i l. i i ji !i 1 ! V - r i h El si 1" i ' i p. . a f fi ll ft v i' ! "t f! - . - rf: t i i I , i r.;wf ,! .t.'.V.i tj C .The G-r- of tW 0au5nktt Stale en.fk-t4 R Wbora, je!vtay,s. the three .-. partaet subjects U1 occupied iu a.;rtLO. during th seaaiou, via: Th Cor wJis eVesM -J Artay 7 - X Umw. cj U M 5tt8 nf t$ iVM-f th ItlliRMMllM Cocnxmtre of GisJercssga, Yesterday, 1 waich wer tcapectiWf raUSoi by A "3 wiTTJw fcjBDCtioB si ssjarax wethe aMiwimhi a btodtolayU freetrader, this of lb .overalact. - Weaveao!iac.oreDorarttf, '"T ..ad, would M eaploy k ia cntkna; for, - -r aaigbx bossid wayeeojexiua, cnoot oA)ok i bet hrt tfw. . .-awaowVyeyoudnrex cy exxe4-bar of their veto w eoMtrotu a the nuut tLe Acr of tbe Gomwoit, it is the duty of i rood eowinw , to lb daeerhil cqw aad support i- - THE CUWUFKCr BILL, ui act tmwvm, txuiiit mcc. 1. TV dUOffc Sol- TW IB MUOSM H abora tha deooaiactioa of Zrd d of April. 1864. ' the Mrfi .la,.y v J-!. 134, ot tt Uiawrpuwr the pUc tUteJ Uw boiler of H oh Trauwr aata tbii be IV4 lo tio4 the tbe rxof foar wwt p FyW atheist df of Jarf uJ Joly tb Tbe Seeretaiy of dTWarayE beVAy 3ihorisI to wwe tU booJ reqUiw! Rjr the Ttnrfms proi4V4fi pnsetfcctksv adohdltbo bonds b pcepwed k-mT rne eertiScotes 9nwlbparpor. Sac Boods wd eerti6etetUB bt noairabk -rkb-ct intern Iyn p.ybk - iboy-rlKlj aptxp&rt import daDes. - 1" ; X Tbt aTiiowy notei of tbo oVooom-cotooeWnJibrintm-;L wtricb sbJ o( be n-ewteJ far fuod-w-Wtiwtmaoostrflikeoratsertioorf . tas act. oluJI mail aim a.ve w itm . w - - - , , .ariL 1864, oasiof 1M ITasmppi nver.and 7 f Jr. 1864. wo of tbe tln jgapi mot; ceoso so oo vbobvmv pj nt of potwedoea oad oud notes, not so -raemsd ot the tinie; abalT; m oddttioa to tbe tax of tbirty-tiroe sod oo Uur cents im posed ia tbo 4th section of tbasoc. be subject .ifeiar east r taontt sjatil ao yacatod, wbkb Uif bsJ attadL to said sous wherever circriatei, sad sfaa3 fee oWar ted from the te of said aofc whenever pre--r.trf lTjawenr orjr tradias, and said saeof li i mi J antra 1 4. That on a3 aakl treasury notes not fuod ti or oaed nt paysarat of taxes a the dates ad places Meribed fas the 1st section oTtbia a, aba! be levied at said dates and pia .?s a tax of tyrtr-three aai one-third cents or e-ory doBar promised oo tfte1bv of Said Was. 8aid tax abal attach to Wi uotrf isererer etrcolated, and sbaS beeoBectedby iixLiiX th aaaie at th tnmsvrf, "itspO--.or.aad be t?fle tax ouflocsora, and by all Ttrasaenl oScersrewviBf the Same, wLm cver prweottd ae pojaamt, or for foadtne- or a pajmeat of emaacet does, or for post age, or is exchate for new note a hereiu ifier proraied; nod said Trea note shall fofidable in bonis aa provkll iu tbe firtf auction of this act unci the lat day of Janu ary IcoaL ax toe rout bv.ij- wra b;rd wait ea tLe ioi'..v. A ad it ean be the duty ot tue Secre- . W)t rate of interest specitiedon their face, nzj of th TtewmrJ at any time between the j payable on tin? 1st January in each and eve Itt April ease, and the 1st Jty. IS, weat ot ry jeaj. ?J ue Mwqpi nver, and U-f 1st January, That the Secretary of the Treasury be iS65, to sohstixute aad exchaage new Treas- and he i 'liereby authorized, iu cae the exi jy notes for the tame at the roue of sixty- , gucfeg of Uie Government should require if, sz and two-thirds oeeU oo the dollar, pirotri- to p,y iw deniand of any public creditor ed that notes of the deawminstawi of on whose debt may be" contracted after the pa- -rcndred doBars snatt not oe eouufu kj ua ?cwje of ;i exchange; fxrmami jnrwer, r i tu rK-iU to focd anv ol sai Treosnry ry r, vstMaiter the lsl diT U January. 