iui ;siion or i:x i i.a.nuls. To the Ai ' jVitrt'h f ' CunfiJcrate Soldiers confined in AortAem J'nsom: On the 22nd of Jul v. lgfi the Cartel of Exchange was agreed p on. yl'he chief, 'if not only, pnriH.ee of that instruineuVwas to secure the release of all prisoners 4 -war, To tliat end, the fourth article provide ' that all rtoners of warehotiM lie . discharged on p .role, hi telt dAjs HI ter tiieir capture, and that lite pris- om-rs tlien held, nnd tho6e Ihereaftei taken, should he ti4njKrted to the points mutually agreed upon, utile 0x100 f thecHiiturinpartyir Toe 'BixtTrarlicreSl8 BiTpWfMfeiTjhiTnTi prisoners or whatever anu of " . vjcf, rv to bo exchanged yr paroled io ten ivx It 0111 the tiitio.f their capture, it' it b iiructicahte 10 trail fer them to their own line in that time : it nt, Us suon thereafter an practical le. From the date of the Cartel until Jnlv, lSt!3, Hie (Voi ft. derate author jtu-s ln.M tin e cea of prisoners. Diir.n,,' iIiaI iuIii val. deliveries were niMiie a tital a llie Federal G"Vern uu-iil turnifiied trHiMMrtiitioii. : 111 deed, upon ni Te than'one occasion, lurked tlie Federal autlmtitiew to send increased mean of traiiirta. turn. As ready as ttteenettiy7iwi4 has been lo bnriiT falsa accusation against U4, it bus Qever been alleged that we tailed or ueglected to make prompt deliveries of prisoners who were not under charges, when we hell theexecssi On' the other hand, during the same time, the Cartel was oeiily sat I noforiotialv violated by the Federal authorities. Officers and men wtrerkept in cruel c-oititiet meat, sontel lines in irons oMioomeU cells without crures or trial. hi July, I5d3, tlie enemy of the first time since the adoptioa' "f the Cartel, heid the excels tfririouv-r. As vtfmt ns that fart -warseertai-ed, whenever a delivery was made by the Federal -Hittltorifie. they de manded an equal tinmher in return. I endeavored frequently to obtain from tlie Federal Agent oi xchaMgi a distinct avowal of the intentions of hisXloreftiinent as to the delivery of prisoners, but in vain. At length on the 20th of October, 1S63 I ad dressed to Brig. Gftt. Meiedilh the fallowing letter, to wit : Richmosb, Va", Oct. 20, '6.1. Sriyoditr Qttral S. A. Meredith, Aent of Eicbutijjtt : SirJ More tfian a month ago I aktd i to make to my coHiinunication, and your aefpneM-Hce in" I propiiiofi, that I i,ja answer ,"us that lie Was not au-li-ffi' uJ o!dier on Uih aide ibunz. d to make any. So deep wa Lould U letced iu conformity with tho t!ie solicit ude which I telt in tlie Cartel. Iu ordrr to ubvtate t!-e dluleul. fi,e oJ Ciipliv;o jn Nort)tlIi tie. between u. I .opted that a! uffi ! i Jt.t; mihe(J tu make Cr and tt.eo ou bulb aide tbould ba re- i r Tr . I i . i , . , .. . ' another euort. In order to ubviaie teamed, tmWa they weie tl)eet to ebr- . . f, , : . . . -rw.Jrr--rh1,r1T..L;.fJ..vw.lJa,'y ohjecthm wlwcli ttth.iicai.ty tuent ahould have the riht of bohlx one or trior e bonuses if the retention wm not - iu-tifi-d. Yoa stated lo me. in comrersa tion, that tLU pro'poNtioo was very fair, and that yoa would ak the coo6nt of your