iJ X J L' L i L. J l. i .J l J Li I. 1 uJ u U ill WBBtlLy.;: SALISBUtfYv i-N. SEPTEMBGR 7, 163. ' S IIBER 16. VOL. XXI. J L.J ..feaanaaaaaBaaaaamBaBwa I t "tv ir - nkMmnrnii - w -.-a? Trie,' Watc-awm y A. t a - ! IAS front ana w u uate, .uo Jfor Thursday the4th of Sapu-tber ft Chang in, the prices oi provisions, pnjicr alt flttforlowiug valuable probity, a No. I fN order .to close par business, wa wiH offer an J other article required to carry on busi ness, the subscription rates of thm paper will ho (ufo do&ir$ for six months, and tAre dof fas for A year, J. AnvEtTisisw, iwo dollars' for tke first, and one dollar for each subsequent pubbcatJo-i. April 20tli. iWi. fill HILAR, BUekMaith, John Brown, fatnMlf the property of George W. Brown, Esq., of S.atiabury. He is no of th beat ( Soaeh Smith la (hesitate, and cue do aoy kind uf workla'irou and steel.' A a horse shoe; he Itaa im equal in ihia Stale. If a ia a buy of ex cellent character, hooeat. industrious and obe dieel. Wi will aieu aell the thorough -bred . AM EMC A. lie waa seveto years old oa the 1th of Jo ly Nat, is a jet Wnek without a while hair To Vie oifi (if the lUfchth CoH' r Without fear of contradiction, we pronounce liijn Hie fine I liaiEiug and moat perfect formed ( ijremxmal District of XortA Car i oliua : kI respectfully announce myself lo you as a candidate forreH-hf turn. ' . jBy yoor kind partiality I hate the honor of a feat in tit First Gjrif.Tejia of the Conftil rate "State. FriMti the tinie of m electit'f die Coufiiterary lias lecti enafreff in a titu pdtulous war, for tb nnrpoie of dnvirf biu-k Ui rutlle invaders of it coil, atvl establiiii Mriu llorw in the Confederate SUtre. Aa a ful letter. Im ie farn, nd caw produce in thineitUHty Mine Iwu and uoe year old colt", that cannHbe vurpoad ia any counlrj;. He ia perfectly brikeu l haraeen, and Kit aulkey and harnea will h rold wrih him. Alao.un the Mine tiny, will be euld two full eetta Blck efiWlli Tonia. Abni, two large C'ONCOUD, N. It. COACHES, 14 inw nffr, I do. email ? paaenper, 2 .BZJiM pfctt aud ioiL-pt-mknctt to hi-h. it . I'W P TW w to jifCr rutftfc!.!. Overture Inrin? been v""rj'' a.wayI pcnjer ae two horae BuVgy .11 it one r urirw nil. ami rtiM'aUMiv tiiaue iy our.iruveruiuenL tu wt- rciiatbt;l.ihaM.liK;itktiieeitelin5aitii. TW0 ROAD WAGOXS culueihy tu?iol-moii. Aa(l hiurlJejkiuU - The atteotmn of Weh and Wit-on Maki-ra t rucut, and thew overture hvin bf-ui a of- cl!-d i. th e The reuntiif aorkeof all leu iuditfuatilly rjt-tiil. no altortiative te- ' lhtf oorhp and hur.ke are in goil r-p-iir.Bitd luaiued't'iY u bol to ilrive back tjie invadera can rawly be converlrd into gml weon. The IWularr totrher, by aoaie repair to the bodlra. can be made one f for iereral year on a alaje hrw. VV'e will elL a eoodL Corn iirller-.j Jartfa iux -Ttvoiiicw-u a -Straw -otyrT 120 gallon, which ia but Mule tiwd. or. if deaired, aix . ,t ... i , I - t uriwtH" ihipi win n luu Will vi! anil IhA mi ilar mitlnvitri whij!, ... , ' awid fWijHr a fnwc by or of arum. WbiUs to tirtjgrs, ihendore, us yoor rep rei-ritativo, I tjiffd every ertkn in my ('" mm 9i atgHinirlluiw anit inf Wi, a. iii v n- U.e 4ure, and to ptut, a far ai "T ''TI" miHe, wtisw orsasiroua ccicn ;nc so apt to occur and ao (IiWcuH to adjust ia tim of war., I tofeJ f jr both Cuoaertption aeta, no', be caue I dtMure-J