t a I. 1 V. til '' K't'.-'-r iv, J.!i".iry - TUrt fmend of Henry Y,atet was Lrfijr attended this afternoon. Itt ciW of I!-! howa io the distiu--vJ ik-caa AUnyuf tho mo"! ptom.nt m th country vio prvseiit. MeM. Chase anj ?unton wit jtmtig tU pallbearers.. , '" JTow Jf-raa., . TorlvIW. 31. Advice front Texas elate ihat th Goifpiir Us iutf-l proetaruntioii realor W m UU power, ro tlujir id neiils, nil fwcsoas recommended lor special pai do... At Turt .tuiJrt. Sw Yk, January i Cott.n o-a.V. Ilmir aJ WTwat unchained. Corn rtirtt." 107-b'-nt-y. Lard slea4y. Wnr-ey duH. r?tar- tlem. -aval-toee dull Turji Dime flsl.Oi. n.'.-.,r. Jjnuarv 'J Klour in active tl.tinunl ITtnwail. sJ.-ra hty.' .Now liacuii slioul dew, like: &de, I'Jc '. n"AM.ivrs. lXvcait-r M. A tcU'frni from , .. r :,m lhal on llnirsi;iv u:'Ul a rZirr .1 r..l,,U1.x.tvr..l.ll.cl.ar'. I lT.l.i ..j,!,,,, i:iar usiult on t!.o ..( rdcwlured Klditi ma Aii'.'ti-ta. tttong her io l unjr'!vte-n fu Brt aa uiit'xpo-t.'J r.-:-'.'!.ci llireo i mortaHv wcun'.led, arftl l o si-nou-iy. lOHI'VIT, 5sw VoaK. IAo., Jl. Ail arm ironi wuiti rcie: itate ilt i C.i'.ijii iiian-ot-w ar caMi,i 1 a Snari- ri"N,it. rrnpomptit wm bra'!. TVrerj preat w-woing anw5 tUtf Chijiaus io cm- iSmryf t CT.o-i-a r f.Vi ';', TTcf Ait.'-v i..jc A letter t.'uin (liialaloiiie. il-UeU eeemoer .... i ?"-""'-'"" ... , ..- . .. . .1 il... ..l,.,l..ri iril- .t"i";.;VrW .nd uS;.: i surr , I iu1 hi la-i 3 mi-un . , tui'ttnrt. Ilarrv-bursr. lutvrA"r of ;h Tk. 'T!-,. .-i.r rrowdo.! wit 1 1.'-"...-.. a:,.i other Vniwu huh-' - . ,. , tr on buni;ei etam 1 1 ,erewi:li. 1 n-re v. .11 1.0 ..!..., . rn ri... 1T M.1 'at.otl ol t;:e J-:n.t 1 t:t 1.- L. :u i.-, .1 t.te re:iu! i.e..:: "..;. l.Jalo jr-' !or syejior et the H a:: 1 Mr. ii;eJ:ct. ti.e nier cr:k- i ! te re-te-ete-L Bal'.inwre, UO. lh,no.-;ljt ll- nrv Winter PV", ot laa tar, died at iiait-(tast two o clock to- fie Ow -"-? I t''' Gff.-'jit. . -TorvjtIM. 1 ' c-we "f !::t' Cur.-.!.r-a steastier Geor-;:a. d. ::k-l ly li' I- :a'v I t.,e 1 .il '-t.to -V , iiT.ire x :.!, i:i;.k.' aft 4flr-MelK.ii.iM. tisa lerate a f!H-Uv;t tisa: ti..' ve..I was t:ie IWhimti mvrri .ttK-nt. and was oeitv 'i tlie '..'ii.-d t.r the rail on Joiui.tif I-.a-.V. and iavh. tlie prewut I sui l'i'rut.j.l Ui,-.? t. v-Oti' t .1 t . t CI i.li',US, !.!.. v;. tiie evr:;. I. lMr H.1.I1- U!,..!r'..'the Natr irrt tin ,r i.'y,. t. .... iiwij. -.iw n fe L" .-er. uiria.'t.d to ::ip'. The a-aii.m:, , wtivartfnranirresr.!. T;-.c onlj srotmd br the t U,7i vot. - - . - - - . .i-.urv -Atx hr. hi.! u 11 oi. a in.' aiLacK was lite st:prase-i ans.-r ih i.ic te-.n. . lakl beeu tntd taroujU CoL W ncox 4 tuatrutnea-; ""7- . - - i . CommoArQ Wi:it), fjrmerlj commander o. he Keoraaeg', tb Gtui ai Tbatdier; ruu liuk' hundred Tut srun a sail a2a.us1-.ra ..n.; 1 ,;. ... ... - rT r... -.,..,:..;.,.. ,i. i:,.,.. n.vv- eratoent toese tie road and its machinery dialing 1 ' " - - ... - tarn mat- ft tjiaid liiat Oenefal Batler is to deiiivrau V irtss ia LowtU in a lew days which he' will re fij to (ieuerai-Graal's " toi k- bulUe" criticism. Jbe cifeo!atioa of tl.c National Ranks "avis in msed by aa issue pf over four million dollars du- Tlie aacrboati Presbyterr