r i r i ''':,''2- -" I I'"'." 'J' .':",.. '..- , ' - " ' -' ., - . - - . . , . "H .- .,,. . (, ; - ;- - -- -- " " ".,.r.,"" ' :V'IFfif rVfnV r'f r-,-V-VJ-i" n'v-t-V.-.H'1-'!-! ri-VW-f'? ,14- ' :?tV:r ya . .-sVif vrwyatrigwf? !' i H, H ' TTTTT" " tfm ) $t III tbHti fai k (lcaUff to osptr Wubiu our breaM frcw ooitniM tnd dirv 6iioo' never V uyiifi WL." " 1 : . Jtoolvd 4tk. Tht U Js with feeling of kuuiUlAtioa aad eoocern. U)t we he beard tritbrrvret tit great itsaftHHfattion tbat'n rxiMing among ouc frienda at borne ; that we luok opoo Holden and bis party, as traitora to our cauae ; and l hat we forbid tiie ctrco lativn of bU paper among the member of tltis Company. llnohud, tih, That we heartily approve of the ONirae punned by president Davia, and eonikier him a leader worthy of our caoev and repud him m a christian gentleman. Btioivd Cth, That in frrin for the war, we do so with a determination never to sub mit while a ruthless iovader treads our soil Rtaolvtd 7th, That a w3T of these Reao hitiona be sent to the Head Quartern of tbia IWiinent. with the rt-qoest that they be read on morning parade, and also to the Carolina naUiuuaD..WKh the request to publish th ante. . - U f r . h KIMBALL, Ch'n. 0. L Datidwh, 8e& FtbfMarSia, 1864 BiAOtfAans N. C Ctalet Em., ) Feb. 23d, 1864. f ! SmcctalOrdmJJo. 23. In complying with the request on the part of the meiqbers of Co. B, as expressed in the last series of resolutions, parsed at a meeting of this Company. The Commanding Officer fret proud to know that the arduous duties of a soldier, the troubles that encompass the road to freedom, tod, independence, and the rumors of dissatisfaction that grate upon the ear, have not bad the power to cool that ar dor, check the courage, or weaken the hope, thai flowed in the bosom of the brave band of troopers from IrecMl, Rowan and Alexan-' der? that eoobled them to deeds of valcand that' gives them encouragement still to be lieve oor't is a just cause, we most, we will conquer "4 ' To de member of this. Company the Commanding Officer may be pardoned for . saying, mern we know your valor, we know your fid determination ' to resist oppres sioo and insults, we know the fir of ia-difnatn-fhatkindlff in your bosoni of 'Al and the eagerness with -which you pledged your Uvea and vour honor in the defence of your homejv you then were living, pod grant , that this spirit of rebellion may never grow cold, that this resolve to fight like patriots, to die like freemen, if need be is still fixed and we trust, the day is not far in the future when peace and independence will crown our uni ted efforts. C U. ANDRJfiW8i . u,:-, Csiwdry Rej't .' a a WotTBj Adj't ir; ; - eS.,-, ,- i, .'-V;'-- Lr-l-. 7 rauH or THurirn Tkas au IW six' sMfti He wfcecrfptiaas rreeived fcr lM(r t preaaat" . " 4i ' TKt OF lDTEITtIKCti eereqeaie MtW first inatMbia aad 1 fersaeamlbrtacli urat aabffeauoo. Idctl ' iboui NTetii fi tre prisonem. som ibaianctof Nat" lias yet mls ai: id m . M..;.TlhiU; aufuatliiotf .la 4nMi: I I in to. ft- title; IH l Ihlcr mtnft apporfed by nw UfiKiq.iTO or $rwr Amo9tmikmblxh tlM trimm- it I slmoddr in turn JU made ilun "it iu execution, 'thi Uom -oi wiK nd fiiully, we Iimv b7 "; CpU JJli btter j cmnt Uitu nciion, bowled trriturr , iu North, Citrolioa, wiui leiiinx eueci, "un iin niria oi ut verv prvcarlout tenoro. " Orilie. frwtencei Df Indjvldnrtl lie-; roi'sni, I eatinoi in 4lU limited uace a a t a I epvaif ftinuoi. uruwd, end Lieut. Ffu ta WibuinfUia loaraal Beegh ftettaef a Brief Casspalga, to ibesw ardivirtt, at m-.