VOL. 1. THIRD SKIUES- SALISBURY. N. G, .MONDAY, FEURUARY 19, 18GG. NO- 7 WHOLE NO. 1G93 TEllMS: Weekly, 1 yw, " 6 months, 1 mootb, ... .,., ......... Cub in advance. $3 00 2 00 60 RATE3 OF ADVERTISING On square (spac of 12 Mae) first insertion, f 1 00 'V. .. . 2J, 3d, and 4 ih insertion, each, i 60 H " for each additional publication, 33 fJT" A tibial discount to tbuM aJvertisirig six ana iweiva nionuia. North Carolina Legislature CALLED SESSION. SENATE. Wednesday, Feb. 7, 1S6C Prayer by Rev. Mr Bird. Latham, from the committee on incor porations, to whom was referred thebil to incorporate the Carolina Joint Stock Insurance Company, reported buck the same, reconimeuding that it do pats. Carter appeared, was qualified and took his scat. Morehead introduced a resolution to inquire iuto the expediency of having the whole or a portion of the State print ing executed at the office of the Deaf, Dumb and Blind Asylum. The resolu tion was adopted. Mr. .McKay introduced a resolution to inquire into the expediency of drawing uirora, summoning jurors, c, in tlio Courts. Referred to the judiciary com mittee. a 1 i . t a message - was received iroin t he Housa proposing to go into an election lor Councillor of State. Not agreed to. A message was receivep from the House transmitting the following en grossed bills and resolutions : A bill to charter the High Shoals Railroad Company. A resolution defining the duty of the Governor with reference to the distribu tion of the act for the more complete re organization of the State government. A bill to restore jury trial in criminal cases in the courts of pleas and quarter sessions of the State. Mr. Wiggins presented two names to be added to the list of justices of the .peace for the county of Halifax. Snead presented twenty-one names to - be added to the list of justices of the peace for Johnson county. A bill to amenJ an act entitled, "mi act for the relief of landlords," was, on motion of Whitford, referred to the com mittee on judiciary. The unfinished bnsiress of yesterday. being the bill providing for t lie pay mcnt of interest on State bonds now due was taken tip, but the discussion of it was interrupted by the arrival of the hour specially appointed for the consid eration of the bill prohibiting the distil lation of spirituous liquors from grain. Pending the discussion of which A message was received from the house proposing to go into an election of one trustee tor the - L,niversity, winch, was concurred in of the State at large, but also of those of iuuitiuusu, iiiu uunvsoi me position would crush any man.' iuo office would scctn to bo intended as a aubstituto for senators and Rcpresentatjvt. .It would bo as well perhaps for Sumner or Thad Stevens to projiose a constitutional amendment . superseding Congress alto- geuier as it would be much cheaper to transact the public bnsiuess through such agents. Adverting to the riirht of the proposed agent to emidoy counsel, Mr. R. suggested that the direct employment of counsel when needed would be cheap er and better, as North Carolina would have but few claims to prosecute for years to come, and her people should not be taxed to further the collection of individual claims. State agents at Wash ington were needed by Northern and western Mates to collect bounties. pensions and other claims of soldiers thein widows and orphans. How many soldiers, he asked, from North-Carolina would get pensions from tho Federal Government without an agent. There had been during the Provisional Govern ment such an agen y at Washington, which had doubtless done much for the relief of our jeople, but he deeped there was no necessity for its continuance. or else the Governor would have recom mended it. Cameron said that the majority of! the committee thought the creation of this office would be materially beneficial to the State, lie had an interview with the Assistant Postmaster General and others conversant with such matter. who confirmed the opinion of the com mittee as to the advisability of having an agent at Washington, acquainted with tho President and heads of departments and their modes of transacting business. The salaay proposed 4,0) was cer tainly moderate. We could not expect live m a rat-hole and pre sent a 6ecdy appearance. Rnssell moved an indefinite postpone ! raent of the bill. 4 Waugh opposed the bill, and-called attention to the fact that a. resolution had ' in favor of J. B. Spainhour, tax collector assed the House of Representatives de- roriMhVe Lountv. daring that no claims, from Southern Smith, of Hertford, reported a resola States shall bo considered for the present tion for the relief of the University. It was no time to creaie new offices, or Appropriates 7,(Kd to that institution.) to tax the peojde further than absolutely Smith, of Hertford, Cameron, Manly necessary. IJ is section of the State was and McKay urged the adoption of the 6o impoverished that the dogs, like "Jo.