has dismissed ia dis pbarie liw Jltr. Dr. M. I 1'. Thomjison ot the Se Mad l'wsiwie--iat. Uiufti iu that city forlioeutious toad.at. . ; Si I thoosand fix hundred and sixteen patents Lave been isBue.1 during the year exceeding by ,0tW the jarn-t issue of previous years. Preions to adr-wnmenl, the South Carolina 1 fviVirt created thirty-threp new district courts for the trial of cases cobcernion.'groes. The qnestion gl pfaient of the reu.1 wardobt was referred to a ptaaonittee to report atj 'tlie-eat seisioo. 7be friends of Joari in VTashin-ton arc much fif!6ed -wiili the appotntmmt of Hot;- Lewis D. CampbeU as Minister 'to Mexico. They say- ho " not posttTe enoogU.M U.-;i..i i onnoscd to the repeal of i HM.oeea ran u w ...... ... . fhout lrJ:S tUti,rifJjnin I !t i , . , - . ....... ...,, f!ir I e 1 ;,. V..V Vr " i 1 .. ... . .-...1 ... nt-n 1 ...n ti.i i - . . . - ' . i t . . j I i r. n a'l i n rii',.'.. , ... : n n. , i i . i u.ihm.o ...... . - - - - iiiadiona tho iacc oi joiwiot.i -; a law wliich ' ,r0lu i:it 1 c " " . , " , " " - - ! votir wisnes wr a jp " " " 1 -who ha been OeUelaM. iUlsSipiau-j 1,0.-4. .y ; , . ... r : ciii-H' ' the U :.ttll Ol U0.r liusoaiiu uj aueei t...e- , . -j . i IV.yr.ns rcmi!ll-:CC 1C0S OI Ills : 1 ' . "I'l". . , (.n!,.- irif ill. t ei IO ! 1 S Ol ! ' . V 111.1.4 ni. - . v . . eaaSsUvt tw.'.'y vc-us, currying one ; pronioitr, tin... civ.- ......... ; - J ks,..e. - vonili there nain arose befo.-e linn the, and thirty-" . , . ia cbuvcl.i, except to m--s,UM u 3 1 T-... . 1...1 .r.:. .H.,h.nVs A,:or 2r.,nd-, ' A, wit:, his own feature, in the ehar- Nv.,1 Cuoaneo JUihoad Las ; . , ,,,,, n5e Loa i;, F,, ,. 1 0.oOO i,: jr.l.J f.r ix ncl Iionae, and at last, thnt.gh tliat fti: . ...Kw I .... 1... .1 ...t r.. o 1.11 t C Ulll v... . ; " I it f ..r miulh MH. ::,... l.,.-l.rI, nnn n,i rtt' I ('.Il S . - the'mie llis aTHjpil to tVe 'assump timij iU"iior4 lioreruuieut 0 the State war 1 ... I... ,rnn .rf. i Co rnl-.!W in the I. micd hlaW Lirenit t-o.riai rjr, Tha librl b atiwl 10 cousin in we sia'e--; ia order twevade rtsp.mibt!e!y m the Jolin iirow 11 (jO . WOullln AlHilvlo xn rim into Twsima. I PEOPI.E. Rrf-Uar! and sf-afT called on Gen. -Scott akiW b. was m New Orleai. ja discussin, he to -wr, (ieneral Pent : rabcrtacaeraU le, Joausiy.i auu aM0iMvw FtiuHAi. axi. Jok Joiisso AT.TUK;for-t,iefirsttiinc,ai 1 points out the pro- (;TCutlW Memphis Commtrctal fi?r cnr&c t0 be ptklictl in thctransi-! ...tin? 2lst says .t , rj4t irjri. frmrr-fwiiriont anonialoiil coudij For the first time inc h,8 deposit fun 1 11 111 1 ,r . . bjeffw, Dtis JoM-ph E. Johnson, io.i to civil goycrient 1 Jet (iener.1 Sherman, caning before . His position is,!n thelK-mmng , very !.at ttLc(.avo IIouse. it i needless embarrassing and he calls np m the pco- to ur that riie grvttins "f thettf soldiers wawa. Ir irull 9 SYltl IHlhlb'Ll. - i P"!f!''l,n?n.i,lorio,,,loon of eivH government. rwrnlerci- ot u. - - a.ri,i: hc cHwirdlr ty -at noma noni;coinnira'i ' r'-" Ctips of the North." -HtMiyf'?n ' i. t 1 1 ! l .-t v.u f e 'M. i very 1 1 wore it I) 4 that wc have Lad prc ion rains that had already greatly rai.