- wl ti.a Mr. fCLT0: uouotieM your reader liav. ere tin's, read Gen. Martin's rvjrt of hie .expedition to Obei anUviMe, furtnini' part of a plaa, which, had it been carried out, wuM nave eipeHed the foe from the anil of North Carolina. Of u. Martin, then, left Wilming too ou the uoriingof Janaarj 28tb, 1664. II is wlwle force consisted of two rCgitiienU of Ida brigade, the 17th and 42d I IU-Ki '"" of N. ' C T.t two comnie of caealrj, and Captain PunY hatterr of alx 12 jiuuiidrr, and Captain ili' battery f four G Muiider. Ot ii. Martin bad received orders, to co I'pvrate with the forces maMnx the attack ujn Newborn, by cut tine the railroad at SbeparUsville. Kotliitig of interest occurred on the tnarch until we bad croseed the at a r -v a ST - a a W nit Aa it iw vrt and tiaa - gone tome distance bejond, where our cavalry advance picked op a Van kee, who had deserted frntn the ene tnj th night previons. From bitn Gen. Martiu iltaittd foil intoruta tion of the enemy a forc, the num ber of pins be bad,and the position l Uie block-bouses and forts. That nfgbt we eocauiped fourteen miles from 6hcpsrUTiIle, in a dense swaiiip, wliute morkiness and gloom were mcreasea, u toaoiDie, by rain which fell through the night. the mat! the 421 was ordered M ad t ance, under, Col, JBrown, aridJ llie 17tb-m tho left, under Lieut. G4. Lamb. With --a1 rfldrtdteer 'ihat1 at ruck terror to the heart ot the craven fow, the gallant fellows charged right across the open space into the Bwampand the Yankees fled like quicksilver Jefore tbein. Frotn swamp tu swamp, from covert to covert, the Yankees were driven before the brave North Caro linians like a herd of hunted deer. Abont a mile from Shepardsville there is a swamp, denserand darker than any other swamp in a country of dark and dense swamps ; it ex tends on- each side of the road far terliMpe two miles, and here the lankees in considerable force, in ambush, awaited our ctunlng. Our skitnia' ei s failed to find them, and Ca4. Paris led hia battery to with in fifty yard of the enemy before hia wherealiouts was known. The Yankees fired acfte volley, at this aliort distance at bis battery, but strange to say not a man or horse waa struck. S Lieut. X3ol, Lninh, of the 17th, where all were brave, were conspicuous fr tlieif gallantry. Captain Ellis and Pari, of tiie arirTlery. and their offi- cers, were reiuarkable for eool gal lantry. Oaptnins .Harlan,- Morris and llarrjH, of the csvalry rendered tnt. efficient serrico. . Here let ino rtfconl the death of a gallant gentle nianf Cnpt. ll of the17tlfr" whf fell, urhlle leading hia men into. the Imtleet of I lie tire. Too touch cannot be said in praise of the nnflaggiiig determination, and the unfaltering Vsvery of the noble 42d and 17th. All llnnr to such men f VOMltCNlCA HONS. Frora the 4lh North Carolina. Notwithstandiosr the forced march of! the pre vioua days, and the dis eoiufort of the night, the troops rose with cheerfulness and alacrity, and prepared for the day toilwine marcli, and for the battle, Eight miles from onr camp of the night btfore, the Yankees bad post ea cavalry pickets. Our cavalry j made a gallant daati at thefti, nd succeeded in capturing all but one. Here we lost a gallant officer, Lieut. Muse, of Captain Harris' company of Georgia cavalry. Strict orders had been given that oar cavalry should not tire for fear of alarming the enemy. Lieut Muse attempted to capture ope oT the Yankees, and while pursuing bim, waa ebot dead. Beloved by all who kuewabim, he nobly gave bis yonng life to bis eoootry. After this exciting little , episode, we resumed the line of march. In aeme countries tin re can be foand some dry land even in the midst of swamps, but your correspondent will defy the most critical observer to find any within four wiles of Shep- j ardsville. An endless succesaion ofj dark, dreary swamps, whose only growth is the bamboo brier, and the laurel, mark a country which, were it not our, none hut YanlfMlmnM ever inhabit About three and one-half miles from Shepardtville the Yankees bad . i t , ' ... xecit-u a uiock-uousc, wntcD was garrisoned by about &Q men. . Cap- uins lanieisand cigg were ordered tftaTgiH or.fbur iocfictual rouVda, tbe Yan keeaaa auat,4ncmtineatly fiidT- A ImilT lln In, in . 