-,h resolution under a uioU.-u t-t the first Billing:-," were seeking new homes, lie named ti suspend it lie rules. was unwilling to tax the pcoplu to pay lloduett oppose! mi n,..i.t t.i .iht'llli ll'il-.l.ili. Ii.r t 1 1 SV tui.il- rut...; .Ill llt.l'l ' " V'lyil.lll '1.11117 IV'I KMM J"..'l persons who were, so very thought of that before, bat he Lad per bsps a claim of Lis. own. Sherman army bad taken every thing he had. iney did ot leave bun meat enough to crease a gimlet or meal erongk to bait a bird-trap. (Laogbtei.) He would have been too pooi to have fed bis dogs, if, they Lad'iit killed them. They left him no clothes bat those a bis back- and they were oat at the elbow right smart. He Lad been a consistent opponent of secession from the very first, and this had been the usage he had received. An intelligent agent at Washington coald materially aid our people in prosecuting claim to a t-uecessfal issue. The question recurring the bill was indefinitely postponed. Yeas 6-nays3i. A message was received from the Sen ate proposing to raise a joint select" coxn mittee to take into consideration the ex pediency of having the State printing and binding done at the Institution for the Deaf, and Dumb and Blind. Concur red in. ' A bill to authorize the banks of the State to f ubscriUe for stock in the Na tional bank was made the special order for 11 o'clock on Tnesday next. A bill to allow persons of Indian blood to bear testimonv in controversies at law 1 Land In equity, was made the Special or- uti lur t cuirctruaj ueu at ii o Clock M the General Assembly of tho Presbyte rian eborch in the United States; was referred to the committee oa incorpora tions. ' V . A bill to incorporate Richland Fe male academy," in Onslow conuty. Read 1st time and referred to the committee on incorporations. ' Mr. Howard, from the committeo on judiciary, to whom was referred the res olution authorizing certain proceedings gainst the Cape Fear Navigation Coin- tho till. Thought tho measure proposed was a roundabout way of1 doing what should bo accomplibhed directly. 1 Mr. Carter thought it was one of tho most important bills befon tho legisla ture, and advised a mora serious consid eration of it. Hie credit of tho State should not be impressed on such shabby A bill further suspending the opera tion of the statute of limitation passed its second reading. . . A bill to incorporate 'he English and American Wool and Yuie-growing, Mi ning and Manufacturing Company. Passed its third reading. A bill to incorporate the Trns?ees of the General Assembly vf the Presbyte rian Church of the United Spates of America, was put on its third reading. Oa m otion of Hutchison, the bill was amended bv striking oat the wrds of America. The bill thus amended passed. A resolution in favor of A. W. Fraps. Passed its several readings. Mar'er, (by leave.) introduced, a bill pany, reported back tho same. Mr. JdcLean presented two names to be added to the list of the Justices of the Peace for the county of Cumberland llr. Morgan three for the county of Pas- luotank ; Mr. Boyd ten for the county of Moore. Mi. Wilson introduced a bill to incor porate " Rock Island Manufacturing Companjr," in Mecklenburg county iht-icrrcu to the committee on proposi tions ami grievances, The hour specially appointed for the lerther consideration of tho bill regard in; the prohibition of the distillation ot jrain having arrived. Pie debate on the subject was resum ed ii:h Considerable warmth. Tlie bill was finally rejected by a vote of 21 to 25. The Senate aJjonrnd till to-morrow at 1) o'clock. ' HOUSE OF COMMONS. TiiuitsDAr, Feb. S, 18G6 The House was called to order at 10 o'clock. A. M. 4 Tie Journal of yesterday was read and approved. Mr Gaines, from the committeo that superh tended, ou yesterday, the election for one Trustee of the University, repor ted there had been no election. a su pension ci uie rule-, and thought the- consideration, of the resolution should be postponed for the preifent. Mr. Everett opposed the prslu:in. He did not see that the University. had greater claims than individuals who had sustained losses by the war. It would beggar the State to extend relief ia all cases. Waugh moved to amend the resoln tion by appixpriating.he further sum of $50,000 for the Common Schools of the State. Crawford moved to amend the amend ment by making tl ipproprialion for Common Schools f 200,C. The amend ment to the amendment'was rejected. The Senate voted as follows : Bynnm, 33, Ilyman 