-cu thc.nl. It will rciuiro but a few more days of such weather us tho last two to produco' n great frcbhet, '"Our people ehould'preparo for it and not be caught napyin fts ,'CV vcro tpr'nn hit year. Daily Manner. QUIIH'. Tho quiet of or town is really re markable in tha absence of a civil force, 1ni nrnnifriinwDTer. nro natnrn'.lr rmict. u.rt.: n hichmnonnts 'to nothing more ' " ' . .. . man an outburst ot fo.iuo uevotc-c oi l:acchus whohas forgotten mat Umstmas 1 . 1. .. I . 13 VM VI. ici are soon imsneu, ua t he is reminded ot" the piesonce of our in- defatiguble police wlio lire ,..-..r ln '" ",l " " ' - , I attributed the 'eneral quiet and , 'Otxl order that eveiy where prevails. A. NEW YEAR'S DAY. This dav nasseil oil tinietlv. Verv few i ncrsons from the oountrv wo:c in town, , 1 Trip r'.M.hnut ihafhad atlraeteJ tne; , , ..v I....M.. (.,.,.r.;S. cd his occupation. Many DegrOcs, how- ... t l. cort,, rIl flirt KlfOlMS t 1, cfronlc.' ciui , wciv i ' " ; niu o.ivv. ;, t'lg through the ,ud and water with ; ..... ..f ;,wi;tf..rno nr.l nnfonceril. f.S 1 iii. ..it vn ii.vi.Mv. v. ,vv - i to what was grtingonaroMiid them. They j seemed to have no anxiety about homes j ll'S lefetoiore, ail'l tl'Miir.u-.-s nn- 1....I".....? i . j i ... .i .. - t ... m.ii.i ' it' have not whereto lav their head, and. i . ........ I ,.m not n l:iv S ratl'HH 1-r t!10 UMr I perhaps, not a u row. I'pon tlie who th ... . .-,11, . "1 ...... . ed iprte a eo'ntra-t to tho-o I'.iniK'r: v wit-1 ne.-e'i in iifc?e .jiijiueis. mv- SAVE Yorn, MONEY . .1 ...... . Wo nndeltwul that a number of per so:,s iu this' city, are engagi'd in the ille gal practice of letaibtigr-piriti.ousli'iuoi? witlioiiftho ' roper ' licensee. '"1 Ins is a violation ..f tho.hivr t,hat i-Imu) 1 n t ' be tolerated, ivA if-iftffeSinfy nnd intert alike 1 f e4-.-goo 1 cilizeii ! t-co t, it that it be .-toppt-1. Many p-'i.-'iu ....t4,.',u ll.'. lko. J H hll JUiLili' ill, A rr . ,. .. .1 ,1... r .ii- the 'own net n - v '-m iu- .1 in- 1 . . . ' 1 ,.;-!,! to sc'.l li'i'i ! wi:u iiiipumty au.i in .loi.mce of tho law of the. Sla:., bill this ii a miatake neitliCl is worm 1110 'ti'ei 1 "'-i:'i'?",ri1. ;; ;.:,' '.'r.i,,!,,, .... ' 1 iinon wh t'ii it- 1 written, a- a 1 .-.wiea irtiu'.-o. u awiui at: if, a"' tit. - e ' -1 . 1 . . .1 .. . . ,1 I -1 fin. T I 1 1 T T I I ' V It If III l.lg me kim, ... . , Cnvr, and that it is simjily tlnou ,nS; awav IU U lll'iun. l1 ' . .. ,,. ..,,..,!! K,r. ill a 1 .... if 111 n. t'.-s (tail i l . ..... 1'. " . , J,. ' tunn a . ii u:nt. unless lie, 0. lias a. i'cen5ei ....... . , . ,l,e C'uimty Cmrt : -nor r ''.' ,.- . . .. . trahe belore. and we leel it a public journalist to renew our pnue.- ., -f ii,r 1-mv hihI tho mtere-frU fn thr. nnmn of the law and tho interest of the community Which, demand that ihntr. nr.t.: chrtl! r.ot OO till tltlllishetb Lv- lov-inliulinir citizen fchonltl ex-. ... : n- .!,,. thnan irrrsnniiftible en uiiiieu twu...u. ...v . linnordealers brought to jnistice :Vf.r is! le,3 the duty than the, interest of those" ;ilrir,.,l friifiriers am xiiygcd ; OUiClWlsfl the military mav decin it necessary to close all, regardless of liconso. We doubt not any informations ntlicidntto convict aiiyor all the parties concern ed, given to the