J i. ..J L.J L J AVECnLY. V-Xi J JJ- . VOL. XXI. SALISBURY, INI; a, OCTOBER 2(j, 163H NUMBER 23. J 4.. .j v. ' 4 i - 4. kditok rorKirro. frit rtfcifBkki rrotn and after Am data, and until Acre h aehangsja tba paan of piwiotB paper an J oilier article rrj wired to carry oa bwi nees, (lie uboeriptio teles of this paper w be toe iattan tx MX atwatiu) and tW W- lar for year. - at hMitiir) . j .for fa out ( Cuopro, wc varwsshaB iw- hilars for too if. aad !." ft f-'ort S? ... I- wo does stool to she- army oolr. ma ootlar far each b,ue.t p-Umtk-. April ZOtfc.. lKOA v ..tgaAcn.i' 1 t.-rj:-" To tie Vnhmh tk IZgktk Or'1'"" iJisti-id, campoHd W CVooXmo too- loo, Xtoeoh, Cart w ooi CVtwW FeiaowGttim: Uiog, ot leof-h, of r modi ouowoiikble ockj o4 wkk mmh 4iSleoce, Kx4d to the owbcoof mj (rami, to'bcoouM a coadiott lvrAinsrov I kwtea toonaouooa the lmr.tf ooJ uk thw meiLwl f poClisliMi o ijrowVM of nj rieora, oo the Ht prmnioont oubjeott of pubuc wicroat 1 waaardt-my oUacheJ to Ute Uowo of .oerkiLera.aod labored for iU pTouocoaip y nktirUAtthe . jnth.tbe e pnynnx ontif - ia KlwweraaKaaioipMi-aho kw- U tW of eeents," and tfie (aotoua procUraalioo of' Ori. AbrahaiH LiWoola, left uo allrrrtire, mmf TW' "IteHy iaade. IkH i talc- in aruia. aritk the ded 4kaU-s for the i.-uce of our cooiia W io lbe-e e ofpecalaboa rili GuMMiitDtli 1 aoa..Word ia the'?0 . ood I a aa faror of their m- a. rtkia of North f!iolrowiie North- hot odd he correta U rediiced, Rtat- aad Boar. bcAJin chnr fA.,, etearir of tit iocreatfed. this - aa eoetoiea in War, and ia praet (n4. i I rtffard a rifwirfroawoftuO of a oefco- i aire wkr aa the bKat areooe tb aatiuoal Je aeodeooe, and aa hoqorabte vmoe. j A chrwuao peooie, tiooeec, mium oot m kw.il and lia award ia IhautlMr. Aad. raaemexii Mr. Ltaoak Jbw,eal!j a j aouoced that - any p. couae ail j . .,i " i ik. ... r . ootttrolfiDit (tie amy, I think it adrmble that j avatv-ttakwjr power T the Goeenrarat.r t Jt icOB id t pmif Ja. Whra mvum are ricfewwoa. aa thVf now arw, pruaMituaa lb? peaoa, oa the baaa af our oatiuaW h- ' yendetiee, may be wade and rrairti iU llie l-al prrju.itr to ogr int-M atid br- at h,.i t 1.m aArm in n. thai tk. i power, cannot be eourrty aeqimed f per-1 witting upportuiiiiwi U thia -ort to pa ey without proper imprornmut. Kntnut. the ofMtuua that tue jDecriiy a!kvaJ for the Unactaiootof tli tiicnpt Uw inoVrd, fit eter existed, wasthe rejmU.f aantAee- ' a.- .j- i ." t t. i ( vmmM H w viMir v. wwmew r. .-. ... ,,T fol COOJtiUilionaliiy and eprdi-y. I h1 ac aaairx, ami rvjraramz ut dtioi- be too aviuoire oaiar MMwtoi umM4-, wf:T , ; 7. a- 1 e prioctpkLkjisAiijvotredi aad a hraee f?! L?J Mrr tKoIW-hriwlirf-.lJ tari ami- kaatai awt Ska a mk ; r - f - " ar - i a. .a - m m ; j - k l law & h - - " . at a - a not fcare eoted tor tlwm, if I !:al Oreo in '"" -nx. . Kru ana carnagr, Cotigrrsa. But 1 f not prupow ihtar rt-pr!, ; 1 tw Ug d4ajed beeaaiing a caodi an4 adriee a proitipt and cJrrfuJ a..nr- wewitwikwidiarirt. A partial eeoce in thir rfquin-mrni Uw rs erro d-arbie. mar be prevented mklJi a K , ... i k..u .1 : be WMtaavaf af afM aaJ JtHooiiauM. Ib- atmr 4U!tinLM ium-Ii Lukim It til rum wm. r. . . , aary to modify, 4 not entirely abwlish the : JCxetr.ption ecu - Neitberthe Tithe, the Fiuhn nor the i KMviu any otlier rne tlian aa" the rriuli of "ectora at hojne aoe oo tie 4 L of No imprr!dcM legktion. The " Ui ia kind.