1 V , L .... I. .4 . .J . .Jji . , .... ' ? v : i . , . . . ... - --.. VOL: XXI. 4 ., MIC v'J.r J. RRUNEll, El)ITO Jq fBOPRltTOlU ".. 1 - .- -7-j" for lit atopihm. - No UcritlHH reei vi) Lrs THIS Of iDTMTtSIXC-f Hr.ee.Hr fUr lb Insert ion sad 1 ptrsqatre fbreach Mttal Mliesiio. - ."i Cod federate Finance. Vriwe ' or silonv Hkmj. II. mix, ' or Gkorou-Proiablb kiptr or thk Cchsarcr xt Rirttrc iera or Con RMi Chimin o Exainrr. - - n Hon.. !j.u: nm, confederate fons'or from Qtwgia, Wivr I a speech at La Orange, On., on - the it insf. explanatory of the sfn ljiUtlo , of Oongrt." If fif't rt of bw d!ri h printed ' IneiJ rxposilibd '"of . lh "Curn tH-y Aet."Afur Jininjf the pro ceu J wliicl tbe- pnMnt carrencj it to k tl oul tf eiirteBW"; ti mUI : If yoU'j efllier of tWf U it f jour own fault, iiuj iiot tlo fiuilt of tb law. K J on will Im prbinit and 1miom of lU itotea m I lir lold you. If the first of April, joa d ot paj ; one ct f tba tax atUclid to ihem. If tow dtf twit wtili to fond tlnnn, nnd wiil, LfUT Ue Hrst of April, exchiMig Uimo for nf noUa, in my opinion, you will om iMAi.;, IbV although, yoa will gel oiy twa lJs 7et I 'M prentjy flow, tkew two J'IUn VuT.t . wotib n mucb, if not u)or,lho lh thre - r now lL - -- - i....- A'ter a brief aontmary of fha provU ion f Ua-tai Ul Mt.. lli.ll procfrded to Ucjm lb .qo4lion,'MVill .tba cnrreocy .Urnirrdr -Ued: ) I'lto circulation of noa intertsat bearing trury noUwon lb fiiat of January, J 884 mounivtl in round BttniWt Uv 760,000, 000 of dolljjr. ;J am aalNtfi'd that llie "ctftntattott oln HU'-r'AftiAtttti will W OOO.OOO.OOO. If tbfi fopl S not fuitJ and ichaog lWr hoUt, aa pro Vidwl by the Jaw, they will all be tared out oUiiUMKW, eicepi about 80,000,000 at lbt denominate of fle .do)r nod undr, by the iat da of Januory next. I aaaome, lh6refort, tbat tbvee old note wilt bt either fundod or exchanged. .The hun dred dollar ootea wtll be vicber funded or ud ia tb payment of tax. Tber can not be ,exdjanged; Tbit wjll compel a fun Ji ng "of ln'y 00,000,000 oreraod the amount absorbed by Uxe. The Uxea " for 1-863 have " not yt" bein (fedocted, which will amount to 100,000,000.- The old law will rait 100,000,000 more for 1864. The new tat tilt wijj raiae 200,000, 000, and pcr-bapa iu6rJTbere will be left ; 8 0,0o0,W0, which will be exchanged fori oew 'notea, which wttl r-tire 100)00,000. Tbia willreduoe tbaturcubuioD af00,000r 000 to '200,000,000. Let roe recapitulate : Circulation ont 1st April, 1804, Froui thwleduct I. Taxes for 1803, Jt Txe(or 1 804 nnder act ol 1863, 3. Taxes for 1864 underact of! 804, 4. Amount Juod4 by act (A 1804 abo amonut required to par Taxes, Ono-tliird ol thebalUnce as lax in -exchange for new Istae, liltiug a total absorbed and retinnl of, '; $900,000,000 100,000,000 . 100,090,000 200,000,000 200,000,000 100,000,000 700,000,000 Leaving a balance la circula- . ' tion of puiyT 1200,000,000 Tbis balance of two buodred millions will be all of the new issue, and in , addi: tion to getting rid of seven hnodrcd mil lions of genoine circulattynvwi gt rid of .Uemilliotiof oottdterfeit notes ia circu lation, tin! which 'have also swelled the ' currency. The amount, thus left in eireu- lotion is nU to be increased except as may t abaoltttely neoary, and tbe. ncoity it W baid. a Secretary of tbajTrensury y authorized to ieel the ft t'ara-winW Jbf JboverHment by lira sde of bonds. Aud maat tempt- ? lug- fcoBdT" Tirsf offered tor; lhi-purpo9 They are to ran thirty year, to. bear six per ceot.