'a.!l ftm lb " block bouse U'a Tmall Ntosrr or Feb. 17th, 1884. W left SslikSMiry Friday morning, the 2lh iiittant, and airjvej in camp on the Quick as thought Capt. Paris hadl Sundy fidluauig, through without ecci- lns battery un hindered, and the dept or miwwmeiiou. On our arrival huge 'Napoleon" poured: a Storm Ura we were greeted with cheers from r.fcani.ler and shell through thick- MrqMrters; the bors seemed as much eis that were almott impenetrable . . . . , ... to musket ball. Tb Yankees to see a. aa though we bad bee. made a stern reliance nutil the heat a year, wtlen to'ui U did ttot ap- artillery opened, but tbat they could I' lu" bd been away a week. We not Stand ind ill the wildest Con : louud the rvgiment in the same garters fuetolIieTr rfgbt gave Vaji Hr below Orange, which were occupied by again to be rallied. , . them before vur trip home, although we On their left, they Cared eonallv i'd positively on the morning we as bad. If not worte. for the eallatittft SalSbunrihai thtffourfb had moved w I I ST- s a -a b 42d onrtued them ao hot r. that w Mcuroona or tnereaoouts. we took they did not make any stand at their fort, but following the illustrious ex ample of their right wing, they ought safety on the other side of Hhertvefr poMession of our old shanties immediate ir, in which we (bund everything unmo lestedexcept our "ration bag" which, from some cause or other, ts absent with out leave. And tbee cabins Lave beta ft ' t j . . e . -i I doing Us valuable service, notwithstanding i .e atiaeea nau ume to ure lueir . M w, kitten, parlorTdming room, bed- Miivmrt iaf aval is 1 kawaiki' mhI f 1 . . . v..m.U, ..vuw. u.uw rooro ind smoke bouse all beneath the fectually before their departure ,,, oof. Snow fell all dy ou Monday But fortunately, they did not have tbj 15th Tuesday Biorning it lay three time to carry on tneir Knapsacks,! jDcli deep, but the sky waa dear, and and our brave men captured cloth- when the sun arose iu beams fell so mild I tig in vast quantities : J and warm that by nooo every particle of U vercoais, pants, caps, vests, Sboes, snow bad dmappeareuv,; It Darkly remained boots, blacking, coffee, sugar, tea, long enough to allow lha soldiers to fight rice, potatoes, beins, onions and a ba" o0 mimi battles, which seems to hundred other things too numerous f'"la P d certainly not ao to mention, were the ridt spoils of ""p't oor ksahkj victory. itself. Tuesday evening the atmosptere Your correspondent feasted that : Z;S tllCl XL ": i , .111 l-ii tt . I fraeaing, furious wind, fresh from the snow- night on the following bill of fare : a Uam and Ecrfirs, Strawberry! Yeserves and Buiscsit, Mountain Butter and Crackers I body to his hole, there" to remain until necetsi if forces Lira out or the weather becomes more tavoraWe, prairie, six or seven hundred 'yards sa length. Oa the opposite aide of (W Vlcek I and I am reall afraid tn jo can, je nneen uonar-1 TO u, Kd. . i aonl want to freew into an a-day hotel 1 ' And who would'nt be I ice peg. I (ab't think ray time for that is a soldier I -,,. looioe; I should be very aorry indeed if After resting the troope for a day, it bad, not that I care a whit (or myself, destroying tlw railroad bridge, die- but thee you know such