to foruo tbe 8ouUtern ritimi from !m hHne and family to the camp and baUle-fieiiL but iecaiue I coomdeivd 1 them. iddidpetab!d to tlie indertenUence of the country. ' I voted to ras the pay of the non-corn-' ""missionerl' "rrtfi?r"afd 'pratt f'"t!iw'jnnjr," because I beired tkat tJiey both deserved am) needed H. -- -i.t-igaKar fftr grttmsiagr, - because I ooisd to rjl exemptioc. but " hecau I w,sJcred tbov acta wronj.' iu fmoopte, dtifiToiM in policy, and unjust in tnany o Uiia'r JiwriiiiiaatHrti. I vot tor the Funding bill. rTaje I thought it tfCcvwy to dfiTMnirfi the volume of the xurft:n;y iitiJ Un-fobj to ie uxre iK'althv acti.i jo tlie 4aa.uf the xuuuUy. I voted for tlie Tai bill of tlie IIou.e, trbich was n-jetted by thB.Jwnw.te: bnt, before the cbufurtaoij bsli, whicb ia tiff .present Tax law. ItKtlWN A. McCtNN AUUflEY. Moreantua, N. t'., Aug. 24, lbCX 4i:l5 MnrpaMua, i. I-., Auf. ADMINISTRATOR'S HAVING takea out letiera of Adminiatra tn on tbe Estate of Jfra. Jaue C. Knox, iteeeaaed. I will ripoaamlpeblio aale the follow. of f tvajwet a, tlia ,. .. . . 1 S tH Bif. of JSfpif mbf r at kfr lahs reeidmce? a erOp of crowinj Torn. Whrat, (ya. Rye, 3 Mak-n. 1 Hone. 9 or 10 beaj.of t'atile. 30 or 40 brad of 11 of; 10 o 12 head of Sherp ; Carriage and llariicce, Beg )jy and Harne. I foiir-fiorse AVagnn, Threthr ing lachiiie, Farming Ttole. a nd rarioua oiber olbar artirlea. W. r.tALDWEU., Adm'r. T 1ST of Ifttarf remalng la JLlr, s. o.;'Auiur i6lh.ll Aake, Anna Atlla. Koaert - ArrffxM, Brtdfaa Allea, MA Bxua, 0 f, In Offieer . Braver.tM.S baaOnarr, W, I Heat, Hopbl KoaehiUjCaptTL Ballaa, Jaaa Mtatr.OW Brad font, MaJ JMcr.Oaliatra . Brawa Cain Brova, Carah Bras, Martha Boat, Maaft A BuaUaa, L at Baa, Ataaandar arrlb'tar, Mary A HreWD, W 9 Brave, T O. Band, imoi Brown, E 0 BlactoeU, Martha Brewa, Marker Nnn, II BraUon, J I Boffxa, Kelly Bryant, Rlcaar Broan, Thornaa Baraaa, II J Boyd AC' ' Brown, Adam Buoe.JT Braiirurd, t W K,), Lhki Baradrart. Joha Vofdvn.KB Boat, Zena BarrtDr, B A Cllaanf, J.hti OAv JVjIiimn . Carter, L"nata alln, Aonanday ' Catiiie, Jan Calb, W It Caublr, reward Caubtr, John flr Cannon, V. i Conner, Henry Correll, Cbriatlan Carry .dline Carter, Mr Liar Cnehran, Jaoa f t CtrW.Caty ChaeetAiU, L E ane;r-K tha Pof4 OtRee al aaUaba Ies Ketoer, Mararet Kawuw, Mirny KrnJB KaUKt, Marfrat Kefrtef, Funole' Uwoa, Wuham Lefler, Keiaua Ur-ta, Jaka r Ungla, Joan' Cyarly, Chriatephar 4J;pard. 1 W A Lyerty, L 0 Xewia,JW i.aek,L UeOey.JWI 4li.ihr Lat,,JWnrl Low. J W BrC I) H tyeata Mary A Irertf, tobiaa Maoa, I A . Maxry, II 8 Morrison, Martha Cp0na, Or W W Chrialian, Jamea . Clark, Joha Coleman, Char tea Ooil,EliM Conder, tarh , Dunielfj TX : Daei. LC Uk-y, Jamea 4)oa, Samncl Uan,BH t Davta. Alexander Br 'eftnl.OenrgaO FJlhHt, i K - - - -Ellaa, L Ellia, Wiley Klllf, DtJR rUher, T C Fry, H E " fowler. J W riaher, M 0 riaber, B E Jfealoraian.MUUrry Kite, Iry W French, Stephen tinodniaa, i C Ulailaon, J M , tiillian, WLW OrifhajPam,- (nodmanrstherlne 4 fwlnk. Johnion tolth. (iant W N ; McLeaa,GWS MeNealy, Virrinla Moniaua.JL Millar, L M Merrick, Btuaa ' Miller, a A Mahaly, AletandaT Mickey, Mra A Miller, Jacob Metiee, Leraoel MUler, Joabua i HbeU, Jamea iller, Adam Miller, HearV MiMnhelmer, JlarrieX MkKay, David Marley, TT 'J MeOeehee, Din MK?nxie, Batannah . Milirr.Mary Miller, Jennie C