county solicitor will be promptly attended to. Let It be done. Let these irresponsible law - breakers, who nro cheating the treasury, ruining the morals of the community, aim uinig- in"1 reproach upon our cit:zens, be made to. foe that we Btill have laws lor lue. Dtihishracnt of crime, lb. 1 SAI.IS1JU-RV BRASS RAND. ' Srft frT.i.n. kiiowlTiaf lhisexc lent band has been again organized, and j i IS iiiirntIV irnuer me iui"i'i'i' " - is nightly OtiUcr t ie tuiorsmp . - comparable Iiiumc .teacher IWk-sor . l. ....-... .1. . t ri.ur in; . .- jf .' a... I . , . rt V t r fifU-in 'cf,h0 Var-tl,CK!-:..V ; j. p j Slttte4. ' ; n ;m,.A,.(nnr ,ToHlIllcnT wilt tc foimtl V , j t ;9 but to the 0'C ! . i J ,Wk I lVOint. 11 till tw o ouiir; i... v - ; I nv-r.r wliieh Ollfl HCOl'le are travclin:; !,...... ---- -.. . - '.Ja oA.onoratc Witt Uim in insenona. - ..v...' . it. . . . 4., . n li n. -ill T" I K V r,v- r - .... ; p , , . . i w ii.v, .nrofiil con-i !.. . . .... 1 ..... I. . ..........ntVtl Ilia MUeimtu oi m - r" n !iccr fabrication. TLa Trinci of Wales anj '' mamma J( Dot "take lea M '-niter In LrnJni Vt,an aud'eue molld a p'rit ual md;umTf4oUl;jf l .' U.a pm. ThoJl.Uiin.-r and Ohio lti!roJ give em ployment lo 7,'00 persona. Tho Saudi Carolina K ulroaJ are nearly in rqnn;n-p.J.rng.in. TLTrVof.l-rin.tUXor.hernSuic. fvr jtoa.amouui o . , A . I." U cnvxUJ iu N 1 ori of , L.lit t', rod il,:,t il.o do.na my flourUV ' ..... . ' iino .L 3 i dud nD . . 1 1 r Wi.-r,; of T.;.s. I.a not U n nearj irom ;ninc.' tU .tr, ai:.l is Ulieve-l ( t doaj. 1 hO r.-llilloU IH'Ol.k! OI l UII.IUl-l ...m .kluc.l W ueu 10, for i.it.itmrv i.trw i C.lil.iin.i. crol.rv H'Kl :i ruoat..u iuichh- tt-itb lb l'r.siii..u: on lliimJ.iv. M l...ii! ll i.it. cl.i I td:U-r ol the l'ai:. . ... eop Chnrtv.ni. dl:-J !! tho (ItU ultilll (n I-rid iv lat miu was !mr or live feet d' iii tome f iho ro.i.! i cti i 'J ii'li-'C i.r. ,.r ,r.,,l ha arrived .. ? in Sivmtuali, d:re-i from hnyianJ. inlattJ. . ... 1! l,u,i,.lf, and ,.rr!ty of Chariest.,,,, C. are ,iU. bo ri:UJljr inercastUi . . - -...,i. !. ..;,., v..r ',l ? . TUIICIII lM '-v.. - ' .... -r, . 1 ,1.,... 1 ... , iin nr. iii.i I no a-i ... .1 . I. TI.. . . Chxraelcr il'K- t.ot lo. or. uii " i Ml ... I nettles !.e t.nrt cf . . ai;d H the d jl.e.'t ot ai.im.i.. ! . , n,n' , . . .,, - '"vn.e. J 1. ." ;.. . 1 ., 1.. ..n i.Aiil.ll.'.ne.Hl 111 U.1XJ. r.x- I l,.u.i!i h i. U-eti coinmonced in M-i cj 1 .... 1 ............ ...... - . .11 t .. , s., 1' . . Uj'.!isL id Uudt hta!v oi:e huuJreJ inilliou i. I.;t:ice. M r.in?.s ar iskoii Hie jd no ol soiroe iu ; V. V..ifc fhun.U-l0 Mttiotv. ' . " - w . i Smiili A' ( V liiik ..f Iabu pie, was robbed Ti.m.-J.v i.ihi of sao.ooo. At the hotch in M.tdnd tho prico is $1 2 I or . ;.v. II .if a ton -f ' "oM his been received fioi ! bv a N.-w V.-rk linn. J .!, JViter s.'.Hd-fn)in New Voik ' (.el . i I'Z Ve.!;.i lo- i f .r L-eerp-r 1 di.iv-t!i 11 ' rii'ii. ) ins h.,.ici . . . .. ,T... I ......... . u 1 i: : - ; ,-..e... tiio j.:a'. baa Ucr own I.eV. 1. !j .,. ii k"ot. New Votk 11 l., .. e. 11 I--23') OoO tjr reli'jiout .ur- ' - .-. 11 o ct-r. j-cir Ly hario - j.v.!vn. In 5ir.)-.