IcVt 1 t' ' if that r,. if 1 '!(. ...-. t!.: rr, I -..,;inl ttc. it they wi:I.I, Uil tliut U dofclopvil here a higher order of Im n.i niofct idiockin;: cntustr.pl( in a! i.taturT. if a strife rt noblvWa'L'od were to fail of aucceslf a peuj-le 'who me illustrated tlia aoblimeet attributes ;of , manhood ahoold b trampled to the earth by the bestial tnbftitodee of a low, eoarse, file rab. ble who dishonor f ilename or man. .liut the experience of ; Ure years and a ball relieves ofl tineas!. i.Ana 4n tlii core. Tiie Yankee has done hit worst, and hiU faNed and wefirmir '' reverently biUer that the Pro idence hich.ha sus- Uined us thus far will stivnjrthn ra fur all that i t coin72wA- Whig, Atlsnta. Parlies recently otit from Allan'u rvlHHl th;il newat jturea liave lieeu opened in the city inpt tho Federal iM.a.t?iiiii ; aiiiler tliopB arc in foil M-iM :irilieHfK, liuinc lui cii 'i il'MiH-siicri into me biiiewalk on hiuioe thoroughfare.; an imincti.e; amount of railroad iron, froHtf, chains and nj.ikea have been fctit t'ii since tlte occupation ti the citv : the warehouse are fall of com iuiMry Biore ; tlw paacer depot is one raat pilu of crackers. I iic cttuena that re mamml were iroe Iv czcliui'iii Confederate currency :'.r rcfiinbackit at the rate of ortjr for one. ,N Liuoa and Kkcreatiojc An Err Uli jtpr lot the lolloping; ' It in raid that in t lie town uf $ t .11 the girls hae made an improve mint in ironing, whicii beata lite .Vain ciijjmio Tirconniiii road nil . i...iiow. v I'ocy spread out all the -hea oti a mHtii laiorn7 d t (um hot flit rioti to their leet ami kte over tbem Thi i cotnhiu- iu-ma Tn'HttTe with the tiect'iit f and ornamental. i-Ai;;f Ma. Hkckkb : V.'lif liu'J tLSi" !pir, even though do ur-l i;ke cnKtml rcverae ia lui UrriW mar If tball find nioch to worye, aJ tblnj to eVprcM aa,' TW i at a fmg of MCfd or rafM ItMJoty that pt aa iottaac of tbe saKiUu of 'aa taefct nd aatioa apoa Ua ova anil, Wa that BSlioO warunigihjtoc lioaJ. LWrtv, ttMt lk$ mtrU Uymm. Ami M. H exet4 iagly duubtiil btlr aa icitaaracf tl ubjuf aliua of aa eaKgileaoJ aUa mf unitsR soil caa b prwdaotiJ, va that aatioa wa jadJ"' f , eaaiaHt- hif politiemJ rog. Way taca aLoaU lb South, a peoj J airaQliaf far tkat uatioual Iibony Jbicll was paneRaftrd lf tb blood and ct of 6ar aw-ivr a and tbvir Itara, cutriuia Jra( ttoubl uf fiuai aocce ! Tlt r-r M jukt, all ivaoda, rrrtncr ' n-l lav rttvclhB ra'liin. ni nidnij 1 S.i o'rrvitffitv ia roij;iit"l im tir C-aliia- tMMOflMola xrtrrna-it. Ha auatlc tooMlpaMe U ami any oVaoHMiiaiiuav. 'Edi Satit9r4 ia riiaal cuaafMcf of Ita waa frwe will J aad ara StaW aatia tislit U rdira fioia laa ctMatai allt tUvv o vQJ J rrdaral Cart tic A:, i r ; J . 