Monre, M'wea MuMeu, Martha ...O-rrn. Tayrod ,, Ow rut, Armatead Orertoa, WIIHara 'Ofborne. Waller W Pelrre, Armatead .' falifkie, Charlaa 6 ., Plamuwr, G '-iohlrn, Wineey Jliinipa, T U ... Vace, Wealey 9. Patieraon, J oho J Pane, Elisa , Pare, Carley Fire, BarWy Ptilllpa, 8 U Pone, Feny Pttten; Monnrffle - Ftrwule, Flora Partialis, CaptjM P Fateraon, Joha Barrra, Marrrid tUbertaon, llAry RaMell, tyerg't 1 W ' limnur, l F Blca, John tbarda, TTjoa M En Of ow, Jue iutburfy, H Hi;h, Eliubeth 4l Kalny,- Fatinr C , . Haaao, LP 1 EorkV.tr, J W Bcott, Eiiubeth 8bpiuvf . Alar iah.5. 6ima4i; IVu r 2 feafer, Jtiriah M 9lmp n .' B Smilh, Martha M Stiller, Jacob Smith. C BB an 'iirffttrat. rltda and Doe H'nol reflect ae verelv on tb inlelirent .'plUriefiam of our people, aa UOe and as nolle as ever' breath ed ou earlb, Ihna to patronize the . people that ate straining eery nerve to er'uali as iJ-TUAiflunilhu bniru l.'n tii.nintvd liv " lb WQrul ik. ftttrf R.loirinnai Aaa.i.tmi. N'ulih I barbttroua DeOiilO I a,UV Wra aw w w wVarwal wvotFViiwa a war avswcaak'vewHa CroJiiia lo prepare an addreaa to paticUlB and Teacbord tipou tbfl wtibject of Ten t-, book. In the perforin Boca of the taak tbua iro- At the eame tinie and place, the underaign ed, Eifcutor of Jat. O. Knox, drQeaaed, will ii .1. r .k j j i caaio up lK actum ,a tho IWc I waa can- wi,d; oe fine Vmno. I f.K.r-Lr. W.gon. " " "J "J "" '"07, ra iiiw , crtl uio. JHackaiuilh'a Toida. Houtehold Iliad nfl opportunity to tote eitla-r lor or ,U(1 Kitchen Furoit ore, with a nnmber ol other against that irteamire-. anickfc Iu'finTvbl"SrTaf every ineaanre wbicli I ' W. P. BURKE, Ertrutor.. -tbwigbt-WTiaW give- Mreujth to . our nny. j AnB,i,t 27. I8C3. 31:15,. tiijor to the Government, and confidence to " "Li thtrcountry. TUtMl TUOUSANU U0LL..1W . Buouia yo'i endorse my course m our reprriseHUtire by a le-ektUoti to Congrtn.1, 1 i sliall be ffuidttl by 'tirt! same prtnctpM and i policy which my reoord indicatf. and 1 KlmH j w,u u.v cignrs turn atu i.uoii to - , - WeEf ! No Ca. Rkxu IoaDi cure yu!ir.intertit; and, alliiouijli I dcniiVj . - St.ifill, Aue JOih peace as arocnuy t any one. ami ahull use t, nv ORnr.lt f th flard ..f l),r-i.,ra of th. every hpnotftble m.-aiM to obuin if, yet I will j Wrateru N?C. R R. Co , fled propoaala will 9UMnU0 -nx wuibdeiKt -t ttte'wi at ( .6fl.ee (iU the Ijia fk-ptein bring wul it Hie iiHJephdetKe of tlio Gu- i ber neit, for Twenty N. C. Six per cent. Cou tfetlerjte States, Uteir tola! .pa ration Iixmo j pna Bondeof one thwuaand dolluraeich, dated tae x,Tutea 6r."Jtea,-ana ntt ttie blcsjneprot fib IMoner ibbitaaoeti nder - aothortiy oi an ty to which we arc" eptitltd by inlieriunce i acl'of the Lejrii-lature iicorporaUug aaid Ijui- IX X. C.B0XDS vF 0 R SALE. f-r r - Tre asirer's Office, f . I r i . - - ana tor wuicu we are now.cootetujiti?. Our cause ia jtjt. Our trust is in God. Oar detinyljrni! belief ia to be victwrions in this ttnigjrle, and to enjoy a career plon ons beyond parallel ur all fwtst hiftory. Let us prove ouraeivea worthy of ouucauMe, and worthy of our deatiny. Let ua bo uiMUfin our effort, Atid die whole world combined "cannot eGMave us. i am. very rejpoct&ll, ' Tour obcdieat servant,. W. LANDKR. Linclnton, X. 04 ( Augtist 27. KSC3. t AuguasW.ptX-fr IN obienjo OoruVr No 16 here appended, aK peraona m the H!h