Govrauieot to H A uua!, you have made no rejoooae. I leil Tvu iraaKiy, 1 oo not expect auy . I'erLap jud tDity dijoooiut nits, and tell m that yoa reject or accept th pro-! tion. I write tbia letter for the purjiooe xf hriaycg to your yreoollec'.ion my j.ty poiypo,raod of dissipating the ui"a, that aeeuj to tav been purposely encouraged by your public pap'?, that the C.fedr ate Gove nmeot has refueled or oijcled to a system of exvLaties. Iu order to avuid af . miauke in tbat directiou, I now projv.a that all officers and wen on both n reb-naed in con formity wiih the pro' iioot of lbs Cartel, ti.e excess ou aids or ike othir to he oo parole. Wi!i yoa accept this I ha oo expectation of' au atmwer, but, jerhap you may 'ive one. If it does come, I hope it will be soon. Ko. Ocu, ' Agent of ExchutJfc'a. " On the 2tth ot-tietoWrr,-;!, I received from Genw Merfidifh acouj- uiuii 'Atior snformiBg me that iuj propjeat of the iiOth was "not ei.ited.w I wTbsulfinIy toTI tfia we" ! that 1af it the-excesa of prihoners was deliv ered they would be wrongfully de clared exebanxed by roe aud. put iu the field. To show how groundless t: is itoputation was, it is only neees-s-iry for ice to state thataincc then I hve rwpeatrJIy offered toiveteu Y rdsrai captives for every- Coofed erale soldier whom the enemy will thow to have beta wrongfully jde clared excharged. From tb last named date until the present time there Lave been but few-deli veiies of priVoner, the ru t my ta each cafe K'maodiogig a liiu3 AimUrr in return. It u,.! U r. ! i: ..t lis V fcili-rato authorities tmiy cluinu d that the provisions of tlie cartel should bo fulfilled. They oulv usk ed the enemy to do what, without any hesiia'tion, they had done. du ring the iirst year of tho operation of the caitul.' .Seeing eristent purose on fh part , uf tho Federal (Jvrmtuit to violate its own agreer men!, the Confederate authorities, moved hy the sufferings of the brave men who are to unjustly held in Northern priona, yetertuined tu ihaie their lair demands, and accor dingly, oii the 10th of August, 1SG4, I uddressed the following emuinum- cation to Major, Job u, E. Mulford, Assistant A-ient of Exchange, in charieTf the flac vTfrwce b.f; which on the same dav I delivered to him at Yarina, on James river: ' Wis I)KP4RT1IKXT, ) Richmond, V., Aujj. 10, 1864. ' J Afojor John E. AfiilfurJ, AnUtant Jgtnt of Erkxi nft : lo lllo 10 'XOIihii'- tlie p'l.HO ltl rrwtel tivly lit-IJ i' Hir isj IHijforf nn, othtvr lr otficW and in in lor man. Tb cmi tft-r li. m!m bcfii iiix'lu by ohifr t)it'iai liavtnjf clMrc of niHtlrrt ConjaM'tml with tho ejcliHHjfe of jiruMin-M. Ttii prioMl tiM liTelot w br-n titrliiked ly Uie Cu Merits MUlttointir, they liiNtiiig uh.h lh trnnsof , th Cartel, wliHtlt requirvl th Jlf cry of lite excAm ot Hler hide hb parolv In view, !nwer, of iTi very lrg noiuber of prmuiirr no lieKJ Itv each imrty,, ad lh sutferm coiw- qiteut opon U'Ctr coiitiuue eotitiiiement, , I titw conmiiI lt I he Mv r.'jHl aitl aree to deliver to you tlie nners ItelJ tnuawivity. 1V "the U.nifejer4i auUmrU liei firoriJed yu nK-e U ileliveran eqnal I timber wf .