-rev-jr " VOL. XXI. SALISBURY, 0., SEP XEMBCR 21, 1863. , xN UMBER 18. . - s - - is - aT"". From andaiU-r thia date, and ntilthcreia and oflier articles required to carry oa buw iwm, ilia Kitcription i a tea of .this paper will UiM eWfcrrt for sis mouths, end tares; W- lrt ff year., " ' ' y,y . Anvleroiva, (10 iotUrt for lbi first; and one JolU for each aubsequrut publieatioa. PnOVEUTYFOlt SALE ft -.. .-- -i- TN oar M irbaa aar kwitra, ara UI oV-r lfar mJW mi Thanriay ika 34tb f 8rj; timber ait il f.fl.witi tahiabla pmrtif, a Nw. I ClatVtallh, Jolu 3 row a, lunaarty Iba pwpart of Crorz W.. Umwi, Ff a"lbuff . Ila of lb boat (Hi jfewHba ia iba wiat a4 caa 6t aajr ka4 af wurb ia'rrwa aa4 aiai4. Aa a horae httyr, ht baa aw atj-tal ia ihia JtUta. fla W a buy of a aallaat charaur, boavat iaduttritiaa m4 uh. 4tal. W id mimt aeil tba la.v.Hih-brrd AMERICA. . Ila waa aataa veara Jd ua tba h of Ja Ijr last, ia jal bUck a-illvMt a wbita bair W 11 boat ff of , eoatradieutta. ara (XmvmBC9 -kumlht iaajl bUuij aiid nmaiierfccl (jrMia Muff a tliwaa ia l ha Coafrderata l"a Aa a luai auar, ba ia vara, aad ca, ontdaca ia tbi'aiy avtna tarw aad oaa jeaf !d col la. laat eaaa ba aaraaaard a aaf Mitr'. ila t par actiy brba ih barMaa, d hk utk aad baraaaa wut ba old wab kiiM. Abw, wa tba Mm d)r,(ti ba id taw fall ttill Blcb vwuh 1V. Ab. (arolarfa jCiiircoiifi; x it, vdJcussj 14 paJaaafrr. 1 da.aiuaH 9 fmmr'ug't, $ mt paaaggf llacka, aad ai paai(rr Tiwjr Ctacb. ia ILckiaray, oat imo bwraa Ba;y, na OUf h.rar di, aua Tba atlaif uM of ('wacb aad Wafui HaLara ta allrd lo i bia ali. Tba renuini fka .J . att crbaaJ baaareir.HrMr,aad u ti M.uaMrttfM, .ill, atkad, ap i . m t wwiarjta euaebca. by auw repin tu Uw bbra, ! aa W'Wfaa'M'Swlwwrarat'TaaiaatM a"t a " I alafe l-aa. Wa wtil alao wtt a aaad Cra Hltrtiar, a larfa atta T 'tna-uM'ilf.w Caltr, aad a -.rr Caal Ketlir. iW faH-na. wbtcb ia triy mw, barisf barn bol bill uard. Tenaa of t"ah. or, tf rf---rd. hi anoaiba unta wiH ba urca. 'N'wta aad appu od aaearny, with inlareat lfM da fa. UUi'W'N at Vt0. AL'UIIEY. Mtai.a, N.t., At."2r. 1?63. 4i':l6 rf. Car tloi.VKJi, Aaf 2ih, J TDOSi; aemM rsraUed ar liable ts carol a rnaat who caa furui.h brr ai!l, M- (be prrariil, ba aceeptrd itb llwir hurana, aud racrive Cavalry py, o la I ip umiify autpluy ad aa Wuaalvd wu whtle Uie urcaMty ea tiara. roaiaiuiag for the tiua o Julym ibia ' Slate, f parp.aaa of guard sad" patnd. It ia deairrd that tbey report wiih ihnr lioiara with Ut deUy at ibia Camp M Cauip VaoCtt, uear Morgaatiai, aa may be nunt wviat. i I- CUiieiia wha deaira Ut pm,ni,Wbe aale ly aad iatervataof tba- aratby dwaraf o( OVxarliuii, or who deaifF loaavaihfir iinjK burbiJa ftnn ilia ioeV'table iiiiachief uf ina ravdiuj, terror aad inaeeariif tba.