for no grvater cause than a mere "punctilio." u Are we to pay in blood and treasure of the peo(4e for punctilior he asks. Why ot duress lhat qoestioo to Lincoln?, lie is the party that M disclaims to negotiate. He is the party that stands upon the punctilio, "no terms with rebels." Are- North CaroUutans fighunr for a M punctilio' when they see a brutal km invade their soil, burn their besws, fingers r . Did the glorious hero Jackson, tue great Johnstoo, die accomplahed Tetfcgrew, the gallant Tender, and the long line aif he roes who have crimsoned their native soil with patriotic gor' sacrificed, thetnselvas for a punctilio? But tliis patriotic writer, after disparaging our cause, apologizing for Lin coln, sneering at our victor-, drawing an imaginary picture of our desperate condition, and confessing that ie. at least, t? ready for submission says that " peace, speedy peace, is the remedy.'' Some " may perhags prefer that the ; Indeptdenee of the South be ae-" ktKWged--bur11 independence catmot be obtaiLcd. then they are tor terms that are aoNoraUe." I leave the reader to reflect upon the honor that is without its. basis, imfrpm denet. Though not clairaiag to be an " able states man." nor indeed a statesman at all.' but a plain man, once dswoted to the " Unioni" now syuting reconstructiorij' I beg leave to make a few suggestions. Let those who chime it with the spirit of " Davidson." cease their complaints against "secession.' which cannot be undone now, and cease their fore bodings of a " cental despotism at Rkft mood," and put forth al?iieir ent r?ies against the " central despaI5a'' at Wathington, which seeks to enclave tbera and their chil dren. Let them discourage specalation oa Uq uofrtiatUm yam, and other aecesmries" frown upon deTtion and encourage the sol diers put k-wn deer.aTOsrues and raise pro visions sustain the currency, support Go?- era or a nee, hbl tie Tank's whenever they can meet them, aad w will hare peat among ourselves at leat. lomy coontryr men, I wouid say Lei it be the" sacred duty of every public man, of every private citizen, r to do no act, to utter no word that will weak en the petition taken by North Carolina in solemn Conventioa Let a? ia?pire cheerful - . r-J "T I "1 ' ' ' l I hess in The gloamyj a.l hoDefulness in the timid ijt in h unitl ''nn j onr in&L then ' Lincoln; wkh all his hoar, caoiiot eweome ceediags of we Coaveetioa rsferred to, us. Then in the good providence of God, j boaing lhat alt at kome will beed tkem ; peace, a solid, endaritig peace, will come to' , , . .. , ,j:I WesTus, arMi ourCedtWy young iaays. 1 "J to f but full grown in power, in honor, in itnperish- erj tsicg calculated to disturb the peace .L.I u . Mtl t.' . 1, . vJ-vM . mnail rK. t . 1 . 1 1 ft ifidepeadcot aaiioos of.the tbv,,, , uiwixwwu, wu. ui.v BunnK LKXINGTOX. SALISBURY. X. C: ivoT ctbxisc nasi II. ISU. VOICE' or . CABOLIJT A TROOPS. We paWisb in tow paper the proceed-' iug cf oor Troops in Geoeral Convention at Orange Cosft Il9e,oe tke 1 Jh of this month ; and w invite ta them tbe atten tion of all otir people at home. I..wi 4 sn ''lhat ear Troops, who have borne tire beat and bu idea of the straggle for independence, have ao sympathy aitb ike movemcat tm xrtias f the State, insti