-interest, payable aeml-anoually, in specie or itsequivajeat, and to be forev -er free from taxation. AtHibe prasept 4ut!ea on iraporU and all future duties on exports of oottoa, tobacee aad aaval stores, ar pledged for tba payment of ibis in terest Kor have I inoloded io my eakmralion the Targe amouot of note that cannot get to iba Treasury to be paid, funded or a sbangad. TBey ara in tba enemy's Cdo---rasay af lb am held by oar nemias, and many, carried awsthy l!or UdV tunninC ...... i.. n!lii.tn' ,f lit. win Thousands, 7, tnillin of than wit 1 be cancelled by l' . VhuuJd pWceld, Mx to" take i-fftl ort them' in J so oar la gii 16 fottl'ttrfdcpUllolrnj will rwijtfi the rirealatioa from- 900,00O 000 io20D,000ua, 4 wUl orrtai alf'gU 6ii bf the coantefnrH lrot;1-dreutiitioH. I r these retail do. (Mi tuiht v ruy gpect (tout will tie dwappointt io Ihe lx0l Ot ili failuW. Crtw1alyvay fvcwt- reealie in tbia 'difircUoo'.'wUl ,6)Uo K&H&ZmVb rber not bo gloTiotw wulut EMay; leyiuitioa in 4 he world a -iiiatory ao And bow mut-h ' are-rua damaged It iiiiho you d. oot fund your note be fore the first of April, and thereby kite, nominally, one-llurf of the amount; bj: exehauginif tbem tbirce fr' two I 'Don't every man see the two dollar in the new note wil) be- wortU mof than three dol lara In the preeent istme I I lt.noijlaiq that two dollareof a circubttiod of two Lundred millions are' worth more than thive dollar of a circulation of nine htfii- dred million f Will they net bur more j Don't -be io hal; tbereftre,-to got id of your niontf to buy property, it ia a eertaiii . war to pay eumllyAW tax of one third. Trader liavo taken dvotij of the aimple but natural panic which they knew tbi leiuslation would at first creitte. flH-ir bare atldt-d on the tfiirlv-three and one-third per cent., and hi many iii-tsne far more tbau tbi, to tb of thuir propjerlr-Wjwa-you buy iberi. fort?, y ie vertamly pay lhvt4X, ami in many owwn you pay tk.it lax four fold, flcsidt, yoa wilt tiiid iha.riu a few nionth the projw'r ty for which you now pay ao extravagant iy, jut to get'rid of yonr money, will ha to be valued in the new and rednced cur rency, and if you witb.' Id sell ityou, will be able to get not more than one-half, obe fourth or perhap Oue-teutti of what you paid. You can out wit Yhrelnb trader ii" you will. Ljl biiu krp hi good. ware and mtrchaitdi until be inust aell ibetn for the new cqrreny, and then lie must dq what be has oot dune lately spend a jittle titnl coupling bis gains on tbe wrong side, - -" TiWier "enCen peaperty'vafiera in 1800, and paid m tbe present currency, is not an .extravagant 'tax. Ten, fifteen, or twenty-five per cent, oo actual ' profits ought to be must cheerfully paid. No man should complain if be bad to pay all bii pcofiul Man have out mad profits during this, war, and yet pay taxis and oomplitin not, . Thus without stopping tbe government, without checking commercial credit, and without serious burdens upon ibe people, we shall, in one year, extinguish five hun dred millions of the public debt, retire two hundred millions of currency besides, and reduce a circulation of nine hundred mil lions to two hundred millions I Nor are these all tbo glorious results, Tbis very reduction of tba currency will lessetf tbe price of subsistence to both the govern ment and tbepeople, aud will reduce one half tba annnal expeusea of conducting tbe war, and doable in valne tbe pay of tbe heroic defenders of our homes acd liberties.' Still It ore : This vigorous legis lation will awaken fresh cocfiJence (and seal in our own borders, and will carry startling convictjon to our enemies and to tba world otthe practical wisdom of the government wbicb eaaeted it, and tba de termined earnestness of the people who responds i to iu requirements. . 4 A Jfaa Kkanrur. va always .were awsre of tbe importance of preserving a good reputation 'for t ruth and honesty , but we bava -met- with nothing lately so well calculated to impress the diwd vantages of hairing a bad eharaoter upon the raipd, as tbe following anecdote : . A' mortal fever prevailed on board a ship at ses, and a negMman was appoint-, fd it 'throw the bodies over boArd. 