186i, eLv taken awav. d ptmwidU further, t-iat upjo aU such Treasury aou which may -etna-n oamaadicf on the Ut January. 1HG5, and wmct may twt be exdiaagea wr dw -Tarv as herein poride4. tax of kMorid wtr erai. m herehy it. iba. aiwr "f- i am . -L. . nM BUkVt a . aaetonty iwretotoregwea hu aesro '? fte Tfwaury to ww iwawy wttww.awtui f - i-r... .v revoked: raaaaee. tbSee- . m- . . .i.a W L-KT!TTK4Tn--3n l in aa wtot . . , I I j escnot payacie iwo ya LJ""! I - :. a ... I cation of a treaty of peaoe wuh th Uatted , . .1 . . . . i - to rt oew tanawsrwiwiia-wMi 3i-t ttf all DuLhc etoe cxerot errt and lot rt drJe. and to U iasued ia exchange for c'l note, ax tUrattwodoaarsof lhtnw few ti-ee dollars of the old WJeA whether asid r:d iwus U aimufeKA for earhaoge by the A Jj. thereof, or U received to tbe Treeaa r u:.Jr- ti. rvwoos of thtsact; aua the jdr" tbessfw aatasorof thooidsnte, eacep: umms of tbe aVi.ftminal.wa of one bun "urrd daarsL after they are ledeced to aixty vx and twoHiikd cent oa tbe duBar,by the t-x a'jresail mar convert the twa into call o-irrStea, brartag tatarest at the rata of four jet ceuL vmt aBBam, aad payabl two yean alter the ratiaaiioa of a treaty trffeatwwith Uaea State sjalsjsxsjtasaeresjater 7 , ! .i. . u i- -.C 4 J i . L K .... U .t IIK'u.. Unit - oWa jjCve l.uuilird ri ivnol tlollnr, llie ptmr!il n4 iuicrr-t v hrnetjf tAuiH Us ft fivm uxiuhmi, nJ for Ue jmyntfiil of in tnH liwmm tlte entw oel wwip of IT xpurt duty Lrrrtiier UitI oo tli vmW of all uiiou, toUctv, uii nrt ttotM, whicb liU b xwrtrl fruui tbt CWedtH tu S(iUi Dt tlie ci owi f 4b import iMiM bo bL or oo oiodt ilwrvofiMi uioy U uvorowy to pay aiipilly rbo htterrrt, mm kerrby piyirr,mT).!txI ir.t tbe tiutir now ImJ opua fcupotn ml hereby bImm! berwltor b wM jh pn tv hi terGnx ex chonre ot ia Uio ouanmui of toU buitiU f T - TW ibit fiMWihr of tbo'Tromrt U briT feutWiaed. fKXO timt(itn btbo- als of th tWwry-orty toquvt k, ro- obB. or tfponoteu tot irttsnrjuou iw doiku' or My (oit tbamof, upoobo beat tern 1m obo wuli) meet pfyjritioirt ff Cwvp! nd at. lb tma liinw reiiice and r strict tlie omoont of b cirouiation in Trcttfirv iiotea within rcoaooabUr anJ Jb EraiU - - ' 1 ' ' & Tbe buftdi MWbc-iied by tbt 0W Mo tion of tU not otoy ' b euhor tegbtrred or eoupuo bonbv oa lU ortirfe taking tbrnt rbct, andthvr. tnajr ,bo ,r xdjn?yd for emJ rtlor itoder auch rvpiltwu aa ilia Secta ry wf tbe Treofirj mat prescribe. TImJ altaH bo for one bontlred iluIUra, or mmoc multipW of one bundrrd dollars, and abal! together itb tbe eitfipMw ttM ft-W attaolied, be in Mich torn im! of aouh ftntbeniatiaa as tbe Secre tary of the Trt-asurj roar prefer be. Tli to tereat awaQ b njiJuhJt ywry on I ho lrt Jauuary ,ao4 July iab-year--lle prinors pal :4uJl bo parable not kas ibaa thirty years from their date. " 91 LlTcaJoertificiessbidIbefunlaUe.aihl 'BbaB be taxed M aN' tspect a ia prorkb'd ur mo tnaMT WHua, inco wuicu iimtj atv convorDbbb if ik4 ron verted before the tine tJbed for taxing Umi Treasury nte. mich oor- est opoa oaly xtyJtaiidt:tMlurdtwU Uticatet aball, frotu iltal time, bowui? nun for erery dolW proniisvd kdoq tbrir facr. ud abaS be 'roaWaMhL wuly iu new Ta-asurf notes at taat-ralr. hut after Uie juvwffo of tkU act, n vU eertiScates ahull ULjod uu- J id attrr th t Iy . f XivrO. 