(Joiif. Jcrjtt o nicer iihJ itiett. I As ei! oumbrr re dliver.t from tirrw to lone, iiiey will be 'tecTret excuigef. "" TliU rop Mat it mxdo with the uutr eiaudinj; thai the otSoeM and niou who tiive iti-it tinjje!.l IB cJttetty will b lit-- hral delivered, wlierit it is fK.irticai'le. I hall be at'i to hear from you aipe caa be rartied 001. lluapvcUwll'f .your oh't 4rvat, Kobbkt Ocld, Aeiit f Exchnne. I accompanied the delivery of the etter Willi a etatcmetit of (lie uior tlity which was hurrying so many Federal prisoners at Anderson vilie to the "rave. On the 2Uth of the same month, Major MuiVoiu returned wiUi the i fl.ig of truee Meamer, but hroiulir j no answer to my letter of the lOih J of Aiiirii-l. In conversation w ilh ! fhim I asked him if he1 had anr reply my communication ws addressed, U W a W . 4 tT-Si i wrote to .najor uenerai A. Uitchcoca:, wiio is the federal Com- misstoiier of Lxchange, residing tn v asii.n- on cuy, toe lonoam- ict- fur aari 1aIIVArui1 T ri A CQma tn W m ter, ani uenvereo me same u. ma- i jor Mulford orr the day of its A. AeeompHoymg-lhiii letter wan u . copy o; tue comiouuic4fion wli.cn 1 had a(JruMed to .Major Mnllbrd on the lUt t of Adjust. RiCUMOSD, ag. 22, '64. Jfojor Gen. E. A. flil. heoclc, U. S. Cutu- u.is-ii.Dr ot' Excl.ariije Sir Eficloed ia a cy of a comtnoui Caliofi wbiuu, ou the Oih inst., I addr- ed and delivered to Maj.V7ohii E. MuN ford, A.ir.;ant Ag'rtit of Exchange. Un der the circttattcr- uf thtsea.se, J dct-m it proper to forward thi paiwr toyoUtjn order that you may fully underUud tij poaiuou which is taken by lbe Confeder ate authorities.. I aha!l be; glad if tha pro I tion Uierein uia-ie is accepted by your Uovcrutuent. Kehpectfully, youroh't aer't, - - ' lto. Oou( Of? the aftermon of the ,3'Jth of Autrnst. I wa notified that thn flu- tmnti MOft fittar '.cad ti.rAtt or.i,.. rail Y rt at-.-a-.-iwjji' xws. aau ii i laj'A-'v: ni i at artnn. Un tiie following day i sent to Maj. Multord tbe fotlow.'u uoto ?lo wit : KiCHMOVb, Aqj 3d, 1664'. MajofJhQ. E. AfulforJ, Aaa'tAent of f JWcUauge: r sir -Oo the 10th of thia month I ad Urtfd yoa coin an atocauon. a . t .. oo tb. 2j acornmanlcuioo to I pav received no autwer. tout. I a!ar addrmaed M.w f:naral F. A Xl -.A V V I CocomiMiooer of Exclacjt.. enc(o.ni a j copy of ray krtta to yoa of th. 10th inst. I now mpKtfdily ak yon toute io writ- taTh4ur yw haaa aav retl- said eomminicatiuiia; and, if Dot, 1 f J i 1 f a: i I i .1 j ', to li' Iv h i I "-II liu lc f lkjia'lfully, , Your obedient (rvant, . . ' Ko. Ould, , . , t Apot of ichangs. In a short time I received the fol lowing reipoiii', to wit : ;, , "' FtA or Thcci SriAMsa "Nsw YobV. ) . , Va.h;a, Va, Aujf 81, 1864. J (, JL Ouid, Ajfent for ExclaiiKM : . - J4vr! ! Iiavt ll honor to acknohve rece4 t4- your Uiot if tivdny, requeiis answer, Ae, t jut c,untiuiu,tlon of ihs JOih iiikI., vo tie qutlkrj it tb Vxclianjv yf piHner. '" "'...4- To whWK, ia replv, I would My, I liavs no conimuimriitKiu on Ihs uii-ci frm inr autliorilie, uor aui I yet aalHurixed lo make anaww. . . l,i(u,ftir, terv