Congreaaional Dinrict, ..Whit bav been IcttipoririT oVUftcd ne Over. . aeeta, will report air Cwlinp Holme by Krplem ker let, ITS63. J k McLEAN, Capt and EOCJ?th Uoa Dial pany, paaaed if A3. Cominniiica'iona lo be endorsed on the back Ibde for N.C. Bonds. Bid will be opened ia the preaeiice of the IVeaident of ..tliia -Company and the Preeident ami S'aahiet of the Agency of the Bank of N. C at thia pi nee. Sncceaaful biddera will be. notified and re quired to drpoeit the amonnt of their bida is the Bank of N. C. at Kaleigh, Branch Bank of N. C at Charlotte or at thia place, or with X A. Lnncnater t Co., Richmond, Va. 3ll i Ri F. 8IMONTON. Treaaurer. TREA S U REITS OFFICE, ' ' - . Weatefa NT. C. -UteaviMe.N.C.'IOtl Rail Rd. Ave, 1H3. Camp Holm Km, July 37th, 1?63. GENERAL ORDERS, t ' NO. 1C i Enrolling OmVere are hereby Inatrtrcted to order all men who nave' been temporarily .dev. tailed a Ojrereeac to report at Camp of In atreetiue by tat of Heptember: v PETER MALLETTr ' " Com, of Conaertpta for N C, J W MAixrrTMAdjatan.. - 7 XLASK DEEDS, F0 It. SALE AT THIS OFFICE v TUE B0 Alt U of Ulrectora of tb We'atern N. C, R. R Co. ,avihTa day deeltkredi ej dtvf. dead of (onr (4) per cent, on the Capital Stock of the Company, payable In Confederate mr. uey at tfeiallutca oa "aft'd after the 21st Sept. neat. 8tkholdera moat present their certifT- catea of Stock jTboae aend'n; power of atlor. will make the aame to T. If. MeRnrie. Clerk. 3tl5 R. F. SIMONTON. Treae. Uilkan.af C Uravea, Daniel (iodley, K U turner, Borfeat J (ikiver, Abram Oonnare, Prof T I (!ruer, W Qardner, j Owynn, General Urubb, Michael (irahant, William Oeodmaa, Mary L Uarkey, Chrltnpher Hartley, V II Mia a Heat, Anna ..... Hunter, Robert HarTiaonJohn McCarry Hellerd, Lear Jean Hall, Jaeop Hare, Mary Hall, Mra Howard, Georre lloldrrby, M G Monday, William Ham.burf-rr, L J Huffman, Ml Hall, L B llaynea, Wilien Hani, Daniel llalman, W M llulln, ToWlha Harriaon, liarrlf Ilialbrocaa. Kliiha .... Hooka, Ann Hirka, W M Hall, John W Heath, JM Hani, Henry W Handel Nancy Howard. W I Henry, Ed lUli; Kaaannah, Uendertnar, Lucy M HoHabauf h Jamea Hobwa.LtJM HoweJ, Jane M Hobnoaer, D L Ingle, Ktiaa Jiinea, Mary T Jonea, John John ton, H C Jamiaon, 8 W Miller. J A.' ikra, 1) r Theodora wiaber, HrfeeccaS mllh, S icholaa Braith, W Uearre BtBard, A eiiman,W8 Bchrnch, D C S A ReeV flowers, Dfd " thrioeguod, Mr 8r Farina, iffrrd etaeklethrr. John M Btewart, Sorouel . BaBaiuaad, W 8 ' wyler, Alfred 8torer, 8 C Capt &-hadwick. Mr, Linda faertlmm, William 81(111,1: C tstuith, RMS arl tt, Thomai J Khon,Ca.i. auith, Jrrtnina Jane Treihr, Kllen 8 f homaa. C R Tanx-e, Mandy II" Trealer, Sophia C T rotten', Mi Caaaldy - Tomer, H'iney Trealer, Adrien . . Tarner, Janirt Thompscn, J W thoUiMi, lrlna, Taaje, Vander Thnoui. LuTeaa --Www, W X Walker, Harry Wallace, U lttiam W'earer, Stary Whitehall, 8 W Waaler, Barbara Wright, J 0 Wri(fhc, Mariah 9 WoB, Prof J J Walker, H;irry Warnernrtha. D Wlleon, AW Winter, H A Wearer, K P Waikis K II Meant, Biaabeth A posed upon us, we feel it to be ovr duly lo speak ont plainly, the sentiments of tbe State Association, and alno, of very inacy Able aDd . la'thfol. Icacbcra and insrruclora amoogat ua, And to fix the, if joisible, in tbe minds and bearts of patents and leacir er Htlanfe. ' - : Tb views to which we ftJIiide aae tbeao : That it is l,ihiy eXjdietit that Text-booka of Svuthern auihorahip and mafiofHviure be used in our sctoola and colleges when auitahre ones cat) fuund and that .