U Li'U ai. -A .j -.i 1.." "i VOL. XXI; SAUSBJJRY; N. Ci, JANUARY 18,vl8G4. j NUMBER 34. AIUTQV.-AKO.J'BOriUBTQN 1 vti'ivm. :l.ltvUadirgero u4 Wiaf' tWJrtii Price of (he Paper! ', : We find ft abtolaltiy Hftfttry to ensure our4rp apainrt Iom in piWinhiDg the paper, to aurance iLe raUa of lubacription. The trice will, Uierefyw, be, from die 7th instant, THREE DOLLARS ibr Six months. For the prwer.t, -utocriptions will rwt be aaoeiv eJ'for a longer "time. ArmVr 7.3 8G3. i euiy io peace. , . I . ine barbae hu fin lS f - r ., i -1 4- I ..... . ! .!. .1 .. . - 1 n . . t2U ; A,--.-,.--T-J.--,i.. .-..-.,--...--..,1..-..,.v1i.,..-., sup-ie are running day and. night ?ing, quite an agreeable episode oc- PEACE PROPOSITIONS. Two weeks ago we suggested that it w'ould Ih:. well for Congress t ap point Ciinii"sioiiers to propose terms of peace on the basis ot separa tion and the independence of the Con federate States. Although it is well underttUxHi by every 'man wf; is fa miliar with the condition of affairs ami Uie history -of the present strug gle, thut our authorities are ready and anxious t- iiiakepea.ee on such' terms at any time the Lincoln Gov ornment may show a di'jxisition to accept them, we suggested that the JyiiinuVioiiers ought to be appoint ed, anJ ought to sek an audience with the rulers at Washington, to as to-force -Li ncolw rw e or reject them, and also taatify lne of oar: own people who have been deceived on thw subject by tflice hunters auji . led to believe that our authorities, I Avrooos oTiLk tooicI am loliilial mlm Kintl mr m.t . . I r " . f .Til' ' ''. -I .1 "IT" "JL ' t- though tlie Prevideut loU heretdre loade efforts to lrin tl ettmy tu terms, and althuh tlue advance have beeu rejected land cparned by J iiio Miicuin vtoTcrunjciii, we upo be will tuake anothef effort by, ap pointing ctniniHubnert and jro claiiuiti tlte fact to the world. WttterHjhmucraL EERXANDfXA UNDER TAX KEE EDLE, A correpoudent of tlte Gainesville (Fla.) CoUonSUxUt m ritet z ' I - have li4y-con versed - with a person who has . recently - escaped on Governor street that Mr. Memniia- er.cansed them to be meffled, lest tlie people should be driven eraxy hy thetr etefna! click, clack.' ' r The serkins question ' with, all thoughtful tnea- this: Of what await will ho the wyest ineasBrea de vised , by &Nigress for the cure of the currency, if the bead f the Treasury i incapable of apply far them, or, as is charged, is anjer eon-1 trH of a clique of capitalists ,. Those who have a riht to speak confidently of the matterJ aa'y . that facta have coiaeio liht which show that General BragV Kentucky cam p.iirn, for which iw . . waa . so much frotu feruandina, and have gathered TUEdf tle Goizatie adfcm, ZAt!ASt from him the following facta, which I n . daily ordera fmm Kiciinoond. What may prove of .merest t. many refa- J Z"T TJ TT. eearHU tne islaMu vJitv . ic . i eiuuernui o no wtt. uuiu. The town woaW scarce lv bo re-J" toe following facta 'relative to lr.nmoa. wrttponaewx oj ine eopiia.bjny.41ia-loniMr. citi- UL raasoer ia which the :..C.-Sutef iv"1? L&w7wti-anj man, aJl former resldeiftaof Fenian diaa, have beeb erj letive ia pir-'. ieaid and cowjfort to'the envtnjr, and in . f uraisliio infKTOation. It will be well to rember the names of these individual, as a day of re tribution will eventvali arrive and then. ; Arnett and Farrow are dead.- Pbelan, in token of kppreciatim of hit an wearied efioTts i sapply 4 he Yankees with ppiritual eonsolathMi, has been decorated with the' order of the ball and cain and sent off to recruit hie health in the salobri on atmosphere of Ilfltoo llead. . - occasion ' was the presentation to -General Morgan of massive and elegant pair of solid sil ver spii rs, the gift of the citizens of Danville. The iHnesentation , waa made through the Mayor of that city. Jn the reception . room of the General, aud was the occasion of some happy remarks, both-epon the pirt . of the recipient ax.d the representative of the donors. The spart are the handiwork of Mr. F. LajJarre. of this city, aud re flect on his skill. Richmond Ex- m ! ammer. zrua. oi me lencea nave teen I Government mloniwd tht iwwtrf . .. tn i .t . nsed for fuel, The weather boardin? I . . r " ci".r f ,ear" inM J.H.. ...m uo.!;.. - .v.