'tai 11 2Iattr Cn..kaa iQf(.ruil me tint fcly J t!e yoat'ifien bad cither r jcVrrrd t North or bad agret-d ! iate ia avrvica in the Qovrrn- mrul .aroi kap ia tbe city. The nArmltefa 4 tbo fire battalion rr Bvajlj tob(anJ Rnmi the Y ktt aiJr adthoati titer were a ff beavwable excetioae. . . , ' Of tbje who have elected to Xrtfc a, Urga namber baJ lte ar retted and laced la the tarracka atil tbrir raara cmhf each be stee- ?ily exaaial ; aad lbae foattd ta nave enr Lad aar euert" with. lb SrHitltrrw ariwf arms to be sent N-rt!i aad tccarcratel a4 vriaoftef. war. Vtw -' i Ma t AitMtghi. a a ttr. t M - ' " O-fxtrtM, uiS W araaaOrtiL a M . ha, feyM,aA ..... , ai.e av, wj . Barrut, a a . . , . i fearartt, IMBv r a ' ' v.'1. 'krrk.l'.a Hrtctiry, AJal HilaUKk, MaitL, arri)Mr, Tiai Kraarrd, W L ' kirk, a o atautv Mar - Fkxau CkxxK&.-Lr. At1, at Fajrtfarilio, bas inan- BT rated tliajtru ofetnjiloyinjfe- nuletkHbtnilo tW work of ie detailed for tli xrj. k Two of iheyMaajt ladiv f Fay rttev ilia art a eagrd aa eletka at the araca BinoPATnxsoxAPPoiyniExrs iu a:rfed ok ia adr lo ; ar tL hifheai ad beat iatr-4a 4 ika feolr ; aad, aarO fovi f ikat rwaBat CsrU ilalf )fn-d. a did Uta SJata. it kaa. ia tha ry ttalur of toiata, tin riki la withdraw from iim caorta. . If lbpanMa uf la'T lWr$di , . . . . . r . r . - . 3 W llto pcipiuai caifoe f IBM irainchiai : ooolrU mm H'll ! ax vaoa u A- im .r.l ' FtiS ri.ilw. iiaa Ia(i ilaflr UJ ... . ' r f . rani ; aaa utM bt coiniiuaa aa a ia xdr Ski lb Ut biu tUaa tii JL ik uor mas ia tba North. II' cS4 fr 4ni aa mural coaJiUwa crfi fj. !.at ib fr-A ataavvMa ateau.1 Sa.a. awoi aT W V a....!W Xaaa;. XW, a--" ia-aiw a. at ibe .Xartk Tarrc. tW J 1 -St-Jat4t bfdrfl, f i8d i AmJrrm 20tk " - IIBitMuSe; bat " Ilana a Caapr kE. ,'" Iaajcbaa. - 3tka - Uak.rdS. 3aW Que 3tt it d UK I ED: it. tVt. Ctk. l-t. k ta Ktt . VI X H HKIUG. t rATAWB.V VALtBV LODiifi, Nt). 7. A. Y. M. jp At rrfalr eu'Hiaaa.caiHMi Hapt. I4iU, V U i""Si, A. I lb64, ihr iAUwt areainblr aud rtaulalioua rf aJopUo : f Wauitl. W ba Uarurd thai our b Ut4 fcftAJwf J. Jt JHAJ jr , wa Aila al Itaim' laottu. V., at Uta banle, whilr h wa f atlmtljr . anl aiOi tiff than ttrdinary valr laadiuj ttt r-;imiii which Im wa maadiag at lii limri whia .wa at ea4w4 up ..a U$ tmnrnl lha aow of thi aaln.it. the iovin ciblr Uar aui Ih Chiwtiaa Maaa, it br amaa uqr iaty hi bw with humW anbtmc mum l the ftLol"iip'UJoaonJ"l arhocou "tr..la all atreHta. (lia 'iaalh la truly a !. ol ..nly tu hi family, trt tHa aofial Jirel in which ha lured, lor tha chc.