iwrieclfully, -.Ywer oUflihratwvaBt, ' Jko. E. McLroRD, ;v ifuj. and A tot Cxcharte; ' I have thus fully set before you toe action of the Confederate antlor ities in relation ti a' matter which lays ko near vour hearts, and how it h.a been received hy the enemy. Toe fortunes of your fatiiers, . hii bands, hiis, hroihers and friend are as dear the anihorities as their porsons'are (aechois to you, and 1 have made thia nuhlicjifi.oi. not ioi ly as unjlluatraijoit of Federal bad faith, hut also that you iirht see that youf Government ha spared no effort toecrt tn rleae f th rallani nn-n wlr have so often front ed denth iu the' defence uf'our sa cred Cl!X.', Ho. Ocld, Aent of Excliaiie. Aug. 31, 1SG4. ' . From ilia Ptat Journal. The NewbeTO (Yankee) Hilten of the 2d iii6t.t cunULs h letter from its Beaufort GrrespoiiJeiit Aion X'j" dated the 1st, from which we ; ciio tiiC totiuwiiig in "refereTTie la i THE TALLAHASSEE. ; "The news-from tho blockade is I very exciiin. Thy pirate Talialots aee i rejH.rtcd to have entered n il liliiitonf one if! i'y last Wet"k ' Sf Te w.i.! closely .chacd by the followiiij; .ruuhoata : Iv yatoiie State, Tristram Shandy tttni Mohticelto ; hut shak iti the riibel flaat the Union ve- sels sha was g.ii under the guua ol Fort Caswt-li, and out danger, " The Tiitum Suandy caniej into this p-'lt on S uid ..y, . havtu carrie.l away her ridJer ul aea. '11)e"na'l store ahip Xewberh left here yesterday for the North, tukin with her quite a number ol disdiarjred afrs.y-""- - LXOOCS OF KKCEUrriNG AGENTS. TueexiKJiisiof the recruiting agents lias coiumenced. Toe steamer 1 1 aze, which left this ort f.r New' Y'rk, via rurtrean Monroe, took away a m,wii.er of agents. We presn.ne the thing did not cuffeJ Uol bein arliajiVi4u. kilned 1 . "' ' " ' X,e jW denonnccs as a ham- . . ....h-nti,, ;nrnrm4rmn fert. :ltZttoktv . relat.ve to the sovero fi 1(t , which t)e rehf.$ were dfjyi from Green stioro' in tho Stnto therefore, wo presume Capt. Keye iai not killed, nor Maj. Whitford in 'rta! i v wounded. - Times seem hard in OJewbern, Mills. Joy advertises for a niarkef in which he may ti:id semi-occasiorjally something' tnat is wholesome an J good lor digestion, Tub butter U seiiinjf there at 60 to 7U cents, ba- ican 35 cents, Hour 10 cents, meal 5, soar m to 40, &c. Tdte aluppiujr uew shows au awfnl faJlin off in arrivals aud departures, probably on account of the Tallahassee. For l. .1. o.i i i.. eca. euuiuK u, uui cue K.enui- er and four ictroorlcrs bad arrived, and tw.r fctemer and one sciiooner ;lwred,aamttwic6thjif 'numbers respectively the prevlolua wee2r TUK LATK STATE ELECnoX. Tho 7tW says tbeS'tafe election "ha terriiiriated most dibastrously for I f ol Imi the beaten candidate. fhile h is badly beaten, withmt beinjj co:.-;Jftrc'l'impertiuent, adds Joy, wv ,v u!. ugeFt that be pro- cure F-i.-i : i, cuds arid matte an alH 1 a ' . davit ti ed ii- an evidence that 1 : J t . he never u V VI i i . 