r . .. i J i I , .it I - ' ; , - i . ' v - - .wa t4i . - r Wtliera. wo think it time for action, , 7 , L. "'' At iba WJ.oei of s.iW. Mr. r..',1 fin.Kn., 11.." Son time .20 w. lw PT J.- Wn-.-a 4b. iU leM'- Hh. Bee. al..UUU noejvuipmiu u r' PU wer, WiiuitUd.vt go, JorW. l4 y Reeaphv MB. THOMAS M.CttAWFOBD - determined energy, prompt and. V.Um bt fUir of trooe, Coaeidarable io mrs. maby li. l. kiajttij, an tbi I. tttaf talk SwWukUdnj ..A individuala tTrotct ibv ded TU nrnL wdeld be effective I the U T alaWero ladr-idaa!.! all V od oondi tiofaf tfoMlbai to'gU do tnUUarji oea know, would have been ,a ,r.lin'inorptiHj rabble aewieldy and '-dJaWrtt:.!11 militwj operation.; np.Af;Mcoi4ftr llowing oow. LsWjWf Ul be Webered lbl the Gern- Zi9 iltkUMf mwg to-tho Genera A , , Mmbly, ieoaieodd tbe abolition of tbe TT . ft.....! nnnninlinn. MM bainP OtJfl ,a tOO BWBT, l4 the pMMge Of ' abrlaoz tho oombioAtioo of tbe kIetoo 'i .r' - .1.. vt:i:i. . Tm avQmpaoare v w m-" "'biiU.v 'In'idJlvroB to tb orgnnlzatioo M (( Uiog 004 too tuwjr, b AfflrflMd ibat wba b elW oat th Uoai Oumrd, b bad lo 6ot Mr ompaoiea togtbf in order to tOMof eottwlMt aiia,f ik !" nummary officer. titti9 m larptper vWatC Um boW broa, aroaaat borne a : (lAtr ooald aot banada to aerra io tba oi. U afpean.from r tbt!bal P"0 t MWiWlflnilftttft iffiDf(Ciltbat OOl ; irHbatwdioX, wt bava batwaaa tan and ABaaA.UOOMM tneq atampi iron ooo ' . . . . . . Wfflri l ttU nnmcaM of eieculin&T the lawa aad feaereiag tb.a oraniiaiion,' a ?arj email portioo of tWa forcaf can ba eaade-fcr-a eaaa oy-ao tergoey. Why I Smply bacaaaa the uj-jroaroe-rarToffloara, aooatkaUmf a forea pr vent of ibo wboW cannot, under extiotf !. ba eaada to ara ia tbe raaka. Now io eiee- of the pal'bla defect in iba aiieliag lawa aud the great importance, . tUorougU orymbHttion, what hu tb Lrgulaluia dua I Uave tUy rrp!"l . -otJTlawa bearing ipa tbe matter aud ,i Utatad other ia their tead, which a wi policy and aacewity em U fa or I Not It all. Ey bill, bavinjf fwr iu f jt tiiia Importaat end, bat bteti eoted down with a Bwaoiroity acareely equIl?d In the h'retory of parlaroentvy procedinf.. 1 TW tymt& bin, iutrodueed by M firei of Uaywood, haml tlte aame fat of atl otttf aioolfnjf tritl Wb. do not know by wUl vote Una ooademBed. W b. we dUI. Wa would iko to pnbiUb itiai order that our braa oI jrfOOtalirea, aad bow Ultle hope tier i "iofJUeir1baing reinforced by tbe.patiat " '! ia ntlr ranrAtafltatlVHI from Kowafl, w r ' -f- - wt are aatborixed lo ay that Mr. Craw 1 ford eoted tr It. We do not know whether i ir.' Ciw.kav rli4 At flnl ' ' j ' :'A"BrLt. rBepealiog aii lawa exempting certain officer ' r ...i.,.. ,k ItfatA frftm cyrlcfil- like to pBblubHtB order tbat our oravaaoi- the crttal atlJ luiowraoie leria 01 our apaaitiooa, to rlry atowa ta lay oeince ar Dij.cwipn,-di-ra miaht aee the favorili.ro of thair re- fiai.diU aoamie, or will andaavor to da W than eaaatry end berry ft Af Pp- Ala aa waa f-.T?.!. kl- K, I- h..r- th-e. ia a,fa Otbra hv Iffiutf W Koduca the I do appeal to avary ea weo betbeptatof a rft rf-Q UP.Vn onfr Bs&'laL -"-Be it eoactetl by the General -OiAnraMy X me txate of o-orui t.arouu t ,.. it labarrbi ooaotad by tho autLortty oCkthe of tba State of borto Carolina, ana fl "arAk-roiin offieeraand arnnloyemt of the w ;,JStte from ftyoertptkn, ratified tbe HtU day tOaf Qaoambar, i8Kada reaolutiooeotiiled . Baoratpaa ftnping S(oJ awl otler ofli oere fiumfiOucripUon, ratified the 28th Uy of Mar, 1804, be and the aaii are tierby f4ao.?uV Ito it frUor aoartwl, TUt aU , lawa and clauses (A w that come in con n Ckt wUh thU aM be aad the tame are lier aliy 3 Qiata Ttnim .warilnlnn ratifWd the li '! V m'? to rrt" : Hfera ara .raid. And r.limwr, - tf ai..