1354. lit Th&l il' ail-. I. nt- mT L.n.-Nit iiLaJl irive its depositor Ur. botwl :lioriil by Umi lt Section of thw act i u excliange "foV tlieir 'depo stts, and specify the same on the bouiu by some distinctive mark or ,token. to be agreed opoa oritb tite .Seiv&ary of llm Treasury, then te aid dfpoietttr hall be mttkid to re ceive the aibouut of aakl bonds in Treasury notes beamtg no inttresi and ovtatandirur at die passage jof tub act, provided, the wnt bonus are presented before the privilege of faadin; said notes, at liar sliaJJ ccaatv as here in prescribed. . , ' j ll. That aO treasury UoUs hereUfore wu ed of tbe denooiinadoe of five dollars altall oontinu to be receivable in pymeut of ixib S dues, as provided by law, and fundable at par under the provtsiotai of Uii-act, until the latJ Joly.l86f. eMt, and until tlie 1st Oc tober, 1864, west of tbe Mississippi, but alter that time thee sliall m aubject to a tax of thrrty-ttiree ami one tlird nts on evliy loh lar prombed oa tbe lace tliereoi, said tax to attach to said notes wherever ctrcnlated. and aaid notes h be fundable and exchangeable for new treasury notes, as - herein provided, sxibwcf to the deduction wfaaaltax. .- f l'i. That any Stale hokhn; treasury note, 1 jeired before the times iiereiu fixed lor tax- ! reueireit betore the times liereiu JixeU lor tax- in saYJ noteT rftall be'aIUwe.J nnul the 1st day of Janoorr. 1865, to londrbe saf6inx per vent, bunds of the Cohfoderste States. ! reau, or nary agent, or provost uiarshal, or judgment, juattca, equity and neuessiiy re payable twenty years, after date, and the in- olhcerin tlie conscript service, who shall here- ; quire such tletaiht, and be buy revoke such terest payable semi-annoa'Iy. Bit aO tnra- j after retain or employ any person stibject to orders of details V he never be think pfnfier i awry notes received by any State ath-r th ; military duty, a herein provided, shall be ' ProviiUd, Tlwt the power hereiu eraiited to time fixed for taxing tlie saiue, a aluriidv i eashiered. , - r the lVeaidt'nt to make delsih and exemptions ahaO bhetd to have been received dtoiuiijdi-1 t Section 10 rqieals all existing exempUbn t shall not be ennatmed to autlajrbeth ix 1 ty theamouut ojf said a?tk:.T?ie; diiri.ir ! kxnd exeniptstliefdiowiug: emptioir or detail of any .eontractor.toy.far? nation between flVe noted sntject to the tax 1- Alt who-sluul be bekl unfit fiar miliUry nUuiij eupplie of any kind to the pivern and tiiose not sd subject ahat! be fc-tr ta tin-1 service, nnder rules to be nre.-cribcd by the ' menu by reason of id ooatract. nulrss the tood takltof each State, and the certificate of' the tioveruur thereof shall iu each case be 1 coouhisivfe . IX ? That treasury notes heretofore issued, bearing interest at the rate of seven dollars and thirty cents ou the hundred dollars per aanunt, auall no longer De received in pay ment uf pobfif dues, but shall be Seemed aud considered bunds of tlie Confederate Stares, . payable twu years after a ratification of a i . - ..r . . ...!. rl...l fi:,:... i - i aage of thw