gated by the Standard and -PrWrtts at Raleigh, U-lieving tkat iu teoly will protract the r, iacteae their bardsoips, aud diaiiiaiib thachsocos fur "as honora bU pece." Xo one will deny but tkal'otlr Troops have a ribt to bo heard ia a eat like thia, aad that their opiaioa ia eatitlei to the highest 'respect To deny it, U to subjxt then to the condition of baanta of burden, aad uUeriy deprive thaoi of the ri bt to iafluence theiA owa deatiay, and accomplish the work of their country's in dependence The author of this new, and dangerous .... , ' . t- - trouble in oor affairs, are now attempting to make the people at home believe that the privaia membera of oar Trooj were not aJwd a fair eipreioa of llnsir views in the Convention referred to. Ahjfio-TCJp tnvuli are asaailed aa tyrasU. lor'dirg H over the prrvati; whom,' lta saidT ft&e et)ia.a t-ld tL privaWS baa a case made up for them, on which tbey are twitted, apparently for tha purpose of arousing indication aad eidtinj thenvto Msobordiaatton. Tby are told" they were given a seat in the kitcleo, but. 00C allowed. to eater tbe bi booaa."- The unprejudiced, intelligeot portkm of tha pedple, cognisant of all tbe facta, and the private soldiers' themselves cannot artful dodge. . Doobtleas there bare been, since this war corrfmenced, many itwtaa- mm '. tj j. r t . i ivJ-kh j c, t : S j j;,, Uil'J pretexts tj curiu'uS ia . . ' . , . - , our mid.l to foment miacLiet but thoe j J, will UU thV troull to tlink, will reacMy perceive that these are exceptional cases-; aoj that the ruU m oar army has bves the contrary, cbsracteriael by A just mum of the reaped due to the privates, whom, the officers know, thej taaat some day tneet as equals m the privsbs walks, of life. I; is nresooabU to believe other wise, and thete are o proofi staining. th chsnre of siaeleis tyrant t as Ia the matter of Uiis 7my Dfob;' "VT.! i , I , . , what real or Jnt aginary, gooai eoma poaw bly be supposed to reault fronaa deliberate suppression oa-5dificatiofl of she true ien- timenU of the oriates ! Look at tbe list of those who ' taokpstftiait. They are the delegates seat ip bf the different Regi-t menti, in eacb) a-hich, peblic meeting; wsa held .to express ike views of the raea, to sppoiut Bnembars to r present them at this ion f eat ice t 1 it to beauppoaed that the officers of all these corps acted the corrupt and disgraceful part of so manag ing the primary meetings as to prevent the troe sentiments of the privates from beiag beard ? Would they attempt to de ceive themselves and their friends at Home bv such tar means I Are all tbe officers corrupt. unpriiKspleJ tyrants I The man bo believe such an absurdity or af fects to believe it f no friend to either oticers ov privates, and has need to exam ine himoelf, as with a lighted candle, to see if WTuas in him any fajibTln the cause' of our country. He ia b jlpiog to -sow tl seeds of jealousy, disuwat and , discord amongst ourselves. Ile'is weakening the hearts and paralysing the arms of oor pecf- ple. lie ia giving. aid adA oomlovtto tbe a a a . I . . , I nemr, wbo greeaiiy accepu aii suca things as eneouragements to prasoa in 1 Li tlrt (or er sobjttifatioo. ! With the-e resaarks we aboiit tbe pro- ,A, - ' - "",rr - , - : aiui kb taa