1 One day wiiaollieaptinjwaa on deck, te saw tba ngro drlggingout jef the fore castle a aick man who was straggling vio lenUy to ,Alri4la--bimsIi;.iroi)lrbVJaes; grrwa grasp, autl remonstrating very bit tcrly against tbe cruelty of being- buried ahve. .. iAVbaCare roiigdngaJltwJikihat man, yoa . bind rascal P asked the cap tain. t "Going to throw him Qvsr board, roassa, cause ba dead T : V' . 1 - " Dead I on scoundrel," said tba cap- tain, "doatyon sas ft a moras and speaksT Yea, roassa,! know he says ba no dead, bnt ba always lie so, nobody arer know when to beliavn himr ' . G EOROU ANpW6jif It CAlmiN A?" mt::-1" 'is.:::-' iii'.i- r'i 't . 'Tlitne two 8ute.are tbe nobt and left bowvra of the CotitlcryDailf Pnfrui a.. f t- .aawkaBaavA, lw Waam ak rt atui u . forifl, to find Ihiia iU iiiiii wuio msJjmL.vut -i i 1 ' i-Z- i j ' adapted 10 define awl,' e the idea. ' '! iu aptness at i onooo.og,-n ecu -inereirum ine gan ol aucbr m wbiob tba AWiato Jmcka, aa they are iadtscruoinateiy : anJled are ibe leading lruoipDd iq iu aimpTM-Hyv it OonfeMe the appbeation. ' In a politicalpoint of rieVoO one jf it's and lift JJoldenVeoiuamiancaaJ will disagree wuh it; and tlma Jort Caro-! Ena mar be eonsiJered to W a bowik." If be tlMi otber nower.T.lior,G,. Browne ' I ...I I M.I w ' . r . 1 mueeu mil un-iprwwoi lieofxia, and those of Virgiuia wljyli jlt for Geor gia, avow, o moatposilire (enaavtbat there is not only no identity betweea the "peace" propositions f Georgia and the paee Coil- every paper ol -the CoiifcoVrat-y, aud partic-u larlj those of "Georgi, and nuwt -especially the papers representing te Linton Sifpliens and if. Brown ' peaoe propaeitiona,denonnce Vfi. iiokic-n and ike ieacebWa of North Carolina, in tbe root uniii-asured terms, aarl reject aud disown their cojnpaniouship. We repeat o ar as we bare, seen, aot a papVr jti the Coulederacy has, as yet, given The alight est supiiort to Mr,. ILjMen, except the .e:...." . v...i... bern, fly Ooo. Mills Joy, and the Raleigh m inn pa ter puousniti i aew "Progrvas' which at las seems to be erad ually approacUiug Mr. HoWfu, not in tbe bold, "su-aigul iorwaid" style ol Joy, 1 1n Yankee, but in a parrot-toed walk, as' Ihoiuilt the leel bent tbat way birt the bead was not quite inclined. --. -' Bat of Georgia. -Unwise and irtjudk-ious as we reganj the movement of Oov. lrowu and bis associates, "(run less of. good-And Uireaiening ol evil as it; may be, tliere ate wiUe margius ol diuvreuoe between tlie at tituueia that iiiaic, and the poitin lately occupied by the peat Convention agitaton in North -Carolma. 3oth iiiiqnestiouably af- i-ford aid and comfort to Ue eoeinv : -both will be publislted by the enemy's press with approval, for the encouragement of its read ers; but while the acts, of Mr. Ilolden.and bk associates are received as evidences of a purpose U5 withUisv fiom' the Confederacy, those of Gov. Brown and bis associates will be regarded ar the efforts of a diswitisrie-1 politician making a pwty of niakontent,s against the adiuruistratioa. which 'may clog the Government and retard liie cause. From the bndlhe hope disruption is de rived from the other Ibe hope of distraction and confusion. We propose, to show more defiuitely the difference between Mr. Hold.'p and Gov. Brown between the agitation "in 1 Georgia aud that of North Carolina; . In Georgia the peace party jtutifiet the original stesou as a'righi psifccr id each'; Stale," and a duty imposed by the deliberate and repeated aggressions r of the- northern States. Ic Norut Carolina 'the agitators doay the right, and denounce the sufficien cy of the reasons ontd the proclamation of Lrfiicoiu. In Georgia the blame is thrown uporrthe Yankee, in North Carolina it is cast upon Our own people.' . In Georgia tbovConfederacy is welcomed as a choice.' In North Carolina it