act, wiiimjf to receive th same, iu a certificate of fnoVbteeuea to U baoed bv taal See to aJiforiu proper, payable two year alter a rattfiuatioM ' of a treaty of'.eace with tlie United Stale, bearine intereot. at the rate of mx per cent I per annum, payable eiui-aimua!Iy, and tnui j feralJe only by special enlorjeiietit umJer j regiilstiana. to uu nrweribtid brjhe JSflCretarv i j vm ,me ms mmnm iuuwa auwi -tc - r . :. : . a catnpa wu.n laiauuit n pnnijipai anu wier- est, t - wt w i-".'r-W vrWmf iV Zr7.!!: thonzed to irtcrraie the nureberuf deposit.! rlei H to ntet WrSifi . . . . . - . - - autTwiQi ltat view to ennlov ao.-1 ol. i . . . ... . 4 - nana Matt SvOM oiate a he tt.ay ueew J extwhrtiL- . r . - - ULXmzXemwtf-. tte-IWsri.y forthwith adverUse this act in laooh nawspa- ! para puWtWMsd to th several States and by j aoch other mean a Mail secure immediate pubiieiry, aad th Secretary of War aad the : in . .1 a ii i . . secretary ox iiravy snai; eaco caue it to do pobhshra ia generpl orders for the infonna Ou ot the army and navy. 17. 7e 42d section of the act for the as sessment, and osUcetion ol taxes approved Miy 1st, 1863; is hereby repealed. The 42d section, of said act reads a fol lows: That tJte Stxretary of the Treasury may prescribe regiilattorta to cnabla any lax pay or as pay .into the Treasury, ia advance, aoch eaji a he may choose oo aooount of taxes to aocros against him, and to. obtain therefor a t t.. t. 1. Tlie tHTreUry of tle Trt-Asurr ia here by authorised an ! rvquirel, ujn the aj'j'ti cion of the holJer of auv nail crriiiicaie whkh by tl.e 14 ft-cttounf ibe fccf r pro ride (or lh fualinj( and Arther Uiue of Trea ory notea, approved March 23d, 18f3, was respired -to to f hereaitwiuorniea to do boudio iMMo.to.sack bol'lcr ,bo.ndjUere- for npoo) sucb terms nrorxkiU oy sntd act. ,; ; TI1JS MlUTAtU t"ta JL lffliairgaktu jntt h am rfartny tht 1 tUtioa'lat "provides Uiaf'lJlbit'hM!n. residents of tbo Coofedrate 3utea, bHwetn tbo asof 17 nd 60, shall hin tbo otirvico oftbo-Cuofedjralo atotwtuiiajr tbo tatw , Soctioa provides that U. DvttaweO ;tho as e of lg and 4$ now iu aervhio be re: tained ; dunne U preaetit war In Ute anio orgaiiisatioa in whkJi thf V were, serving s( the paape of thU oct, anlcss tbey aro regu krlr 'diacharwd' orktraa-ferre(l' Companies' from om Sute; who' we put info onraniaa-1 Boas from ortothor 8ut-. shall bo traaatcirad proridod, toey exprond tbotr lliixenl St tlM tioio tbey were plaoed it said, organisation. Individual auldivra are aflowed tb ramo pri rbo ' -,. . ' .' Section 3 provide that, at' the expiration of tx muU(n IroMi the lat of Aril next, a bounty ot voo liiidrod dolNrs, in o air fr pent Uoreronieot bono, Bltuii bo pskl to rocb nou-oomiuiMiooed officer and prirato then in tarrkm r .. ; ; i . :. : ' . Soction 4 provides that no person shall bo rvUered froui tbe ojeraikin of this act by rea son of bavio been discharged, wfiere DO dis ability no exist, nor by reason of bnvinj fiiraiabed substitute; btit no pernoirwho has boretofore been exotnpted on occount of religious opioioiH, and paid the requirod tax, sualt bo required to reouer muiUry servictt. I Section 5 providoi that afl bet ween 17 and 18 years of age shall form a renerre corp. not to serve oot of .Ute State in which they nwide ' 8etku 6 provides that the ant named per mmm shall ekivt thoir own reainieut and coin- jiany olfioers, aoU be eutitlml to the saioe pay and aDowaocea aa Uroopa iu Uis field. 