VOL. XXI. . SALISBURY, N. C, NOVEMBER 2, 18G.5. N UMBER 24. 'WW.' ! MhFrhf I BH'AS COM US. J -i 1 m thij j re.1. ; jjL ojnUdurwtri from v . reus m immim. , ,; r CKirof ...hs iMJLfdSi J" ? , Z j i t . J ' to St P-l- ' On Thursday v Prom and .Ho, tf .Ute, and until therek .liSSTiSft 1 tt&SZ t&JH023 un of ,.oJ ashing hi Ae'.fiiiw of rovU.-ifs paper I lU -Ms fore of ths peopk, in tbe haml MeLendoa to eutVrllatr.- bW o;" Iucceded iu ai McliirkMtita WMuiml ta mn- on Lttr " in rt " '.i - t .iLi j J ""lu -V ti-Viint thoutdr, k4 b tw Ur$U i BionU, Ar Joi- wmmW J , MfUBy j,, Zrt lor jrwr. J r ia w out ol OwiKrw, hki rufwf iJmll w XtviiiT(iMt,ktro W!rs for tbe trrt. nd j chv no aid or eooibrt from, ?. Military ao tl!lr fcr WU' nniMequwit pullicatM. J?.01 1,d r,D w,1Jr- Ajwil 20U. IHCS. , , j tut tf.nl few, : which nu-.. ll.e .bolin --u-s-f -v -r; .-.va'.i.- j of all iv4 iaw'canttut u tu the CuiittMLt ... - .A CIKCULAU. - W tW.la, ait Uilitar b ,tt "-wr-'T-.'. ;4r;j nftn-wiiliin Ibrfr spheres, 3i iftaiCVMMM y iht &yhtk Omyratiom M'' "'jeJjr rkuJicaleJ aia ail offendtrs, ' a.va ti -ZU n.-. f wlirtln uf cuittfiia or aoldiew; ri.wiail ei Zi ,T i l Z. n m, 0m, .4Amm, JfdttemhHrf, jUaeo. 'CAifatcM au C'AMerftiMf.' j Tlw habit of IrgWiiiiuj in accn-t. u Iwm sitowmtsi Ilavins;, at Ujfth, at-! rlU, wit U 1UhJitr, orh r mJi iuaMabW A.U ik! with much '"'""" w"' ' . "K,m , mg tul lUe iik mciyruLk netwiiry. WJcvt Vo become a tUiUdle t Coagr I hasten J iny U ?.fy aaJvalkxi of the couuUjt, can to anowUHX Uw 'tsvt ; nJ ai tliis aietimJ j bty i cutititinaiiqt. f LuUI J.i..L. a au.Aai n. m K niuat iprumitivtit aulawia of my tnlerrwl. I wa ameiitiT at(afttM to . LHton 0! onf MteSCanalioTiarlii-nii with thtf Vitunt ntlrinx el until "the logic"; wurtnx UH utw "the fcw j -ofaveuu, Stil the Uiuou proclamaUon of AHrshiuM trfiwohi. Ut no aJtemli, in ti XV wap of tlw aoktier are utter! toad-J .-.iuitiot to lake p artly with Uw w to hi own want?, and those rf his diitat lor Iha Wen our"co.., iH.i1T..i;. noisily in W tinMa. of nwikioiT pa?tw of .North CanU. bow tW North- 4 t w: Inn wold tl. sWorjr 'he rwlHwd, "i.trJc T Wsr; snu ia peaoe. trieiil ; t tf r wo prwKWHUon n.f war a Ui best avenue satioiuiJ mJ- j3iditot, ami an h'monible p-ce. A ckrirflian t!0pl however, slionM not ' b too iitmttrc oa the wljvt of honor, wlit-a , Vgated t tlwGoiifederate governnieolabouhl ,b PP"M of ,h 8, Kef iia-iit Nrth CaroB iriiHaile k W iitrolel ; and a hraire -o- j U- duly tAm-rvnL lUnoo I detnand for the Mittila, yoa will find biajaubatttata fapaia pis ahoold carrr.th ob branch of pease in Lrgiatre, Jdkn and Esscuttr dectiotJS M li,lf, "wf Ef"JI'BS one Uaod and tN sword ia theotber. And, j of North Camlitm, lull f fedth, emlit and re- ;0w. CTK!rt .I!,,nct- CP" Mr Lincoln ha. an-, g .,1 diu, her aohlicns in the field i t IIUUUU Um alMj Willi FiWMalaT IMtAat r . having rtiJlT power t Hp-n negotiation f. pear;i ulii howevt. a tlw sujavviaiua Y the rrvatr'iiakin.t jtotvorof tbe4oveiinrtit. r toe Jecawoa offcinJ pnupie. Vlraourwii-s ars '"riotbriuiMV ikef w are, proportion T for peaee, on the b.Ktw i our nlraj hide-; t!ie Wt jtrejinYbM to our J( aiHi- aC: th-tJlK in i powrr, atwt h. entimly Wtte4 of p-r- j mittin pportamtK-a ot tin aort to ! wnliwMit ptopee iuprvw.?etit. KatftoiaMur - -ths ota'nwitt thattlirTiiwwty aHv'br lu ! .uot be hrjstie'l,' if mijiowd fey any of those ..'