-eh, uf which ha waa a dt-rotwi in.mhrr, ever ai-iiine hi character ajf a WaH and iieraaliiu.. .hi a a tiiti rm mUwt, t " Coaled ra-y w'.lf fuel thf lo of ou f her aao.mjiromiiiie idvucutra. ,-d and willinf in ererr emr- .icjr lonifM oafftcf and maintain th? fjlhi rllu- j .1 hi. invaded etamrir. and a Maann. If ,i, afdriil ia hiir altadwneiM t vr ht..vnl lii'ii.uiHiu, there Sire d 'WI. fel ih-l hi eieml fain. Hul while we jci .uni, hi r.Miurw.o with the other relMi.ine f ' fe, weare fultf ealiafied that he he leeii illed fniin ll"w in tile Terrestrial to pyulie i" Ihiue.refr'i'iieifi in the Itrand t'rlVati-i. ioxe. ThaatihuHld a imrtale hi eHU". here! thai we tuny be purwker a uh him ia a-ueral eriif ra'riii "t H p"d Ma.niii : It4. Retoleed, Tht we deeply jraip.llii'; wuh hi alll eted familv ia their berearemeat. iuid that lha Secretary be inalraeted lo eueloe eofy of llii prea-aiile aud reeolulUine U hi 'amity, an-l ftirward a poiT tha Dally, t'amiina Wircna" for pub!ioalio. . . 2d. That tha Uidte ria be . ah-thed la iiH.iirmiiir, and lhl e uemher wef the u. uiil b l; f m.-rill MW thirty dnya. 3d. That ihi preanthle aad reeulatioaa be r--crded iilheh..i of record of the Ixidg. J. . HAPPOLDT, ) V. M. W INT KR3, Commillaa. X. II KAYLF.lt. ) t L. Taaatr, Secretary. DIED: phcbll UCSL CADiLIXE CUAU- iuch beta MligvwN ialolntua mituiw ig-1 BE o-awet uf WaJe ILwapiuu, a 43 " -W......!5.r.r, ;., ,,..t... ..,.,.4 iiim- -T-LaYiurT-ia '( ? " mavd ; ana taieijfrwa aiw raOcnJa w ritajrrr-.!. Jut A f .1. Ueat W J . Orccm. J r WI fACOUSE JUMAt. a-jathter ftfrIa' WB JaL Oa4aia,MWi tr-te.bV-rrr turiar. &MlaHaC T.-aa Gr.oie.iuJltia .. Haa.kim.ja Haarw, Herr Muaui, V lkMel 9 C BarwVa. rtnkncy TwaTaaaattSiat'aiwsfeaTa.' ar j- x .! L I 1 U I what hia moral atato aroaJJK U . T -- " 'T'" . 1 1 JL. jr t-ir-a ul frwil 'a a iiihI het in ln own ai b-l. 1 . . - , t. .,..-, I .:-M.t- . iifjjry to be a tay. Tuai-1 U iWar j a raw Kkiy to lral a h-lr ar tM rJulJrvu of ; aa.! t.SwieJ I M wjo-k. Ilr poit wr4 it way to w..akl M W h-t. tt-d tla a.4. her ! t-f unS f " nu we .....- t . Vk. w Aitrif rnar VUlaa- M. lin' at alavea. TW iH-iiW. kia Wark.lt ' JiZlll jfZZTZJ efa-J bat Mm. hW l t enaiM. j . Vir-w -rncki lvLf,.l slavery w. riVe ; at ha m : 'fefc ttrw ctrde- relatives r. eiittii, if oat JM iU urifmal piqnr. ' j j M aawira lire Wt4. SlVt hate ortrcf Wvn n Ksal ! & t Var Bhr. wr all will mevt dn,e Ui. liii- ; bat. C4auariwr. tj-e k;u J WSnew or ptwutg bt nm, have bee iW UMra4 of bWwp U. iVeWC ' W likili oevrr o.U bate lw iL.rel ; ' r ani U G4 tlte Sa tt. thv .Hit U ri..j 'majTTpprp WfirpTp , Uie wbh Tlw rl t K lb h JL iM U JLXUii J ami igiaa m-J a wbi: raa lw aeti and iin tw b." ieiicai aad y-'" Ordixiaxice of the Town iniwesU.. He