- bert W the amy on the 29th of October, portion of rf Tube kw, alild be twahfiedv w-tans.aiun 20 day, a to operate ntore particuUily on tho!e pro- i Mart Ile-prct&iJl'r, ducte. not nedRwary to the support of amaj4 JAMES G. RAMSAY. life upon the farmer. The surplus should be taken ; thoae who have none, should not be reed to give what they cannot spart; while j fhoae who have, should give it aH, if neorsaa- J tf. jmi t iu ftllWuW Kaw tkLaa..) Mbrall a j eure fooiing and the Titlie kwt wal be a , foopi neowaary. ; ft' L t . - t a - f in. impreasrueni taw is wot rrjiro, YaV tit Iwsj finnalBii af' Ia hsvarwla waitli' swuwa taint, that the pronsion of the Constitution ' wliich deckrea. that tWivai nmaeitv ahn I -xaot b 5T, aot be taken bTrpubtis u ithvicoai- pensalion shall not be viokted. It adauu - of rgrave doubt,. whether property can be laKt-a RMcoaa0inoa, aodrr a v.oo9UtutKa ' wttica UroiU its tsiking to the war of that ::::: ...... i m.Jc.S.lTgO!H dent wiih thia, power. The prroonal hbrtty viiege ol tue nt vl Uubw tWyw. Urn- ; af yr ttH a Jajafaaat CW galfc. privik7eoftim.mRtoTmvaTiaolree-i lleast. " - - - . Bien. Iiichzlert wouM l cloih Ot Ibe people ahould Dot be iq the keeptntf of any ooe man, however pore or exalted. Mr. , JctTerson was . in favor of . - the etrrnal and wirctBitting force of kaiau caraas kara," and history has not yet proven that be was wrong. Juiw take care, how we part with liberty ia order to obtain more ; fa tbat . way we tnajr, aocae day, lose what we have. "AO , political power is vested in, and derived from the peotik aTiy,'' and their right to the fttw !" of speech, and to afrre Presa; lb keep . arkl to hear arms; to" aaastnU aocetber to onsult for their cotnmoa good : aad avt - t drpnved of tie. therty, or propettT, wnV . : out due process of kw-eJI these and more, art eorttUtuiiooal rights, formidaUe to ty rants ouly," to which. I turn wiih almost kU trog deyxKioo-Higf can they be svapended nIo5rf4 by we pNXk, ther repW sarttauve. ' Tarr are tbaa I Wnf tbVr are few vW4aM.iMM feaiieauat who edv- ii"" T Caavts of Jastjoa the omtuWf 3 tier kw by MJrurw kw the wMKCOlntitM of tit ouk bmof tU fwopk fa the haada of eaduary Qaief, tad la redactiaa of the ar JMMfH poaiibaa, to perfect Baachina o wo4, her DtcUtor, and waaM obuia o Mtaj4efMn. Wheth- i0v. by. J e-o; J bat Barml h, wrac Mm ahohtiOQ all evil kwcaas exist ia the Cooled- oiorood oohia their mnctito sphere auaJ tbcM oajcsty inoaLilid opooot ol ettrodero, wLehtr of otaroo or ookiura ; oapreUny kt oo ace to R, thot rrputucoo Kbertjr auflcrt oo etnoeol v The hobit of kfsktiag ia oocret, m iocoov ootlbk wkh tku atrioi oceoootobibty, of the wotei ou tire to hie coooutarot. obch of the tttj uteaceof fnte(Oeernoteat; ood ooth kc boi the SMMi inexorohk occessitT. offect- ingr the eety 'eolrotiuoi of the cououy, coo eakifV ia ouotimwocr.' r A The orjrMOktMi of the CooMerote Uoe- j erAotrct thooM be coojpielra, aoeooo ospeo ortk, by the inHitotiea. apoa proper bose, " T ? V !t HM OMT Of tUS roary. Sfecukuoa aod "hirtwav Us wiU a free BMaaurd e- t , . "tfhu 4 the &ate iMi foafded 4, , " r""'" rr?ftLor her aofcla., ia the fkU Uao aad paUwtaf with aay m (he world : aad hrr reoc4e. at hoaie. both P comr-rvl irmat that they be! aoo ajaae, aad I eB net ad tonrge r r , rrtorart, and hoU ti :ai5:ra- ; lDO P to tfce coiklraBBauaa ofiie peor4e m PjoB. dnrree it. To toe 1 (P ery cocMitouooal ea- ro t aod tutxor 10 