-?-. --i - ' t er UttU new, under ?he un. , " v . . i:.-rrm7 .... f .hOQ. .Wtinuneton ; aiao, a rumor oiao lenuniwLi ail vi ' n iiti.u n a..ivn poUilng. But if iliM'ga are reilly am fUAi 1MB WflClUT WJI4 ttviuf w i---, ifr.U tliiRtnta bV wtv of the mono- taiaa io coxperation with tiie forces sent agajnat Wilmlogton. If tho worat cornea, let there be no iopine ncsa ibd ioauborUrnation, auou as ' we are pa rttadotl lately tpok poaaea ion Of the pjeopli of Oebfgtau . ----- t,...ivv. b..- kaa .T- ArK, r.. DtcWf w toawaopplr of'priotiajf paper" for our Daily and' Weekly, aary hoorlbia weak ; but op to ibia lima bara beeB dia a'ppoioted. A-fclttr from Meara. Wi. wli Co,LincoJaUa, aotiSed a tbat tU paper would ba bera oo Monday. We euppoee blgb water b tbe caateof failure, or aometbiog eke oer wbicb there wa oo human control. It taajr come toay' but we bare no Atearanee of it. Wa thai I contiaoe to work Bp the acrap paper about ff-ffiae, while it buta, aod wheo tbl ia i'.kt '!l have to atoo ucUl we -Tr to tnake It aufacUry to our patron. Savannah baa feileo. Tb Uflegram tall ua it w MuceWully evacuated on Tudy." Iu fall did out aurpriae a. Wo liwvo coiwidervd itdoomad aioce tbe fall of Fort McMer. Il i . lol to u, but iu imporUnon to the enemy can not be much. Tli- Iom of Savannah i nolhiiiij cotnpurrj wilhthtof AtiauU. Wo hvareaiul the Utter, but lott the former. The change m greatly ia our favor. Uut bow many lwroo will thtre be who will now cy out -w aro wliippea, we ua uvt down our arm atid make lbWt tvrina riMiU t There, wjit be aome fc esk ked, crav. a baartod Wlowa thai wjll hava tbe iar'th ooldneaa to give vent li . tbeir cowardly ii"UcU aud vind.c:Ve , toryimiu; but they aie, we Uslive, fa w, vary low tbat ara willing to jHia or iuwutt w iI.m- triltd " anJ tbtotarabW term' of our oodraga Other by tryiug U j.roduca the iinortMiou that a ara wuiuiioil. if lhara re aucb, wa would advua theut U go lo the front or to the Vankve. It i a mat-tanrf-hule iiDortance which they do. We can get along very wall without lliaot. Savaliuab ha fallan but Vt Dii&- The Oath of Office." were admiuiatarrd to lli Excellency, Gov. Vance, for bi ootid term, before both UoaMe of the tren - v 7 , v i eraKAaaeinbly, at B!igU on ThuiaUay . Tha anefech delivered on the OCCion li " will ba publihd in duo time. CoL JacltMM ooajtnaadio at Wtlminsf ton, h iu!d an orde-r, enriictly roiut -r i i . "t.fl'rt'X... I- - .1.. "7 . T , that aJI noflmximbattatiU Jeave the g. piaoe. Tb mcooo by dr of w.