i 4 , i I 4 f t-t f THE LATE-RAUL!.. Pia Yaokeee do doubt, will call I . affair of last Thursday a recon-.ki.m- in force. ' Grant will tele vraph toSraatoa that it wa'mJo the parpoae of feeling" toe ene t.ijr, imJ that the ohjeca fM com- ; ely aad satiafactorily "obtained. will telegraph the same with improvement; the two or three . hundred prhwhen l taken ' " will be -a!!l two or tiirrothitsahd : the .oiew ojsgraceiei ret..:, m r.e-lu of tome thoosandf of men. ,.-..- v- . r'. "nv.. ' win uiuaoe smomereu up,.. keedom wfll bam powder and ring hells; .Lincoln . will scarcely, meet with the gboit if pfiUoji on Tuesday next; etd tbaa toe first object will have leeascu.ep.ihed. Bat, aAer ail th is, the see oud and main object. Liave ia not only to be elected, by fair tneaoa or foul, but Richaoad kJiboln? ken. G.i.t wU Mr rkt tbo ob ject of hi recoMttanMaee. waa fail obtained. What wee.that objec.1 Was it not to fiad out the mean of taking Richmond, and LeVe fmj with it I Aad bat bo attained M object! Xo tfoabt, if It bad been merely to elect liacobr, h anight ay witla great truth i that be bad succeeded ia doing that which w.-nkj bare been dooo without bis tance. ''. ; -If tba affair of last Thursday kwa io-tratb-r-ri.C"wmataBtV tbonitj certairdj bo bifet reeooficia- mkcv, e eer, bev4 of.' cnt wu-Jearuiv mm .Ww wud .tttiMciMtf une, .Awirj, arMi.- 'other rcfj-ect the antipodes of lln sia, Ci operate zealously with the Czar in patronising Denmark, and would jrladly . bring '! a coalition aaiiiot Prussia, who Crown Prince Uthe iiabartd of Iter PrinceM ll y t. Austria aevki the alliance of England t protect !er fru the en luitr f France and Iialr. and Enir land it endearoring t iritd Ana Iria tu join r ranee and Hair aamat RnMiaaodPriiutW. WbaHill liiu ud of this imbrJ-xlio it U Impna- aible lowrotelifJitti 4iii oiea not fetalr in a general wear it a til onir be because the iiimiicva of at leat foer of (he Powers concerned -3rn Vria, RiHaia, France and Italj are in ao dilapidated a condition that th j would iu4 be aU in carrj oil war' tat three month withont de clarta' themnelrea insolvent. CAROLINA m SALtSnt'KV.N.Cj X01D1T Emi.tt. .0F. 7. IMt. f.:.if..rl.4!,!l! i;..t t ; (V i .lil.v. I n i... .'. rst.in.i l!..it a I atr of U Ho uirtkes L is' kI; .... I as rie., 25 to CO in num' r, ' com snmca his t !l position. ut hopo niittinj manj oefs of violoncL ujoii deferred , in .keth the hc. it lick, f' a proper!- t f 'Iojtt! citizens of lie aain rcltrestotftke Uiclimond I Wilkes copntjr, destroying furniture, and immodiatclf ordt-m a grand re f window liftts &c, as well as rob connisance to Uerelope the incorrl i bm their victims of money and ono gible enemy's force in his frontier ralnable article. We hear of but wherever he mores those tame I Mr. Gray and Col. Eller, who havo uverlest tbpM and tMo saffie whiJ I ialSM W f thlsl k visitations.' No ttin iiiinles are t6bo'met, which so fives so far as we bear havo been cunfuiq AodjJcmorsiiao j-Jile treope ukmiVVUttVtikt twovrltree as At. render sncces . im..sU)!o. of these wretche ar0 roam ii.ua uraut nas u u out on iim 0f comjt cpmmiuinir prixe ts nt nvnrer his than it wsssix months' a(. Suroly his pwpU will Jltlief A,8f0CuUum.rXhv yttliti liv Ti ,. 