llW i pk erery rit4e prot-ctxi ia xbnn aocteat ln aruvaracaa IUU Uiin. credit aad re- .HHnlcrna hbertir. afawaiVd; and I haB oar all Uwtol huiwraUe Skrta to bnr a&out the hartJ; rarcoij Hesmp ot peace . Iod-f boT hat auoie one would tMOW ha would fG9 re- nrcsetit thana. thtwa. aiul tiar &n &!imr L ; ? - " !. nil- .rKIM. i.T.. .V - i'P! ; BMaajivoaent of. the utrreb at Stake, v w .ir - !.., i . t ! mnl PP1 thoa wao endorse these iews . Waa la rt ihat they area widely dissfetw-1 t'a ' I", both mi home and ic the 1 NEW MUSIC ; rt'BUUEO BY tea. Dan & C., Uichnond, Va., AND Jf U15 L iaMI r.tmabia. . C "T ? VaUTHmm. ? J- Tho-aa, L" m? t mm,fnr i " . byHoa Wy Vat 7 AaiAirva.Va fcsf aJf arwVrjM, ifraale State Aaaitr L.riieuia ' tf.aW raaiIWrt ay Ga. Jackaoa. Kff Jf 4aa. JsWW-DueL Tat StmthJ. U. Hewilt. JUt QnH alaag tU iateaaar e-atfl. II. UewiU. '-' AUjrijttI un yooJ paper with Or- ' 7 K1TTAIL rSIC,l KACltr TVs traaV saaaard at "hah aff." with aa Ev frreeat-abeaeaa baairrdef aay aWhaaaad. Va- SrU. IHX. w t liLAiNK DKKDS v rOR SALS-AT T.-il OFFICE afimi juran i aw. uwriail f reaca .Wa- aie. " . ': " fwC"al M aaVWMVV Bleak JVaak iUaavaa taa Beat eaa- aaaaw ... er A IfcdtmaM. ; v-r,WaA. ---r3koi -ioJuroWjSL rtsccovriaf GuiTii rua Tie rilwmu TAiLoaa, oi aar , . ..-.( tkOJMOTJTV Ot COMMON TaKkioi ' Taorrie 8Z. Ifora. la VaMtMfOM CUf NMf Ketna4 awa, f AWMIMMaaiWOMIMlt) 1 1 Ml OH itatf M kUfM M I Ma, at ymH tmt fe a Own (hkaiaf tt w oirOl wa lamta t , ! a tmm 4 1 a f : M 8MO Vka atoaaaa Ummt J Btln4l Aa4 n4 ar Ovy I W 0r . O Abufcio llatwa I mmrmlum aVaa U la, . KlMtafloraMyaay MaataMaa.MIarBy, v VaM tea wiiaal ak AbrakaaillaMlB. Bit oaotr V 0a kha al Kkeat'aae arw. fkaluiaf ; tt m am mat a Wf af Maa aarw it M ayUtWai AWakaa Lwwalal fflAyTaaot,tth)aMe. - ' aa AbraaaaUawai? .a m ajaMtac ha fwa, aa ai rata aa aat, pat Maaf aa Njat OJaf, atomr h vcat, TU a apilt a Om wtka TuUt aiia ; . Oa aa aaaaary at aa auraoaaf, aot U tf tola Aa4 a ariil, aa4 a plHr TOIaaWlaMaMi Of to laaoii aM aaMUMUM f Tata Abraaaa. Uaaala, 07 aty, a a WaiiiliriKMiailiit tW a task aa Bk Aat aar Ub Oraac Oataaf Itv bte babaaaaaaraartrtr, aat a aMi a af ttiaaa aot banaa' v'" BWtblr CUavaaaw, gibaaa ar Uaa awa, aat la a alitara af aacb . HaTtof famun ataji ica,' Hag la aaacb Ibai h Oat au I e baa, baa! at a hMMha, ar branort Hka a Oaak7. a an at aa aaataafaigbtr - ta eaJkiaf trust atar aa4 rtigktj ; HVa at fria at a (baa, Aa4 at tUf at a aaat, Aa4 at graa at a'Maolraa Hafti. Abcabaa, Aaiahaau abaaua law t Oa aw ratart at bt( aaar rcOtctiaa ; Aa4 vhOt Uwrrt y aa w bcatacb aa to alak Of mm uNtn wfck m4 imr aarnctioa ! LayatM aB tbiafaa) "baal (a elfian, Aa4 aa aB aJt aalUag af triftcra ; . Aaa hatat yaar gaa bttn, ar, Wi iVii aaa Baaa, air, A Ml daa JoaH aat aatd aar frart lf gcra. la vary aakk Um. lataatlij. aM0, Octoaar lad sO. TU COMING ELECTION IN OHIO. The election of Governor takes -liic in Ohio nek) M4ay:'it i not to be if pvcted that a GoverDrovnt thoroughly r gardlss of law, and having at its dwnotal half a million of bayooeu, and a thousand BuUioca of money a year, will ih election of a man it has already banislied from the munttr. Hut It la lint .