- . f week before lasr, two men wenc io lir.i rliM iimi. fut !.,! til t,f. We are in neeseeKion of in form a-! the house of W. D-Byram, in Un ternd windows uA A..m nA i.m. ! tkm direct from the West Indies that ion county, and robbed him of $1200 ken plastering tell a inouroful u!e t be laaoa scheme got W ruin 3 wanton tlestrectioti. Urrtoeiil wt. opumitjyitfe.gpid. ,:iney wentjorntma ;iu ana cjuiea i( mm on beinr admit- ided his inoncv, and smashed a trunk I. ..I nf fnit .11 tiiAr Mnl.l t.. iir.b itii .i.iii..., 1,..... flaatetl in lhl ilace under their ; to nieces ana took Uie amount men .ire1!! - honoraMe peace." So far i byterian Church have been destroy- I nrte4 '. wg f j lwn alwve. wh,cb wa8 " Mr- we have been informed, oiir ar- f ed bv tire. The Baptist Church has An agent of the Government, : ram had. J i;'eU';nMtV'wTiria'MiriT-aiii.r..Ml. J ..,.TtA .ii, iK-; wlw Was eit there by the Setretaryt Tlw persons who commated this The Fayttteville Observer copies ! Presbyterian Church into an Acad- f lH I-tw to mqoire into thul robbery, and-bthers-of . .simUaf j i . I . i i . nir4 At Ira smvrn ha met r. ninwtpr rHniir- ure SuDnOSeu IO anu ejiuorecs.ii eat'ept in ne point, ;emy oi cck-hcws, wneresunary n- V j - - " a , Trw &Wwr ly Birth. My nbservatioa has often- led me to re mark amongst men.that those whose birth' might reasonably have made them fastidious under hardship and toil, have generally borne their miseries-without a murmur; whilst those whose previous life, one would have thought, might have better prepare them -for the toils of war, have been the first to cry oat and complain of their hard fate. TK. tt,.u i.r r.t..... fi!Safeaei'artoe8t. rtne extrmlt-. Uouse aiter wl.il.. thu UeMutifil nTnnA it- ' f nro element of the U. to open the door : I.. a t..,L Ti. i.... : .Stales to the IIe de Vache. has ut : ted ihev denial liouw. Mni..r A. 1L l,t. ridM ) fed, axd that the Cohmy in order to get it. that "suL'geJtiDg tJe appointment pf pecticut "school roarms" are engage I orned,and reports that the colonj ; Ikj either deserters or skulkers who the O'tnmisoneri y hgres. ! ed in tlTaudahleToOTu The Observer says : ; . . t teachipg the youthful Ethiopians to B,e m Mo'emment sena a ; roumg omcers ana inuuia omcera TltvKnetero" idi wedW from! sing W le.V rmtioe v.tkMm, aud Massa Linkusa Sammis, of ,ed wy soon, not one of them , might get a large number of recrmU V I A -II SI V . ataw . - la A t aw aP a. t . - . J . . S aa. haiS a am M h aIi f any member from Nonh or South Car-, Jacksonville, and another Yankee f wlil lm teIt I,Te- 11 pper that j for the army aiiu rid certain neigu- !iua or Georgia roo ing in tbe mailer, we ( of the name of lieed, are the Conn l"11 nPoa rhoi beward con- , oorhoods ot a iazy, wortniess ana liink it would 1 croovr that the Pre-i-! mUn..rm n, r mnfiMtiaa "' ferred this profitable iob have been i dangerous class of men. Eveiy man dtta alioald do o. anc that beahoufd aoij -at t t-i.:- r treatin? the colonists with the most i within the conscript ase, either i u. ica uiuiiciii uiui umu. in . a react of the Senate,, imitead of Cougr9a sppoioting theio." On reflection we are satisfied that -vre were wrong in this- repect, and that the Observer is right the com missioners should be appointed ' by the Presideut with the concurrence of the Senate, they being tD on treaty ra ak ing powers recognised by the Constitution. . ' Peace can be secured only by the action of our National authorities. Jacksonville, is the'Provost Marshal bockinS kiJe d that noth- io town or ointry, should be made and llelper, a brother of tbe author j inS rooro cotnnioo with the local to show the reason why he is not in ofth tknicma MV.mt,,rt i. th ? agents of these model philanthropists ! the army. No good citizea ought Hof lb. ,.roHnj UloJi'; "tj? eD.ttoDt ithe;p.(s, or,ph.g f""-fv.ke. Thitfhe which irns Democrat. stocks. While this has been going dence that he is exempted. oo, and in lace of th fact tiiat tlte i administration of the eo!onr havel offered to sell it, with the poor dev- lis left aiive upon it, aa its M stock, by the " secesh," both real and per- (sonal, has been disposed - of at auc tion. Judge Livingstons and Mr. Dawson's residences were sold for lt5 eaelt. and are rweiitiid ! Vn. kee teachers. Mr. Yufee'a brought ffor the sum of $15,000, thej have 200 and was nuhsAd h th ivd been constantlr bedeviItiDsrtbe Sec- w- Z ; -.'