0..r i, t ! t of paper for .the Daily nnj Wt.klj Watclnnnn, for which wo hao just contracted, will coat fifty per cent ' more than that we havo bcn usio: for Iho lait twelve month; ' This of itself wogld bo 's'nillclent caoid for advaocini on our. t resenti. price for the Watchmaa.!, Bot' the pHea of ever thing eUeard 'ad vaiicfoj? also about In the, lame proporilwtu.u Wei iave no alttroativa bnt to raiso' onr price also. , . . From this day forward, oar Week- Ijr will Be t&ltoltirTYw m and our i Dall 'Fwr Ddtau jr soon beiri to open their tayea fo the of lUltrjrli areorMiiiieg.bt they Tliese rata are, far .from bejn: stupendoua failure of Ida campaign term Af RelUr , AaaocUtiiii..: ,The equVl'wUli other ibinij, bet we have and read with lee 'iLr Jy'l-T no idea of trying to keep even wttfi iiijf biittetm of victory; , cri4ioii, to Ihj enrrusted to' the ll,ens Vmrt4iowever. so fr manazement "i a competent buai Ihe lMiloi;?ii Vornranv0 few Ulilll ,crcliaiit. t bnv aad that hnreou Cieneral, Wabrek, IW-fMe!l ali artidf. vnti -riiw into support TUE BATTLE OF THURSDAY I . LAST. . This battle extended along the whole line, from bejond Petersburg to the I)af Uptown road. Tlie s ne ws wa jooet 4 rtiHotthantw W tt ery where', with' almost no loss, tri- ampbanUy repalsed tliw enemy. One of oorepntemporaries estimates it t-mire Inas at 8 to 10,000 men. a.rr, ttaocrd in-rJ-v f hatrlr f Wv iuv ! dnht it reached a very mitu tUoir nrvvvt oaaciir u unr-. i,oo- fin ther were aboat to euraiew in a. dea perate aad deeinvirtaloThei did at attack aa though they wisied to aaake a lodgement ia some par ticular place, or to try tbo strength of eovie'' pwrtieelai corpa, bar as though they 1 were -engajt pitched battle. It is vain for Graat ta atteaipt to conceal tbo fact from the Confederate, however be may succeed in throwing dust in the ovea of the Yeukeea. . This was no mere reconnoi stance, any more than tbo first Afansfiaaa, wbtcb tbey ai tempted ;tb, pass off as saeh, after tbey had been , defeated. It waa a -raud attack aloa; the whole lioe, with all the farces ho had at own tcand. Had there been the slight est symptom of waorin in any era, wlo .r itour tu - thii city and have been eonnted. lithe Yankees bad gained snch a victory, Lincoln wonld have onWrwd a day of Thanks givfnjf.--- Richmond 'Whig. So it seems , that unconditional surrender Grant basagaiit met with a most signal and bloody j-epulae iu hia on to Rlclonod. His bright hopes are again 4lighted,-and his glory is reudered oblivions by the hecatombs of his fallen dtiad ' Re- pulse means defeat,-- disgraceful. eigh, has ben iiiformeAl-byClouel Lf families article!, to bo sold at Ortm lltut itn irrnHift'iiiAiil )i town 1 J . t a. I ..l'.l ;.J.l.!!.. - - - ror, coeniij; iiicrcnnu p 1 ' J made by which such of onr aoldiefa dWhirc, A'C. c. It ia expected as are Jield prisoners bf war can be tfjki )y will be able to (fiippltlhb supplied with clothing,. hlanket ctJ wjtn provisions at winet1mg (ike provisions, Ac, from home. AH f dhlforiit rjilesavU. at Jower price coniriouuons ior mis purple win timll H, ,,1 Tliey will have the eftimtnp!iyj-.orAM tination if left with tba Surgeon rkt(J Wit,;tnda all sales Winb casli; General at lUleigh, who has nirdcr ; f toUfte - u a u iKn ii oino.iirctpoo8ioiMi? jvTer geTeftti times daring Ute year. "We hop it will work Well, and we cpmmcjidlt Id' out citizen who really have need to avail themselves of every. projer means to secore sap arul hot under any Government ar rangement. Here, then, U an opportunity for doing much good- Thu brave men who hae for so long a time suffered I piles at livii.g rate in mo-tticrn oridoiift. mar now re . ? ' ' ".. ceivo the comforts they so mach I u Our Own Fint Ueidiiiltr' ned. And as the winter is at hand 1 eotyHi ,e4ition is just' oot, and whatever is proposeil should be done m)?. bht Sent us'bv tlto UJihlisheral It is illustrated with , a number of fine enirravinirv aid tiie tvpo is large and well suitel