-.0 VOL. XXII. ALISJ3UIIY,VN. eM(SEPTEMBER 19;864. NUMBER 17 r-1 . I MllCii I f). , K Ml j. Jbruner;. . ED1T0E 1KB PaOPlftltOE. 7V: " ' TEEM Or THIS MTUl-SU eoflire r tii stoalhs. No ibaerialivat received for Icafer tint, ( preaem. ' TRtl(or i trfittTl5nC-2 per qaafe Vr the first inrli..n aud $1 per (quart; breach eaeeeqaent publication. Tlieafl senHier. advertisement, will els wad raoiiry to fay for ihrm. Nmiees of 75 ' Hood and 8hcrtnan had further corrrs- SMidenee about tie vicheiig vf prisoners 9 oourlution arrWd at, " ' McCLELLA N" RATI KICATION MEET- v ING ilN. PRICK DEAD-THBilV-Mnae, ha resigned.. 1 STEAMER " ADVANCE " CAP -TURED, Ac,- . Turk B-njaniin a well. known literary wiae.MVd in New York JMday. ' Gen. Thomas F. ywjjln?r ba been or-den-l to leport for liuty to Sherman. v Gen. Martindah-, of the army of ika service expired going liotns.V Soma tula-' ; THE OBJECT OP TUB WAR. mnt pint the number already at ' 10,- 000 yeti-iday.V Yesterday wu universal-' Aa the war )wg.n, to It ha continual. . Richmond. $-pt I5th. The New York Herald of llie Ulb mv 5l towns io Main how a net Republican gain HT 8 L The largest nia meeting rr beid in Brnk wordi or Irs, will coat f-J fur th firm, ana $1 ; Jrn, a-m IrtVd Monday eveomg i ralily w eanh adiiitMiml publiR(iu. Notices o, (he nuuiiution uf UcCIllu and ln lUr rf f Mter in (k Sam riiMrtiua. of a-plNrioe. Oiru Jinaicb inentionn tli report TELEGRAPHIC. FROM UICHMON'D. Rh-hmovd, Sept 13. Oen. Ewing re cently wifd art ori!er, dub-d Louisville, re juinag I lie JtMtiuMuf eauL county Io aem blo in ten days, and lery a lai uflicient to arm aud uioouC (illy ineo uulit further of . ders. Gor. Draratott, on th 3rti,i58neda"pKK clama'ion declaring staid order to be in de rogation of tin law of the State and in c in dict witli the rights arid libertiei of the peo ple, lie says it U the duty of the Justice to reluse olHlioiice t" uh orders or immedi ately r-i(it aud forhfdi thea of make such levy W uxea. NAVAL PRISON EIS TO BE EX- CIUNOED. Rioimomd, Sept 13. ArrangemenU hare been made for exuliaore of all the naval pri soners. Yaukees IkiIu about sixty - offiwrrs and tliree or four hundred xeamen and rna . rinco. We bate; nearly the saue number, the exne to be made up fioin army prwn ers. The exchange will probably take place at Charleston. o-day.. as a da' FROM PETER-SnURG. PttiR!0URO, Sept 13. All perfectly quiet UiT obsenreu throughout llw city , dav of faatinir huiuilialion and ftrayef . ripanf i d Md.irinitMnr,tn.in.nli ami Anin. pletiuff the rail road from City Point road, to the Weldon rail road. Everytiiin indicates a purpose by Grant to winter in our front. No idea m entertained by our atitboritie of evacuaiing thi city. On the oontrary, very purpose of oldmjf it aaitt all odU. Tlie army is healthy and in excellent spirits. NORTHERN NEWS. Rich mos D,-Sept 14. New York papers of the 1 2th receired. War oewa unitn jiorlant " ilcClcllaa a letter of atpt!ine caused jfreatsemation among tbe peace democrats, Tbicw lork News says it cannot sup port a candidate id coll vention that tendered The military editor of the Melroilium iiecord repudiatea MuClellao. a- VallanJijjham, wbo was on his way to canrawi PepneyWaoia, withdrew Lis ap- pointfiK'ois and returned boroa in dismast. Oold cld at 2TZ. Kichmovd, Sept U. Herald of the 1 2th sar oar recent victories, ramors of victories Vj come, and the fct that all l'iesideii(ia) caodidatea are for the Union War l'iati'orw, auoueaa aeems certain, with other causes all combined brings Gold to 18, Stiirdajr. Vallandiham, after reading McClellan'a letter, telegraphed to a friend io Washing ton that all hope is lost, and withdraw from tbe canvasa. Tb Louisville Joorual bat placed the Chicago ticket at the bead of it columns. Case pronounced tba platform an ignominious surrender to the rebels, aad aays be caanol support lb Yellow fever abatiog at Bermuda. thatGen. I'rioe