- inuat f'mw ittl Y lha preaeace uflawb dewnera aad akalkera, caa ba made aaafui bv lend' rtnf their ao! to tha aaruliiuf 4licra. Tbey caa ratdar aerrva as (aides and ia awelHng the aaaibera uf pirla aeal t by authority, A few days. abttfcce, at matft oaty would be mjutred of haio Thar .ia ao pnivuo vf law ouder which pay can be jjieu ibem, but all thoir es wnarauf aubaiatetiee, bxtginf and "Ma(a will ba paid, and a liberal hire ained for iIm uae of tlicoborare, By order af .Oil. PETER M ALLE1T, Commaailanl of Ovcrit for N C". :. J. W. Maixstt. Adiuiaot. ' i" TREASURERS ffiFlCEy - Waatero N. C. RailR.d.: " tatesville, S.CL. IDib Aa , IC63. THE tlOAUn. Diretorar lha WValml HJK-itXLiMMIVgJhisiliiy ilrrlaiad a drvi 1 .. dead of (our M) pr t-i.l m ih t'ap.lal .t-k I " AH 4A) j- -aernt mwJUKoewr'tm-f -gfteriaegl at Sept. leU. SlvCkJkJdi.'t luuM frawirt tbW4l- -este nf Hlneki - Those setxf n power. of atf.rf - will mill lha earn to T. If. Mctlori. Clerk. 3ttA -i R- F. SIMONTON. Trtaa. AdmiaioitratorN Notice. ZV ' 1 - ' :. -L HE subsenber haying at the Aaguat Terra f His CiKthty Court of Howaortikea. Letters . of Admirrntralioa aeatrdiaj tn tiw,on Iba ea ' Ute of Cbriatiaa Briurle Jrc'd., beieby ajires aotiea tt ail craliur i f said estbia, to Praaaaf. vnr ciajma Juljr anlhealiaataAwitbiatha tint a vS4bTVw7tut that jtrtrriTaw-aa tbia aoticiwATae plead ia bar ot thair rseovery-.' D.btors U tba aetata will slaopWa make pay. . Bieat iaamadiauly. -y D. L BRINGL&, Adra'r. Aag. t9ta. 186)-teti - - --I-- TUB alHGflT SIDE, "" r 1 "T 1 - !U ftl e.rl tkin a.. 'Aad being ho pbilueiipher 1 1 Malfra Mil wluU Wheiber tk beedtvof the star - . RmIm ia ate or it. . loaf aa I tea are the b'glit Aad revel ia its beam 1 eere a4 if aa A eeboriU -Caa pew it all a draaae I - loag aa I cm aa a aatlta . AimI frl It vaa U ma taaV It aaiaaraia juM aa tl( laa waila alLera . "Lt atkara raaa aad aapfai , Wttb facaa bnf aai nrf I luv all tbal'a bright ia ' falaa aud aia ' Aad aN Ib.lV pUaaiaf bad. -la aocb rr6uvd pbiiuaophie Mf aml caa tab au part ft aeaaia ail fabvbuud iv nv ayea, AH treaa to Mbaart.r Aedrat t dnaol qoita foqrrt Ranh'a fViriea auon are pa at, Aad tha tba brifbiart day ma at la aafry cbaida at laat. Bal-ai it aaaa I nrnat, I rU Kropracala lha flow, 8fEciajnlo uti Iba ill . That m bla'a aariaao ro.s afa raa tk kamr tlat lUnA," Ail utbera fo fur blatAa, At Jriua I ariNild aaVr rapiaa, Bat or ft;al fir I fcaaba. Tm ibaa iba btrda aad doarara ubey - Tbrr jnatjttct f r ba EfiU Brmtkig mt mmg aad rawfi .'cil a'ay, .Tal aaaVa aad cWd l mil HAVE WE A COVEltXOU AMONG US? The eperien ..f th lt week in atl5ir thoak oanfat rrlby Wfme- bM tttni at tme rnleripuiif Jrtatorr. Tb? fa-t h S'"' madi patrut tlat wt bava a in in li iubrraatorial chair. All rotwi a.koowlilthal the citizen of ltipU-e, the pvp!a of tW vho! Su'e, and tba. an-, tltortiwa of the CoiMerm:f btv finiud ia , iov. Vance' a fn-nj alio baa rved tteiit J lrJwl(,;y fijbfuiK aird roont efii.ieallv. . . ... . . I pa11" llu. rv,-klt- auidw-ia itl aiM.llu r NlalM ttr t tr mrn-st :'T lltrft lawl em. leoce, Iwten to hia loqn.nt vimbcatioa . of the di:rn:tv of the Sla nd the riirhts of her citiz. nj.. nnd are a.