ananjenca 01 uur urave ( - " t -ir ' I and our sad in the arduous services they -t are renJJrinz. Let us not dislreaa them ounding lhe hearts and I ft..r Lurdn j pelting ro or !! ef wtaoer. DESERTERS j foKowlBg ...t by We have frequently beard tbV tha j u wCCV.ULia. at kW werea jwaat many deserters in i"adkin, j 27th . ad give iaSroiatWa StrajailkfBtU . seen a private let'r, rceetly,ndi aKbad- verbal statements, which represent the matler ia even a worse light than we had kbpfioaed. Deserters go about all through Yadkin, mioglinjj with their acquajatao ces ; .aa so aameron are tbey, that the militia not only makes do atlort to arrest them, but are afraid to spree of dots? so A aoromuaicalioa in the Pregrtm of the' 25th, oarrohorste all w have kttard from Mturor oa tke ur.jct. 5eitber bava the Gooicripu gone into the army from some of tlwee ooant a. The dcasrtera aad coo scripts together, ia Ysakia aloae, is eti matad to be betwesa SOO asi a 1000 in number. ' . Thie is a deplorable Oata of things, as derogstory fo tbe reputation of the coun tie eoaeemed as it is prejudicial to the eaane, sod njot ta those parts of the State a kick bave responded faithfolly- to the calls af tha Governmeat. Cat we are also sorry to say that there are a few deserters in this coanty. Some bare recently coma forward and availed themselves of tha pardoa ordered by the Presideat. and' returned to the army. There am ainna others, wa bear, lerkieg abont, who are a painfui aoarce .of aniie ty to their friends, aad most tbemselree (Wl theiswaat reproacbas of aa oatraged .r.;:l:-- i.....rz Wakave also beard of oumbsm cross in through tbe northern edge of this eooaty, with arms ia tbeir bands, making their aay South-west. Some of them said tbey belonged to York District, 8, C; bat -there is do relisncaon seek statements. Xtlitfa officers ia maay of the counties bare not done (heir doty, or this evil of desertion would never bare attained iu most favorable time for arresting it ha passed, yet it should la doae, and that svs- It is useless to coaceal t!. fact aey longer; our cauae will ere kt brcowe bopelens, if the evil of absentee wa m aot arretted. Men wl would be reaJr to sacrifr aU they 'are- worth lor the aacceas of our ca,nie suaneiy ooooiv ot a fcw instances at th'ta evil They at-foae froas roUuVs" sjmpatby acJ a soft ef snaadui senaitiveaeMwwbicl eiry lecreea dsatlff many a gallant hero in the SeU; ta expose desetten aad resxW then iieaialU ss tbe penalties oC their lawftil ctftm. TV patriot and .self sacrificiar . tpirit e os aeple, o'.asatteV'f lo what tre; 1 1U evu v aw I that, should be the imperati duty of re try man. The maa who ceaaivaa at de sertioa, 'or fails to ase proper efforts tokaa Use deMrter Mat to bis cmamaad. ia so ceasory to the murder of ikoae ess isasaia at the post of daty aad aaeeaiiieaaly a traitor ta tbe caaaa of Soatkera Iadepe denoe. . nidu Up to this writit?.the City sriB koU out. Sumter, though vary saack iajwrvd, is stilt held, and w Uara that it ie ike in tention of tbe aatnorities to bold it ee at the point of tke baeoaeL The bratai enemy has tot asyet, thrown aay asore shell icU the 6t. aad lh U tbU were thrown ia did bo material dasaage. It ke ben determined apa to bold sststU City to the laat, aad