t j i;, ii- iiic:j ft'i.l oil i-i' of il,;.. I . ,.,A I 't! I . I .- 1.. I IN. JU.r A ul I'- I.. oiiler lo rl.co uiif I we .' r A i., M A w u., O r. En OSt Iw-B.rr.S M, Huunfff, J W, S r e tMrict! i aai -'.-'" ... , l..r i.!h nn I'linra.l.i v ilia '- lib. of tie u tr UiUe r rv Uur IOSS AIKJUl .VU kllll-U B!11 WUUU'lcu. next, the following valuable pro.wrty, a No. 1 lnwa. i'tfcajaa LS-r, Ntlaoa LM.U, J P Liaxto, LTrrlr, Cfcrlrtnpaaf U, W A Lrt7. t-p taawrj.J W L.a. tar lZ ,J W Dr t Lav.1 W DrOiB Lrarly.TaMaa Maaa,a Maacr." Marnaae, kfonaa MflLaaa,OWt . In The Yankees attempted lo make an auvaucc - - - 1 . . .1 Pi. .-. I k If. 'in l:rnn Clacks obedience In General Order, No. 14. and uptlter-Diti!wUontIe27th,butItcrim. - -""1 .. ,ng with .opposition fell back. '8itu7wWlLcSi: ..I Itrdar. Nil Ij- taaeed hv Col P. tee. JvZrete t. Wad. was ee.-U.e M eerr.ary. mi r(v4 it M Ibe dktaW tt patriot..-. UoBciiul. Cut T Li Mnllett, Co-nrae adant of Conscripts for Net!w Caroliaa. Colonel of Militia will. on the 20th of Aaguat, 18G3, e a roll all pereo us liable toeoe ecripuea under lbs rtceat Proclematioa of the Preeidaat of tbe Conferrals Sletes, aad all a. aamllad. arill rennrt . itSimoelveS ID fcuir, C W kradfof4, M4 aUrv.IXtaua Wood of the r-vy, b few oaya ago capiureu 8-.h- ,M M My kll rf . .nn boaf and two ichooDetf l the! wnskla liua Ind MmL Asa horse shoe r, be Irm a Cka , a ..Uwl la arrslra 1 . . . I . : I l it.!- '. II. i. . .r tkorse'eia. whk U. E.HIM ef mouth of the KappahannocEf Biter a snarp w ... - - J ""T I et Ileal eharaeUr. IwmiI tadaatrioaa and obe Bra a, MmrUta "".,-- I. fcj, aarss la Sale Ike aerllsae eriele aTeus-Me; be w have as BesUsUee fL"! reabunca b7,U crewt of bolh boat. The prisoners bare been aent to Richmond. To our people, we would aajr, In candor, our prcepecu are brighteurng, and all that is . ..- - a, . a . . t dieat. ' We will a! tall ibe lotuli-bred a LM the eapaUingoAeer sad Medical' Beard", al ths f H iL. ul aluM. la ajll 1) . MORGAN- STALU0X Y0UHO i i ii i, mmry m , ftVawa,rO rmrB 0 hnain. tunaa ; , CUU4 Ceaay IU Regiasat, CuloBaJ' Logan, Taeaday the 25th, aad Wednesday th Ktbtof AagasC, MUi Regitaaat, Coloael Ellis ; ate,TI-ta.ayUi.Ba4 Friday tba Sdth fit AMERICA. oar F,v-- . , w. Vm...w U WM -T .T,.raeU oa ta ih of i now utv""" ji . - i r i u ian. a Ml eiaoa. wiiw " - wn mi.i btt in. nmn ii mi nun uj I i t 1 . & i & .i.: v... . 1' lold op the. hands pf our men ia the 8eld, ar4 J WUhoot fear f . eoainullctioe. we pfMoeoce McKMr.vlrriaia -M.rrana, J t-a- t nMmH wan. sea " " . . ,U tf-aie oma. Pr"'7w . mm l . T . . a..1aW . rinTv-Arjrf-l "Sf'saar,, ateswvy iaa.tM. rr-5,,i.v;,r';.-.. ;, tatawMa to an at . 7 I tn the ttreaetiL let the UiODiDu of our cauae I ihiaaoaatT aone Iveaaxleaa tw eld coiu, TaaM mwrrr . .k, 1.. i,,. of loecidaUoo and ex- al eaaoot be aarpaawd Jw aey coarj. He a t "; .TtatMMaart iVwwTaa .fcr- hs?t rsiia I la atopairUtiaia.aiMai tintm "n.LiuHM alkalraaaa4aUta . . - L m . rjiu a lha awv y aaeaaflfhtaaM aailaae aMBiy ' laf ta .. -..,u- r I MIMKWIWJ Waxua L. arvau, I AJIl'EI. KKKB, CIRCITLIB. grtwnal Dldrict of SortK Car- olina : I f!prtfiinj aonoooce mymrlf to you as a eaodxlaie for re-eWtion. . By your kind partiality I bare the honor in ilw Firvi Oouer-H of tae Gouled- ete Stain. From tlx? uuie of my ejection the CwiWemcj aas hn mftra u a neadooe war, tor ttwl puqe ef driving batk the nlthie iirrad.