-l .el-, nroorie- ty by lm bu.n.ill ,'da au.i uaJlant bar- ibV ForHi.. lW tl,o motaeat the tiif iag rebuke whh-.u even their thrateuiag UytrtaHa i.a.1 not restrained, their .rntbu. a..i. M,mirti.,M krM.b. r..,tl. ; ..r-.ln im! and hearty brers. Thoin-b engaged ; ' - w kTTiBwav aa a uavauaaK 1 in a tnoat dtfputaWe work, they are still jnU iireet word. nJ deeds of doubt Soulberu. ..aoldiem, juid delight to bojior ,,HWHHy ; but, that tW great heart of tlie chivalry, aavi Courage and the loval- ' North Carolina isitili losafand true, no ty of a true man. .s'ir, l v, a more sublime ajmUble i ever wilu-vd, than that ioi;k' ci:uen,uiiarrnedaiid aported 'ft no show vfjur&i, elaudii oo iu the midst of a crowd d ansjry soMiem, and by mu ral suhbiou alone relrainmg their excited prion's traiinlnriuiiii; ih.ir haired of an oilier fntu twlmiraliou of himjlf, and in dutring thein to return t their quarters without furl line ditiiiiiKl rai Lma if viiil.-iiruT . Can words u.ie the s-Tvice rendered to ibis nity. to the Slate of North Caroli na and to th.- Confederal entire bv the restraining in licence, winch Gov. Vance exerted on that memorable night when the work of d Unction bad cxninenced, and tbvro was bulb the power and the will to compleVH 4t f Aain, wheti public indignation at the first act of violence sought to-expresa itself in deeds Cjul!y at reprehensible','' an ap oeaJ for aucijor is immediately made to (overnor Vnlice, even by those who bad once cloned in Iradutin-' bun. Ilow does j he respond f Doe he reineinber the tn 1 juries of t!fr p.tt f lluua he Mop to make j teims with bt e'lemieaf !. he muni- fest, an yiuir.tr of iTial "tfuculency and vas cillation" wbn h have ht tn tH.sely .kl tnbuted tu mi by corrupt partizans lor their own unholy purpoa.-, No, a tbiius and "tunes' no"! J5ut oil the ot heir hand. re",n1ii f,f Hi tloft note. which C:tMtYY "otaii'helioa With theilT. "'H arrnonntes hTTmrH tfie rhamjion of 4lia bw u ner all i-iit-iunaUtncea nd eqaallr against frielid or foe. 1I declares hl de- termination to rMriiti a!J further violence and rwtalialion. eu iClht?t'erceire bayo- nets Of NeTthtr4Hi-S4dKS -itatwdinc mtrtioiilraf, rpJ . ..na arlw. ,ih"ed oe brought into requiftilKMU Anorta a worI, by his" d'-cisiwn of character, bis ready eloquence arid bis consummate tact, be succeeds in curbini tlie pa.oos of (be ae4a4a'"prev-eiuiia destruction of property juhOnvfu fusion of fi-aterns) bktod.-- ' - ' - '-. " Just a he bad convinoed tbe soldiers of hia loyalty to tbe sacred cause of Soutbera iodependxooe and of his. willingnesa to sa riflw bwon nr. u jwww iu inHapi.; Uu to ImI of L:a Strte and of Wede-l v JeieHnlnnih.tf w protect the righu iff it'ilr'S .:.u ail r .l ,l..f I..... ,rt(i.l.C.Wlmuua,.d: wbo haa tlt cojiraa lu do hia iol tluir . - a ' . a ia evrj, mr;(Hicy. vorn.jenca i in a l(rMt natura, rralored j J aiioo yields to mora ki'idly autiineoU ; Tjt-cl for tkrir Obkf Kaxrala and. an abidia fniili ta hiadetarmiuntioo to d'vwm t-vm baoded juatica taka lha pl;tc of iburd'tlrut and raarBtmeot.abb-b Jd loaad Ifcair aj iuto ao moj baaoiu;' and an era of bvt W tteiim ia iaxaMlLaier tnaamtt nn der Ui) attspiwa of lha man who baa lL Dfr ud tfia to MMitrol ll diacordaot altrioeula of tboaa Ivmpiainoca timra, . Uavina; tbua aurcrvdrd in rvtrainiag the viobftroa af tha aoUiara and in alUyinj Uiecxcitvrnanl of tba peopta, wa tarn