. t " ..! i ' ' " ' ' ' ' -" ; c v r .-. ;,. . V -....;.,..... xTT" 7T Tf - ' . ' i f a !-' ' ''" ' - a - -."7-- ---t-rr . - vol. xxi. . . : ; v: :; ; ; , AgALisiiUiiY;:! c November :23,:jbG3 j 4 uau3EIi t. - - 7 a. f - ' M aaaafc s J. J, JJRVNE , 'ir altla,., IVImi tba aba, -i ' aa-UoU . r ,.airos AKfioMita. : dvV.if ali.irack oat, HI j R J S McGe' J 0U ! v ! ';&HL'"'XJU)V?, "V.U totweetf ; , HUi eorolted in the army, '.a , btlMfadskMKtaJtaM. CTJStTrlES !??2?nik!JM?r noertl'-ywyrto -Exte,,W. p,epmUon u m.klBe, ; ; MdolW far eh .utBt Uci. U,j,,tTr itiwrf.j; TW C-mTf 14 D.rh.UF froVl!iiWj Wed 'ofirrt ofice, fc inn Iundn i April JOtklMl Filktif..OM nuiiM m rK.lim t-cK T CHho.Jik W vf inof ,ert uf (Int -cIwK -, that UcV U'Dtcmp!tcd ortC.rl- , . J -:rzJ-.iir Ufaja uw .li.mi iTJirV ti it a nji ji, ti t V--L-. ti.rL i, - ..T.f Lv'v it. ri.r ton ua 5aaouiJ in t&t course of f Von lie 4!h North Ctflliu', Camp tni Rahoait ) ; JHh.1881. w4 ai prtetJti m itorn (fUoiHt mt xll a mn ttpntrd tisilort UmkenUkf itmatftktrtA. panend. nm-mfiiUi Saw om M tkiltk-Rtkrcol- uh. .'; , .. 0 Ut StrJav. tb Jtfc II , . . . ; aar Kll a furj oa ta IUj.p.h.riDock. At tb e'oM of J Mtmul aotioa na j(ir. a Ul an lUa at J4T a dumiUoC . h Sarch, aa.j ja S afWiiNg"! im:ai - - - . r ttt wotild U aJ.niitarvI,-aII .d off Mantwaa and ajratematM aa a aarterl ftiMtiavt, aa far aa tha tumoaucvronra trera totrcvraaW Ht Mie eorrmtro aa . 1 1 . I ;. . I . L . tba 'bacditioa . aaa bard! proaoourd arbra all 'al ooaa, aad mucb to tba arpma oTtvafj IxkIj farioaa bombard- , , . . - , . ,,, amatt anca oped tbick and fmlwn ia fruat; itTia raWd tba excitrinMit lti(liV, drama beat, boram a-tra aaddlad, guoaj Md T kopaaek packJ,nd tba cb . m4 re-iadd Uiroaj(b tba aatira catnp t WHa. laUatlraatbaaittakaamaj L. wriLah tba traon in lioa aad f from ta ftttrntaii (X taa bui oa wbicb wara , fncamaaJ ,J r?1" DMcbicC, T5fef na Jbraf I V a a a otn .tna auoia nMcnil. y M tntmy tnm'il m rM ila aaa 64 iai4ak ibok if Lardljr life Ina coata la tu Iww grvaMd th:a njrf x of tba tiH', a-bila bit! Urid pUttorie fail of baroaai. Sirral Yaa-! .kW.b-ttriea brld j alrtmg an wJI at - - Otuu iruin wmcn uitrj raieo aa gf. - fuf l,Mj 1 afl" tor a dialanea of two It impo-aiWa to bold tba place, so- . . s . . . . li.,gly tba prognuB.aa wm o - Ml baek" to mm aaU pua ti.ni, uich oould ! 'iet. bi to'aad. aarth oY' tk lUpidaa. -.TW i-an-vraurearoirom iro 10 micro run- . . . t apart, and tba country Wtwvea them aa abrakaa laval, or geally rolliux, avith ilia fican'oa of I'oay aad Slaabur inoun taiDa,1wtb ooadnrabla lvaiioo, Hrt 9 iailaoalbeutIfCil yxef Court ItotiiMf. taa taataboat ail ut miiln abulji hL On 4 Satardav areola- our trooim bt-Id tha die- y at baj aaUl iba ttron of tha tMitf'ir-U camp aqaipaya, Aa , muvtvl to tba a T a. rear,atili onM b1uI4c1oUim2 aith llii oar Mriion of tba liaia$.'rtiiartar.: day bight our ioree quMIy Mrratnl to HI,, frvihm litt- cf " tstfft Htfft day aa, 6aady aioroi u raUvd tvinporar braaat- -orkv tipaeting ,tha auvitiy to adraaoa rapidly,liicb, however tliav did. nut io. aa a 1 aVIouk p, to. Ssrdar, wa aao aud ajja'w, .akiag ap oar liha of maivb lor tba bills south of tha Rapidan. distant Ma irorn cawfv craty iooron(i( graw Beai r rl.Kjrd th temparatar f tba atanobcni , Taoa SI JaUaa ; Kt W U Ljroi Jfn bUa Wnt (tarMmit aad batng tbrv u ka (mm-vo fiuiat, ;: SaaUa f aiad ' atca N II ABeav Va BanM. Jo A tba air Hi all drrwaUrt, tiptodiaf ubntm f r ay-a aad fiuaaaaa Baatb; G P CteaataCa.pr4 E CtuipaU, .. . .1 . v- .