HJe a gun-, m ctScV,nw TViYir-l. aoM,ti -.?".' acOattiaayf . , a. .f- aaaJiawa, aB i tw a atoa f RtWOaLWB aeaieaif V ' aMrB lia4a H v.t ' Siena, JoOa W v arat,aaf BiMa t!rM-iaaSS - iSw2;r-y. OS A . .. Laaaajr, AS , -' 1 ' MMOraaaa A 0a, ' . ' v't McKay. TMr .41 , McMwea.4ka ' I , j ' Ml, Maaaa tfaj ' Har. T k tnas He0ry,J0 V Milkw.Aee t.. Mara.8arta ' Btyra,A ' " MaaHf , TlM f S t-i -.vf- IMUe.J V MUler. Ntre ' -;' '. Mare CreaMO, Wt 1.W V- t "A " 0aa.Aaaa Cma,Mtf iH -Ckwa.MmMB CewtUaatJ i . Cra.Wr I Caetar.Lafaa B C -a, UMJL Vaa.Caral.aaiS la, Marty Maare,J Mania. Pai4 Miiijua, a r HicfcaO, Cr a 0, C T ,B C -VBftt ... Ceaaty. aa CI ii ly, Mary- Caaa.M J aw, ariaa ' aara.a,WiOa Patlaa, Col J M IVeer, J A FMIcr, A H rryler, J f I 9rf lua, A M reU, baaiel mo, Allanl rWlip. J M rtaaianr. U W f.C rayae, Saahala I iira.ii a r ytakia, raaa V. ' I. I I 1 i 1 ,. .... 'I al L. ., 1 wmI me el me . ; ( U-. in IV, fi-r JiurjMiae of C.illrClui llunr lA, Al Mr rirowu'e, f?lardy, Ocl.lSih. - Je TU.Maeoo' M.-niley. 17lh. ItttO., 19ik. . ,. SOib. , Slat. 22d. , S4ik. . 85th. , 8Cih. " Canipbell'a, - Maol Ulla, Atwell'a, .', o. lilaker'a. i . , tiH. F.UeU'a , llartmaa'a, '. tlarket'l, . MUlaa. Turnloy Wedaeeday " Tburaday, Fnd.y Kaiarday- 4, Moaday, Taeaday, Wediieeday tttT.1 kOMi,CK MUle , e Wa Bui. I aa araaf.aa . a a w at I irak aei.C.raliae JMrt,Mary V rakiaruf C Blar. It aar,' aam -u: Kaer, KrilOa -fiak. MalHa a A fwkar.aa a " ' Vwf ihe Aliiwhty lycaaaui Tu I tha N No. 117. A. Y. M r.,i.n V111.KV IxioiiC l refill ir riiMiiiiiTii.'aiKiii. Sept. 14 A. U. .'i-Cit. A D the f.ill..win)( preaiilWe aud rea.iiuti.Hie were adopted : - Whkiiki. VVV H ie learned with deep re- mm i I J l (,ai ...tr hr.llier J"' 1 renew waa i...i.. iii.. IihiIh t'lld at Rfaill-' Sluli;il, . . W-lle ll- A -." 'I if .-1 ki. Vj rfilv lef-.idni the .Hittlh . .11.. f -I'.l !. I.hiIIh. eruraue. ami illinium 114111. "ic mr n...."S 1 iiiun Uy ai iii nrui.ihi- pro nleuc-i we are tll -il ..ll 1,1" .m.mrn overVthe Jne of a J!!"! ..ll.er ii.i'. hri.thr M .hi. -M a bo ih ..k.,....-.n in ihe iieiili-u i of .i.-r.iifli 1 ij.i ,l....nrra hi diatreeeed feiuily -ntsnsarift 4n4 the lii " "f ,l" wiamber. and Wl im, an a led(fe tw teiniuded that amither link .11 oufehi:i hut been blukea that ab'MiW ........i ... il r.d .uUled dihsenea ia BBT. wiira 4ud iir-tituU'iii .f fcwfi th- at ih-fpcle aftdr tkuitlcfyd; wrtieanil 4ter we way oe ha wormy adinttiknee into the Grand Lodje abora. lit. RtrJrrJ, Thl we ayupaihiaa with hi hermeed family i a their dirtre, aad that the eetry be ii.rtraoled U enckaw a copy of . thia preamble aad re-luitona to hi family and forward cy to rha' IHIIy Cartdiiia Wtc. al fur piib'iealioli. 