Is tolerated as a necessity. , - In Gecusjia tbe pead negotiation is pro posed through the lawful agency of the Con icdeiate goverpmen.t, , In XorUi Carol'uia it is proposed by the uneoflstitutional agency of Sute comitiissioners. Raleigh Standard. In Georgia the negotiation is to-bej offered after every vicfory.'whew the-sct can bot be imputed tc alaim. Stephens' Resolutions. iu North Carolina negotiation' is proposed be cause we are alarmed and "are growing weaker, and tba time, eay cotne when we shall have Io lie down and take such terras as the enemy may impose ou us." (Italeigh Standard, eOy ilnaj 4 In Georgia a full confidence is expressed :ut the President of the .Ootfederate govern ment and his cabinet. Is North Carolina his government is denounced as uu worthy of coo hilence, and tbe movement is to "check its usurpations,'' and take the negotiations from it, because President Davis and Lincoln cannot be brought to negotiatiori." Raleigh Standard ;-. , Iu Georgia the powc propositiori allow tbe border States to vote tmuisusroea lor their choice of government; in North Caro lina. West Virginia, Kentucky, Miouri aud Maryland aw-bauncooditipoiUlj-surreBr . rn.l 1 P. ..1 . 1 dered to toe enemy. t.iiaieign ctanuani. Ia Georgia the "gtBc'd pflW .of peace be 1 made 1 bv the irovexninent,vU limited to the "basis of the creat prinoiplo declared by our common fatber to lilt, - of tltBiinde pendenee-of llie States and Uhht right to tornTidfern In North Carolina the torma tO be accepted are tbeufeea wcaa et"--Raligb Standard, Febniav 2nd ' " -But, abo abVin Georgia do word is 1 ut uttered, 'no thought - is conceived of de sertion of the Codfedetacy.: -In North Carolina it has beed tJyly hisiooated. broadly threatened, openly and o.HciaBy advocated, and by- Ut, llolden prvphetied and eqxdeit, as A he Uu9 thai oH he don. . Tba differerjcebet vr ecu Gov. Brown and Mr. IloVlen between tba Georgia political peace nropoaer and the North Carolina agita loTxs. soaVkcd and paipaWe almost tbe dif- lerence between black and wLlta. - Not quitw tlKi djOemice petweeo rigid and wrong, b j , Tp MOUNTAIfiDISTttlCT OF all the duTerenae betwean a great crime Ai4 t i ., VX-yinrrrrr n rAt tr r i tttkBt:.".-ipi LM-LllJ-:: OBTff CAROLINA ; , ., If tbe-arfida which ,appear in die, Fro- t lir lh gloomy periods throtlirb" whlclf ""'T"' mr'TY JiZZ ru4ffidiiKM3t but an iasiduoua eflort to-rbf - : iner ,iiw co m- ainiatioii oj lajvcuug itli a lm reprebeosible garb, I ncreajea tbo dereJictiow by the trieasur of the subterfuge. If this article speaks, tba seiitinients of 11 Ilolderi, when it, sayr aof coitrm Minf ptaet with independence or not 'mt aRrm-fur a perpHmml war it prterable la m diafracefuX $ubiiMiun ihcn there U do earthly reason why Mr. Ifolden should oppose Gor. Vdce for their, opinions are denticaJ,and;. there is but on jnort by, which :ce4it4e-sm.oruy c&U be iwird.by biiUud Jtbal.vfOTiM hia withdrawal from, an opposition wLioli, in the event .of this sincerity, must be most narrowly selfish.' -; , , . Tt ceases, however, to be a materof grat imnortitace whether Mr. Holden withdaws i.or not' lie has done all the miiH.4iief ot j, which be was capable and .if ever the con aernnaijou or an entire people could ue coo-emtnaed- upoij On 'indiridtial, ft IjAs 'been fastened 00 hm.