1 417 A CdlllU.MAlC jft Hal. troe ur u fr7,d ?r? .'r I,?" "roctioos from lUie;gh i it a canuiuate at a I. of lbe people, it being accomplishr. .uai ..uiucii a vo.cav ia iiwk luo vu.ee by Confederate bayonets on the one hsnd, and the employees of. a cor hmguage, it will bo uoticed, of IIoI- .. .i i K , 1 1 j i 1 1 p 1 1 1 v i f kvl..!.' tllkvO JoV Hllltolllicen t 0 libull H t-dl )Wi: Vunce's tutijotl ty, 8i,833, with 3 counties. Till UdSI'lTll TAKkt....' V ; . ! It fOems the Yankees havo a hos pital ftuu . near JS'owlieiu. 4 From ihU.furm has I Ken issut-d to tbj) tr.Ki .nce July 1st. J15.M00 water4' im lona, S),(H0 cunivl-'l'ts, bblj. of. co ir,liu bids, yf touiatoen, : and 80 bids, of sijuaS , beaidea a iare tpianiityof H.sioes, oniony pea beain", cuuiulei' cahhaes, &c ; MILLS JOY Vi 00L. WUHToRO. ' Tlie 7 tmr$ has h 'p-ih!, n a! tired, fMilirtli article on ,Od. J no. N. Wlir- lord, roiutiiandii j tlie pit at Kiu torvbttV-MHewtmf-lNe44bM JoV SaVS, the Col, ha received or-M I ... a. a i , a ttii 1 out t Newbeni otrpaiu t iH'tiitf r lerel " l tlie ftolil at reterHbnrjr 5 ImiI that "Jidio" i1.etterHdai.ted a li!e of leh-ure than to a tak w ho lt tuvolvei m iiiiu-h ae'ivitv. J.ty pic- lure "tlie serene Coouwl tt - a re cliiiot Mtiiut ie, poiiiiinv witlij'lirw K.Maii LmviMvtaro, and efaiot- l" . 1 r 1 k 1 1 1 inv, Mills l'eiillemnn, is the A'oert- can Lama: whence arises the bay w 1 . Nw I fay ma awa i Itey." and the Colonel fall into a sweit aid p5ae-ful sJuin'-er.' Joy ii quite I t-nuiiijrloiiiau in bis' showman str lf. - qiTau re;:.M wr'.rs kkhce, i Urera ko'. N. C rpl. 1. 'W i 3KtP will be reeeitf 4 al Um ofi..4 X f furm-liiMC hr t ..nli-dVrMia f4aie Witb lU.tH'U Hotmi and M ale Collara, - ' S.UtSJ .. fa ia.k)lra, 5.1). Baclirta, Wno llararaa a ..4 leather, ahw for mak- 102 Tract Chama, att-Male Sliura, aud ae S ai.i. anttfle u aadj.ea aud eutlara will b ruritiilird lr hi ihia i.flies audi mu aup- pitud iu Coniracti-ra. 8. R. CIIISMAN. M.k HUM. Seat i : -4t LA,NK 0l lKI;U)1Tk tliia Bank. ). Ar'nl lnClh tal-deral .airaTiea- imr v tVp-.fieW iW-t f ccmI Honda al lha rata DS'd a ihr lrp.rt U1hh o...niiajii at etpring gf iVaTiy jKirtalull. J. J rtLCKI(U, freat. Aug 2i, lttti(-..iwM. '' UaJTlOX ,A LlLMk VUVAXM&E, l lamtwr 3t, IM4. HO Acrraul L-nd aithia 3 niitrtortke taw a haUkury. 4ta a it a Urea nua.W 4 I ait Tim, a tuinubla Uarrllicig lloane, n MratlfW ai.d Kwl Wvodland S...ue aiibi l.rl .SiilKTI.NUS.anda (..id luai.y ulliar article by WM. K. I-JDWAKD-S A t O. aug Si7-2Ut!8-IUt. HAT VOU ALL KEEt A qaaaiuv ul Uuikr Ifuo for inakiM t) rj. P..drr a ail t-ait II. If Hiialie!, .iUi! Tnka tad BuekaU. bleachrd aad uii -a-lird Mnriji,a. Muuiuaia C"herf , r jj P. ai 4a, t"nr ai.tl Tobaeto, I uT aala by t W M. E. EDWARDS Jc CO A act. and to. March 'la. aa(C 27-2uiSs4 t4 All paraiMia haviaf claim a(aiM4 the eatata af Jiiiirt V. JSrely, lata uf Dia eaaniy, d-c-ai-ed, lire barrkjf rejoi4 to preaat than) fur imrnieat, or Ihia a. tica wilt ba pkmt ia bar f ihetr recovery Aud all ilmaa iuoMed In the ealaia will Aum lerward as aiaka tlmat. t D. M. CRENSHAW,' Adrn'roTJ. W.N.ely.dec'd. July 23. 1864- 4aiw9 J' AGS J HAGS!! BRING yoar tA4 cotum aad RSaa rajra, su; ap iu eottuii or ivw I aja. W will pay yea iu SMiuay,or riehaug-i wriiia papar for thrui. 