.J.h vh1; and hot pjeopl, at home, both ontriis tte army, 1 think it advisable ihaff fWrjind' comjtent, Iltgisl : MM they le -fhe I'reei'lent xfamtld inctrK-t thie having ajiKitVd Jo fill tft oltiuea withia the State. eoaineiiioi ue wkhctijr w h, iourri, j inuuiqm tne iwpe mat wrme one wpuiu 3rd wawt or power hi folk aud jnnou tuiltit il evt-r esbtetlt ras(h re-alt of wautof fore- ; betmne a caudkbte who. would' fie; eharga Boydea. taaton the patif I !. who (Uaiiaged jaih-;.;jrsfnt tlwjxe vieva, and fm-iin an afiiiofH ' lit. The fraud alleged to iiavabeeu practiced liq 'mftrnm, au4' rayarding tUtt lawf of doubt.-, lumiperahte diffidence to undertake even the ! by Boydea on McLendon i i ihia, that Boy fal constitutiooaifty and xpr4ieav. I couW ' partial owtiapmeat al the intmsts at stake, ; pretence of making r iia a 'preacat of not hare ote4 Jitr them, if -J ha4Wm ! iif thra afipallHia; tiita-suf strilW and earnagev ' reward fcr hiap.trioui.m t jjoine sa -OtBjre CHf fedtuttfiropow their .mnii, I have too knu- uVkyed beumuinir a catidi- j !. had induced .bun to aign the re aud adriwaprotnp and ehsrful apU-s- tlate to cma,the m liol distrit-L A partial j ottt 11"f eThu whK-h uat be apjtar.'itt to aiL tihoukl Um! IV iTofrMiomv duhe tudiMyitutus. Un- th- guomitBiKMi between Bovdcn and the wartontiiine tuoch .W'if, t will ba neors- ! kr rVm diMdranta!s druumstancss,. I ; p.sarnineoU t It ia not aeer-iwrv to eonaiosri uy ttt tnodify, if not euurvly abolwh die J iinh appeal t thow whs endorse th views beeaaaAeff.a Vull examination ibe allegatkm jJbtiiJrtiswOist . .1L-.4 ' ';, j to:artoit tliat they areas widely dissenti- fan far from beiaf proved w clearly dipnved. . -Neither tb Tithe, the Fiinding; nar rR , natej up1':bt''a3'lwuM''aM mHie TThe witiiewi Clarke wor that tif arinjr Bys .finnretwtwttt laws we ueiwnr, tt my Mta-' atiny. ' . t dea wished to paocara a uhilute, and being 4menerm'mntt a'thresufl ) Jttiprov5t'ntIeg3ttkn; - Tlie "tax t kind,' .portion of the Tithe )aw, eliouWlie modified I Im oirerate luoro particnUrly oa tho pro- dm-u, uot ueoeajry to tlje wippoi t of ai.imal life upon ths taruier. Tins urj)lus shovld be tuken: tliO who have Rone. hmld rot be ioreed to jro'a whaf tlury cannot spare; wakile ...we www Mrxa wnniM a " " f ucucnu- ey. i Let Ute currency be plucfd npfMi a se--ure looUng and the '.Tilhe laws w til be no If ths lupressment law is uot repealed, ;et will he nmarr to phi vide. -with' more cer- tainty, that the provauon of the Constitofoon t which declare. tiiab 'riat property aball j not bo taken for puhlio Ute uiiIkhu ioat oa.ni pt aUoij," hat uot be violated. It sdllltt of a wave donuL whether pn.itortv call be ! ' taken or eaaamn'4a, uuder a Conotitntion j' which huiits iu ukuig to the ihaf . prvnorty,. 1 . ile .,r H. tVe(eo.- 1..S... 1..-- . - T - - 1 r 1 , v ' " srvwa """a s.tiifi 1 Iltl litlf f (O-ihlinf krvrsa tr Um nViiiiMoilLii j-wOyjerit 1 tN invaluable to Iree-; h uet lew "-WOMM4 -ekri he- the t'reei-1 - aetit Willi this ower, The NfRfMnial liberty Qt the people should Wot. be in tlie keeping of - 'aWotiB BMrtwerrr jniTf or exaltea.7: iir. JeuWtu Whs in la-.'or' of u tho etflrnsl aud uiiantiittinir forosof noW cornu h i" anJ hisljrry hs-not yet provaii that ho was wrong, jet us take car how w part with 4e-inaitftT-to ... - w" way, goroo day, toss what aw have, "All OUUesl hownr ia vented in. and tl 'rivd from Us ptople sfV." flud tlieir ntrht to tho freo n of speoti, uJ to aftes Press; to keep ! to bear arms ; to. arable Uither to .'"'U for their oominon good ; and but fo" V-- t dus, prT'iawWat Hies and more, rattUohl, atrous aerotioa not sn tlisy bs urpeodsd I wov uwr astrutieT irovriiiiieiit-WuOBUo-1 i . , minwi hhii ! ii "" a.r?s- r ,.. t .i.