-. ckuWair la tba kiBbl bWk cloaca A A Ltaia, Wta UWwn W L Moiru, 1 "i'KjlbJsL d about 12 " " b-ellor, U KsJa. U Lrwv mo k tba saioa oigU after an exhausting ltlifrA"a?rT, PA Ug. 51 U-, . aitboal food or tart. Not avea a J BeNeelp, J A McGalliatd, M Paacle, T 'clot taarcb alt as at Raocooa ford, wbars osrjdi viatoa marc bad aoroas tha rir. ia ,cloaa olgknos, aad kaaa ddap la wstor cold as - ioa iWtC UaLiIa th dwtmoaslm ad eomnjiasaTiasutUwr uJt.thsirwa. Caa,-Mula, aai- wari aeattarad to'tka Wt liad tot , moHHtls 4 ithMe, Mid (or iImm m4 tWr tlwir neiM W WMntcukww ch lW mor M4 tJf r - Ll CuL SJW f b dwc aitioe I Wmt m few mtrm k'i3J in tbt tJ N. CL ohm opdJ and aWat tialf rh rtuAiiodr otptartd,- xaia cot allir aUo lb 14iL. ' I Lav ot bwre- rrTioajr nj:7,a WUt, mJ I m uf yonit9nt rjinJa aw raaWa U , aaoia hmm wLica it Mi tm la Sia a! 9ia M OuUW . , Tb tarivM fcriffltd. ao (ar ... - I iLi t - " r a " ? U U msWi iW lVaenr tfaJaaaJSU A TrUaOJV I , lt. harr. hoa Wm I doaVlwte4 to aat.TCraa aaJU IIUaT"lWaTJ" RT At 1 kat if Mad a iltiag h atlr)4r ket arark ! niajr U i)Mted. , f t-' - 1 I "PT ,u al l'tite)rt ar aVaaJantlr aaen.xM.rt ia actl4 arbart a abaD ra- aiaia titia wmJar, way 4a a aak rol towa of KttU Uati? will arrTbaTWaSi aad V AVraa. ratlcr i; xoeJifijflj di7a-U. . Oa, Ca. I-KilW aia. WoatwieJPri Hmit lal aa bad arcaUraaoar thoalr aoa Ur tW jrouad Jt h baa a Tliev (fi, eirinj a ratbpraa aapTeaiaat ktaia uf wbai ta to cwaie. N AT. - UST OF CASUALTIES o tb Vtk RtfX X? & Troop m tkt JblUt 0 Hayjmkfck Jtmilrmmi ifn, iVW. TO, I8M. Co. X-K'IW-JWA Jvba W W3- aaaai ! Wiley aad E Smilli, IWa. a 11 BoaT-jai 1 Hi an. J T iWoaa, 1 8 Iboaa. I W Bar- Htoaa. I Bar- i ireaa, J K Bars. L SI Cubraa. W R I ; 0'Dieil. ! Turner. Co. B KilUl oa. Woadd j x aU; AcaUtnaa Jlaaam. MtaMa; . s wtm .jwv... a.ia tfwu .'"vata. U C IlacWke.A S Cariaj- . - w . ' . 1 . V v. - w. . a a i yuv un i Uak? .L. tn11 b , wao Janwa, v uaiu, w at Mia, a t. i U-. LsGTb, W Laa-t, Jao ) s Jmnn .J . . - ?aoa Aiarrt.O Jiarrfjn A 1 rpJ. aroea J IT.-. 1 v- V .a I f f . . . . In . o - r . : LK Kich. Ja 1 Stoat aaJ 1 W K- ' :-.:: "Zlr. 11 wiiik 11 1 ifr ii 1 rarrtaii, 1 armu, 4 A Kaybxl, K;Wrerg. 11 aa iwj; mw mnj- nciv ... -b6-a Raberta, Wa Suwv, taw Vdlrr. Jaaea f do aay tnorw matarialiijttry to Uitoat business. f "1. "v Vaobuuk, V ia t Vaaaea, W I' Wagaar, NV S WaWoa aad Alex VVilaattam. ; Co. C K.l!ed aa. YYaadJ Ix ! W 8 Chuloa. Mi)r-l4 W G W. J Cbriatiaa, Sergia A J CatroH, W l'bpp. ' t ca, j v i-ari-. I ion, uiratB ia.ra, a MCATfau. 