- bltonld diacotirae and frown upo aU at tempta to import or rrpubiib any foreign textbook, when woiks equally valuable may be Lad at home. . 'J lie reaabns for Much a conclusion are obvious and ill be multiplied by reflec tion. We think it proper, bowe'er, to atnle a few which present theinaelves moat uaiurly, end earnetaly beg I lie public to consider ibein well.; lo see if thy W rea-ot)a-Mttd loact acoiiilyt - r. !. , We disclaim at ihej outset any intention to convey lite idea llott ligature, in the htofieat fte, i aectiontil or natienal, be lieving thai it mii ttlort of tbe race to rtrncli something rrobler and IioIrt, ami, as such, not addrcaseU to us as oci;i)lv deter miued, but Ma belonging to the ooiuinou lirotherliood of liumauity. We 'awrld- "trger -notaitlrrtOTOg"" First, That Southern taritersnre best jitttd to jreiare Ttxt-bvoks for Southern vse. They are penetrated with the spirit ( loLuur iUBlii uUuuv. acquainted, with our j habits, our modes or thought, oar social relations Arc ; herice it is evident that tbey can so exprc themselves, that pupils will more readily understand and appreciate lessons in such books, than in those whose writers are d-slknte of such advantages. Take bm one example, for we (oust -be brief, Take for instance the mass of books which have been in common use for chil dren, when tbe exercises and illustrations jiro.iHieu. from. the. harbour, the crowded thoroughfare, tlte commercial mart and such like scenes witlf which oar children, generally, are net familiar, and which are so uninlerestiug and irksome to them. How different tire impression, how much happier the effect were these exercises and j tlkist ration uken from the scones of rural life in uountry and in village, from our fields of corn, our breadths of wheat, -our harvest festivals from tho associations of farm life and us repose; from -the mill, tbe school-house, the quiet church on the bill, tbe grave.y;iid hard b and a thous and things, Iticb would suggest llrem selves to a writer of good judgment. But onr limits prevent t from developing tlie jdea further. Another reason we adduce for consid eration is this : Tbiit the present time, if . .a 11 4 j . any i the most, Rivoraoin lor carrying imo ttiec4 plana which contemplate .he . erea- - tioil of a home literature, particularly in .' j the dcpitrtment of primary ed ticalioti. We j are shut out from tbe foreignworld,.Bnd ' .... ...11.. r.,. .k... I n ...i.:.. i. .... S-IWItllt. IIMU ..indfc l.'.WItr J'lL "HIVII J.W have hitherto relied altuotfl. exclusively fur ' lhr sui.i.iv of Texl-books'on all the branch f - . .... .ft.i beneath tbe heel of despotic power t How does it present our character for consisten cy in the eyes of the civilized world to see along aide the same bulletin that pro claims a glorious victory over pur foe, won at tbe coat of onr Host precious blood and tbe anguish df bean of our mothers, wives and amurs, the axlvertmeot of a reprint . of Webster's spell'mg book, or some other successful Yankee specdatioo f - Let us, if possible, correct this thing. We feel' certain that such reprints of Xorthem text lKxks bsve been made and encouraged for tbe most patt witltout proper reflection by our people, and by desire to meet tbe presaitig demand for books.