- ... . i im rmnrvrriwj.s9m.vmn.nrmnnMavi -..A.-. .1 . i, t . ... n H"',rJ CJiiet Mid tin mJkkn of Um r I reiuWhaiii kOwtjr wiflcre uo 4 ' n,,i . wucim ot 1 rgoMiou ot Uie MmieUcrale enmwiit riioaM twwmr4c6 asWaa f- ( oi a cuurwii uourt. t uia, m lrHad. lfctif thww. do comiJaiiit iJhmiU l ih .r iKl K.t L.ovwni;,ei, j,,,. lU -Uw, thw,,. aelvea. ' - ' ouhi not Oew tironMarr. Jiegolation and es aii wouta ic a gnat Uiw-'ure'' ahaUi. Th ftRlifs tT t!te States fioold be gnarded with ntitirniff vi"i!nco. while the ftowrsdel- t-Iflaatt r IH laAUTKMIO WIUI UV ID . . " ,.I iKiiaV4.io fijl th 4hoea withia the State. To J.Juiiuiwiafr.m of the government shaQ rcenf Jroio lua, if ekid. all prorwe and tioe aswitJaooe, and I ahall not tail touig all nerdiui ivforms, and hold the adintii?tra- I wn Up to" it wihiomiiatiim ot tho jf'te idtnul-l it, in my .npion, di-!j-rvw it. To the rarrnWf, xm.Wr? at.dimw6f-.to the rn-o- ,e -ery, uon in their I iiber ttr. and I ahail twe .U lawful j and honorable eflT.irts lo bntitf al4tit the Ul- ! - cvi. 4wy heae4?jr hkngs oT peaw whh TtMhwmlenott Wectois atliiiie vote m the 4(1 or;'Xd." vember, in the army on tfce 20tk of Oerober, fiiakiu nnrVfiw'itliui 211 days. Moirt lU-ttfiWv, JAllt'S G. RAMSAf. Oct. ICth,18C3. WOOL WANTED. Second shearing lambs wool wanted by WM II. SMITH tfaiir4ary. Jwly 13. IbCJ. , tM 20,000 "STAVES - T THE CON. HTATEH MSTILLE .fcV RV. rforweHy owned by L ik E. My- ) at KektbUfYi orbiwe s Tu be of wla'te okjimber. clear of aap. ave, 34 inches, kng, from to 6 inehes wide.and I inch thick. v - , Wliie. aiio It mcnee Miica. 1 1 a 1 s. iL -L 1 1 V- tdn muW JTOII lle.dinir in a thouaaad. Alr' Medical Parvevor C. S. A: Charlotte N. C , tft Jaae 15. lt OFFICE X. CL JaV'J?. Co. Vance, October 23, (.AflCK eale of elisible MwSTol wll hM at thta Masev.'uf TbarsdiiV No8t. 5lh a iict'i sxa B.I n lbs Rail Rad aaar Graham, the kt are luM off 200 feet aanarek the streeli 100 fee wide with two large open aqnarse, sad the sale Jainw lha attention of a!l persona wiehmg t eernre plent aad bealthv htme. Terms ea or proved Ud at C Moaihe wiih Intsrvet ftom data. ; : fHOMAiJ WEBB, rteaU' I4I-S31 ... ;.. ' . : POX SAW AT T5TJ OFFICE, w fcWUw.- Tbii ia M cwlift thai John A. It.jrdru a HNibr tr Hl! a,,ua e. hl ic ((.)'; a aabvtilat to " luf hiin anAhi hf 4e auriMf thr prwl aar Nth tb liai tad CUatra. ad ! iabwbyafiat frofn mili. ia. daty for tbu pac n. Urf ,$rktJ.m aui JJiaaiNi emidtm aa killuara. 'IVaafabuni May, Siita IB 03. ThiaevrtinVa IhJubu A. BoVdra vltu-iilaa-rd m tha AswaTrvupa baa, by larautbia a aabMiiata i a lm and a bona to aapply mrmbif at- aHMht,; dlachargmt hia duty as a rohwlMf of Iidi tbai(Cui frdarile Slalra. . L. A. Jitlutava, (!aat. f ' Auaou T roupa." Tba eertitieates irihir j ! reeaipt f Mcni lur f .'U fr ik j BaydWa Hc -VuHrtSiut. U., H.. war t t. pravrd by Grimallha alU irtiiljf wiuiew araat lachod to aaob othar with ikta adravnMrat. MCaaa of eiempHoa". Ja. BtitdaalwraMwd aalatiuUaMpnnnrd, stapM."J. M , Liwla E. O. dfce." I eertify that tieaa ara ihe urig inarpapara tiled