1 - W ' mm mw m m M . at TilriYI dmav-4aaa- 4- Jao UaofctV, W J laayoorlL, Lmrt aat-fr' I insVlhSaJ J W T.l imiBifFBi, aa 11 arifvav. ocixis v v yaa,, . A W Hoak and J S Cartis, Una T S I a T . . I Beabolu lVi-t-a.M Bakr.JI Bmy. Jl Cook. R Cooo. A G Curtis, G lafka-iikL J B Davis, J Uildebraad, Ed Fomll. VG - ... -Jm. mm . A t SI Patrell, W iVraU, W fto4, U p& WTeamaodAJ WariioL Co. E lulled aoee. TVaaaAtd eoea. . )Iiasia?--U W G Tatrste. Scrt T WrigbCCorpJl G W fJafeaW W J Lotiu, Prirsiaf Jm CbapajavII Ciap ; "Co D-KiIWdaaa." VaaaoJ-ia, f iwrce, wniiqg u;c ( wa; .ma , aimw uiuwn m1i L W;riLk: hUta l: C CUL ! DaTliig TharsdaT night m -nflew f pcrportitiif to come from across U rl Tk K.r,J l Sa.JM Str Wa. Svke, J . VnikWa4W 0 Juaawa WkoVr Co. G luISed PrnaU A C Griham. WaWkJGBtpai C F. Auta -J S JJ Vaar IViratoJfra IIari SlWinz ' Cat4 BR Srtkk. Iirata L It Roth rock a4 A II SfJU. Srtn C (V;.B A Ur aad J F IIli Corj4J C Bfiale; Ifiaiaa U ASea. J C Brrairt,W A Boa- !. J X BaW. y Caipr. If CWp. W CaaU, OBG Eamaatt, J a. flri., U C JkaaoavEMittcr.yU MilW,J$ (W aak,i W Otcadk. JF 0wa4 E J IV-a'J il IUcVtr JB Shtpberrfi J L &-oa-T B Sowt. C W Sarnker, J C D Sumo, 31 TW aaj E Upright. Woaksi rn.at, W R WilKaraa. aS-CfC J A k LmI P Hill; L UottWia, ainT, X W Marra. CQ j JnJje, A J BriaU, J E Cavwgtoa, Z Z Caiatoa; J C Caataaav T L Eawa, t fL " " Jl. UoofMr, J L kaavrtv S Km, A JJooftJ, J j Sa7a, P II $arMk B B Saift. A ' Taekts J Waltw, W S WalUr, F f ata '! CWk. Mai-Li-U TT B Alka add SadW Uaibolloa; Pajja,' Bea Pj, Ja Babttta. Arwat Abtob-ta, iTboa II Sat tk. tJ Saakb, Wiaabip t L i-caarca. Slark n brflj, L B Vatea, W It Yaia aa4 Ki . baaka, ' Woaaded-t aa. MianagL G S DACorpia IW; Pii-aua B" aaT Bartoa; Sers-t A Ilatt aad U A Atdrkfija, J S At- dnJ G it Bud, L Browning. J AY C KidG W M-soa, V B M.;,kW aa ulllam. Jao G HcAd Mtkk. Aiiia UeA2ai. Jao G McAd U J.A- UrjLt II Ur!Iird. J T By aaaawad of Call. Wk.eomd'g Rgt. B0MBa1U)MENT OF FOOT hjg- .b,,, occurred aince la raJlr the mouot . ftf P.rt Souativ Tb Wmr. firia-ba. Wet, moatlr n...- ,IYn 5 JT gun at 1 mioza iwauvmuTCiiucu " . . .1 1 ...f lort, aaU oaly mHU t oar coUrcuou f. of shots aad ahdU watch they hare j been so litievallf faraiahh. a for f I fat are eervice. .- Tha WlowiBje shows the no ruber g bnra davs last ( week ap to saaoowo aaiuruay. i a. v W gftlttllCCPtlta - i.i i .'. i.:..i. 5 ? TlMrMurtthwawdy tirt anota were fired, oi wntai his 1 ' w t. mm a - ed; and 2S3 mortar shells, 110 of Oa Prtdar;: , rifled shot were fired, nine of which taiaMU, and 215 mortar ahetla. of which 123 missed. rifled shots !HniWdaTa.BHbar W w - rifled shots fired was 115, 56 missed. ... . T ' . . a a- m ... . J I On Satarday, oa!y 25 rifled shots weraahrowa, aiaa of which failed to strike, aid 2l, of which apiisavl.-- ,r T-L'J EJi-Ma, . & r ..h-L a a 111 i an a r i a a a .an anal i tr s.u .nln ar. ii .v.wjk smMiaa at... :.: .1.. Ju vestigati'in:, tviu'at ouje maJo witU viovr to tU dibcverjr of . outlet.. ' ,.w . - . The room in which the .Yankee deeerterti. between etit and one bntrdred in noin'r, are confined, it on the firafflitor of the Cuit la, which ia ahont ten or twelve feet below the level of the idler way, which rona aloii ihe rear of the Catle. from Kighreenth to Nineteenth atreeta. The primmer removed the mason arr frotu the rear wall. ' faclnff-the aaiw w W lli.llUI a. 1 ( S ... .