to the young. portion of oor Tiee, he ouId Irave puihed edema aftet column upon .t, until it hadeiheriTeW way, or :id sbowo euch capacity to resiar, matiie would, bare, been- ohliged to withdraw 1 We repeai tt the SattiA "Tl ThnradaT waa a trreat raeral baUie. w whicto ail Ue my's forces Jwerei engaged, and io which he was tnumpbaitly repelled. Ourownloaa on the occasion .was so slight, that ,i.ia ,hardiy wotUi mentiotloj bat for ite, vl n of Ihe lires tliat were lost, each . ono ft which was worth more tbaa Grants whole army ".v The prevalTiBg opinioo seems to be that Grant will not make another assault: befon jie jPreidentiai eUse tion: or1,: Ciore . prybawo tlt;nt uiis winter . ai au.. u if t iM;9'f. We believe ha. he wUI trj H ooe more, at least, aad, we believe that the trial , will be; made '.Udore J wo weeks of this month aire puLs Ue will Uiiuk that drcninsiancea have laid the vigilance of oar army aalcep, and he will hope to derive (roo tliat. cir crum&tauce aa'adTanUe, which Jm nas never been able to obtain from his numbera,orIiUvaJorIorhj,skaL Jt becomes oar Geoerali'to be aV . war 03 the alert, and tu avoid tlie rtcirr-nce oi ine rorr uout-n wu fai r. W j thout xue $aeh occurrence he can no more bere,ha he can . et ; i eaven -and, we lopeit n profanrity iogsay, that is iaiposaible. ili4.oi.Iy hope iat extend hie left, and to cat ns off tnkn the 8oatkMd llailCTnitwidcJiibitMn u out. Even tUat be caunot do, if rmpyjwftiedir "r:rzi...i -JL ituaous defeat, to the Yankee army, notTt-Hiij. Tlite fhe-mooJ mid bread utoff. Private citizen io Lrcp ao korM or lior- rf nioit fiilirvJr eul off from llif jKsil-i!ilT of oHt;initi ririrood io on- )osei quickly. " A Cbeeruw PaosracT. There are ..iu-n..i .,;-.,. .ik;.! ;n.lnJIt"il,,verl 'wpects, an excel bWm'NMM can much : lenVlitil. fir chiUren just be as 'onr reaoVrs w.mld underraiil could thrv have seen the contested gruuitd i. 'lie WildeDess, Spotsyl fania, r Gid Harlxtr. Tiier their jlefd fo the tendency of price as to protect our. hiiainess from disaatur. j Fir$t Foreign Battalion. Lt.Cl. X Tucker, has been hvr t wo or tltrro days engaged in recruitliig f.r hh form the corps to be known hy the above name. lie obtained 211 re. crnu at Jhli place, Saturday, and rerruived them the same day, to the TendexomTtidnmbfrr.l?.tX HiT will retarn in a few day and expect tocbtairi several hundred addition at rocritt.H I' ' ' ' Riliuor tiath 1t that several regi ments conld be readily foriuel here. 137 Tlie Confederate' Omgref meet tr-day. Tbefi,nance of the Com-try - claim tler 5Hrlivft amir most setmii aiicntion: . e sbuld eXect and desire heavy iaxea a the lulyaiUB remedy, iotm ted cnrreneyV iriottier,., schelneal will faif to accomplli any perma nent goo.1. We must pay the eX- ensea of the War a they art madf, ; or come as near it a possible. irinniiiiT to read, indeod. we snrno l r- 1 m -W TT 1 . .., i atroiiL-..bieelion Wa,,v thin alumt t ' wnsinaa income oi onr om . .1 ' t 1 t 'ru ' eatislniry Watchman 7 it. except-,, fnntiHj. , Mate a ,. ot l(le little improvement m tnt. We nup- ,Hir U, for WTerl weeks. Satan oae the prvjng demand for the I'rr,n Prrnp&t 2sjfV Gtmavl Uk ; . The Berlin correspondent ; T . nrala dr date of ? .rrraenti thn on tire pros- -ooeral war in Europe : , trer. C. enriotu; Eassia is on the best possible terms with Prussia, and -at the Bt9 time mame ber Grand Dolr to the daaghter of the King . of Denmark, whom Preaitn h I read stripped of Iwo-fifths of his dotttiniona, and threateoa to deprive 1 .i of h balance ; Eeglaad, b all . Imagine the chagrin and disap pointmeai. of the great .Ulysses be sits at, his headquarters down aboat Bermuda Hand reds, smoking hi bid wcoden ' pipe and soliioquiz ingjn truly a FaUtaff style oer the inexorable pertinacity of the re bel army and tfie incontrovertable Strategy of old Rob Lee, which, hold so much- glory from his coveted grasp.