lu the fSca py Lieui. little. Patr .Mallrtl, Col. CowaiitjinK Cona. N. C. I OcL 6, im." Oi iba S6(k Fiary lbC3 Lt.oU I Jtbo Boydea ia hnraby axrtipt (root wiliiary my optaion, ; 51 yeari of m. Wbaa ba leaaaea luios em it ft in tfone-1 tb.a - auelt . I hia towbiiua 4a-4aolw4 iid -nukftd "V. E. O. Mar Slat 18G3." ! -t E 0 Jr Ub 1863," miaaiarbat it... appned at llae several datfa. l)iAu.le63 N"d .' rtij Llrat. C ot Plk, 1 eHl", ?V "Tlt toe Sftieeal pn TT Jla TTTty' who win h, ,hk p-tiy lo ehmp W, l. , aith tba folbwiag d..reirni. vtorollinf Fiiuboro. Sept. 3d, 1863; rfi-prcifulty , rrtarnod to CooimaiMlnHt f Conaeripta. Tbia j aa baa alrtwdy. ader(H aa exuiaiHatiun, k1 le P"P"" Mnd CHrreci By reference tu t I rf.J..a- ..J a L. ..a -a .1 KJL.U I 1;, ' Fen avmwii aiffai a law rvririuiinw nl tllO sxiirai f u aia. Hull LUojr iht tLns.it h4 iMfl in tiiii fviftllailll salt fif laaiut tilA ill yWiur 1S62 a a volume. r aud waa couaid- rdl aiwlunteor and aot a aebatituta is hia ouutpaay. That h did believe Boydea hud rnaafed McLendon until after he hd bee a awoan ia aa a aabatitaie. Borden waa ar reeled aa a eouwnpt, aud eued out a aiit uf baneao crrpu, which w returned before me Oet.Jd ft3. and wner miieh of the e valence JUrn !u . K;S"SSS fuf guvtnmt!,. ; thrr, .d. were ... ..i..j. ,.a, i- tjanJidtiy f aha aubalUatioB by reaton of fraad I ,m McCcndoa: 2nd fraad av ihe covemmeatr t told bv Mctendwi that he would go aa a atib- atifntei a a foeioniuany for f a (Me objected to a tavalryeoaaiaSy. not bring a good rider,) he communicated the fact to B..yrten at Wadea bnio, ou Ilia ll ot' March, f6ft, when Hull waa raising hia company ; that a few data af terward, Mcbendoa tola wkaeeaue bad gone 4nt Hall's company as Byde .anbataote, and as bed him-tfit was irae that the county would not provide for hie wife and childrea aa he was a eiibrtitste and not a Vf4tiuiffe.r? .Clark. told hhn. that -k Wae an. McLearkiu replied; before entering aa a anbatitute eonie peop!e had 'told him so, -hut others aaid ihe county would provide far the wivjrs and chiWreu of all ldier, so matter how they went to the war, and he believed eo when ha ascauie Boyden'e subeti Ulte, but did not intimate ihat Bowlen had ev er said any thing to him the auhjeci : a few Java aflerwarda, McLendon applied to Boydea to let bun ofR whMkuBij-dVa''drcRndr The other evidence cftBrfirm.thia atate of fneta. and ebowe that MeLendoa did become UoydeaV Mubatit nte , a nd madejio clanair alwot it ainil he found out that he waa lui.lakeu oa to the natara of the proviwoii lunde by the eouiity. in before beeoimug a BoVtithlct ind even fliea'Be Wide uo eornplarnt thtit .tea WJ biot inio emir, hia aHegariori being tbxt he nev r had agreed to become a aubNtituies hat had ea (red ; a a volantear and reeeJved abw faU of Boydea aa a present. I . .1 2nd. Th fraud allrgad to have been ptac lad bv Bovdaa oa the government is in thi, ihat he Drocared MeLendon 16 become hi sue- ia Captain Hall a company, lapi. tlau awora that after ths raea, who were gomg to join nia company, had been d'riwb up toefora the htel door to he awora In, Boydea approached, Me Lendota and wanted to speak to him. which ? prohibited, aaylug, mast wait antUshaawa; were alt awora iaMhey were 1 he a .wore in. and anna aaerwarda MeLaadanatepped off with Boydah had aa reeofleclaHi that McLee doa was sworn is sa Boydea'a, ssVtita la t WtrsteBsrTiwt- w'eloaa: ia the aveniog he took aWwa las aaaaa'bf' j of Tepe:" i . . Boydeu plied, " t aappve an.! WKBes, Kmitb, swore, that ha aaW Buydsa oa the let of Mareba at WadeAm.'