- t I mJlejrmtned directly-aeroea itr in hue aiMut eiz feet below the surface, directly under the trea 1 of the en tiiie.it, ait emerged io the yard of McCono ick V rext au ru t, on Jtai 9 street. 1 The aperture created waa atx.nt twu feet in diameter, and waa made to riae aa ita ttrntiuxu wa ap proached7 No toola t. wereTtottlid aboint the tunnel, and If the prisonera employed anj,' aaye tliejrfingera and naiM' tiler 1 carried tlrent uff wHli 1 them in their flight. , A gnage line,J giving tne ei9Ct uiatance irotu me prison waif to t he 4i.outh-of the ex cavation waa rund, ' which ahowa that everything was worked on scientific-principles. i . i Thirty-three prisoners are all that am known to have escaped, and, bQt for the too auddeH coming of day litiftliere was Bothing to -prevent the . eacape of e very prisoner ip to romw-fwrn-whieii-Hniil tlwa-extraor' dinary tunnel. ,i--s- " "r Three of the eacae3 prisoner were re captnrel on batorday lark UngAfevat the city.;; ,4ii J-- -: It is pfohable that the whoie par ty are broken mr ainslr, or into ! sqttada of twos, and are making their j way to tue iani.ee nnea. v Up to last night eighteen f the esca puwne 1 ad been caught, and live more, were on their way to the city, haviiiiJee taken near t he Old Clinrch, in Iianover. AH wero captared, tiy our rcavalry ptcketa. Froiii obaervaiioim made fy ester day, it waa appare.it iliat the tut n, itig tuust hare occupied the ; urison eta nearly -a "week; Hny work la in tire shape of J a: paralel f approNi.' Ixigzag in form, so that a shot from tba entrance would 5 would liave hunned tion'e of the wprkflieu tior . . A ... - . escaping - prisonera, iiaa ; tuey s oeeu detectedrrThe M-ork is a perfect as thoogh performed by a corps of sap pers' and miners, aud from its sac cess it U -inferred - that? some 5 of Grant's men whoworked into Yicks . ,l ;., k;- -,l.,..- FROM BEBOFORT. . A deserter from the enemy's camp 1 at Beauf-irt, who arrived here a day er or two since, give tome intefestlna astUtems of in formation. ' .V,:.' ' ' -i ' The preseiit force of the eneniyat tue pi n'.i. 1 ...I :.,t. i7-.... X. I organized. ktttSftatsiJizL." .--. ajj.as..... - lines, to the effect that all negroes who return tb the Cr. federate terrl tory will be bang immediately upon their arrival. By this infamous sys tem of. lying they are succeeding pretty well in retaining the fugitive, return to tneir masters u tnej oeuT ed ft could La done with: aafety. They are tboroaghly dingusted with the brutal rale of the Yankees, and long to gyXloe&M'J"'-;. vAoew conseriptioot his been of . ' - .1. a .-!: Vev r short tiwo.--:SjmnaA Rrt. JV HilUarv lUisteirtuM i lLtArm.w of Nvrihern FVw'-)ia.