9, and Jioke 1. Much debate ensued on the bill re garding distillation, when the Senate ad r i . . f ir i .rii journea, on moiion oi uowaru, iiu 10 morrow at 11 o clock. ' HOUSE OF COMMONS. WEDXESDAr, Feb. 7, 1866. The House was called to order at 10 o'clock A. M. ine journal or yesterday was read and approved. Mr. Campbell, Commoner elect from Iredell County, to fill the vacancy creat ed by the resignation of L. Q. Sharpe, tLBq., appeared and was qualified. Hutchison introduced a bill to author ize the construction of a toll bridge across the Catawba river, at, or near the Rock Island Factory, between the Counties of Mecklenburg and Gaston. " Cowan, a bill to' incorporate the Bla den Land Company. Murrill, a bill to incorporate Richlands female Academy in the county of Ons low. " This bill passed its several readings under a suspension of the rules. J Caldwell, a bill to legalize the trans fer of Registered Bonds of this State to bearer., ' . , -' y ' Gaines;" from the Committee that su perintended the election on yesterday tor two Trustees of the University, re grte4-4ee-e4eetie--f,A- ""on motion of Wanghy a -message was sent to the Senate proposing to go forth with into an election for a Councillor of of State, to fill the vacancy created by -the resignation of W W Lenoir, Esq. Mr. McAden, by leave, introduced a bill to amend the charter- of the town of - Graham. SPECIAL ORDER. At eleven o'clock the House proceed ed to consider the bill to create a State Agent on its second reading. Russell said that he Mood alone on the committee on Federal Relations in oppo sition to the bill, and wished briefly to state the reasons of thi opposition. ..The 1 bill proposes to create an agency at Washington J3ty td aid in tho collection of claims "against the government arid to take 6iipeTvioVn not oalyyef tlie interests their modes of business. unfortunate criminal as to io-sess more than $2),WK Henry, of Bertie, ureJ the passage of bill, and objected to the levity with whjch it had been treated. He hoped it would be discussedj solely upon its mer its. As an offset to what the gentleman from Surry had said of the action of the House of Representatives postponing in definitely the consideration of Southern claims. Henry stated that the Judiciary Committeo had reported recently in the Luited States Senate, in favor of receiv ing and adjudicating such claims.. Was North Carolina to stand back alone in poverty-stricken pride, while other States had theirclaimsadusted! 1 he creation of this agency would not add materially to the burthen of taxation, and he for one would be willing himself to pay his county's quota of such taxation rather than such asency should not be estab Wangh again addressed tho House, opposing tho measure as wholly nnnec essary, adverted to the refusal of Con gress to modify the test oath so as to give oar people ordinary mail facilities, and asked if it was not notorious ' that the only test of loyalty was sneezing simul taneously with Stanton, bumnei, and Wilson. He was not unwilling to the creation of an agency to be sustained by voluntary contributions as suggested by tre contleman from iiertie. As we are regarded by the radicals as aliens and foreigners, we had better have a Minis ter Plenipotentiary. fLaughter.l If this agency is to be created, he should be in favor of providing that the salary shall be paid in State Ireasnry notes of a de nomination less than one dollar hereto fore issued, f Renewed laughter.! Cameron said, the gentleman from Sur ry had set himself up as the wit ef the House, and he had no idea of competing for that honor. That gentleman , bad said, that his people were- so 'poor' jfnat the dogs were leaving home, it was pas- si ng itrange then, that he should oppose TrrhromtayTfc let-en thf tr-dt)?a at home and fatten tbcHH The gentlemen said that few of his peo ple needed pardon nnder toe Sfru.wu exemption. It would seem that the .... wealthy only had the gentleman a sym pathies. For his part be cared more for the poor of the land. The resolution DostDonioir the consideration of claims w - a t . . from the South, had passed but one branch of Congress. As to the test oath he inferred from what had been said, that there were persongjyo the gentle man's section who could take it, and he had eood reason to believe that a State agent could do much towards procuring the re-establish oient of mail facilities. There were numerous individual-claims which could be presented by; no one so Wells's an accredited State agent, con versant with the the Department and Iloiial not BILLS IXTR UL'CEP. Mr. Candler introduced a bill for the relief of lindlord Mr. Garland, a bill to prevent ob6tmc tions to the free passajre of fish in'Caney nA;r, m the county of l ancey OJl CALENDAR. A bill to establish a ferry on Uiwassee river, was lai J on the table on its second reading. " A resolution in favor of Jacob Siler, amiit .f tlm Stxlu'for the collectioh of H'herofcpe lx?nds, passed second and third read my rs. A concerning the North Carolina Iijsri:u;i ju for the iX'af, Dumb and Dlinxl, passed second and third readings. (Ap propriatcs the sum of 0,000 -for tho supp-rt f tlie Asylum.) A b ll further suspending tho opera tion of the Statute of Limitations. 