-rn of iu mn), and "tahlili- inf the pfaoe aod radepmdenoa lo wb'.rh it a m justly enrlth-d. 0rt'itv9 having been naeaTrf y ntaile by our (jtMreranirnt, a t- minate buini. ana avtue tn -XisiiQ( a.m cvitiee by iKotiatinii and booorable e-tyM-nL and the owturw laTinsr hri a of- tea kidijnaatfy rjccted. .no altertiative r BasiBed to a bat to dme baek the iavadcrs and ovxratwr a Prts by force of amis. WbUe Yd XXiiitem, tlietviore, as your rrp - - 1 nml rvrrr rst-rtHin in hit rHiav- r to strengthen Vnd inotwW the arajy, k glee proprr aHiantie: anj rncuurajriu-iii u lb Lxtvutire, and to prrvrtit, as Cir po- wbb ""tbsaw diwtrous collrwons brten-o :he civil and tbe military authorities which are so apt to occur and so difficult to adjutt in tioie of war. " I voted lor both Conscription acTs, uo W mm I Unwind o form t2w':fiotbera' ttf&i Croat hi Lome and laaulr to li caain efld eaUle-oVld. but becauw I oonstdorvd tbetn iodiinwusAAS, to tho iudv.-adeiMw of lb" eouotry. Tjjted to raiy tliejiaT of the Q-HKn-raiaMtniit -ffii t"f pnvaUw in ttie amy, because I Micwd thathey bota-weia,md and needed tL 1 Totel 7nin tbe Exemption acM, not hajoauw I was oppoJrd to all eauipuoui. but LaKaoM I ctnsiWel those acta wrQu in principkv daugeriH ia poUcy, aod unjust ia - ueay f iir-lw."rHaiiou: I Tottfd lor the VufiJing bill bwU!e I taouj'ut it sw-cfjffary to onuicu?b the volume of the cunvocy tid turn-by to jrive more healthy action to t.V guatWt of the oouuiry. 1 roted Sr the Tea bill of the Iiou wUidi was rtcvied by the fvwiate : but, b-lire thf rtocfrrrnce bilt which ii the present Tax law, ohm up lor action in the Qoue, 1 call ed away by aifii4im id my larutly.and bctiue I bad u oipurtunity to rota either ior oi- afaiim tnat incasnre. eb the polar star instead of speculation and ex- tortioo. We five op ranch of oar space to- dar to Cotontunicationns from Oorreapoo dts, on Uiesabjedofee. which seems kmt ka mMMmmA tia MM.alrJ lie t ' . l i. . I i Wl. aad baraese will be sal with W AUm the same dsy, ajill be aoM teo faU satta Bltk am'nh Tout Also, fare large concord;n u. coaches, 11 Manril aWainaO 1 DuaMnr.' S ail aaaMager U acka. a ad oae sis paaMagr r Trey ,m . n I L " ' A I D aVaav, TaaaMa Buraaa. H J ore AO 'J? Bra4r,B Banaaarl. leatill uniiv. - i v . pww.ii m www -a toUaATU-t' l P-Ww -l time, C-h.- Bkefay, o-e te bofae Beg-y. - - . ma-wiwaiiipr ''."r iUw otliwr ; and areao sincere) 1 . r a. nw7n" HfVIV '" w.. t - ' oriit Carolina M nnav,an- , . . . - , . . 1 , -a w -w viav e- ?-.J?-fT VI ."ST Iuim the irood iieovle of oriti Carolina J r--w ur. ti.v.n i. " O . I If Mt.wwWVw w. I'w. Www w wwww "wwi.- i . ...t . 