-rRkjfi Cvvfefrrittt 1 . From the CorifedcTaio Camp hear PrrERSBcno, V,, ) March 25tb, 18G4. ( . '. - QzTLlkXA.il have beea inlonrted that J stt imiresiiini is souglu to be made 1 if certain j quarters, that another 'candidate wjjl be broupbl -out for tlie offiee ot Governor In North Carolina at a future day, and 'my name has been spoken of ambog otliers. It may b prriec therefoe for me to say, that as long a the war continues, while able to do military doty, T do" not intend to leave the field tor-: y civiltaiio.sWSe.rdjng. Gov, Vance's public position as rht on tbe great issue before-the country,!: Itlu'nt be ought to be cordially supported by ll who are in fcvor of a, vigorous prosecution jf the war now wing-waged, not Owty -for indepen derice, but for every thing of value to . us as a coin in unity and as individuals. . The Stau? of North Carolina, by an unani mous . vote of her Convention, seceded and uuited her fortunes with those of the Con' federate States. Tbis action met the sni vel sal apprbbarion of her citizens aMhe time- no one lifting his -voice against it. No public man in the Mate, can therefore, without pkb soNAUtiiSHOKon, and without covering -him- sklt with the iiEEi-EST loxoMiitr, advocate the 'abandonment of the caude of the Con fed .erate States,, and desert our brave soldiers. who have gone into the field to maintain that cause. -. - , . Our reasons for continuing the war are a thousand fold stronger than they were for embarking in it onoinally. 4 The Stale se ceded because of apprehension that our righU be tp vailed, anu because Lincoln, by proclamation called Jor a fow' hundred men to assist him in cis war against the .tin It Stare?. Now-rn such-portion of our State as his annies occupy, he forces Into his ranks by. conscription, every man, white and black. Not only does he arm the slaves against us, but hir government has by a series of acts of Congress, confiscated for Us use, all onr prorjKjrty,r both real ....and personal... fchould we be subjugated and our personal property seized, and our lands divided amqngjiis sof diera, both black and white, "our entire-pdpu-lation, nieri, women and children, must 'either perish from starvation, orbecoma the slaves of our cooqucrors, and labor for a subsistence on such terms as they might grant Yau keo masters were always notorious ftr ava rice and cruelty, but the atrocities which they haveommitted within the last three years nave causeo nuoiauuj to sianu aguasi wiui horror. - He whom they have, selected to cary on the war agai 11st us, by the universal acclamauon of European' as well as American civilization, haabeeu denominated "Thi; Bkcts." - And yet if he be pot a fair type of our enemies why was it that ne not obi v received ovations in iheNnrtheth cities, but by a deliberate votoot the Congress of the Lincoln go vernment, he was declared worthy to teear thViword he bad aWea. These acts as well as his-reteotioo of. a high, command, sliow- him to be the fitting representative, of those who control the action ot our enemies. L know of no variety of the human race whom w ought uot Ho prefer as masters to th vawkaea. whose leadine traits are avarice aad hf docTisv ; Jor to tba dubhcUr ml aun J riiug of the fox, they dd. the rapacity of rinl wolf and the venom of the eerpenn .To pro-f tect o from such euemics, la save .our women ffoufflecomai cooks and house ser; rants.1 we have nothiwg to rely eh- but the fiwoe f Ql led lb wdoii of our. armkSr ; IU these aftiita le ,'proerljr stvstwned ty the XUnty and wisely directed by our govern ment they wilt rtiTW end gtvew fHdept-n-dt lwace safrlrimdhwKwr lInle these, aro obtained, I bold i hat tbe warstkHitd cou as long as the is One bravo wan sur viving, and one true Southern woman left to fight for. , A leading Bepubfican paper aays thai 44 even if fh Administrilion ba commit raitted some mistakes, it is nselesa to cry ever. spill milkA- Yes," sajs rrenlioe, but weeanoot help crying over Beedleea lv spirt Wood." - 1 Frotik tba Columbia GuarfiaiK; we f pmg i 4f hefbgtberxe tb--anmklakeable siffos of reiarninr fife and lutuiary . tmmj, .m .many -ouarters. Aoi only arn we-bailed with daily secouDls of succeasfolr and iinpoitint rewilts frorq tba battle field, bui also' fn oorTvit mira menu we aee'lhe. sptril (if Iroa and geB - mA pairioiiam jsgia ie glow- wtia aa ardor and fervency