8ecttoiT'Trovitk tl hwtnatm'd failing lo attend at tbo placeofwW, Tbalii.icheiriiyUoQ shall ct-eW- Wliea-reudc-xvoiM within thirty days, as provkhrd ever tlto foriet, piaoter r overeeei shall tail by tlie President, witlaiul a sufTicient reason, diligently Ut ciniUoy in gd faitlt his own shall bo tued serve in the tWd deling the J(ii,0apit) and Lhor excttivcla n tin? Xio war, ..- .f. ...... .... lfc "-"foWionjifjiii'iMi4 ot(a'aSr'iasuia;tMi Section 8 provldea tliut aU the. duties of auld to the Govern me ut mm tlie fniilioo( provost and itosital guards and clerks, and soldiers a( suub price not exceeding thoe of clerks. giMMruV, amenta, employee as labor- fixed at the tiioe for lite article by the cout m ia tlie CominiMury and QoaiierwaJief miwnrics oi the State nnder tlie iiupeassaent Departnienis, iu the ordnance burean and na- acL ry depots, and ail similar dune, jdiall be per- The old kw is re'-enacted rehuin; to rail fonned by ponons who arv declared, by a ! road. , board of, urj;eons, aa uiialilo to (lerforui mill- ! Ol Nothiaj hereto Contained siiaO be con tary service in tie liekl The Treaideiit mar ' oirm-d as reiiealinv tlie act aiHMvved & fA 14 jietail auch bodies of troop ut aidi rulu-I rc- qinred to be enrolk-d under the sixth vctiou t mails of Um Contpdcrat Olstrs, and V-m itrt of this act (between 4o and 60) aa iimv be ! rem of pot enaohes atid batk. Irviu mthtarv r nwfded forthe dtWtuiigi; ol such duties, xw ' ! n between seveiiiei'it and eiuuteeu'veaii.' ol age sliall not be aigiifu to ucli luue. Th i'reaiiletit is embowered to detail arti- ' cans, mechanky, or ierstoiin of udentitic skill, t perfonn mdeienaable daUu iu the depart- i NMmts or bureau herein mentioned. . Section v provides tliat auy qiwutennaMer , : or uhuhmi quarienuaster. cominbaary or as- , J swtant comrnisiary tother than those serving i I ! iu the Geld, or officer in Uio ordmance bu-1 Secretary of War. t "2. Tbe V ice-Preident of Uie Confederate : oiaica. uw iKiiiMcrs auu oiucers oi ytmgnm, ; wine several ou tegwijtures, and aocb j other Confederate and State officers as the Presidcat or the Governor of the retpective States may certify to be ueceasary . for the ; )roper administration of the Qmledeiate or State frbvernment. asilie i-u mu h i , ' J . o. r.rery mmmer ot religion auUion igion authorized to preach according to the rules of hi church, and who, at tne passage of litis act. sFialTbe T rejruliiriy employed m tlie diacliarye of hia : iipiu uuw, airi luiviiueiiia aim pnj- ' seian of asylums ol the deaf, dumb, blind : and insane; We editor for each newapaperi being published at the time of the paasjuie of i una act, aitu sueu employee as aaui eUitor f uiaf veiuir ou uaut to ie inuiatieniiaute u - .i ..i.i ... .. i. . "..,.. , lire p-imtvauvu wi suvu newspaper j in puo 1 lie printer Of the Confederal and Stat eov- ' the said publw pnitairfaiwll certify on oath to i be indispensable to porforin the public print- ' ine; orie skilloi apoUmcai y in each aootiu. ary store, who w doing buinea a neh vaiecary. on tlie lOthuay of October, 1S2, and ha coi.tinoed mfd biiinei. without ii.. wiiHxsn, kv liiaa penou , u pnvSlCWHi . over tne age year who are now, and , L have been lortbe Lusi i-n v.