. abuM 18 ichki taka MU-.,ka alT and have a talk to Iheotarlvr, and M waa genorHily uadVriftoidtbal MeLrndiMi bad agreed Hi ene Byden'a rabatiiata ene kaaad Haira coyiMim aa nch titim-iy, lha wiwieae lathe receipt, (wore that while the aira Were drawn ap before the hud dr. ba ia sot. certain whether it wee jaei Wftire, er jnat after tbey v.re swora iu, fioyriea and MeLendua stepp ed irilo bia hum. BuydeS aald ba was guiag lo givv McLendwn f 50 ft binpaUntHCB. tkrdea drew the reeetpC, MeUemioa Mgae4 uaad iVt- den paid nun the muuey a ad ba wi tareeed it, rh. eauioraed Iba aartie uadrmtoad racfi othar.au the receipt wa read over, and that meiyeiuioa either had, or wae juat aboat to awear la a Bovden-a adlwIHuia.. 1 bars wee much efi deaee leading to show that McLaudua bad arreed lo become JBoydeu't anbelilnte bekne be waa aworh ia, and Uiat ha waa awora in an hie ealietiuite. and that the mossy waaidaad the two I pt tgned,'a few momenta atlerwa nk, which eJreMtttBtauee I am satiafiad gave eolur toaad waaaaitsaaiiwof the ramor tha t he-did aot bneuna Boydea'a aobaiitaia autil after he aaa awora in aa a voiaweer, wnes, or eoorae wonkt bave heea Um late. Capu IlaU waa nue. nrenKsrtos-ef thesoaiKtnmT a iba lat of . March aud not oa the 25th of February. - ; . . . ' ... 3rd. Aa Borden bad not been drafted by Col. Polk, the eaae doee come within the deci- eioa in the matter of Uiiler, ao the di.oliarge by Polk ia of no effect. The eaee lornasm the raGdiiy of the dieeharge by Captain Joboaua. Had Boydea put in McLeudoa as lua substi tute in Johunott'e eompeuy, lha eaee" Would (.-. - Sopfema Court, in the matter of Kenady, a recruiting officer Now, aappoae Boydea had on the lat of Marchhhnarlf.snid Captain Hall's eonj pauy witn the ieui of Captain Johnson, pre vatusly given, a preianned Irom hi. subsequent discharge oa the fveeipt of lha Morse, ander the maxim,' Oiwuie relibabitia retretrahitux et mandataequifauror,n Would the transfer have been vafidT I a in convinced that it would, by giviug to ihe regnlatkiaV in respect to liaairfers, the earns liberal construction that lha regula tion in respect to aubetitntes October, 1B63.J received inM niaUer of Rittef and Keunady. The regntmion is in tbeaa words. Article' 15th, 143, " The t'oloftele may, upon the applica tioa of the Captain, transfer a anhfierfrsm SU company as awuher of Wrefinieitt. Art. 143, wbea soidiem ass authorized to be tranferred, the transfer will take place on the lat of a month t wit hi ho vie w to I lie more correct aa U tleuietit of their aecounls. 144- In all cares of tfanofer. a eompleledeetiptivs bat willaccom naiiv ihn soldier transferred, which roll will voutain aa account "( hi" PJi clothing and oth er al(owaaices4arao all stoppages In be made on account oflhe goyejriiMient: and debts due the iauiidreiM aa well aa sach other facts as may be necessary 10 show tit ehurseu-r and military history.' It is clear, 0Ml while companies are in the act Of being forwed, a compliance with Uiese details, which are made material, when 'the party ia in service, in Order to prevent con- fnsioa, aa back pay, indebtedness, description, lat day of the wioatb. character 'and miNtary, 1112 i. -a ,-t ku L biatort, dtu is nH Beesa'y, and hoord be .. . ... 