that ho tiunxidtaiely ouiamuaicMtrd with tha Preaidaiit prolealiaf in tba nam of aa L'uutrajrril and taralwd Sinta aj(aiit tba rvpftilion of aacu btwltsaa.acta by tbo per sona in tlw at-rvica of iba. CuMrvv-- aiid lli)ft,tir rtponMlo lira apprala, priMiipt 4Soit maamtraa ba -hnvtt idopd by th adminialrauou .to prwent the per petration of aiinilir drJa of violftic. If thin bo correct, and we ara convinced Af tl accuracr of tha infnnti..n, we fel f illy persoaded .bat. lho.1. there mar U uiane amaiiL' 11s who honorus onro with .1 w-........, .. .1 ,r il J.m tU aaaea, of oa.ra.r- and tl le inort unprovoked of ineuita, ibern .will be no further dveloymeut of tha "mob writ" in North Carolina, and that her rot.JejrueU) their itiiinct of lotsitc and- t - - .- - --n - . t-.. .t - ct'iix r am, will qu'etry sulW'iit" them- selrrs to the guidance of their wise and patriotic Governor. What -ver lha) envy of bnffld rivals or the tualice f diap",,.ed polilu'ians may fft againat tivwa-.VataV'av.ta''AK turo, no ritflit mindel n!iii will deny, that in thm'eurfcrjjency, he acted the part of a iiiire i.:ilriiit hikI an With- vlti Mllun tllHl t 11 I 1... ... 1 i . 1 ".1 : e .1. . 1. .1. i 1 1 ..-.I v r...m l. J 1 inmnimi 1. m wry ,. hvih tim - ; ,f -.-.r. and h,v bi.naelf l.e i iu,.i.i'..I r.....l .. 1 h-in tl. .i.,t I t.i... i....,f ;.. ,iv It ,ru. that our .o.de hve Ikw. ! I Ativ.n !,., xQ Ar,,.,, t,v thn inaulu ? 1 deeper J ibeV received and the wri)n5 llwy LWdauflewd at the hands of the Adihin-! : .. . i z. c . .i ...-.I m au hour of irniation have U-en Mraved TajrKI lilfl SS II I 1 1 1 1 71 W Saaa I 1 1 74 1 Xilllir Itl I lirill 1 dirceri.iii man willden. With au un- preceiliiieq uimiiimity. and saHCity which does them the jin-atcst " Vredit, the citU- r.s of this Stale believe in Governor Vance aod are willing to tni.-l in all tlit concerns their honor and their interest. Ltl the Administration ihow the same appreciation of hia character and inten tions let them listen to his siifrzeliM, ....... I.:. .-..a, .m.n... " I.; i u ,' .11 Will vrt u well. WVlbail I not attempt to paint the other ide ot the picture, but wiil only iwy that it hack ground is a dark one, au.l that its Viutlmrs are traced iu crirooa. JUL Progrtt. Dmrl Bttvttm Ladws We fiud the follow ing paragraph ia tha Philadelphia Inquirer of tna 20 : Oa Monday foremioa. tve-al ladies, while on a vuat.lo a friend's bouae, a abwt diiaucs from Gray's Ferry, ware auiuiiig ibeunaelvea by aingine and dancing, when ue of the ui a reatdeut of D.ltimora. assg a verse f ine Bon nie Blue Flag; cue of tbe ether ladirs jealingty said, MyoU are a re bat," at which en.rfb.er com mrnrtd lha fonthera Manvllaiw ; when it waa fiaiahed, tbe My who had been callrd a rrM, aid "I w1hfcwo had pinala, 'I'd fight a duel witb you for catting me a rebel. At tliia. a daughter of lha peuilcinan at wbuae house they were, aaid : "Wo have piit iu the house, bu ttle v are nt loafftd." The v were brought; and, in order to gie il tlx? form of a duel, f.