1 as sed third reading. " Mr. Murphy (by leave) introduced a resolution to refer so much of the Gov ernors message as relates to the Attor ney General, to the committee on Judi ciary. - . r Mr. Waugh introduced the following : Iiewlced, That the Governor be re quested to inform this General Assem bly," whether from his correspondence ith manufacturers of artificial limbs, or Tlie resolution then passed its id read-1 otherwise, he has satisfactory information whether an artihciil arm is of any utility or merely Ornamental ; also what the ar- t.hcial arm will cost, and the probable cumber to be supplied,, under the resolu tion of this General Assembly ratified on the 2Srd of January last. These rcsoln tions were adopted. The Speaker presented the resignation of Neill McKay, Esq., Commoner from Uamett, to take effect on Monday next, the 10th inst ing as follows : Yeas 62 navs 34. The resolutions then passed their third reading. Leave of absence was granted Juessrs. Simmons and rlvthe. - The Senate by message refused' to con cur in the proposition to elect a Coun cillor of State. , On motion of Mr. WiLson, a message was sent to the Senate propping to elect forthwith a trustee of the L niversity. The Senate by message announced its concurrence, and the Houso having vo ted adjourned until 10 o clock, to-mor row. should be licensed to swear against the lives and property of the white men. We bad no reason to believe-that tbo concession of this francbiso would load to a demand for negro suffrage, aod might ultimately result in neiro eohalf- y. MrD. adverted to tho worthless- ness of negro testimony aud his prono-i ness to perjury.- The negro's sole Idoa of scraps of papef as had heretofore been irvvuom, was, inaiJi meant every ricui circulated. and immnnitv that whito men eniov. I tr r.r1inoit lia.t olr,K- ,l..f1.,n,1 i.: t t J J J - i ... v w .. v. nii.uj uviiuuu Alia Thriftless, improvident, depraved and il- position and was not disposed to go over literate; the sounds of their nddlts tho same ground. Why did not the Sen might be heard at nijrlit in the various tors who wished to reject the bill pre- entwine vi uie cuy. oucu were me sent a more meritorious one f creatures it was proposed to admit to the The question on the passage of the bIl witness-box. resulted in yeas 'J, nays 32. Mr. Hyman moved to amend the bill A message was received from tho. by adding to tho eleventh scotion a pro- House, transmitting the following en viso that it shall not go into effect until grosMuLbill autlj-esolutioni tho military are withdrawn from the Resolution in favor of Jacob Siler. State. - j Passed. Mr. Hyman said ho was opposed to A bill further suspending tho opera striking out the section. It was time for 1 tion of the statuto of limitations. Re North Carolina to act. Other States ferred to tho committeo on iudiciarv. South had acted already. The negro was ' . Mr. Bvnum introduced a bill to estab- entitled to Our sympathy. They no lish rates of interest: which wna iv-formd longer had tho protection of masters ! to the committee on indininrv. aiid should now be given the protection I A communication to theu Assembly, of Courts. They had acted d uring the from the State Comptroller, was received war and proven true generally to their , road, and 6ent to tho Uouse., owners, -and the sympathies or their 'Iho special order, a bill to amend an hearts. In the name of justice they 1 act entitled "an act to incorporate tho were entitled now to this boon. i Western North Carolina Railroad Coin- Mr. Luke addressed the committee at . pany,f was taken up. eomo length in lavor ot the motion to . Air. Bvnum. from tho committee to strike out. . whom was referred the hill. Mihmitrcl n Mr. McDonald said that after mature re- report, recommended ifsnassHye. Ua- Ihjction, he had determined to vote for - jected on its' second reading by a vote of the measure, believing it to be morally ' yeas 10, nays 23. right as well as politic. The House had I A bill to amend. an act passed at the just heard the first chapter of Luke, and session of '4S-49, regarding the western he would suggest the propriety ofjeall turnpike road, was laid on the table, ing up the