-uj-m uk il .,. . .-r,..r.. r. . . . tt- , ... , ., -- ahall not include ilenttsU, , u ,, ' ., thml -1. . -7 --1 & 1 u.-Wi - . . ....... t ah wuierimewuenu of 4abhe 1tOH:lal e- KtawhtaJ - by law before the tiure of IHi- . . . aWctr njeesTS IS faitf Mprmr teodonl shall certify bfl oath to be essetuial to the management thereof, 4. There shall be exempt one pemrxi a owner or aricnltunit oo each farm or plaut- .... . a Don upon which there are now and were. oo the Ik day of January laet, fifteen able bodied field hands between tlie age of 16 and 50. opou the fbfiowiug oonditions: 1 i ma exemption shall only oe granlod in rs- j e to wntcu were t no wmt niaie adult on the (arm or plantation not liable to military jluty, nor iwless the peraoo claimiag tit ex emption, was oo the Lat day o( January, 1864. cither the owner and SsaAager, ee overset f of said pWi Wion, but in ao caas ahall tpors than oo peraoo be exempted for one farm or pUatatioa. X Such person shall first ax- , . (. . .....I 1 liver lo Ihv lioviriiiiu nrst .mo raanJ.l p"t or ikk h other plm-e 1 may le d'-'int!!! ly the Srcrelary of War, within ti lr iriMiihs aext ensuioir, one hiinja-d pound ftf bams or at Ui election of the Coveiniiient. it equivalent in pork, and on humlrrd pouu? ol net beef, said beef to he delirered on hot) fofiWl ble-bodh-d slave on or pUu.'atioa witlun tlie above said aj, wheth er said . slaves are is flte flvU or not,. hich aaid baoou or jMirk or lieef !al! be paid for bv iltetitwemtneot at He Drive fixed by tbe Comaiiaeoirtrs of tbe tyaw ' presameot sot ; jrVot4, that ml be per son thus txAnpte4 shall ptoJiwe MtMlavtory evidence that it baa been impiMtblo for bus by the exercise of proper Jilipnee b funiisb lHajBanje3b.s eyjitrMted l ; leave aa adeqoate uppy 'he snUaaleiK-e of tiiose Kvmg oa said farm, tlie Stwetsry of War shall direct a oomnuitaiion of the-same to the extent of two-thirds ihuruof, in ram or otlter proviMons, lo bo iMivered by . aoch person as aioreMtit at equivalent run. 1 Such pe sun sliall furtbenoore bind hiinarli' Cd std tlie tnarketable aarplus of provision and grain now oe. band, ud wlih h lie nmy raise trout year to year, while the exempt urn Motiatiee, lo the Oot-ernmmt or the faunHtu p soldiers at prxrs fixed by llie OoiimiiU siooersof tbe State under il imjwvnMin-iit act:tVord(. That anv irhott. -iiiird as aforesaid, shall be eiiitiU-d to arvltl of ! 23 per cent, on ,any affini f im-at whu-1. be may dVtirer witbin IhiW tnontli nnn tin paaaaKV f this aef ! PrvriM. irlAtr. XUnt Dorawiaoomina? wfihin the no vision "of thli exemption shall nut WoWprieed of tbe bene fit Uk Vof by reason of hiving Wen enrolled since the 1st da of Kebearr. 1904 . . . v In addition to the foteRomg exemptions, the S4urtAry of War tjiar, eutlrr the direc roction of the Preaidunt, exempt detail mkJi other pernors as lie vnay he MrfWvl ought to to be exempted rwr acooot of wb ti IteoesallyVand lo tm trk'pJactoii W grain and otW profuiooa for 4 We army and for tlie families of eoldiefs. ' lie may also yrant exemptions or dr tails, oo ach tertw as ho may prwscri, u audi orerseera, htmicrs or planters, as be otar be aatL-fied will be njurt lUHSful to tit coirtjtry in llie pursuiia ol r i.'