-c!: 11 vo,o;a i n 1: t uTi-o Law vi,.,,,..,. Uta retno-.td bom Ivnonviiio to , t..... .c -r"i-..fiil 1i.1t in SurinijCelJ J " ..-..----- --- , o . . .. . . 1 . .1 .: 1 Ii .. on Cliiisl.am n:iv, feimeen lay eitw a ....... .i.. ;" - . . . v . . A late, ruiii'oer of l!i Ivonidn- Orchestra opened 'uh a poem tailed ' fyiiit Vision," by Adah tsH-i. s Menken. .YWashinulon Associated Kf's dispatcli say it Gen. Sootio! J lias no mission io Panw from ; KxectAive. ;x . . that ihe Kieculive. ... . ,- - . t. -. :it: Jt ,1.. - The .win-i lv Itro millions of ii fko percent, gold benn3 bonds , of MassLus sjnjc-l in writing a memoir of the laio Hon. m. Ij. nncey. C.,l. Junies Duncan GTrahum, bolherdn law of (leneral MeaJe, died suddenly in Boston on Tliursdav. " - The liidiop of Lincoln hnscome out against l,ho' pew renting system, lie think that the possession of pes ' leavens devotion with ab duiis. We receive deplorable accounts of iho. con akion of Texas, fae people arj suff.-ni.g&om narration. . . j ; The Postmaster General .rapidly "l-1 .ntnji post-offiees at the South. He re-establishes two hundred a week. 1 1 ' ; j A PROCLAMATION U JotS Woatn, Goremorof , v-,;, Carolina. t , .. - , . .... i-..,--,- - . 'k. vice --:Jz-.r--ri-.x f ti.1- .lf.i ,r..Moh.llr. '..rtt,.. titin nptaimleil fiiriM miTt its: N' jw, tlienfore, I do hereby iue this my pro- ctamation. iiolifvina: and req.iesttng the meuibent of theGeneral Ass-nitdv of North Carolina to meet Won. at the (i.nUoUn the Vilv tf ,,K. ... i -f-,itnl in tho etlv of p,aUvPf; o Thursday U.e lsth day. of this mooth. ! Give! 'uior n,y ban L and attes.e.1 by the Y 1 1 Stuf the Stat at office, itt I'eigU, tto l ie .. . i ij ,lav 0f January, A. I. 1W1, md in the j - , ,.-......:........ year u" -J ' JONATUAX WORTH. - UHjU'itsJec, dJtl80-w2t JL ,ithead p. Henderson DrS WMlHeaa fit nenaerwu .....r. ..j .a lac ireiic oi u w r. - -7; r... 1 r nti t,. iMrttir im ... ... . '! t L ...I aarM nit V 1 lsTS. ,l,fe -..", --."; HENDERSON. M. D. .. . ' tl Tl,i,:.y ,.'..nd,,in2 Mrct-car comlocten wcre., .... nle ,..ick-UlV yrwlr! ()!i!, - fathor, again place me where I can 1 i 1... ........! s 1 n 111111 .inr.:Hrp3 . i .1 ..-,.-; 011.1 icT.iii.fi id , ..II' K i IIIi:Hil1 l.l'l V'v.'" .... m lll'lStl.H'll ll , 11 v 11 -. .. ......... - - - -.- - J'i.mi the Da.! 1 ' ! X. ' THE XEW Yi:AU'S NKJIITOIf AN i:ni;lX(i oxi; - (TivnJtUdivm Vit OtniMit of HkhUr.) , At nutlniht of tlie Xow Year, nn old man 8tool nt his window gazing wiih a look of deppair out ttyon thq mtxyaryiiifc nnd wide cxtcut of tho Uuo heaven, and down again upon ,tLo. Jinict.. earth, so jniily wliito, upon which no other mor- down again upon . tLo Miuct earth, so ,nly white npon w h,e h nooM.er .nor- (jit hand wo luvnive, cou- o, M lit whole rich' rxitrnc.', lm errors. Ui mUdwdrs. n-J intinnitie.s a rumen u.uy, Ertl ,. l....irt tilled with imi j olf 1120 ot rcmrso. .Now . ' . i - .rr..l , 10 ( av3 C n.tJ I'vainum j beforc'hiin as a tpectretiatij, n:id earriel 1.:... i.oaI, 1l1.1t t'uir inniriisiir on wbicli 1 111 r ..... ..... ;.,; if0 llOIII Wlucl. IWrt IOUUS ,i!w,Pn Tl. ono tn the f iirltt. leading Itl.ron.'li tho -nn path of virtue into a'. l . . i . i i i... i, i iri.tn utiri niiii.i 1:111 i. iik I'l.tv. i of im re