dird recently ia Arkadvl ' phia, of dyawitery. Di4pti'ue from Indiantpoli anoouee the rapture of tbreeoquarler of ibe alw souri gueriillu. The steamer Advance Ca pi a red off Hat teraa Saturday. The t-aiuer EJUj cap tured wu I be 5 h int. Vetm-U and cargoea worth half. a inilliou of dollars. lived at Halifax on the 12lh for repairs. EurOieaM dates to lh 3t say it M rumored irvIari that Napoleon woukl aoou make anoilH-r effort at intervention in A nier nun ffir The Waabiugtou Union rf the lOih ays Lincoln will probably send Cotniniknr to lturlimoniV ja' -it known llutt many leading men of the RpubneAif parly liaie lallerty th-en " urg ing tb"l policy. Gold inarkfl excited and un-etlled, closing rate 221. THE ENEMY DlilVEN " FROM MAR " T1XSUURG. : tbe uei. .' ' ,. The dralt ia ordf rel to commence in I Lhe Chattanooga Gazette of the 13th n- Ot.i., and oilier Staba whose quota ira eeived, it aaya tliat Wheeler bad been driven ool BITel MpMl thtr I b t. 1HJ""0 nae?87 oynufaamao. aior- S.rr.l j .arnaU, f.merlr republican, " ' , " 7.", , . 0 J bate eurn out in favor of NcClella V- hii anny, sayiug that they bad completed a Tlie GiicinoHtr TimeXnd Albany : 1 aa that the (all of.Atlantt State-man. loilL: repiillicn, predict lhe must be attributed to mistake in Hood send defeat ,4 Lincoln and urge hia willid'awal. , "K bis cavalry to the river. We must coo- Tae U lon P.n says A ia a ffrt re-' . ' "J". ' "r eny " - J a . 1 a T 1 l?lt II 1 a a. I . I . . 1 - lif to tbe democrat lo beV d of auch in-.' cnibui aa tbe Wuibvnd sa?s if Val I nMlionltv i " 'j the mwiake we h4 menliotHxl so long ao, nil bint htm Mmwmw tt tnr rear 'far hvnrul landiiihtnt rlmo-ea to Ulo them be will reacrl of Instantly our cavalry have a roncb road lo travel. ' wason his only rema ning road, and we fof- Gov. - Sr-ymour peremptorily declines . loved quickly 'with the main at my, and At a renminiioo for Governor. ' lauta fell into our possesion. dm. Il toker advocates the election of f 7 M,OHaa. j FROM HAMPTON'S COMMAND. Seward, in hia speech at Washington, I Petersburg.- Sept. n.IIarnllOo'e said tlie draft would surely come If the ; cavalry tnatle a most successful dash Into penJe do nut volunteer. the enemy's lines Thursday, near Syc- It M-erta4 jU.-SL.luialhat about roChurdvPwnGorge Co. 17 jnilea 1 5,000 rebels were concentrating at tie : from the cilv. caDtunW twentv-five bun- mouth of Rt-d river. - idred head offal beef oat tie. 300. nriaonera. Goldoiiened at 2,1S and advanced to a number of horse and ten wairons. Tha 2,28 ; aud closed at 4,24. y gpoil are now safe in the Confederate - line. Gregg's divmioo of Yankee cavalry ' FROM THE FRONT. ! made an effort to cut off Hamulon. but Peters 1CK0, Sept 16. A skirmish ! was bandsoniely flogged forliis pains, line of eight v-eight men. Warren's corps, Hampton and men are in fufTTealher and were urpried and captured near the Da- ( J?fr for another chance at Grant'a vit U ue. on th- WrUon road, this nior- i boice beef. 1 and okilfully, but at last lie made Richhosd, Sept 15th. A letter from an officer at Loniax bridge, says we drove the enemy through MnTtinburg yester day, Uic 10th, aud to-day we are tearing uo rail toad. FROM PETEliSBURG. Ricumokd. Sept 15. A s(ecial dia- ninr. in front of Vihx!t division. Pris- soiierii arrive here. With this exception , AKUlv AL nothing inlere-liiig on the lines to-day. ' The enemy renewed, shelling this JiAer? ; 1 noun ihrowing m-reral 15 inch mortars,! loaded with gla. braas, copper, iron and teatt well into tbe citr.' but - did ao dam-1 age. Micos, SepL 15. It is reported with Our troops are io fine spirits asd eager considerable how of truth, that Sherman ! flgbt j lm n ,f,M.llla reiiueat for (overn. ' , . . 