.t - .a . V l&X exempting contractors for carrying the , Service: VeW; Tlt all the exemptMH. zrar.tl Onder thli act idiroTonly eontiniie ' while Uie person so exempted are - aotuatiy i engaged in their reapectiv purauils or ovcu J puliona. . ' , - Se. -1 l.-That tha PreiddMit beTria tte 1 T hereby anlhoiued to pwit details, utalvr geu era! rule and regiitataMi lo be Kd Irmu ! .1 It j - ' J tne vt ar ijxirtniefit, vititer ol person be- I tween 45 awl iiQ year . oev, from Hie I army injne lidd, in-ail case where, to l headoreecreiarrofjiio di-paitinent loakinit uch contract shall cettijy that the nenHHial service Oi auuiA contractiir ate MiJi4f'iNtle to tlie execution ol the contract ; rrt, ' farther. That whenever such contractor mihII i fail.djligently aud faithfully to proceed with j the execution of such contract, hi exemption or detail aball ceaao. .Sm VI TJ a iiu.iiii;.,.L..i i.,k-.t. .r ! - ' m ' I 'H f- QUMUffVI surgeon lor.tiaj exaimnatMNi uf persons ha- ble v mihUry mmiiv, no member etNMituaiitz t Thliwne auall'be aoiioiuied hi-ta ilw Ciumy ! or enroltiii dintrkt in which they 'are rtouk eu io iimKC nijen caailiiuatlull. '"JL ' . : ' J'kALilia. llejeara worn a(eral mmiimim lhal Kfirea m vi' . etern perl of the Stab, tl.ni gro 'r""J are 1iii perelrated to jjetlini; op " tf g f , , , , : , . " it uUlura f' lb- purpoi of su- ( , llHtrizinsf n Urnvfatiou. Sri ! i the ! bam of tiov. Vaww fairly hmk! a iixi- : ttoiiinrj tin ni.tvemMt. but Ihe tain 1 oi.s ar "igiiiiiir jvef)I oi 111 paiiera, SO as to swell the number of mtm ; and ".. t. . . - , - - .. yvimuim mater ajj ar aunt H-lMra MI4 , to-erp, thtnu.- AKitTt. Irfelenct. sifof lheir li.lls ami the Souah .. . 7. . v . : ? . ... . j ,Tro MdU im lm.k U Jt.tJm.tt a. tm-m --f -- rr t- . . . M natutja .1 an ai.o rufua Iu aliril U . i. .i . . ' A - - warn ou m of lite papora. a . . . . , mm Ve retat tfiHlour il..rnkjiti..n .tTi- i Traud eoiiiB "fawn avtjraT resjteutable aource. FoyttUiiitt Oh$trttr. ' Tlia Meridiaa (Mis.) CZertoa aav the troops at that place Lava eomiuenced re enlisting aad buoo j them a North Caro-, Jin company . has mail a lender .' of Ua eriee,or iht umr. All boeor to oar noy iJdi,,, If oer peocJ at boene will but do ttortr dty a the aiea Is) tbt field ar Joiajr their v ran never be subja- rtoJ- . , . AaptW t4arQr, ia watch lUSUUia iotereataj, baa arrivad ihroogli th block Jo, hriag.ag fall caro. HAL! M'iiV. N. C: . . .... . Governor Vanoo '. i rud llrij:li tf.isjJa.ie Saturday tp-uM?g on his way lo Wi!C-Kiio',wriMr;1r h.n beeu invited lo rh-liver a a.l.n-to tf pple oi - "., -' -u-'t i. the Mat of the ootin'iy. lie will .lm' ih-hv- e.an a-Hm!ai trill oi return tVouxh fliat pUee sirt4Vlier.Uyj' Clhr will arrive hrfe on. JVr'ba'.alayrveninjt. ah44 ' if bis ptiblie dulirs 4l admit U h. Will ie- rnain over jawtil.TJiufalibiyi ami, aJtlrrsK tlw propieol Bowan ou thai day. .. 'r ' Important Bills. " We ptve place to this papt?r, to the exrio sioocf moi-h o'hi-t matter, to lwoofiheimor tint Acts whkh have for W lonjj a tfrne en p:tpe.l tlie rarmt attention of th'OonfWler-at- t'nu'n . vix : The Curremy 1911 ixl th M l.tury Hill. We rv-re the Tax JtiU 4-r Mir iw-Xt (aper. ll i not expected lhal iUc importai l pn lic HMtbni wNI giveMtKdhciHjO to every Uv. dv. AIHi tiroiile are apt in eNii:lain ut vt- jwevioii wherterer am. law resx he thetn in a way requiring jeu-rirKt. Tltise hw an- 1 aure