'Ll - mw - I a M ..41 ....m.iv .uh Tim iiniKXianar ui vne i euuaa an ibis aaie. iaa raonva- waraaiN matter and oonsidet what .wi f a peace they have a right U exjiect from AM toe first Indeed, baa be ottered any terms ahort of abject subtuission f That is tbe quoation for aenaiUe meo I deeide I Our uoodiiio- is bad enoeeii, out or sucn a eouree. it -will ondhuUeJIj be Unrfold worve. JVef Dturtert. Corporal C. IX Faris ad pnwie L N.Kepl-y, Co. K, 7tt Re fimenr, have called -t oor office to com phrin that Uwy hate been enjustly adrer trtew.by Capl. G. A. J. B-i-Jer, as' deert en. They have pjr abiob awit tbe of tbe diTaeef.1 cbaife, add desire lie public to know it Mr.'Kepley sutes furtber.that Sergeant J. A-JvLuUs, sbo is also advertised ietie aaae -vti-eria at the HwpUaV ia Ealeigh, unfit for duty. . Mr. R. M. Hiontawjn, we "are Informed, w al-a oaWe lo jx-iform sepiceaud has ben o the Iloewl- four niootlis. It in wry eruel that hottest, good men howid be thus M-d!ealy wounded ind ' wronged. Mid M J.r$W. ,rm- waWu La returt the extension of fur- r"1 . lougb. Iim. mwkwi aiwt kuki ara ia awwl mair. a ad aw waail ka minrtr. into ma1 airnaL Tba two large coaehefrby swese repaifs to the bodies, can be Made ruud see of for several vearsoa a etaee liae. 1V will also lr a mod Cora fhpHer.a Isree size Thompsoa's Straw CoU-, aod a tarts Cast Kettle. 1 20 itkn, which is aesrty new, barine; beea bat ftKls asrd. T . a.lk rTMk w. wT WWW.MW aav months lisne will be give a. Note aod -pprov- i u 1. L. ii ... - - - qq BwcariiT un iw.irn nva ww.w BROWN av McCONNlUGHEY. MorgaMoB. N. C, Ae. 24, IbSX 4:l- TWE.VTY TBOUSAXD DOLLARS e I2,rX.C.M03D8 FOR SALE. Trr uirrr1. Office, J Wrstcm No. C. Rail Rosa, nv nnnrn r i n...i.. r in. 1) l WltASUI, Wi wiw vwr v. w Weetern N.C. R R. Co , r-i pn.p.l will kw rm-mmmA at ihia OAira till lha ISth Sj-Dtpm- 4er nat, for Twesly N. C. ts per cent Coai- poa Uonee of one mooaano ooiiars lien, aa.ea October ieeeed a-der auttiority.. pf.e act of the 'largtiplalars iucorporaung aaid Com- iwnf . naaarlt I Kj5 .. f-, T -. - - CtMamauie-UuDS ta be eodorsed on the JmcIl Bide will be opened is the prreenc of th- rreaideut ol inie i-onrpnay aw lae rnw and Larair or the Agency al uie uaua m .i fT at Ihia nlaev. Saecererul bidders will be notified and re euired to depuait the em .mil of ibetr bide ia the Bank. if N.C. al RaleiRh, Branch B..kofN Ov el Charkrtie thie place, or won J . Lancaster & Co., Richmond, Va. 3tl5 R. F. glMOSTON, Treasurer. ADM IN LSTR AT01TS puss .aa-ev, iv m-W ' e-vt j -w w. . - I I - t. a -a . .idu.A llnaa llfnat PlM rt.ai 1 ttl Ut iTlMS W M saw tvt " " w -w -." p ftSW w" - " thoo 'iii wooM nve (ereuirtb to olf emir. , - . r- - - C - Tigor to the tiotuhiiiient, aod couHdi-noe to the couutry. " ''ShouU you endjjrse ray mr as your repre$et)taur by wre-ebvrion to tnren. I LmR be frutek-l by the same priucipUu and poiky which ray raeord uida-atee, aud I sltatl devote my ht emrfies and atlciiU,n.to Je '.JWim.lf,m4, altbouglfc I desire, peaee as ardently as r t one. aud..hall uxe every bonoahle m-ai to obuin itry-t t wilj eonsent to no aojirabtw-nt whk-h docs not bring with it the in lepa.Jcnoe ot the Ci'i inderate Starrs; tlieir total