6va and aead aa ail yv eaa- t -, Alaw Per livniT Bear Aluaaurt, Manly eouui) , r.au find Sale (or thai rf by talliag .a C'aot. J. I). Haaaaa. - WATCHMAN LOST'OK STOLEN Ona 4 par eanl Ce rtiiirala iaaued I J Daunt! 0aaah. it' iwo handred Mutt, dated March 1?, ife4, No. IUJ. Applicaiioo Will ba mad fur a du piicata crtiti' iie. All pMrauaa ara hreby wumeit out I 'LjM8 l') 'maMiaf'cariifi cate. . fOqEtlSENrroUR, i Npt S-3iwpil5 ,Adia. TVTOTlCii. I will anD at tbs lata mideoca . , n Ai T.- A. A. th. 9Jd vt ncpu. laatait,' abmi 60 tanbela of Wheat, a 4 atul 1100 baudtaa uf Oa!a,'and.a lot Of VNaattraw. JOHN Kit F.. TANTKI) i,0)f)ba.hitoof juodKpa FOX paid ia aw uuat ' 4 Bnnt them to N. 11. BLACKWOOD d2tw4t "HfiimTNOS. . I HAVEa k)t of Salted- Uerrip-s whieh I will exchange I y th barrel for Bacon. " -A. MYE113, 4Ljor 4 a 8. July 4, 1?4. UQ DR. C A. IIE.NDERSON. hariaf rayaia ad hia health, afaia rt(ectfully offer hi Profeaainual aaricaa U tha cititeaa uf 8aliaba ry aad viciaity. Jaua 7lh, 1S64- (d5t:wtf) 1JIANO niBbAl E A ry aoperiory? octaa Piaao, iaf aufal aiyla, fnt aala pnrataly. Apply at thia al&ea fut farthar m TMaaauoar lAax.3 dliMw i4. .'ii. A'-;. It, ici,, BV 1I It I. "I JON OK Till? WAS nrliiirit lit unVri(!iif J h" Ukib n m mmH ul " 1 b I) Ir rl 4f UV-inn Nulla lolinii." cOniMir id iKnl yiti f the hUi T wrM 'f ri.itniir ul fivi kHrS in (i'fiA, k 111. tia n k Muiin, nnmtMrt hs iciMh.iixI. j kiruif (vnimkurt i4 tii IHmiW-1 tut Ih ,. ui jffuifenuf ih ttiiftpi , from ii ieratoa . nd law .-a drprrAuiiups n r.i p'ri)' an! frMiii)o riid uf rurailrx nd irahora. I lie to: dial s o of Ihf civil khOH-hta airl riirirw f ia drirvt. Ponl jrft.iif. ia laNKlMily linpoitaul afttiarseuil 4rqut-i.lft. Tin lib! .. W' mill r)f Siuy ar h-i u p'lAim H " wwtl taal and Urni j ' hiii t ' lit (hi ll'ia ik areearar airaaa vt jnftliiuf ih a will' ba t ratirted lk,v.' (.(r.., ... , la.WhrVro it. at a l-rj rnnil 1 1 Ir'irn art MOW abaHl Ti'llt their C' lliiiiniir'a wilhoal kaav t m a v Wj'ttkra id. a ..t ihr xliMa -North Camliaa tuilii it'ttanla ;K I i.hxam. h l tmlieva lliai N..nHfHr..lni. iin-rdfi" - I If wiinsjrf w ir"w r n rune r TTri -tatsherif. I' iulr-f lliiv f'ir intratva f it i ihi-mhi many h.- t. m un i r.d 1.. adaa- tol,fc,Ml,,,',','lM,r'V ' Winr is-atilry. - liitha rrcrnl rlrcitaina an ' lirlmiaf mxja.iil) ofilir (f' 1 l-i I lli ''r h-la pro cl nurd It. ihr .rlil ml nic I nii'i.a ara f.ih. llel hrt -r-ili- in- oui- ami ii.l. nd tka fata n4 diltu of ilir i.tl.rf Mi l t.f . (kia I Miliriacy akail tic tla (r ail iktui y at' N"'k I'a.uiiiia. Iu r-r" e I" llii ftri- tie 111 l pi'fc'a M mrnt ( hrr tl-i t anil Or I. tkat tkOHT wbti la ixrn V.ktm (1- ltd' i' H et ba reeUtiurd aud ard It- in il r . i .n- jn i U 4-a wf th Uw, tul H.ri..ii ! I fTrrrd ta all SVaarlera and an-ntrr l . ii' .irrdar llm.arlat-a at ktluit itia Ida v.y Stp trakrr, irM. L'Jbaa wkaruox in atUl I t ritrcltd to taki a (4. de ua hvauf am to ler . K it r n a. aad iurii.( I ha wai withiot f,lrr "kil '. 0r briiriaat'arrM il r p'ai eaetaifw baa W'w lt i t. . 