(4aN j ttiaau aedae my ha4 and tha Brt t EAU J treat aaal of tb State, Daaa TLw lMk a littla like 1ml work wm a.n avnAKfit tkarb. The JuUrtlaJ how- j .v . - to alottM ajaa tB, tt'WWKj.. doaartlort oja166tfmptatea'WaKa2 an attack on V . - . . . . " 'Tr W'tn yreeaiy w awn men on ua -our. t . . . . . i ... ... . i ...4 vu W. oope to obtain upplW durinj thn pi. heo Ibav i pleaaa , and"; thao bat ibty plaa. inir much offitoa to tha mocJi )f (bit ecclierf of -iKaT Btata. We do notimpajrft tha lMW'T or anj oi mw iVlU. -Thua -ra .11 of Nortbero Wrlb. Ud.ea. .bay r, and jaiBiat ba boneal io Ibair daaUngai wilb tha Coaiwlaracy.; Bat why ahould that b parmittad to ' and coma at turn, aifif la fviolatioa of tha ordera oo- der wt hich tbaff want I iaUeo. Lan thoct rtaton-ibla for tha ralurn of tbeaa r pj-nnl ladies, or waa be ordered from Eicbmoni to receive them! Oa tha oouaawo ol their capture, wa know of a poor woman who wee t down by flag of trace to return1 to her borne ia Newborn. It wa a mat- let of Beoeaaitj with her. She waa in needy eircamManoaa and tboaa apoa whom be bad wvorw cUira wa in Newbero. TtT- Va.kM "a-nt h-r Uck Bad ottr an. Tha 1 anaee ml rar DacK, aaa oor an tbonUe porrn itl,lW Yaoioea to make tlUr arctioai, tNativw JJorlb Caroliuiana are not permitted to paaa tliroog'l tba go aod aomw a. tb.y pJeaoa. Tbia Ur umanaa wtwuwh. vyr who deaira to aea the Coifderatey tri Mcriflce in their power to aetiat it, demand that thia outrage ahall not be forced uopa tuaia, ana we a a paw to joaraani a they are 1 right and by aball be heard. It will haaeen that wa give tbeee ladiae and all aUa credit for tbe beat intention aoJ leave out of view tba requtrvmeoU of tha public tMtij.-- 'StaU Journal. 11 . " 0 Dj (br CoTrrnor, of N. Carolina. A PROCLAMATION'. ArtllittE4st THE WHO EXPECTED nark anna aalt onlv remaining aaprt i now about t mada.aoa our laia ia naa. y to ba invaded at har poima bv an euemy to bom merry and civilisation ara alike ea- known aad mrprM f aad wheraaa all ba wr(Bied frcV oTtb Stata alraady ord-iad to lb frwt may ti!t br iaiaSotaat -.t roll baek iba tide wbich threaten a whk worae than death, aad io. dhv from oaMoora a fata hor- - - - i : i i n fTr,rr it U 4V V. " on tba loy.br awtaeaMad,-; mm4 abjuring all tZRVJhf by law aakj-et-io U fT aT--i . hoaaa be ble UAd bi (rttWaalwork aad lira wiaak.t, of alt aja aod aoaeitiooa. to rlry at oae ta the etnce . a. a " "ri ' - . liM la kiatmania who baa a aaark of Iba fire or drop of tba bhiod af tba beroee of tk f raal army of th (rra caatalp ia Ma veiaa toooui and oome .1 OOna.V 'Jawman who h-oja back now bacaaaa'tfta lw ortMttot exanpal him lo to and eoeaWbiitfwilb the WOCabuad aud maao amruad phra tbat b aan "be more aaefal at bama." wai Bad ii hard fe make a beliere -.hat ba ia no pldiaf lb eae af cowardice or diabivaJty.. Tba eounlry nead I hair balpaaw avid that help ma ba five ia tbia heajrofdMireeeortftav aiuat own innuneir eoeta are Only lilted to enjoy lb fraadoat. per - jchaeed with other avea' blsod. For a few day all mea pbyeicbly ahla r aaeded at tba front, ' aad eapecially do wa eaed tba aaaaiple of all thnee who aforatima panted for tba fray while jit t wa yet a dwlauca, and ! bat- lia WBlia M waa f a" phfaicaUy bl tba berry with hit blanket lo Wihnifef ton, where arm and ratiHa will ba furmehed, and bt tboea left behind moanl (hemaelvaa at pair4 lBir ooonuee, antaioj after th wta and bildrae aad' preaarving orwerr Yonr evnjo ww mm , 1 wlW -l.aea vritk yee tba war..' day of Derenikar. 18i, v,; -:- -- - Mi o.... Prlvaia Sae'v. . 