(..uhtwl l. I hu aupportera of VallaBdigUm, that a ma ionts of the peopbof lb State. de?ir bi elation. The only important thinsf fo be ascertained whether, believing tbein- selves to be a majoritr, hey w ill, quietly submit to be robbed of their franchise as I 1 aatanu vai Cit-xeos and their sovereignty as a Stale. j good enough to pay soldiers for catching Our own expectation is that they will, j balk, and pray, sir, why wu't it good bat there are some rather promising man- t enough for you I Every 'dollar of it is ifestalion of spirit among the friends of j worth a dollar in pure gold or it is worth Yallandigham. We shall soon know what J nothing at all. Mark that If it be worth they amount to. Tbt Chicago Times, of less, why do you take it) If it be worth Sept 21st, gives the following special dis- j lew, wby are you so anxious to get it aul patch from Cincinnati : We repeat, every dollar of it is worth a Rick. rFTuV, 8 i A. . j dollar, or it isn't worth a pinch of snuff. Aa immense Detnocrstic mass meeting a held ia Cartbaze lo-dav. to hear a great speech from Vorhees, of Indiana. To-aiirhf aa eaaalrr creat nieetiwrwaa held in Fifth street market aiaoe, to bear ! a speech from Judge Bartley. . At Lebanon, yetorday, a. Democratic j procession waanioying through the streets, llhriiblu-ana a.rt iuo lent and threw I stones. The Democracy rallied, and one I rpuUufcKBAsbot dU ia Le baoon is vei J g roat, a iwl f u rt he V 1ioy-1 .bed is aoticipalrd. . At UeerneUE to-dav. a lteoaMican nam-: & - - wk r t . m ad Trumb was shot dead by a Democrat i aamed Lucas. V - j At Eaton, to day, a very large meeting j wa held. . One thousand ladies laud gen tlemen, wera on horseback. As a part of the procession aaa. passing the- depot, an f indiscriminate attack was commenced by throwing stones into the procestioo.. The , democracy, disrooaoted from their bones and oat of their wagons aad took after the CamdeB " were Iitterrupted by thtrepnbS cans of tba place, running a wagoo with a saw log oa it across tba road.. Th de saocracy -ajajertook to asova tba aaina, and fghWMued, ia whicb fire on n tejtib llcana wero'aliot, two ' Inortalljr. ' TkroMa wralo Ibat tb doloipilruii auoukl-bot renira vim ut sdiw woo." lootwi i ' ! Camdao lubeo. .r.m i ! ....: I diiBcullie ia that (ochlitjr ate looked for.' liiea troublea are trewiag ia varioua porljons of the btate, ao o badly scared are the opposition that they will resort ta extraordinary meaaarea to carry la elec tioa. . Tbat they wil import soldiers and voters into the btate, there k bo doubt ; while ruinates in buapitala, all of wbktt are full, win bo gtvea liberty to vote. One aundred Dead Rabbiu, from the five forth of New Yorfcv who fiatred tltrooirh OicmaaU but niifbU'Were ail ar nsted upon the arrival of the train' at Lei- tngtoa tOnJay, and placed in jail. They a ere destined for DoviU,U work a lie kooxville Railroad. They acted outra- geotwly iu the cars and worse in Lexing too. They were arrested in Lexington by order of the military. The kept the peo ple ia tie ears awake all night, aod stole every thing coming in their way. bOKGHUM SYRUP. . Just a' we expected, many of the far mere ar rating this article ao .high tbat the poor cannot buy it. Wo bear of some folks who are ask rig fully a much for it aa Louitiaiia, rnolart iaell for to - Rich moud ! W'e bad supposed bar farmers could afford it at 2 a gallon. We hear of it selling in Chatham at these figures, by the men of cousciedce, while those who have aa little conscience as tby have pat riotism are asking $8 per gallon, in the same neighborhood, and some $4 And ti. Farmers, listen to us : It ia to your inter est to sell