atparaUon from the failed Slate, and all the bteswrpiof hb ty to whidi we are entitlel by inlieritatice aod lor which we are now contending. Our cifcr is jut. Oor trust . is in GoL Our de-tiny, I iJmily be live, ie to be victorious in tLIs rmgle, aud to njoy a career gloti- " ooa tyorid prlk in all pe-t bintory. Let aa prove ounedres worthy of our oau.se, and .wcetlie of.otu" d-tiny, Jft be united in our etforK aud the whole world combined ; eacpot enclave os., I am. very rwpocf fully, Vour vbeiljcnt st-rvsnt. HAVINU takea eatteTt-T of Adiaintetra tioo on tbe Eetale of .Vr. Jan C. A'aex, deceaeed, 1 wiU expoee al publif ale the lollow uig prvperty, ail lha . : I Sib Dety September, . at ler late reeidi-ere: s crop vf rrwitg Cors, Wfreal. Oats. Rye. 3 Mae. I Hine. or 10 hff4 of Cattle. 30fr4tl hd of H.iga, 10 e 12 head if Hheep; lMrrige'and lfrue-s, Beg gy end Hrne. I fr-Ure Weifwn. Threthr MIT Machine, Fartniug Twle.aiid vanoue other other iHh:Im J VV. r.CALDWRLL, Adm'r. At the ecme time end p'ace, tle under-ijn. edr. Eiecutwr of e. 0. A'aes, d. ceeeed, will no. Surety, Be A Millar, M lurtum. E A CUaarJ, iwmm Oala, WiUiaat CarMrr , LaaM CwM . Aaaaaaa Casta, Jaae B Calb, W a r.-LI. WiraTt " " CaaMa, Jolia tr Caraea, Oaaaar, Htary Ourr.IL t Tirwua-. Carry dtlae Carter, Mr, Uaa Coekraa, J use a a C.rW.CaiT Cbarchaill, L B Caae.ru C-ar.B.vrww Orntiaa, JaMS CUrkaieka Calraua, Ck-rke-CL Dlaa OmArr, Sarak HwradLTb DartaL LC Datrjr.JaaMe DSaw-aal Daeia, I H Dana, Alraaader 8r Cr-I.O-jrgeB Hliatl, J a ElUe, t' ' Cilia, WOey EHia, Dr J ft rUkae.TO ' Fry. M rarra)M,r L Foalrr.JW tinktt. M C Kaker.aB Tcateraiaa. Mifterrr r.l. try W rreara, vmntm Goodotaa.JC , Uladaoa, J-M U Riae. Wll Grift. ita Goooataa, CalaartDa tiiUaa.WC Aravaa. Daaiei (ivdity, SK '"" GuMf.lariwil' tiluTCT. Sbraat Gunnare, rrof T Oaiwcr, W Oartioer, J Gey on, GaMrai Grabb, Stirhad Crakaa), WiltiaB Gandei.n. Mary V Barhry, Ckrtal flaftlry.CUMUat Haat, Anna Heater, Knben MarriaeaJoka ficCarry Hroara, lar JcM . D.IWr.Joakwat, WlttAi, jaaes Millar, Atkua MWanLaiaaar, Barrk MiaKay. MarlarT T MrelWa. Ill Millar. Mar MlMer, JeaeieO B riat. TayrwS rarvea, WIBteae' Owkerae, WaHar w Feiree, Aia.Hn raakie, CkertasaV raklaa. Wtw-r rktUipa, T M ay,, Wealryt TREASURERS OFFICE, t Wefwrtt N. C Rait $Ud . St.teev.lle. N C lOtb Ane., lp3. THE BOARD of lir..r. of ihe Heaiera ! V I C R.Ha kav ihia Harlarrd a tii dead of Pxir (4) per cent, oa the Capilal !uck ol the lowpeuy, peya-te is o-iirperaie bm- uf y at this Office urn and-eder the 2lsl Sept. nest Kuckholders mait preeein their eertifi- eateeof Mock. TbaaMf pnwerwf atM- wiH make the ani to T. H. McKorw. l-lvrk. 3ll5 "-K. F. SIMONTON. Treae. , rr-, ralterana, JakB JT a.a, Baa tmf, CarWy Rarbary IkUlipcIC Pae.reay Pallra, MoatiTila -raraMle. rVura raftUam, CaetMr ' attrraoa, Jaba ftrrM,MaiTret f lakrrraiw. Heary Ke-Bdl. eW W aawwar. Of Bint, Joka Bokarda, Tbot M Ea Or Raw, Jv ' -oburry. H BMrh, Elisabeth Raiay, taaay 0 RaQiarn, LP Kork-4ee, J W . Scutt, Kliaasctb RtappiBf , ManakS Buufwua, Prtrr 1 Brarr, Jeetah M Maptaoe J B tmiik. Marth 