'id Tht the It all be elothei la jnoarninf nd that each member wear tha urn at hadge fW.rWf"loTTh"frTy Jayi7 -la. Thai thia preamble and reaoiutioaa be recorded Lb the nuoute of the Imdf.. 1. M tlAPPLDT. W. M.WINTEHsl. Wt- N. II. KAYLtK. l Ttaat, Secretary the Cnu aiaii r cw ara U-lUr rfei M ntfir, TnetrtaiJy atJ aura.2y ia aa oilier, to t.tMtaia'Un rrJiK- bir. J If, thtfii, ar btu laou-tae, a , relaiina t Ui a-fi rca Uua - f theitt, wa air figbtiajj ia tii. cUr cvi ai.d din5 Sutlers and Huck sters from Speculating. it OkbvusCB by the Inteo-laut ai.d aai 1 i iimi i t4 ikitJjant. Ttut oil ihtsuds iklkar3sllew-. risk, Pottltry . Eas, Butter, 7 j 1 rrtTs. rrak, or other kind cf Provision , Oo-'i.'wJ l aa4 ji.- ji-s aa:te k the Market UMMfV Uia WorO. oadol'. tbe aatia U Hap, aJ tfome anaTf r saJr, the Mr lit aud l-a 4. tha aea OKialaaw l Jjej; aat?trt hoai ani anv f.TiTi, citlter raaiuf gvfjfie aa. j Nayxrr ar -efflrr. or bth. vjati' tht w- rvoui ad daC f ba J-p3 awttiwn.ie.Aal, wi rux-:, hriocc rtb, if iwvt.rlr .r irrU-u-!.e vaaawiiaiaue arrte tear army tor .l-rtWc-iA ', Tta. krf boar ht oxaiarncir at the .lawn of U4T1BM, M VI Haattaaa, Anna k Haiial. Jak A HoverbJii, W H 1 MaitaaMt, Aaa Itanfrfull, Julia A u.k4, r a H411, J4QKMI Haa.Eu-b.Ui ' H . WUIiaa Mix. Wat . DILI J-rkm, AuUrrV (colored) Wrtfiit, W A JuhMta. TaaJ 1 Bailr'. f - ' Rilar.rraak " any, Mary Aaa . SaaJML Laa M S - -Br Sfcuey abrai -. attrrvaO, 0 M - S0afii WAS Sraart, Jaaxa 8-BHh.J Sattaraiyic, L S Knirknary. L C Bi krkr, M A K S - Se-HWM Saiuaa), Altart Maiea, S Saiu, Main a S favyer, W 0 Sower. IT iwfvaariCrtta Boh. Pibkncy Tamer, W L Trr-T.M-al-.C-.. - MrM 1. Trey, J L Thuiip9., Hit Triplet, T- i Tlnie"it. Ju A Taara, akuMullie W.tkar, W iUi4a Wka. C Wiinaai. K ailkias W - A 4rthr ..- WMte, Uiat Jane Wrielit, Wn Wuiu, Mne t'arrte Gold nill. .V Thuradar, " 7lV.- " Morgan'B, ' Friday. ; Wthe M.t.et Shoal ' Batarday, tJltluJ . f Cullabary; Tharwlay frWay aad Balaf i ' day, 3rd, ih. an th novemaar. ; . - - TVaia taaAa Bnmerl y.lmit4 ta mzri- ' tuUv" ia apt aded till tha tiihee frma tha aoe'ira deBvartd. Tha ramalnia Taiaa eaaba pald ia4 fer eaat. artificathr or tha "old kaue tacrfi. tha addiUuaal arfilUi W ' Hdier a-.a". luca. iaaat-a, saai ia taa , aew iaeae." ' Tha ta oa eoia ar balliun wurt , ba paid im kimd ar its aqoiveleal ia Traaeary aatrae.''.-V . ' X ,,' , AM who bara failed ta ataka their return wlt attend and da to. ."" Uie iUer will attend aud refiner aad pay their (pecifie late,; Ac. AB Rerielered person will attend aud pay the taaea oa ealee. CKrompl payment required. The cerlifi. ratea and old i.eue will not be received lor taxes Dot paid I a lime. . if t W,R FRALFY. .