- J Uncet wera oieaSuri-d ia the riKMil, tne lucliet Ilrfttiot ttjeifTern jgWusl4br..wba.lba U.! rt b.i hi ll r'4...l'"?ih';'L. rebe4, oaid t wtJ i 01-4lo ttbair, u lM) to die eay. W'oru a irajfUin given, ai t.ie BaTriiiwr tadyrwhn- htjd a self-eisckieg f :v4, palled the,rigr ani basg went the pit!'; iereinacrejirn.wa" heard, and ia au itislaut the ruotn waa.nlU-d aiib the members of the family, when il wa daeoverad thai two of tle iA m had arAatMd : the Uallinore JdV in -din aaav ' aittiuff psla wiih Vrnr ia her ehair; one ball had Baited ibrough bar dre on the left side, gring tha akia, wbi in the leaf of a table on sltieh she bad rested her area wera eight d simct ahot bolaa, and ooe ballet embeaded in the wood. Tbs pUl bad been loaded By a by oa la-h ef Jalyf bei the charge had. " -beau. awedJTha JEidiri were soon restored ie eooacioosness, aad eo ateeeed to realise tbs danger of meddUng with n-rtne, a warainp. t ia aaedless teaay, they will aot aWeard for the fatarsi - from the Cberteetea Ceer'er. . ! Thelssaelt en Fnrt laejter. '.,- j - : :..J f;WPiOUS RKrULSEojr tBT.Eilt Tba neart of tba aaaalt oa Fort Sum- of general oongralulation among onr eiti MO. Ila JWlUal aaUtoaiMra M X- lul.id. Tl.- eaptnrn of oaa baadrad and tfurn Yankeea, tndwd.ng amoral epromi- nmf naval .4Hra, will bve an importaat ; faring tn lh futura progrraa of tba aiega and tba conrfnet 6T tna aamj aadef Dags of Iruoa. Ic will .k, add aeolbar to tba kjaaona tl.ey bav. Wmw, jbat boararcr .inocb- aurwrior: ihoff aatagocfeu tbey nra.in- wvigbt of iwetal and tore of 'fi9- jMctilr. the contrat whenever it eoma down c an actual trail tf imlM-idoal pluck, always piaut tba . victory on onr baoner. rerhaat, however, in tL instanea they were Jeotived," and although prepared to 6rht, tbey did not axpedto tnaet more than ao insignificant gtard, who were to ba a(ee1ily overpowered. Ba tbia aa it may, I hey were rgregidaaly mittaken, and when with a thooaand men and a score or mere of bJget, tbey arrived at tba base of SiRnier, it waa to receive a puoiabment at.. tteharKls:of.. onrtkrara. troopa-lUat will a id to, if not tHiMirate, lha already ditacrul record of Yankee defeats. J'be rod book tell in tbat 4tlm battle is not to tba atrong" aud tlw Scripture ! D " V T'.TV , -m. t . .1 V itr ' m . 'r . .. . . . J tl ClwrteaUrti JSOUHoo, Mai. Julius A taDinanding. and perhaps om or two other ooropaniea, wnosa names we hv not learred the whole' under tba command of Maj. Steven Elliot, Jr. whose irMilantrr ueetofore bH already iniule. bun familiar to ail -w W wndied lue-progress o. tit-no. iiiTmadlafe. TbrougLout the 6erce bombardment of the day tbey bad remained silent spetfta tors of the tight gving on around ibem, and patient 'y endured the ateadj pbelliog from the fleet. At night, however prepa rations were made for the anticipated as miiiil i .iiiniMiiini nrrr iiuiLrii VMaunra ' r . , . ... Itonits within the ruina, and wi'h watchful e.T, Tie wuhitow "' - , - . . . 