9f- SiiDer, Jacob PartlSC . BariBht Jokama (kBltfc, atftWH StilVr, J A. - StKa.Dr tlM-Sere avWher. Brkatca ' tomb, NirfcoUe tmitk, W George 8aard.A 8imeae,WS ficheach. DCSABeeV Bavrra, OavM faicood, Mr 8r . SaTioa, fciflrrd Stactictber, J oka M Stre-art, Soeiarf ""' BaKaaianet, W 0 tkrylrr, AUred Storara. S C Cap - - ftkedwick. MnU-ea Mt. .11.1 ffiHiaia MWTwPwwaaaa r 1 ' itauUi.kC -JfuUH, B M t IVarbrU. Tboe SkoaaCap'. .ww). tlna fin Piann. I iueUre "nflill a (.ium ( , Blacksmith's .Toole. ll.mirh"ld aud Kucbea Kurailure. with a nambrr o: other ariiclra W, P. BURKE, Extruttr. . 'Augost97, IC63. 3ul5. IA.V aaiioue to bay core, wheat, floor, meal aid baeoN for the aldier families ol Rowen. Soiite of ihrm ere shnoel eoffVnng and 'have the DMuey to pay market prices f.irlheee tnings, and f do hope that the Fennere of ihe county will rive the poor eoldierlniilire the preference. P ' J.S MeCVRBlX. Cvm.tr Rotcan. A-IT.3 f, 1S63. ' - tf'- SALISIIVRY, r a - i ..i. " Bee W3 "UJ Pa. J. . . W .August 2?, lttdCt f THE FAYETTEVILLE tJlfeERVEIL IVompted by a sincere desire to see ihe predom;oatice of troth, right principles aod genaioe patriotism througtioot Uiis State: nd feeling deeply impressed, with tI-" imporUDce, Bt thU . hour, f -torreck views and right (eelioga in regard to the great struggle In which we are engaged, we taka this occasioo to commend to. our JjcQow dtixens of Veatera NortCarolinaJ w-e--rrrrratB OBiBTER,as one of the r . IlkCan Dial. A . q Iwia. ( IN ohienre lo Oorder No 16 here appended, ell persons in the Hih. Conjreenionitl District, wlw. hare heeu trmsofimlv detailed Hi Over mm, wilt report el Caloip Itolme by Septem ber 1 st. im. u J It M c I J! A N , . . Cept awl Ea OC 8tU t:oii Diet coxscRrrn, office. ) ,CasHrHuuiBs,.Jaly-aTih, IbS3. J ENERAlrRt)KRii - - : . NO, JC -a." Si'- - - Fr.rrvl!,n Officers are herebv instructed to i-. .ii .....hii haw Leeu temporarilv de UIWI ll. aa.aa w.. , a tailed as Overeesrs to report at Camp of la- a. . Structioa by 1st CI weptemoer. PETKR MALLETT. .. , Com, ofjCnscnts for N C 7 J W jvUu.rrr, Adjulaat." -w . . .a,..rwi tuv niuiin ur nt I IV Ma - , A RECTORS of tWe Institdtion wwh to fill fbe avic.a, f .in naat vacant -None oth k....nlwd ftmeUsneedppry. For information, respecting ihe daties, Ac, of the ofliee, apply to ins enaewf neo. -7. KD.:. FISHER AdmiobtrttorV Notice. 1 HE a..Kair.1wir haviaa ai the AnfHet Terra of the Coanty Court of Mowan, lakea le-llere of Administration eccrwrfinc to law. oa Ibe es tate of Christian Bringte, dee'd:, hereby te-a notice to all ereoitire i suio wtaie, io prrm hair ela.me duly aulhealicaied srithie Ihe Wne liowted by law, ft thai purpose, uilierwie-lliie notice will be piesa lo fciim toeir t-ct-w. Zrebtors to the estate snN aleoulea-e make pay ment immediately. N D. L. BR IN OLE. .lra r. Aug. 29tb. Ii?fi3 ttl5 - FARM WAX TED. f rePSI II F. in haw a .ir-h and hi-blr improv ed Wheat and Grasa Farm. -ailuaied la'Westera N. C, containing from 400 to Itw acres oi isnn. Any one ho has ajich a farm whir they aar.il.l WM. tVUL. n't.M arriie IO Itlf W ,-.ra- borg, giving a tree sad acrarale descriptiua -s their firm, its locality aad me lowest price demanded for it. No una .M-d nut himself to the trouble to write unleeahis J.rm is nrh end prnductive. and has fair building ininrnveiurnts oa it. B. B. VACCMIAN. l elersoor;. a. 5wl5 X. . RA iL ROA D. SALISBl'RY, Aug. 38th leM. THE Annnal Meetiinf of the St.ickhi'klers .1 .k. U '..i-m V r Ii. Road l.miLnT will ,11 ,1. l.H HI . 