3 A ' or Brown, Vice Prraiueut Stephens and to-Sept- 16tfc Tb Stata,,, " .. . Ibe foJIowimr fro-. V Ply moth : .' Sn D- V- to nieet him tn Atlnnta and have a talk about peace. Brig. Gen. Shoup, ha been relieved of " OU9BORO Jounial ha. tbe followiirg fro: ii Ply moth Pilot Hopkins and C. Ram, Albe marle. wi'Ji 8 sailors aotl 8 soldier cud- patch to the Evening Whig, from 1'eteta- ( lorrj ,,! burned cn the tli, the United burg, to-day, say Uial a force ol enemy's j ;ti,te1. ft,m(.r Fawn, plying between cat airy and lulanlry Kupoed to be Nriolk an-1 R.anoke Wand, killed 2 Yan raiding party, advanced from the Weldoo .CP!, wundinr 4 and caWwln? 10 prisO' road llim iiioruini; lo the vicimtv of 1'ow R,M ..-lniva f 5 irr. IVimer- have arrived in the most destitute coudi TTia Tfi.nb'Iiaa fotiebt' lo auhiuiata the ; ? Saatkjf could, to devt.t. it'if of faat.ng and prayer by tba army and - ' , .... vuviu , null au wuifl una ivmiii wvtvij ill self defence. There las never been taoraebt at which the would not gladly .Jbave . cc ptedpeaca LjnJ?r.lL wDlver been a moment at which peace was in any anaa within bar recb. Three timea the Confederate government baa attempted to negotiate, aod three times its envois have been insolently repulsed. It has never, done any act calculated, by retaliating on Northern toil the crime and cruelties per petrated by Northern troops in tbe South, to make negotiation difficult or peace un popular. The Sou I hero people have shown the world that their Buljugation is impos sible. , They have maintained their inde pendence and protected lhjir capital against norniously tuperior numbers : and without sustaining a single drfe.it approach ing the character of a diaaater lb -y have, on half a dozen disf.net occasions, inflicted a total and crushing overthrow upon tba main armies of the North. With every year of tbe war their strength has increas ed aod tbeir courage has risen ; their ter mination grows daily niore stubborn and "their devotion more perfect aod unani mous ; and, io tbe words of tbe manifesto tbe world must see that aucb a people can not be conquered. The hopelessness of the Northern cause is recognized by all ex cept its most devoted partisans. At tba same time, all are aware tbat it rests with the North alone to terminate the struggle. Victory does not increase tbe demands of 11 e South any more than defeat could re duce Iheru. She asks only to be k-t alone; she wishes for nothing except the with drawal of Northern troops from ber soil and Northern cruisers from her waters. Peace, therefore, requires, only tbat the aggressors should abandon the hope of reducing free States, inhabited by an Eng lish population, to a hateful servitude; and it ill becomes the European Powers to encourage that hope, and prolong tbe war, by withholding a diplomatic acknowledg ment of tbe universal conviction that the independence of the South ia virtually an accomplished fuel. London Standard, OF EXILES FROM AT- LANTA ANOTHER TALK ABOUT PEACE BRIG. GEN, SHOUP RE MOVED EXCHANGE OF PUIS-ONERS. duty Nit chief of sintf to Gen. Hood. Exiles from Atlanta continue to come into our lines. Several hundred families 5 tiefro-. ar Spring Church two mile Welof Rail- jnc a Lt Colonel, a? Major, a Lieut Skir. par' sa s it cannot su btkrsiii hu, oepu. ioui. says i canno s p . 4 ajvmlicej Vetwa ollikion with the Con- . , , ,. morning to Poplar Springs Chur him a nomination. ., rs . yr ,,r , t, t :i t . r. mile from the Weldon roatl. 1 In (FROM PETERSBURG. PrrxasacRO, Sept 14. Some skirmish uag oa the right to-day and heavy cannon ading all along the lines. The city was ehelled for several hours ia a most vigor--uk manner. Some damage sustained but fie serious accident occurred. The enemy advanced tbeir pickets some what on our extreme right yesterday, but was followed with no atovetneot of ioiportance. . ARRIVAL OF EXILES. . . Macoa. Kent 14. Tbe first train of JUlaola exiles arrived this morning they were atripped by tbe Yankees of .every thing except ooe change of clothes, and au-a in a deplorable oooditioo. The