your products at the lowest price poMible, for on yon haDge toe destiny of this Southern Confederacy. You have the I poo prodacing clasaee fiat oo their backs. aad your feet upon thir necks will you crush them because you have the power 1 The tanner and shoemaker can alone cop w'lih you they can get your products, no matter bow high yoti charge, ant) you can swap for theirs. So, too, can ' merchants. But for your Country's sske, if not for ha manityV, pause and think bow those who have everything to buy and nothing to sell are to get along. Remember that the sold ier a bo is bareiug his bosom to the "harvest of death11 to protect and defend you and your property, is not receiving a cent more than was allowed him when you sold your product ten times cheaper than you now ask. Why should your labor advauee five or ten times higher, aod that of the soldier remain at $11 per month ! Perhaps you reply, increase his pay 1 . To do this, bis pay must be increased in pro portion to your advance, aay $100 a month; this ou!d make money as abundant as the leaves iu the forcvt, aod about as little account: Besides you would then double and quadruple your present prices. The soldier's $100 would, then buy no more bread and meat for his family than his 11 dollliis will now buy. It wont do for you to plead as an excuse for your exorbitant prices lhat ."Confederate money ia bo ac count." You lib when you put in thia plea. 1( it is no account why take it at ail ! ivny not say, oar me in oricK-naw or laave t joonfederate. money is deemed It is far oreferable to the State Bank money, which you seem so.anxiou to get (pretending tbat you will take a great deal reM for voer product if paid in State money, but knowing this money cannot be had!) We sny it r preferable, we mean ConMeVate money stands ou a niort sol vent baMS. Why I llecause all that the Stale Bnkf are worth bledced tor tins voureueTaie niouvy. auu coat you , P10? '.' "fO R". CtirinideTa f e -riiiey is ) m ai ii. . : r wit. if .... s . Mi uwn uie luiua oi iua ouie iu. tlte whole Confederacy. But we tell you,j furmers mechanics, merchants, ex tort o era and specalators, that road ambition aoroe- times overleaps itseIC aod your ambition to make money oat of thU war by exorbi tant cbargea may prove your ruia iu this way t We will toppoae that oar gallant troopa, in sphe of vour high cbargea and the enemy 'a bait wnqaer tba,. Yankees these, troopa - returning home and finding fjoi mhrrdthetnl vea jKor find ing aa eBorrBoMebt add4ed o U vooniry y your high charges and rapacityfiBding that while Ibey bate been mads poor yo have grown rich they wd ge tor Repa dialivn, aa well to tae thenfaelvra'aa t ;fite eon." : A4 lb men out ofihe army, i who jrvtt ro BuW bleedinV at ererr dot. leganoQ i wurtrewy-jain went-, ir; iTOec,mty tlo nor . . carther I inrealens tonlcderale money vou . carrv ooy you , carrv lbs danger la Thar owa bands. And that danger is extortion.. As .wise men, then, we'eonjure yoa to pause and think. : Bat we have digrefeeL Milton CkronkU. : SOUTHERN GREEK FIRE. ' ; Capt Travis, of Mobile, whose celebrity ia the manufacture and pm of fire-arms w daily iacreasing, invsnted a modern Greek Fir . which will -prove invaluable to the Conlederacy i tba eoadnet of thia war. Two experiments recently fried near Mo bile wera crowned wiib success." A cor respondent of the Register says : Oo Tuesday evening last, near tba