1 ... . .-! .1 ILL A t a.? .1 IIwm iiaatimfBisSJliur haT- tH crifiriuivrBrxt. " . irnt fsiled to orESiitM .'1 th 27th. for want of a majority of Muck A- HJ. rOWELL, Pres't, . .aa ... . . i nni iTrara asm nveaa rr, . 7 y.;rs ,,... Tftrft?; tin e " w ' . ' tla.mVe-U SalB Ssusst av, Augwt 31st, 1?63 I Tka Mwnm.aoine dffictrl of this Rep menl, tre hereby .-?torid to caB oat immedi- ately tneir compans-e, anu a rrrw .u w -..j niuii .Wnt wit boat leave from lha army within the kwnids of Jhe Regiateai. and lo report with smJ penoasto laeee ueau (era. II It la a.narted. and aaioeaedr that the foregoing order be carried oat w'ith' fidelity an protnptaesa. V,m wilt report ea the .Jib Sep tember, the ma nee r ia arete- yoa fca-eeieea- ted this order, uyorerroi ' , JNO A.BRADSIIAW. ' CeJ..easMaW. raitk.iei-tiDS Jaae Trrakt, k eveeso; C Tamer, MaaHy H Tresfev, eopkia 0 Tretrsa, Moe CatoU Teraer, Wieey Trraarr, Adrira Taraer. Jaaics Hra,Mar Ma a, Mrs v iliieariiiewnja ll.4Jrry, M E - HoatMyoWiUiam Haaufcaryvr.AJ-. HafattS. M E B.H.I.B Mayers, WOaea M-ataDaairl " Haliaea. W M II iwia. TuMtka HarTiiwa. Harris HaltiiuoaS, ta-aa HorJia. Ana )lirk. W M Hail, Jan w tkaik.JM Hani, Hrary W llwadelliaary H.vard. W T Henry, Id H.UTkaMBma, ItendenaaT, Ury W HuUaiaafc JaBMS H.4WB. UJ M Hi. Jaae M Lifts. Cisa Jaoes MaryT' Jwars.J,4e Jonia, k'U Joan. Capt Ct.CS 5vy T kirlosj, A,lrxadr J,4.atoa. WaCeHSeih W--oJ.inra Tkoeipaoa, Lestea . Teas, tfeader TWaaa. LaT.oa WW, W A. Walker, Hsrry Walla, WitlMWa Weaver. Mary Wk.tekurrt.SW WalwT, Earbara WflfTlw.JO Wrttkt, Martak t Wnoa. Prof J J Walker, Harry " Kttr, Martha I Wilioe, A W Wialrr, H V Waaver, B P '-.Waikiiia, K H Weaat. Cisabeik A WalLs, WiUiaia Wyalt, Eoultue Isaac Walkrr, Mary Weil. B H Writ. Uartd i 9 WaUers,iMirtSlB' WiwtUre.Ceoset -Willie. H . Veaud,Will!aai: Tsuif, W Cet . Junra, W A J..BrlL LA Jrtare, W - JokwtoO) laa Km. iU Kybasirr, Tko-tae k!H-, Eliribrlb, IlIuiu. L'riak 1 Keuiieai, Jnaalkan Kinuri, Lariita . Kauuiskaaa " eraaas eaUiaa foe SWabere K-tters, wffl say tfcey are adrrrtisrd. MO?t A. SMITH, f. M. TAX. CONTEDERATB V.COKlING. irtiwclii.u teeaed by tbe Cooimboiooer .Taxes, Miitef Maaufac- luies ol"Cet..u aad H'.n.lra Yams and Cloth. Leethsr, HaiSh.rs-rtior ate Biuat regis ter and pay Ike tax of -ij prr Cnl, on gross amoeel ul Sai-s, tiom 2.o of Anl U lsl o( July If63, aad quarterly ihereafler. Manuftcurvra ol ulery. itarursa occ U...Hr.i.lnrr lal Sira.aril.a far ibe Govern- nieai. who sell to it under e ml reel, are deem- a . a ! A l ed wholesale 6ealr BoUrr ibe act, aoa uoie a.. Msesawv ami lal BE ftiti'U TaaiPfeiiJfMgitltit. faHMjawtriB8. .... ... . . mui-ws is abo Used bv Stn'ii ein. iu wi Ail oereone gaJrU -ta ailV ol' the .'aboVC baeiaesara Ta' Rewiia t'snalv N. C are aoH barr oa Sartre.) the l.lh of September nsst , .t a, ll I a Ikk1 and regular aa pay tn tea w iy a UT Asaeaaurs will please attend as above. . . V. R. FRALKT. . Coafederatr Tex Collector . lor Rawaa.CoatUy..