4 Yx i !! U earl) Kaea,BNd il ia i rM.., -Y- lat rr nrtenil aVerlrt wilt km wpitfatk.ii charaetera aad hjr falurr a I Irat la l ten cuild'ea rrpsiLIv ,rv ... ii MARTIN ' Dngadie l.cunul tn maaeiaf. Aai.t9,3iS-4iw NORTH CAROLINA-Vaiaw ihtt-C-an nf Pla.a aud Cjan su.,., O . t.-brr Tena, lta4 f W. S-HilUatna and Jt'hi. Fh r iue -i ff, l'mta auC J. . t rv... - Ptliittm $ rmt Gutttdmn. ta'rtia ra rtyjwjrrnrf-nii tntha-t-Hi'Hr'-1ir a ffi.ia 1 1 ul Janata utf V iL vj. ... !! . ... .i,d.. i . . ('lewio. ihe drlrmJ.i. , ilr u,l iriUrui if Un lal. Th M'd tf u-l-; i are her. by matfird ! t'far .li lh J. .if tUa I Ur Court of tlcaa auo tjiai.'r Nbui v fluid CK-aiiiy. ai il.a 1'imim i.uw iu ( o.uilir, Tb 'i'fir.TMottiI.y'''l'i.:''0...Wr'' Al'JH' le;'" than a tad lfceta Iu almariif ihr) havr; aayihiu? iu y, why lha (ara)er ul Uia feiiijaai ahall u4 t fraulrd: iU-iij l.a p i t.fii iU ba Uaaid riparta aatu ilia in, -inl jm!. (iui lakra ara fif. . . , YVuue.a, T. H. Martin, Vra uf aaid Caart, al uttWa, Aag. 24. JBt.l T. !. MAHTI.N.CUrk, by V A. Jrc, V C. Aaf.5-U. riiRAfT OK LaNU 4-ou i.ai.E. Th X iWiber, liaiuy ia 1 1 jjt rwuty, tirar CiHioljr Ijb rl 'Iffire, tiffria 1r aatf a Iroel f load wilhm h .tru.il t.f tlaal-hf Cr, n tUa JrV' ilkebtVMi,. e jniamifp 157 arr-. Abuul 3U aerra ia cntlivaiinu .hr inuaiod-r in aM. Tber. la m g.m-4 darD.'ig i.ou-r: bari.. aiabtea, aad Wb-r ot Inwirea. ail Hrtrly uw. Tlie laad ia aOapl"! i ltb-?, corn, wheat, die. Ok, Hickory. fuf. & e. , lha unucipal JruWlha. furtlirr inf.w mi.. cau hud Ml? D. tlana at fHiri Lrna, UT In J -aeif al Olio. Terroa Iu a-lil ti e piirhaer A, hfcDWlNK. Aajaat 2jh,1664. -4iw(d. . F. BASON, M. D., DENTIST. TtfOCtt rnr!lj a. ((rat ia M ft al a Owtanrr ailil g tin prafr. atonal aerv (hi ir.,j tttw el in rlUna ta li'm 1 .tailrrmrT, la atSar thai b taay apfwlat a liat aaro h ran ai.il aa la. aa aaa after arrltat an d.ainl if, tSua fraaratlf aaa Itaia ao4 draaatpiabi. , tt All trtttre t.laiio i'r.ai Uj aatacrtS aka rat apparUaeltr.. ' Jaaaltt.laSI, tfabon GOODS, UMllVu Jut rrrtirrd and t'r . Spun Col too No I., 9. Iff. ! I & 12. Nail aa.rlrd 4. 6, t, H1 V 13. R.fla I'owdrr. tU.iux. fnlaf- Sugar. '"'-- ' - ' Salt. Ura. Il.a MICIIAF.I. CkOWN. H.hatury, July 3, lC4. wt - v - Spfcial Nolirr. OFFICE CHJF.f CO.MVJ. ).M Vj.- AI.Y. ) : 4 r N t"atia. V r, J an V ih, ) ' - " arm DTteT tiafiabury, f lirCPIlV .... il. ,r i... ..n ia aa- itBiriaarf hrmnr Kaaa tir- t-tf tiuaiain" any peii, 1-l.mr, ar oilier jm TiMn, ia tha Cinlte of flurry, f tok'a. Yidk a, V'rih. trr.alt, Daaidaun, Daair. k. wa, Caharroa, Sianly. Moolf..mary, An,-ir aad Kirhiaoud, eotupiiaing tha Diaok-iot J. r my chi.ncepi rafalarlT uppnrhUd arl ir ..I ifi t'oiumiaaary .Vpartniaal fthocaa tto n iia r anOji.nty froaa ma. A. MW:S Ma ails' Clef I orniaaary tfw6 31 OLASKEf?! MOLAKEH. We hara pre pared oaraaUra to' aiaka Molaaaea hy auy quaatily. have ahl iruu Dmiara, anu ibrae eaat rutlert whini llW auda. Tha nil ia At. J ah a 1'oatara (arm. "I.Jaiaea wil ba aiada ua aaeotaudaiiaf terpta. I'aiauaa wiah-" lu am aaada eaa call aa enl.er uf aa. ib-iii' ti .Tru I : TJ I'tUTJ r. i I t. (Voa( A?.23.1ii-iw; . . ' ' - ' c