-, ' Richmond is the goal to he reached.' 'To captnre it would ren der him liii mortal, it is but a short distance -iiiikrpWv; and church &teeplen, n J can almost bear tlie busy bum of trade and commerce wituiu ft street ; yet. thoegb be pant for it, aa the hart pantetb for the water brook he most cohtcnt himself with an occa sional peep fromjbebind hi fortified camp ; for if he chance to sally forth to breathe a little fresh air he is sure to find Old Lee or bis ghost and those of as many rebels, who imme diately raise a great shout and be gin to Tatt little, wbizziog balls of lead at hits, with so much precision ft n reader his e xcariion very no- f lirIufnrA mtt ki.'il in flu. tt.rvii. In Until - " f,r lit- C. S. PrMm ml ot lire Uwvrninnt t;il!i'Jivnto iu town. S.wn fr ocea sionil kalta trim fire at n lintane, atv btir faef in ifi-rii!. corn or mnSI- in wticaraad XTier inv be m fcw bo keep their team at horn Ux (Wnr of. hav ing them iinpreel if iu at thin iind of work. It work n1mt n entire pro liibiiion o far m tho public is concern, anl prent to manjr a frniily do owed to it. a nxt clwrl4 prospect for th win ter, ehich Jot n beinaiag to be Wl ia il ciiiTmg wioj, rmnsmui froata.. But tbe diiScuiiy of o'dVning floor aad meal if aiyrt-'ng. the Cau of Still great er Bb&Mi Tin contcription and Home Guard drnfl h uken off a 0 a in ber of miller aad left the mill aUndin J. Moj of tbrMi yrt rannia have been fra pred to ffrlod frr the Government, and o the people are U-f. wiilmut their iut facilitie) tor ohtaining bra stnfi. It U beWvd that il will be impoaaiblc. Under a continuance of ih circorrwtaoccs to previrt general nritaiioa aod tuoering, especially among lliat portion of oor cili sens who uepend on tlie market for op llie. ' . Wet(Hctfu)jj alf the attention fur , tovn autboritir tothuae uLjict. Thej are an important, and tltould vngage their beet am! promptest eflbrti ts provide m remedy. ' J - 5 IVi JWid iM;to .... feet, and if so, it is a pity. Our for three weik air, and b v some ac- friend at. Greeuftboro1 are doiag I ciilcrl Ihu Pre," waa omit led it good eervice hy the publication of these books, and are therefore, enti tied to' much credit, ju well a 4 he forbearance of iho pnhlic for defecla in tlio execntion of this woru an Jerf the difficulties with which they have to contend. , J , -,, dead Mii-I wonioled were strewn over ' o( ,h ini rannl of th trama work i the great cause of this d-1 We made a new " directory two tlie exti-nit:d tiohl as helU upon the tea fhrf, and our" gh-riou 'victory at each' of these p--inta General Lee modeetiy pronoiinceil, a repulse. Gr.tiit iitsvrr nnv but in large force I and with inuch iVrr; consequently a repulse vf hi confused masses means great hMi ind diaaater. RichtiM.tid is indeed a hard road to travel, whichjhe Yankees have fouml out to their cost. They have met the lio:i in tlio pnth at every turn, while tfie Hislared Cfiicahome- ny Swamps have prove! a real slough ot despond in -wiiieb Grant has fiounded all summer without being able to extricate himelf or advance one' whit toward the great city of his soul's aflbition. farmer ia adUrwut e-Hintii to wtu tlir urul prooocta to I bit market, wbers j tbey will eooimand fargfe ' prices7.apd cor, tribute to the relief of oor community, which, we think, ia heavily enough bur dened at preMnt to excita the active ijmpa tby we soggett " -.