- Ao?j.39.l?-3.v " i ' - SALT l SALT! nn BrSMELSIorSaW ThisSah iewer O VU reeled euaal lo aay aade iathe Soath. It ia very dry baviag beea ia aa w are-boa se lor aiue Ksmhe apply to R. A .MCRrUY, Aft.-. Aag.3UlbO . " CttUm C aaary ttmi n-gimeni, v-oi. nauvv- i f-vj.w aiul IVirtav 4th of tteotember. ' . ! Jfeeilcaftarf Ceeafy 85lb Regimenl, Col1 Maxwell. Monday the Tib aad Taeaday lb gib of September. 86th Regimenl, Colonel Brewa. Wednesday th aad TMarsdiy lOtb VepUatber. . , Ce-arrae c;aarjr osto rjruui--, Baswbart, Friday 1 lib aad Saturday 12th September- Pneaa Cesiafy 82d Hgimeat. Col. M-.Cain, Moods y 14th aad Taeaday 15lh. 1 ISHh. Regi--mrnt, kyj.mil MuICs. Wedaesdsy 16tb andt Tborsday 17lb September. . JCesses) Ceaay 76tb Kefhneat, CoL Brao shew, Satardsy 19th aad Monday 2lt Sep tember. 120th Regimeai, Coi Locke, Taea day 3d and Wedaeadae 23d September. Ceteis-' Ceaaf y-89tb Regiment. Coloael Forney, Friday 25th and Saturday 26th 8ep- Thia Can mcludee' all who -ball bnve ba eoma 1 8 oa or belbr. the 20th of August. 1863, ..at .ii .k.. .r. ndr AS on that day. wheth er resvdents of euy other portion of the State, I - - a- B- a.!l Ma W M or of aay Mi, or Claiming to n ; - - fcnv H-reijn State or rower an woo r-""- I exemptions a the owner ow owners oi - iwenie ae-roes, as an macn oi ine csruip.--I a-. Jt n.-uWw-r Ittta. aa relates In overseers - has been repealed by ihe eel of May t 1863. to wbn th alletrMOf aH -eeHig ie-e.r-- Um of overseera weelieg ah persons - charged from the Arm! from any eause, or ay any authority sine the last enrollment. All 1 peraoas to whom temporary exemptions were Granted by the Easmiuiag Board, and ll per- w w- ii ait - A ... eoaa permitted by tne baroiuag wm"' main at hpme till further notice ; persons ex empted or detailed on any work for the State of NortbGarolina, or any department thereof. win be required to atteau ana cauim. ""-- dence otexerlioft oxyieUil.i, : .., .. Thie call does est inciuoe persons rT-i..K.-by tbe Examining Board on aceouot of physical disabilitynulets specially ordered.) nor per sons exrinpt-d by the EnK'lIihjr Officer ,"kr tjT " ince the lt enr.illmenl, (exeept overseer tr above mentioned.; nor persons detailed for a limited time Ibroogh the Conscript Office, at Raleigh, provided the details are ia foil force and effect oa the 20th of Annuel, aad ihe paa tis are actually aod diliseniJy engaged iu the -business for s hlcli they were detailed. ' ICT Colonels will return the Rolls to the Eb mlling OlBcer, mde out! by Compiniesrwitb "' tUL c.il n.inaa nluiulv writioB. without ersskio or alie.