- ,-T Coileetae. ' ' -v. TAX ilTklND. Thoaa who ! failed in ret ara their Wheat, Qata. R, Uayr ood H'aal willailrud aaabuva . . ' wti u a l Kir a in aad doo- WM.M.IINCAID, JKSSETII'JMASON. A Jldll6:w4vl O A LT The aeoola aat hare Halt to aava O thair meat mad aiany uf ihtm ar not hm la pay ih untied price, which l aodemaod istlOQ par pound. I ihartdr make oae ora appeal to arf peroi having leama to aaaet ia f eUtna euppljf of Safe hauled. Mny of , Iheui Jiave laid ma that they would send their icaoia if they had a while ana ta Brad with the. I am aow prepared lo aay that if thr will make y a company of 6 lo 10 wap.aaj I will either go atyaelf or send earefal whit . me to lake charge U tht team; end if n- ry they caa nave me protection oi a- J.aMS.W , Jehano, Prlorak Jeakia. TVaaa 'Ji-SSfc. OwOw S Jtikaawa, SafjaA Aaa Kridcr,-ie WiiOaaM, Cewan Wvnl.ai WetO, 8am C Weak B L Toaog , B a YariMKO. 0 W ViaibarKer, Sarah la tb biaiag of tba- war, SaarV ortler U ewiiraa tb prvajj Ut Jar ter, told b reboilioa naabl a4 "oe4 one yenr. For," said ba." if a Udw ear aaltun 'ia Bat roqweTeJ ia Tr. ll-Kr ! . . .:. t . : -V1..W nUIJuilllow J HHjewj. Tat ay aaei cW at 12 n-v every Uay, except Sa-alay. . ' N -. . .- X bx rr rrat-nra Chta.tiikEs That no pmua e prrwa i be pTiiirre.i to buy aacii arlirl a is bruii-tt tV the market . t l. ..w . .U. m-' auJUa tr c-porr- ttnut fcr Wr. 5 M . . : . I a--.-, - 1"- -' T rVrMM oalliae iur tkw letten leae ae they are licluea. M. A. --UTH, r. M. FiRlTHLNDS FOU SILK. 1. WE wilt sell oa MONDAY, the 22ti mst. t fmOiic aiicttot twoym-Bj; NEGRO1 MKN.j wIh have oeeu well managca aim w.-usuui-ri to ycucnil farm wirk. E. EDWARP3-& CO. ft. 15, ISO dStWrlt ' , biNISTA,rUKS 0TIC& Have. !Liog ukea out leltai of AtiuuiMeUratj.ii ua Mania M. Miller' rwate, I hereby pie notice I alt indebted t hira by B o account tu coote aod make tettleiuem. aad H thuair hav inc claim .yaiux h eetale. will plea pr eut then tr payment. ' JOHN' C. "ILLJER. OrUli. 4irqJ Twenty-two likely Ne-nie- for hir nntil the i of the present year." vtisi'Uiijf uf Met-, Women, Boya an! Girls. 2kniie 'f tnei-kaie lioe ouoks. Applv at the- " JpOYDKN IIOCSK CVt. 1ft, 'CI, 2tJ-ltw ..nAYARWSHEiniMK. - OUV" yda. Row Sihirtmir. ' 10 reaoaa ia Letter Paper. ... 3 fio Cooi-nciat..Nola Faper. kaperinr Chewlof Tabacco, Jca.,' For ante at the BO YD FX HOUSE. ep-rTtdI16:2wl9 oard eaflScieut lo auard them eafely throuyh the muantaina sae) will gar them, on a-fourth r all th Sah they hnnl al the 'price at tha r and Fifteen nllare par hnartred fc.r all ther haul for the County. Thia w.