spirits, ever bright, ever glonoiir-, j ' where the wearied iilrim meets his re-, iward. That to tlie Ic-tf, leatlim: thn.iih "uv . i .. t!lC mole tracks oi crime, into mat uaru .. , , . i . . i ...n : i I pit, auoWM WliOse nut's ura'io y'"' !' i: .:tl . ...I ,-..,.. .,1 cor. 1 con hi. a.. - , ; v " ; riiAnra .1111 ! r il il 11 iii'-ii in uui.i ...... t. .. ij ,1...., ,,1 Linii.v nt.l I 'tlllD V ' ......... - . Uleauiy iang aimu in..... w. , halat.one. A!.! now ti. ; km penm . .. . . , ,,. ,l,.,,,W UlX'n 116 KieilSl, MlKI u " . .. i i i . .. .-, II ,.,tnn ! . f;ltc Ki;.s liui. Madly, and I .., ,, . I.,. .:.., ... Il.vn'.l wii ii l niiiiei nine iri ie , m- im? ...... , .,ueA i ui i rir i :t :i i i u 11 .1 lanivi ...v ....v . , ...... - and his youth had lO'ip I. 1 . .. Hue-; passe.a int'ii liitting awav. lie t-aw uie - jo'er tho bog and l.nall.v iiM pe:inng liimid the tombs, and ee 'aimed, "Tho.'e" j me the davs of my folly." etar fell fntu the heaven?, guttering r..'.l A.ile .. In. .li..lwd 11 not I the ' 111 1 1 o ...... . . . iiowy earth. "Mica ami, uur-i 110m ; his hleedinL' heartland Ueinorso, with ; j, 6cjpent teeth, dug yet deeper into its j I wounds. II ib exerted niingiiiauoii e.il ;jured up beiVu e him the Ptealthy niglit- j walker upon the hotio ! : the wun- mijl, with its ponderous ;trms, threaten-. 1 imr to eni-h 1 ; rn . 'tf.e Itl'.l a mil'K wioeii nau , . .... 1 :. 1 . 1 ... 1 , ..I ..... .il.,,.,... I- l:ll l.'l- . i.oeu 10. 1 in ii" v.i. j been K.'t in .HMtlii.i v assuminir ni n-, .1 n'.u ii-n . 1 In the m 1M of l!iis !iTn!7e coiitl'ef, uddeiilv t'lie sweet mti.-ic for the New .r . - 1 down from the. steeples t ear eiiimeu like the anthem strains of son: chinch; he rvas soothed-, agai ve tar on in he rais- iw ? w '"": "";'s,1: ... 11,...,, I 0.fvl.l have t,.-nf.tlv Jiiin'lipi-od at. von do on tins the !..... :"..!. , . ,-r.'r it!, no trnrs lo ,I . II "Ill,.l lllU . n - . , , . ,..,v - mv rP .,!, I. t,,.. cotMt liave i, - w..";.r - - - v f.;i.t j.Rrat,.-! r' luccn napi, .ji ' ' ' ni"ht can behold spirits and l'ok.into the ftiture, it was changed into living vouth. " I can 'bear 'no more," an J he rftvi-red his eves : hot, bnnvng tears streamed down, and were dissolved'amid the snow, arid he' sighed forth only the more piteotisly, hopclcss'v, ftan ically " Oh, youth, youth, .rot urn nnto mo a-j wain ' and his vonth returned, for he ' had only dreamed a tearlul dream on,. New Year's night.; he was still young; but his wanderings were no Ir?ain. lie thanked God' that .he was . yet young enough to forsake the dark, thorny pa' Its of evil and of crime; and to turn back into the tunny path which leals to the land of purity and blessedness. Turn with him, youthful reader, if tliou, too, hastWaJiderctl, lest this fearful dream ehallWthy future Jndge and Accuser, when thotKshalt in tby extrumity cry out O ! c oiiW back, come baek my beautiful yontnV? anl the mocking echoe3 shall reverberate, " Come back Come f sf vzzn rnTTrret trm Tiot: W. Pctkusulko, Jan. 1, 1S00. f. m-an.- rr "-. ma jigr.-.