mourners',' and that a front;' Mr. Ferrebeo introduced a bill refer 6eat be cleared for that purpose. -(Laugh- ing certain resolutions in" favor of flier fer.) ; Old Dominion Trading Company. Re- Mr. Hyman withdrew his amendment, ferred to tho committee on finance, Mr. Moore, of Martin, moved to j After leave of absence for 6ome days amend by adding a proviso ''that in all 1 had been granted several members, the such cases, the testimony of such wit-' Senate adjourned till to-morrow at 11 . -i.ii u .' i i i . i given vicu voce in oucu i o ClOCK. netfses shall bo court, and not in the form of deposition, and that tho parties may be ad in i ted to their own oaths." This amendment was also withdrawn after discussion, with tho understanding that it will bo hereaftpr presented in the House. Mr. Manly addressed the committee: Ho had, at first, thought it were better to eily to tho negro, "stay whero you are at present," "await tho development of Circumstances." The question liad great ly embarrassed him, but a number of considerations had led him to the con elusion that it is best for is, in view of all the circumstances, to enact the sec tion into a law. Mr. Allison moved to amend the sec tion by striking out the words "against a white person," and inserting the word "all" thus giving the right to testify in ia all controversies. JNot agreed to. The question recurring on the motion to 6trike out the section, a vpto was had by tellers, and the Houso refused to strike-out. Ayes 47, nays 5G. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Friday;, Feb. 9, 1866. ' Tho House was called tq order at 10 o'clock, A. Mw 11 Prayor by Rov. Dr. S modes of tho' Pro estant Episcopal Church. The Journal of yesterday was read and approved. Sundry reports were made from stand- SENATE, Trtksdat, Feb. 8, 1S66. Praver bv the Rev. Dr. Mason of the Lpiscopal Church. Air. iggms, from toe committee on finance, to whom was referred the reso lution instructing them to inquire into the expediency of transferring the fund known as the literary and. school fond, to the State Treasury, reported a con sideration of the same ; begged leave to introduce a bill, and recomnended its passage. RegafcTng the resolution ia reference to the sinking "fand, the com in it tee asked to be discharged from its further consideration. The report wis ordered to be printed, ------ Mr. UTack introduced a resolution in atrecthfgiaw pnetreiHWto'p1iy-oWr to the trustees oi the county of llandolp'i $2G0. , Keferred to committee on propo sitions and grievances. A message was received from the House transmitting the following etv- grossed-bills and resolution : A resolution for the relief of the Uni versity, of North . Gir&l'iU proposing that the sam of seven tbon&and dollars be appropriated for use of th University. Read and passed. A bill to antnonse the formation of the English and American wool and vioe-growing, manufacturing, mining and agricultural association in the United States. Referred to committee oa corporations. Resolution in favor of A. W. Frapa. 'assed, ' A bill to incorporate "the Trustees of SPECIAL ORDER. At twelve o'clock M., tho House re solved itself into Committee of the Whole to consider the bill concerning Negroes, Indians and persons of color or mixed blooiL Mr. Rayner was called to the chair, The question recurring on the motion to strike out the eleventh section of the bill, Mr. Dargan addressed the commit tee. He said this was a question on hich the people of (North Carolina would hold -their representatives to a strict individual responsibility. We had been too prone, heretofore to yield to outside pressure- and follow the lead of prominent men who were not repre sentatives I he rushing otlhia Uu llhlQ . the House, in such hot haste was f raught with danger to the rights, liberties arid tvesof our people. Ine pill proposed to allow neirroes to testify in their own csi??ra'iS Bprmsar-arr itrfo fTwrratr'tttrtret man should, in sudden conflict with a party of negroes, happen to kill one, who could doubt that th.u bias of the negro itnesses their sympathy for their fel- bw would prejudice the white man and ead to judicial murder. Thero bad been no expression of popular opinion upon the subject and the action proposed was premature, lie should never assent to the grant of such franchise nntil the ne gro is educated and christianized, altho' no one had kindlier feelings towards that unfortunate race than he. He had owned mac v. had never punished one: on the contrary, he hadonlvbecn too indulgent t was now proposed that the negro a creature swayed by impulse and passion who was influenced more by stomach than -intellect to whom the -preffer of a bogjowl was an trresistablo argument, The