- Bnt tbcrflr is really uo Deces8.ity for this. It is is easy to print our own books as it is to re print .Northern publications; 'honor and patriotism demand that the preference) be given to Southern books which in point of excellencer4;very way, are better adapted , lor our peopieiiian any ptbers, May we not hope tbat thia appeal , wiH not be lost on the impartial and enlighten ed judgement of our people and -especial-" ly the teachers and parents of our State and the Confederate Stales. J. 0. McLEOD, T V IMtSVnmA f . it. juiiis&iuw, i.'om, Wm. M.COLEMAN N, Co Vallandiyta to. TfeN. Y. World says : "It Is announced that if Vallandrgham is elected Governor of Ohio, the Lient, 3ov " ernor, George E. Pugb, .will place himself at the head of two hundred thousand men, march to Canada, and escort tbe new Ex ecutive to Columbus.1" Jonea. Cant 0 R. C Navy Wblrlow, Alexander Johnaioa. Wm Ce H Sta Wilwa Jamee Jonea, W A Jonea, L A tloaea, W Jonea, U M T Johnatoo, Lofan Kern, J U Kyaaater, Tbeaiaa Kluita. PtHbeth Kllltia, Lriak 1 W all.. William Wjatt, Knitlnc It alka, taaac Malker, Mary -WelK II H Weil, David S Waller, Marcret K W'onlten. Cancel 8 ""WWreTI es of education, if We are ever then to have text books of our own production, I'rovideiice never Planted to us a more golden opportunity, and if the support of . '. -.ii j ..t ...i.: ... our eopio is not. wiiuiieia. toe uitucuiiies which embarass the speedy manufacture' of books sticii as the scarcity of paf ier, printing facilities, tfctx, will be the Wore readily met and overcome, and capital will I mi risked in the enterprise with far less 1 fear of failure. All that is wanteti, is the Hssurance of patriotic and faithful eupport on the part ot those who are truly inlerest ed'iin this whole subject, tbe teachers. parents ati.f guardians of the youth ;f our CONFEDERATE TAX. ACCORDING ton st ruction issued by the Commissioner of Taxes, Millers, Manafac tarea of Cbttou and Woolen Yarus and Cloths, Leather, Hata, Shoes, Flour Ae., most regis ter and pay the tax of 2 j per cent, oa groes amount of Sales, from 24lhof April 'to 1st of . July 1863, aad quarterly thereafter. Manufacturers of Sadtery, Harneea &c aad Manufacturers of Fire-arms for the Govern ment, who seH to it 'under contract, are deem -ed wholesale dealers under tbe act, and liable to registry and tax as such. The income derived from the Manufacturing business is also taxed by Section 8lh, Tax Act. AH 'persons engaged in auy of tbe above businesses in Rowan County N. C. are noti fied to meet me at the Court House in Salis bury qn.Saiurday the 12th of September next and register and pay the tax to July 1st 1863- O Assessors will please attend ae above. wr. FftALEY, Confederate Tajt Collector for Rowan County. Aag.g9, 1863. . 2tJ5, FARM WANTED. , I DESIRE to buy a rich and highly Improv ed Wheat and Grape Farm, situsted in Western N. C, containing from 400 to 700 acres of land. Any one. who has auch a farm which they would sell, will please write to me at Peters burg, tri'ving a true and accurate description of their furm, ita loeajity- and the lowest price demanded fin it. '. - No one need put h.im?elf to the trouble to write unices his farm is rich aad productive, and has fair bailding improvements on it. K. B. VAIGHAX, 5wl5 Petersburg, Va. AdmlniMraior-s Nolle. X HE subscriber having at the Aagtist Term of tbe County Court of Rowan, laken .Letters Of Aflninitralion, according to law, on the es tate of Chriatian Bringle, dee'd., hereby grvea .