. Jy y j .1.1 . a-ort. f.r. of the HUi Jdaine. Mrs. Menden- STRAGGLING CAVALRY.. The Henderson ville Times says: Western Carolina, is full of strag gling cavaly. You can scarcely look Mrs. Menden- Ior iae 6ara SrVW as , an-directivn without seein- cav- ng from almost Wheeler's corps. a -.at . . aV . . . a - f --- - Movements for that, purpose by a ball's wai bought for 101, by a ne- f Ke W fWporttBg ana main-; alr strarcliu? alon; from almost State Convention wonld invoke ns I gro woman named Rachel, belong- tMitnog tnem. tt waa these demandajeTery c0tn:niinii jn vh in deer tfoiibJe and might lead to. . ing to Mrs. Crichton, at St. Mary's. uwncea tne cecretary to xi.era is enough cavalry in Western or i jjr. Lesesne's was bought for $0, j r?' r1 "r,it7 n8i)ecH i Carolina torn . : . .. . i r a civil war niiionir ourseiTes. ror lustunce.a State Convention ctuld Ibr a Mrs. Call, a baker, from Jack- thatMr. Usherwillnot pay!M4i . . . . f .1. t I a V. ' . " . I ... .. ' . . . not secure peace for the people of 'aonville. Col. Coachman's waa iur- i a cent- . 1- I -a IIS I . . . . - 1 Tl. . make a respectable brig They have already commenc- , ed committing; depredations on the North Carolina alone it would be chased at $200, and is occupied by Jho SDt moreover, reports that itizenft bv atealing iiorscs, robhing uisgraceiui auu irauurvua io aivcuiuw i commissioner liced iqeonck block j"" "o" "'"" t:innerie& ke. ' JNow tiie people ot I na i me in Cheering. -The people of Texas are represented to be wide awake, and flocking- by thonsands to the standards of -Gensv- Magrader- and Bee. anhohnded 'confidence is re posed ins these officers, and a corres pondent says "there will be music" within ninety days. . EcTAUinoK.a-.Ths Sentinel, of Mon-; day,.sayar - - W leaW.frodi i htfemsu Ttist arrif edfVooi North Carolina, that the 62nd Georgia regiment captured two' negroes and a white Reutenantrroegro regir" ment. who were identified as belonging to the party who hung Lieut' Griffith. JL was deteraiined to take the thraa tntha pot whert, poor Griffith was niurdered, and bang them in retaliation. The cap tares were made in Perquimars Co,' N. C ReeimtUvction--Tke State qf Georgia. The Legislature of Geor gia has passed a" resolution thai lHa! State will never consent to re-onion spirit' which should animate all Authern meu.-r- It gives courage to the despondents strengtnens the weak and nerves anew the gallant men in the field. We regret to learn, that Mr. Jas. Stevens, who resided a few miles West of this place, had his dwelling and all hifurniture destroyed by fire, on new year's day. The premis es took fire during the high wind that prevailed on that day. Iredell Express. sucii a thinir. and the man who would , containing Sava- and ViIaiwiTa ; compaaj were iaise. "... . . .. . " . r I ' a . a iirni.4t m urifL-i'ii AfiiAina ot that iinnu Uua i,nrr.i,.i i.- anu. wuicu vu rettreseniea as au ( - - - - DIV . f.!Vl...Jfl..MVUlllWU,.. . - - ... kind ought to be looked uiwn and of Jacksonville, for the sam of $100. i rthJy parades, tu A likely negro man,' tbe property treated as a dangerous enemy toAllthd iron, trucks, wheels, tols, jeaee licro at home. God grant that and other materials of the Florida our people may bo saved frohi inresKailroad 'Cmpany7erord"iri0 tine femis and wars. The war with ! Itobinson at $500, and shiped by ihc y aiikees ' is ' duVtressing enough j him to New York. They were seiked without tnrmoil and strife among j 0n their arrival at hat city, by the ourselves. j Yankee Government, aud sold at We" are just alMmt as anxious for$10,000. Tlie above prices indicate u ' honorable peace" as any man f that the present occupants of Fer- i i i . . ii- : . i .i.- aa? t m mis www, oui we are wining io leave thV matter in thehaods of our Nationul authorities, -where the Cin lU"llvovJiaa.4)lacud it. President Davis and his Cabinet arn aa anx. ii'us fr pt aee as we are. Their lives J resulted in a signal laiiure. lbe their all, as well as' that of every uegro fellows are organized iutoa other true southern man are- at regiment, live hundred strong, and take. Ifnrr cause fails we all to- are priucipally employed on Forf gether are doomed to all Ignomin-, Clinch, which now mounts sixteen ion's fate. This being so, ought woKuus- battery, cmntnanded by not to work together, encourage thejoeKroe8t lM eeo erected -in iii iivin ivu, i4iacvurage miu irown ui vvm. uum unwuug. i...... I . ' . . 