Bar Road, in the suburbs, of this city, is the presence of several scientific professor. ordaanee aad artillery officers, CoL Miller, commanding this Yolanteer aod Conscript ' Bureau, other ofEcer of tba army' aod oa vy, a score of ladies and at least ona .reft resesUtiva of the press, Capt. Travis mads two distinct experiments of bis fire or eotn position, nsing on each occasion- leu thaa naif a pint of the preparation a fluid. Both were 'eminently successful, eliciting universal eoromendatioo. Instantaneously oa being exposed to- the air tba fluid be- - came a blaze of fire with beat intense, re sembling that of a liquid metal in: the smelting process. A pila of green wood into which it Was thrown ignited immedi ately like tinder. Without delay, within tea seconds, number of buckets full of ' water were thrown upon tba flames a dense volume of smoke at ceodad, tba bias ing and singing sound of a' quenched fire 1 J . I 1 M I , , . was searo, me ouraiug suia ucxea np U water, destroying its oxygen, a fuel seers- added to the flame, and the wood cracked and the flames arose again defiant ly unquenchable. Oo tba occasion of these experiments, ''Travis' Greek Firs" burned for something over a quarter of an hour id full vigor and force. Its beat is intense, and it flies at once into the body of tba ' substance it touches. Tax nr Kejd IatroKTAirr. In recent fetter from the commissioner of taxes at Bicbmotad, an important rale is lata down for the guidance of collectors and producers. By sec tion XI of the Tax Act each farmer and planter of the Confederate States is required to paj one-tenth of the products ennpmerated therein,' save certain reservations to the Govern- ment Thia tax is imposed ou all, whether gathered or not, except hay and fodder, which must be cured, and peas, beans and ground-peas, which must first be gathered. It, therefore, follows tbat if A farmer gather none of the latter, but turns his hogs into the field, and the crop ' is consumed in hat way, then, as noue has been gathered, there will be oo tax. So, then, the tithe is on ly required upon the hog and fodder ' cvttea, and the peas, beans & ground peas gathered these are all the ex ceptions.. If a man. turns hogs on his potatoes, corn, etc., he must save euougli of each to pay the tithe on the whole. This is the law, and it is by tbat tbat we must all be gov erned. By section XII the farmer, planter or grazier is required to pay one-tenth of his pork that is, of (Ui the hogs slaughtered, reckoning six ty pounds of bacon from ooe hundred pounds of pork. There is no dednc' tion to be made. No inquiry,; aa to how the bogs were fatten!, whether by corn from the crib, corn in the field, or peas, ground peas and pota toes feil in the field. it is all the same. CoL Guardian. r finrrSffiHIl, ywDgmaarvr higunttitj. AndLlndostrf hat- put op plt Kock Iliver, n ear LowndeSvHIe,- - for resetting cotton cardis, ana suao a machine for pricking holes through leather for cardu, all of which are his own invention. His two, looms weave sixty yards of nice clota per day his little daughter attends one of the looms. He has reset over 3, 000 pairs of cards this year, at pri ce ranging from fifty to seventy w cents. - ' - " -Soerrttnst-b fca7fulIr3SBoa aava Mr. Partinetoa. u aslt seems lo1e ; airhdv occorrence for a sentry to be re- bdc his watch, r ...I I . i

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