if by aaperior aaai bers, we are forced to (five ap. the Cue shaT be h.ip of ainoulienag rwia. TW ritixeut of Cbat lestou aad of tbw aie of South Carolina know well tke fata of New Orleans, aad of every crtker plaea wase the Yaakaea have bad tha pee W iaae gerate tlie.tr raaay wbiok tkay kaea iss poaed Upoa defeoceleM. citaeos. W ad mire the hewWrn aad seif acnfkiaj r of the people of tU Q-rea City. TaW lives nor property would be worth aibaj "eader Yankee ''lbantyr''.1" eon, 2MtheV tbe pirMaJ njjks.of aeilir,JaIe no ftmak bae aay proteclica aainat the fkiaa of. tae enemy. All who nuuataia their la tegtity to the Country are daiva 1 .1 cvonWatad aad ahr .. :.:...,!., sua uiir rr" j u?n. 1 iweetore e 1 ad iair tha air of Qtm j.i.t... ..j b-i-. d Urn Ca? ka to fall, thai, not one wd b left apa increaM0jjlh lo pw them tae Ut abak-r i turn tlie boraiag eavT W -aha aaa or ike CaastSToe, Aogaet 5ff. Col Pktxh Muxtt, Kakrigh. S. C . I am now on my third of daj to this fort (Wagner)." I ata very veL Tta f.iri is much detwvl but a U-t aa ever. The trot fps are in td and &M lh- snemy welt f "r" puttered. T enemy bav ttVowa ae'.n Mr to the aty, but thai is o tah a a. CW hatterirs on Sullivau's IJaad Lae bwtW strengthened as tu KiaU the ettraoe Ui Chartestoa hbor exUtut4y dou'-Cel Cjt. E. MALLSTT ' Approved ly fen.' JJtACassaav AVESTERN X. C. RAIL ROAD. The Stockholder- o tkat road mt this Towo, oa Thursday LH. bwafWlack of a roarjority of the stack Uraaj ipeesa tei, either ia proa or tf pewty, wwa unable to orgaaix or traoaact aay twU- As will l-e saen from aa adertajsajee in another column, anotkec as l a is called for the 1 1th September n. ll as hoped that the atockkaidaia will 4 promptly, or pot tbrwproxiea ia tkw of socU men as il aitad to tko baei of tha road. There are vanooa aa to tke failure of. the aaeeltajr ize, which, if true, io .ao apeak maea ta ;:he.cradjlofjhjm4J From the report of tka Ii Tivflamriwvwa-Wa-Hbaa7 . rery fioariakiag etkiaa. - Tla WSal eara iogs of tbe road Jor tka year aadiaj'jiM 1, were $102,760 M. aad the aUal ea pena of operatkig tbe road U tba aama l, waa, tO1.094 J. as at ening 180,040 t.. Tb JJoard of I reetars bara deelared a dividead ,al 4 pee cenL The road ia ia food eow&tue .. FDQM TUE ARklT. - Tbe foHowinr m&tjaafmxaxnj recti veU trum a iTteim, vwt oeew at law array frvm tbabeginBUig of the war, ; aad wbo'taa dooa as much, bard gitiag.aa aay iU.?l Ati U u.e ;.-.. r, a.i . tlwif Ives ia dStca tl tie itrrti 4 in rvy, lLa tbe are rvLac: - Cj X-a. e UJ ur tleir teodice? XZJ, 4r Lrtte? koger cast reproedl oa tie army ty fvirj aid aad ecantfett ta'&ose? w'ia ar woagisj w as aweb aa Ae Taaleeby b ataaa cryaf peace? let tkewa aWw iWaarJves arartky af taos wa kwawa aad af Hoaa wbaareseXteafy a fieay-rp rkewkveta elratsw af h tW if sW a frcssara ia the . ' W5 i t'. V, ".iP ticicsstag, SM fW Wla. Ssae. retnahcialav. araaawaa. tvaae el taw tars save rvamj IrtteraBfskBaaseaQrtWtly bay aad-aj waa Cbs4akrat saoara-a the farawry aaerfceed S vs aad Aatea tmrra epseVy ssay at awoaa, aad ar tot irssalsl ay tLaafcata. P sack the cast, what is as l iopass af ear casaw? Wekaee coeiaiearW tW war, aad ir wJ da aa taoi wea eVbara W isesaeii avbattk ewieaeaMearsanasa,asa Ecata aad CeaMerarw, aVprada aa ear absbry aW dtw iwaa Wn?eba'-vttt Ade laded rwa at beeae taeaa by ackf Lrrs-uoJiraaxIaaatsUassw.