1 a , . . tIMHf tMwta OM P""ned to 'heir keeping. .. Su' condition of affurs until !"out half Hal . ui. wbaa. suddenly fronT S.uth l..ce tlreVe was espied advancing inrouijii- iuo giooiu, a uunir-r 01 oarjea, r,,,BHled ?boul mnl J??.,D 'A lationjiie of an eye witness, "blacs wiih V. --e - -i. ' ineii. l lie alarm was instantly given, and in .a moment more FcrU Moultrie, Jobtiston and tlie gunboat Vhiton opened tire in the direction of the approach. The iNtt.lion lined the walls of Sumetr, aod as the Federals landed on the rocks, received them i witfi sharp voltiesuf mtW keiry, which added vonfosion to their al ready bewildered movements. A strong party of the enemy uow hastily gathered and made an attempt to climb over tlie ruins ul the sally port, which bad been torn ilow u lv the tremendous fire of tber land ItttHeritn. . Our men received them breast Mu br'",sl' " WHjK-traia ana l.iiruijr in splattering snower or nans. Sonus bolder than the otbers,adabed for- ard, and seieins Yankees, one in each hand, dragged them by main torce iuside. I Thus the bgbt raged for twenty .or tnirty mmiites, when the Federals, finding them nf- overpowered, and likely to be cut to pitvH, threw down their arms, 'tretre-ated to lite Richer of the walls and surrendered. Thoee who remained in the boats not id- rt itJy landed, made tbeir escape under tbe cover of the night, followed,' however, bv the spiteful balls of tbe batteries above, named. . ' ' Thus tbi engagement bfi-f but decisive, xwi). The remaiuder of the story is told ill H levy WOIO!-'. : Oa our part, not a man was hurt On the ;ii t of tbe enemy one was found killed and niueti-en wounded. These were all found lying on&ide the fort oil the rock, fcf-the dVh at aV VrrrM-f ptiw- Ten -of wnr. -; f lie etfectTif our Are Tm 1 lie (argifs is unknow n, but from ihe sound Of cr!limy- loards and the outcries of nieu, an well as from tbeTacl that two or' three lr3iS" were subsequently seen floating off Morni Uland, it is balieVed that tbe loss Iuo been very- great. Our 'capt ures, besides thirteenofikeri jnd one hundred and two men, consists of four birgtss and three fli One of the IaU-r coniei!iates for all the bricks and billlels thrown, teiug no less than tbe identical gridiron" (Carried from Fort Sumter Jn . 1EJ51 1 exhibited to a monster masa meet ing in ; New York "shortly ailerV taHed. cheered and prayed over aati) almost sanctified, wrapped around tba goaty limbs - ' s ;- !' - . of old Scott; and finally bWught buck t.W', dar-eath that it should be victoriously re- Dlaftled ott the Walla whera it area fl-at' J lowfvJ in iwwiWik M' fit". net- da; ftigbU 4 For tMa priaa tba memorial, and afiall- taka good enra that 1, ilD, ralrreH In fta rlMf-l m ti)ull ba , reltfoualy prraerred 9mon tI,tlnroenioeaof ibis retoarknUa troMla. i IncidenL aimiJa aa it ia. .!. .K. lbr-' u . f. Jvg.y.Bce earriW out j irMj ba eminooa - jr lhw our.d,rk boura of tba rlorioaa , tBCWMI wbW w5jj ,,eBttlnT raward oar, ,..-,. rW--?' 