1 . irpi. 1. : . . . . - . . M uandina do not regard the tenure of their ill-gotten property as altogeth er valid and permanenL An attempt has bu made to cul-; tivate cotton npon the island, which a, year, is a barren Western Carolina have already done of a lady residing In the County, la noble art in carrvln the war. ; was run over by the train near the sanng two crop . jj, niTe gjTen freer ajnd bled depot at this place and instantly kill sandbank, capa- i free jjt tuej are 6tjH willing to gi ve ed one day last week. The negro bloly r growing wild woods and; oftneir 8aistailce to support the was standing opoo the track while Pcy pear. TineBegroe r sinaiug tinriyTTTf is toTrnnbeafablfto be thetrain was backing and, althougir ner meir miNoniines, are uymg thusrnthlolT robbed tf their prop-, warned to remove, did not heed. rapidlr, while those which survive , k.,,,1 nf tn,r who are begging to come back to the U. j 8eWom da MJ fightfngThese strag Statca to enter the armies or the j lvr ht to caBit upeTery country. Tha end Seward s Afn- cf t;iem, andP1aced in a camp can Utopia, and we fear that unless of foe? wbat WOald be a littlo whoiesome direchoa be im- vastly better 4hey sliould be pat parted to 1U finish, it may wind up to dut wh the "Home Guards" in a wnoleaome borror. n.eie is tue 1 UBtii it u convenient to send them upon the schemed of bad inen to dl vide us, and give a' cordial support to our authorities ajid-the measures adopted , to save our. chantry from being overrun bv a bretaiand mer ciless enemy! lie who now con cocts schemes to gratify' personal ambition, or spite, or malice, and with those schemes stirs up strife and quarrels among southern peo- The white - troous are encamDed on the bluff, between Col. Del JY and Duucan Bryant'a. Swaxm'a and Coachman's stores are occupied by the commissaries. CbL Deli's dwell ing Is nsed as a hospital for the white and the Pinooeer Ilotel as a hospit al for the negro troops. Much sick ness has prevailed many have died and at timet there bar not been lie was one of a gang to work upon the fortifications,, and being unwil ling to go, it is thought that he sought death in this manner, r 1 i Iredell Express. FROM SOTJTITWESTERN VA. T? nun r v-rr I v .Tan 0A liaovv gresuer reason to lear mia, aa utm i QjjuJgjp guard to their respective eom- saow fell here on the night of the iuia-o. v, (vaniM uw , . A trret manv of them, we ' 7th T!ia teloo-ninh linAa wr Hr threateaing, anless relieved, to sell nilMt oner furiOU!rUs. &c which s Gn. Wm. E. Jonea attacks a ( they nse -successfully to evade, the force of the enemy three- hundred l guards.- The interests.of the service costly KtTTercerinff threateatng, anless i the whole thing out Gentlemen who have been sound ing the Committee ea Finance say. rvery knowingly, that we are to be taavaawl aWa Kaatpf aVr rtlflt asn1 1 M IT a If Vvl HVM VVUMUta) aiu and there is talk of makin the tax Lpayable io funds at specie valuation, bat the end is not yet; for the com- Imittee have to decide on a bill, re port it to the - lions, wbere it will be fully disclosed, aad then sent to the Senate for farther discussion. The oev laws oo the subject of the finances need not be looked for ander a taonlh trom this time.--. and the interests of the community requires that this matter should re ceive the immediate attention of the proper authorities. Citizens caa be of vast use in giving information of, if not actually engaging in the arrest of stragglers of which they justly complain. Tbe fact, that Dr. A. T. P. Garnett 1 bouse ta Washington Gty, rents for $2,800, while rrader tbe ooofi-oatkoa law k sold for only 13,500, snows that dts Taatses do not con sider tbe as being a stroug at Jonesrilfe on the 3d, kill ing, wounding, or captured the entire party, together with three pieces of artillery and v twenty" wagons, and teams. . SALE OF STOCKS AND BOND8. Rith3coxx Jan'y 9.AI an anc tioa.sale here jeiiDrdiy Confedenite eights, long dates, brought 112 to. 117; Sevens,-par ; fifteen million loan coupons 1B3, cotton loan bonds 166. All bonds aad stocks sold at fanpricea, ' . . T

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