impression that tbe campaign in Georgia is over for thia year ia Cut gain ing ground here. Sbersoaa is to reinforce Grant and try to hold Atlanta with s small force ; but ao further advance ii anticipated. Last eigbt train loaded with prisoners ran off tbe track at Camp Cook, on South Wester a Railroad, eight can were smash ed 6 and a large number of yankeee killed aid wounded. No farther parties iara. i. road and four miiea from the city. minhing going on ail inoroiug. No tkutats yet received. Pbtkrsui'ro, Sept 15th. Warrens ard this urch two leeOemr broke through Butler's liuts, and were inet by Col. Kerrebee and Dearing's brig ade and repulsed. Our loe tnding. lhe enemy baa commenced fortifiying at the Church. Printers atate thai it was au attempt to advance their line in the di reel ion of the Sout aside Railroad. Al oniet on Ibe balance of the line. No sUeliiiig, and hut little picket tiring. SALE OF CONFEDERATE BONDS. RichmosO. Sept. 16th. At auction to day Confederate bonds of the fifteen mil lion loan with coupons, sold at lit. Dil to, registered, 130. Long date eight per cent couDoc boa da brought 123. Four non-taxable bonds 134. Seven per cent bonds 75. Cotton bouds 108. 1 wo lour per cans, certificate 60 to 66. BONDS TO BE WITHDRAWN. 'Richmond, Sept. 18. Official notice ia given tbat losg date non-taxable bonds will be withdrawn from the market on the 20th, and held at higher rates. Persons holding claims against the Government for subsistence stores are notified to present their claims if they wish these bonds in payment at present prices. FUNERAL OF GEN. MORGAN. " KiCHMo'sa, Septril 6th. The oleeqotea of Gen. Moriran look place today. Hia remains -wereoaveyad Holly wood Camelry and placed in a Vault Funeral cortege large including a number of mili tary and civil officials. 8KCOND DI8PATCH. Richmond, Sept 16th New York pa pera of tbe 16th received. The liailroad between Nashville aad CbaUanooga repair ed aad irainJvunning. Railroad train near Bardstown captar ed by guerrillas oa Moodsy. rribune says tbe Republicans have car ried Maine by the largest majority ever given at a gubernatorial election. Tbey gain a member of Congress and bare elee ted ive-aixtha of tbe Legislature. and a Corporai. oft our side. lion imninaMe. (ren HkkI and Shrman have agreed upon a apectal exchsngn of 200U prisoners'. Several hundred of the nninb,T will be Richmond. Spt 16rr-la!tiinore Ga- iM nf tlin 1 4th mntaila an article f om the Nw Yk News of the 13th, iudicat I io-iglt U that purpose, ing determined opposi ion to McCiellan r "7wriVr. by that journal. The New rs we covet j FROM RICHMOND, aiucerely and ardently the unity of the j Ricumokd, Sept. 17. The New York Democratic irty. but t ...not cu'nel aod j News of lhe Slh ,ti4l ,Iut preim;Bary will have no jiariin 'trt fioonst rations aud gipjig have been tukn bv the friends of disgrace. "The Courier Des EtaU Unis 1 . ' . , .., t .J t if . neai-e to call a national Convention. Le- aiso wnuarawa iixu ii support oi Me- ' Clallan. Sherman has itrjctly pnbiited : mocracy nominated a candidate for Prea peraons not in miliury lervice from enter- 1 idnt and Vice President ing Atlanta. Neither manufacturing or j second dispatch. trading m permitted. Due city is used exclusively for military purposes. FROM NEW 4)RLE.(NS. Richmond. Sept 17. The following v THE YANKEES IN ATLANTA. From a gentleman who left At lauta several days after tbe city fella we learn some interesting particu lars of the doings of the Yankees and the conduct of the people in the city. Two or three days after the enemy entered; the officers gave a grand ball at the Trout House, and invited many of the citizens to at tend. To their siinme be it said, the invitation was accepted in many io stances, and women, we tannet call them ladies, who were londest in their protestations of loyalty to the .' was received today at Headquarters 1 