-atiiu, on large site piper, only wrVjen on one side; with ouerolumuof names near lha left margin, the bait nee of the page blank for remarks. If tbe Colonels have any reason lo suspect that there a a peistfns boldiflg exempt -lions from :he Eun.lliug Officer, or the Exan inng Bowid. not eetillee-to them, obtained, throu-b fraud or mistake,' or that there are pes sous properly exempted, whose disability has ceased to exist, or who have violated theCoD ditiousof their exemption by charging more than 75 per cent., hy quittiugor negltcting the buitines or profriim for which" the y a Me ex, eiupted, or by engaging iu any- other pursuit, eyper-ially fpecu'alioM aud exri.rtioa, theywilt make separate roll of themv aud have ihem to gether with earorn evidence before the EiiroJI- ... ilfK.-.r Reaannahle Tloliee must tiejliven toaH sacl suspected peftwas, so they msypro dtice'rebuti evidence, to ihe eud that jus lice may be Uoue. - . , f - All persons Imvui" . business o airy Kind with ihe Enrolling Orbcer. most be present, togeth er with ail papers and evidence necessary for" investigatioe and v4eeisiou, while the oflicer is in fhe county, where piriies reeirle, then, if aecrseary 10 defer, a time and place will be uppoiuird. All papeis uid affidavits must be " nrA.io1l7i dam furuiand utuoetlv atlesied.to Teceive atlriition, as the Enrolling Officer will aot have time' to draw op or correct iiavtra- mriits of Writing. AU appUcmJien jor txemv tionW mil incitm jSr laor-ioiiea aiast as adtlriWikymtimf-V' enfyt" Att applications for exemption, on the ground of execuliee ctemeBcyi-wHaeeount of justice. equity and neeeeaitv, must be pre-eoted lo the Earolimg-Oflicer, ftttfied by he sworn testi mony of ar least thrtre disiateres'.ed J-pw-tbl persons penmns whose reliabiliiy the Eumlliug Oificerjeaa endrse. persona htshle under this calfrcan vo!uuleerbefore the ai.i. -r a .nil will he furnixhrd With ftU.II aa.,aa. transp-jnatkia ou reporting to Col Mallett. at Camp Holmes. Colonels of Militia will retara lb the kiimlirng Officer a couiph-te rofl- ef al! coascrip;a who thus volunteer, giving regiment and comg-iiv, to which they have fue. Te:; 'aeaFibrmaTleof'" this right, parties must he BClually iu eeryice with their, regimeots oa the ' liiih A tv tS Allow! : furloughs, or permtssioa to reiujin at hiniie liH aer that limefby "whiHtisoerer granteif, Will be t'isrrgarded. and ihe jwrti's irt'rto csmp as eimwrrrjHf . Withoul df ia , Cwiiseripte sent locanip will hre choice tTrnmsiirT.rAtra i-.i, .w.il .tki: A'lfcJJiers who .riTir.. . Ii.a inuiJ'nul la Salishute IToeptlsi. Biidjwmvlted lo return home, will prwipUyro- and IreaieU a a-serM!r. tT The Enrolb-g Officer asks tbe awl of all officer. f the Mitia, and of a.t-Zod etliieas ia execut'm- the lew, sud in raising asen drive the foul iuTsd-r from oor soil. . -r-A- JES' R. MetBAIr -Capl. and Ku Offl. 8th C-on. District. , Java Bbtas. Ass't. Surf.'C. S. A., 1 , W. II. HoaeaTOjc, M. D., i of..., M n . Ex. Boardw ' Aogasl 3, lr?63. " - : . i - "a 1 -n t-l! BLANK DEEDS jFOR SAL& AT TiiL QKFM; - wortlij . Boi b!; J.tedppi. ia -Thyadsn sad 8' s-JuT-a-TT Sti RalsigluJaly 30; -tfciaii vfao bUiA. . . ' :A - 1 4

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