Vi afliit every uma, eiilier hi HToit or prwpertyV' TItey nr in' ended to do. Our trpresentativrs In (jpese havt laborrl wuh a xcal woi tbj oi Uw fevibs rmdition ; of Uw.onuutry, to Arranit'1 oei'v W!ier ate Ui rrqiiire extreme reinedk1; and if uf people. Madly deMre- MvlrjrtKfc-uer , tal are shitormiii'l-t'v taakevhe im i i aw y aeerilk-es to secure. U. they will yk-bl a cheer ful and hearty eomplUnc to tbrav kwi W areal in the same' ship, ami sanrt tunc or swi'iii tvicetlse. If all are anile in heart ami v haivl, -9 aha! save tJie afiip, aial anelior 'err too hi wrrajof wcenty and peaces IW there W no ottntenti' Kwr.K wtwKch ; but let erery man work, aiai bear to lumiru with true couiae onto the eud, and alt ut be sdLrw,- w "t- V . KXATORfALl ELECTION. - , Xmhj lieUl ui Uowan aixl lWa eimnties on ILutaday Lot for a Senator to Ml tii Vacancy oeuuouned by Uaj reetqatkw of Dr. J. G, Uarnsay,. resulted to the chioe uf lloa NUoyuVn, by a mojoeityof 149 vote, lha roti.etoal to Ida , llon;Xlfoyden. v"?! 424 w WaxvaJiardi. 3t. 61 It. Usroh nwjurtiv, ? X' I4fs It will be vv fltat I he vote to flowan a wrv small aiul atihouvh wu hare uot mn j. il zL J.-iWL JT ,-wJw.' r w -TW..? w"7 m - . . a ..- -. . i a,-eo ruw uay, aiai that, no doubt, account h) part, for, lb tl o atteodanco at ll fa,'S-?it:T..u. , IIAlHiAS COHTUS CAES. Cliief Justice jaewnt Jtae Urn Atlting ar litis ftlace to hear arvemcuts aru and un 9ixirkhry'iastojae caM:ota party who WL-he to eiKapq the operaiion ot Uie laK dtofilerato Att, piitiiim tU fniiv;puf tit iibttr uh-slri The hHitr.' " W ii, prv l fore (ltd defivejy Lt opii.ion. IFArre t At H,.t7 ? hav Taiihl 'H riMiire thr-e Mte. witiiin tlie Ut three week, which were ma!!e! f.r n at iTw-kv title, Tvo 6ftheiu were writh n 1 x a jieii tlwnian wht.' en!iinrfh!r i-KiN-lU-nL aiuk wno b J" nniental knowll" of FoFt-f- . ... - nw fclton tlf-r wnf alvr-e!rr4ullT ad irew, o innt we ar.. MtiiitMhe r.vilt Wae Kt to the tenter, 1 ! lwfrnatVr4 mix I tar- rw between tiisUieanl Mm-k-ille honkl ' feel anxioos to,iv.- Km Mvot-iios failuir One of the k-ltem vooiuirwd tin me v, and ir uir'T"J, wmvni uk id uvi ite cattM' ' hiilure removed. tTThe HuUm- of ircvrem-ntativrs hav n . xci Henl bill to faeiloaie the payment ot iet-vajke. Mililiflk l..n.,a I'n ... ilu, (! llee. there U.i n UAS.I i Uims filed, aini w,h Paiu" "it It h'Jfunl the hew "ill mil tniif uie iH-lil liltei.t ItaTing'lllfM iH - ltleruriitS to li.ke to Ih if.jiin dufv w ith disfialcu. 1 . n, w. i .: .i " rT t vw.r , ,,P H'itrtl in lite m 1jWtfi ll l.t WP flMIH UtHIW V ATt i. ; , ; - ' -f,..-.,., ? .k . , an h e inoie rua iia4. utanuiacturer Jrox - ti!,!j.Li4Stt ih Uftilef Ihwtt .is; Oi t - - , teaiiah; afid T Ihi'fe M w7 taw fir lb" protection of the peofde thews men tdiould U inade to feel iu power. " Ami DutrknTu Kaltigh Cbnfod erate atatas that among (W'Vankee ptMtbutn taken be'ow Kiuston htt wetk, there werr forty-five deserters from Xalhercut's Dalta iotu 'They were in fu8 YarAee uniform, and will of rourse, aoflvr the pevtahy so emmeov ly due th base mm of desertion to tbe eu- f.my.A. Uo oeiorter from the 8th regiment eaught la. Tank utxiorrn, was shot oo Tharaday last, with rreraf otliers. .-A pobl'w xneetin to gi-eaa county,' has reortnmendcd W. V. Iloklm for next Gov ernor of North Coriilina.1- " : ' . " : . . . 4