- Three tol diers of the. Forty-second .Virginia, regiment, General Jones' brigade,, who, by trial of court-niartiaj, had incurred the death penalty for the , heinous crfu.o of : desertion, : aodera repeated ' and ' aggravated ' circdm- stances, paid the penalty of their lives on Friday in General Leea army, by being Mhot to death with tnualetryV The execotion : kroand was locat ed off t he road Hading from vrange Uourt-liouse to t redericks- burg, a,bout six miles from the court house and in sight of Moaot Pisgab ckarcb The condemned were bound to three stakes, tod six brigadea of iufautry were drawn op in hollow sqaare to. witnesa tha - kpectacle, whicb-waa eilecling Jodeed.iAt Jbe first discharge of the firing party tha heads of the coddemned dropped fbrwaid, and their bats fell off to the ground bat they were not dead,' and at second platoon stepped opr and tired; and also a third platoon, when -the work of death was com pleted. Tha military then marched io ret iew past tha corpses, and re tamed to camp, and the bodies wero buried where they fell. The victims were all Virginians, two bailing from Beaooke coaftty, and one from Pat rick, Oue ..was ?erjr. jonnir, fine - looking yoatb"r.Bamed.Ojoper,ii3ft wept much daring the ceremony ana every soldier present felt : for him. Bat the gravest of all military crimes had ben committed, and could "only be atoned,for hia blood. The names of the two other men were nnknown , to ' oar informant, . who. saw vthe execution. ..Thai dis honorably perished three men, who, after passing unscathed in honor or patriotism through many, battles facing death by ballet and steel, br one false step aside from the- patn of principle and duty, were brought to die miserably at the musket point of their comrades in aruia. ' f' From the 4Z--We , afe )n formed by a gentleman who lately passed up the Valley from Winches ter,. have passed over .through Lon dim and Faoqnier, and that the Yan- a a a a kees have re-occapteu vbariestown in force, and send scouting parties, of New York cavalry So Strasburg and Front Royal, to gather ap strag gling Confederates, steal horses, and plunder bea roosts and pig stys. Capt Blackford, Surgeon Guild and. Chaplain Morton escaped from pris on and canie over the Potomac in o.iupany. The Federals were much ia furiated wi th the people pf Charles town since their lata mishap there, aud in their rage, set fire to a nom ber of buildings in the place, which were fWlauateJy extinguished by the citixeus, with the exception of two ortUre.a wifecIajorUawk, wl.H - r-mnn.tpatin aritli th.m- waa struck bra trooper witn - T ir.-r. j : 5.' r:a. ........j.t.,...-.. i.: - nia aa bre and injured- s-jverely.- z-:r .;;J-.-;V taaTiaS.,Mii1 aiaWaa1lWal6faa ATm--Tba 'Atlanta .Register haaa private letter frora General JBrarsr s armt. written by a distin- guished citizen of Tennessee, which " . . . " i - aaores it that the recent dissatisfac lion among general officers has been al!ared.-Tliera are but few who growl, and the purpose of all seems, to baths promotion of harmony, and thus the perfect eiSciency ofthin Vu.ciWaIArmjT.Xsl -t.v " v V .ifr-rl.. j. y . - V-' II III ai i ..' ' ii 1 i ' " I- , aa.