-nld affor Sai euMiirh forerery man and woman in th Jt 33 to t mvrffrjmtrtt -ia'r uaile arran.rmenta to Jfet all lb Suh th -conniv will need, if I can yet it .i.uled. If " the pnp! will ut fcael it tben .tM-Jaall.a-. their' and not nana. . J. S. McCUBBINS, Suit CtMiimiaaiouei' lb Rowaa. aep30 ' Ild3wl9 . RVXAWAYXFHL'n. V wri.l par a liberal reward hr the app-e- s 8tb CoNoaaaaiOBAi. Distbict. ft Saliabnry, N. C Sept. 24, '64. .XTRACT 1 arrcuL oaDcae, A , No. 58. ' y I. The attention of Lic1 Enrolling Officer ia called to Circular No. 40, V Oi, requiring the Medical Eftaminiag Board to Una ke a lour, of their re. pective Dietficl. lb Local Eiirullinir 1 Officer will carefoHr prepare a roll of ail pertona in their revpeeliee l.ua!ir. between ihe age of eyntrea. adu. fifty year, who-huve been heretofore diechary eil. or recoai mended fiir duty in aay of ih Oe- parlmeala of tha UovernBienl by SurgeonV Certifies'. Alpereoii whnw imiiiea mrar oit llieee-mUx are requirerf lo kppeir bfw aame B."rf. iu order thai iheir papeit may b ' ' revised at the 'Cdlnarinf timea and plaeea, "n At SMby. Claatrelaad Co.Oit. Sh; 6th, 7tK " Iiueninion, Lmcola " 10th and 1 1th. Delia, Gyion co., Oct. 13th and 14th. - Moame, Union eo, Oct 18th, 19th, 20th. " Charlotte, Meckleobuj co .' Oct. 22d, 24th S5h and 2ia. , , . - Coucta-d, Cab-'irrua co., Oct 27th and 88th o Newton, t aiHb co, Oct. 31st aod lat JndSdNoa. - - SlMjaryV tiwa eo Noy. 4th," 5th, 7th,. 8;h, 9th, and lth. ' ,v . eieh Bf wounded n)-)rr willhve art opportunity t" have" their faftuB(h acted apoa. uyurderor let lieut.J. .V. FRIOR, - ,, . t hief E. O. 8'h Cong. Diet. Sept 24 - d3ill2rw4tl8 KIT Charlotte Bulletin 3 -times daily aad 4t weekly; Charlotte Democrat weekly 4t. hod end biiUl.i ihiaeuruliiiif office. j tOM T OR MISLAID-. A certificate, (No l23?4. Ar$3(HI) f deposit al the Depiaijtory in falieouTV. luyned M. W. Jarvis. Depoeitorr, ud dated March 30ih. I8t!4. Notice is here by given thel applieaiion ha been made for a new eerlifioata t"T the irr. ' J. M. REID. sept 28, 1m64. Ctwl9 any otaer pet ki oi our e.-i-we- tf m atltieT 4 l-U'uic senwiaawi ak iw r. ,--m J(3e U-swrfi l.aar5. aal oil rvltiMtir; r slanlly chnrin ia our favor. IVI-imekw to par said nenaity shall he tn iriodieaJ " atima the jw'oc - : jaeeJ sa ttie OcUiHaiw t -Ur i.. it. .Immi-xI revw.-. T..l 11..- ii-r ale-. Asa . IT TTHk I'HWWin. Hat nr.niifniT to think f.w tlieW-a-.-s. Tber ? sfco- rty t the? PoiKruirii aitt !ie.l ; ..rtieot ftJ letum, ir timfirienient in jail of I-1 OlHJriTO.v Wtt KAT. I have a eal ,.. yi r .l.i,i.U tL -U4 j.JiJ fiuaw 'f " ti"t m-ujW' artf uv cortk-M ; iV ia"rTobiy lUrr. wbo riir.away ou j XJ quantity of thia heal, which I will e- .i. . j, ' kA a'.l reyoct V au4 every vuiUnou l ' F-Uky last. ITafrv " a han.Wni tU-fk, chance ariih firmer. seed.