1 . ! . r " dispell a witn ay a uoerai coniroeikn, 10' when the companies ar in the act of being formed, cunideiaiiiHis of that nature are presented, aiuf the purpose is fully answered if the two Captaina own seat that tbe man may withdraw from una company and Join the otb r, cenainlv there can be no necessity for aw applicntioii to . tbe Col,.nelof the regimeTrt.ai.d l the matter must rest in. the discretion of "the Captains asbo ar rnde ynrisg t raise the mail paniea, because , thev companies are in an' in ehoaie stat-e and there is u regiment or t.4o nrl. It seina lo me tbe analogy ia perfect, and that the' trauefer in the case supfjoeed, must be held lo bo valid, or the principle eah- livhed by the deciiuona iu the cases of 'Killer and Kennedy must be ovsrroltd or disregard ed. The fact, ihiK the on was to be caealry and the other an hifaniry company, cannot pre vent the applicutieu "of the principle, because Ueil he feontpany was; a regiment. In onr case. Boydea did not him wlfj.su Haifa eompany, bat pot in a Fuhati tute, which fact, raiaea the case only to the ex tent of lequirmg a direct application of the same principle, fact in regard to the traiifferand then to the substitution, and although it makea the ease aiore comjiVcated, the cooclnsion moat be precise! V lha same, as the result in compound is as tree as in simple multiplication. 1 am firtiunste in having my coacluMofis aa' lo the cMio-trtictio.i of me army regaiaiauoiinrin- . ..!..'... .1.-. f' ...tl..ll papwhnr brriv-e e-d g"'" p iijculue&.aixica anaJorevery-tQeurei-. Lieatenant Little. E. 0., and adjSdeeJ by Ifini suit Will he disaStrOUH, for . W6 Can to be valid, and also baVe received the saire ! l..rtt 'ftiiehatt'fRiM at tlMirL T;-'f f'fi ;'"t jfTfi ifCf 01 a n ihnd.int"tf ronsriiots. T . iihouteXViaK ter nver wonH abo Jlodlhem in bs office V 1 t.;..V l.r Vt- ,nul ariti . iiiih. , "w y.-.--. - --- - --. ---. have beea stirred but ft tbe jMifgeti.a oT ; l v. . . A.,, : ; : a .. . u . . H t , t OXZZ arotn the clamor of, MeLendoa, there may have Seen sufikieut coror to make an investigation proper. It iherefore.tciosidered by me, that John At Bi'y denHJfjnwprLrv dehled, witbleavj to gt wheresoerer ha will, the cosU toVa tax ed by the clerk of the Saper .Court of Aa ann county, will be paid by-y Darleyi Tbe clerk will file the papers in hie" office and give copies. 1UM. PEARSON, C,J. 8. C. . October 17th,lf63- j v, . . -. AA Riehinoad Uhtl . K TnS-J4U to regulsts prices las been defeated ta- ths Virgwsaats-ajss 10, says 2 moruinj-, between tit three o'clock, fonrJritn eflectivji their esrabs iron Caalls Thunder, A pretiom stt erupt of , l. 1 : runic par 1.101 uavmg oroq OKCOVerSo and frustrated by the viilatrce of the of ficers, they wwrs-cohfiped ih ttis condemn ed cell, Uforw which aboard is kept con-v tiuually.wslling to aod .fro,od wLich, from iu position n ths very Centre of tbe buildiug, waa deemed ths eiioat secure pirn in tho prison, Obtafoinc, by. toros linmaa, tli( fteeeaaary.tools, Jthey cut tlrov ths floor into lbs xximmMarr's room be. - j ueaih deacending ink srliivh, ibey lecured ns placed , ibwrs for safs keeping, theji, lu a body, ruabrrig oat into tb room used for lis receptioaofiaitors, tbey over tbrejs tbe sentinel, on guard insids ths door, who, being disabled by tbs fall, couM not urtlier arrest their