- IftLry bf a nymm ihosaasa staaa af aSarstLat was beta tka war bwaaas;I caa IrStbcB that they ar very aaark autrabec.- The Tafara imrvawt ta- wtr froaa tha SoaA Ito recovJ t4 wj tMmp Tbrfare . drtrrDawd te KaJsa jsa.peaoa.aieAak n araaa; aad what caa tfe Sowtk o without area? aaarakaadlatber ftkt to the We. er rtn. Kae eaw fend U Slata kw p4 bee arra-pea thw hkf tiM wd eara s wehr HtbfTaerties ri5 S-at tai lgveiear- J. Jk. sw JSTTVr sareesjr aat darariay was Avsr aad fcarae. !kysvtaf,$ ae ai' 'taw 'e4eav Tdwy' pak' rhc 1 eej-weats tioar preyaa, wyaa--wi3 dcottW carry rheea emt ia tbew attiiea berrafter a tt)fr'awt Waav dfc(aaaV arlsaaabfw eLaaT aJPinTaa?J (f t4& stemn 9ar bat aaoaa a frehag aad ay mt artam."waa.deiiaraas to yjeaxe'tbey Mrme aa; oaratts. ' ' TV ete waacradd fce fL aadiaS wboparta par4 ravas Oiierariiaa "I try. they caa eaabe- it proaararaa of mack gwi-t It w mm mrrmi 4-m aa ewntais the Gw?a arat a; at irr& m Jl tW -athvi'Seat a! am iasrpeataKav. It a arrt rrrtaia rh Ga yrivmttl naa oa BK&af w-rboet tbe brarry co-rpeat tk rrwf km. -Is, a a!l tore, fWaa tts t fee A. a 3 we can te eacir a est M'mimUimmmj "and Be Uweeraaaeat, and pait isa ra.it of Ktterteai W eWrb ear karfaaay ar eadaarr the roe cw ut wwr erwr fUr aaofev.arave, W hew every tLaf B jnMav.kjr thw r aad MUt t suae Aad J ti be-.irt exvnspaj, oi aaea aoi aX ahemaW their es aad tt cni m aVSrae af rtii tiw pntfwfiy and taw wamtstsj, racbrr xtma -Amnt a the eVerac, atAe aa4 rva wrh s vtunry t- " irrf m, w. teat. atMJUxXtx erlees mky$ mut kxtivc 11 cm 11 torn. AtWjf a peniiaa tmtt--- a very 'ry ane?ia f ta cicaraa of kwwaa, ri mlfeo Caart a W&Ss&BT, r 3ay. SrrlSn BEatt. wteomii:'. wsm4 Ker w appaard CL.r-a.' W&arn I AtweC. & i t a aa! (JiMtolatb WtvMO were reqorrfisd. h act at TSe Her af Ae awraig espri ia a ae asd apotucctaAt . azaoaer ty a Claftiaa , lartWSfiia,! Cbarire L Part. Ki. CLweraaaa w ; d s app'at a Omb avca efewtdra rtiatii prev rt liv me U awrtst whireiw tbr afewAted tfca l-j5winff as a i; 2Ier Oarlrs L Fat, 1L C ai ioarrvmi xrfl by the 1b- m iMoa einnt aad paw" hmi AU.mml ar &. . R S. kJ C Ja E, atJ b. A. AaiiwJ ti auaajtnauc. U w2oc. . tt CuiasuAW thtarb ttVC J K, repurte-t the i Wwtag 'trnAiXxm whJ were aApOsi waa- satwend. That we faify apoe4rai m fcy.;-,- sua war baa brvwut er tbe pe tfci avwfaBVBrty. i'"! n aad ww ar eaure than L-ri tit ar Bjutaaaa t prC b ftM-i w'rircever m wBHmrstj taew rekaew r b IM ufm tKt aubwrt , aU kMraijr-rKrtT.f avaiaabri raprociJ U thai woaaetbtawwJd betteJ w.ch ior ami iia aWi are caa aoe aa ror er t1 sy a eetcshf spM pukey b the pof MJred, Tiat aav prare Lorf of the s cavrBiIifai-r af fee Coewr atrs wcafc kMtbe awttupuavtiarvsjactnt apj"' ad aavma;aurceakc . J tvaiae bKaww they wwdd be etuba ed ay a of ceaooor. . . . That a based a0 eor ob Mgabua. asoaal maU aa tbr scora J wU. aad wwa!d bnag apoa J atarswaaaatLcaef waacfe we. caa only brssa" Lb. Sm 4mr bate bbt-. d-oe whew try hav. partly r? nTaewkreas, Weareisw tb ,arrywows.rwrr- Zl U traatedi paroja or to their tens crarea saueseqn ad chart prooorry- . 1 .t .Wa-era . a? 'V. r

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