-a:.- a II - Jta aa- ..t aw'.t ahaalaata la , few mm It I in It I CO IV till CTTmi'"" ara,! - t m . - r JaW Clalilal aaJ their claims duly authenticated witliia the time;! foregoing order be csmed out rith fidel.t j -and linnted by law, for that purpose, otnerwise utui notica will be plead in bar of riteir jraeovery. Debtors ie ih estate will also please" make pay m at immodiataly. - i'4 v - ; D. L. BRINGLE, Adas r. Att 29th. 18C3L jtCIS Ketcham, Jonathan Voatal,' William B Kanap, Larlna Toung, O W Col Kanup, Noah Peraoaa calling foe tbe aborr letter, wilt aay they are trwJ,.r...;.H. ..MOSMASMtlll, P. St. Ilead Quarters Mh 'I!cg. X. C X- SAUsarar, Augnt 31at, 18C3.' I. The cc4nmajtenc officers of this Regi ment, are hereby ordortd RTcau "rjartmniedf stely bhllr companies, and to arrest al desert ers and persona absent m ithoot leave from the army within the boatids of the Regiment, and to report with said persona to these Head tjnar tera. . IL It ia expected, and enyned". that the pfumptSMaa 1sb will report oaths 19th Sep tember, the manner in which joa have execu ted tbtaordar.- Bv "order of . i: tub a;, bradsiiaw, : , . -' v Cat Ceaasaadaf. . 15 fi J jCaosiAXBf Adjataai." .i)nr Uard and onlv other reason w feel bound to mention is u moral one. If we have forever cast olf all htieal aso ciation with the peoi'h- aho are now., in vading our country ith tire ami blood and rvinor-eles-s cruelly, wbo deny to us the ribt to govern ourselves, lo cherish aiil Jefend our n inatitii lions, aud even to think for ourseTvTs according to con science and tie word of God; then we submit it to the candid judgment oY every lover of hia country in this fryiug hour, whether it would not te degradius to us in the extreme to sutler ourselves or ur children to depend on them any long for the means.of mental and moral eulture I WouU it not be. to say tlw least, highly inconsistent in Ua as a people, to use the reprints of thdrubttcationa bo b, for " - '. - 'y ' ' ' . J W: X. C. RAIL ROAD SALISBURY, Aug. 28th 1863 THE Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of th iVeatern ?. C.-R. Road Company will be-held in Salisbury, on Friday, thellth dav of September next. The Annual meeting hav ing failed to organise ou the 87th, for want bf a majority of Stock. 2H5 A. M. POWELL, Prea't. SALT! SALT!! ' QA A BUSHELS for Sale. .This Salt ia wsr J V.' ) ranted equal to any made in tho South. Ii ia very dv- having bees in aa ware-hoe for Bine mintha apply to ...m- -34 y.R PH YhsMt Abe. 31. 1S63V . WAXTED TO PURCHASE OR REM, AN IM proved Lot in the West or North Ward. - Anplr at th:s Office. Aug. 10th 1863 ' t-3 ' L ETTEfe PAPER A small ik of first rat? A-J Letter paper for sate at me .. ; ? -WATCHMAN OFFICE. Aogttat 34 1863. !SA!IEllSUri-TIlE BQARD OF pT 1 RECTOffS of thi Institution wish lo till tbe office of Matron, iiow no vacant. Nooe oth- .u ..nmkrrj females need app'r. ror . taformation. respecUng ihedaUeS, c , oi office, apply to tha audersi-Bed. - . -V"' ,pp,i V ED. C FISHER. , ruVatciatt end Snjwririteex the :RaJeigb.'Juty 30, 163-. ifJJ- , ft -1 . 1 ; rv.