committee rose, reported progress. and obtained leave to sit at 11 o clock A M., to-morrow. The Houso then adjourned until 10 o'clock A. M., to-raorrow. ' - SENATE. Friday, Feb. 9, 1866. Prayer' by Rev." Dr. Smedes. Mr. Gash presented a memorial sign ed by a number of citizens of Buncombe county, praying the General Assembly hot to levy certain taxes on lands, wbicli was referred to the committee on finance. Mr. Wiggins, from tho committee on finance to whom was referred tho com munication of the Governor in reference to property claimed by the State, report ed back the 6arne asking a discharge from its further consideration. " If " was referred to the committeo on judiciary. Mr. Bogle, from tlib committee on ju diciary, to whom was referred the bill to prevent obstructions to the passage of fish up tho Catawba, reported back the same, recommending its passage. Air. Howard, lrom the judiciary com mittee, to whom was referred the bill to amend the 33d chapter of the Revised Code, reported , back the same, recom mending its passage, i no committee asked to be discharged front the:- further consideration of the resolution instruct ing them to enquire into the expediency of amending the law regarding grand urors, tVc. i iur. jveener, irom ine eommMee- w whom was referred a resolution in favor of Cherokee Indians, reported back the same ; begged leave to introduce a bill and recommended its passage. Tlie bill passed its second "reading. Air. lartcr introduced a resolution au thorizing the 'Sheriff of Beaufort to col lect arrears of taxes for the year 1859, 1 SCO and 1S61: which was. referred to the committee on judiciary. - Ine bill providing for the issuing of Treasury Notes in payment of interest on State Bonds, was taken up. Mr. Berrr advocated it. He 6aid it was the paramount duty of tho Legisla ture to prepare for tho pcoplo a proper circulating medium. A great responsi bility rested on this Assembly1 to retrieva tho character of the. Old North State. Mr. Howard specified his objecfion to j ing committees. Mr. Dunn introduced a resolution in structing an enquiry by the judiciary committee, as to tho propriety of enact ing a Mechanic's lien law. Mr Smith, of Hertford, from tho 6e lect committee on tho Sinking Fund submitted a detailed report in relation to said fund and its management, ac companied by the following resolution : " Jiesolveu, That the commissioners of the Sinking Fund, for tho ability, faith fulness aud integrity with which they have discharged their onerous and re sponsible duties, retain the undiminished confidence of the General As'se'mbly." N The resolution was adopted and the ro-. port was ordered to be win ted. Mr. Allison rose to a personal explan ation. In the report1 of Legislative pro ceedings in tho morning papers, it was stated that the amendment he offered, in committee of the whole, to the 11th sec tion of the bill in relation to-3st Indians and persons of color, proposed to allow colored persons to bear testimo ny in all controversies. Such was not the purport of the amendment. It only proposed to admit negro testimony, in controversies to which they" are parties. Tho section without such amendment, permitted the negro to testify against waite persons, but not in their own favor. It was with a view to obviate this that tho amendment was offered. Tho re porter makes this correction Very cheer fully. Not having had the bill before him he naturally mistook tho' effect of. the amendment. ' .'My, Cox introduced a bill for the rci. ' lief of the sureties of J. R. White, late Sheriff of Perquimans Count. . - - ON CALENDAR. A bill fo alter the cohifty lino between the counties of Mitchell nd Yancy, was miton its second reading. . . Mj:,,Mul bill. The conntyseat of Mitchell had had boen removed to the western-end of tho county and the. object of this bill was to reorder that county-seat cen tral by J!Tito!OTr tion of the, county of lancy. lhe re gion proposed to be thus added to Mitch ellvqpunty, was a scope of rough moun tain country sparsely inhabited. Ho had at his room a petition signed by over I'uu citizens oi uucueu eouuij against a bill passed at the last session altering the location of tho county seat pf 6aid county. He had received it af ter tho passage of tho bill. Mr. Garland urged the passage of the bill. It did not have tho ' object alleged by the gentleman from Burke. . He did not interfere in the internal affairs of other counties, and did not recognize tho right of others to interfere in tho mat ters in"wicri they were uninterested. -The bill passed its second reading. SPECIAL ORDER. At eleven o'clock A. M- the House TV --i- : ..v ri 1 1 m?3 i C

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