-t- - One hundred and twenty-five wounded from Gen. Early 'a aimy reached Lynchburg by the Orange ears, Tnesday m'gbL Tlie most of them are very slightly injured. Tlie total number that ha been brought there thus far la three hind red aod evtnty-fiva. ' i .. .. J Tlie loss of thtf 'Albemarle anr the capture of Ply mViAth will rendyr tlw evacuation , of Washington necessa ry, if not Indeeil already given Bp? andthns the unrrender of a large scone of territory 'iii the' E.stern part of the State will .unavoidably .follow. We hoped that wo would be spared further disaster in North Ciirolnia i we looked back at tlie capture of Plymouth by Geo. -Hoke last Spring as the Era of better days; but we were destined to be disappointed. ' "It is really humiliating hot to sjiy provoking, to have to record ? uch "disaster as this Albemarle affair; The, destruction of the Alheihirlc made it folly to t-xpect fr hold Ply tnoutli iif'the face of a foriiiidaVle yankoe fleet, lldeslroyed pjyinou'tli must fall, and aisb Washington with- out a stroi loss ofilretef compared Ihe iarge tract of rich ; country the enemy will bo enabled to possess and ravage. We" would have it oth erwise, but we mast accept the mat ter as it it presented to ns. ' Tliere is no use grieving over split mllk.w We most act Jike men, aod hold ourselves in readiness to avert s similar occurrence. There is J)0 de.i oyiiig the faa that it is very di gracefol and culpable matter for those who had the immediate pro--lection of the vessel in charge, hot of that hereafter ' ;- T. - . the Salem lint. It has now been $nf entered; and begging pardon for tb pastj wH ehdejtvorr tr iitake amends In tlie fnfnre. , Tlie following niece of inirrnioas roiuposition, fr.nnd in an old -Revo" iutiiMiary account hook, has Imii i Imnded tons fo? publfcatmft ' Head ' down thecoliunns ittcas the seni laments f the iVhig.and actittsbolh . columns that of tjieTorju t , , . '"'''' " ' . , f HH wl a8 fimrt TUmut mt uKM a larr ' Tk irtBltil Part T, ylnt m ml alfT. I Tu Sm im rarttaaM ? Vtta rMMa la ib . ' Mf iiaHimiPiiiteaaai T, U ia, linw . law M abU - Ta Sfhl t(liMl Mm kl(, ToH(1okoffi4iMc BHaat llfevny Ml) Ma. I hap Ik Uxd aMjr Lo(4 XarUi aa K(Ua4 Mm .('''. , .;'. f". S3ae.. '4 . . TS ft! aa grutt Caa 1 ap tKa Umji mf , Mtae, ' " ' ' -Int. ' Tlih It mf atlad aa baarl. Of tkU aeiaina 1, ia bom tm u ats MalT4 to ur aad ,)LUDICR0pS MISTAKE. II' appears '.that it most lodicron misfnke Occurred among the Yat:- keesuurin Oraut lt reetninoM sance,', to the Roydfon Plank road'. One brigade of Yankee-', Ufi ly ar rived in tht grand Arm I of l!. Po U)me. arid nnacqoaihted with Idcjm Jcle, became' Bi-parated from Hie rest oft ha troop ia tlie advance mi iff force toprotecf iLitltel-tif lwydton plankroHL They wmi- Twoacetir aj Ifotl to t be loa of iHe ve'sael, pr j l0! tuee'thig with' their com ¬ rades. - Suddenly, ; hdwever, thev yjaw (5uf upon a railroadtbe Bouth fs ide r i I road, vf c-n rr,' t be very , road they m-re" tnVi ng for, ' They -act Io work nj'f-H it l.i a trice, and enthos'ii'.tilaMj toro up about auiile. and a lyilf of rt t.I leiily they hear , the whiailo of the ir.Un. They wait for it eagerly, rcady.to pounce ujoti the unwary patcTiger and atiat" themselves with plunder; but Hie engineer seca' daogc ,ahead, and" stop the -locomotive with a shriek. Tlie Yankees had turn up a mile and a half of Grant near railroad, lost laid down from the vicinitr of Po- tersbarg to City XVlnt.-. . - - r"- f

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