---- - ; ..1. of Or. S.ftMe4; -Pas- ! donate inen -slwuht never carry tieiMiy: Lwiaianii - 111 tItU 4- dispute, trilling at llie sian. went on uh- . .j yr e..or m a i of pa-siotl, attcmp-; ' . J ' . . . f..1Jow Wrder. and ted to kll OI10 Ot llls l; .110 iruu. , 1 IthomllL 1,iai. . .IIc J ' tlionrrllt that JaWay from the consciliiencc-kwul actand vas almost instantly sei.e.f with, . ,tf killCd hllliselt. Intend... 1 victim, however, was uniinrt. In IlinetV-nine ca"i IU OVCrV liHlldied where murdor i.nmkted. the mnrdcr-; f regret -tU JW4 lmOt a.-iuU a tt tt - done! atld WOllld Undo it if ill his lOWer. Y et mon will not loarn that priceless ics- ton, enforced as it is by aller iuury u r lltl 1 1 1 , 1,11. lljlll uvi v I noirlv crerr murderer. In-tea.ioi iioiu . i ..... f ',nr lK?f..re their lumda tlie 'caciuns 01 , -- r- -, . . . ... . e ? .1 .. ... .1... :. .e experience, mey give ; inoiucntarv passion ami do UeedM wliicu no b 11 bseiuent regret or reivr.tanw canv no anosenuent regret tr i--i. recall. PAibultyftiti '.! lyt . T 1 ! 77i' V J - f-?. nAVINC t.KASni) ill fc!.o,nid IUrlJ kill tow lnvitijr it tharnuglilif rrpiritl, dlrr. mined llii it hull b -.mU t.'.i H. 'Jrl in Ndrlli t'- ruliua. .With tmvrn ytir fwri"MC ho a llolol man ager, I M confident Ihal l-cm riHir wlmfuc txw. mU llrmt I flt i M y M will ! ( plid with Id bill jirwUion ibi llliin maikal will .Ojslcrs. TMi and Garar, From Norfolk, NVwIx-r.,, and WilmitijUui. 'wi-u-rvrr to b pricur'il. 3T.D..D. CSO Tin- r.iionl and be nt i.k-K il in North ('i.raliua, is t.pii nt iill ll"ur df til" infill ni.il d iy. In coimeolMiM with tli Hull- i f"l ckm Livery Stable, Wl.ore fiimM".", Il.i-k-. nd Inr-es can b- , obla.iird, or linc b.aiil il "U Uir innf, A BILLIARD SALOON. win be luted up in a f- diy, with one of U-t ubiei, " , call is. respeclfully solicited, of ri.ei .i.K nnd if F:i!i,lactioii is not given, no cn.ugc will i .. i uumhm. - J , O K ITHOWN. 1 ' ' pm,,, or. ......-.' - - . , . . . t ..,-. r n 'i.r. .lira's . : -: Tavlorius Biisincss. C..N. HvICI I) KSIMCTl't'r.I.V V i .1 n.u.i llrrt Ii- I'ti a.i !.:- !.l f.i.-il. and rem.. vi"l . lur S!:u; IU.. !..,.rs u! "H- lli- ."'.l I.H.... ..liM.ll i'l'lJIJll.- 1) .-..lii M..re. ami s m..v f.r.-.i red lo il.. all vrtik e..HruM.-.l f. linn 111 tlie l-.t.t ami n.:;t air..vrd rlu.. c.ui.iry 'ik- I'.-u.luec tjKni in fxrhnij lot Jnnujrv C. 'I;l Imnd-lS'? anEAT SALS 01' WAliOX HARM! Auctio'ncfors ior Rowan cotinty, will sell at atisb i;y. ori -; 1 Saturday, Januarif ill, 1S6G, ( I'n'mi -IHM Uj'.UM - i.'i - nn.i - i. - a.r nar... wheel' nnd " lead' riarnessrCol- -M)U LAItGir AND SPLENDID ASSOKT..I i: T- OF , , v r-i-w 1 ',T r ! IJTJsW . k,fir VFnASiTt Ji. . M . w;iSa; GROCSRSSS, MERONEY & BRO. at TIIEItt OLD .STAM) IX SAIJSBIKT, iliVite the aiieniB.n of iho (jubiic to ihe m.. eurii.t ad arid totk of gouds to be louu.i iu Thrv have Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, ' Culler if. ' Crocker tj Glass Ware, Ready made Clothing, Shoes mid Hatsy . f .r ladies Slid gents, fir mis?. and bjys and for children. - - ..y Aud v imift UcautiiXil ucV, d Vmicii Goods, Toys, Jrirclryt AfC., Src., t,f. , Just receded on Friday 4asl, a mo-rb u.s.irt:nf ill J of Full aud Wmter . i IIII- .llIV 1 ; a ft-a-M firtin.f Feir, sime. aud iheV t e at low mice. ; Viaitilif Saliklurv I l..k at. (i.d luuld ln.t . '" c call at th a stoi--. x . - ----- r t. r..,...v & Tin. .iinrPo a , ii. .u ir al thV.. T7trppTr-(-AlttttH ltT tjiiittt -MmcW VIM" LU Ml at S ' "' . . ! LU.1IBEK at .nay p.anl I'll Ilia eirru .