an event would mantling the fort and rendeiing fornlsh the tewpiper? capital; andtlie lact Mv t .oon t want bij name uineu wiui such phrases as S sad oocurreuce," "mel 1 anchojy ' accident," froxe to death, Ao." Besides tu'1ittle aversion to notoriety j have other fend more weighty reasons for my dread of the freesing prooess. ' 'I have made big "kajkalatioos" oa coming events, which have traly cast their shsdows before I . . - . a . - ki -. ) ; them, but toe soDsiance, uie reauzauon uselesa the artillery which we bad captured, Gen. Martin ordered our return. Having accomplished suc cessfully, all tbat he ras aenllo'do, and Gen. Barton, by bi retreat to Kinston, having nncovered his left wing, Gen. Martin, like a prudent Generai as be ta, deemed it unwise to remain at Bbepardtville,! miB.il hm (nerieneed until wa see the i with bis small forctj. ; : " " f b,, nd f this war : at least it is so re- mrSPitGmffi txidtftolrthii f piktfZT&j&Z-(IL 'siigbt as &njiftejrapec it bird beeflfpIannedritJi-rtrer1v-o - . . . ; . a. . twenty men killed and woQDdd, I spour litUraJITWr, bseaase my bedfct wa 6a va lafiicted a losa a poa the j kutwsa aa iceoerg I uow-a to coa nkmt nf at Namf vlwat tfrMaa that I Umclat I f ' ' - : number in killed aad wounded, be- Tm act right sure, bat I don't think the Ahd 4f tin truth mat bii' told (f ou wilt iiyt Vell 6ibdjjf 'pun honor,) well, the' Irut'iC ier- . ie 1 more thae one .stall, In the aib-A.. V. Band.1 DwaH lake it ou in a yaakee eewae. I ' I i . 1 . !.- m i Jinu wuuerMBuu in iw j ujm nuiw are led Oelnna ; j only sert wiiat i koow to be act and tbat is,' aomebotly haa'stulea our hearts I I kaow, too,' that more than one bard barraia has been made. - but ' if they (the ladies) can ; stand ! ft I am sere we csn, uiney arw saiineu we are nap py. ; Consoling thoeghl I, Yt$ I . But tbea, Jayieg alljoke aside, i am forced to admit (and I speak for my companions al so) thst daring onr recent riit borne we spent some of lb happiest hours that can crowd in our short JLv. Our.enjoyuieuu at different places were of diflVrrnt . wa tures. which, by the way, ihade the time pass more pleasantly; an after - alt toots swiftly.. Would I eoald kav clogged the wheels of old sol's earl It should have been done soon after his dfrappeat ano bs low the western horizon, or a short time before bis apoearaacO above the easisru." 1 j shall never fofgetthoMillireeboppy nights, i lie Grt spent in -Salisbury, the secoaj in Charlotte and "the' third in-8atesville: Many pleassnt iiicihints Occurred which made an impression on my mind lasting as litw itself. A chapter should be devo ted to each, but the small hours ar com ing On apace ncr could I do 'them jus. lice were I to attempt iirThelrjtf or der was preserved, llirouguoot, . and all seemed to have forgotten for the lime be ing that rneb a thiag as war existed on the coiitittoiit. The concerts were certainly a decided hit, not only in a pecuniary point of view (which was of minor importance) but in other respects also. We were ena bled to form ew aequaiauaceSy some of whom were quite, agreeable and attractive to say the least young ladies and gentle men were oilered a pretext for aoilision. merry evenings and social tea parties were some of the fruits, and last, but not least, we (perhaps) elevated to tome degree the musical, tastes among the inassesv , We fell proud to see so many ladies present on every occasion. It was nninistakable evidence' of their good taste and judgment, and we assure tbein they t hall never be forgotten by us; et they deserve more than we shall ever be able to bestow. , Col. Young, of Charlotte, has our warm-. est tbaaks and best wishes. It is