South, were " hand in glove" with 17 lb To Hon. Stmtary Stddon . l Clinton. La- Seat Il6. Shelhv's vie- - i , . . .... . .,. , j At ji..' ii.hr v.tir.iif mm mmm wn w a Kailroad torn "k u" "s" J'"-"-' " line wet or Jerusalem plank GaxKADA, Sept. 15, wa Mobile, Sept, 16. Memphis datea of tbe 1 3th received. Gov. Flanagan, of Arkanata, baa. called a special session of the legislature. Com munication between Memphis and Rock in terra Died. Tbl Memohia Artr aaya,' official buUetia tfom Secty . Suntoa give interesting tacts relative to toe call for 500,000 men. Credits to tbe State lor previous excess, cojsume two-fifths of tbe number, leaving SdD.tKM) meq actual- !y to be raised, ewjihird of the last amonot meets all requkments of General Grant. Tbe remainiai two-thiroNi sopplv casualties of battle, loaf by discharges aad derUona, garrison of ltrts to fight gaer riliaa aad keep open ainmunicaiion. torv in Arkansas compete. ud for several miles, doe entire regiment ' skirmish of Yaakeea oaptured. I The array worm j road was driven back upon their entrench I.-. -J ll .1 1... .k- ! . ... . . ' . . ., oao uesuvveu uia wuva cr'pa ou i m.nw a002 their Whale extent Al tlie river from Vicksburgfto New Orleans. I . tt , att hi. The jellowjever ia vefy violent at Key . . , ' . . - s Wst and 1'ortntraL I w" w "J I I ... . J .1 amore cnurcu. aou wiw hundred prisobers. some arms and a large number of horses and twenty-five hundred cattle. Gregg attaeked Hampton on his return in tbe afternoon at Belcher's Mill, on tbe JernseaJem plank road, but was ulsed. Every thing was brought off safely. Our entire loss does oot exceed fifty men. " . . , (Signed) ; R. K. Lie. Mobile, Sept 16th.f-A gun boat yes terday come close to tie shore near the month of Doe river. Our field? batten opened on it giving a lew good shots. The enemy retired. Xe ported the enemy have repaired gnn boa. Gainea put her in commiesioo for Fis( river expedition.---Relnrned badly pepped by our cavalry. Macon, SepL 16tb Exiiea Xrom At lanU report, tbat Sbeynan'a array is being rapidly depleted by eo -hose term of It is rnmored, aaya tlie Mitsi tippian, that a company of ladies have tendered their service to Gov. Ctark as a body guard lor those tnetnbers of the Legislatnre who vo ted toput their grandfathers in the service, bat who did not feel consti tutionally constituted to face the musket themselves. XJhar. Times. Ex President Bochanan (says the, Boston UeraU) hM volonteered do military duty for one hundred days, and is now at Camp Cadwal lader, Pennsylvania. Vice Presi dent Hamlin is alw doing service, the Yankees on the night of the ball. It is represented to have been quite a brilliant affair; plenty of cham pagne was drank in honor of tbe suc cess of achieved by the Federal arms, and the party ended at a lata hour in the morning, after great glo rification. One of the first orders issied by tlie Yankees informed tlie negroes that they were no longer slaves, but " free American citizens of African descent" There were many negroes in this city, and we sb'onld not be surprised if some of the M colored la dies" attended tbe Yankee celebra tion ball. ' There is but little or no business carried on in the city, except by a few traitors who concealed tobacco for the express purpose of selling it to the enemy should. they. enter tbe town, rhese creatures, we learn, are doing a brisk boatfiess with the Yankee suttlers. There is a, Provost Marshal and a guard of one brigade on duty in the city; all. the othertroops are en camped outside of the city. V Motion leUgrajti. i A prison capable of accommodating 30,000 prisoners is being construct ed ten mites this side or Columbia, S. (X, and the prisoners ia Georgia, we suppose, are to be transferred to that place. Some of them hare at ready arrived at Columbia. k i" t' J. 'i t . i i -i i .1 -it 7- r

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