bt. Tbey next. sucouuteed ths sentinel toL fVoct of tbe prison on; Gary street ? lis tsppenim to bs .immediately ia 1 their pslh, ons of ths Duoiberrukhed upon bim, spd placing ths muzzle of his con dose to ths head of lha guard, who in vain attempted to stop their. piece: tbfft whrJs: j:. -l . t . Kjaa entered ibe rower portion of the bead, inflictinje a frightful wound, and of course causing instant datk lores or four shots were tired in rapid succession at the flee ing murderers, but with -what success is . not know n. A crowd of soldiers, on duty at tbe prison, were soon collected aronnd tho scene- of tbia bmeble dBWter. But" liers a siugular incident occurred : ths targe dog (belonging to Captain Alexan- aer l"? coromaodsnt ot lbs prison,) whom doubtless, all bav seen who l?avs ever sis itod ths Castle, took, a position alonrrsids tbe dead body and would permit noons to approach until ths proper officers cams, up and relieved jhitn of his charge ; even then he followed the corpse into ths build, ing, seemingly determined to keep watch ful guard over tbe retnaina until tbe last. This exhibition of affectron for the deceaa " d soldier was truly toucbiosr and. indeed. remarkable. ' -: "'" ; , v,-' ' Tbu name of the deceased was Sutton Byrd, a privats in Co. X, 53d N. C. troops. The names of the parties who commit ted this cold blooded murder are E. D. Boone, Edward Carney. Thomas Cole and John A. Cbsprnan. The first is a noted ruffian, having made several escapes from diderent places, and was closely confineS sjewjiays ago for an attempted escape. -The otheri were of a like character, being confined npon serious charges. Several recent attempts to break out by the last named forties bad bees discovered and j fruited by" tj.e officers, i n . , , .. L I'm poor boy's iather poor boy's. -father is liere and ac companies the remains to bis home. Gen. Winder very promptly and kindly ordered aw escort to accompany tbe remains to ths cari3t'"V, .-.,,: When tbe lid of the coffin was aboat to Ih; placed on; tbe poor old father knelt jou, "Mil Mg.bis. lips to thtt CoM opes. of hia. murdered boy, remained for . soma tnomeiits, apparently tit prayer. --vr - ' Hick. A'xammer, 2Sd ; Rttrignation of General 2T, JB. Fvrresl.-l aceuis to be established that he has tendered hisresignation to the War '-DepatttneofW-Hir-ttIw etnritrjr will regret tolearo that saeh i the cat aabe haa rendered ser vice inferior to those of no other of ficer in the service, and Vas very juetl been regarded at one of the uiet efficient. The step we learn Iiia been taken after mature delibera tion, and ia the resak of serions dis agreements between? himfjandj liis - nuiKitig superiors, 11 some step ia not promptly taken to end thesd dil- We-awlewdTeamhir lien. rrusT""wi"H 'take immediate , . . U raise flBW' cavatrt C0m- I . ' K t'nwid. which vilMm leodered the Government and that lie will suc ceed without delay we have no doubt. Tliere are thonsanda of vonng men who will eagerly embrace the op portnnitj. of elirIiaglhffiselves under so bold and dashing a leader whose tiauie ia a guarantee oi auc- 1 cesa vfor oar can se, and a terror to the enemy, wheneveKanfr where ever he Jeal4. Atlanta , Joe Hank of Ceps Tear has declared a ssmi-aaoBal dividend of firs per coat, - -; . i -J i - 1 , X a 4 J i A- .- t " - . I' . ,1 --: -.- f '

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