-. n. Snl sbury. on reaiua!;e lenns. Hlh.lsfif " - - -.THE Rf A Q I H Sl HO USE. lit AlVOlv ll I HV , . pnopaiETons. Thia ain..ui tihKr-ubnc. llou-e m now in new hand. Ptllr: ' sW - iTra8ad Xti"m.. 5rnra mrc frmo . traTelleia. Norih awi s, ultilliat df ' eir..r. to leae . "7'7'- .. , - VCf v V I Vim u i. t' ali'U"T;. ' an i" . , ivfiie anemia n mi ia.;w- . , i 1.1 t - v am, will II..I... r-.i.r..ri, of a wei :d-iel ami r .'' p,.!.eJ - Ki.l. I.e. Jr. ttl III. II lAttl H. j -f . ( r nn t 0 0 i 1 A i V. """" 'PUN COM PAN Vt riMBTF.Br.n Y TltK L HUU of Viriuia, id orjautned ua JOSEl'II .E. J01INSTONY ' ' A' Ii IUi:iIll3iTf . , - ' ''''- . , bai r put l u a jrurjf in Eobt. Murpby'a Brick Store, SalWjary.S C I , n't in now prrpuwd ta dn ft ;enki-al Exruirxsixrss,-' in the tranprrtativn f . J'Wi'jIit, Currency, ( 1 old, and TuluallcK, of every description between Sa!'ubury A tlie following named cities end loan: ,Vt? J 'otl; J'J.llaJJjd,;, Joxton, Baltimore 1 i.tshinjtony Georijdoum, ! ALxantLr. Lynkhm'f 2- WihHiHijI-tm-, KnoTinllr. 7.-, . 7 Staunton, j I)dltCtU Cfidi'lotfc, Wthlm. uYcicbiri). n,iu, 7i"' -i 1 AND all acceaaiblo polutb in tlie Stato-oT A .IV -YORK, IT.XSSYLVAX1A. 1LAD, YIRCISJA ASV K.CAEOLIK AND 1 Wav Station? n the following 3ffiuI -v- --" - '- RaHro-ads? '- I3ALTIM0UK AN1 OHIO, (ULANt.E.ANK ALEXAXlEIi VIUG1NIA ASH TEN'KESSEE. - VIUGIN'IA CRSIIAL, ' ... rETERSIiUUrt & Wfl UICJIMOXH L DASYILLE, . . rETEnsnuuo i YNCiinui,L nALEIOllACASTOS, ' SOUTH CABOUXA CEXlalU WILMINGTON & WELLQV f A, ;f ATLANTIC 4 N.CAE0US .t- .... .. . gT Af llie Iia of Bailro.-i.la kjM.nedf llw s!l fitnd their iMibiueai to all p.nU in (lw utii,i addition to le oatneih, , ' The eompaiiy ha aN ueh fantlile iMwtai Willi Kramer fine fmm all Kmihwra ort awalawa of die t?cnuh, ns m ill etmhle il 10 delivar aottsMt alii ntand witils at rates be"l.w llie Jn elMtrpiw. laitritT of charjes will be bawut upon a fair Kiaaini m above the cal of Ira i wpnTttttwav m iftkMO Iieins onerous jr oppressive ; will & ' . . . . k L . ... tftm than 1 11 e cost 01 ir.wj. ibhiih, .,( . breuk down or drive off any- rival, to advaaortfc op pressive, and unneoessarily high raiea. Ppoii Ms Iho CompsiiV wdieils pubhc piitwlinffe, JOHN 4. JUMSAY. XpaA. Salisbury, Nov-23fia. pi Zm-2 The (Jeia Saloon THE FINEST AND REST STQCSESM IS 1Q . RE rOV Jl - - "Bf 6 wills HOT Sjiic.d linm. Old Irwlt STUaiies, 513 P.inoh Hot Tom and Jerrr, Hot WhhAW Skin. IIot"Ale T.kIJv, Old H..u; bau WlaAey, Smash, Scotch W'iiskey-. Jamaica Hum, ltr I5rar.1V (liampaigne, rrrm-h Brandy, JttaOBSav lWn. Poit and Si .erry WmWr jaftfl Plnlsueijiliui Ale, urowii ws: Call aaXVi t5; RliOVrN sX.lIAJUAaUJa- . J..n. 5. 'Cd. y -' -IMS., BRADSHAn, BH3WH& CX HAvr,t- iiXm. Ni t:E tcccnTSfi me.klv fr.ial Jaf trra ajarkiwa, a I'm ! awrtM.i ,.f DBY i;iHHi.IUTlii. i;R rKRIKS mi IIH-iAUt. avfcichtlwf aaa -Wins. .V-ale aud rnU, at tUvff i .aii o l.ttr rr. . IAI-IU'k fiSlI'WS A 09. Jn i", Vrili - n u 11 il r

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