-fi.r caher wheat r llw trraot t eir-taw inraa V-ket Or4tikoe. i n;irkin h..r, U vears i.l.l, 5 feet l.iglv Hor. It ia a ire.-i. heJ wr.ite wheat Ah LiHeolri ta tle muvla ! fX)eSirS -goe i-w fff,vi ftwi tl a,! a iX weik'oliout lrh) mauvh, an juf ! X"a week to tea days aa.aet than th M Uta corti.at:t. aad aot w. .AW W a rotwr, i.i,evs lual oa bm he U-ft, a browa j 'forw ttaw'.vSawef. and two Jy yat aarely. liar taigltty fw!ioM ie:i TUOdL McNEELY. ITIt .; r.-uUiut-il si- or ht. 1 uoarrih-lb "B,u .v.m or ."Po- iM-rtai wlia-li i.faitotr calmmte-ia i 1X TM. Ct Mtw A. J. MOCK. u r i u Kinvrrnv tsi. M.i iiia;. (.r -.l .......;.. i,UM . bee aa aait f enouUtlter Otir fijei. Hit b ! t Lir.jCS 1 i ,r- da Weetcna flf.- ao-4ef4w wtl XEUItOES FOR III HE. rarfetfr aftdr mattered; U fHffW Iteiwag f ww-saaV a. aiVihaixin iU ,.i . . ; b1 Mm, Wimtcu ainl Hnyv, Jrur totlieir homes and war a:ioa!t oed fort-a h.! a. chr.ra ih i;ir.l turu-a-r it.knaion ajy to me at liender- twtM--- s ttesrar f-rsi ; - "siu. tioits f tbe earth. .1111. -rwffihtt Lf withia two m leeof 1 Cv-t m lid j-a Saetr. : - S President Dai U Said t .iTe 'C---ietatW great. furmJi tJVodcor. j 1 A?iAVAY frooi tha subwnber rear wWvbet.fioea .bat U t-lh 'sTSJi manlCatlOn i0UlQ Ol Xf -oTK K U k-rrkr r.ea iu iaee.eJit..ia ; aieoleawo haa cai th rirht SrpiFT- D.M IN IsTltATKlX'S i0.rw tlai wig taken out letter f Admimstratioa aa th Forrest ia Mid-to kr rrdT-l that ArfOx.4-re.ed-.t!utI 8v hjji, t lJM1fc rt r1y re u. J'l.aly v . - i - - .. . ii im mmm aa aemi -.. no more trains aaouia raa in tax mfaimm ,pM,Mf uwa peeeate4 1 , wa j, . ectiofimtil the Prea:dil :SalaX lkn,-y ISwiS. aIIv ' j ' OaaMUwlSCfr-JurH 1 f e ha lure Twenty Nrp oe, cob Eute J.ierph A . Iiaa -Ved. I kars a. e;v.i.- -of - Mrit, Wtaoea and IViy jLUTpttl4isaieat4ira-faTrj reaJene on tb Sod day r ovemfter next, when 1 wtllaeo ra riou kuada if i!nulalHHi proprty r necea.a ry l. specify; aU a god pair of Milt- Stoats ready ft immediate an rseolleat Hay Pre, and a line kit of SlxV X and Sheep. A credit of i iwontri will be given, wakfe. lerert front date, the purchiarra giving aotea with approved seearity. "uud all penaus who prefer ying titr Iheir pnrchaee oa the dy ef ie will be perwi lia4 fatrr.. MAKOArtKT AvLlNX. Adniri, gf Joseph A. toaa. Oct. Pth. 1P64. 3tw'30lidl-:. BLACKS H ITI1 For aie a good Ploata lioa Sronh. Apart t i.V. ANCKER. AC. OflU lCjh-1864,. itd!J7Jta. - olv, the BehOoehMNd uf the raaatagtoaa. tl-erai reward (f her arrest sad at as thai 1 jet her again.' JACOB IK.U.CI. '1 . ? , -A 9 I r