seldom such treats are tendered to such rough oustomers, still we don't think our brain is addled, aor our appetites spoiled : anotb- er gls .f egg-nog, if you pleaw, I be- Itete I am one behind, two for the Major si ooe be forgot bis scores ; there, we are square now that was the eootiact all right , " ' ' ' And the printers I must not forget them. ;, Their kindness lias often been the subject of remark iu confabs amongst our selves. We feet under maay obligations, but regret sorely the ignorance or neglect which caused us to make a serious blun " GouBoab Feb. 17th. 1864 Mr. Editor .s This is splendid weather for j wind-mills unless it shoula prove rather too much of toe wind for the milL - Let u hope that as these violent gusts whistle around the corners, the -windy platitudes of our Coa- . gressmen are floating nr away from the leg wlative chambers,' leaving more room for , prompt, efficient and real action. Let us far-.' ther t-ust that there has not been too much wind In Congress for the broad but tender . sails of our Ship of Slate. Thank God 1 there is one who rules the winds and rules among tlta power of earth, who is able to direct u and shield us in this night of political storm. In Him we trust Since Newbera Was not taken, we have eetapsed into comparative calm . again. Though all desired the capture of the plaor at the result or toe hope to bar able to oorrect it, hereafter. - NAT. and felt disappointment der it) our conduct towarda, them,, and expedition, yet f reasonable people lee! mat 1 . ' . . ' l ' 1 : mm, ma kAttv nsV Sv have ftAmrtrawl an fast. is waaa v--s asvw,ev uwv w wa ' sault ; for Newbera would Dot be worth to us now as much as one score of the noble vet-, erans who went down there and hundrtde of them' would have perished in the fight. Tbo country cannot spare such men now. Tltey are tocnoble to die in a fruitless under taking ' '-' It is pleasant to read oi toe cbnsuaa eon- Cab? or 2d N. C Cas-ALar, ) " ' Gordon's Brigade; Va '' " 'r ;; Near MiUbrd Station.- ) 1 f A iViaiiiaVina af tfia friatTkKikr ' tJt fTV 2nd Rerimeot-North Carolina Cavalry, pri- vater Hr J. 7 Kimball was called - to' the Chair, aod G. I. Davidson appointed Sec're tarv'and on motioa. Senreant Reese, W. ' ' i . danger of de vaautson and oppreasiou. - - iJimobrti H Tnat the savage cruelty pf oar etienuea as amnead ia l their war ppoa oar women and children, aad their savage treatment of oar old men, do not aSHghtea A. IUmsav, and Corpl& Knox, were sp-pointad-to draft Rosolutiooa , , - Asobei lat, That on the outbreaking of the war, we enlisted to reasata so long as Lincoln, and his worthless hirelings, waed war aminst us-r'and that we consider it a sacred privilege to remain to the fleM hi de- I : L iiiJJ 1 r r-r- M OTiat-WB&v w toa xmrfv w- ,K. nerooa maeiaxia-or the mm-i m defence of our bomea and Dresidea, we out 1 77C-f .T--L-- v . i .j . L rS "TtT"ts cttgavcrveyTawgswsiid dowa till we had delivered them irona the I oi. vn, t-,k- duct of Commander Wood and Lieut LoyaJL Such men bring-Heaven's blessings to their country while -they reap the booore of two WorldsrjDIt that moreJjaf our leaders wera of the same worthy "charactet ! With such men before us we can say not only That sow' of the leading officers in the expedition arc temperate an J were aobtr, but that soaw were also .truly pious.' . -Gex rickeu'a Headquaners are here at ' present He was serenaded at Gregory's , hotel U nigbt by a jB-giaiabanAIndeeA- eeesful coaxrt lor the benefit ef the soldier' Bunioet aroend here. V A-Virgioia soldier" waa kiBed near bere ; Saturday, by the aocideatal discharge of a' goo. taey were pointmg aadanappiof at - " . . . -.'' ; ' ' - .