1 .1 ' ? JateifJiaebftlljLIJgaeli T t r. -. rr;.. if ,T. w: 0 ath,of Chariton, flwr-wt aowrviv rn"'!' wrrr - r l, n.tiratiliailo-ei haa u .rur oi riiiiH .jaiiuua. ' . a . a iBtWW ftf -Matf VBBa qn. bk Ifviai Tbird fib te a unlwi aMnar. o Aa. Pnib- cbaacei bavi ah Mirk m. MUioai aJianbrfa .wbiHi in JtuaU.i a b'tn mmm hif. aail im. ftha lrfora b-4 iaa pmif tf 'nK 5 f k'!!nf 'r:? T Rat m kt M ricbt-oa'aawof hrf ova ) tha rlfnuuMM - a van w w ;.""'- ,r a.akori ua b.(ra .h. brMibd W laat. aad laid lba Ikavab., tm$in4 u ih U1 of GxSr-iJul b. wmM u ia Hara., Ska poisiwi than at io ike JUmb f CH, aa4 kf ! tbm to .;. ' ' SUW ! JlOrtll UrollM, V5'. BOWAN COUNTY Cwt , put, Qrur Sfifni, ' AmaW 7V.w, A. D. 1864. johu n Weant,' adm'r. of Aaaa LiMbarrir. m. Lcy Aaa Uaebarrier and etbar. imiaa roa at) of ial aaTT. - s ikla eaae, it appeariac ta tha tifeUoo 1 of tk C-rt tbat Jamea Llaebarrier and CbrU-,Vere, twilke afcadaBi-.are aot iDbaikiMDU lhi. 1iMt Mt. Uiewftjre,ordar. - Cobn p,wte.tiOa U mad ar t a.k. i Ua - Cra)ia Waiebiaa " for mU M&mUaXM to he aad aopear at tba aat . b. fil MoLtay i. Fabroeat, a4 ih.u 4 tbra abw eaM, ir ay ibry av, wny tb land dvanhbedld ike ftilio.buld not be m,4 aooorelm' lo lb prayara tk awtUtouar WrraMa. Obubab Wondaoa. Clerk of oar amid CoartaioOce.tW iaa Monday in Novem ber. A. D.JdS4,'tko Ml 7aroAerieo Iodep-wiaooe, aad the atb of lha Coo fed. rata Staua. ---'--'- ---:t.----t .- OBADIAU WOODSQN.C.C.C. 31w6t pr.la$3& Negroes to Hire. "11TILL be blrad oat, in Safifbary, at the V Public Saoare. oa Monday, tba 2d day - ...1.. M. I - I V . of Jaoaary, 1BU, I wenij vaioaoia farm haoI; aod annaof ibe orn,auin ood ISevroea tueo and woniaa. r l. VV'.k.r. Tkaw will ba bind oat lWMM. " " ww f w - ' - Cook i aod tvanar. inei ht Cah or NoU. ALFBED T- CARBETT Rc. 1864. lld& Administrators Sale. 4 At)MINISTB ATOR OF THE ES- V tale of CM. Jamae IL Wood, aVe. I will ..r R. Wm. A. Wood. of the lata Cel. J. H. Wood, ewwattar ofUoOa- b, MH. fi.odle aod 1HH and Ba BcM Maaet, one elra fiaa doabla rralled bot baa, aa.. tura nr, w p-i,iv" i hu. s.a " r '-ai COLTS ttEYOLVlNGJPISTOU one large aitra Bote Laatner Trunk, and Va liee, iwe or three of lb ft neat pioaibla Enflieh Gray Cleth. rorBerraof the army, one fine Gold Watek and Cbala, aad other erticlea too aoMreoe la ewetionWH 1 rl ' At th mt? inna ad ptae,lajB eipoae to ' aale aaiaaa 4id4 aatea I kgmfu ihraa or four baodrad boabaia Cora aad thirty baahel Wheat. 4 1 f - . v; r. D. B. WOODr Admr. l.Wd, i.: I I I "ll I vttiii BRRain aN mmY, THE T 30i k laaiVat J. F. FonTe 'plant.ti. 10 . milea Weat af Saliabenrthi Wk; of Fanninc i Teola, rio a4 riraaraJOriaaiating of tww worh iHavW w0p.ajJiMihdr Cow., atevaa bead of Sborp, ua H-f. M yV Corn . ; Wheat, a.. A "'ve - "'"'T.t ' Tha ptaee to ba raaieo W reeiae" bafarv . - - JNOV F. F0ABft.'At , N Maad.y;tbfcaidy4rJama-y a Wilt be hired to Ibe lownif-kory, tb il.l -i.... jWa aala M IMuinail Han daeaaaad, aboat ooe BandHw aaiiwiy unaku, faraiflaa wia- ae r""." - J! awwrao, j. w.wuurrr -ort- n ACK tabeberf. 4. lPf4.i .Sw-W a. m& ate -of aiaaeial. a O ' N..n..lrVulhf . . . a .a aaa Ihaa WAaa IO aaana .aw. the eaaeiaf ya may da an. wt.beaH reiaraiaf EUG1 IG SALE ad aa anma popl.. Wold ropranont eat weaV orrjor. lb am la "antiary-