tbat can pot Jail to fdpoculMe , tba iniads of the timid nj ojenponding . rirery where' witb' bopo aod confideiice. tveu iroto too mountain district of Wort Uia spirit ofgTooro and dvpondchcj, ailoV in soma parts of it, bf dislovalty. we leara from reliable sourpe that Ooferror,Vnce' lafe speeeli, made at Wikntlorey hs pafw ed through; i like levtrio shock, awakening his old aonrftitucuU .aHka tq,a i-nse of their duly 4J their danger ; and should tba Boy Governor." as Uoldea and, is friends sometimes style, biiri, -canvass the Stale,' (which we lincVr'eJy hope lie will do,)' we should uot 1 surprised If Mr. llolden find that the boy's beard has befean to grow out. anJ by "next Angust h will find if as -hard to bestow one of his Judas kisses opon it as it would be to perform the same operation upon the back of a' porcupine."1'--- . : We iearn also with pleasure that the' spirit of disloyalty and outrage which for a time threatened that section is fast be fog dispeHoil by the indefaiiffLle e. J! Jl!? or uiai aisirict, vol. calmer, whom wa understand to ba a' gentleman of the first ' order of. talents and uudaubted bravery l0)'! baving devotaj 'pot 'only bis V. lime and atftnt'idn, but bis off, to tha cause of the country from the first com ineneemewt - of the trngglev-vVo-iiTe often wondered why bia claims to prefer-: roeninavoao long peeo deferred, and have been induced to suspecfc tbat it must be oh acconnrof bis so, Uiis ia wrong; fd'altbougb we are no advocate for the advancement of "North ; ern men witli, jSoutbero pincJphisM as a generaj rule, yet where men show ns by every.nieansin their . power a true trthi- rence fo'cHir'-'caose, fonbesaca oTlhrW long years, and jby an open and een reck- '" lesaexposurt or tb.eir lives in the conflict of battle witb'lba ensmy, which we nn derstand and partly know to be tCol' Palmer's case, we thipk tbat such pro dnce,casillb LbalsCvirjjueViibare !I but little doubt, however, "tbat his . merits : will pot'nTuch'tongeic gonobservedatid" that true merit in all cases wli! eventually find a just reward, if, in no other resDerit. at least in tba pleasing reflection tbat they ? have rendered their whole duty to their coutitrr king clrcnmatances, calculated to weaken the Jteal of ordinary men, , COM. Th Unprecedented' Cold. Th intenso cold of this winter has penetrated every where. The unprecedented low tempera- tiire iu Italy has already been noted.---Heavy falls of snow have occurred ia the South of France; and the following 'an-, iietMicement comes. from Sues: - ' ' The severity of tbe weather ha been experienced even at Suez, where tba ut most consternation prevailed, io conse quence of the' discovery of ice a phe nomenon previously unbrard of on the borders of the Red Sen. "" - . . There is not at present a single cotton spiodle in operation "in the city of LoweH,. MaMachusett. Tbe roiirs, which formerly gave employment to abooUhirt thousand females, are now aa silent as tba tomb.- Puua Tauc President Lincoln has viola ted bis faith,, and eotigraWhaflTloUtea 'to tattu. Both bar set the Uoostitaoon at da - fiaace ra the prosecution of th wary-XeiHS-: 5 'Tat tiM;"--Sc4nedisfoyai wag pro J, pound the foUoWiDff I . When Li aeoJu JL 00- jitioniwu uses up tbe last man and, the but . dollar, the query arises wharu to beooote Of the bondholder r -. - z. VWtinJerstand fir ocenrred at - - Cherokee Ford on the 18th instant Tba Furnace, Killing Mil! and Iron Hoasa 1 were consumed ; aud It is 1 sported that lha Nail Factory' was also destroyed. Loss very besvy. Mountmin ltie, t-. 1. LiBtaTT. It waa lha sayiag of :lba Jewish Rabbi, tkat if a sea were ink, Cb. trees pans, and tbaaartb parchment, It would not ta sufficient to writ down all . Iba praises due to uod for liberty." ... . - :rf 'I r.:.-.

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