'r'-vr-r r-? Tba. aajinV Vera .' oaiet' aU-daV: aaatar. day. Tlie mooitors were lying behind il orris' Island, - evidently undergoing re pairs. Most of the ' nriag' doH was by onr batteriea on Jane's Island, which an j npyed the workers Comminfs' Point by a steady stream 'of round shot and sbell at intervals of ten or fifteea vjjihntea. Darin tbeday a large number of empty ammunition boxes, thrownorerboaxd by tba enemy during tha engagement,' were picked ap in the harbor. A portroa of a vessel was also found badly marked by a shell. -It had evidently beenTOrtt olffrom' one f the members of" tlie fleet The enemy sent in a flag of truce yea terdary morning and was met by a boat -' fiom Fort Samter. The bearer of the ' " Yankee flag of truce was informed thai no flag of truce boats could be received " un til sat isfacte-y explanation 1 was give why -tbey fired upon our flag of truce? Ve learn tbat the enemy's boat brought a let ter bag and dispatches for Gen. Bcanre gard. - A propoaition was made by "the f Admiral taaendaSurgedn"t6 attend lo"- the Ff"drljiro a Bargeon having been already ; detailed for tbat work. Tbe folLaing is a list of (lie officers cap tnred in tbe assault on Fort Sumter. . -E- P. AVfllittmay commanding gunboat . Wissabickon. - I ... Robert L Meade, Lient. U. 6. .Marines. C. P. Hovey, Master's Mate, U. S. steam er Powhatan. '. . Benj. II. Porter Ensign "U. 8. New Ironsides. -v- Edwin T. Brewer, Lieut, U war TIiiiHatniii 8. sloop of Lieut. S. W. Pleston, U. S. Admiral's Flag Ship Philadelphia. Lieut. Geo. L. lionmey, gunboat Caoan- daigua. Ensign S. C McCauley, gunboat Caoan- daigua. O Lieut Charles U. Bradford, U. S. Ma rine, wououed. E. G. l)ay ton, Executive officer on board the Wissahickon. iJhe priboners were all brought over! to tbe city last evening. Tbey were taken iu rbat-j-e by Capt. W. J. Gayer, Provost Marshall, who entered their names, tc. after which they were lodged in jail. 4 . 'A Joke on the Quartermater.-A. cor- respoiident of the' Mobile Xt6aNvteIls tha oilowmg: ,-. . . Tbe tollowing good story ie told on my good looking frieud, Maj. M, Chief Quar termaster of the Department of Mississippi and East Lousiana. Shortly after the' evacuation of Jackson,. Major M. was or dered to Demopoiis, and whilst ou tbe cars en rente, be was showing to some friends a magnificent watch which be bad alely purchased. AH were lood in tbeir ' . a - a a a -V praise ot tne eiaoorate cnasings ana gen eral appearance of the watch. . "What did it cost you P asked one of the party. ' ' ' Ffleen hundred dollars,"" replied the Major.- ''.'!- ' - A dilapidated looking Georgian, who had bis "furlough" in bis pocket, and was making tracks for Hall County, bad been sitting quietly listening to the con versa- 1 lion spoke up, saying: "Mister wfll you please let me see that t-(-!tt-rta replied thg-Majori-jrandinif JiPoi;-r.,:;: After looking at it very attentively, as if Josf in araazt-metit. for sonw rfW-;wbich - bad caused the Major, to oudge several geotlemen and call their attention to loo manner iu which he was examining it Georgia, suddenly looking up, asked '. ' "Ilow much did 'youans give for it d:d you sayT "Fifteen hundred dollars,'-replied the Major. "Then S-ouans' must 'either be a d d fool or a qaartenaVaster'replied Georgia, banding it back If tbe Major -did tkirUd tli4- irinka . wa tball awaya ba oogfct to have dose so. . f ft i i t f v X ! - - X i -". t : " I ! I h! n ' ' -:.;. ,...1